Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 6, 1882, p. 2

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in i a the f iee press thcmdit ioaxtxo april 6- 1882 teae beats wanted wt we mt the necessity of refer- ring to the uljct of the insufficient nurajwt of t itieiueot houses in town and have don i to several timet lately and as the d mend continues wo refer fraia to the been asked acton hope ti t ibjtc the qucstiott has ho do the peoplu of increase llw business o the town to idngss such pour accomiuo dattons tre prvided those who with to beewan cititejis at present then town who do not lao ill remote- when their nd they ate compelled to ises they now occupy id tee a urge addition are families in where they month la up i ltve the ho every year houses to mist dteeoun company coul tuficient nun able return fdj certain such men o prove themse and if oar peo grow lliay tions according growth board tneboardo tu our popukti anif there were tenement ply the demand it ing and it is not much onder that ur town does not grow mote rapidly now if sojie of our mooied men enty five or even fifty tenement houi ss they couhl inside of tn yean tealin core thin the amount of their investments or a joint stock i be farmed to erect a ber of houses ani the m oddfeuowihip the innual relurus of grand 8cre- taty j b king of the i 0 0 f for 1881 ihow a net increase of 760 in the number of nietiber of tht order there being 2107 additions ud 1347 withdrawals by dith or otherwise the tolal membership of the order at fie end of the year was 13070 there w paid tor relief 3193005 and for current expenass 2096355 the receipts ol lodges were 1207996 and tlie total exiwudiltire fst9242tf showing an excess of receipts over expenditure of 2606526 the funda of die order amount to 11113235 five new lodges have been instituted mitiug the oul number of lodges 232 april 26ih being the 63r4 auaivrr- sary of the founding of the order in anieuc it has been decided to bel the day tiart ss a day of tliutilcsgiviug to almighty god for past bfcssiug and in huiublo supplication for con tinurd prosperity and usduluesa rents would piy a haudsouis dividend a couple of cottages with in each ccali very few thoui and dollars and a profit- rowa of semi detached ten or fifteen dwellings be errcted at a cost of a r the outlay would be i company of men would ves public benefactors le want to see oar town ist provide accommodi to the demands of 6uch of education trustees ot acton pub lic schcol me on xloadar evening members present messrs j a jintth- d henderson dr limes moore last meeting read and ews chainoai lowry and ii jlinates of approved the commit ee on finance presented their fourth report and recon mended payment of the t cook catting following accounts alec kennedy- rot ss xti2 f093j 45s2 2i9i 20s3 6li 1793 taos moore tl jy for ilircii mist rample kiss grant mrs adam km cooper wo d k ifcgirtinarutnton expenses ci w black b utao h p moore adv aanajl abstract wooj 675 470 40o 528 so 600 chnstie header oa k co wood total j50 3 moved by d henderson seconded by drlowrj that the finance com mittees report i e adopted carried moved by j emeu moore seconded that this board do now by dr lowry adjourn carr ed caelph i at cattle show the fair umer the suspicea of the gnelph fat suck club last thursday was the most u icceasfnl which has been held in gnelph tor miny years there were about fin hundred cattle on the ground all in good tilling condition prices ranged from c to 8c per jonnd of co irsej the latter fignre was exceptional but taking the prices at an average f illy 5a the ruling price this is ihe highest figure that baa been paid br cattle for a number of years and there is no doubt that this is die to tha efforts of the gnelph faistoc club n offering liberal pria and also the re luuiiottof the county for raising catth i which drew buyers from every part of the dominion thus securing for the farmers a- higher price for their cthr ban could be obtained nnder ordinary circamstances tie following sales o cittle were made by farmers of this ucinity alelkennedf nean acton 2 head weighing togethir 2979 ll- at 5jc and two at 5c a mctaviah wasgagaweya bull for 36 no mcphedn n kassagaweya three head for 200 george s graiger xaasagaweya i head at 5c g leslie erajnoaa 2 head for 120 jog 8tewrt ifaasagaweya 1 head for 45 j h w barber eramosa 2 bead at ijcaod 1 a hold extra aawther rieory fr jkaalaa the long look 1 for and jmlotuly watched nee betreea edward hnlan and r w b yd for the sculling cham pioruhip of eagund and 1000 wis rowed on mondi j srd inst ovr r the tyne coarse froi i the mansion house toseouvobd stspension bridge snd proved an eijoeec ingly easy viclpry for the c ebi mpioi oarsman of the orh taat qntstlod of terocfty to ut ailor oilk frtc pnu dear sb in reply to mr wil kinsons ktter in your papr of murcli 30th it may lie well to ty hat the public impression wbich annoys him is well founded after axtpting his challenge to re sume the discussion for ten uights and have the speeches rcporkd and publish ed i called upou him to arrange all the preliminaries he positively re fused to enter into any written agree tuenl louchiug the debate or it pnbli cation hewould refer everything to a committee of not four ts ic the former discussion i consented he then appointed two men on thia com- mitlee neither of iriom trcre villimj that the ducimion thould uravmcd it it fair to presume that his part of the comtuifee was prepared to earn- out hisdesiret the ocly way in which he can change public opinion in this matter is by entering into a written irrsenient with me touching the debate and its publication and then appointing a committee that will execute oat decrees this of course he will refuse to do as in the past mr wilkinson never was is not mw and never ill be willing tu enter into a written agreement to have the dbale resumed and published sach patty bearing half the expense so bag as the facts remain as they are sa long will bro wilkinson b annoyed by the assurance that his unwillingness to act in harmony with his own challenge is the trouble zonr etc h mcdiasjfid p s by ictimatin that a com tnittee of four in the absence of the fifth man would show ignorance by making or receiviug proposals mr wilkinson only displays in large quantities the very thing hi- would impute to others h mcd business brevitie8 and ftumk t baci t eu an i lntliu wdo batf tried di- tlirtt pronouooe it ih finti thing un tbeheeof thli earth for thi ieeth and breath 5 oeot itmplei j correction to uu editor of the fro prtu deae sia i noticed in year iuue ot the 2vd alt letwr orer the aignitnwof o fc a hcdarajd entitled disp a u settled tad in fasnce to other partiei cooeerned i bej to inform your readert of the caaw of the diipate some time wo the mam mcdonald were clearing up their both iloox the line between tfaeaueirw ud peter if inn and ia xliiog the timber they threw s nam br of trees acrou the line on mr ifinni property and aftemrd pqt np the fence learing all the braih and rabbiih lyinij where it fell beinr adrid by mr ifaca to remote the bnuh end tree to pi that irere left u an encumbrance on fait property they thoanbi iwt to refaie u that was igiitut tbeir priaciple at lait lawyers letter was sent them sdriting them to remove the rubbish st once audof coarse thi had to be obeyed messra jufcdoosld bailt the line fence laroaja the hardwood bash and left mr hum to pat np the other half of the fence throagb the swamp he hired a man to build th fence snd it u bailt as well ss coald be erpected throagh such a plsce it being a few inches off the line they siy we wish to adrun mr mann to build the fence exactly on the litw well the swsmp will oo be worth to either peter ilwnor the rndsotu of j a a kc- donsld fire cents in a bandred years to come and they hare consequently little cause to make inch s ass on that score they say we feeljastifiedin jrjrinj the matter this publicity so do i u report contrary to the truth have been circulated who circulated such reports bat the laid firm snd who u more capable of doinjfio thanking you for the spice occupied in yoc valuable paper jam yours etc axex mux tr esqaetiniz 3rd april 1862 fteet b4 cornier u fee ssfferlicw brown e hoasehold panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and externa h ouroa faib in the fclde baok or bowels sore throat kheamatim toolhaofae lumbago and any kind ot ft pain or aohe it will moatnaroly quicken th blood and hal as etc acting power fa wonderful browns hooaehold panacea being arknowledgedas the great pain beliaver and of doable tbe strength of any other elixir or liaiment in toe world abould be in erery family haojy for aae when wanted as itreallrla the best remedy in the world for cramps in tbe stomach a id pains and ache of all kinds ai id it for sale by all dragguuat 26 oeat a botile garden p over pijswdi all proslat jb hats from 76 onmi to 85c v fjles a oo0d felt hat for 76 cent at i fr s i ladies mantlei neweit styles st chriitla hendenon t co iryou wsiita nobby durable sad oneap suit j fjles is th plao to go scotch snglish and canadian suitioji in ruit varitty st the east end clutliitikitora j fyf aotoo fancit wool goods christi lunderson tf co hats pccivcd snd will oten in a few days an tmninise stock of all kinds of fancy wool goods comprising knit sbawls clouds etc etc all of tbe latest designs and sludes tbese goods are extremely huidaoini and will be sold at veiy closeit priees mavtleoexauests mantlo clobs silk and siiin trimmings at cbriuue henderson 4 cus kare value suits anj overcoats at extremely lnw rates andmsde in latest strlea ee sore to call and see thttn j f vie acton wixcevs gtnktent judge pro- nducce our i2jc wincey extraordinry value examines h compare it and you will be sure to buy ii winctyn from 5c up at christie handerson t os mcquillan t hamilton of tha welling too marble work gnelph out aradoioc the larceat retail marble trade id out ow lag to the fact that they do the beet vork snd sell the cheapest- the public tre warn d acaintt dealing with second band trade pvddlcr but ilioald u direct to the firm or bay from their aceou see that the came mcquilliu k himiltoo ii oa the printed form before yoa lign or order miktles christie henderson k cos stock of ladles iigbt and dark mantles just received these goods are frcm ihe best makers and comprise a full rungs of prices they will be sold cheap the chines invented printing the mariners oompfts gunpowder ac but the invention o eleel pens was left to the nineteenth century eslerbroclcs kalcon no 043 being a universal lavor- its j the best form in which eleclridly is embodied is dr thomas ecleclric oil s sovereign snd highly sanctioned specific for rhecmatic paius and a thoroughly reliable remedy for all affections ot the throat and lungs used externuily and internally osthtt ii is commonly taid that yon cannot make an honest man believe bat white is black and vick vxasa but thoe who have grey hair by using tbe clxsilkit hut kssswsaiwill find ht this ap- parentdifbcultykeasilyovercome for tale by j e ilcgarvin 50 cents per bottle wkere taraaee u bius it fell- u be jwlte dr bliss if not a sticcesaat probing for tiullets was highly successful in des patching bulletins but the grandest bulletin ol success is that which heralds the woderful cures performed by bur dock blood bitters that malcjileai tonie and blood purifier which acts at once upon the biweli the skin the liver and tue kidneys while it invigorates and strengthens the whole system for every person evfrvone snflering from painful corns will be gad o learn that ibrre u a oew and palnleta remedr discovered by which the verv worst class ot corns may be removed entirelv in a horl time in i without pain rctxaiiv fantiiss coex eitticok hal tlready been used by thousands and each person wo has tiven its trial becomes anxious lo re commend it to others it is the only sure prompt and painless cute for corns known putnams painless cora ex tractor is sold everywhere hallovayi ointment and pili colds coughs shortness of breslh these maladies require early end unre mitting attention for if neglected they often end in asthma bronchitis or con sumption the uintment well rubbed upon the chest and back penetrating ins akin ia absorbed and cimed directl ly to the iung whence it expels ai imparities all tha blood ic the body is perpetually passing through ti e lungi and there are noxious particles tending to disease can be quicky thoroughly and permanently neutralised rendered harmless or ejected from the system holfowars ointment and pills perfectly accomplish tins purifies lion arrl through the blood thus cleansed he influence of these wonderfrl medicaments reaches the remotest parts of the homan body and thus cures j all diseased action whether internal or external percheron houses laroe8t importing- and breeding establishment bthl woeld fop boots fob bale til parn quantity of food hop boot for stale ohep- apply to j j- b moqabvin drusinisvt acton- m w dunham wsyne da page ccmntr roinola dba 3i sulet west of chicacoj thtrinn the past 17 monfha 3so staz liosx ikd mabes have bnn imported from vaiioe to tfct estamtafcmcitf beimg mohb titan the ftmbbtad tmeortattomm of all other importore a zsmt hoiwea from all partt of europe- for any out year onflfrh of ttw entln ttnmbea- at import ed frraeh hnmraln aixwriea can be seen oa his arm bis importauons ban tneloded tu ptlu wlnaen d tbo tjtfeanaf exposition varu is7aadntartrin tbs prist eorsat of tugreaabbowsjotfraooesldcat liistmpor ituaosboigui tnej alto oatrled off the bcoors at tbe uontcatnlaj 1876 and at the great chicago fain 159 1 mr txtnuomt brri of fekcbbboirs in tmmpnltloh wltb the large end finemt oooeotioc of oyrfre- aoum erer tboirn eostslsttzui of tbesrumwin den at tbe great shows of hottaad sod bs- 1aiidl was awardad the ovmuf mwenotmko lrlm of tlftoo tod orwwf oom fttdal joo paqb caxazoavs mm tbxm oit ttpphatio contain atmr 40 luut ireabmia and the hmern of th ft root order cat alooue x mvjfl iia bbhbdbr ifc bvbbt nbmhboehood nxsf a fmimw luxuost bbiiikb mht teen trial has ctsmco- ocblllse strthuwfan brut to tbe xntmon marts of she ootttrr tht proanoe is aoaonfonoaweaatit rt uid sell for more money on the marksa oarj nr erujur ole of horena mobarviab draff store rt0 contbavtobh i lsnders will be received by tht nnder- ilgnedup to- the 8th ol april for tbe ertetion oft brickekhool huuie for school section nnfi kiqueein g plans aud iptoifioationa nity be teen it tbe fkix pasts office and fifr further parliculart apply to john cam eon or to the undersigned the lowest or atiy teuder nnt necessarily accepted i alexasdee kennedy sec treat trustees acton mtrch 21it 1882 3t qalesmcn wanted to begin work st ouce on sales for fall of 1682 for tie fontoill ncrseeies the largest in canada itti n orrfcr tososto oxt montreal pq k afiun administrators nolle rt jfechlbald mcxab pnrtoant to teotiot mofohspter 107 of tht revised statntstef onurio ootict it hereby given hit til creditors snd others hiving cltimt setinti the estate of archx bwild hcnii late of tht tiwnship of era mota in the count of wellington ttone mason who doparudthit life on or about tbe 18th day of february 1881 are request ed to tend by poetpreptid addrtttecj to tht nudersigotrl at rookwood io on or be fore the twelfth day of may 1882 a state- meot of their names and addresses with j full particulars of their claims and the stcuntiet if any held by i hem snd that i after the dty last tfbrtitid the adminittri- j tofof tbe laid archibald menab will pro- i ceed to distribute the assets of the said de- etaard among tht nartiei entitled thereto having regard to the claims of which he then hu notice ud shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to lay person of whose claim he shall not hare notice at the time of distribution ss aforesaid dated tt eramou this 23rd day of march 1882 william mcnab branch offices st paul nurseries foothill ontario wi caa start in addition to our already iane force 100 additional oanvtatart ud want more who can give full time to the basinets steady employment snd eood wiriee to luccetsfat men k docs not mat ter wbit your previous occapauon hit been if yon ore willing to ttorkjour euccess it ahnott certain the beat of references re- olired apply to stone t wellington nurserymen toronto oot atents secured ron ikventions henry grist 0 ottawa f canaoa1 call it jchiirs new stand -for- sarsaparilla u7a cutujt oispspslu aad ta raurut tht blood ft hat bate st nte for s rean sad has proved to ot tbt seat reparation ts tht market or qck biadacte p auf 15 thx sat or back lrvtb ctk- placft pwtza ok tbi fa ci dtdtepsu ran and an uteatta that arttt frost a okerdertd lrnr or u unram blood tuootanoi of car best motet take tt and fit b to tbttr entv dreopbtitintprnailbtlloatlttboeai who oat ik onot rteonuntad it to i rat btrstratrffl wa it mtde front tedow dock hoada- sa wuitanmtn caasr weokaown valoable boota tad qtrrv btsuofle wlntanmint tad herbs u it trrlrtli vffetabfc and detleatectt not sssn tbe most it it one of tat best madidasti a oat tor kecnlattat tbe bonla sit soil bv sa raarxattblt tawsth uoaooouar for a onan bottla or ttx bottlei forfrfe douara tbotewbo eamnt obtain a bottle of thai stedtdae from thru- droxrltt mar tend at one oadar aad w wm seaclfc id ghooid substantial eavetraugiii prices brsasonable guelph cloth hall wio mvmmrta vttm tmc uoomttmn or tnaa i tnaf w tmatttk cfflcieft bo0k el ajltipaclfic bi mr tad utawmt tvuusliortmtnramttsoavi liajtltwn ifiboimpouj aad bttnol u ia 0bioo dtpott wlta all uu prindrml xm ttalpbsittt li tniiltiud tad bmolav- wa ofataa oomsotuhu aad mr ooaeaas mstynlflaw bortoo a cwl vuabaa taittkmi psum nd fa bm usi of zhatac can ta world ni timbu botwon csuowo aad albert lea route l wew tad street lta4ru seatoa tad tuki vbm neeatir tea epoed tm ateliaiopd wftrpynuaujtmoaailintaab- botliaej ltftratte tad oauaosoatatw i ba pinl isd lattnaediste polsta ltixmth n tnml earatt xxpntl iiutsttr ttlt it anphulpil lukat osvwln trailed sutei end i aaar ibeekid taroosli and eattt of fiueil eulowiliampntton ibu oser lm idru great rook i8lahp route 7tnr burnt tlok othe or iddnai tin oailb su st tlorw vvmrm t oeal htt ooimanaisi omioaoo our spring stock consibtinp of clothaj scotcs aad caaadlan tvteeds uatiand sjieats farnuhlbtr goods is now complete in ill departments shaw grundy merchant tailors successor to shaw mtjeton eekoiu of toith a riequeman wbo soflered tor yean from servoos debnli rremalnre iieeayand ill ihe errcu oryoutbrn tncaareuoit will ror he sukeoijfletlic hnmanltj tend fret to ii w do need li tbr renelit aud direction for msnf ue tlmple irnrdj uy wblch be wit ur d etuftortn witbinf to front oy tbe id rerllf ett tsperlenoe ean do toby addrtaalnr a twrreer eonodenee joas b ogskk a cedar st ffew fort k lecture to vockc mkn i oa the lew ef manhood i we htverecentlypbllthedinew edition of dr ralverwells cele- sensed retty ootne radical and permanent core wllbont medu eluhofjiervckudrblllly menulanlphyilc- al i loapi ellyimpedlmentaoftlarrlaae ele rttbltlntfroinexoeu et price in a sealed envelope only j ets or tjwn potato sumps t is eelebnled author in this admirable iearly demonstrates rmm thirty eeeaafol praetlee thatalarmlns onn- seqntocet msjr be radically eared wttaoot tbe clanteroos nw of tuternl medldntor tbe oas 01 tbe knife polnunioat a mode nr enr i at dnce simple oeruin and effeelnal by me int of whlen every aoffertr po matter wb t bit condition may be mtyourehlmseit ebe ipiy privately and radically t ill tjeetnre should be id tbe bands ol eve 7yontb and every man in tht land aldreat j thje calverwell medical co 41 tu its mew ter posioffke box as line aseprtaeat of boots and shoes erjbbbha etc ml fits all sizes keniaey son mala aatoa have juit xeoeived aepiendid aetcrtmtat ol fall and winter boots and shoes tha feat vjim evar offaratl to the people oi anton aad rieiaitj fid boni prieei adtertlteat bat a kenulrsc article ottered at pnees defylag eaaipejuuan jystoiiij wort and ripaifidg eiecutad with despatch aad from the veij beet material vwe nave also a nice sasortmtnt of tsuxms rlsms i ml goocjs sold efcaap far oaah kinntispn acton r christit3 henderson fc co acton ontario- ail thu week and throoch tbe sesuon oar ioek of general dry goops millinery boots shoes etc etc e wu1 be foaad coaialeto fresh cholee aad cheap onr regular weeklr pnrchsse from lrnrling dry goods ind mihinerybotiiesi enables as to show the latast nawaaf and naataat daalana jut what it wanted at this season in stasia oooda of all kinds oar object is to place before our customers the best makes it pricei ai lou at an atktd far old and underiraels brandj oue ixhexse stock of boots shoes enables as to fit and sait everyone bendea onr goods being made up by reliable man a fit to rare can always be depended on to give good satisiaetion as can berl estiiied by thousands wbo bare worn onr boots for two er three seasons this together with our low prices accounts for our im cense sales womens button and lace shoes fkom 100 up mens stoga boots from 150 up misses women s and mens overshoes from 25c up oar felt boots aad half boots are the cheapest offered overcoats shirts drawers mitts and socks tweeds- scarfs all new and cheap in gnnu collara and pinoy and faahionabloties we show full linea lehftig lxflt smmw18 clovbs fv8 otxb frnxc goobs of sill kim 8 i have been selected with care and economy v tol m miimmvtbmetms siasom quite lurpsssei former years being more than doitble that of last year our efforts have been to please snd we accept this as satisfactory evidence remember our famous 50a tea christie henderson go grand display -of- t m dill to i spring tweeds -at- tu east lad ttetmitf ster come and see them 3stew bpeijsfg ghooids pikplbs rnj i le1slrboll sia f tendnol itwi tbertorortaatrrowth thsillirabiooth lae ad- si pw taokle soda b tcaslutt dealer in general dry goods and grooeries haa joat orjened a stock of roods auitattlfttvir sprintt trade oompisliur jasaam tad raney mat oelextd jciauai xao outaisa ii isamvtmaitv ortteaitm aad oratatmi fringe beaia vceu aiiit titoiaisst baaiaatvflotewwtt adtattutiaorumlvmlheiaufi ua bdfltl btmuid auuasm bnjd whiti yloiit au tjamrr uu oltrru ooraeta tuuuwiiwm mejn stiwaw and jwjs latse teas as the duty has been taken off tea i now aeumyteatonper oont tshetspar than pld prioaa xa hatidaomo volume to every pniraaerof threa poundaof uquor toa ftp at i s hogairiaa dtg ston oni

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