Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 23, 1882, p. 4

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t he fr pr tacrai ntcsstitc march sfc ix i l eptfttvis folxs c0bx8 to mcraer iatrst hmiet and best ot u tlw woms vet 1w lv man rctrm bv nil alswltcd from ju is out rrt vn lis niatlcr t fconr rtrr for k coach the most lelihlo rrmedjlrf acoiifih l nlum- hlnr iwf ol bremti orthrojiyik t rtl nil bionch i iit irottlife is ti wards pectoral buli jae6 price ji cent nairf vellnw oil fiit the head o the lit for all pnipoita of k fsnillv uwieine ills used ailu tin irpcvjciuo sticcs both inlettiiliv d8 oj new oaipets btitiii makers this wedc t0 eonsnmpifves about 30 balea more expected daily oom iriaing all kinds and qualities from 12c hemp te beferybest ave frame brussels pilmofmagnlnewttapeetrycurv pels arriving ltirfle quantities of a llwool an 1 uniun injtrln carpets are being importedand costoniersmsj rely upon it that tbey beyer bexubt carpete chespts thai aii externally it cun tbu tta raid fsojt lii oltncure asllithii oil sore throat icltcvcsrnd hu been pr thomas eclecltis cvdii have armed and customer may rely u rueitnvilwu lie hd such a lame jools beini bought fr cash down mid the en ltv be c ii id un duaiituiliii but otiei the value given to jhis customers is good t lio tie ij to use his own expression is down aud the name la fl cured hiii i cure mm up he thinks it the be tiling in the iiruket if pi mm my mother a i ihi repeat tliu busew uvu dear and ivrtd fcul iiirpirics cutler ivrnd trr vij what airrrd hv my thoughts eout five it wivh tijy yhui loothsd atid cihutd niv antltacura elclssf rfrire from guo molhcr jti wivhothr thv my ft wre lel lu wjcf ttitb- with virruug wed t- iliwwfcffiiin bcvimmn lenlly oa inuc upir turcied on uspd wonu ce bv iud rtiu my ll lnuie otlowoa cm- kheuraa- din i l h l titains limcnes ind alt frfcli bounds all deuert iup jtty it pric lio cents vim u k uti r poe ha lottical phiioioplif rid tbepropr study of mioikud ulihu mid yti how liule is the rasoieno pfj nvm tuiiul f people indersioodnutl 1 r tm i c j i j i i mmsmtbbmmmmm the adttruier hltibj moberaoour- eared ol that dread oksniajptloo by a mpljreitdrudiloaatorjiaioiir5 tomsrs0sifnvmlbattnfrer l5- all whodetlretulto will addjopi or tbv premrtpnon of irree of ahani lib tbr dlreotloos lor r preaerlptrnn will wiukwmvalw they mil huv ihematlherlelit home tills seas tin nnd as an additionnt advantage watkifis bas marked down his carpets wnieh hare remained oer ainoe imt year in dlreeilosw lor yajiartiu n taln tbmv many aiaea td fir 1ms llisn coat a large lol o krlntonsheet five irame brussels carpeti marked down fronijll ft lo f121 pilea of croasleys beat tapealry carps to gqsrliui iilgf itnrkedilvmn fii niotlto 5c ai1dthelorjr pri lesareniarked down innroporlion hemenibei that rtrlntohsbrussela and cross nukes in the world and hate taken ihe hrm friars in the tariott worlds bxlilbilloni for mjiny years paat and theaear tbemfkeakeptat the itight home h laye tdi v cnio n tilks irrtvei this wek coniainiiig t 191 50 north they are beautlfnl caahrieres and oroe srerj krenoh silk from lyons wkere the best shitein he world 8t wfi-x- ate made the wiirp and weft or these cashu ere hilks are ol equal site and weight and thej are handaome aoft flexible brilliant goods dyed by the rerybest french dyers and will output or grow rounh in aieari g- there is a full assortment at all price froan soo to flbe frenob satins are also magnificeni goods durable nt porleeily fastcolorf hinting from 50c 10 2 here are other different thipmenll of frqoh bilks and satins expected dally tire bafea of new printaqpened op hn- meube stwks ol table damnski table nnnkins towels molro embroideriea 8eserl hundred doab poeiet uandkercbiefs ctiirmlng french satin and faille saab- bin itiniillcm march 1u 1ss2 bugled himps small wareaand trimming id great rarietyi very nandsonie cretannea hoaiery and lota of ether on it that for extent and variety no house in oils oily ha room to hold a slock to equal the right house and the irmous increase o 1601799 durinr th fast four months in sales shows plainly that till price are low and- wmted a carpet silesmuu semember uie atores ar oa king street east close to haghaon street where the rerundatr thomas 0 watkins hamilton i v core cur traop jppiyftiinvulurtel ffitli ihpyamr llow lnd adaunifur ihf nil in- 1 he thfti yot itijmemriei ct i trios totvis io cilai i vet rev ore hleh bait me wpwhip g n uti atrd tnt my twett mother ta mxnboods s i lf tuu and yet bctvrctu u vmc ibj will ol muivrresasrc udrioc fax yet loviu th m bcacou tur ch mother vyi to me thoc irt fitrevrr bletoahi in my heart r ith 1v thl xil of my part i loietj titxi dear motbr i maltopepsyn i registered at 5ttawai an aetiipigial gastric jitice t r l rictt medicine secret reaojv tcnca to each bolllft th fonrala ii prititod oa the label a v ilaltolerslstetci fiyspepsia im liseiisn lcjs otappetita intestinal arf aslini piscisescorstipatior sltsja chronic where cob1cts cose fronl sotue time ei deinned to die ice a yoong- man con- ir th awful crime of heded the bws of beub and it viieir of ietmi troutls which jen-nth- irie froni ihlj onidi out br sort would report to a comrj2rca i sense like kuidcek rlodd bittevr many 50 cents for 4ff doses or about i cent per dose the illc that fleli ishir to might diarrhira cholera lnuntiim and ma hi eseotuartv reniejied u invicorates renlicaixed bottles ccaiiininf h ois wkhljose measure attached 50 cents for sal arl regubaes all hi illhr action the secrelions trajj ttndertaketg furniture sealers and waggon mafufaottjeees k pabllc meet ai tshould bo call ed of u6 ciuzmio every city town and ttge m the dorainioa to consider tfcut should be done m preventj the by ail chemists through am ihe laixitil avoid tiklrr liquids cf any irl mere fhiri i abotiely tcciislfv to quench ifurjf r i inccive useofjliinids is vhc cf half u pytpcpsa sa ho vord mnhcpepiy j u i powder aprccate and euiy taken supphes to h itonnch oie irlnal gairic juice rrescnvi by ihe lctdirr physic an r hmtjrjout ihe dominion in hcr fenjar prac tlpe maitoptpsjnis also nsx to s lanc extent it kcspitilj dispcnanes ad irfirmarie uunlr lr in a piisoa celt wnifmg the jhirfrom turning cjreyaml iallingioui n thiimruiit queauon received upr y of his execution ii km judy wbo e w ihev would unini- i hnd heard of kri condition visiteti him fcireral truw alrd pwght to lead hii niously tfocide tint scieace hadra t dtsfiovered some t hiu that foy hi answer liis purpe and furthetfriiore would ricmumentl chigniesesur kanewera being thr taehins lor rittoring the hktiir to in natural color and preroni its ttkmg oiit 50 cent per boule at j b ilctiatvins th cirst rapid pcxs 8pecuea3 of test1h0hiau received from phy31ciak3 1 latppeirrf a riycn in a ttjit 2 azi bc2ciil resulis w wntebcs ffu faith iff jesos as hif 6nlj bo- ouloce occasion the lady accompanied by herliule son who fippke kindly iothe poor prisoner and offered hnn frt the oa werned i tf0 tt hoihwiif fcuch afiaced by the go and gentle j an yoii jiturbej at uiftiutid troken ns of the child- and drawing hiuj voavrejt bya ick child euoerinffad 1 a icciinj witb the excruciating pain ol lowanjs htm- mid as the tears rolled uinc iteth if to coal once and get a bottle of mrs w inflows soothing the maltrjvfryn i obiini from yo has fir tried it n tvo oi and tdrv sbstiuite ci live8t sale board it1bles twu street aotow i where yen eaa get ifirstclass rigs at rea80nable rate good oommeroial bigs an express fteltrery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods t airy part of the town vallscz x s ocl ipm z wktmitov m d rndeftaurrik we par natticnlar attention o nisdcparfmefiiofoarhnsimaarjd afle f 1st march i intend to do a itric as wo have coaslamly on bajid a large and varied stook of coffins caskets robes and ch busroew onr aa credit will atklosi ont jm io isc all funeral reqniateswe can suit overy taste and the circumstances of all who require- ot paffor horse feed v hi 11 rnnrr than anierel my irlicipafsrif ciits of iaiigesiicn i frurd it o act lile c mckekxa u d idulf ri piirrhti rf chiii itructtdiry dpest t iwp s rmspsyn in seere en rd arr sijvi jrp lv cnhand down hit chet p ell you was cu- ut dear oliild let what broaght tne hre 6btrng myparentfi and breaking gciv holy day and lastly drinking- and fumbling that grew out of the other two never forget this if ycni onid do be where if tio to after civinc ypjf sliltotfrrn 1 iritu i ic of rnv teccrnmenjedtai vdl plesel with ih war in which it is inicle lik that roui- n isc an lit il be a univeral favorite nov n i axy thing ia this line all oar good are pucod at very reaaonable fignrev htarse inrniihed when reqaircd first- ci re pa in ckvzrkx ost jar i5si ite of iriliiio snd hnuriiicn 1 pleisfid- ith the rerik hrt 1 hive ta t rfide md atkick furnlure in oor cbinetmakiiig dpartiieal we im pieprei tb bprin demaod parlor itartsa sot cenwe iabka whataou bedstead ac waffjods we have on hand a btock of firstclana lumber watjonb and etemocrajs maauiaciured by ourlrc from the best mauriai wliich will be aoid at the loweet pc c5st dec o isso cases for which it wa- ki tea ttepairssicateed promrjtjy conintte to mave a coo r hamilton m dj j a- speight manager syrup el wiu relieve the poor little suflerer inimedialely depend upon it tihere i no mistake about it there is j tjot a mother on earth who haf ever ued ix who xrilinol tell ou at oaee that it j will regulate the boaei and give nt j i jo the mother and relief and hetllh to i he child operating like mtgic h iff j iperfestly sat to use m all cuespnd aad tell ailipiqisant to th teste ani is the pre- hazen morse for sale by all druggists and t j e lccqarttn toot pkifelioirs to lifce kirninx bv lortptidaflone r i i feruile phmctan act rrursev m the tor sad fate slwac oyer rotir p united slates ents netef drtclc s drop of anything fenti a btle- of the older and best in act rrursev in the i sold ererjwhere it 2s i that uc rmosiiate fceep holy the sahbutu and turn us irooj the tvil oiiv himself from any who would pursunde you to enter a giuibling house or encig- fn a ganw or danoe these art the things that fiil the prisons of earthand erord the gates 61 htilith tietim i allonal scoafioojjczo higtif rnc3rkytried tor kufmisvteu brttoltbt com- otpiioiulirdlr- dtxtlaeu brarlbvni breatlu lou of ap- peckr jatrndle lo of heawrti ot savaek littr com plain tor aariuncs arifin na the sum ach dotrels cri kidneys tjerjm safe ci ii ixd t horoni in uc ir scjcc frga ho 3 nlhi is a dose j- 1 pbicx 5e pek box simple avd compouxu l ceeest to toar loathful readers the following ccrion a peouncsocici oidbcise a tri- hiiig tnaucietiou in det miy uy the auiuauoa ol confirmed aytrpvpfit und there u riu fict m medical science more poilively ascertained or more auihor- uutively arterled ibaalhil dyfpepii i the pareit of a hot of bodily ills cot llhe ieast d which i conlimiaation of the blood arid the raade of wli ch ithat if he direct coawouence their ilojtinal caute is howevrr thoroughly i eradicated from tle system by xoite- ieo l lrscixs vcsltxble ducovciitasd uvipemcccic it mediciue nhicix only requirea regaliiily and persistence in iits use to cure dyspepiia and the rutiny ills tiutsrise from it xo delelenous rainenl mgredyeut is contained in it i j ac oid magazme heyj tqqugii ac is thorough in ofcosliveness it never produces j griping tins in the abdominal or weakens the brmels lifce a riulent purgative it inrigoratei the system through the medium of the increased digestive and afiimilatitft activity which it promotes and is alto a moat efficient remeiy lor kidney com p iain tsj scroful- ous and all diseases of the blooi female kendalls spavltl cllvb il editoa aiarbe of interest to yout readere as cases me they were io tmlr tstouujtdg and their truth or otherwise ma if true thcr are t spring jpnns in the abotmnal region a be determined by atn of yoar readers who hare a percbaut for ggaree the interjat of one penny for 1850 years at the rate of 5 per cent com pound inter 1 woald amount 10x6606- 81335500000000000000000000 006000 if looooqoooo of people had comtnenod fo count ont this sum and each peraoa bad counted oat 10- 000 erery hoar since the creation ofi the world- or in g000 years the tnm so counted won d bear no greater propor tion to thefrhofe amount than one grain of sane would to the number of grains contained in a globe 37 feet in diametsr eappofiin each cubic inch to contain ttouaiid milliofl of such graipsj the simple internet of one penn for 180 year8 is only 7a 8 jd hard iy two dollarp wbat a pity that somt of par forefather did not in feat toronto acton ajotoist harness a thuk2 depot tiea requiring anythinc in hnrneb8 or trunks to save money should go o r creech acton clearing sale at the mammoth house gbogetqw kelvdallls spavix cire the ifoufneremfiil bemrdr ever ditcorer- etl 11 eal in it- i-g- cu mnd dues not ulltur nnamjorliuuw tenny in tb benefit 1 days for pnr efpecu d fcaved lipm the foorhouse iforyears barid allingswotth suserex with rbeunisjlism and notwithatandini ihefaist medical attendance could not find relief he came td the sciota x3anij poornouse and had tobe aimed into andontof bed cmacconnt of his helpleaaconaitiyn alter the failure o all thei remedies hlch hadoeefi applied the directoraof ihe poofbouse reoired to ase tne celebrated german kemedy fct jacobs 01 and this was a fortunate resolution fori with the trial of one bottle the jalient was alrtady better and wnen fbar bottles had been used uijoiliiijh he could again wait about without tht use of a cane the facts as above staleti will be teri6ei hy the editor of the portsmouth jui gorra- pondtnt 4 charietans aadqnarks hate long plied their rocalion on the auffring pedals of the people- the r knife has pkred to the uict caurtic applications have tormented the victim of corns tihtil the conviction shaped ltfelf theria no cure pitkikr pais less coax kxtkicroa plovee on whit a slender basis public opinion olten rests if jou suffer from co nsgel the extractor and you wi 1 be aatislled hold every where mm anipw warning ia given us by our laogs viherjtheyare ifl danger ii fool- r hardy enoigh fo neglect the warning aignalj we ipenr imminent peril check a eofit at the outset witli dr thomas clef3c o i- srhicb it aborhrelgn pul- ibbnidbem des being a remedy for sore- j lam tats inrasions m the skin i pil ritenmatian ete tveaknes c k price c100 simp bottle 10 cents ask for xolthkop ltvtse regetalle discovery aut dys peptic cure the wrapper bears s ric- 61hile of their signature sold by all medicine dealers ntoh brazil sa jtew compound its wor beiful nffinity to the olgestira apparatus and the liver increas- taf the dlssolriag juices rsllev- vig almost instantly the dxeadfnl results- ol dyspepsi ind and the torpid lt7sb makes zopesa an every day necessity ia eveiyhousbi it acts gently tid speedily in biliousness costlrahess bead- ache sick seadache distress aa ter eatinewind on the btomach heartburn pains in the bide and back want ol appetite want ol energy low spirits foul stom ach it invigorates the liver car- ties ofi all surplus bile regulates the bowels and gives tone to th whole system cut this out and take it to yout druggist and get a 10 cent sample ota largebottle lor 75 cents ftna tell yaui neighbor about it erntet frrm reciter written lot j artff- ih -rtllrjnln- ylrjen a weefclr wcli pirerot uilo ny a an encnrgtmt nt tojoujinee trciadvenlemtid orknddire spivtn cffre llrit arieareu 10 our parer niaijv injured mnrf- liave been oslnfluac ir allcaa naixt hronaj acre it liis ueaiev el wdiidrf ill is fl perfret fucccf among injrred miners yurlra kichaiu otex tleeitn mines vtu al rtl 2flva kendall spavin cure oy ntmax flesh tlifaandi rf irialp fta hunian fcfib htis pmveu tje ond afo slt that ke ndallttattn core lit mfflclciiit frtnethto ftntrataiii rirtii tneure hv worst cafttofrupcmiilisiri corns banranf lruifcfeut or tamcncfs wlicti arc ntl aflctcd in tne lea pi bv oriioary ailmenis it de not bliter bat tin tbk eoijlrari removes allhore- nefs i eendalls spavin cure p jobne ptj ceu 2t isri pr r j kcdrtll a co cient i brve uncd yntrr srutvin curfwithclreal trcce on i kpivncurb- gjnd fpint- f know it io he b gtrrd rmcdy ftr rirpoonep ixire c pa viae eattprllit aud a i klnusoriamr ne many oiherdimeaiilf-vabtauhehfinf- oncoimy racn fpralied a nnke very- badly 1 ar- t did kendaufsptjirln cure aci 1 n verbaw anrttilcp work 1 1 ice it he wb w 11 id a fer dnrn i krow t lo begboii for man a well as beast r oroinred onr or yrnr trrfltje nn the hone liyrrnuor25eisahd i inlrfcut wpf the means bf farttp to elwioti one horse tint i- treau 1 uceordlnir to lb lrctfon elven inyour fk fordrfplftctm ftlfla j tours truly wic- j peiftox kendalrs spavin cure send address rarinurtrrtcdcjrctdar whth p think elvefpotvertdof ftf itk vfrtue no remedv haacvermci nitty iach uriqcnll- qcd fiueeev txi aur tnowledge for beasia a well as man j prlel perhottlporilrboltvrforjo all drcgneflfbave 11 or can eel ii for you or it whi b sent to any icdrrson receipt i phce hr the froneiors i b j kksdall a co enoshueoifall vt sold rt all druggists lymak soks co monntreal pq- wtvnleale ageh so 6 week lb yorr nwn men 5 oatflifree norist krcrvtbifig novr capital not required we wtllfurrfkii yoa j ar mafclni forlunck laditr j mat ss auch at men and boyn and girls j make rrfiflt ijiv hfadetjryon want a biislbelaai wliich fdii cftti make great nay til ihmftna rou work writ- rorpariicatari toh hajxett a co portland mane toronto fa the leading city id ontario it has the la t- cgt wflrtjiiouaeil it luu the largt banaa and tbao com panle 11 baa tfaeveahhlenmercbatitfanctittanii faruirrk has uie bert mfedlalrhorlp bu the ebief school of bawj aod llje srlkub aroerlran bsklnem collect la the gri t hcvl ol com merce tonne tfen muitnto lhe great eealreof trade io learn how buloimi ib dohf slddehtu ensr the college it ahy tlma ni fur circular rupture plaster sore core jy iil outward anplloatipi which will cai se the broken merutane to heal and hecone aa strong ae beforthe ac cident ko oie heed rail the fearful risk ol strangulation when a certain andjabegd cure can be hi d at a trifling coateflbfill treatment an vniuahle infortnatipliiyl os receipt of pnci by f u meeejcitpraj- cott out the above ilaster fras diaenvereria btirn- i ber of years a d by an old lady a eeaideni of opdeoiburi iufereoce fuinishetl if de address tost jeeretar sired t will cufte or reueve biliousness dizziness brow fluttering x of the heart acioirr of the stomach dryness of the skin ir mt bowel8 or blooo oyspmia indtststion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache and every apedes vi diia irislng from dordereduvsr kidneys stomach t hilbork 4 co p butcher shor millinery mantles furs dress goods overcoats headymode clothing flannels blankets rem nants of all kinds being slaughtered regardless of cost nowis your chance to get bargains a title stock aut be tola to mifco room for spria importatiaii black casamero8 special barwains- colored cashmeres ereat banraini black colored silks at wonderful low jrices we are offering feline of colored silks at 40c worth 65c we ora likewise i sehing at great reductions for the sprinsr trade 20 per cent less than the tisaail prioes prints unbleached cottons white cottons tick- inrb check shirtines brown and dradduck denims cottonades 1 thefresjlmsuenek roodi as tbepeople require at onee andtftfcer call smu tker will e kike bsbg1ix8 paddctc i w will be slaughtering for one month dntcn hemp car- unnrl i o petslorl5cperjam a onion for 23c worth 50c a ta peatry for 45c worth rj5c ed matthews proprietor american cajsadiaif coal oil for salb at emesfbeb the stind sign of the latnp koi st acto geo havill acton dec 22 81 jl worfli mrweljitln bold 1 h0lloways pills ointment i j 1 a our w 0 robinson i we respeictfully invite oar friends and the weukl intimate to the people of acton that 1 c01hiili t0 bn hchaspnredajed the bmeuerbaluem late ly carried on by robert storey and t bat i has slwynn band a firlclaxiatoclcof beef perhf maium vmmxirr kd fiana im keaidtie tie j and boptsbygtrlet attentitin lo fcastneis to iecure a fair riare of tba patroaatjn of to j i public mittiejlveredatany time id any pan of lbe town terms cash a 0411 solicited 0eni8lb0jctlt attemird to i wcrobinson 6ra a u auki njli 1 this incoxpjirablb medicint derod oldthlng department ia aa uanal complete and dailj fa kcurtd for tf receiringjnew additiens of spring goods ur millkeet is beginnin tryarrita i t ttl t cart of moil diatom to chick mmassrf sa ktir inspect mcleod andcrson a oo lad i lectfu ne rcsffjeclfully claim your attention to the ollowing gooda that we are botind to eeu to give prices is impoiaible call to examine the sereral lines and bee the reductions we make kakofactubed in toronto a permanent sure cure for diseases dis orders and ailments of thekidneys bladder and prinary secretive syatem or attendant cqmblainu causing pain in rroall ot back sidel etc gravel catarrh of the bladder ani passages brigbta disease diabetes djgjav hlea nervous debility etc et csmphleta and teatimomala can be ob- aiujd from droggiata free viucra childs pad 1150 enrea bed- wettink hernlar pad 2 special padfor obrouic diseases 3 sold by m for3ter md acth b4 jvroode erin thos bnsbin geotge jjjjin alex b perie gnelpb henry witsenmiltoncstorvtsobbrajnren- t in ltlstsrs and jackets la fur sets muff3 and caps la wiaiter dress goods in miujaery eats and bonnets halfprloe in woorclouds and squares jidl olitoiab sov loo and up woita double tooiear bur slock we offer about iso pairs in wool shawls deoided bargains inblaetsweonrtoryolieap i i the pills parity rsgulatesnd lrnpror thegnslity of the blood the assist the difstit ogans oleanse the gtohsvch wd b oa inaresse the secretory powers ol th liver brsce the nerjoas sjstsm and threw into the circulsuon the purest elements lor sustaining and repajruis j the frame ij thousands of persons hare testibtd that hy their use alone they h been restored to health and strength afier sj r every other mesne hiul proted bbsuc a cessfnl r the ointment lj i i na qoobtl and m 1 at ties beautiful and cheap wertspeotfnjjy aik timt to inapeo a 4 l tn cretonnes blssk casimereakew swjta ibpjbrotdetjf bflk rstewaj v t ii will be found invaluable in every hoos hold in the core ot open soris harsl tumors bdlegt oldoaad oonjlifc colds sore throats bronohitis ard all disorders ql the throat and chesv as also gout rheumatism kerolula and i f every kind of skin disesb i maoafactnred tmly at professor hotv lowals bstaoliahmeni 634 oxfobd wkeet lajhdorejidsowatlallld 2a 9d 4s odtls t2s j and sss ek box and pot add in canada at s6 osia 90 oents and160 oeata ana lha largen aises lnproportloin 1 v ifrflautob- 1 hte o aatij itnhed siatea an fjl sold uj jre pnre4iamrsadbnw chi look lathe ubel on thepeta and if the addressi is mrt ott 0jt4trwl iibottob they are appliiona t jhe tm ark of lay iald leaowi are rwisteied ha otiawa andasssiw wkfflswmfjjff 4 kjiiraai- ii jfji k 3

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