Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1882, p. 2

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the free press tiarsdxr iiokmmi ho 23 lis n tho ctnsui iilarm as published m the dailv pipra durirg thawetll slo prrars m the o rilulion of numerous pi ices tlireutuoui the dcuiunloo prouimeut nirutig llietn la lli it of out ou 111 tie lon the opuuliuu of lmi is staled to be or sis ti i comet pcptilatianjif acton is known lo tx over i 100 sad when it t coasdend that u was 705- lu 1874 wlitu iucoi porallou tool iliee and that there an no nearly douuo as tunxty dueling hcusee m town and eierr available place tenanted it shoas vr clearli that tin ceosna aunratoi has m some a tna ie an error of about coo m o r poiuktwijj m placing il that inikh lower than the actual population when the centos was ulxn carefully consider no doubt man poi le will u tve- clntario for the arth vi est as eoon u spring opens but they shonld first carefully take mta consideration the rtault of sch a charge alavutoba and the north vctt form a most promising field for persons- beginning life but people who hae grown up and estab lished homes in the older province onht to hesitals befo pcllmg up stakes and coinmitlinr theisadvet and their families to what at best is only n experiment at betterirg their posi uoos the task of doing over agsm in the west m the after half of life that it rtquircd a ikeir eirly eneric- to iccotnpliah in the et may hare the effect of renwinjj the rigor of some but npon many the result cinnot fail lo be to hasten the sere and yellow ieil of age with us sorrows auzmenled by disappointment with the ner and regrets fur che forsaken home fatal accident anotulr ultiu of ivteu iebime dntid lciclimn tttstnntly killed on mondai evotiiug an secijuit re hiking in tlio iuitalilileoui death o livid uiciuian wall known la manv o oui c tit a occumd on tha 0 t rulm about a unle eisl of luo h mse deceased ha 1 been in 0 ory- 1 tnwu duuu tho afternoon m cutnpim with a man from lisibouiu named walt rgi in an uud both men iial indulged fittlr in strong dunk about five t cioek they left for l uieliou 1 roccc ling alotis the raiuajall wan will uutil thrr reached the bridal vi b toll crowes the nxlb linn whtn bunt so much under the lufiuenco of liquor die ncd fill hesaloug through the bride staking on ins head aiuiug dialocaum of the nick death a instantaneous his companiou notified tie neighbors hoaf once situated in renioting- the bdr deceoird was a urgle man and had business brevities soma facta about oi and hspises of i buataest hen entm lo oof stchorei readers j hats from 78 cents to j5c at j kyles a oood fell hat for 75 cents t j fyfes ladies mnntlts newest styles at christie llenderson i co ir lull want a noliliy durab c and cneapsuit j lylosii the place o go scotch english and dirndl in uitu i in iroe larutj at th east lud clollunsl n j fj te acton maxtle obsaiicvts ilantla clotha silk mil biiui luuiuiings at cli utie held i jicol lure lake s im aui ourcotls al extn mcu ln ntcr in i mk in latct atloj be ure tj cjii and ec tl im j ffc acton molt al its the mceat lluug ercr uwfrthelc i at 1 ttratli aaj a cr one lung- tued teabtriu hf in t let tim ticl a o ccul sin i le vtcls- c uikti ul judged pro inuiiceoiii i2jc wucej uttiuotdiiinrj value iiatuiuu it compare it aud on mill b huiv lo bu it w i cent from 5c up nt cliiiatu llenlenoiia gib iiavtlfs christie henderson 4 cos s ovl of lades lie lit and mmlhs just received these been liurg mlb ill john miller o tie 4 h con for some time past ilear frem ihtbest uiakers and cc u i had a fair education and was possessed 1 iimgc of rices they f more tu m ordtuarr intellielw but tie uncuntrollalle- appetite for stroig drink destroyed his olernse good quilities the eoronr iraa notified of the aeci dent b it considered an inquest uu necefisnry during the past 6t jcara there hire been no less than fire or six persons kild by falling through tha lame budge dark oods rise ii be good goods for all b haslett dealer in staple dry qoods and general groceries ac has j ml opeani a stoek of gooda try suitable for too prmnt ittit oomiitixo of ladiu 11 hilc sill uandxtrrtiei and scari ginu sill handkerchni in a shadu birlm wool aui fxnqerxng tarn in fancy colon ilomlon and poinf bratdt a aics auorimtnl blad hpanuh and cream luett ac oat far ths oolsoritci liquor ts 09 a bmihobi isl viitviwi toluu fkiootoi to oxcrr pucuu ti tlirte pounds of let b hatlitt will biv or 8lll lie undemjrued it prepared to puichne au lantiti f elm o- t irch stive b iu lukko l forleajlig and p ae cedar of blclcaji f r sh fitje la the ioif or bolts a a tou ock c f sb el ataves and head- laz alkss ou land tuoa c mooee boots and shoes btjbbebs eto all fits all sizes esuacsiug cojancil tho council met p iraant to ao joarnmenl the reere m the chau- membera present ilesars warren grahim and ceyk in re ehott r cross the clrk reaj a disclaimer from if r d cross ith reference to the office of townshi conncillor lored by ir tarten seconded bj- jlr cook fha mr graham and if- cook be appointed commissioneia to eiamine the road on tle 10th line lot 2i with power to make necessan repairs carned ifottd by llr graham seconded bv ifr warren that the account cf 2 ure k co for municipal blanks linoonting to 9 13 be paid br the treasurer also 133 to acton school division being balance of etquunion for 1681 tamed- moved by af r graham seconded bv llr cook that john irwin account ol 2b 17 for lumber be paid by the treasurer carned afored by sir cook seconded by sir warren that eubett brown be paid the sum of twenty two dollars and sixty six cents being two thirds value of five sheep killed by dogs slso to ahx stirratt t 66 for one sheep killed by dogs and also to eoht leaie 166 fjr one sheep killed by dogs being the twothird value of the same carried hovecyjy mr giaham seconded by mr warren that the sum of 15 be granted to geo smith ako the sum of 10 to lire sinclair also 20 to lira s clark and family iher being in indigent cirannstances carned a bylaw for the appointment of issessor was read the required number of times ind passed and the name of john ifamer filled in and 150 allowed fur such service can led ilovei by sir graham seconded b llr cook that s suzera account of tj2 f3 for work done on town line be paid carned moved by mr warren seconded be llr graham that mr coofc and the mover be appointed a committee to seli the timlwron the 5b line lot 55 the- proceeds to be paid into the trearurv carnecl moled by mr graham seconded br mr wairen that the tp accounts as audited by this conncil for the leai is6t bo passed and that 250 copieg of the same be pnntcd for distubution c rned the council then adjourned nntif the llth ilaicfc next carned a wonderful substance the chicago llcak ci mcsxvs it iendoredb bslopgilmour of cleve land onio and by some of our most honored and respected pneu through out the country wfaj have used at for rhejmatics with sbccesa where allvther remedies failed ft e refer here lo fat jaoba oil we know of several persona in enr owncirce wl o were sulleriug wuh that dreilful dueaje rheumm m wto tried even limp and spent hundreds of dollars for medians which proved of no benefit vie adried them to try it jacobs oil some of themlaugl ejal us ct filth in the latent itufl they cscaa lo call it however we induced them to give it a ti is and it accomplish ed iu wort with such a magiclike mpidity that the same people are now i strongest advocates and will not be without i in tfie r nouses on in ac cvunt mr joel d hartey v s collector of internal keveoue o thi city has spent over two thousand daiars on medicine for his wife who was buflvnngdrfladfully from rheumatism atd without deriving any benefit whatever yet two hotiles of h jacobs oil accomplished what the most ski ifuf medical men failed in dome we cocud give the names of hundred who have been cared by this wonderful remedy dia space permit as the llest man who has been made happy through l le me of this rauablo lim meat is hr jsmes a conlan librarian of the lmon lhholic lilrary of this city tne following u mr conlxns in ioritnenl ijiox cataocio i nieatr assocurtoi cttiiao sept 16 issci j f wish to add my testimony as to the merit of fct jacobs o i as a care for rheumiticm one bottle his cared me of th s troublesome disease wnich jnre me agrtit deal of bother for a long time bat thsaka to the remedy 1 am curod this stale mfnt is amolicited by scy one in its inteesl yours respect fully jakes t coxnx ltbrsnin stock of all km 1 of tanci oeil gtods com using kmtslawls cicuds etc etc all of lie utrtt deaiins and ih ides tf ese goods are cxtrcmelv handhoui and ill oe sold at ieri clotst l iicea jf a st siafs st boi iface manitoba wntes dr thomas eclmtne oil is a public benefit it h done wondes here and has cured myself of a bad cold in one day noerr it is commonly said that you cannot male an honest man believe that white u black and ncs veusa but those who hare grey hair by ucmgtbe clxdalese hah rllvewia will god that this ap parentdinacukyiseaatfyovercome for sale by j e mcgarvin 60 cents per bottle sold chill meg ilin t ifirail nn of the u i t a ma 1 ic v t rwa l e 1 are u i iue sat siat a to tl ic fi rm will tl cir orders it ua i ct j i i tl their line leoieardrnca urtucn doaieri lire 1 jjiije co e luey are able t cuebetlcr fr f ao ter ran ti thin s isller works theru f r rurllcelilr fascr wool goods cbr uinderou j co haie reined and will un in a fe davs an imrtense ihnc 1 tor llieji nt in licy d lo stw tiubtr of all klmis ateo the onderupacd desire to hsreby lnfom il e faraicrt aod others in this vicmil who our limber that the are prepared to par clues larec qaaatllvof all kinds of timber about 400 000 feet of hemlock is wanted a advance in price will be paid for green hemlock unpeeled ae this is llie list ear that th mill will be in oiration lo ac ou all harioj umber tlc wuh to sell or cut will do wall to bni g it in this season be0v s t hall tcon dec 19 1ssi this sale u kturalgia sciaiioa lumbago haekache sorer ott of iht chiti gouiqamtsoro tiroaisweti- wgt and sprains burnt and scalds general bodily paint taoih eaf and headach fntttd feet and eart and dtaihti paint and achet kt pttjilira ott h rls r jipns on u s lafe ftrre simple lai ehtap zxirtui era4r a trul otiid tal um odapuusvt f tn odltr 0 feals iv trr7on nffnnc ti ji ptla eaa bitt clp sol podlita not of la dlncliotui la staa ltbtoacaa bold bt hl eecoejists isd vzlltu riltedcite avogelersfcco bcutmor ht xt 8 x pergheron horse laroest importirig and breedid s drape pala that all prevalent disease of civiliied fife is always attended with a disordered sympathetic system and oad secretions and no remedy is better adapted to lu cure fan burdock blood bitters taken acco dmg to special directions fonndon every bottle wkesllfocten ihaairee who shall decide f nothmf is mote variable than the dirhsrenf opinions of medical men bat when they isil lo afrec or to perform a cure in a chronic disease the pstienis ofn dedidn tor thfmselves and take burdock blodd bfttera and speed ly- recorer it is tbs grand key lu health that unlocks all the secretions and liberates the slate from the captivity of tineas j e mcgarvins f bnaaows of riilkesport writes that he was cured of a very dangronj case ofinnammafion of the lungs solely by tbe use of firitottles of dr ihomas eclectnc oil feels great peasure in rec mmendics if to the public ss hft had proved it or nuny of tht diseases it mentions to cure through his friends and in nearly every instance it was effectual establiskhit a keal veeesslfr vo honse should be without a boflle of sagyards yellow oil fn case of ac cident there is no preparation offered lo suserlng htrmanity that has made so many permanent cures or relieved so much pain and misery it is called by some the good samaritan by others the cureall and by the afflicted an angel of mercy tlouoirayu oialment and pills health s defences ivone save the etrongbst can with impunity pus through the sad len transitions rem wet to dry from cold to muggy weather so prevalent dunng the autumnal and early winler months indueun bron cbui ponghsote throat or qniosey will attack those most watchful of their health but they can readily arrest any of thefe complaints by rubbing hollo- ways cjinfment twice a day npon the skin over the affected parts and by asistfng corrective action with appro- priate doses of his puis this well known safe and easy modeof treatment fficientfy protects thejnvafid both from present and failure danger without weakening or even disturbing the system in the slightest degree drug store for m w dunham vtijda dnpaga county ihmafs u 8 3a ma vest of chicago j ihtrina jie patt 17 mcnoit 3g0 stfic- liom ucd 3 utes hat been myor from hrattte to thu tstauuhment being mope than iheevntbtiied imrcriationrof all ohcr importer of draft bone frdin all jxtrts of europe fur any one year 1 onflfth of the eofirfl nanber of rmpotv- f vrrnth ziosi n aicnca can m itz pc his farm ha ttcporultians tnr ic udnd tuo prize vic3rb 0 ilia litarrtl crjioa tldit i a rue lfit8 om heatij all tho prtie horsis c the great sbawg c france unce his napar u tons iagsui rley q so carr eti a3 tin tocis it the ccnnmaj i 6 and al tho ofcut llitmita fafr 18xt31r dun nmt kefd of ptfllcnehqs fin campetltlat w u tbe uiryxl 6adjtut callocttan of ctyd dalet evar bhovn ccnsutcc trf the piiie tj cers tt tsbo great showi of sccttaaa add et cjtad1 ktu awefjf d tht grand vi-rcifn- ittir of filjwq and iraud gokf uetlat 100 pdgeclzoove stenr fties on rjpc al on laulaln ocef 40 illu rat ait nn t th h rtarr of he pcrchcrc a iacc order catalogue k eveey large bshetfer evubt neighborhoop vezcs a pebaizeof staluoh 5cphiicc tirtraars trfaj ta deme qunug btisjxj lbai whoa bud w ua xxzzov mares o ujc country ta jrodum 3 lxore lc urm are eaaar taspitk better wot jtb t ic i for more money on the umiu t wki piv othtt cltfi of hatflg zenney son main tf atrfon hart jast roeait ed a splendid uortaai of fall and winter boots and shoes th bsf valu evar offarad to tha people of acton and vicimtyv ko bofftu prices stdteriisedbat a eenulne article offered at pneei defying competition custom work and repairing executed with despatch and iron the very beat material savti have also a nice aoortmtnt ol t8vxk8 4 rlisss all good aold obaap for aah kenny son acton removal postponed lotil iurtlier ollce in tie high court of justice ohanoerydivitlon mooue v3 mooee portatat to the or icr for sala tnide in thxt excae bnng ditc the tireoty i ealh dy f juur 1662 there tll b loldwiththeapprobat cnof thorna uiller enquire local mu er of thu oact of milton it agnews hotel in tha village of acton brffm hemstreec inctloaecr at uk qro ooe clock in tfc iitniooii or friday march the otfi aao 1882 la five preu iht failovuiij property rut parrel no i a farm of 160 c more cr being tht north eot hlf of lyotoiw indthe hiartli weit half of the vorth et bill of lot io 2s con totoitrip of esqaeainj coantj of hilton there u erec 1 iherera a good frine dwel line he ate and a home psjlered on the oot- i de tiro good lrvne turn one irith itone uble undctcalh tne soil k a tucd loam ind in a good state of cultivatioa the fencea arc m lintcuu order and ther u a tilaable nerer fulme iprmg crek and good well and ao orebxrd conuaung of til acrea with firit cijlm frnit tree parcel no 2 a fnn of 50 kcrtt a it more nr leu beini the korth cet half of f new prtmiatji otit to c w hiiia ctg hiijxj would inform tbe paopla of act on and aurroandiag coualry that he hu j tut rtmorcd hi tin and stove business the wetry inrtv of lot vo 29 con 1 toirnjhip of qceside the toil i tmedy loam tirectyfie orei cleared and m a good itate of cuhitatiod th ranmnder well timtered with good hardwood and cedar the fence are in pood order pared ivo 3the south eut half of the veatry part of lot so 29 con 1 handto bi iofd cheap townihip of esqueainp contumncoacrea more or leu it i well umbertd with iwd hardwood and cedar photograph faljery where lie will b happy to meet all hla old caitomen and u many new ooee aa rtqoira anything in fau line a good ttock of stotw of all kinda en oldlron bnuss copperand rfltfs tiken in exchange for rooda pared ao 4 a farm of 100 acrei more or lest be n the soatb s eat half of lot no 3i con 2 townahip of esqaeaiojf there u erected theron a good frame dwel liaf loqse and a food frame barn ith itone foundation the aoil la a aond loam ninetv acrw beina cleared and in a ood itatcof caltintioc the retrainder wall umhered with rood hardwood the fence are la firttcjia order and an orchard of aboat two acre ith eood fruit trees parcel ao 5 a farm of 66 actea more or less being part of the north kaat half of lot no 29 0m 2 towaahip of eaqaeinj mare particularly deaenbed tna deed from james cameron to samuel moore there u erected thereon a large two itory bnclc dwelliog hnaae a good frame barn and dnucg ahed the land ii a and loam in a good atate of cultivation there u a vmjlq jjnj upur vflafx prfloaftfo taluable never failing apnotr creek rnddingalhcw 0jiu ilcw lotlld rivdolllsa through the premises an orchard of about three acres this farm u mostly iitaatcd in the village of acton parcel one two three ani foar are a aed iboct one and a half nnlet from the illage of acton which offeri a good market for the aale of produce ic ic cail saiid iee us in our new shop j j c hill mill street acton fike goods i ro pimples i will mill pree ihoreeljpe for a sfmdte vafetawa balm mat win remove tan frscklas ptaplas and blotchea leav inesainioft clear and beanllfui a so 1 si rocilodsrorrnxlnel rig- the luxuriant grow or hair on a bld hfad or anoolb lace a dress inclostni 8c stamp baa vanfleli co 12 barclay si s v icu eruors of yocth a gentleman who soflered for years fro nervnos debt li premalnre decay and a the eircu orroutninl indlacnllon will fir th aakeof ajflerirghamaoity snd free o a i who need u the receipt and direction f ir masinribestmpie lemedyby whth hew i cdrd batterers wishing to profit byths a vrtlneis einerlf noe can do sobr addresali r tnnrfef eonflrfoce jousr b t anor u codar st new yor purses albums terms of sale ten per cent of tha purchase mane to be paid to the endor s solicitor at tbe time of sale a sufficient amount to make together with such deposit oae third of the purcbise money within one montii thereafter withoat interest and the baance in mie equal annaal lostaimenta with interest at sir per cent payable with each lnstslmeot to be secured by mortgage upon the land the purchaser to have the option of paying the whole amount or any greater amoqat than oae third of his pur chase tnone witbm one month after sals with interest on any amount so paid there will be a reserved bid in other respects the conditions of sale will be the standing orders of the high tlourt of fastice for further particulars apply to mb johk dewae and me doxfjax mrgibbov baseittiks milton tnd mr jo us hoskdv 8 c tohcw john dbwak t millee vcnxm s sctjctme loch mistir at milton milton sth february 1882 fttr caps in otter seal persian lambsmdminjc storeye luted sid olovee and mitu to consumptives the advertiser navlos be permanently cured nhhol dread dlsese consumption by a simple remedy is anzions lo make known to bis fellow sufferers the means of eufe to all who dealre iu he will send a copy of the presertpltoo used free of charge wllh the directions fovpreparinranj using the same which they will hud a sure cars for conch colebt consumption asthma bronenlua ao parties wlsblna iho prescriptlobwlii lease nddres rev v awilisok 1m penn u wllllmsbnmw y writing paper en- sili eandkorchieiat soris ties and zcerchaiit tailors guelph rupture plaster snre curs by an outward spplleatlon which will cause the broken membrane to heal and become aa strong as before the so- cident wi one netd ma tbs fearful risk of strangulation when a certain and speedy cure can be had at a trifling coat of 2 full treatment and valuable information tent on receipt of price by f h merrick fras- cott ost tie above plaster was discovered a som ber of rears ago by an old lady a resident of oedeosburg keferenoe famished if de sired velopes school i gggggggg ii j aj great salis or- at w eatwiffs acton ontario christie 7 i henderson co acton ontario tills week and thrvatrn tbe holiday season oar stock of general dry goods millinery boots shoes etc etc will ke feaad ceatpleie treak cheiee aad ckeat onr rafnlsr wseklv pnrebases from leading dry gopds snd millwery huniea onsblee as to show tbe urtmt nawaat and ntatasyt daalsrsjt jnat what u wanted at this season in stapltl oooda of all kinds our object is to place before orrr cnslomers the beat makes at prieas at lou at r atktdfor old and undenrabu brands ocr immense stock of boots sc shoes i enables ns to fit and suit everyone besides oar goods being made np by reliable maiiufaaturers can always be depended on to giro good satisfaction at can be testified by thousands who have worn our boots for two sr three seasons this together with eur low prices accounts for oar immense sales i womens btjtroy xkt lace shoes from si 00 tjp mens 5toga boot from 1 50 up misses womens and men s 0vj6bsh0e8 5xom35c up our felt boata aad half bootiare be cheapest offeresi overcoats shirts drawers mitts and socks tweeds scarfs all new and cheap i in oanta oollara and fancy and faahionabla tiea wa ahywfliii unea t l49iks kxit 8mwu clovbs fv98 4mb fkxtir eoobs of fit mm 99 have been sklicted with care and economy oqib mtlltniry tra13i trht slasftn qnite snrpaases former years being more tban donble that of lait year oar efforts have been to please and we accept this as satisfactory evidence wishing you a merry ohristmi we remain christie henderson w bdoks slates copy books toyk

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