the free pr tartsdat moamhomtrchtt 188 toffye fouts coaffss w do it now if voire teld to a fbin juu mean le ojl oojliij- sever let it c by halves i to it fallr treel itfcnr father ealh thiana plenaat be the play you sre pursuing fv iki uv ill cums when hire ftlmilicd kbit im doilf if ate told to leave task and you ikonld win it to not tell your tfacher ye im coming in a niidule kasls not raohkiit tar joer words u lellinr what yoacanoo sonic other time the present tor doiej what t batore yon atu wiiuii eruo bite irw ifta- dkrrt pixtouncr tbcntillkiagon lite fat of thh earth or the teeth tad breth icett stmplet a btuafclt fast icin established fact that llagjardi reeloml balsam is the best cure for ooughe colds fore throat aslnova croup btorcattn and all troubles arising fuovai neglected colds irlco ii cent at emma ti3 f i lot aseluf and i could xot slop i heard of a box ko standing oi the top cf a bill cud bis father eutrrling hill way down and ihetather eaiwj to bi boy lie ran down but did not stop where bia father wm but went to the beltnm of thfe bill his father said why did yoo not come to me when i called yoo f he said oh father i got agoing and i could not stop take care lest yoo hare to sav i got agoing and i could not atop i wilt tell yoo what happened there was a young man only twenty years of age and he waa lying in jail he had killed a man and he was going to be buns he had been a sunday scoc bor and his teacher went to 6e htm in prison he had to go through a icde dirk passage and presently he came into the miserable cell- it was a beautiful day everything wss lovely outside the birds were siuginr the tun was shining and every thing as grten and beautiful 1 and tls ycung man only twenty yeare of aga wis lving in this dreadful cell going to be hung ani the gentleman fpcke to him kicdlr 1 he saut oh i aavso sorry to see you here the young man burst into tears and said all sir if i hid minded whit ur father nd mother said to ro if i hid attended to what you told me at jceool i should not now be here i eot into bad company i got to drink and one bad thing led to another bad thing and one day being half drank i killed a man and now air i am going to die tots l unhiprfily irh tgc ot skepticism hut lucre is oiio point upn which per- tons scqnintd with the subject ajree nstnelr ttiai dr thomas eclectric oil i a rnfilno which can relied upon lociire a cough- remove pain heil soies of various kinds and bontlil any inq-im- ed portion of the body to which it is spplied iveaa laaaaatd kowlo make ibcmmrent breathe with the mouth closed have access at all times to pure air exercise odfrately eatnourishinj hut simple food and lake that best of alleoujh remedies hagjurds pectoral balsim it fpeedilycureialunroalandlung troubles cf adults or children trice 25 cents per bottle ft i atvord to tue rojs ashamed of work bgts1 good hard honest work i then i am ashamrd of y aasmei that you knov so tiule about great men open your old roman history now and riad of giucioontus on tbo day when they wanted to uiske him dicu tor where did thfy find him 1 in the fitm plowing what abokt marcus punas who drove pyrrbus out of italy look bihi up yoajwill find him busy on his little farm the great cato you have snrely heard of him how he roee to all ile eoncrs of the roman state yet he was often seen at wori in his fields with the slavee scipio a ricanusj who conquered hannibal and won carthage foe rome was not aa aamed to labor on bis farm ldcretia jne of the noblest of ro man matrons might have been seen many a day spinning among her maid ens better erven than the example of noble romans is the advice of the wise man whatsoever thy hand findeth to do do it with thy might beuer than this eren are the beautiful new testament words not slothful in business fervent in spirit serving the lord j there 1 after this yon will feel asham ed notto work y- 0 a lifoostosav platwville out says i have mucn pleasure in recom mending prl thomas clctric oil from bavfugiuseqit mytelf and ijaviog sold it for some rime in my own case 1 will say forit it ia the best preparaiioa i haveerer tried for rbeumilc everyone s writing like everyones face doeri from every other and 10 help tnesej idioyneraaie the-bsr- lrook steel pen co provide a varied assortmentjof peps to suit every style of writing froti the fiueat ladies pen to the broad point engrossing pofb k b tleirj druggists cedar rap ids lojva iriles sve have never sold any medicine that girrt such satisfaotion- to the ooaiomer and pleasure to the seller as dr thomas iscleotrie ml we can refer you to numbers that have used it for xhpbtjieriai with entire aatiafaotion and success j 4 a ecu basis or pnnjlibitt merit appartpt tjo a cluad of wifneaaes upon whichthe popularityof jjrtbaaifla bclwtaio oil is founded tnroat and lunz cpmpl tints painorenflts stiffness aireiliagiv 1 urds and ailmems of various other trioda yield to the action of this peedf and aafe remedy natrar fellow ou u at the hesd of the list for all purposes or a familfenojicine it is used aitl unprcclemod aucccss both internally and eiteraally it cures sore throat burns scalds frost bites relieves and oilen cures as thtna e tmmeammmm hcyafse rigkhit fth i is still protint grl lueoni udiei pianlles and dolmani an motiiit oti hvly ru fr if tbtnooat prtom tatrt b bt gmi i nefc tor millinery which has been reduced to ab ut half us real value iunlu ciouii ck 11 kiqhr mluoioffasarmt hiaouoa afknibm htokftf un cunalni bought for cah from some of l is largest and bett notlmghaaa men tlitehaaot ibe tery lost prietifomn mkmf9m a lsiu itduotlon now an enormooi reduction in kid olorei tb ben quality orfouiptj fffmk d oiot in il sltmand fuhioobll iibwi foratjlyl26 re selling off now at 1 excellent 2bu toned kieneb kid gloveifduoedfrbmi todob twerkt quality of buttoned kij ifllowi umtj ij124 are s iling now at mo a very nioe 2but oned kid qloremaiked doirn from totbjob aw dt btmlloo yrt bet 8 jd 4taitned kidtowm irhfei from fianc lately and are selling off at iiry low prices udiei whrukidolotmra 2nd 4batumt efy obep lsrfiei ojef bae of 8boltobrt mm- oloves marked down from suoioo lii i ie jbultonad opera kid olovea reduoed ffom 1 lo soe fillki br been aerkeo low in nany oae ir below oost eicellntcootdorjttsltafflrhedtow vtrjffcw the bhlrulrom wtkh8h4rtfaeiory bve very uwgesale they ere fcr cheaper than iorntt udios and rente rtdtwfwarrv 3oyf uhdercwihlng of all kinds alwaye in stock d snade to older very ffbefp ballway hafi tmrktd down vew aheap new shirtlnp ad docks in thb week of superion value sheyiinieibd w4 tfaoa in alundanceat eieeed tally ljw prloesfotr 0c4 qualitiee there tee been trenjeoelew nm o cre tlds season they ore such bettrltilpiunti arid good qualities while the price are very low mw trmetwiimmtdjfin e eharts win tj hamilton feb 9h 188- 3oyf uhdercmhlsg of all kinds alwaye is stock aad blade to older very obefp hallway r low ladies black quilted skirts very oiean the blankets are still going off with a raab they are to very oheap newshirtlnp i a a i j j jt u ui daualiuee there lee been a tret all at the right howe on king ti good mind the name u thomas c watkins hamilton call at the kijrht howe on king street eaet eioee to bagi- son ireet where the verandah u don io purciaie ijo luppllei and youwul be pleeied wltb tbe good mjnd tie name t basyardt vellaw 01 will be found invalusble lor all purposes of a family medicine imniciiue relief will follow iis use it relieves pain cures cbilblajbriyit bilesrctlu burns coma rheumatism neuralgia ac fur internal ose it is oont the less wonder ful ore or two doies frequently cure sore throat it will sore droop in a few minutes a few bottles beaotien cured asthma colic has beta cured bya a- spoonful dose it cures with the utmost mpidij it hi really a wodderrurnjeai- cine a ptibue feting should be call ed of the clujeneof every eity town and village la um dominion to eonsidei what- ebonld bedone to prerent the bairfroin turning orey and rilling out if ibis isipbrtairt question received tueir earnest eoosdraliou they would unsni- monsly deads that icteoee had at last discovered something that would answer ihls purpose and furthermore would recommend cingalese hair kenewer as being this stnetblng lor restoring the hair tojlta naturil cdlor aid prevent iu lallingloit 50 cents per botlle at j e llcgarrins hdlwrmt oiidmcri and pitti diseases ofadvanced years the grand climacteric beiogpassej passes to old fle then the digestion becomes impiired the nervous system grows aeblejand the physical powers become enervated jcow arise congestion of the liver iiinfs or head lollowed by dropry asthma or apoplexy which frequently afflict and often destroy he agei as tna liver aaaaliyhecome torpid its activity may speedily be revived by rub bing holloways omtmet thoroughly over ihepitof thestomachandxlirhl tide at least twice a day and ukiogjhe pills at the same lime this treatment also disperses allother congestions by varying the part rubbed according to the ilitu- tioniofthe mischief- maltopiepsyn registered at ottawa an aetificial gastric juice this is not a paieit medicine wcrat remedyi the formula w printed on the label a uuhed to each ljlie i i ii a ltoveps ik curet thspepsis ic lireaticn loss f appetite intestinal an wsstinj disciscj conripation kauica chroni diarrhti cliolera infantum and mo sfinfiata ircublcs which generally arise trom ll stomach i 50 cents for 48 doses or ab0ut i cent per pose recur rlzl bottles containing ij on will dote measure attached 5a oontf for sil by all chemists ihroughonl the durrinioa i avcid taking liquids 6 icy sort more than i absolutely necessary to qoecch thinf a he excessive use cf liqyids- is the cause of half tie dfpqia m tha worldj miltopepij ii a powder agreeiblc aiii eaiily taken supplie 10 ih stomach the ctual gutric juicu prescribed by the leading physicians thrcrarfioct the dominion in their regular pru lice maltoppsyn is also used to 1 large extent ipccmu8 of nstukwuli received rboh phttlcuri wallack k s oct 4 1880 tke wtltopeptni wis firen in 1 markad a d diflrtwqg case of indifesticn with th mosl rapid pleutti and beneficial result- the maltopepsrc i bbtiineri from to a has harirc tried it in two old and rtt obstinate jhann n hospitals dispensaries and lnfinnjjei z wk3 mptofcvmrdi atmlove okt jan 20 18s0 far more than answered my antidpationi cies of indigestion i found it to act lika c hckenna m d i hae ufed ycur yaltcpepsyn fa levefe jdclts and diarrhaia of children and am so wel itmcted mv drutrist to keep a sspph oa band 1 after rrinf your maltopepsrn 1riaia lecotnmended i an well pleased wittfl wiv i atiilokc okt dec 30 t88o bme of my worst cases for which it wa wfcich it acts contince to make a poo irticle like that now in use ani it will beaijniie sal favorite r hamilton id d hazen morse ror sale by all j e mcqilrttn sups3oie5s mutaeaa bean barm i bad breath use ef ap- rrttte jandiee taaa ef memory 8wr guaaack uvw ceaii ptalntov say illness arising traca uie gf ack brwets or emaer- tber arstalt ntidsiduxiroqra la their acuoo rromltoe tfotken t hotaerit atclkers t t are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest bya sick child sufleringand r crying with the excruciating puin ot cutting teethl if so goat once aud get a bottle of srs winslows soothing syruptl wil relieve the poor little suflerr immediately depend upon it j theieju no mistake about ii there is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will cot tell you at once that it will regulate the boa els and give rest to the mother aod relief and health to the child operating like magic ic is perfectly safe to nse in all cases snd pleisknt to the taate and is tne pre scription ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nurse in the united states soldeverywaere at 2b eentsa bottle fbom brazil la serf compound its won- ffsriu affinity to the digtsthra ijipamtas antj the idver increas ing the dissolving juices teller- lg almost instantly the diedful results ofdyspepsi ind and the torpu liter makes zopesa an every day netassttyla arety house it acts gently and speedily in biliousness costlrqness sead- che slclceadichb distress bit tot eating wind on the stomach beartbum pstos in the 0ide and back want of appetite want ol energy low spirits foul biom ach it invigorates the llrer car ries off all surplus bile regulates thespvels andgins tone toth whole system cut this out and take it to youl druggist and get a 10 cent sample or a large bottle lor 75 cents una tallyotpxeuhierabcatit a v i a week in raor own town 6 oatfltfrae sorts everything new capital not required we wlufarnlab roneveryitilnttmanx are makltur forlanen ladles make a nnch at men and boys and etrla maie great ja eeader llron want a doblties at wjjtobyoocan mae great par all tbe uiofl yon worr write fqr particular to hj haixktt a coaportiand maine catibiur oxt jan mi cues- of indipeition and malcntritioui ploaasd with the results that i have ir t wreade m d y toronto druggists and aoton harness tet727z depot iartie requiring anything in harneaa or trunks to save money should ge to b brijeh acton lvx0alfc spavlv cle tre wl saf crtsfol eiy ever d1rnrcr- ed it li i eralb in us eotctr and doe hot biuter kcad paoorbrxow kendalls spavia oure extract from a letter written tot j grttr- llbvtdiutufthe ytitjctj a weetlj- veleu lrerof uiic- ny at an eneourkcement ujcstace tbt aivrtueinent olccndau spivlo onretttfl appeareu 10 roof pif iuuii u iaxt4 tlavrlj 1tijuaej li la all cat ts in and arouud aer ft bin kculev ert wtidtkr it itj a perrci iucr imon injarfd mlner yours f bicotilows trcean itlnt- haj jlta3ilkl kendalls spavin cure thousands ct trials on hnmaa flesh hss provea beontllidoublltihlkeaeuubpavla care his fufflcknl srenelh lo penetrate ald vlruie to cure ihe worpteasefnf rhecmallsm eornr bihiyenf froelbluoraoybrclseecut or umecess wuileh are rot aflscied in tbe tan- br ordinary atlnrents it dnes not blletar but on the contrary removes allsore- ness j kendalls spavin cure i bt johns piocur 1551 dr b j kendall co gents r have used your spavin cure wllb great sneeeas on spavin curb and spllnt i know k to be a good remedy tor rttignones bone spavins cats calls and all unas ofrfamnnesf many otmrmmcolissaboollhehorfe oneolmj- meri sttvalredlhiv ante very badly- i at- oiled kendalls spavin care and i aeversaw anvthlnerwork like li he was wejl in a few davs i krwu o beaxsodformanaawelt asbeaat i preented onaiscxinirtrtrailiaon thehorebymaluorecta i mint it was the means offaclncinealcood one horse tnat i trealed according lo the dtkctlona tlveulnyomtoikordpiaeea stifle omdrtlrolywityaisaoxi i3tx3 toijaxsa coxruj wici hactaisi yniow on u roana- teed la core cr tlicn citfacs ia kua er baast jirfit3matm csobp c6ifoki csufts 80etbx0jj jlsteju r jorjaj etc imtrtttniwrrie sbevxaxux attlbiurss swelluegs ooxtbjcxioxb bpllvs vroikjll callous luxfg stf jojxts iwfsx bra bsvisbs rjaksback pjs8xdxju ilrery bacskrmxlrfascvto prt ixtisc- tfltivhtatfieme nioi ajc 1 inlbtos j30 prosrietoii lm toroxto 0t m kendalls spavin cure tirtae upqall- efts u send address forlunbtriteclrcularrhlcfa think fives positive proof of tu ko reniedy has ever rael wliii saeh fipdsaccess tooar tnowlede for wellas man price 1 per bollleor six bottef for s am drorlttuhave it or can eel- it for yoo or it will be leqltoaoraildflefson receipt nfprtc htim b j kkioaurtl coositrjefllla vt- sold r7 all dkuggisti lyha7 boks 4 co monntreal p4 wfeolaeale kgtn ktew butcher shop w o robin90n woeffl mum tie to tneiwopie cr actoo that he hasttofeihedtlieavebtb6t8e late ly carried on by robenatoreyand that b hai always on hand a flrstclaairtoekoc ieua etc and bopjbyitrict ftuentinn to bqfineii lo tecur a air cfaarfof tbe plnwa6f tb prila kft part of tue town o terai osh l ou sclleit4d t ofcxsfa paoirrlt attisdcd to w c robinson uadgrtakers puniiturb dealers and waggon 3 a iarcrb undertaking we par particular attention to this department of oorbosfnese an4 a we have constantly on hand a large add varied stock of comna caaketa robes and dl fnneral requiaitaa we can suit every taste and the cironmatancea of a wlio require nything in this line all our goods are placed at very reason able ngoraa firstiua heana furnished when recrairac fbrssltwre in our cabinetnialdn department wa an pirpared for the spring demand parlor suitaa soiaa oentre tablea wbatnota bediteada ac w atfeat manalactorad by onnelvee from the beat material which will s raus bepairs executed promptly we have on baud a stock of firsvdasa lumber wagons and democrats be sold at tbe lowest poe- j a speight manager clearing sale at the mammoth house ex os ex row millinery mantles purs drees goods overcoats beadymade clothing flannels blankets e-em- nants of all mnas beig slangfhtered regardlese of coat noi8yonr chance to get bargains ai the stock fflut b 10u i suit room to sprlag impcrtttien black oauhmeres special bargains colored caahmerea great batetaina black colored silks at wonderftil low pricea we are offeririk a line of colored silks at 40c worth 65c we ora likewise selling- at great reductions for the spring trade 20 per cent lees than th6 usual prioee itints upbleachad cottonswnite oottona tick- mgo check shirtirure brows and drad duck denims cottonades the recall are sneh m4s la rke peeie reewlre at mee aadlrtkey call eat u key will set bjuse bajkgulig i paddetq f w iir he slaughtering for one month dnloh hemp car- wmurlsi i o i ptaiorl5cperyard a union for 25o worth 50c at pestry for 4soj worth bio par ordartd olothlne dpartmant is u an complete tad daily receiving new tdditienj of spring goods oor miltcnat is begirminj io trrivei we respectfully invite oor friends and the public generally to eall inspect and you will be constrained to buy mammoth house georgetown match 2 82 moleod anderson 4 00 otsesf sale board stables mill strut aoton it where yon easget firstclas bigs at remsnabufiatii good commercial rigs an express delivery wagon win meet each express train and deliver good if any part of the town i ailer the lit march i intend to do a strict cash buaineai only as credit will not pay for bone feed or repairs ed mat theirs r prqdrietojp a si er 10 an jjrn oanadian coal oil fok bale at fiaskafe remember the stakd sim of the lamp hill st actob geo havill aoton dec 22 81 wortn tlieirl weight in geld holloways pmsmmt i eitjimoiiurii ihasthelaf- entifarebpuatm it has the largest babti and loan- torn pant 11 kas cbe wealtbleit nrerchaau and mivnti- factart ltm the best medical fchooia itjuu the cfjief sebool of lav aod the riuavfc ajnerfeaa baataeac college is tbe great school of com mere tong hea most en to the great centre of trade to earn how busioeiu li done rupture plas sore core by an outward appa which will ciase the broken memnrt heal and bea me u fttrong as before tl cident no i ne need run the fearful r strangulation when a certain and core can be bid at a trifling cost of j treatment an 1 valuable information wale receipt of pnie by f li meemcswkfjuomisfdiseaa sold by cott out tbe above plaster vu diicqtered a nam i sua sat iitvsa uvw uusiucm ia uvur 1111 1 bumenta enter hie coiieje at any time i her of years ego by an old lady a resideo sendforelrcntar of oidenabars inference furnished if di tte secretory- sired 1 toronto aneat sure cars or diseases dis- 1 ailments of the kidneys bladder 7 8ecrettve system or attendant tt cansing pain in small of back i gravel catarrh of the bladder pes brighta disease diabetes ilea nervous debility etc eto lets and testimonials can be ob- juudom druggists free vkicjkchilds pad 160 cares bed- w1 regular gad 2 8pecial pad for m for3ter md aoton r4 j woods erin thoe eoston george- towim alext a peteie6uelph j fltair wiuoasliailacjteaababtax we retpecttnlly claim jour attention to the followinggoodt that we are bound to tell ta give ioea it impoeaible call to examine the eererel lines tod tea tee rednetiona we make itt ulsters and jaokets la fur sets muffa and gaps la winter dress goods in millinery hata and bjnnets naliprioe la wol olenda and- squaree el cmmtflhbflej lto and n voith doitke ftelaeiwraeowecibjruxwtwiielrao in wool siiavla decided barffaiae in blankets ve pff very olwap 1 1 r 1 we retptxa uhy tk a yiaat to intpeot 1 new q00mi0 oretonnee black cauierkwww baatroijixjisilk na net tie beautiful tad chftp wm m m the 0n will befoi holder tumort 8u cel 801 dieorden hemiyt street box and atjee lap hi nb no papj tkd o1 12 mof ko t con me the i th1s lkcojlpabablpjfmdkllse aeu ttatrti fori iix iaspemioils esse ttangaoatf ik world for lit aileriatmm a4 curtofaoiiiitkutmiotckiclihujnanitfuhfir the pills pnrify regulate aid improve tbequaty of the blood they aaaiat the dlgeativa- ogana cleniie tbe stoxich aad bowels tneretee the isorttory powert of- tha lifer brace the nervous system tad throw- into the circulation tie purest filementa for sustaining tad repairing the frame i thouatddi of persona have teatified thavby their nse alone they bare been ratbrel to sealth acd alrengtb alter every other meant had proved uauw oetaful m 1 invaluable in every house- i ieure of open soret hard owwaoaai 0eta7 throtta bronchitia and all tl the throat tna cheat at alto uonu kheummhm korolult tod yerj undqf skin duette mtnuraoiurea only tt ptofeator hov liablhvhmenv 531 oxtokj umdoand told tt la j jd l uta ma and btti taek- t tndih ctnadt m sseahlsv u5y oenta tnd the larger rtton vjirtn ttwi hate nji agehliji tte- j tee nor twiy iediefa v tomtlatai iuaeeretiuhtberef6sy look to the label on tbe pottandboxafc if the add eat it npt 5330ifrd8tjwt v london t iiry treapurioat v 1 lie the trt ie mark of my ttid kaibw are regittrd b lottawtv ael u10 at wathtogtan signed lbiimas hollowat- ui oxtoti libirwaiondoa afcaliui t