Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 30, 1882, p. 4

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3m imiz s7 1 aitieii atfihmiatf ajammfcaaaayaaii jtowtf liif coayssf f- l i 711 i n tagprilir- present imi 1 there fiey are born sttvlchm out co nic elrocg and sttihy smooth and white fair u artua can be 1 gr izi arms cc the f ocr ricking uitiis toys brevriufrall within his reach ltuical of bjys rift cclc hit cart 11 wheel loi is tone homey head lis brceon efi uortevs ftul is tern quick afh farwaoi march i crvini toche comes had a scmciwith the cat fcratchedofl bote rry fumxlj shrahhtafifckf here a rcctd m ricck they dose fbor little soldw y on to quarters ca fnlk cuinbaiv eonwntvdlr t often i tiiul ouhkiuc vvry happy with iu td en everybody uuilerstood nuj grandma gut u our in itli flmiy of milk tttil peach abort cko and giuud- uuiof tooi us ha in e in die wagon add nil dip way along the road ve snug pretty hymns nnd e ull titled each 6lur avpumiip fire balos ef tfrt otqta fiireetftom tbt elitist motors this weofe conscmtiva ourrdoitbaltfreaddlaeuegcaiuiiillpuoiitit the umt ri- strt ror nati oh just think of il gmndw gave l parly to alt at us she gave it at her country home md we all went there were ten of as rate and bmma and jane and bj ward and cbifue and ben and maria and laura and tom and me my name is lilly we had the mewl time you ever jaw t fjvfed in hie garden and vung n the swing and rode on the hobbyhorse and rowed in the bout and we had aieh a nice thicken dinner and- peaches for dessert and wa look naps in ibe hammock and put all om soils in arcv we jirls only the- boy made fira ofit then we nlaved arruv iu regulate the bcaels and give rest i it to the mother and retiel and bctllu to nd church but gradddtother titd it ai hild operating like magic it is aright vewiofed to play church with iperfecily safe to use in all cues end j i j plesfiiit to the iiute and is tba pre ejwird for the minister wth a white ofone of 0 jytcteihandcerchief necktie and grand female phviciins and nurse in the on the united titej sold ertrywhere at 25 cents a bottle taarnlt rector daliau purei opuglin fold milium croup nhoopirig cough iore thruil lirouchila and all lung cimphmitirai lead to coosumpli n price 2o cenu 1 faave itope before you dtsj air of curing a trouble- iome ccughjust veiginconcoucuniptiou try tfiiyanis pecioral bouamj u ha cured others why way it not care you ai1 dealerr tell iu j 1 rorervr irenp apply nimpuiutted will ilngjartl aelliw itlilmid administer the till itr- lernillyon a little sugar as directed oiv lha botlle yellow oil cures rhntna ti burns scilds chi blainslimeuets and all jfiesli wounds all deajera iup ply it price 25 cents k public meefirtff ahould be call ed of tlio ciliienaorcvery cily town and tillage ia the dominion lo consider whit should be done to prevent the hairfrom luniinglirey aud filling out tfuiis imporlaut question received ftieir earnest consideration they would unmi- moaslyj decide thit ecieape had at lite t discotered someihiiig thst would answer this purpose and furlliertnure- would recoinniencl cingalese lair ktaewer as being ihu slmeihlnt or restoring the hair t6 tu natural color and prerent its falling oat 50 cent per bottle at j e llciirvin mien hoiiien vauen ireyoudiscurbej at night and broken of your rest by a i6k child suffering and cryinelwftb the excruciating pain of cutting leeib if so eo at once and get a battle of mrs wfnslova soothing syrup it wil relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend cpon it j there is no mlitaice about it there is n61a riollieron earth wiio lias ever used it who will not tell ou at once thut it the eured oi a flropta reib to mi fellow allow vll bedrh aatnrer who uiilre uti whl preetorrptron aiied ifre tnewn- ereri tbeeana of core to ind a eopj tf tba ehane wlih thi aoul 30 balei more expected daiw otruprfalng all ktndi and jdalitlei from 12 jo hemp 16 the terr beet fire frame brunei lif of magnlnoehttaptafry car- pta arrivltig large quffijtiltc or allo6 aidunlori frigflri carpeu are being imported arid eo ifomen may rely uion it that ihfnerer bouhtcerpeucfteaper than r theyoan buy them at ihertighutouf lliln saa6n and a an addiuodof advantage walklht baa marked down lin carpet nhioh hive remained over linoe hut year in 0lreitnomorprprfnfjrnj nilnifheai many cnsetrrle than cost alargeltf of lirlntorti beat the irtimel5rueli carpet marked iownfromjl mo filea ol troaaleya beat fpfr7cfe beyldadowfof marked dn fnm90lo75c and the lower jriciaareniarkeddown in proportion kememberthi tbrinlonabruaaeliandcroaaleyi tapeltry cfjtre the two beat jjrpentee wifttflf vrjepwrtssobi makes in lie foild nnd have taken ihejr it priiei in the tarioun worldiellilbiliona fur many eari pat and thee are the mke kept the right boole h lart pleaddrikttj awao5iia cue of silks arrived this 6ek containing i 91 50 worth they nfe beautiful caihmer and iroa grain french silk from iydni nert the beat slkalo ibe maixi au wiuitnifiy aie made tho warp nnd weft of thcee ca limere sifka are 61 eqiialiiia and weight and they w handiome aofl 0exibl brilliant gooda dyed by lb very bent french dyertand will nt cot or grow rough fn wf irhg there ia a full anortment at all nriceafrom sc to jij the french srttina are also magnificent good durable and perfectly fuel cotort run ting irorh joc lo fi there are other different ihfomtfttl of french hilkai nditfrjpeeied dally five balea of new ffinta opened up lm- menfe alockiol tnblc dgrrnaaki table nnplt ni vowtli mualn embroirherhea several hnudred dotep pocket handkerchlefb cnarmlnx french selin and faille 8ah ribbons irom five lo lenluch w ide bla k bugled oirapi 6rnnfl warea and trimming in grial variety very badtorce cfetdiia hoaiery ancj lota of other govdi imve anived and cujlomern mny ret r upon it that for extent and variety no bouaeln trill oily ire room to hold a atook to equal theiklght hoom anff he goou beine bonghtfor cath down and the leivormouj increase of 1803799 durin lefaif fourlmontha in ffatkini ialea sbowi plairlly that hia pricei are low and thj value given to hie cuitomers u good wanida carpet salesman remember the imtt ire on king street east dose to haghon strttf whsre the ferandwh- is down and hennme is i i r hamilton ifirch icth 1ss2 thomas 0 watkins hamilton splcimeii of tesrtmomutg reohved frcm phrslcaf3 vvntliaca ks oc iffo the maltopepitti w piven in amirled ad distrekic case 6 ifuireit n ih th trofl rapid peisn and beneficial reiulti z v klm i l on m d fithera old spectacles on up sideboard far a pulpit eu we stopped and we playxd tchool bat ben beat charlie for not spiling- catawumpa right and charlie cried bjys always break things up and then we went into the bare and rolled down the hay and it last gnmdmacsiled ris all into the house snd said that ahe hud baked rs all a hull pie bd tbfie was a mis- tafcr od jll e pics wert differvrn r sj i ssuat be partial she eaiil toa can help yourskes but yoc mast not btpn to tat uctil i give you leave 1 vci ill kapi sliil wlie grundma was spiking- then ks she tat laughing in the rocking chair and gianjpa laueoing teo stood near the table bu bailed oat im the pugest i ought to have the biggest piei great notion i muttered edward i lld pivi xotiingpr rves the hsaltn so well as thee aileralive fills in changeable weather or when our nervous sjuems are irritable they act admirably on the stomach liver and kidneys and so thoroughly purifr the blood i that they are the most efficient remedv fr warding off derangements o the stomacn ever dirrbovi dysentery other imaialie and giving tone nu energy to emrvated vaetudiniriaris fll whj have the natural and lauiable desuelol maireming ibeir own and thvir fmilvs hiltli ceitot do teiter than irut to holljways fills which o3ol fegulite and strengthen thase purifying iiiis are suitable far all ajes seaions climates and constitutions when all other means fail and are the females beat friend a cottarse or yrcx zxztjzt in lung dinette it creitly accellerated- by- the loss of deih etreiigih and appetite whichlmvtri ibly attends il it is one cf the chief recirnmendations of korthrop lymans rjnuision of cod liver oil andhypophosphites of lime and soda that by reasn of tne bloodennchmg sod nourishing propsrties of the last- namtd ingredients it renews ailing c i strenrth bv comrnsaunf for losses au but ben grabbed the biggee pie of thii nxit ea wtii6 healing and whole lot and walked off withit j soothing- influence js at the nine time i exerted cporhhemfumed membraneous edward and cnarhe almost fought j k the throat lungsanl bronchia for the nt but eiwardgot it arid jbv the cod liver jil digetion is registered at otf awa an aetifigial gastric juice this is not apttent nedicmc crci recti vi hit formula is printed oa the label i uehcd to each bottle ma ltoleps rvcunes pvspepsia indijesthri less of kitche inlwinal ar astinc kseieea constipation nausea cfivcaic diarvhiri cholera infantum and nti 3f infants troubles which ercrally ariie from ike stomach 50 cents for 48 doses or about i cent per dose jtectilar sired bottles containm ij on with dese meaiiire attached jo certs for sal bj- all chctnitt hrojshout the doniniun avoid taking liquids of any sort more than is absolutely necessary to quench thint a ihe excessive use of lipids ii tlit cause ef half the ivspesia nr the world maltcpepsv is a powder agreeable and easily taixn supplies to the stomach the actual gtilifc jcice frescrtbed by the leading fhrsicians hxnirit ihe domininn in lhcr regular prac rice maltopcpsjn is also iscd to a large e vicit in hospilau dispc paries and irfinzarici athlisc ost jt i lso the maltopctisyr t obtained from vou has fir more than anvrtre r anlicipalicni karing tried it in two old and vtrv obstinate cases of indieililin t found it lo act lila aara c sfckexka m d cakhrat ost jan ifei i hae used ycur taicpepstn in severe catesof indigestion fci kalruriicn i tduls and diarrticra cf children and am si uell pleased with the rerilis irnt j hae te itrucled ray druggist io keep a supplv ra hand t wrfale m d ahiosr ovt tee jn isi after civicf your mihcpensvr a trial ir sime of mv worttcises frr which it is secommendtd i airvcm pleased vh the vrv in which il rc continue tomal e a ceo inicle like that now in cse and it will le a uniiersal farorhe- k hamilton m d hazen morse toronto for sale by all druggists and j e mcaartin i i acton elgniy reeomnirtided for blllousess bejkl-aeke- cob- j stlpatma indlte- t dtnibeaa beazlbwrn breath lota of ap petite jandjee loss wf uemory roar aioistaeh uter coin- 1 plaint-oraayiunfsari-mjlronathestam- iftcii isowetf or audnera- thcr are sate ra iid and thorough la tmr action franllos p itsadcec rtuce tie fol box mafia said toin was mean to tty foe such a big one and eate cried and emma pinched jane and do one woald tooeh the tiny little pie until graidma bsid im sorry that pie is so eriiall i afrairl it will cause contention f then i thought how ktud grandma had been and i said i ill take the tiny pie i like tiny ies just as- well si big ones i think we ought to be ashamed to fight over treat ovens will bake different sizesy i expect and grandma loves ua all then i took the little pie lyouti end it as good inside as any bf ihem said grandma bat oh i iwhat a time there was with i kate and emtca and jane and ed f ward and harlie and ben and maria and laaraiand toin all choosing the best and biggest and grandma laugh ing so abokt ft bat iast think when ferindma i i f sar we had all taken oar pies she aid kow til tell you something tdeae pies aratolbe opened befose they are eaten not bitten into ben be carj- fal j l so sf dit sj she told usand all in a moment the crdit was goce it crumbl ed to pieces in our fingers and we biw it was only meant to hide a paper with something in it ban bad apapor of candies in bis and emma had a bide pincushion and there was a utile glass binary bird and a china dog and a tiny doli in hates and emuias and mariv api faurajs and ittiieb and edwarri fend charlie snd tom had ail guai pretty thipgs that i was half afraid i opn niy when i d tiny winy winy pie bi 1 what did i find there t oh juat thicl its as trde ai true can be 1 a i ttlesilser rath that would jo with i chain made bdt of grandma land gram pas hair pie r aaii then itopped bntsrraddrfia aaici am to slad i took tbelitito t vi walsorrv for the otherr arid cj3njqjj jl iwibi- theauih to he intie kttte jrffr txj ehor all par littler oniaj tit jrabbing fortie heat and bigge it dbesj bet always ha v add l4tif ire bake sotue little thing tbit stimulated and appetite improve 1 the nervous sytem acquires tone and vigor and the eecrelioas undergo s healtuf chanje when it is used furchasers sriould ste that the bottles sold at 50 cents and 100 have the firms name blown in them and that the wrappers bear ft ran siitile of our lignature sold by all druggists prepared ohly by noctheoe k ltjtor toronto i from brazil ia ifew compound its wbti- hetiol afflnity io ihe digestive tppajatas and the liver increas ing the dissolving juices reliev ing almost instantly the dreadful results oi dyspepsi ind and the torpid utter makes zopesa an every day necessity in brery bouse it acts gently and speedily ii biliousness costivoness bead- acle sick headache distress aa ter eatlngwiitd on the stomach heartburn pains in the side and back want ofjippetite want oi energy low spirits foul 8tom ftci it invigorates the liver cat ties oft au surplus bile regulates the bowels and gives tone to the whole system cut this out and ilte it to yov drnggist and getalq cent sample or a large battle for 75 cents una tail romueiehbot about it 30 dw eocr own lown 5 oatfitfreoiorsjr everruiinf ew capital cot required we ulfiirrlbhyotieterythldffmany are matins fortune ladles fetvlre aiiluchai in en and boy and girls mate ktacpar header if yotr want bailneik at trmchyoo can ma fee great pay allttaelftne yoixtork write for particular to h hallbtt a co portland maine if ibe leading city in ontario if hailbe la g eat irarebouwa ilftfli lae liirf est basics ahd loan com ulhai ths ff3thlwtmerrjaatrrhd mtmrn- facijirprt ifhai the ben medical fchoclt illuiljih bchool of law aod the m liti 1 mi rlraft fetufnes cbuege la the great chioi ofpommerce ma mflajn rf fo thb fereatesotw ot trade to frafnbow dartii f don builent enler tbe college at any tim se nil fare real r adtfrtu tn becretbry i acton harness trunk 1 depot partiea requiring anylliinrr in tartim or trunks to save money ahouid go lo undertakers furniture dealers and waggon rfiderfakinff we par particular attention io this dopartmeirfoiote business tm as we have ccnftasily oi hacd a hqjc and varied stock of coffins caskets ftobes and ail funeral requisitob we can stii everj tstc and the circotn stances of all who fegftfire anything in this line all our goods are placed ai very reasonable figures firstcla hearse furnished when rcqairod furnifwret in oarcabmeimsiing depaxtmettt we axe pipafed fot feo bprinsj demjinil farlvr suites sofas centre tables whatnots bedsteads ac wajfffoas we have on hand a stock of firstclass lumber wagons and democrats manufactured by ourselrea from the bestmaurial which will be sol at the lowest pos- ioii riaies repairs xscuted prompt jy sale board stablbi mill street aotom if wrrfffe f6rj oai ge i firstclass bigs at rea80nabu ftatl good comnwrciai sigsy aa express beliietf ttagorj will meet each expresa train arid deliver goods if any part of the lowri after the 1st ifareh f intend io do a strict caah business onry credjt win not pay for dorse fee or repairs- ed mattiievs l prourietoi j a speight manager american clearing sale at the mammoth house r greech actoii biuousnbss- dy8pepsia ihdige8t10n jaundice errsipeus salt- rheum heartburn headache elevualls spaviv cire tte boit saeaasfal kemeir ever ditrover- ed kt it if iieriaik in lis effcts and doea not bllttcr red ppjar eexow kendalls spavin cure ertracl from a letter written lotj griff ith edlfr ciffbo y urycn a weekly heleu pi per of uua2fy as an cneoiirfftnitnl lo vou since tbi advjrtlfement of ktniuus ripivln cure rlrt apicared inyoor psrer majy lijared mini rtt have heen usirklifcnj in allcaxri in and aroaad ncre il uss uctiiev ei wtmdtre it lr a prljei kuccevs amnn injured miners years truly kicihedowe uceaq iilticsllil airii ifilivil kendallis spaviu cure ox human flesh thofaudk et trials 6a hainan flesh bus proved beondadoobi that llrndalit spavin curiiis nffieiniirenflli lo pnetraltald virile to eureltie torficakefofrreunmiism irnf banyon frostbtlzporanyfaralscf cut or lanencfs winch are not aflftcied if tbe least bv ordinary ailnenu u difes not bllvtcrbutonthe coclrarr remores olliore- nes kendalls spavin cure pt john pt oct jc7i1 dr r j kmhall co oect i have used your spavin cnrewkh great enccois on spatn aod fpiint l know it to be a goofi rmd furricgoonek bonospftinp cau puis an j nil klnfjsonpmene fc many citherdiffcu onr oiray men upralrd bis ankle very badly t apr nlipd kendallfpavln curcanj 1 hverfaw anrttilccworklikpu he wan wfll in ate davfv j krow it to bejood forman a well ratiw on tbink 11 one dorse that i treated ncpordfoaf 1o th- kiirctiont cveninyoarboofeford fllfle iniuwt v tears truly m j peaksok j of ue tov kendairs- spaviu cure fend address forlllustrited circular which ve tlilnk kivpf noitlve rmcf of its vlrtne ko remedy pa ver met with ueh unqunll- w racec to out ttcowledpe tor beasts a wemas man priei pfrhoit all drrezisfthavelloreanfeut rnr you or it win in sen tonny oodrfs on receipt vfpnee hv the prnefct i b j kkdall co ekosbuhb fallbvt sold rr all druggists lystn soxs 4 co konntreajpu wbolseale agents r y akbjut t prorured on of ynurtra tbehnrtfiby rnofl for25ctahd t tt wps the iaeans offvir ioe10ftoo on burdock blood will cure or relieve blzzlness dropsy flutterinq of the heart acidity of the 8t0hach dryness of the skin and ewr rcle vf diseue ariatnf- from dfaordtrtd uver kidneys stomach bowels or bloooi t eilbork 4 co pio butcher shop wi c robinson ould intimate to tbe people of acton that he has purcliarcd tbe butcher bceiness late ly carried on by robert storey and t hat be has alwnyson handaflmclkssitoefcof beef perki ha ton poaliry akd gam 4 ieasn etc andhoptsbyitrict attentln to tristntisto oenre a fair share of the patronage oftuf i pablie mearoeflveredal any time to any termi oaai a oiu soueited oasxas paoiant attcdfd to yfi ci robinson l4m rupture plaster of oedessbqrf sired llilliaery mantles furs dres goods dvercoats readynlads clothing funnels blankets liein nants of all kinds being slaughtered regardless of ost itow is your chance to get bargains as tiu stock arut ba soil to make roon for spriaj imporwtlcaj blacfc cabhmares bpecial batirains colored cashmeres great barkains black golored silks at wonderful lo priceb- we are offerinc a line of colored 8ilks at 40c worth 9sc we are likewise eeuing at gteat reductions for the sprine trade 20 per cent less than the usual prices prints unbleadhed cottonswhitet cottdrir tick iiurs check shirtirifes brown ahddrarl duck deruma gottonades the ftretolm are lack sodi ai ibe people reqdlre ai aee and if tkef eali da as j taev will trube biitenxs paddctc i wt wiu be 8lau for ooe month dutch hemp cai- omnrl i o a pets tor 15eperyrci a union for 2oej worth 50c a ta pesiry for 45c worth 85o olir ordortd olothtrlg ddpartm6n4 is u usual cornpiete snd daily reviving new additions of spring goods our ititlrasat is bejjinriihe to arrive we respectfully invite our friends and the public generally to eall inspect and you will be constrained to buy s moleod anderson ooi jfammoih house georgetown march 3 82 ax- goal oil fok sale at eemember tfie stand sisft o f the lamp rill sit actcp geo fiavlll afctcn dec228f i worth ttielr weight id smi ladies holloways p3llstmen1 hl ikvompabjlble kedlwsf koa secured for itself an ivlperukabit- dnj4 throughout thi world for the alleviation nd curt of most distamtfo which humanity u heir i the pills as cfactubed is t0k0nt0 a permanedt sure cure for diseases dis orders and ailments of thekidneya bladder and urinary 8ecretivo system or atteodant c causing pain iu small of back bides etc gravel catarrh of th bladder and passages brighta disease diabetes sore cqre by an outward application which will catise tbe broken membrane to heal aod becoiaie as atroog as before the aoi cident no obe need run the fearful risk qf teangnlation when a certain and speedy cure cau be bad at a trifliug coat of 2 fulli treatment and valuable information sent oa receipt of pnefe by f ii mebhick pre- ottgot- r the above plaster was discovered a niiraj beror vears abrby ah old lady areaykotl sfc woods 8aiujoaeustopj8e- 5 iuference furnished if de- j town alex b petrir ouelph j hanrr projjpile naryohs debility- etc etc pamphlets and teitimooiali can be ob- fained- from btliggiti free pklojichilds iad 15b cures bed- fetlibfcl kegular bsd 2 special padfor cbrnbic diseases t3 sold by m fortsf e ujd aeton watson milton cstorkisonbrarnptotl- la vte rcspatfally your attention to the following goods that e are bound toieli to give prices ia impossible call to examine tbe several lints and see the reductions we make isters and jackets r sets muff3 and caps ate cress goods illinery eats and bonnets hajiprige ool clouds and squares in childrens sose loo and up tfortih doutjle to otear our atock we offer aboni 130 palm in wool shawls decided bargains in blanksts e offer very cheap we respectfully ask a tisit to inspect j i i rew fioobs1tn ciretonnea bladk caiqmertt newswias xsoiiwlrlsryi bilk ahd net trieb beautiful ajid cheapt rjivj wms sfewarf ibfej 1 v l furify regulate and improve the quality of the blood thj aaaiat the diibstit ogsasy cleanse the v stfhaca bud bow els increase the secretory growers of the- uver brace the nervous syateha and thro into the circulation the poresv hements tor susuihing and repairing tbe fratni ia thousands of persons hate- testified that by their use alone they have beed j restored to health and slrehgth aftef every other nieani had proved unauel besslul i the ointment will b found invaluable in eiery honsa hold in the oate ot obeh sores idaul tumnra bad libs old weaadl coaeli colds sore throats bronchitis and ell disorders- ol the throat ahd chest a also lout rheurhallstn etrofata abd every kind of skin disease j mannfabtureb only at profeaaor hra lowats jsstablishmeni 563 oxfokd f btkebt losdon ahc sold ai la- iicli be 9d 4s m lie 2a and33s eaoh f box and pot and in canada at jooaota 90 cents and tl5u oenu and thiargif sixes to proportion v isfcaimoii i hive no atrttviuiav ipi uniled states tv6r are iymwatbxswafj aold thert pttrejtah ahouh tberirwkw 71 fp look to vhelabelntbwpctotbojwi lftheaddreae u bos 63 oxibrtjbtrwmij v londop they artapurious jtn thetradearkoftoyaaldmeaielak v 1 we jeiiatertd in ouawa and alas j vnusgteh v-

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