Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1882, p. 2

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the fke tttriudat mount to jmarch it 1881 press jwhue eubscri ptions other pytoenta have been tmich morp prompt ikring tlie past your tbjete is still room for consider able iraprovemqit we therefore respectfully request nil our sub- svjribera and customers to remit ttieir subscript m and other ac- countas sooa is possible this mppth jthose who ar indebted for ad vertising and j sb work are also requested to ren lit promptly hp moore fi eb press office ontario l euislatl re close ot i he session torotrro mutli 10 the rgiut ivja assembly oet this da at 3 oclock hon john- bever y robinson lieut governor proeee led in state to tb chamber of the legislative assembly aid took his beat antherthrone tb cserk assistant tfcsn read the titles of ike bills thathac passed after which the lieut ootei nor delivered bis closing speech ani prorogued tarlia menu land cmbli te in manitoba storiea of forunes made without work by speeulatira in western lands are exirejnelydetuiirelbring to the young men ot canada who will be inseosibh led to feel lhat sharpness u infinitely j aire valuable than diligence such condition of things breeds a generation of unprincipled tdventnrers money made by a ortonate speculation ij little more crediiabtejiand we believe is fraught with liltlii mortf teal happiness thin what is act aired by ft fbrtadate jhrow of the dice land gamblers are still baying at b gh prices often with o belief that lb property wilt main tain the price tb y are paying bat in je hope lhat trey will be able to mnload at an advance to somebody nvrt daring than themselves wlwiti torn hopes thal tome one else maybe the loser when the expected crash rith this fever there leal of excess at win money las been thrown about ly a nan gives a fifty dollar a drink it hotel arid wants r po change but i rinxs for the crowd fire in winnipeg several business placet com pletely destroyed not so bad 4s reported wtssirwj match 13 8bartly after midnight a fire was discovered til mo eueany fc curfaus rocervstore no 225 main blreot situated on tho west side between graham street and port ego avenucj the space between the sun newspaper office and the bunk of montreal was noon swept over main street wai completely littered with goods abutii g0000 to 75000 worth ot iruietly was destroyed the bank of montreal slid he canada pacific railroad tjkcea were gutted and the brick walls alone saved the build ings from complete destruction the principal sufferers are meaart mc eneauy cnrrau grocers m h ralle confectioner a s e npey pnts furnishings jllargravo grocer nnon rj- bet photographers e tffe dry goods geo frankfurter dry roods j zinkta ij co boots and shots among otheu burnt out are a mcfaruue w hunter j adicms i sjh mrs wolf luries printers mrs whitman the rase of the firs was a defective flue in the grocery where it suried two firemen narrowly escaped with their lives there wits a rjimor that mm gurran an elderly udy was burned to jdeath it proved untrue however i luae or guiding lino fur the survey o all the sidelines to tho nsrtb mt of it bs it therefore resolved thai this ootinoil petition hisuonor the lieut- governor to have a survey made ef the said check line and hare diuablt monument erected at the angles of aid line with the several concession lines throughout the township car ried moved by mr graham seconded by mr warren that the sum of seventeen dollars and thirtythree ceiila bo paid to neil mcculuuj for four sheep killed by dugs being two thirds vtlue of such sheep carried moved by mr wartcn seconded by mr eiliott tlmt the treiuurer pay to mr ii p moore sixteen dollars und seventy five cents for printing 250 copies of the audited accounts also filly cents for notices of sale of timber oli the 5h line carried the council then adjourned to meet as a court ol revision on saturday tbe 3rd of june 300d goods for 8 haslett de 4ter in staple dry go s frnd 0 leneral groceries c haajost opened a stock ot goods very soluble for i ha presbnt trade ladiu coxiiitiso or- wkile silk handktrchiei and bcari xinu silk handkerchiei in all bhadu iitrlin yool and fingtrinij turn in fancy uoniton and point braidt a nice juortmint black spantih and crtam lacti affcfft for the ooltthtel liquor t oo a htniss no ul tiluut velum woioatatcxr7puxeimaiojthweoua4ioii g hatlbtt i comes along his been a vast nipegr reckless billfor even religious xxfics which hadpur- 1- chased land hai e been forced by the rapiditt of grow h to speculate in spite bl themselves si fling one lot which ha vcomo too cent at and buying another and repeating tl e process the sooner this dangerous condition of things icome to its nee ssary end the better j aeton tillage council the village einneil met in the coan- cil chamber an tuesday evening pur snant to adjot rnment present mr c s smith reeve in the chair merars d d chriitie m speight and d w j campbell j ifc paal tai vis the new conncillor i elect having si escribed to the declara j tions of quilifit ation and of office took j his seat j j moved by it speight seconded by id w campbell that hrjarvis be appointed on he finance committee carrisd the finance committee presented their fourth re iort recommending pay- men t of the fo lowing accounts jbpearsoo i aila for 1881 334 j e mcgarnnj wiot booki 815 225 h p moore prii ting elect potten l tl report rece ved and adopted 137t on motion the council adjourned kefokh meeting a meeting f the eeformers of acton and vicinity was held in matthews hull on the evening of the 10th inst for the purpote of organizing a branch r form assoaiatioo a fair represent ation of the adherents of the party were present the meeting was ad dnssed by jr robertson m p p for the count j who gave an excellent review of p oviniial and djminion sffiics the followiog officers ere elected fof t le current year i dr m- porster pro idem r r hae becns- urytreasunr colonel allan 1st vice preside it asa hall 2nd vice jarcya news fmx oar own wn another of our old residents has pissed away mr w mecurdy was cjkd away very suddenly on sunday nuht the 12th inou after a severe attack of cramp- in the stomach the upiisr route of the gaelph and barlington mail service has changed hands tie person that u attending to it at present is mr j carter ned esqaesins township council the council met at stewarttowu saturday 11th march putsuant to adjournment th reeve in the chair members j present messrs graham warren aadcook mr stephen elliott having made tbe declarations of qualification and of office took his seat the minutes of last meeting were then tead jand confirmed a communication from the county cletk relating to the rate to be levied fir the credit valley railway as reduced by the conaly cooed to the snm of 144525 was read also an accoant from wm mcclure esq amounting to 2000 for damages to his buggy in paisinjj over a defective highway also a series of questions from a committee of the house of commons to whom was referred the bill for con stituting a court of railway com missioners for canada and to amend tbe consolidated railway act of 1879 moved by mr warren seconded by mr graham that leave be granted to introduce a bylaw to appoint overseers of highways and that said bylaw be read a first time carried moved by mr elliott seconded by mr warren that the sum of eighteen dollars be paid to mr william mclute for damages to bis buggy opposite lot xo 24 10th line carried stoved by mr cook seconded by mr graham that sixty doll granted for repair of roadrfots 24 and 25 10th line kpgfixa payment for a portionjattand to widen said load from messn wm mcclnre and thomas mujlenj and that messrs wm mc clure and wui hoare be appointed commissioners to expend the same carried moved by mr graham seconded by mr elliott that the bylaw to appoint overseers of highways for the township of eiqnesing be ndw read a second and third times and psssed carried moved bv mr warren seconded by mr cook that john brown be paid the sum of three dollars and thirty three cents being twothirds value of one sheep killed by dogs carried moii ed by mr graham seconded by mr wnrrenj that the sum of ten dollarsbepaid to christopher b rut ledge j for three sheep killed by dogs also ionr dollars to qeo lyons fot one sheep killed by dogs being the twottiirds value thereof carried moved by mr elliott seconded hy mr cook that mr ninons aoconnt viz jtwenty dollars for overseeing the president iulutions action of the reference to the hon s 0jhon vt the close of theuueeting ere passed endorsing tbe provincial government in the bonpdart airard snrf s reams bill erpressingoonfidencn blake as leader of the in the commons and dj robtrtaoti for bit noel mcgarvins sad fatal accident john scott killed on the grand trunk railway whiskey thb cause a aad fatal accideut occurred on the g t railaay about half a mile cut of this village last night resulting in the death of me john sotl a farmer who has lived on lot 24 con 4 esquesing for many years past deceased bsd left the village late in the evening un der the influence of liquor and pro ceeded down the railroad track towards home and it is supposed lhat being overcome with the effects of the liquor he laid duwn on the hack and a west ern bound train ttiiking him in the head fractured his skull killing him ioolanlly tbe body was found by mi r elliott as he was on his wao work at toltons mill about 630 ibis morning he must have been killed eiveral hours before mr elliott fuuud him as the blood from the wound had frozen in icicles about the head de ceased was about 50 years of age and leaves a wife and faintly tbe tauiily have the sympathy of the eutire com tnunity in ibeir heavy affliction colon ma2stitoba ktokfbee pee88 treatise on the o fanners thons- now is the time to subenbe for the and secure a copy of dr b j kendalls horse the book is a very valuable one ids who have seen it commend it and ma jy good horsemen hive extolled it in the highest of terms even stating that they preferred it to books wlmh cost five to 10 bfc read by everybody aa it teaches humane it has a tendency to elevate tho morali by reminding all tval a mtrriful man is mtraful to hii heart sene us 100 and seceive the free phjess for a year and copy of the above work address hpmoore fbee press navrjtt it is commonly mid tbat yon cannot mats ah honest man believe that white is black and vies versa bat those who hategrer hair by osmgthe clsotlkse haisj resswkewin find that this ap parent difficulty ii easily overcome for aale by j e mcgarvln 60 oents per botl h up boots fob sale business brevities poor house and one dollar ond forty- six cents taxes be could not collect be paid by the treasurer carried j mo ed by mr warred seconded by mr elliott that whereas the poets and other maiks of the original survey pf the ci eck line of this township are by the la so bf time fast duappearint and it is of ptal importance that the otigjn- al coiirajatiand beanugsol the obefck be preserved as it i tiht i j j store ftir hats from 75 auttw 25c at j fyfes a good felt hit for 75 cents at 1 fyfes i ladies mantles newest styles at christie henderson 4 co if you want a nobby durable and coeap suit j fytea is the jilace to go scotch soglish and canadian saiticcs in ret variety at the eaat end clothiiiistore j fyfe actua maxtle osxakexts mantle cloths silk and stin trimmings at christie henderson cpi rare valae suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see them j fyie acton wiscets competent judges pro- npunce our 12jc wincey extraordinary value exaiuitu it compare it sod you willbe sure to buy it wincey from 5c up at christie henderson k cor mantles cbrtslie henderson 4 cos stock of ladies light and dalk mantles just received these goods are from the best makers and comprise a full range of prices tbey will be sold cheap mcquillan hamilton of the welling ton marble works gticlph ont are doine the largest- retail iarble trade io ont off tog to the ict that they do the befit work and sell the cheapest the pahlie ire warn ed azaitut deaho with seootid hand trade peddfer hut should gq direct to tbe brm or hay from their agents see that the name mcquillan t hamtitoo is on the priated form before yoa sign or order faxci- wool goods christie henderson d co have pjceived and ill oiien io a few days an immense stock of all kinds of fancy wool goods comprising knit shawls clouds etc etc all of tbe latest designs and shades these goods sre extremely handsome and will be sold at very closest prices the eleetrle lift superceding as it aoea all other modes of illumination and rivalled only by the glorious sunshine will not be held with greater joy by mankind than is burdock rlood bitters which is as far superior fo all other blood purifiers and tonics as the electric light is superior to the old fash ioned tallow dip burdock blood bitten cures scrofula and all foul humors and impurities of the blood corns corns tender corns painful corns soltobrni breeding c rnfhard corns corns of all kinds and of all sizes are alike removed in a few days by the use of puriuma piixless cobb eitaictpe never lads to cure never ca uaeo pain never leaves deep spots thai are more annoying than the original discomfort give f rlnams painless cm extrsoior a trial tvrare of subsutules bold by druggtsu every where j i j bmoicdifi pilli and ointment bilious aflqetiotik with all their concomi tant annpyances inluo d bv atmospbeno changes qr too itberaj diet should be i atoooeu or serioustodseqienoea ruay ensue when any one nils his a larjte quantity of rood hop rodts for sale cheap apply to j e mogaevin drturtrifit acton itrable village prop- kbtjrok alcl tl tat property on west main street lot cio 2 io tbe village of actoa onefifth o an acre oo the premises is erected a liratlu twostory roaah cwt dwelling conlainiot eight rooms soft water cistern hare water convenient commodious stable and a workshop the property is a very desirable one and will be sold at a very rannabla price for cash for farther par ticulars applv to h p moore faaa paxsa ontcr acton or to wit ovxetoh mil iar on ont the best- temperance song rrilisbtb oh papa dont go to the barroom torvight b robert p joyoe bronf rce te ckxn it will be sent to any member ot any tetipcrauce organiiition sending through the r secretary lor 10c provided the bal ano lot tie paid into the trtaanry of sac i organization to be devoted to the fond for the proper enfprcementof the scott act on era to he delivered to r p joyce bot 39 bronte ont for sals in acton at the office of tho faia paas q y a l 0 a insurance company hbe ad ufl ofpital tn llilllen dollars ijabflity of bhareholders unlimited fuids invested 23000090 annual in coi io 5000000 invested in canada ior protection ot canadian policy holdera sfli 0000 the royal insurance company ha i the largest surplus of any tire insor- an company in the world ill kinds of property country and town sol icited also money to loan d mcleuian esq hamilton aa- secokd sr agont agent acton w ivlh malt vecetable rreokles th skin soft trndlnnsfot of hlr ombi drrw luckmln c 12 barclay all dollars it should principles omcb acton ontario ill buy ob sell the nudersiied ia prepared to parchaie any quantity of elm er birch stave bolta basawood for leading aud pine cedar ot black aah for s imgles in the log or bolts -wj- agnodstocl of ahingles and bead ing alwaya on land thos c mo0be pimples p th recipe for aimpu b dm that will retoore tma plkpiea and blotebea leavim i car a4 beaniail ato in 1 rodaclnjihelaibrlpbtftowui id btarf or snootb fact adf ekbortt of youth a genllemob who qoerei tor yan from kerrrtji debility prmatdre ly nd all i lie effeeia ot ruauhol indlsceuon till for th wikeoi yfierif bamatmy aeml tree t ail who need ji tb renelpt aod direction tar mtklnf he imple imrdy ly which be wai enrfd hoflenjrs wiabug to ireflt by he na vertlrif cireiicnoaean dotobyaddreaalof in rrrrxri0di r jons b mvtx a cedar st weir tori 6uelph cloth hall gchfh march 1st 1882 owing to the departure qf mr marten for the hortlwest a change has been made or toq cheeked at on oe or seribustodseqienoea may ensue when any one jinns his idess less clear than nsnal bis eyesight dimmed aud uheaddiiyaccompanled by a disipounatjon for all exertion jby- 1ad or rflental ho may be quita sure that be is in immediate need of some alterative medfcme tet him at qbee send for s hoij tit holloways pills a mild oonre ofi whir will removjbthe symptoms anrjapeedtlytenewhu oiioal healthjr ieelingj jf tbe bowels be irri table hollowas ointment shonld be diligently jrobsied oiiitfui stomaph and uyer every nltfbt and moripg fisrisr5s iiiimii oots et ill fits all sizes and shoes eubbbe8 etc kennsy st son main st acton h ire jmt receired a plendid aascrtmant of pall and winter tes akd sh0es ijha bast vtviu evr offer to the people of aoton and vicinity- s o bofns price advertises bnt a avenulne article offered at pneea defylne competition cjystom worlc and repairing elaented with despatch and from the very best nafi ssrwehtjtrtuu a nice assortmant of rvk3 rli8m8 1 iii oeta told aatwfor oaals rr r iii acton lwam al hbtj t wm r jyi fssv m mi ij3 issiifeis in thepeno el of the firm by strict t ttention to bnaineaa and keep ing a large and well assorted stoclc of goods the new hitn hope to retain all the old customers the tailo ing department will aa here tofore be nader tha anpervision of mj shaw so lot t and favorably known to the public of gn dph and tidnitj trusting t be favoiiad with a hbaral pav ronage vein i ran respectfully rjhaw grtjndt i wcmld ta is this opportunity of thaak- ing my old t iendafoti the generooasnpp accorded me during the many years i h been in bcsnesb and would bespeak piirt ave or the new firii a ennsinnance of the aane favors tor rs respeetfully geo mtjrton ur w or- kmii at u aeton ontario i christie acton ontarlb tali week aad tbrenh the season anr tack af general dry bpods millinery boots shoes et etc will befeoad copplete fresh cksiee aad cheap oar rejraur wsekly pnrcbases from leading dry goods and millinery boos enables ns to show the latast nawaat and noati what ia wanted at this season st dmifns jnst in stapla oooda of all kinds our abject is to place before our coat overs the best makes at pricu at low at are asked far old and undesirable brvndt em immense stock of i boots shicieis removal jjgizjxji wond idfora th to the ni people of aeton ai id auirroinding or anjrythat he has just msoved his premis a next to 0 w 1 oli takeato photisj aph galla r wjiere be will hafrp totneet jll hbiold customs and aa many i sw ones as requir anythin in his una i agcjod took ot istovn of all- kinds on hand to b i sold eh p bldlriciooppertvifittaga enables ns to 6t and snit everyone besides onr jjoods be ngadep by reliable mannfasturera can alwaysjb depended onto tjve geod satialaetion aa can be testified hy thousands who have worn onruoota for two tr three seasons this together with jenr low prices acccuata for oar immense tales j womeitr button akd lace shoes from 100 wi mens stogaboot9teom 150 up misses woitens and mens overshoe from vt up r r our felt boots aad half boots are the cheapest offeree ovetcoats shirts drawers mits and i tweeds scarf all new anb cheap j i in goats collars and panoy and pashloaabla tiaa wa ahdwan linos v ltsb xtrit caownr fit ir- aw jwrw tveeimeip atu wmm m bjv have been selectba with 0 i jjd jsoopmjt fttijte tnrpattea fotmef jrt oeyij mojrjt year oar efforts have been to pltap at eimov i a-ss- jj9tm tsmwii 3-ysia-tc- we aheeptthm i- wrw mkm 0msm vi

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