the free press thcrjpav mbbsikfl march 2 ims toexe fok s cottyss si bad words hash htitiimj- lad 1 fray dont repeat the had aonlt spoken tn the street yruip ami uufit for yoit j freusnrv the hi those words who said alitttrimc and darkness born and bred their meaning liiuekuew rat you to mrtch taore hijimv uestcd of ciiriliau home and fiiciiu poviscd ami clirislisil kmvilediie too to uk uod t holy nunc iuvaia or uttel any words profane is surely jpiilt iu ynu tosaof iflss of lisa of loss of loss of lrias of leas of loss of fisa of ijoss t lovs of ciowu losses mtsny follows drinking time brings bitter thinking business follows these i slcrnglh nd loss of ease lioillli rtspect and lore hope of htrsveu above friends who onoo admired iniud by ireuty fired umtfultiess al18 1 liljci godllor ibe glass lill and loss ol soul ni bliss who loves the bowl tice ge2at oliqllli3sra- saijb latjlst 4 it- m hi- mm j hsi llwi iwfc be- r h ji k flp lssski stand by tour court a young hianonce signed the- ktn perance plejjjo in bis 8uudayichool severn ot bis cumpaniouj laughed at him far doing to and resolvcxi that he shotiw break it lie uld llicm they tuigkt laugh at hint u much as they pleaded but he bad made up hie uiiud and nothing tbsy might say would chance it he had seen euougli ruin cauisii by untiif liquor and he meant to have nothing to do with it one day when sent to the village 011 m errand they met him near the uiero and tried by coaxing lo indaee him to take a glass of something he refused and oneot them whom we- till call john becoming anry swore that he should he got a glass of brandy andtried to poor if clown the lada throat he resisted and a scuffle ensued in whlcn john waa thrown heavily to the ground nothing daunt- ed he determined to try again bat ond or two men standing near admiring the boys borage toot hie part daribf john to lay hands on him again this happened some years ago the lad baa now grown up to manhood bat not a drup of liquor has ever passed hia tips xot so with the others all 1 became lucre or leu intemperate and jolin at an early ae died with delirium tremens tbe one who stood firm to his resolves was with him in hia last hours and declared he never saw such a sad scene in bis life it made more intense if possible his hatred of liquor btfera you nuke friend al a peck ofealt kvillr him but you need not wait two seconds lo find out whether the pen jou hjuo just uiej is a good one or not knot try eslorbrocki k tellable fact itiian ejublishedfaot that uagyards tectonil balsam i the ben cure for coughs coldjtort lhroaauim croup bioncnuit and all troubles arising faom ne jltcted colds lric ti cents a papular keuodr higyntda pectoral bauam it one of the rooit deservedly papular remedies for ui cure ol corghs colds sore ihroal asihmnj whoopmg couh croup bron chilis anil all pulmonary complaints for sale by all dealers it allll protinga gnwt luooaii millinery wblbbhas beeh reduced tc curtains bought for cash from some leductlun now 4u enormous reduc are telling olf now at fl kxoellenls are s king now at 26o aterynice from fiance lately and are telling oil tllores marked down from 91 to 60c ooal excellent colored drvit8ilks y ladiev and oenuandimiaiea low ladles buck quilled fiklrle of superion ralue bectlngi and pi this seasoii they are snob beautiful p ton sired where ibe verandah la don hamilton feb 9th 188 limswimii 33 mantlet and dolmani are morlng off ai a lirely rale tt far leu than ooitlpriom there hit beta t great rooh for about hir lit real ralue mantle clothe of ill kind we eelllng off at graft reduotlon an lmmeaae took of uoe if tbe largest and beet nottingham makert tliltwaaon at the rery loweat pritfet poatible are telling off at aa immentw on in kid 0 lores th bert quality of 4butvoned frooet sid oloret in til iitet and fublonable shades formerly 136 buttoned kienob kid gloret reduced from ft to 60s the rery belt quality df lbulloned kid q lores fonnerly 11121 ulloned kid 0 love mat ked down from 40 to 30c a ome ot boulllidoi terr belt 2 and 4 butloned kid gloret arrired itrerylowprieei ladiei white kid oloret la 2and4buttons ery ohemp j ladiei open ibsdea of 2butloned km ladies jbuttoned opera kid uloves redooed from 1 to wo bilks bare been marked down in many cases far below nwked down very low the sblru from welkins shirt faotory bare a rery large tale lbey are far cheaper than former- boys undereloihtog ol all klndi tlwayt in stock and made to order rery cheap hallway rags marked down rery cheap ibe blsnkeii are still going off with a rash tbey are so rery cheap new bhirtingsand duckt in this week iow collous in abundance al exceedingly low prloea for good qualities there has been 1 tremendous ran on carpets idem 1 and good qualities while the prloet are rery low call at the right louse on king street east close to hugh- 0 lo purchase your luppllet rod you will be pleased with the gbodt mind the name is to oonstjmpxrvest to blsenow sdtwren tbe means of eoretis fboiljiiretbewlilsnd a eotrsr tbj- jjjterlptiai used free of ehsw1 wlib isi 2b and eiy thomas c watkins hamilton maltorepsyn l registered an artificial this is not a pairal medicine secret remtdy the formula is printed on ths label 11 iskhed to each boule ilaltopepsvk cures dyspepsia at ottawa 3asteic juice indigestion lou of appetite intestinal arf tteak lttaftaadhauca lxtke hrratraas breathe wiui the mouth clayed hare access at all times lo pure air exercise moderately eat nourishing but simple fo6d and take that lsl of all cough remedies hagyirda pectoral balsam it speedily cores ail ihroat and lungtrouules cfadultrjor children price i5 cents per bottle aorarai trllaw 01 will be found invslunble for all purpoies of a fsmitf medicine immediate relief will follow in use it relieres pain cures cbilelalns trost bltesacalds burns corns rheumatism neuralgia 4c for internal use it is nont ibe leu wonder ful ure or two dorei frequently oure sore tbroau u will cure croup iu a few minutes j a few hollies has often cured ailfamal colic has betn cured by a lea spooufoldoae it cures witii tha utmost rapidity it is really a wonderful medi cine wasting diseasa constipation xausca chrinic diirrhaa cholera infantum and moi of ihfaats troubles vwch jenerally arise from the stomjcb 50 cents fqr 48 doses or about cent per dose kefrulir sed bottles containing tl 01s with dose meaiure attached 50 cents for sal by ail chemists throughout the dominion aroid taking- liquids of any sort more ths 1 is absolutely necessary to quench ihirsl a he excessive use of liquids is the cause of haf the dyspepsia in the world maltopepiy is a pander igroeible and easilyfaken tuppl ts lo ths stomach the actual gastric juice prescribed by the leading physicians thrc ughonl ihe dominion in their regular prac tice lfaftopepsyn is also used lo 1 large eile tpicimehg of tutwoiiuls the makepirptyn u giren tt a nutec oost rapid pleasing and beneficial rtsulu ieceives from phttlciaki wallacz s s oct 1880 tad distressing case of indigestion with lh z w klmpton m d t the maltopepsyn i obtained from you hiring tried it in two old and very obstinate harm atuloke oxt jan 20 t8o h tx far more than answered my anticipation ases of indigestion i found it to set lite c mckeksa if d i hsre used your iraltopepeyn in aer idults and diarrhoea of children and am so itructed my drupgist to keep a supply on hand i i after gintig your miliopensrn a rial secomraended ian well pleased with the war irtide like that now in k and it will be a an m what it costs i a gentleman was waiting in regents part london- and he met a man whose soniy borne was the poorhouse he had come out to take the air and excited the gentlemans attention 1 well my friend baid the gentle- man it is 1 pity that a man like you should be situated where yon are how old are you p the man said he was eignty years om sii yoti a trade before yoa be came penniless p yea sir i wax a carpenter by trade f did rod erer use any intoxicating dniikp f oh no i only took my be- but never anything stronger nothing but beer i f how much did the beer cost yoa a dajt i ji sixpence for how long about sixty years the gentleman was figuring on his note book while he was talking with him kdw let me tell you said he as he finished bis calculations what that beer costyon you can go oyer the figures and the gentleman demonstrated lfut the money a sixpence a day for bishjtyearai would if it had been sured and placed at interest have yielded him nearly eight hundred a year or an income of fifteen doilare a week a ptisjiicmettins should be call ed of the bitiiensoferery city town and rilinge in the dominion to consider what should be done to prerent the hair from turning grey and fallingout if hit impoclaiit question receired tneir earnest consideration they would unani mously decide that scieace had at last discotered something that would answer this purjioseand furthermore would recommeoa cingalese hair kenewer aa being this stimetbinj or restoring ihe hair id its natural color and prereat its falling-oat- 50 cents per lottie at j e iicgarirtna anrtosi oxt dec 30 18s0 tome of my worst cases for which it wi in which it acts continue to trale a goc rersal favorite r hamilton m d hazen morse for sale by all j b mcgarvin ken talkers slotkers arc you dilarbedat night and broken of your rest by a sick child suflering and crying wllh the xcnicialingpain of cntting teeth tfsoio si once and get bottle of 5trs winslows soothing syrup it will rtliere the poor little suflerer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a motheran earlhwiio hasereruaed if who will riot tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and giro rest to the mother and relief and health to j the child operating like magic it is perfectly we to ose in all cases rnd pleasant to the taste and is me pre scription ofune of the oldest arid beat female physicians and nurse in be united states sold ererywhere at 25 cents a battle hacyards cures rheumatism freemans worm powders in pltmttsi to tefce conuin linlr oru p u t tftft lore ud ebectmml 4ettrftr l vwrm la clirmaclzvli rttj -r- whlcii wsy are ton going j a little gill named sarah went bomrfrom church full of wliat she had km and heard sitting at tbe table ita the family she asked her father who was a rery wicked man whether he ever prayed he did not like the question and in a very angry manner replied is it your mother or yonr aunt sally that has pal yoa up to that my utile girl i no father said ihe tittle creafqrc r preacher said ail good people pray suid itbose wfco dont pray can not be saved father do yoa pray p 1 this was more than the father could stand and in a roagu way be said- well youitnd ycul mother and joar aant sally may go your way and i will- go mine father jid the little creator with grest simplicity which wty are yoa going i r thin qneslion pierced his heart it flashed upon- him that be was going the way to death he started from tit chair buret into tears and began to pray for mercy header which way are you going aail dentists who bare tried tea- ibost prwjouooet thelnsst thing n the face of this earth tor the teeih and uui cent saoipie bdjoiciyt pitlt sadden transi tions from hit to cold or from tw inclement weather to oppressive cli mates favor tbe derelopmentqf mani fold diseases which may in most instances be checked and rendered abortireby an early resort to these purifying regulating and strengthening pills this wellknown and highly esteemed medicine affords a safe snd easy remedy for almost every constitu tional smog which unhealthy climates rapid changsi or dietetic errors can engender and effectually removes any weakness selfpnduigeot habits may have induced in jail conditions of the sys tem bordering on disease such as are indicated by apathy listlessness and restlessness holloways pills will prove especially serviceable in begetting the vivacity of mind and body appreciated by both sound and sick t in hospitals dispensaries and innrmarid cwbkav oxt jan issr t cues of ladigestion and malnutrition i ill pleased with the results that i have is t wreade kf d toronto druggists and acton harness teuns parties requiring anything in harness or trunks to tare money should go lo r crj3ech acton undertaken furaitaie dealers and waggon cndertaklnc we par particular attention to this department of oar hosinets and as ws have constantly on hand a large and varied stock of comns caskets bobes and all funeral requisites we can suit rvsry taste and tbe circumstances of all who require anything in this hue all our goods are placed at very reasonable figures fintclu hearse furaiahed when required furniture in our cabinetmaking department we are prepared for tbe spring demand parlor suites sofas centre tables wnatnots bedsteads cto watgfont we have on hand a etock of firstclass lumber wagons and democrats manufactured by ourselves from the best material which will be told at tbe lowest pos sible rates bepairs txacated promptly j a speight manager clearing sale at the mammoth house gxosgstqw fwllswa2iu l he new i compound- its tt9 ttejl attinlty to the digestirt apparatus and the live tflncreasf tag tie dissolving julcds rellev lifalmdsi iastajrtjirthg wattezl result ot dyspepsia indigestion end the torpid liter makes zojtesa an every dor necessity ia tvetynouse it i actsgently boutf speedily in biliousness costlnaess sead- etcie bick beadache distress aj- tei sating wind on tie stomach beartium pains in th bide and back want ot appetite want oi energy low spirits foul btom- cb itjlarigotattsihelilrercar- i ties 08 31 surplus os regulates the bowels and gives tone to th whole system 1 cut tfisontond take it 4a jam druggist and get a 10 cent sample or a large bottle tor 76 cents and taujrauaajthbot about it revdall8 sfavix cure tie twoceuril keaseo ever dlscaver- ed as is laeertatb in its eatota and does not ultter rzas paxor bsxbw kendalls spavin cure eatract from a latter wrillin to tj arln- ltht editor xjflne ydrreo a weekly welao paper of uueent as an enoouragvment to you sluee tbe advarttsement of- kendalls tipavln core first appeared in your paper many lijared mlnsni nave been usidtaod tnallcus inandarouud asrs uhasaeulev tl wonders it la a psilset vaoreaa amoot injarpd miners vuarstral kickaru otlt ircsa illnts fa ajtfiauwo kendalls spavin cure cv hij1iav flesii thonsauds of trials on human flesh has proved bej ond adoubt that krntfairs spavta care nirufficlem s reocth to penetrate aid vlrtoe to cure ibe warslcasevof rheumatism corns bauroa rtosibluoranybruisescut or lameness which are not aflected in ibe jeat bv ordinary aliments it does dot blister but an tiie contrary remotes ajisore- ness kendalts spavin cure st john pjocu2r i8si da b j kxsnalla co cent i have used jotirsparrn cnrewithgrealsneecss on hpavlns curb and splint i tnov iltn be good jrrtnedy for rtigoonea bone spavins cat galls and all kinds or tame oew dc manyr otherdlflleultls abouttbebcrffc oneolray men spralred his ankle very badly i ap- nlfedseodau6pavla cureaod1 sfveraaw atiytblneworltllitejtho was tfli in 1 it dars 1 know it to beaoodforman ox well as beast i procured on of ynurtrallse on the horse by minorsewahd 1 tnlok it was the tneans orsavtrgxaesloobnoneborse that r treated aefidrdinr to the- dikcrjous clven in your book fordispiaeed stifle yours truly wst j piaescv kendalls spavia cure se nd addrest for i11astrttd circular vhlah we thlntc gjvef pmliive proof of iu tlnoe- to remedy baafter met ulihnieh noqnall- fled raccetu to oar atuowlere for be ana u well u man pholpr boftl or lx bottles for 5 ah drrftli havf jtor can net u for yon or h wllfbe ktuvibdt vhrera ou rt4cetp if price hv tbe lis b jikgsvazii co exosbttbo fiixa vt sold ry all druggets lyman sons a co motmti pc vnwimtle anu f r g a jn week in 70 or own low a 5 il lilroatfltfree noruk grerytmnr mnn new capful not required we ww vinrurnuh youevemhldkmaoy are maiclnic formner ldiei mke u ixucb u men and boyi and slrli mike jrnat ray header if yon want a boil new at wlilot y 00 pan mfcefreimiy alubfillme you wprk ilte for particauri to a aiabtt k co wiiasitfts burdock blood will cure or relieve biu0u8ne88 dizzihe8s frspepsli f dmpsy v iudiqestioh florrmhq jaumce v op the heart e8wpeu8 aciditr of 81lt rheuh the stomach heartburh my hess headache of the skim and nenr species uf dlseasa arfslnr from dlaordcd uyer k1dkey8 8tomaoh bowels oh blooo t hilbltrh k co rn rupture plas sore cure by an out ward tppli which will cause the broken tnemb keal and become as strong as before cidetit ko one need run the fearful straoguution when a certain and cure can be had at a trifling cost of j treatment and valuable information si receipt df price by f u meeeic1 oott onl tbe above plaster was discovered a nam berai years ago by an old lady a resident of qde iburg reference furnished if fif butcher shor w 0 kobinton toold intimate to tbe peopli of acton that he has purchased the batcher basinets late ly earned on by robert 3tore7 and that be has always on handa first olass stock of eel rrk xalua rawllej aasl caasie la seaaaa etc and bopea by strict attention to business lo lecnre a talrsbare of the patronage of the public mhatoellvekdatady time to any pan of tbe town ot terau ouh a otvu eolloltil ognies psoami arrxxsis to w c eoblmon a4ta milunery scantlee furs dress goods overcoats readymade clothing flannels blankets rem nants of all kinds joeing slaughtered regardless of cost now is your ctanoe to get bargains als tiu stack rnuit b icil to mijca nam tat spring impoiutteu i i blaok oaahmeres special bamrains colored octahmereti great bartraine black colored silks at wonderful lowprice ve are offerine a line of colored silks at 40c worth 66c- we are likewise ailing at great redactions for the sprinir trade 20 per cent less than the usual prices prints unbleaohed cottons white cottons tick ings check shirtinas brown and drad duck denims oottoaadets i tke ferefsliit are nek f ea4t as ihe peeple rehire al istt aid if cker eau n ws tter will set kajte bajiga1v3 paddctc f w wi for one mootb batch hemp car ushnrl i o peu for 15c per yard a union for 25o worth soo tsw pmty f 5c worth 65o oar ordered olofhlh dprttllnt is as uanal complete end daily reoeiting new additions of spring uoods our malaaat ia beginning to arrive we respectfully inrit onr friends and the public generally to tall inspect and you will be conatrained to buy i isljvy jr tnjwehsnbrwlii jfiti 1j75r7 sale boardi ttablet mill street aoton is where yon osn get firstclass rigs at reasonable rati good commercial eis an express delivery wagon will meet each expreis train and deliver goods t any part of the town i after he lit march i intenovlo do a itrit cash bosineas only as credit will not ptjfor hone feed or repttra ed matthews frovrietor tionj 101 irj snonl koti tbe com me tbes owe 4 haul haiti tins ad win i nil ctf sell alm tblsl american cas avian coal 0 11 for 8ale at i bememberthe stnd sign ofthe lamp must jlctpb geohayili uammoih house georgetown uorch 2 82 uoleod anderson 4v 00 lanent sure curs for diseases ois ailments of the kidneys bladder secretive system or attendant causing pain ia small of back gravtl catarrh of the bladder i brishr disease diabetes nsrvoui dulity eta etc and testimoniala sag bo ob- its droogitts free childs pad ijo cores bed- bexalar pad 12 1 bpeoial pad for iaeases 3 sold by m fomtir md aoton ejtou fii tw brmptebt special announcement for this month wahaivs determine to cleah out ottr remaininq stock of winter dress qoods jvlantlcs mllinory da j tof holloways pills omt this incomparable aoj aecured for iitelf cm imi tarcwjaosrf as itorwprtae a curt ofmoiidixaia to taucaam item and ihe purest repairing to efleot oar aim aaoh a it trill repy erary and towns si eeping reduction will be made in price that lady from ail the surrounding nllim to risk our store inspect ear goods and prices and oar ohmp ohtap bwmr ooar tom of annothttina outlyli bound to loigoodt pnrify regulate and improve ihe quality of the blood they snsist thi digestrve ogans cleanse the stosacq and bovjels increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervous i throw into the circulation elements for sustaining an therame thousand of persona haa teetied that by their nse alone they shave been restored to health and strength sfter every other mean had proved ansae oessful 1 thf ointment will be founid invaluable in every home hoht in the cure of open bores hint tumors j 1 btd lagi ow vouadi otraithi colds sotthtoets bronchi as and au disorders- ol the throat anc chest i- also hoht phenmausm hoiolnla bd wryklnd r8ldn disease manufactured only at prof aseor hotv lowata stabiiahineni i3j oxfustbj v btkeet windbnwd sold ti la l4d 9d 4kljdlls 2ani sateshv box and pol and in canada s t js cent woentiiitliaueeituaiid thelarfar almlnproawtlon j mqjrkerfl hno tnua united sttw hojat toj mr old threjjpurkuviabobi look to thejubej oh tbe nil if abe london thetiad m u not cis oxl rwstrativg are spnrioas t maikjofmyaaidh in otuitra d also hol4wa smbbxeiu