Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1882, p. 1

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upablllrtoe evert tcrsdat atorxmg h mooriej editor a proprietor at llik fuetlrms i ffovsa sen door lo methodiu cnarch jfiz 5rvrf i xcoh out trans the frm pnxsa will bo sent to mhcnbcrarpeicc paid for 1 00 per n lam m advance 1 50 liaptso paid ko paper discontinued till ail ners ue paid icept at the optioa of the publisher aircariuxo ruxs qaual aderttte- tnenu 8 cent per hat jfer the first iuer- t a aai i wau per kne for oach subse quest msertiuu cash prof cssionsl cafrtia 10 line or loss 4 00- per annum 1 wufcre is lines 3 00 per annum pasabld ts 6 months from dat- of urtiou an special notice the objcs1 of rhich is to promote th pecuniary ixarfflt of acv mdivwojl or compani to k oouydcred an advertisc mtnl the somber of lnesi reckoned bv the space occanied measured b ft seals of aolid onpaixu cvocthact rates otueolnmnonc rear ha4icolamiioc j ear a iartreolamnone rear oaecoiutna six aonms half oniumasli months quarter column six monlhi o i column tore months half column ihremoninc tjaarn tm co si w fc 00 0 00 if 00 an to uco tjarfrter colaoinilir months t 00 4verusement wtilwutscinc directions v lit be ltirertdtlirfirb dancleujgiaccord- inrlr transitory advert senaenu mnube paid tn advance chance fir contract advertisement tnml b tn tne oflsc or 9 i m on on lavs other wise lao lrl 1 be itfa over uu the o lowing tmt he icoorz svikoraproprletoc tuiq dadco nu31 focrd ca fi at ga p bt juyvnis- qzzce the canada advrusll ca- j er o sj king si west tototto ts actjor wd lo receive advertisements for ilu taper w wbctcuzitanaeer 31 b if c p wh lowrt gradnsx o truntv cojege hem be- o goitre oi phvsj ans asl surgns qsce and redswe as the htad o fred enci st ac2 mforste tf d physician office forstere drug store vert door to crceuii stdli rv jtcro oxt htsidekct cnnrcn street fonncric occu p eo bv itr henu auctioneer l fyt terms 100 in advtne tht kewspapr a map of bury lift u fluctuation and tt vatt concerru fl80 if not to paid volume vii no 34 aoton ont thursday february 28 1882 whole no 366 actok banking c0y storey 0hr18tib fc 00 bankers acton ontario a gexerjl baxkrss busi ness trassaqted u0hz7 zjsaxzv oh aphwtob ws8 notes discoanted and interest allowed on deposits 41 i itet a jd illtheson attorney at ut 5ohct tnchancerv ic 0ce txt aoor lo wallace s hel icuton l l besxett dentist george town uou t j fisher v georgetown gav and will attni to al calla penauncg to ms ritifesorl o jesasltcgamnc da soe will rtoc ve jrximpt attectjii tenai modes t j fisher dr m fqrstj raopeieios full iiaei of ill vtadi of psepjfssr cones sstib gbxtsbss iirss tevssbs spoxass mrc rrtsttulvc tv the drug hle xt c05tistir 0 k1xd m f0r8ter cton dec 22 1ssi another large stock of olooks kecelfed thfl employ r tad foreman unlle these monuns the workmen are all on umo co work and why boaumthej hao porchued one of those redjable msrm clocki from win s smith hf stock of goodi surpass lattlnnji in the city for guilty al chepncu ip s sxtrx tha wuch ud cioej how of guelph l flour and feed t tt eiyg nlaeer iron fotuider fc hxcilniat gtokrrt w itichjierv cr evct deicrpuon made to order on the slertesi notice and most reasonable terms- rpanag pnnspiiy at tenaed to a lister sl clah bihrister quebec street guelph klxacit ftice la haltneiri bauclfnc mill fitreeu aeua f30mci om etixr fsiuxi tttil he3istreet laaensed iuctioneer fa- tne conntiea of veflingtou and huton ojdslefr at the faresrssomce acton o- at hit reirdence in actoo will be fomptiv aucndco to tunns reacciix er u lam ais ttoaef to loaa oa the moet itarawe terms at the lowst rates of mterest m sozns of jooo uul tipwurda greed vetertsabr sue- ge0s geojgttown gr3na of the oatdrw vetennarr college will visit jlctan etery tii f i to i p m all calls received promptlv attended to by tugnt or day hors2a bought and sold on maaxasoi- besdence vteet corner from jre stable gecgetown out g retd flash for sklsh l am prepared to pay the lucest cash jprcie for hide chsfcms deacons lamb n sheep bfcina dehvered at uv tacnerv tce leather constantly oa handu jaj4xs m00re irroir b w nickm in tendering hearty thanka to the people of actcm and vicinity for their kind patronage m the i at w ould nspecsttliy m- iorm thm that holhag eou- etaatiy on hand at his mill foot of hill street a fall stock of flour oat meal com meal i buckwheat flour cracked wheat aad chopped stuffs of all kinds any of wljich he is prepared to dehrer daily k cw stock of lobk grtld chains with gjmec oude to order qaalltr cnaranteed b savage watchmaker east end butcher shop h marlatt bro deaire to inform tne eitisem of acton and rfeuity that the have decided to make the batchering banneu a permanent oue and cmtotmn pauoa cng thera can rely on being mp- pued with rash meau all the 3 ear re and t3a call lohated illrlatt t bro tcir ptreaftfffl is iinirif soiiciui oriera left at mr rwideucfl vih b w nicklin acton feb 9 1882 a ocev shells ic 4fcv on 10c agent outfit 25c hunt jerae citj ki cards name geo h 5ba mellgeaph poles i tin prepired to let contract for tfe e- hrery o telegnpb pole 100 va ftprdt w tft0 t sttioni gereat to the coattact- 4 a wheeijje aciom out ptaem to eet the emtiiltof lot 9 con i townihip ot enq jeill be rented to ft iultble person on liberal tenuj the firm contain 1 00 acre the moat of which u andar cnluratlan there are rood farm tmilduijc orchard and good ifer the ptoptrtj u irell adapted for either grating or farm ramn for particular apply at thia offiee or to wu qaitflk con 5 erin la i svnauaed to inw stfcie the bar where yon can zei an easy bbaye a ityuah haircat a frothing s lampoon or aconling ea f wm spare no pains and gieoo aam in theccoraphibmeat of a gd share razors and scissors set m perfect order te a ahohest notice j wordek barber mill street acton w 009 1hd coal the robwrnber is prepared to- dehrr wood er coal in eitfcer urge ov null qnan- itiea a reqoued to any part f taw r aetonspt 19 81 w e adamb oney tha nmunvpied hu jj5 tl for ducaaiiting eood endoraed ote reonahl rat of atibws francts nunan soooobocrtot p chapman st oeoiei square guelph acconct booki of all kmdb made to order periodicals of ercy descnptiori carefully bomid rolme neatly and pretnjit done wbo eontemptate eaffaatec in b 1- neif pnrnlu fhonld be tnor- ooghly and pruc- tlaalli does ted the adrastasa eg tbla cannot be overall mated it ba bn rieaorhrlfated by lone observation uat the younj w who rm kpentmc aronthkor ajmarln the bb1tibs amkbicaj bail npm college will have tared more money ear ai the b4 ol ttaree yean than be- coold ha7e had he been cierkine all the time betide he has ibat thorongh trainlnfrwblch la tndupeoaable to ttjepicceaifal bniine man fitndetru may i oler me achcolat anyt fordrsnltiv- i 1 cb 1 grar specific mebicwe the ami nllali ej weftjcdese spermalorrnfra impoif ncr and all dueniea thallloaot a a ieooene of slfvbaje iom of hem- ory culrera1 lattadepaln in the baelc dlmnenol vil lon premtnreold ate ana bafbra taiiae marrr cither dicoi that seuir oionxbtfall patlcalarv in arpmpiet wbieo e de- ilrenoiend free bylmail to every cie aathe specifle hedleln it sold by all dmj- giit at jloo per fltice or lx paelcaf e for 5 or will be tent free by mail on re ceipt of the money by ad- dreuinff th7hs4lkw oo after xaimg uorodto ont canada boldbrje hcganrlnuronlst acton the free press tinnudat uoatxo fb a fsrsr im the old brown schoolhouse it itood on a bleak country corner the koaaesjwer distant and fer a meadow iaj back in the distance bejrood ros the billi to our view the road crossing thrs at right angles uatravflrsed bj pomp and srra tn croppfld h tne cowstn the utnmr i va waicnad them there maaf a day in meaorys pall hangs the picture and rears hi sad care are between it hanffi with a beantifal rudinf aad veil do i oe it i ween it stood on a blak country corner bnt boyhood sjoang heart mad it arm it fioed is ihe tunahme of sammer twu cheerfal in winter and storm the teacher d well i remember my heart ha long- kept him a place perhaps bj tie world he s forgotten his memory no loach can effic he out iu ith tallies oa the threshold and in thai rude temple of art he left with the skill of i workman his tocch on the mind and the heart oh i gay were the porta of the noontide when winter winds frolickm with snow welaaghediiithefraakioftheitorm king a od shoated him on all alow v e dashed ai his beaatitcil scalpture regardlesv of all its array k planned p the feathery mow drifts and iportud the winter away w eat oa the old fashioned benches befcttiud with onr pencil sod slate e thought bf the open lac futare and drcaaed of onr manhood s estate i cast a foad elaace oer th meadow the htlli jut belund it i see away m the charm of the distance old schoolhonae a bleaun on thee ova stqsr jennie3 conspiracy s co mr john clifford looked over the wal nut and plate gtn railinff around hla ofa in lie comer o the counting- room of the daily and weekly herald juit ai a aweet nnfa laagh from the compos- log room opposite came- to hu eara ii jennie lake that u peter far man the foreman aid as he saw the look ot inquiry it mr cliffords face as pretty a girl as ever stepped in shoes but spoiled and humored until she thinks she can do as she hke mr clifford looked tiroagh the open door he via the new bookkeeper jut entering trpoujhis duties that mom lag so that is miss lake the young lady with the round white arms and shining teeth and ih hair piled in a gold colored mas on top of her head t well furman she is rtlhergdod looking certainly not as handsome aa lone would be led to think from your description 8evtral hours laler when mr clifford was thinking per a merry 1 lecture to tolg mkk 0a he uu ef manhood we baw recently published a new edliiod ot dr calrerweu i cele- brae4 faaar on tne radfcal nd pennaneot- care wttboat medi- eiuejof vmioadelrtr ucntalan iphie- al incapacity xmreflluenu of martlig reiahinsframeica tprlce tn s mbiod envelop only s eta or two posvace sumps tbeatlebrated uior tn this admirable zuay clearly deraaaftnites from thirty ytflrs iaceeril peactlce inatalarmlnsenn- seqeeuces may do radically cored witboat toe dangerous use of internal medlcfnsor the nsepllfie fcnife polnunjoata mode of core atincerlmple certain andeffecttial- by means lf wlueli very atifferer eo matter what his condition may oe may care btsmseu etwapiyi privately dd radically this lecture bond be id the bands of erecyyqntu aad trwry man in the land add the cnlrenfell jfedlcal co u lu ft km trfc postofljee boi im ate nts secured torlsventioiis hhwry grist ottawa c t ooxchra i it yoo want lpo oew pop- i 4 sur 64ag sand 10 ant fe yin j pixnn naapagaweya halton ont mention this paper et0178c 1t fob sale tm undariioied ofiers for sale tha splendid atona dlelling on mat 8u nr mr 0 8 jmittij resideooe one fifth of an acre witc stone house in spiebdid j minute condition 8tablp and hop on the prtm- imt hard and aft water wells title indisputaote term reaeonable ap- i abchmosau kockwood po t was nearly time for sup- uttla clatter of boot heels sounded on the floor coming toward his office ud he looked up to see miss jennie lak standing at the domeshaped opening in front of him mr clifford she said with a graceful little arch of her eyehrows at leant i suppose it is itr clifford the new book keeper i am at your aemce he responded lookmg straightforward at the flushed dimpled cheeks and little white teeth 1 would like to hav an advance on saturday night s pay if jou please the if you please in very much at variance vnthjthe impenousnes of her de mand ton would like an advance i he re iterated gravely somewhat surptiied jennie gave a provoked little toas of her head and tapped her finger on the plate- glass shelf that u what i said i believe am i to mderstand it i the custom of this office k advance money to the em ployees upon all occasions 1 i don t know anylhin about what the employees do i know i always receive an advance when c ask it hi clifford closed his day book quiet r- i i think the rales of the office forbid such a precedent hiss lake frank to the office boy busily directing the mail just light lip will you jennie stood perfectly astonished at the polite yet cavalier treatment she had re ceived tha idea i this new man putting on such aire to her the acknowledged belle udeeasitv of the girls who set type hi toe hcrali composing room frank lighted the gas and mr clifford began counting the money in the eatfc bsx while jennje in a paauon stood staring at bio ton d sha aaid pi rtlce that that certain not you nor aay ene and jennie tent him ene look perfectly swage wilutanget an hemr later in toe midst of a driviog rainatom mr clifford stepped out of the taawar in jr pfatry lonely wbnrb of tka city to which be was an entire stranger and after looting about him for aevertl s umbrella or orerahoea he to realize that he did not of the halfdozen bowses wilh- tiw one where hu new laod- wton lived jt btead to let me have it j leutlr in a low sndignaat i irresistibly charauing for all he thought as the rain soaked through his clothes and be discovered that the mud was disagreeably uncertain to wade through especially in the darkness 111 make a bee line for the dearest light he decided and forthwith set out for a ulqe cottage not so appallingly far off where he arrived in due lime and shivering with the cold dampness of his clothes he was cheered by the prompt opening of the door by a placid faced elderly lady who answered him in the cheeriest most unconventional fashion mrs bawson s f why you wont think of going away up there in such a storm as this come in and bee if i can t make vou comfortable for a while i ve got a boy last about your age somewhere in the west and if he shoald be ul in the storm her mother love was sweet aod strong on hir gentle womanlj face and he step ped in gladly wl reluctantly ism so muddy and dnppingi am john clifford boolkper at th herald nu am and a stranger in the city his hostess insisted on his going in and in less than do tune he was feeling dead ediy comfortable beside the open fire in borrowed slippers and rapidly drying clothes the new bookkeeper of the bcraid office i think you said 1 mj niece works there and ibea been talking about the new man for a week or so i believe all the girls were anxious to see you mr clifford the kindly lady bustled about to get the supper ready lu the little kitchen and at the latest stage of the proceedings the took the lamp out with her while she broiled the ham you wont mind sitting in the firelight a minute or two i know we re poor folks and have lo economize in oil and a second after the lamp had gone and the savory odor of the broiling ham floated into his hungry sense a side door opened aad somebody came in bringing a cool rainy feeling with her for it was a girl in waterproof and rubbers icame so near staying at jenny ball s forsupper untie i would have stayed only f oad be worried about me we did have so much to talk about and a sancy little laugh rippled through the duak at she plumped herself down on tha floor to take off her rubbers the new bookkeeper came auntie just the handsomest fellow with oh heavenly eyes and a lovely moustache but h la too mean and hateful for anything to me auntie you wouldn i believe it would you t well we gulsll panlah him we ve made a ceaqiuacy i- tween us and i m to make him fall m love with me i can i know and then i am to reject him haughtily and let auntie have you been in the eallar all this lime ive been talking t and as mrs cummmg appeared at the head of the cellar slain jennie lake picked up the lamp and carried it back into the little dining room while mr clifford arose from his easy chair as the lamplight and jennie s amaud looks fell upon him simul laneoualy he laughed as he extended his hand while jennie bewildered beyond measure stood stockstill in the middle of the room lamp in hand her cheeks flashing pain fully pray forgive me i certainly did not mean to be so hateful 1 assume you miss lake wouldnt you allow me to relieve yoi of the lamp t aod then please begin at once the part of tht programme you sre to fill in the conspiracy against me i can promise yon it will be the moat agreeable tome i dldn t know you were here jen me stammered hysterically and then she did the best possible thing under the cir cumstanceslaughed heartily i dare say i shall never hear the last of it be said ft ell mr clifford i can stand it if you can i if you will let me i will stay the re mainder of the evening and try he re turned gravely x well he stayed and jennie was mast benritciuog and after he had gone home she went to bed and cned herself lo sleep for very shame at her stupid idiotic blun der k he will despise me i know he will she sobbed lo herself and he u just splen did but uutead of despieing her mr clifford asked her w marry mm six months after ward i will say yes just because i like to be contrary she laughed i said id reject you haughtily and instead iu accept you she hesitated with a little glance at his bandseom face becaaae i will net take ho for an answer 1 he suggested drawing her face wilis breast beoataa do lore yon was her reply low and sweet ana that was the deligkrual end at in- ai little conspiracy began know wh hi eight tadymra a hasbaad and father a young man and bis wife wete prepar ing to attend a christmas party at the house of a friend some miles disunt henry my dear husband don t drink too much at the party today you will promise me wont you t said she putting her hands upon his brow and raising her eyes to his face with a pleading glance ko multe i will not you may truat me and he wrapped his infant boy in soft blanket and they proceeded the horses were soon prancing over tht turf aod pleasant convenatieo beguiled the way now don t forget yourpromise whis pered the young wife as la pad up the steps poor thing she was the wife of a man who loved lo look upon the mi when it was red but his love for his wife and babe whom they both idolized kept him back and it was not often that he joined in the bacchanalian revelries the party passed off pleaaanuy the tune for departing drew near and the wife de scended from the apper chamber to join her husband a pang shot through the trusting heart as she met him for he was intoxicated he had broken bis promise silently they rade homeward save when j the drunken man would break into snatches of song or unmeaning laughter but the wife rode on her babe pressed closely on her grieved heart give me the babe millie i can t trust you with him said he as they approach- j ed a dirk and somewhat swlica stream which they bad to ford after some hesitation she resigned her nutborn her darling babe closely wrap ped in the great blanket to bis arms over the dark walrs the noble steed safely bore theco and when they reached the bank the mother asked for the child with much care and tenderness he placed the bundle in her arms bnt when she clasp ed ll to ber bosom no babe was there i it had slipped from the blanket and the drunken father knew it not a wild shriek from the mother araosed him and h turned joal in time to see the little rosy face rue ene moment above the dark waves then sink forever what a spectacle 1 the wol of heert gone gone forever i and that too by hu own inlemperanoa the anguish of the mother and the remorse of the father are better unagued thin described fas cannot be overdoes shake loose tha cords of ears and try a you dont better fare avoid the aiwaya senoua man and laugh whenever laugh yon can tba lamp lighter has bright prospects be fore him it is a big beast that there is not reoan for outside there was never good or fh but woman had to do with it would it be vulgar to call soothing ryrnp a kidnapper 1 a man cannot smoke a cigar too short un less he smoke it loo long the thief i safest who lives under the walls of the kings palace hs wbo builds higher than his neighbors is sure to get his neighbor s amake it is easy to look down on others to look down on ourselves is the difficulty a boil in the kettle is worth two on the nose a com on toe ear is worth two on the toes of course smokng is worse than chew ing for the old adage aays of two evils ehews the least the best way to discipline ones heart against scandal li to believe all stones false which ought norto be true a gift o ijovb and all vary good so it nude it this woodrfl world which wa aee from flrmplantad bet of tha oobotah tv ehsrryblaxn eoowiag the tree from eeeea that moan hi n cradle or toasea th hip to aod fro to the etchings in frost oo tba windows or tha star shining crystal esov and yet up abovs th foaadstion of workmanship ftoodroas there glows for ma love divmer which garr oa the iur umicm bloom of a rose for seed tisae aod harvest recurring might stall hav laid tore t ear fees tv ith sever beautiful bjoasom abloom in the inidjt of tha wheat and tovodorou breath of the lily might never have ebnatesed th air tho bread fcr oar needs were provided and nument nude nr in bis care ah 1 ood must have loved his ereatwo when coloi p nd odor aod soog he flung a the crown uf all giving to chr as iu highways along wortu of wisdom strive for the best and provide against the worst people s intentions can only de decided by their conduct be graceful if you can but if you cant be graceful be true he who throw oat suspicion should at once be suspected himself an effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ounelves tharevis always room for a max of force am he makes room for many there is a past which is gone forever but there is s future which u suq oar own there is a few occasions when ceremoay may not be dispensed with kindness never argameat in company is generally lb wont kind of conversation aad in books the worst of leading the discovery of what is true and tha practice of what is good are the two most important objects of life we eaat be tso much cm van guard againstresolntioni lest we rush from ooe fault soto another contrary fault left his card when two gentlemen fell out with each other one of them went to the other i house and in urge letters wrote scoundrel os the front door the next day when thef met by accident number two said to num ber one how did yos dare lo call aa xne yester day sir r i did not call on yen and i never will call ou you was the hitler reply well sir continued number two either yon er oae of your friends called for this morning when 1 came ont of as bouse i saw your name written en tow door its a poor bole c how is if mr brown said a miller to fanner that when i cane to measure those leu barrels of apples i bought front you i found them nearry two barrels shortf singular very singular for i serruhem to yon in ten of your owa flour barrels ahem i did ehr sarf the miller well perhaps i made a mistake the german proverb if i rest i nut applies to many things besides the key if water rests it stagnates if law tree rests tt dies for its winterstate is oafj a jae- rest if the eye rests it rrows dim and blind if th arm rests it weakens if the lung rest we cease to breathe if the heart rests we die 1 what is true uring but loving i and what is loving bnt growth in womans influence it is easy enough to win a husband moat any attractive little dumpling with a bright eye and coaxlog voice ean gather in a noble husband but it is pretty difficult to retain him noble husbands are thicker than hair on a dog bat the grand difficulty is lo draw out their true nobility and secure it at boms if the wife onty understands her bnstness she can introduce the soothing racket in her hewfle1rrof operations and walk away with tie waofe business most i something in the man great rough earnest nature that can be won quicker aod easier with gentleness and piety than by the logic of the broom handle and a billots course of reasoning with bread and milk diet mamma said a tittle boy who had been sent to drv a towel before the flro ts ft dose when it is brown i some people are so piou that they wih not btackam then- beeta on sunday buttle have m eemaamttoas scruples shoot black ening the character of tbev oeichoecsas tba rait of the week i dent miss my church asmucnasyon suppeae said a la dy to her minister who had called upon ber during her fllntss lor i make betsy sit at the window as soon u the bells begin to chime and tell me who are going to church and whether they have got en anything new when yon meet a friend wfceon yon ha vent seen far tome time donh tall ts reet him with how ol i you have grown or i hardly know you you have changed o greatly it will add so such uhi joy in meeting you it if astonishing how much a man enjoys being told that ht isnt looking well t to be a iked j he is siet especially when he urn t feeling aue his usual self things one would rather hare lef ua- said nervous person speaking at last te his neighbor do yon know who that remarkably agly person u jut opposite talking to the black haired lady you know am- eh t neighbor that sir is my brother nervous person yesf j i i beg your pardon i i itapid of m not to have seen the family likene a collapees and disappears in order to give aquietustoahaekras couch use a dose of dr thomas jjo- teetrto oil thrice a day or oftecer if the cough spells render it necessary tbserexkxtofbons bums mieols are derived fiptn the blood wbwkwlbe en like to be loved sod soclhed theretjjrand natural source of vital energy tha motor of the bodily orgcn when the circulation becdmea irtrpovensliecl i saving woman ton may talk about yowr mean wen said one rustic to anothef on the ferry boat the other day bnt weve got iwoman yer laere in alameda wbo take tba pe kinder close babe t close j why last month her husband died fatarth hnsband niindend im warned k she didnt take the doorplare of the front door had hi age added aad then lased on to hu coffin sal j she gwaaaed likely shed be wanting a new name on the dour soon any way a ohjn faction toflndonatelf in 0 frewa of god irks two quarts of cranberries stew them nearly dene and put about a pint aad a half of stewed apples free from huape into them tha apples win very much im- preva thejcranbetriia sweeten to taste oonseguenoe of weak digestion and im perfect asaiaailao of the food which should enrich it every bodily function flags and the system grows feebieiiel ehiionrsred when the blood becomes impure either from tbe derelopesnent of inherited seeds of disease its contain ination by bile or other causes serious maladies surely follow a highly ae credited remedy for three enls it tvfla- iropa lrauks vaoraiblb duoovtst ixd dtsfwho csta which eradicate impurities ol tba blood and lertiliaes it by promoting digestion and aisinjlauotu moreover tme foe a and slor- aohierexena a rens8o maioti vpesi the lr er healthfully stimulating that organ to a pertormanoe of its secretive dntjr when inactive and eirltagbtrarroeis the blood u hkewisepoesesaeadhratie aod desurent properties of a high order rendering the kidneys acure sate bealtnr andejcoelhag from thetystew the irud elements whioh produce rhenmatropain prioetl liempie bottle 10c ask far northrop 4 lymana vegetable dioot ery and dypeptlo core tbe smpeef bears a nojalofthir sbrnatue8al by all msdleaae dealers

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