i i j neztoearioueuaodtuot i mm stmt lipbblllhttt evert taussdat mtrnino miur prrtelx r tn fan m fstntt4 t8mit arch txaia the fan pants wfi i be not to subscribers postage paid fcr ii 00 per n- nam in advance 1150 if not paid no paper discontinued till all trrea tn pud except at the option of thepuhl sher anvxanstsa rare duo advertise ments 8 oents per line for th i first inser tion ends oents per udo for sach tubse- joent insertion cash profess icmal cards 0 linei or lose m00 per annul i 1 square 1j line ti00 per annum p ivablc in 6 tnontht from date of iokraon any special kottoe the object of wbidh is to promote the pecuniary benefit of toy i iditidual or company to be considered a i advertise ment the number of lines t eckoned by the space occupied measured bra seal of solid konpareii v cnsteact ajeru one eolumu one xear flail eoloaau one year snarled eotomn one rear aeeolamnetamosruis hair eoloasa six months q garter oolumn iti months 0 eolumu three months haueoluae itireemootni quarteeeolama three months advertisements wiuxwupecll e will be maenad uutbrtldaed en irf ed edvertlteine ou inrtj transitory paid in advaon cbamree ibr eostractadvi be in the ocscie oy t a m on aloidi wise they wui be left over uu week h p moore i lmttor i ewtii a cot tfs najtice the canada adveiustnr ann j cj so oat 8u west toronto lj authorised so receive advertisements for thtsrapecv vt w bctghl a manarer 1100 8500 aoo sso0 tooo uoo xm 11 00 700 directions aeeord- unit be euls most lays other he tol lovlnc t proprietor rwiqprr ad- rssss wh lowby jlb 1l c p s e graduate of trinity college mem ber of coqegs of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fred erici str acton mfobsteb m d physician srtsres rrc ofpicis forsfcare djug store kexs doer to crtocksj saddlery j- ictot ost rxxtbixcx church street fermerly oecn pied by mr w heasteeet auctioneer -rrrr- i j o maxhesox attobketat uw licitct m cfiancery ac office next door to wallaces hotel hlltcn l- bkykfiti dektbt town ont j j george- tjfishenvv- ft oeobgetowx e out- vill visit acton eyery wednes- daf sad till attend to all cats pertaining to bis profeesian orders left at mcgarrins drugstore sill receive prooipt attention temis rnrtm j t i fkhek r w kiji nfrier iran tonadar if artilntst r siokgrrpws 1 machinery of etery deacription made to order on me shortest notice snd most reasonable terms bepairin promptly at- tended te listeb u clabk babeistzb qoebep street bsusck eftica u bui 111 mreer ac md qniai orzy xvm1 ilph udlm w hbhsxbsbt iiicensed auctioneer for the coimties of welhugtoa nd hltoc orders left at the fkxk puss office acton or it mj resideooe in acton will be promptly attended to i xeoffltb rriicr 1 also money to loan on tne mjostfarorable teeini andat the lowest rates of interest in sums ofs00 and apwarda si bed tetebutaet bue- xa geoh oeorgeainrm graduate of the ontario teteriaary college vill visit acton erary taesday rosn 1 toi pjn all calls received promptly attended to by night r day horses bougiif and sold on commission besidehoe west comer from livery stable qeargetoin out i ft- belt c ashfoesklkb- i am preparsd to pay the prrae far- hides calfsuat s and sheep skins delivered at lace leather constantly on hi ameshoo mcusckafh pole i srepa4dtoletcaiuetabet the de livery of tslearspb poles 100 sid op wards to lostratatiansoeaieattethheantract- ois j a o hhkkigg xcum omt ftubboaitdte abftu b th when yea tan cet an easy haircat a freurin khamp sea rasauilsfsw aopaini pain in tbaceabphahment of easors aad iseuean set in en shortest notioe 4 pohotu b ai8i jj jii thai alfori wood as c0 the laiaerlber to miepartjhto oauvar wood or coal inraitaar ities at repaired tg age aataasatlfl ttrmtll00 inadvane volume vil no 37 acton banking coy toftey ohriftii it 00 bankebs aetbt ontarle a dexeral bakkwq- busi ness transacted i sons notes discounted and interest allowed on depoelta watches 1 watches j tht nw ipait a mapofbuty ufaiti fluctuation and it yiut oonatrnt aoton ont thjrd ay maboh 16 1882 flour and feed 4 w iciaip in tenderitig hear- thanks to the people of acton and ricipfor their kind patronage in the past would respectfully in form them that he ha4coh- etantly on hand at his mill toot of jfill street a fuit stock of j flour oat meal corn meal buckwheat flour cracked wheat and chopped stuffe of all kinds anj- bf which he is prepared to desver dailj for oa you can set the best bargains ever offered in gueljih in lancaster watqhes waltham j elgin m svtisa cl0css at all prices -at- wm s smiits the watch and cloci house qf gnelph the lancaster has no equal for the money 7eu satroaaee u kindly talielted czden lti at my imidaso tui notita prompt ittdatioa b w nicklin actoo feb 9 1882 j hedieal hall 4 new stock of long gold chains with hudca made to order qoality guaranteed b savage watchmajcer gtjelph east bill butcher shop h marlatt bro desire to inform the citisens of acton sod vicinity that they osve decided to mska the butchering bosiaesi s permsnent oae snd cattomers patrcaiting tbem can rel yon being lop plied vita fruh meats all toe fear rennd ita call solicited h maslatt k beo jr m forster oale8hen wanted to beein work st once on bales for fall of 1883 for tie fohthixl ktrseedes the largest in oanaoa ezid ownctj- brsnch offices tonojto oxr montreal pq k st pad minn nurseries forrthill ontario we can start in addition to oar alresdv lanje fpree- 100 additional oibmm snd wsntmore who can give full time to the fastness steady employment and nood sslsries to snccessfnl ineo it does not mat ter what vonr previoas occopstion bai been if yon sre willing to jirorkyow saocesi is almost certain the bast of references re- slsnktwxlijngtoy nnrssrvinen toronto ont a i ocean 8hell8 ik oards name h on 10c agents outfit 24c geo h hnntjery csty kv usa soceaasor to t v chapmsn bt oeobes sqnare floelph acoomrtsootaof stllsiwls made to order at ents srcurcd i invrsik- hem grist ottava grafs specific kbicin th great xnsilsh baedt aaaaralllmcnrefbrfleiiiinal weakneu spennatortda impodctt and all xjueasec tbat folloir u a lequence of lfmom lcu of mem ory dnl ireraal lataltudepaln id the back dlmnehof vi- ion prematare old aje and befbn tlune min other dlteaset that pw torieadtoinaanityoroonaamii oioa tfailpucaurln or pamphlet wfatch w de- ijretoseod me by mall to every one ay the 8peldo medicinrisfcold bj all drr- fiit at f l00 per package or lix paekage for 6 or will be fern free by mall on rt- cipt of the money bj ad- drenloc tju on hftdlcliifl 0o 4fker taking toronto otrtx3anada bold by j e kcgarvin wrnnlst acton a ltctpbe to jorhc hejf a ike lees ef jhkw wehsvereeedtljpnbjiahedsnew lm edition of ax wverweiri ceie- bk feiate eaasr on tne radical and clmzmm permanent ear sftihoat edi- clae of nervoas debility uenu land physic al incapaeltrlmpedlioents orslittiagr etc resnltlncfnnaexoess as oripostajestaaipj tie essay seqaenoes may 6e radlriily cored tbe danxerons ess of internal medldnesor the nse of lb knuti polnunf oat a mode of one at one simple certain snd bteouial by r of wbleb avery snnererno matter whflt bis condition may oe easy enrahljnseil eneipvi prljratety aasf radlcaby this leetara sboom tret yontb fend evsrr man address the cnlrerweu medlieal co i ajultgay tartc i inue hands ol mn belaud fostoffiee box as m lj look here 1 if yon want 190 neiirt pop nlar sbox send 10 eenta to wit j flatxkj fiassagaweja hilton out mention thai paper house lot fioa 8 lev mxqm tjie tmdartlf ned ofltn splendid stbedtrtning ool stone bboiw sublaandijwp and wft witter e terms bmonab tatba flftbof i splendid itheprem- jtt tiu 4 w the free press thcrjoay mi bkiito march 16 1882 pumimr the tired hire lies an ok tired for she lived in hiied her last words friends isn where washing nor miring and ertrjr thmj wishes for where the of dishes ill be where womans epitaph woman who always wu a boose where help wssn t loqd ringing j bat baring no ing dont monrn for me ever for im going ever there will be just to my dont eat theres no wishing anthems will always be oe 111 be rid of the sing- me now dont mocro for do nothing foisver and our srojtr her yes she li drew confound it andrew 1 prav excu too have no idea to your fsther forter o his con ivoifaolmmm j whoieno 369 on earth were boar going aint done nor o horning choice coming tomorrow an- me tqolber bat really how much i dread the ar rival of this yoaig lady i had planned i to enjoy this samm sr and it teems a pity to be denied the en loymenl andrew k id his mother with a tone af voice full of orphan lhe mother of our expected gn at baa been a true friend well as s faithful com panion in life hence if she wished her i laughter to visit us for tbe restoration of i a health we should wel come her kindly ah yes to t mother we mea regard from what you women do besides i had planned to enjoy fishing snd boating daring i ly vacation and what can a lady all the time at his heels i bat i say mother is this miss nettie chester g ood looking you know we men admire scanty she was cal ed a beauty from a child i have not seer her ilnce replied mis carpenter qaiei ly however andrew you will not be renbled with the care of tills young lady i wlo ask austin to as same bat great responsibility austin t and andrew laughed alsud at the bare thought of aust n his farmbred bralher playing the agi enable te an heiress like nellie chester beg pardon mother but really i coold sot help anulin for austin is so very bssmnl and we men cannot put up with that you know by the way my brother ought to go to he city with me he is jjnit good for no hing moping here on the fern i could no spare both my lads at once replied ira carpenter tenderly yet half rebukin iy as the saoey eyes again looked into bers and nodding syly the handsome face took its departuj e weu austi i what does she look like eh 1 you went to the station for her did fou not r austin carpenter rose from his seat nn ier the old appl tree and threw aside his book as his brotl er spoke while a bright 9nsh mounted u hit brow fo no he stammered hurriedly that is father rem father well well that is good why austin what s olt yon are i but andrei r i am not myself when in lsdies society yen know said austin andrew smllek at he stuck one of the apple blossoms ipto hit button bole come on austin let ut go and re ceive the criticiins of thlt fair lady what sfraid i no ni she is only a woman afteiao miss chester rose gracefully as the two brothers came in andrew cool and col lected austin painfully shy with hit tall awkward ugarennd pale face and receiv ed their greeting kindly do ah it this austin t you and i trust that we friends fori have heard ly and studied harder than ever white u the ibynets wore away many an hour found kettle chester beside him helping rv ie la part hat mr h wu a retired manufacturer and and encouraging bta until he grew at last i possessed of oonsidersblit fortune he alto to look upon her at a friend interested in i had a daughter 19 yean of age of great hit welfare and quietly said when pot upon by his handsome brother dont be jealous andrew i am only a poor farmer after all and you are a gentle man you know yes andrew knew it to be just to and at he sauntered towards the great yard on the look out for their gay guests he could not help casting one ray of pjttjjp hit rough shy brother oh mr carpenter 1 take care please i i am toting my bold 1 there they go i oh dear me 1 what have i done i andrew brushed the sticky egg sheik jrith their tticky contents from his eyes nd idouzed moustache and then looked op the udder from whence the sound pro ceeded straight into the teasing face of mitt nettle and a ahade of annoyance crept over hit in a moment more a slight form bound ed to his tide and a pair of toft bands wrung over the broken eggs lying upon the floor oh dear those tegs 1 what will your mother say t andrews voice was a little spiteful i dont think the will nwarn the eggs much hiss chester my coat hat suffered the moat nettie baked up quickly then the solemn figure before her prov ed too much far her gravity and the laughed as if the really enjoyed it oh deaf how funny you do look it it all over your hair eyes and ears i dear me 1 pray excuse me but really i cannot help it oh those eggs t andrew heartily wished he might stop that roguish mouth somehow or hide from those tantalising eyes watching hit every movement yet that was impossible so bowing inss dignified a manner u he wu able he turn ed on his heel and walked away matter ing confound it if i didnt love her bo much i wouldnt eare while the laugh of nettie followed him that night mist chester came to beg hit pardon which she did very prettily stand ing where the moonbeams fall just across her dimpled mouth and after aha had concluded andrew carpenter told hit love for her and begged her to than her life with him but something changed nettie cheater just then the light hearted child went away and a woman full of sweet sympathy took her place while she told him that full three hourt ago the had confided her heart to one shy but noble and that the could be bat t friend to him nothing more an drew carpenter took borne bit first bitter lesson tbea folded the hand on hit arm more closely who has won you t he juked austin the answered andrew carpenter etarted and wonder ed at her choice bat when the yean tolling by showed that brother to be a riling merchant he no longer wondered bat felt a deeper lore for the gentle woman who overlooked bis faults to kindly and who never alluded to tie mny boastful sayings which had to often escaped his lips howdojre am glad to i shall soon be i muck about yo austin fcloshi thing u tbe littl hit then retreata 8bewui stammered ont some- hand laid itself within bthlndhil elder brother ly tevknteen as pretty at a pint with hen brawn eyas ted lips eint d gold end as fragile u a her white open brow and i now fingering tbechain hair of enowawp trti soft dainty at her belt andre r of the young gli the summer at tathctirkedthetoota who had ebme to honsty after all he jwas rather glad the come to spend tie summer bat to tell truth mill nuiaareved s troubletoaw andrew anon his seat aad tiitior to the sugar wati salt hie coffe his privet j itriaar auppatrnal he clean i edij ebartt andi were dieplaoed rapflewybara upon the bed were she oosjinot keepai iisir juto lanastejaleokadmi off with a ssandjomer mata a puriington man recently wedded a young wife the lady became enthused over will carletont tale of the elopement of a handsome young woman with a hand somer man and determined to try the same thing herself she wrote a heat lit tie note stating that she had left home with a gentleman whom the had dearly loved be fore the had met her husband and that he need not trouble himself to look for them then the called in her younger brother and went calling wttb him arranging to return and hide where toe could witness her liege lords dismay when he came to read of iter flight 8i13 from herplace of opnoealment taw him enter taw htm look all around en surprise at bet absence and finally saw him discover the nate he opened and read it while her heart beat high with excitement in anticipation bf the breaking out iahe ex pected to hear j the poor fallow a niehod the omel mis sive ton it up and brew the fragments on the floor and then without a moment warning drew a revolvet and fired point blank at his breast anil fell without a sign of life to the cataet ith ia tamfled scream the woman wai at air kuaaudt side in a moment lifting hit head rolling him thakinghun aadasasai fori mood til the tone alnlouni to tor waasm to- tpeak toher tarbrgirahar to br look atjier wmiani kotioak boweiefi and the nbborb aioatedby tjmabot and ecjajmeain flocking inlaarhof the exehetneat when anoiienly tkaaw acorew mowbadgaibered theidaeil bah leaped np front vjgsbb aiwellaaevetvat whthe wifelaint4awiy fnc ririd however jrw it sb ont tbfwith r naing toajb- fkadial ktotntn she ub tbu personal ittraetlona whatwonder then that the ebould have made many a young fellowt heart beat quickefi who trisdl to gain her firgia affeetiont t but papa m took careiof hit treasure u if she were the pupil of tils eye and many were the un happy mjrtali who left his hospitable table never to return plenty of time said he right one comet and 1 ap- right one bad come long ago didnt know it and he had come to of a young engineer who f or- boslnett transactions with papa oang people had sera each other and a kind pi understanding bad been come to j yea and tbe affection was deep enough to last even whin mr m retired from trade and the young gallant bad no farther txenae far coming on bosineas therewakaaacualan of dark daya but love it inventive and in this instanoe alto proved fojbe to mr mwu intha habit of visiting twice hit hair have lna beard and wig looked after and on this fact love bnllt hit structure oae of the young assistants wu taken into confmence and conteqnently considerable attention wu paid by the young man to mr ml hat receiving it on hit entering giving it s careful brash and banding it back on de parture and in this wins poor dear papa became onconjiciobjly of course tbe pos tilion damour between his daughter and herawaitt thus jthings contined for four long months but the best silk bat hit be ever to carefully brushed wanta an iron now and agsis mr ms hst wu several yean old- and just about christmas it wanted ironing badly so mr m instead of pro ceeding te the hairdrcsaeri u usual went to hit titters and presented hit hat for renovation mr hitter uyt after inspecting it is this hat toe huge far you i no why do yoa uk j because yon put paper inside paper 1 paper 1 not i hewdoetitget there i wonder j not ldiig did he wonder for on carefully unfolding the paper he read bont be downhearted dear edward my father it good and generous of beant let us speak openly j him of our leys he will not sty no if we promise to make his old age happy on my knee i will confess my love to him beside our correspondence thmoontibna i weald aotebange tail happy i forall tba aaitn aalla prondly 11a i weald notojsaajge aiy nqnildji h for kingly ranl or aoatoly ah i woold net efaauga ay hoabandj kove forall that earth can give of 1 me nor barter bit afprovinc irnoa towrutuahaloarmadbyisal i woold aat alungeoy emldt aw jetajaac forall tba loys asrth a wealth e inld gain noreaaagethaearulsbllmlfte forall ambitioo aright obtain may he who aavaase thsse gpod gifts seed dowa mia bleasibg of eont tot t preserve my treasured ones in ha ilth or give ut strength if lis be h it wortu ef wimub a cheerful face is tha sunlight of fun hoaaebold ai any one it more wise be b sure soaring of bis censures a good book it a man truest friend and beat companion j the proof of a strong wifl is itf graeefj surrender on proper occasions if one has faith it wul make itself evi dent fsithgivaociirtgetowohcintaci a way u to tneceed j as beethovejentranced a world wlti svmphoniea be could net bear ai may wo malte otbera happy tliongh- niissfable onr- teltei i are floating to eternity ob the cur rebi of humanity beat though woohl we raise oursejvett thea we mutt raise the current ji imnt let the dutleaof today te over to be fnlfilted mmtew a bfe h re s boa- oeat t carried on taeh ptinciuita will resuu la utter failure i of iteelf nothing it of any worth oriai pttiaaoe man is no exbeptloot be rule- he matt be wsefal toetiera or t iare is as occasion te const him dont be afraid of loving people nomnch or of throwlngaway too much iniiii it is just such thlags the world ttaqds in need of and they bare tba adi antago ef enriching the giver lenny youre a pig said a krmer re hit km who was five years old do you know what a pig is yet father answered lenny a hogs little bvf now lennrt rapigia natienaii trkjddices tas- qdisbeb the trinmplu oi a nt dli- eorery the aoagnetic influence of gold at- traets hhe psbpie oi ovary dii i to our shores hen of all nations a id apeak ing au the languages of civiliaiilion re to bai found congregatei en ofur aurif erous pliimi diffiring in all other thing in their customs babjta aud religion yet there ia one point opou wbiob their opinions ooincide eug- liahnienand amerioant french sattaj geroians swedes italians and chinese admit without a dissenting vptoe that the great remediea tatrodaeejd to the world tertj yean ago by profeasqr holloway the discininiished pharma- iov 10 mm ueaue cor correepoouence 1 i v cannot last much longet the continued oojt1i fcetier adapted to the cure brushing has so worn papas bat that i fear dujeaeeex in this climate than any from day w day that he trill hare to have other brefiraliona in eilstenoe this it done up etc mr mis hat having been refreshed he went u usual to his halrdreeeers having previoutw carcfullf replaced the letter in thejtaloon be kept a steady though covered lookout on the officious young as sistant and found his surmises correct tbe operations finished he gravely re ceived bk hat handed the aaalstantu usual nil fee and departed before retarning home however betook occasion lo inspect his hat and extracted and read k missive from no other than tbe engineer i among other things the young man swore that not a penny did be waatof his lovetjfather bit position thank good ness brought him more thaa sufficient to live happy and comfortable well said papa be teoma to be an honestly dlspoaed young man and if etc for totne time he allowed the eerrespond- enoe to goon reading regularly and watahr fully the letten from both sides unknown to them of course until one day when tbe letten had been particularly desponding and good he pat an enfl to it and made them happy u may be seen by the oardt teat to all whom it migbt huoioroiu the man it it all up with the aeronaut j when is a oertain land of lemonade like woodstove t when there it a slick in it i- j i the potato is a susceptible vegetable it is constantly getting auahei if it takes tea rnols te make a oentwhere are taeprootaioabjtelof flonrf v td lama at apropsaal said tbe uvely miss lottie lottie jay dear remon- etaatcd her tnotkec cemeiaber this ia not leap year a r breakfast caps for latest iashtin and able yoang jadies are tut hit wtfei rebelled awiost bsimj cook and said iff he didnt get tome help he oenld get hi wn meal she bad stewed that kind of a thing u j oag as the intended tolha htdieii are he fashion latest at break- herlt rould b of right be mpooitilay itqdve akth babtbel rndjania owed a large annt te iataal a m te budwd aavj tte other profaiali appears in fact to be tbe explerieneeof mankind in ah parta of the world and herlc tbe bmiveteei pejmjaritjj of these mbdicinea we oonabaec iaewever i that the bouekueaaqoosdenoedaooaib tiieir efficacy by the reprcaartativea of many nations at the aiinea it a strijting phenomenon in mediraj riiatorr many of then people a their youth and even at maturity were aoeoatomed to tile has of drnga and noautuni peooliar to their aoveral ooantriea these remediea were oonneoted in tbetr aundi with associations of home and fat- domed as it were by thettji national prejudtoea yet they have beep thrown aaide and utterly repndjiati d while hollowayt pills and ointn ant han been adopted by a common impolaa throughont the entire mid regiona there ia only one way p a counting for this movement it bm result of oonvionbnooovktion grou rded m personal observation and exjx rienoe the ointmeftt ia uaed iii eacll wooderfal npeeai at a dre fcg for wounds ulcere and aore leg and far all tbe extemal dtteaaea and aanaliiwa to whioh the adveaturoai go d tmnter iapeoaliariy liable that aiircely a diggera tent can be found y ithin tbe vast area oi tbe gold fierda niiprowided with aitocaof tbiallealinii aootbfag cpoliog prtnarahoa the rd fare of tbe digger aod aometunea t a habits tend to vitiate the blood an i deyeiop tuimio res and porulont ulceraiof the body and liraba bad gi eiqtpcial- and aonjrjy erere wih t e jiti m ibdigorjl- llireratoe lea of tlii tttuarj tabr 1 be jji melhodvai toling aore iegr snd and oioen pibyh bni ribuig m m