Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 16, 1882, p. 4

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tee fre- press u jtiiiikpav morijtv march ig 18s2 yofvg f qfxs coavg 1 wcutlier wisdom under the litle of uld probabilillea one of tbe most useful and raluable officers of ibe united simw uovetn nienl ia njostmdelr known but quit aa well vizavta ii irof j u tice the meteorologist of ho mind tippl velloy five bales of now carpets direct from th british makers this week about 30 balea more eipeoled dailr comr rlairir all klnda and qualities from 12 jo hemp to he rtry uet fire frame brneaels pi u of magnificent tapeatrroar- pels arriring urge quantities of allwool and union lngrln carpels are being imported and cuetomere may rely upon ii that they nerer bought carpels cheaper than they can buy them at therljhl liouae thisseasi n and at an additional adrtnugt wtlkina bat marked down hit carpet wbioh bar remained orer tinoe but tear in wuoecoiuribulioisohiifavorileeludr niaiy casts to fsr less thsn coat a lergelolof the babts picture wc amour chijd o jli town one day the kic vc tlt and the air was wl wc toud luariclily tn tine array kmxm4 kml lact and aud lullc he loo levi like a kntc iti the arjists cluir uui vrvel aini brave and irraud vviuli ing rediiilchc scarce could ptnpjilc uvdcinciqllicjilciocutdilriltdhaid v lie is takiafi iv u vr wc uddour breath wolurtivety pcj ruin beliiad the scitcu 1 what xaz 1 wc- whispered then still death i wailnl atd baby ira all serene till lie critical moment wbeu miom ttic su vss caiias that lovely loot such a urribitf usr it sioot the ilimr i aud uut aalic luflurc the eiit tau lout a tirinaltd fi afd close shut cf aud a uiouth lialt optucvl bo very wide tuit uurduar liulc lutcvfilw yisc ivcuixs six caa see the cry iuide auatd audcoumnl aud gticdmythcrt dear uivut roi vrtj tueir aitfcr ytt liat w thocm i was fuucy afid paid our moacy fcr that ilraaco phase of ocrpceacui- ah ichildren ohur than bahy think ay dear httk diilarca blithe aud sweet goi4 and jocr chtxlg of ji yottrccrla q alj yosr nauflhly tempera sudden and ucvt white ii avfal lit 1 jy i aod aucniac th poniisr the iouuocj shodd tike a j ictare of yoa that wy q it would ik for yen niet ahoald hajpa alou socic the frown or t- i whit vouirc boys are likely to be extreme in their ideas aa to what it is to be iud cfftyinl spirit in a boy in dnlgsdbetond iliiigkts will mate b htfadffrorg mat and irobably a rascal h graut white tells a story of te way coxcombs ludcjt adduce wai reiiuked thtre was i very good geutletuati whj in mr boyhood visited oftta a my futbers house member of- parliament he had bc u which in ho yuang days implied even mora social duuucuoa tluiitc now dots his manners were cluruqg and lie was veueruue in character ill well a lu hejwasyery tied to me ndj boy as i was treated oie with heverciilids coartesr one dar waen i fretted a little in his presence under the bonds of dii cipline he laid his hand upon my shoulder tind- aiid t me teit yoa- a story of- the great dr prr tea know of coarse who he was wjata power he was in liter rare in poliiicf and in the church one day i dined in company with him t auorhe attracted mash attention the conversation turned upon train ing in school and ia college and there was- eelfsafecient young man at the table who made himself conspicuous korllikfei ha prolttsorhsd u iinrww ectpu frai lh letiou cotiiequeiice of iddpn andtiry dangetom illnos thepifliculart ol which he thui refeia to tie day after corifcludiiiii my coutw of lecturen at burlington iowa on the ilit vt ivccmber last l wis seized wih a sudden fit tck of ueuraleu in tha ciiest giving me excrucialinj lin andilm08t prtventiug breathing my pulie uauilly m fell w 3j 5 intense nutea o the blomich succeeded and a cold ckuiuiy pwet coterei my entire ljdy liio alteudmc physician could do uothitig u rtlhive me after fuller- inj foimlircc haurtl ihoughl a i ual btiea usidgsl jacob il tor good ullect for rlieuoibltc pihs t would try il i saturate a piccof sunel large enough to ccveri my chest with the oil and applied ii the relief was ajmot iu- sununeou in one huurl was entirely free from pun md wkuld hay taken the train to all an appointment that ninht iu a neighboring town had ray friends not dittiiide i tuc as it was t took lhfhghl traiu for my home inst louisand hire not been troubled amoe to contjmptives tb ft oarlof ben pemanetiuy enred oi that drevj tuttm corvumpuod br timflfrrm6ftimlnat to make mwa lorilajellair anrftremuie meant of enre to all wbodetlreliil iumdj a oopr or tha pretorlptiod ottd free 0 tbtnre wlib ir n ana at an additional auranwgt wtikina net marked uown nit oarpeu wuion nar remained orer ainoe uut year in direeiiodtiorpraptrlnaanj ntincib attne uili uiiiniuiummu a hjoiuiui trlntoua beat arc frame bruatela carpeu marked down from 145 to ji12j pilet o crotaleyt beat tapeatrjr carpeu osi bate siren liini an almoal national repu marked dn fmw to 15e and the ujwupricia are marked down in proportion bememberibatbrlntonibruatelt and orottlet ttpettrr carpettare tbe two beet to passitwnk tfeprripoonwiii uiion unarecout lecture ihroucu the mlltt he world and bate taken the rjratpriiet in the rarloua worldtezblblllona for man jtara paat and tbetetr the mtkea kept at th blgbt home h lam pitta tddrtm betv awilbo iieab n njl i l iri a r n u ul uil r ai- 1 world v laoitbarf jft cote of silki arrived thia week oootalnlng 4 1 11 50 worth the are beautiful caahmeret aud oroa grain krencb hilk frotn ljrona woere tbe bett silks in tbe worl to made the warp and weft of thcee caabm ire silki are of eoual tiae and weight and tbey are nandaonie aoft flexible iriuiant goodadjed by tbt ttrj beat french drera and will uut cut or grow rough in wearing there u a full uaonmtnt at all price from wo to 3 tbe french hatina are alto magnificent goodi durable and porlecdy fiat colore ranjlnglrom 50oio2 ttiereareolhprdiffrrentahlpmenttof mnob8ilkaandatinaeipeoid dally j fliebaleaof new print opened up lm- mtnaeelockaol table damaata table napkina towela mualini bmbroideriea seteral huudredioien pooket handkeroblefa cbarmlpg french satin and faille saah klbbtnt irotn gve lo ten inchte wide black iugled glmpi small vyaiet audtrimmmgi in great variety very bandaorne cretonnei hosiery and lou of other gooda liave ariifed and cuitomera may rely u ion it that for eiteat and variety no bouae in toll oily bu room to hojdaalock to equal the right houae and the goods betni itougbl for cuab down and the enormoui increaxe of 1603799 durin tbe but fourjmontht in vatkint aaleaabowa plainly that hit pricta are low and the value given to his cuatomera u good wanted a carpet salesman remember the itortt are on king atreet eut cloae to hughion itreet whtre tbe verandah ia donn and the name la lliiniltou mircb ictli 1832 thoma c watkms hamilton maltopepsyn registered at ottawa an artificial g tliis k not a piiat medicbe itcret rtmcdr lehcjlocichull jjaltoletsvxcun dyr ind wutins iisisc constipaikia kuiii chropic f laiuts troubles which gtucnill- arise from the rcsktt lcbefct ceiir kapids wriiea 1 bive ufed or thornv eo ectrio jit both for vuysir and family- for oipbilie rii with the very best rcralu i regird it as cee beit remedv for this diaeaae aud wouj use no other a kcllablt fart itiian established fact tint uagyards pectoril dilsim it the best cure for coughs catdvor throat zinnia croup bronctiitis and all troubles arising fuom uegketed colds i 2j cents hnrardk teuawou is at the head of the list for all purposes or a family medicine il is used eitu unprecedented success both internally and eiternilly it cures sore throat bums scolds froslbilei islieves and olten cures asthma nacans vellow oil vtiil befiiund invaluable lorall purposes ota lamily medicine immeiiste relief will loliow- its ate it relieves prua cures chrloains frost bitesscalas burns corns rbeudtitism neuralgia c for internal use it is none the less wonder- ful ore or two dote i frequently cure sore throat it will caro croup in a few minute a few bottles has often cared sslhmaj colic has ben cured by aea- pdonful aose i cures wilii the utmost- rapidiiy it is reilly a wonderful medi- cice j astric juice ti formula is pricttd oa th label a ceition loij of apptitt icteilbal ar diarrhira cholera infanlam and mci reslar siied botrlcs ccniiining i on with ur all chennsis through ut the uoiinin 50 cents for 48 doses or bout i cent per dose meainre attached 50 cectt for u1 avcd ufcicft liquid j of any tort more than ii absolutely necessary to qusnch thirst 1 the excessive use of iijuidi is the cause of hatfiht pjipepsia in thi orld mallcptpiy is a powder agrcaahle and caiilj- taken supplies to the stomach tha tctcal gutric juice prcscrilicd by the icidinp physicians ihrouchnul the dominion in their regular prac tice iiitoppsja is also uiedto a large ealirt iri hospilili dispersanes and lnrmxxie 8pecisex3 of testtmoruls reoeiyeo fro si physicux8 wallact k s oct the xrihcrpstn was pren in a marksd in most rapid pleasing and beneficial remits 4 distreasink case of irdifctiirn ith th z w kemptok u d the maltopepsyn i obtained from you has harirc tried it in to eld and very outicat ca hiirm v cawbtit oxt jan r8r r hsve tted your miltopepsyn in icvert dasa of ind i jest iad and kalcutriticn i idults and dirrbcca of diildren and am so wreit itructcd my drugcist to keep a supply oa hand athloke okt dec 30 rjso after irinf ytmr maltopepsra a trial in irme of my worst cases for which it wa ecommfndcd i amweh prasm with the way ia hich it acts conjnae to cake a coo inicle lite that nor inu ind ii will be a universal dvorite r hamilton m d hazen morse for sale by all druggists and j b mcoarttn and disagreeable by a noisy denuncia tion of discipline as botnethinj that wai cajcnlated to breat doirn a youth 1 1 of spirit parr 6aid nothing for a while but at last taking advantage of a pause he turned to the young man and said in his luping tay im not tiurpritbed thir atyour olijection to dithipline dithipline thir maketh the ihcolar dithipline thir maketh the gentleman and the lack of- dithipline hath made you thir what you are a pnblic ii ecunffshtfald be call ed of tle citizens of every city town and village in the dominion to consider what ihould be done to prevent the hair from turuing grey and falling out tfllu important question received tueir earuesi consideration they would unani mously decide that science had at lust discovered somethiup that woald answer this purpose aud furthermore would recommend cingalese hair kenewer as being this ecmebin lor restoring the hair to its natural color and prevent ila falling oat 50 cents per bottle at j e jicgarvina ntthcr holier atoutnl ire you disturbed at night and broken of yourrest bya sick child sufieringaud crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth if so go at onceand get bottle ot sfrs wlnsloirs soothing syrupl it will relieve the poor little saserer immediately depend upon it j there is no mistake about it tsere ia cot a mother on earth who has ever used it who will cot tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to themoihet and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectly safe to use in all cases fnd pleasant to the taste andtis the pre scription ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle boeaftooasm praev mis ytolt igmy ifmh for buiaaaeaa otttaettt cta- atlptttttt iwufei- mnibetit eartbttn bremtk ia f apt petite jastmuec loi of 8r btaitfh urercoaa- j arising from tbe btoatt- ara ttf e 1 10 hemojt plalbtvx any itheta uliioj aeta bawela or kldmert mlidaadiixatjagfahiuiclra pals is a dose mattarnhl learn a trade dr holland advises every boy to team a trade he says in the prisons the number of criminals who never learned a trade cotujjared to the skilled workmen is as tit to one a new york clergyman recently declared from hit pulpit that he intended every boy he had should ieam to do something useful ia mechanics rich and poor alike should be taught how to wotsr gays dr holland for it is qnite as likely that the rich will become poor as that tome of the poor will become rich to learn to work with the hands most become a part of common educa tion what wlitfky does a prieat lately preaching in galwaj on this topic of drink said no my friends its whisky that maiea you in rags and tattera ivu whisky that makes you not pay your rents ji its whisky makes you shoot yonr landlord beat your wives and children sbu not we fight against that which nausea eomuch misery f l keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee jthey never ran thrive who sriendlheirtiuje in beer housei and in gaming houbea boys remember you grow old every day arid v yon hare bad habits they grow old too and tbe older both get the harder you are to separate tffcal lolltdy pope tbe poetical philosopher laid tbeproper stody of mankind it uii and yet baw little is lb real tcienoe of man studhd if people understood aod baeded tbe laws of health and if when out of torts would report to a common sente like ljuidcck blood bi tiers many of tbe mll that flash it heir to might be effectoal y remedied it invigorates taxi rmaltm all tbe secretion u heiuiraotiiu from brazil be sew compound its woo- beimi affinity to tha dlgasiirt apparatus and the liver increas ing the dissolving juices- relies lng- instantly the dreadful results of dyspepsia ind and the torpid liter makes zopesa an every day necessity ia evetyhouse it acts gently and speedily in biliousness costlvvness bead- ache sick headache distress as tereatingwind on the stomach seartbum pains in the side ana back want of appetite want oi energy low spirits foul stom ach it invigorates the liver car ries off all surplus bile regulates the bowels and gives tone to th whole system cut this out and take it to yokt druggist and getalo cent sample vr a large battle for 75 cents aa teuyour neighbor about it 66 week in your ownlown onlfltfree korfsk every loins carital not required we fanilbh yonaverjtrjldsmaoy are makina fortunes ladlea mains at nuchas men and boya and tirt majte teat pay eeader if yoa want baatneaa at wnlcbyon can make treat pay alllnedrae you work wrliafor parti to a hajlett co portland maine at pa cular toronto it lite letuuac elirlosturf ilbajllio lat est warehou h luu the urgest bancs and loan com- pa u ids it ha tbe veauthestmerchaau and mann faetflifrx au the best roedieal fchoola atu frhfl chief scbool of law aod the briash ajoerleu buihcw cc01ee u the grt behtkil of com merce hf sen mutgoto the great centre of to iarn how boil new is done stolen w fnteroie college at any tlrtfe sem for oircour athloke ont jan 20 rsso r more than answered my anticipaticci of indigestion i found it to act h c uckekka u d ease with the results that i have ii t wreade ud toronto aotok actoit harness tnuns depot pi rtieer requiring anything in harnets ir trunks to aave money abould go to r creech cton kexoallri spavix ciee the host saceewrtal remadr r discover ed u is certain lu iu tci cts and doe not blicter read ftuor beiw kendalls- spavin cure extract fram a letter written lot j grtlt- itiiv edlkr of the y orjci a ureetly welch paper of cue na a an encoarement 10 yoa since tbe advertisement of kendalls tfpavln cure fir appeared in yottr parer maijv lijured mlntr dave been ottuf iiaiui in al caes inand arouad atre it has etiiev- eti wonders it is a perltct oeren amons injared miners yoarstraly kicnaedovtx urean allocs i arni2dlvu kendalls spavin cure ok lit man flesh thousands of trials on human flesh has proved beyond a doabt that keadausftpatta cure has nafflcieutnrtnfth lo penetrate ald virtue to cure lhfc torstcasctof rtea malls m enrns benyotjf roetulu or ny brnlses cut or atneneis wncb are not acected in tbe leant br ordinary ailments it ds not butterbatonthe contrary removes allsore- dcm kendalls spavin cure st johns p q oct v isa de b j kcndaltt cooeaui have nsed your rravin care with great saec on spavins enrbf and sptlnla i fcnawlt to be a pood remedy far rilgoodes bone spavics cnt 4 many other dimcaumrt abontihcborfe oneoiray men kpralred his ankle very badly i ap lied kendalls spavin cnreand i apvarsaw anytolngworlt nice it he wat well la a few days 1 know it to be good for man a well as boast i proeored on of yonrttcatlsa 00 thhorfebymflluor5eunhd i mink it wjuthe means 6fmvtnptdeic on one horse tbat i treated iiccordi wr to the directions elven tn yccir book for displaced stifle yours truly wk j pxaejot kendalls spavin cure be nd address for ninstrtled circular which we think tivec positive proof of tu virtue ko remedy has ver met tlth sach unqnall- fled success to our tdowledpe for teasti aa wellas man j price 1 per bottle or six bottles for s am drulu have iu or can cet it for yon or u will be senttaaiy address ou receipt of price h- the proflneforn ir b j kxxdjlll co ewossrhfi faixa vt sold rf all druggists lyhan bok8 4 co monntreal f-u- wboleeale ageate adirtai ttur bmretary j sited rupture plaster sere cart by tn outward application which will ciose the broken mtmbrtne to hetl and become aa atrodft aa before the ac cident no ont need run tbe fearful riak of atraogulation when a certain and apeedy cure can be had at a trifling coat of 2 full treatment andlraluable information tent on receipt of pnetj by f ii mehkick fret oott oot i the abovo plaster waa discovered a num ber of veara ago by an old lady a resident of prdenaburg itef erence furniabed if de- tojjtsxaaaa coxruuxn iad a i luaaia ct hactats vtliov ou if voxto- tet to can cr nuevt cither m aluc or elist tua irrtniut n ceoct i cocoes aujcps sons ulboat astujca i colds c mutimoiuitm rbeolltisx xwtbjlia1ia amnrirxs glllo cs luxps swellisqs sizftjatxts a jills rz osx hits lajcexios cobxs costillcttoxs brctkes ltrmmaqo ztcs dzjsttess paixtimack spraixs baixlaaide etctt boeu eovstood to eir w tloa or cicaey reiadl dikinon am uck kjttu met me thilstos ft 00 prewritten toeonto ost bhhtt1tbbbm undertakers furniture dealers and waggon m a isttjfac otjre rs iiolli rndcrtflkine we par particnjar attention to this department of our busineta and aa wo have xmstantlr on nana a iarga and varied stock of coffins caaketa robes and ajl funeraj axjaiaitea we can suit every taste and the circumstance of ail who require any oiinff in jthia line ail our goods are placed at very reaaonable figure fixstclaw hcarw fnrmahed wheti required furniture in oar cabinetmaking department we are prepared for the spring demand parlor suites safaa centre- tables whatnots bedsteads ac wsitxjotls we have on hand a stock of firstciaas lumber wsgoni and democrat manuiactnred by ourselves from the beat mawial which will be sold at the lowest pos- liblc rates j repainixecuted promptly litert sale board tables mill street aoton is where 70a can get firstclass eigs at reasonable ratfis good commercial is an kipreta delirery wagon wiltaeet each ezpreet train and deliier gooqt tf anj part of the town after tbe 1st march i intend to do a strict paah businett only u credit will not pty for tone feed or repairt si 2attaews proprietor j speight manager clearing sale at the mammoth house gbq8gbtqw gjosa 1 th m p- mi 1butcher shop w o robinson vaald inttraau to the peop of acton that he baa parcltt1 in t botcher baatnet lat i if carried on br robert sumeyf and tbat be has alwayacm baoda firatclasaaiocjcof teef fark allot foaltrj aid caaa 1st ieaab etc ind faopetbj strict atlentlnn lo bualbesa lo ecare a fair abare ot tbe patrooage of tjia snbltc meat aetlveredal any time lo anr sartof tbe town rerai oiti a oiu solicited osnias paoxrtit attisdij to w c rofainjon 4m hillinerj mantles furs dress goods overooats eeadymade ciothing flannels blankets eem- nants of all kinds being slaughtered regardless of cost now is your ohanoe to get bargains at tis stock mutt t told to mtk rsea far sjriag iopentleai black caahmeres special bargains colored caahmeres great barffaiub black colored silkb at wonderful lory pricea wa are offering a lineof colored fsilis at 40c worth 65c we ore likewise belling at great reductions for the spring trade 20 per cent leas than the usual prices irint3 unbleached cottonawhite cottons tick ings check shirtings brown and drad duck denims cottonades tfce rarettiaf are nek mda aa ike people ralre 11 aec and if tker call am at tker will gel bake buc1lk8 al ddctc f we will tx alaaghtering for we month dalch hemp car- uthiir l i o 1 pets for 15c per yard t union for 25o worth 50e ata pesirr for 45c worth 65o our ordrd clothing daparfmtnt it at nsntl complete and daily receiving new additions of spring qoodt our millduar it beginning to arrit we retpeotfnuy inrite onrfriendstnd tbe publio generally to tall inspect and you will be couatrainedto bay mcleod anderson t oo ilammoib honte georgetown march 2 82 am er 10 an ufd oanabia coal oil fok sale at i remember the stand sljii of the lamphlll st actbh geo havill aeton dec 22 81 worth m weight in gold mm 9 holloways pnisdmtmmt this incomparable mbdicmm m tkund for uetlf an imperimtle an throughout tae world for at axlmatim and cure offiuditeaautoicaicaaarflftarityiafeir the pills kahuractoeed ik tor0kt0 a permanent tare cure for citeaitt dia orders ind ailment of the kidneys bladder and urinary secrebva syatem or attendant complaints oanting pain in small of back bidea etc gravel catarrh of the bladdtr and passage s bright disease diabetes dropsy piles kervoas debility ete etc pamphlets and testimonials can be ob tained from druggist free vaictochild pad 1160 cares bed- wetting regular pad 12 special pad for chronio diseases 8oldby m forstbr md aeton b4 jwooda erin tbot eatton george- town 1 alex b fetrie gnelph henry wtutoo milton c stork 4 son brampton we respectfully claim your attention to the following goodi that we are bound to sell to give prices is impotaible call to examine the tereral lines and see tbe heductioog we make in ulsters and jackets in fur sets mnffs and caps ia winter dress goods in llillinery sate and bonnets haliprioe in wool clouds and squares in childrens hose loo and up worth double to clear our atook we orr about iso pairs in wool shawls decided bargains in blankets mrs offer very cheap we retpectfally uk 1 tint to inspect j nzw goodi in cretonnei black oathmerea new 8 win bmbroidwy 83k and net tie beautiful and cheap wm stewart fr cifc h 1ijelps purify regulate tad impror the quality of the blood they asaist the digettite ogana oleanae the stomach and sotrls increase the secretory powers of the iirer brec the nerrooa system and throw into the circulation the purest elements for ausuinlng and repairing the frame thousands of person haye testified that by their use alone they hare been restored to health and strength after erery other means had proved unsac- oessfnl the ointment evsi fbi bozdll paper i ax j total tula r 1 will be found imaluable inorery hotrt hold in the cure ot open sore hijrti tumors bad legi 014 vouada oeasfet- colda soto throu brtnchilis and all disorders ot the throat and chest w also hont rheumatism hcrolola and erery kind of skin disease manufactured only at profeaaor he lowaxa btubliahment sss oxfoitd stueet lohdom and told atii lid 4 2t 9d 4 64 1u 23a and sss each f 1g box and pot and in canada at sftoenltv 3 90 oenta and i15u cents and the urgei r tiaea in proportion 1 tv 0caunas i have no agrhtni ihajicsli united sutea nor are my medielhef told there ptiroh should therisiore look to theubelontbepouandwet if theaddrese uoot 6j oxford sbreei vf london they are fpuriooa fitg the tradek ot my old medteleai m are reisurea in ottawa and also at mw wwhiajton yym sifita tholiab hollowatii i 8m oxford street london jh hit 1s1i

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