Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 23, 1882, p. 3

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the free press 6 tantsdat mornna feb b 1882 villagevarieties rlll t unl wt as ether sullen st pwlsl merest u mr viumr auwdm at gso hyoia jewellery t iw goods store aotoa opt berlin wools mottoes ihs urgett stock in acton sehool books xote paper pent sod ink scribbling boots copy books slates witches clocks jtwttlery spectacles cruets knives spoons sod forks tiiyi dolu vases albums geo hynds the leading stars iaaotoa for wedding snd birthdsy presents call in d 3iblts of- brevity lsrsl ssd sikerwise prrswresl by the e st ifct rs saa settlors fsr rvsden st lse ire lrr fsir tleighlor again acton has a wood famine the sltijubells stain jingle have jw seen oar new memorial cards anction sale announcements are nn- tners the village council meets next tuei- csv evening the msnitoba excitement increases in this vicinity i marbles is the f svorite gxine with the juvenile now there are no aboat uurtrfive stsdents at the rocfcwood academv the georgetown hcrnld is clamoring for a high school in that town farmers bring in your wood there kn a cord o be had in acton wed like to hear ot the weather prophet who hasnt been tooled oils win- iar r our touthm readen should read the story in our toaagfoifcs corner this week l spring is coming sap running snirir nuking beds laving easter tggs 6e pa ueau i of all shares plough shares are the most reliable they always turn np some- thing rev vt s ball of gnelph preached the sscrament sermon at campbellvliic on sabbath- a number of oar citizens attended eemenvis concert ia gjelph ou friday evening fil make a note of this as the sharper aii when he got a fermertq write his name oa a piece of piper a number of our exchanges annoiree the manufacture of mapie suir at tu erlv dare in their neighborhoods xa bell can rice so loudly as a good aivcrciserrent people will believe what thev se rather thsn what they hear wliat is the iron thin about riches asked ihs sunday school superintendent and the new boy said not having any a roans curiosity never reaches that ef the female standard until soma one tells him that his name was in yesterdays paper those who have never been vaccinated shoniiconsider it a duty incumbent on them to have that operation performed at sty early date ifessn brownridge lrnn and w rbiusoo left yesterday for the great lone lacd which fiowelh with money geretwn raald dont throw out hot ashes carelessly or keep paper and kindling wood near a fire destructive cotnigrations often re salt fromthese two canses mrs- chis knees has oar thanks for t copy of da dajubi pkmar were not very veil versed in danish but the paper is a curiosity in itself avoid that which yon blame others for doing saysjjue of our wise men ex well things have come to a pretty pass if a man cant kiss his own wifev when people see a man advertise f hy know he is s business man and his adver tuirg proclaims that he is not shore busi ness but anxious to do business dont go to manitoba dakota or icy ther point in tiewest or northwest with out first sabscribiotr for the fees pxras it will be as good as a letter from home aad you will find it i most welcome weekly visitor foe huntobamr james goodall in- tends leaving acton for the iiorth west about the last of april he will take his family with him and 6ettle down on a farm there his stock of bootis and shoes will r be cleared oat at once a good idea we would like to see every person who is in business in acton advertise in the feet paass tie outside world would then know that our village is composed of the right class of men and that it is a busy little place j sochl the voting folks of the village met together at matthews hall on idopday ia spend a social evening with ilr arthur xi cameron on the eve of his departure for brandon manitoba they enjoyed themselves and on separating wished arthur a safe journey nd prosperity in th prairie province t personals clifford was in mr j t flemslreet of sbelburne was i in townon friday last l we had- a pleasant call from ber j contts of gebrgetown yesterday mr h niekin spait several days this week with friends m morningdale i mr arthnrosbeiusirelnnjed to his borne in brandos manitoba on tuesday mora j ing ytt john boomer of town on friday jest mr boomer leaves in a week or so for hani aba mr cass allan of kirnmerman was in jwn hitwee bidding his friends fare- i well prepsrstorf to lesvm for the north i west j rev if bnijns b if of georgetown college wof occupy he pulpit of the i ketbodist church on sunday momlne i and ereaidij pancy poods strictlt cabmr b w nlrilin wishes to annouac thsl he is doing a cash business only the jxobtb westiremitwm 8 and john 0 uall of hqrnby with several others will leave for manitoba in a few weeks brarsa assius the spring assizes for ibis county will open hero on the soth of march when orourke will hi placed upon his trial satlafactorr the arbitration committee have satisfactorily to both psrties settled the dividing of the property of acton school division fcxeeai the funeral of mr david leichuuu 1k wss aceldenllv killed on uonday took plce yesterdiy the body was intemd in acton cemetery qcilt lost lost yesterday between this village and the tib line a heavy wool feuquill finder will greatly oblige by returning toh sfarlatt butcher acton sold oct mr geo hume has sold out his flour and feed businsai here to ilr john duncan and intends going to afani toba about tie first of much milton aeetved the friead of mestn j keith and j storey who left aiew weeks ago for winnipeg have been notiiiedof their safe arrival at the nort western metropolis- dowx sorrw a letter has just been received from itr alva stafford stating that he is now in savannah ga and travelling southwards his health is good and he will return aboutthe first of may stitika races a carnival and racing tournament will be held in acton skating rink on monday evening next a number of gentlemens and isdies races will take place and an interesting time is anticipated a wm friesd a subscriber remit ting his subscription to the feec paass for is6j says tour paper is like a friend in its weekly visits this is jest the opinion of thousands now reading the feet pxess rusawat acctdeit mr h mrlatt met with an accident yesterday which might haveproved very serious his horse ran sway and he was thrown out of the sleigh and knocked senseless his face was badly scratched and bruised hut his wounds are not serious disccssok a debate en the jneriia of the percberon eorte will take place in the ligny school house lot 6 con 2 esques- icg en friday evening 8rd march between messrs owen robertson esqnesing and john duff jsrta mr robertson is ad vocating tie percheron horse ayvrvrksaay anniversary services will be held bj the ebenexer methodist church nsssagsweya onfeb 28th and 27li rev mr buggiu of hora will preach on 8oncay and on moodsy a lea meeting will be held at wnich serreral fins speakers are expected to be present waaxiss the constable sake parties having obstructions on the streets in the shape ef wood vehicles -c- or cows run- niog at large to please take notice that the same is contrary to bylaw snd thai action will be taken against all persons who still persists in ccnrinuincsnch nuisances yuice woee we are requested to say tiist two young inea turned benj wallace and wesley coot cut split and piled a cordof wood in twenty minutes one day last week on the farm of ilr b wallace sr of xassagaweya and want any two ef esquesing young men to beat their record atteaorxd sctctde wm johnston a guelph butcher who for a number of years has done nothing but drink and live on tie hard earnings of his wife attempted to commit suicide on friday evening by hang- ing himself with a scarf his attempt was unsuccessful however andheisnowlodg ed in gaol herald cleaetxg sale sfessrs moleod an derson co of the mammoth house georgetown announce a clearing sale of winter dry goods of every description to make room for their large and varied stock of spring goods tsey announce some ex traordinary bargains read their new id- verti5ment next week a coxxinast it is a compliment to a publisher who receives tie money in ad vance each year from willing subscribers and the publisher of the fan peess recog- nixes the compliment so unanimously paid to him by its present readers advertisers will make twice as mnch too out of that class of readers as from others the new post office is to have 100 bores more than the old we trust that mr goodenow will receive ercouragtmiut enough from the business men to put in a number of ioce boxes georgetown rtcr- ald weil weq is georgetown so far be hind the age actons post office was sup plied with lock boxes a year ago wheres the herald mans enthusiasm j caexival coxceet the concert given on tuesday evening try the bible class of st albans church was very well stteod- ed the programme was a very amusing poe and consisted of choruses trios duetts solos dialogues tableaus c the enter tainment was prepared by the sabbath school children and considering this was certainly creditable the proceeds will assist materially in procuring a new s 8 library the cottage hiabtk maoauke of bostos we havs received the march nambsr of thisjnonthlv it is full of good thingsamong which are a story by george mflcdonafd life in the east by professor james bosedale the treasures of snow winter in the iforthern seas new music the fashions mothers and yoaag folds departments etc all fully and beautifully ijliistrsted by more- than twenty fine en- gttitiigs the cottage hetra is the beat periodical at its price 160 a year in ad vance and the cheapest of its quality in the world a baj pkdigeee the georgetown berau has very poor opinion o the youthful popnlatioti of that hamlet it says georgetown possessea a number of the filthiest young blackguards in oapada boys just entering their teens collect on our street corners ntght aimr night lnd literally revel ii blaspheming add filth to the disgust of reapeouble people who can not pass with having thicr ears filled wilh language which is adisgrace to bur -civil- ization we are tliankfal to b able to say that boy i and yrang nea of ihs abort calibre are exceedingly scarce in acton pnor eutths coxcsirr the concert on thursday evening last ww i decided success the attendance was good and the programme was pronounced one of the very best ever presented before an aclou audience mrs bmvth was loudly encored ever time she appeared miss allan did even better than at the last concert tommy smyth pleased svervjiody with his humor ous balisds th3 acton glee club was greatly appreciated by the audience and the choruses were eisolleaw the professor may hereafter rely on baring a full house at any concert be gives here we under stand thatha is thinking of preparing the oratorio of joseph jtor an entertainment for the evening of th queens birthday if so our people will no doubt give him a hearty reception obtwarr me jacob sstdxx another old resid ent in the person of mr jacob 8nyderwas called to his rest on saturday last after a short illness at the age of 19 years ilr snyder wss born in the township of gains borough lincoln coi out on the 80th of may 1803 whtrehe grew to manhood on the hth may 1s39 he was joined in matrimony to mary zimmerman of clin ton township in the same county in june 1830 they left the place of their birth and look up their residence in erin wellington co then almost a wilderness where they resided until isil when they removed to esquesing this county and settled on what has always been known si swackhammers hill at which place they spect the remainder of their lives they were blessed with a family of twelve child rensir sons and six daughters ten of whom are still living their fiftieth wed ding anniversary was celebrated two years ago last may when a huge number of friends gathered aad it was gristly enjoy ed especially by the old peopls themselves on 9th sept last mrs snyder was removed by death after a short illness and her un tiring care and close attention was greatly missed by the old gentleman who said he would soon follow her and they would be again united in that better world which whh was soon realized- they were among the pioneers of this vicinity aad their re moval will be deeply felt by a large circle of friends and acquaintances the family of deceased have the sympathy of the com munity in the lose of their loving parents ma abce mcxas on 6unday last our citizens were surprised and grieved by the news of the death of mr arch mcxab of eramosa whose demise took place on saturday- afternoon the old gentleman was in acton on tuesday and slthough he bad been ailing for some time previous seemed mnch better that day than usual and the news of his death so toon after wards waa a surprise to all hs was about 69 years of age and had been a resident of eramosa since iso he attended the presbyterian church in this villagt and being a frequent tisitor in town wss ac- qusinted with man y of our rillsgars all of whom held him in the highest respect his partner in life died on the 7th jan last their separation being coosequebtlr very short thus one by onie the old landmarks are being removed k me laweekci rose we regret to record the death of mr lawrence rose miller of georgetown which took place oa wednesday afternoon i5th inat the deceased for some weeks previous wss prostrated with typhoid fever aad after a long struggle at last succumbed to the complaint he had been in business for about fifteen years in georgetown previ- ods to which lime he liven in hespeler in both places he wis well known and highly respected both by those who had business to do with him and by the community gen erally for his upright honest and straight forward dealings city grocery a wqftlln wanted 100 barrels dried apples ai ones for which the higbsat cuh pries will be paid i would also aonoqnot to my nomtroot cut- tomeri that 1 have jott tmrefaatsd a lsrgs and choics stock of g root rise 4 crock ery it t very low 6guij and which i will dispose of very cheap to mitt quick rttarna pltsit give ne s call and dont forget that imall prosls fcqoiek returns is ay motto 1 all kinds of provisions ktpt constantly on hand highest eash price paid for prodaet a w glteejf new hats all the latest things in hard and soft pelt hats for the spring trade at the east end clothing store also a large quantity of spring tweeds to hand call and see them lt ftfb act02sr still alive at hughes griffins pik aild ink tae ck1dle kexles in xisssgiweya on the 17th inst the wife of wm helles esq of a son mcaaxirre in limehouse on the 15th inst the wife of mr duncan mcarthur of a daughter the altal hall fox on the uth injt at the residence of the brides father by the rev jsmes coiitts of georgetown mr john g hall to miss cassfe fox both of hornby haedixs asxxw at the dominion hotel acton on the22ndinst by eev d b cameron mr thos h harding of brampton to jennie eldest daughter ofr aguew esq the geaxe mcxab in eramosa on the 18th inst mr arch mcxab aged 89 years rose in georgetown on the 15lh inst mr lawrence rose miller aged 58 yrs sxtdee in esquesing on the 18th last mr jacob 8nyder aged 78 years 8 months and 28 dayi auction sale esgisteu wx hncstkest accttokxse moxdst 27th feb auction sals of farm stock and implements on lot 30 con 1 esquesing the property of mr darios wardell sale to commence tt 12 oclock wm htmstreet auctioneer tnsdat 7th march auction sale of farm stock implements and honiebald furni ture the property of mr oeo bbiottraf lot 25 coo 2 ssls to commence at 1 oclock wm hemstreet aactiooeer the accident of life are unavoidable but should awriier accidentally get hold of a bad pea too remedy it easy procure one of eiterbrooki steel pent the stationers hare them brown bros toronto wholesale dealers mat bveir tan san start swtne and every one who baa tested its merits satak warmly in praise of hagyardt pectoral balaam ai a positive ear for all throat and lung complain tt coughs and colds sore throat bronchitis and incipient consumption toilet soap pen- king of the dry goods rj- s fiadford e h bollsrt j b williamson importation of silks iwadlrtculifl ipklliitnaonofthelftdle woor vet lrf lmporutkra of black b dolohsd dbesaaile3 which ht6jajt coi to had aad comprle flutblack uetvjgtm qniwi fvre iu1u silk full nnrefrcm uulotopflrrrtl tbemroodilrqrsntel from the loet oamberto tbeblfhest to be of pvbx silk of grcttlcwt veaium quixrtin uuhof price uw vxbt bxr vaxct ix thx tsjlds w lnntevxbyladt totteititm iecsifnx iukqk bptirr colon in a eultt gvoa qsjjx brxi of excellent quail tx and toe and vkboat doafcc ttw teitlm ilk cuat will be oqeved tire qaelph or aoy other t ihu leaaon tim full ranfn of colobxd apocib sxua from 49c to 6jc per yard ti lior t2u oiolwtt and riulek stock of suks ve lure erer had anotlher bankrupt stock of gen goods purchased a few o which will be sold at as tonishing low pricesconsisting of wincets dress goods flannels mimtles mantle cloths shirts and drapers in fact everything will be sold at prices to suit these goods must be cleared out by the taking 1st of march before stock- now is the time to get bargains- htohjes griffin acton i terms strictly cash cils perfumery dolls etc thu in ofcljer spring goods we have to hand blf piles of nsw and lovely paurrs from 60 per yard lp osaes ofosnadlan eallah snd ajuucat bliacsnro cottoxs from tc par yard np bslst of csnsdtso faxtost cottorrs from e per ysrd ap white mcalikspi4osscasfssicss fall vsrlety v escbstoldznxes of very fine qoality lacxs axntsjxurjtos of every deserlpitoo xatdim toll u out bmiwllerlm an tla qhelemt reodj la the trade aad our prieea tha tot lcwast also sn immense lot of csnsdisn tw122su from soe pevysrdnp floe worsted coax- isos all prlwenjlltli snd canadlsncottokahibtinqr plain and tsney doce3 snd denims plljxiw cxrttondtabiinus towklb snd to wkiilsgs snd tuplet of every style we hare made an immense and special porthaaa of tweets for oar great fmjo suits whlea wuiesoel tnqoslity that of any fotirer teasoo we gosraniee sn absolute ssvtay of 3jnioes0per toit on tiuse goods- the lionst is not ttbomtruo tarnojmlnd batilmply tayi and muss it when he atb li- thai tac iiteofiioct oboiaod tareiypricei and value coortes aod fair healing ho eioeu any ipeflimeoortbe jenohajoln thla secuoit oi our fau domin ion al any rate we camber ntrv caelomen frota iar aod near almoit daily aod daring the oomlntttfodi thelja wlil make hliinflaenoe feit mor than ever j d williamson co acton clothinc store re nelson proprietor spring announcement the subscriber wishes to announce to the- residents of acton and vicinity that his spring slock is now beiug opened np and comprises all the latest novelties in eafluti iruh sooteh and oanadlan twaads blua ftarga fancy ooatlag and trouaaring aa my stock has been purchased entirely for cash and on the most favorable terms i now offer my customers the benefit aus will give suits made to ordpf in the latest english and american styles as chkap ton gash as any other house in the frade andguaraatee aper- fect fit i would also call attention to my new 6tock of srailtg- h3lats which for quali style and price are unsurpassed call and examine for yourself aud be cooviuced that i do what i advertise tie ltort rajmonijust to jiani r e nelson the photographic art it now better prepared than ever to eiecnte jlrtlstle pbotasrtvplu of overy stjlt and dtswription at the moat reason shin prioes sa slwsyi given framss mottoes stsfbosceplc views alwsja in stool in fraat vsristy walnnt cold and striatic frsuaea snppbsd to order on short notioe tak a look at hit window full of tamplu of all kind spundid 4tock of tsaltba forth holiiay trade oatl 0 g- txt bxealsj largest stok ever seen in acton

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