the tudmijiv jloatiso march 2j 1382 i ii i i from tll mem ol ibsjy will fkee pltes j qllistios yocrself w ooi amend it lullowlns questions wntfird a4wmu adcittr to the careful consideration of the rto our county and trust thai i prvfit by their peroaal a political contest ia t baud al ready tte great political particij are i ng their men and orjjaniiing fur the battle prohiliitionist whether you are a refbiuef or conserfative what is question yourself honestly tlathe object of youc party worthy ofagreut effort i jvht question of deeded reform can you thin r of that is not affected by the liqnor llaffiel do you not know that onr pontics hve be a rotted tothe very cere by the dri iking customs 1 it u too noturiou i to require proof 1 iwbat ia oar present party system doing to raids purifying our politics 1 la it not throwing the niantgediect of polit eal affaire into the hinds of unscrupulous wire pullers is it not time a radical change in public wntinient aria brought about 1 i it lot time good tnenhad heir area ope l to the foolishness of opposing each othsr politically while unprincipl ed schen err tarn the scale and reap the bene6ta instead of being necessary to lifree government parties are a direct menace to freedom and make slaves of the pwple for the purposes cf pro fesaionai politicians ia it possible that yott can become enuiosiailic over the paltry differences ofyoorijarty laadera 1 i y woull it not be a grand thing to see ail hone tnatriotjc good men fighting on one ride shoulder to shoulder for parity ail temperance 1 i fthins lis there any reason why inch a onion should not be effected 1 j is thi any better central question arbnnd which they could rally than raohibinoxl dcul yoa think this question has played second fiddle long enough ij is there anv other sensible method i of bringing it to the front t jwili there eier be a better time to eommense i if yt a are really in- earnest u a prohibitionist think over these c ues- tiqns slid after yoa bare thought oter them a lswer them i neither parly ia haltonvcan elect a nun who is not an oat and out sqaare- toed prohibitionist if the prohibitionists of the party hare the com age of their convictions and assert their indepead enifc vassagaweya sews prom our oten corrupondcxi mr j allies gordons youngest daugh ter- met with a fall last monday mom idg th 20th inst which resulted in the breaking of one of the small bones near thi ankle by last accounts she was doing as well as could be ejcpect edj- is of 8 hi mr lister cat of the merchan cauipbellsrille is making preparations toyacale the building he now occupies he- is fitting up a building nearly opposite for a store mr 1 boa taylors sale went off well last prjday the 17th inst almost everything bringing the highest market price end in some instances quite a bit higher l r ken qoiocvsmltiqvs tht ediivr tcltile trilling to open kit coldmiu for uufrei ductusion of all matters of pub lic uifcrwr dtxt not hold himteb in aajf ioay rttpontsuor lie opinion of hit tor- ruptmdaiu r l disput settled to thi editor tf lit pru prat j j dei8 6 with your permission we would inform your readers that the bog standing dispute la reference to tins fence between mr peter mann tod oarsajves hat it last been settled by tbe fesce viewers who awarded hat mr icant should remove bis fence off oar property and pay the eipeoses of jarvcyinjft etc we wish also to advise mr matu i to build tbe fence exactly on the line is we ire determined to have it right ll lis urn we fee justified in giving the matter this publicity a reports contrary to the trult tjhe nelson murder trial of oltourkc at tho spring assize at ii u ton a legal pomtbaibbdrbut overruled rruaaer faaa calttj an seateae u k baatecl ike ha jsa ilalton spriug anises opened on mouday before mr justice cameron the civil docket cdnuined only one daise which w nettled by consent o tlw parties the grand jury brought inja true bill against michael orourke for the murder of ejwaid mailer aud bridget mahcr in the township of ktlson narticitlois of whioh were pub- liibed at the lime of the occurrence mr k mnrjihy and mr tiuard of ookville aeared in behalf oi prisomr and mr b- b oaler is crowu prosveutor the trial was opened on taesday morning the prisoner on being arraigned yesterday pleaded not guilty to the charge when tbe uaai afi the jury wero culled mr murphy announced that the prisoner cualltsded the array on the grouud that that the jurors had trot been chosen from the body of the county but according to alphabetical arrangement aud also that the selec tien bad not been made by the duly quulified officer after argument on the pointa raised the judge overruled mr moipliys oljklious and the em panelling of tho jury was proceeded with nearly every juryman on the original panel being challenged by the defence thi toey the following are the names of the jurymen finally chosen a ion j a pitacdck 8amuel cook wm thomo geo groen jaa sherwin geo ford geo mckay wm spears j no eu- glaworlh jas uuitt x sbtehan oeesixo addaess in addressing the jury mr osier briefly reviewed tbe particulars of the cue as disclosed by the evidence ad duced before tbe magistrates at the preliminary examinations of the accused the prisoner he said was charged with a doable murder the killing of patrick and bridget- maher on the night of the 20th of last january and he bad con fessed his crime to the constable voluntarily soon after bis arrest the evidence elicited bore out bciefly the summary of the counsel and not withstanding the hurts of the prison ers lawyers to break down the testimony of the several witnesses they one and all adhered to their atoriet and could not be shaken the principal point urged ajainst the prisoner was his confession made to the officers after his arrest this document which was written on several leaves of the note book of chief stewart was read in court the courtroom was crowded during the progress of tbe case every avail able inch of standing room being taken up by people curious to hear the trial itbe trial opened at nins oclock ana lasted without intermission till six at which hour the judge ordered an ad journment and the jury to be locked op for the night the trial was resumed on wednes day morning and continued until about eleven oclock when the evidence was concluded the jury was charged and returned the verdict of guilty after a jfew minutes the court sentenced the prisoner to be hung in- the jail yard at hilton on the sixth or jps2 kext sad fatal accident an esqneaibk farmer ellled on j the urand trunk railway i a victim 0 whiskey last thursday morning after are had gone to press and worked off a large part of he edition the news of the fatal accident reported below was re ceived and as he rhole of our western mail bad beeniptted we publish tbe particulars of the sad occurrence sgain this week- for the information of our western subscribe- kd tree pkws on wednesday- night the 16lhinst a very sad accident occurred on the grand trunk kail way about half a mile east of this village which resulted in the death of j mr john scott a farmer who has lived on lot 24 con 4 esquesingj for many years past and with whom the majority of our traders were acquainted deceased left acton late in the evening under the influence of liquor and proceeded down tbe railway track towards home two miles distant in company with his son a young man about 22 years of age after going a short distance east of tbe grand trunk station bis son thinking him capable of raacbing home safely left him and wentlhroagh tbe fields to a neighbors where be had occasion to cell and it is supposed that deceased being overcome with the effect of the liquor laid down pit the track and a western bound trs a struck him on the head fracturing i is skull and killing him instantly ine body was found uu tliuiiday morning about 60 oclock by mr robert elliott at was on his way to work at tultoi t mill demated mutt have been kill several hours before mr elliott fou him at the blood from the wound h id rosea in lololes about the head x r freeman jooroner was immediately iu formed of the aooident but after hearing the particulars concluded tbat an iuquest was unnecessary and t le body was than removed to tbe residenje u ihe dioeased by the 0 t e accti a men decabed was about so years of aie and leavtis a wife and fainiy the family have the sympathy of t entire community in their heavy uffl tion i tho funeral was held on baturdky and the body interred at the prill terian oemeterv liiuchouse good goods bi has lett atox bakeetf ivhitc tvhost 1 18 iwdwcll bto j 1 is spring whaat glasgcuou i 2u red chaff peas oau barley rve kfigi per dpz butter dairy packed batter roll potatoes new per bag dreaavd hogs wool i n 0 75 0 37 0 7g 0 70 0 12 0 is 0 20 1 15 7 50 0 23 to i io 1 to i to 1 hj to 0 ii to 0 19 to 0 to 0 lou- to 0 to 0 to 1 to to 0 sleirh akilets flour i 3 15 to 3 white wheat 1 18- to 1 lreadall 1 18 to 1 spring wheat glasgow 1 20 to 1 bed chaff 1 17 to i oata 0 3 to 0 peas i 0 75 to 0 rarity 0 76 to 0 llye 0 7 to 0 eptri perdoa 0 12 to u batter daily packed 0 is to 0 bnttzr rotu 0 20 to 0 potatoes new per bash 0 87 to 0 dreaaed hovs 7 50 to 7 wool 0 23 to 0 is business brevities soma fact about ou butaom ken uid hotue of bwieftx w our koaeral roaden dealer ilstagle dry grooerieei ac bu jut opsnfd a stock cf goods very suitable lor tba proaeat trad for all goods and general cpxumxo or ladiu naie 8iuc handktrehiti and fler gtnt silk llandktnhitfi in all bliaitt birhn wool and fingering yarn i fancy colon lioniton and faint braids a aie auorimtni black spanith and grtam lata aftat tor tis clobrtc4 lljior to oo a hiadioms ul vaiuablt voltuai pkiuultsexarr purchuw of tir psiadi of la b hmiktt ana i den lists who have tried tia 1 bkrrt pronounce it the finest thing on the face of thia earth for tbe teettf and breath 5 cent samples te elertrle smtat- superceding as it aoet all other modes of illumination and rivalled only by the 1 glorious sunshine will not be held with i preaier joy by mankind than ia bardock i klood bitten which is at far superior io all other blood puri6ersand tonics as the i eectric light ia superior to the old fash- ioned taliowdip burdoclf blood bitters cures scrofula and all foul humors and impuritiea of the blood txop roots for sale a iaive quantity of good hop roots for sale oheap apply to j z mcgarvin druggist aoton pimples i vltl null free tlwreeljm for ilmpla teftwxlo balxn that win remote tmn vreeklst funplm and blokf laavidg ui iicln toft clear and baautual l in- ilrucilwufnr prodarlnf lfalaxtirftrtrowlh af hklbonabitdjitad or loionth fa ad- drew jincloifiifc 8c itnmp bos vasdou oo 13 barelaj bu ky m sb i y or -a-t- drug sltore for purste albump hats from 75 cents lo25c j fytei a good felt flat for 75 cents fyfea ladies martles nowest styles christie henderson 4 co ir yon wsnt a nobby durable and cneap suit j 1yles ia the place to go scotch english and cnnadiin saitiojrs is- reat variety at the east eiid clothintsor j fyfe acton faxct wool goods christie henderson d uo have rceived aod will otien in a few days an immense stock of all kinda of fancy wool gooda comprising knit shawls clouds le etc all of tbe latest designs and shades these goods are extremely handsome and will be sold at very closest prices maxtle 0axaest8 mantle cloths silk and satin trimmings at christie henderson ct coi kare valae suits and overcoats at extremely low rates and mada ia latest styles be sate to call and see them fyfe ictop wiscrrs competent judges pro nounce our 1 2 jc winceyextraordinary value examine it compare it and you will be sure to boy it winceys from 5c up at christie henderson ft cos vfcqnfllaa i hamilton of the wellin r- ton mirble works guelph oat are doinj the largest retail marble trade in oat ow ing to the fact that they do tbe best wotk and sell the cheapest the public are wori- d acaiat daaliofr with aecoad baud trade peddlers bat should eo direct to the firn or bay from their agents set that tlie ajuna ucqaillaa k hamilton ia oa tile printed fiirm befora yoa signer order lfajftles christie henderson coi stock of ladies light snd darjk mantles just received these goods are from the best makers and comprise a full range of prices they will sold cheap bohestt it ii commonly said that you cannot make sn honest man believe that while is black aod vios veesa but those who have grey hair by using tbe cstoalesji hais rcrewir will find that this sf parentdifficuuyis easily overcome for saie by i e mcgarrin- so cents per bottle are care for a cewgb- the most reliable remedy fora coagh or cold asthma shortness of breath sore throat weak lungs and all bronch ial troubles is hagyards pectoral baj sam frio 25 cents beat aid confer ikesaverlaa browns household fanaeea his no ecjual for relieving pain both it- ternal snd external it cures pain i i the side back or bowels- sore throai rheumatism toothache lumbago an 1 any kind ot a pain or ache it wi treat surely quicken the blood and hea as its aotng power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as tbe great psfn believr r and of doable tbe strength of any other elixir or liniment in tbe world shoul i be in every family handy for use wbe i wanted as it really is tbe bestreuedi in tbe world for cramps in the stomach and pains aod aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cent a bottle nhlloaaft omlmtnt and picuk winter advances and the weather be comes more and more inolement anil trying tbe earliest evidences of ill health mist be immediately obeeked and removed or a slight illness ma resultinaserious maudy belaxedanil sore throai quiusey insuenss ohronl cough bropcbltis and moat other pal monsry anvctions will be relieved b rubbing this cooling ointment into tb i kin at nearly as prsctioable to the sta of mlacblet this treatment slmpl i yet effeetive is admirably adapted to the removal of these diseases dunn litaney and youth hid astbmttio in valid will derive marvellous relief frou i the nsejof molloway s remediss whiol have wondrfolly relieved nttv tuol luff rers and- re established bealt after every other means tat ijnall faibtd w ill bll ob slll tbe uudentjened ii prepared to parchaie any quantity of elm or bircli lure bolti liaaauood for hesding and pine cedar or luck atli forihioglm in tho joer bolta 3 a cood itock of 8iiiagiur3 aod head ine alvvayf on hand thos c moore errors of youth a nqtimad wbo ioflefed ibr yean from xerroai debult premature lcaj and all tbe eftteot o yoaihtul in di we lion will for llv aakeof n fieri dr haroanny mod frea to auwho need h tb rerelih and direction for mstibr te iimrletrmfdj by which be waa twit hufleren wiabicg to prvtll by thi d- tertueiv expirleno can dobobyaddrtfmlnr lfl ptfrrrwjnfldcnee iobx b oqdw a cedar bl new york- t o toxteactokh tenden will be receirad by the nnder- uned cp to the 8th ot april or the erection of a brick school home for school section no 12 lqueaiar plana aud ipcifictioai may be teen at the frex press offic and for further particular apply to john cam eron or to the noderaiooti tbe loveat or any tender not neceaurily accepted alexander kennedy sectreaa truitaea acton march 21 t 1s82 3t valiable village prop kbttfk ivllti thai property oo weat main itrett lot 1 coo 2 in the luge of acton one fifth o an acre on the premiaes ia erocted a tintciaaa lwolory roafth cut d walling containinf x rooms aoft water ciitern bard water convenient cooimodiotu itable and a workahop the property ir a rery daairable one and will be acid at a rery reasonable price for auh for farther par ticular apply to h p moore frxx pirns orncx acton or to ffn ottato hali- bartco out guelph cloth hall gmara march 1st 1882 owing to the departure of mr morton fortlje northwest a change has bees made in the personal of tho firm by strict attention to basinses and keep ing a large and well assorted stock of goods the saw firm hope to retain all the old customers the tailoring department will aa bere- tofor be under the supervision of mr shaw so long and favorably known to the pnbhlc of guelph and vicinity trusting to be favored with a uberal pat ronage we are tours respectfully shaw 4 gbuoty i would take thia of thaak- ing my old friends for the generous support accorded me during tha many years i hftis j been in buaiseaa and would bespeak for the new firm a enntmuance of tha same favors yours respectfully geo sftjbton it the best- temperance song rriuuu oh i papa dont go to the barroom tonight by robert p if otoe dronta rtice m iitm it will be seat tn say member ot soy teaiperanee ornaoixatioa sending through their secretary forloc provided the bal ance 10c be paid iato the treaaory of such organisation to be devoted to tha funds for the proper enforcement of the aoott act orders to be delivered to e p joyce box 39 broota ont for sale in acton at the office of the fail puss t wo fsutlls to rest ktlb act the andenigned deairre to rent the farm lot 27 6th con eaqueaing the proper ty conaiata of 100 aero on the farro are good frame baildiiiffi iaclading bankbarn all cooreniently ntuatd hard and 10ft water and good rprinc creek alio 100 acrea lot 26 con 6 on which it erected a good frame barn a iprio7 creek runa through the place the above tanna will be rented itparate- ly or both to one party if deaired the land ii gntclaaa and the property ia situated about two miles from tbe tillage of acton will b rentad for three year or mare for foil particalan apply on the premiaea or to robt watson sr acton po removal percheron horses laroe8t importing and breeding establishment ith world m w dunham wsyna dn page county minoia v 8 a 35 miles weat or chlcajoj 7krlo atpait 11 monflkj 390 it at uox twd kabesknvtbn imporltd fym fmuen it tfcif ettnblithmtht svlns ttobb hum a cmbtntd tmporbttltmt o u orbrtauifrtars draft boiwm fnm m jix tfbmpr jy aif uipor ouflfttut the anttrs nomfeer bt tmprrt erf frrmeh barm to america eantwaaao on his arm his importations bava includes the prlaa wianaa ot the vxtvrrml sipmtlloh lprltsiavaa nearly all fas prtrahoraes of tbaoraaa6beinotfiiamaidmliialinpor uuoioa neaau tboyaiaooaniad off tba honors at the jeotamlal is7s and at tha orttl ma brt of tsbonxnokb a eomphuin with tbs bsromf and finimt eoueetlob of ciyevs- ut m shown oroaiatlnbot the pits win- nan at the orsat shows of bajuandaod en- laad was awarded she gtwsuf aterftnk trim ot lfioo and sraw4 oou modal mo vaok attazoenm mm ntra 2vbst latib brbfedbb nvast yntcrpborhooo s3dd3s a ri jonsmott ntaraa ot toe oountry tas proaoo is own neifcew as aaatar kaapsn batter wotk- wriijingpapereb- would inform the people ot acton and surrounding country that ha has juat removed hia tnl and stove business to tha new premiaea next to c w hills photograph gallery where he will be happy to meet all hia old customers and as many new ones aa require anything in hia una a god stack of stoves of all kinds on hand to ba sold cheap 014 iron braes copper and raffs taken in exchange for roods call and see ns in oar new shop j c hll m ill street acton boots and jshoes all bubbhks bto fits all sizes eenney son mala st aoton have ji lat received a splendid assortment of fall and wintbr bootsand shoes tho i4 value ivor offorod to the people of aoton and vicinity no bo nil prleet adtrtll bat a srenaloe aruele offeree at prices jsefylog eoaidotauoa gaston week ami repairing ze rated with despateh and rest the verj best material r ail 1 7 ye havsahw a nice assertaeat or tmlryxs 4 rli89s mmemshlfmotmh kenifyson acton 068 school 1 1 1 1 i t r s acton ontario christie henderson fc co acton ontario thia week tad threath tke season oar sjtock ef general dry 300ds millinery boots shoes etc etc will be foaatl coaut preth ckoiee aatl cheajp vi onr regular weekly parehases from leadmg dry goods snd muhnerjjhooses enables as to show tbe lafoof norat land n dooigmss jtia jrbat is wanted at this season in staple oootjo of all kinds onr object u to plane before onr enstoraeri the best makes at priest at lou at art atkedor eld and undesirable brandt nt imhehse stock op bootsisc shoes enables ns to fit and snit everyone besides onr goods being made np by reliable manafastorers can alwars depended onto give jood satisfaction as oan be testified by thousands who have worn oar boots for two er three seasons this together with our low prices accounts for onr immense sales wome1t8 button akd lace shoes from 1 100 tt mens stoga boots trom llbo up misses women s and mens overshoes from 36c ttp our felt beou aad half bootsiare the cheapest oatered 4 xj overcoats shirts drawers mitts and socks tweeds scarfs all new and cheap in qsnts collars and fanoy and fashionable fieo we show tttll line lit kxit sums clovbk rvms fsxcr g9qb8 of u mia9 havb been sxokltjst with cars and wkomy olir wtlungry trade tflts season quits surpatses former josri being more taaa oxmbfo tbsolsss year oar efforts hire been to please- and two aebikt tail wtlsiaotori evidenos j you a merry rislisajis wkbvain c vt 3 mm boote slates cpr bobi m