Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 20, 1882, p. 3

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lujj miiriii tmiwimiiwirriitrtmrta n ith the free pr tacatdat monkdto april m 1884 at geo uyndt jawalwry faaoy good a store acton oat berlia v mottoes the largest stoclt in acton i school books note paper prat and lakj scribwinj bookt copy book slttee watches clocks jeweller bpeoteoletl cruel knirea spoon aad forka toyi dolla vats albasta geo hjroda the leading ater in ac too for wadding and birthday presents call in bits of brevity eesli mktrwltr arnaral ajr ike ae r la aa aad tclnn far rtatlvrs ef ihefree rrvaa v the may flowtrt are btoomln a starry irinj evening for a ramble improvement u now the order ot the daf council meeting on tuesday evening t hakou spring show at milton tomor row i the wild srillow calkins art in full bloom the ice cream parlors will soon be re opened i gardening bat commenced ia real earnest spring cleaning has no terror for the aritchmaker- sprint plowing baa become general in this tfcinity mr 1 c hoi it giving ma new stew a coat of paint a very large trade was done br oar merchants last saturday the mission in the catholic church closed on sondiy evening skaltng is no more fulling boating and bathing ara on the tapis local sportsmen are making arrange ments foe fishing excursions sir w perrtnua of silver creek has taken op bis residence ia acton parentswhere is yoor boy tonight r is be at home where be ought to be april sbewen take your umbrella with t when yoa go oat these days tbe straighter the whiskey the more crooked the walk this is a reel face i splendid sprint shower yesterday kature is greatlr revived in cooaeqaence tbe blacksmiths are busy with the fanners tools preparatory to spring work mr robert co also a of eockwood fail the other day aod broke his collar bone ilessn jorce bros of broute this tear cleared about coo in their fishing isauslrr rdvnl freak a ood word of your town if yaa can help it- the town will not thank yon toud better not subscribe fer a news paper so long as you can borrow roar neighbors y the asrors btmtlia on sanday oighi wasrealy beautiful di i you observe tbe jbeoosoena advertisina 3 to basinets what food is to existence it shoold be regular ade quate and varied mr judsou coot of georgetown for- xneriv ot this vitjure left uat week for minneapolis mian the couocil is experiencing consider able trouble ia appointing an assessor who will accept the office promenading waaaauch indulged in br the young folks on hoodaf evening while the band wis playing how did you like my new bonnet on suodayf ia the general topic of conversa- lion among the ladies now what about a plot of ground suitable for stbletic games and sports fer the yovth- f al population of tbe village the snmmer session of tbe-agricultur- al college gaelph opened yesterday with a large attendance of atndenta col allan is restoring his fence wthe iimita granted by tbecouncil in lien of the atreet allowance from his properly parents who nerer think it is worth while to visit the public schools make a grave mistake in neglecting this doty dont refuse to beliera every lie yon lear about your neighbor aod dont fail to report the aame to everybody yon meet hr if e aiaaaa haa saade arrange- ments with hr t isbbage to cany on his pomp busioeas during his absence in laai- toba a comsany of yosng foou throagh the hoapitaiity of mr alex s brown enjoyed a magle taflypull on tuesday evening everrbouseaod shop in town is ten- anted now we will soon have to adopt korth west tactics to accommodate new comers uesan qsgbes sc criffln have nut a couple of very nest blinds on their frost windows they also sport new window fixtures the tasors areall bnay on spring suits the styles are much the same as last year excepc that a few dallara in the pockets are now fashionable our village capitalists could make no more profitable investment than to erect business woefcs tod teaemeat houses not even iawinnipeg operty riant it time tbe chairman of the street axil sidewalk committee had a man or two engaged in cleaning up the street make oaf utile town as tidy as possible thebeantifn weather sunday tempt ed many out to enjoy tbe sanakine and view be signs of appicachiag spring many of the tuoal stuuner resorts were visited and edestriafljonld be nut at all places bwingidg on tle front gste is fasmoe- able once mote bat oar soys has are not very bad for that kind of thing bnlcome to think of it there are two or three galea tm mill and halnstreett that are sadly in need of props j z modarvias ao- viulaqje variet1e8 a catleetua r taaitenarr w ifeal aewa aaa al latereal to hi bemlera mice jaaicfioldlmr w mckee kaatira weya hat told bit farm tot j8 oon 1 lo mr rtnkla utaly from bewui id for 4000 cash j tb rrtmtjedttoauoosl sermons i rtu be preached oo 8odar nut in the mi th- odlat chirch bj rqv j w frtetnan b aof rwckwood chiaij pottajik there it t moraa eot on foot for lowering the rata of letter p t- throughout the dnlted 8tate nd canada to two dents raw mills boajrib the mill at st catbarines beloacing to messrs mccra iey son of oakvllk were burned last w ik loss iiaooo rtially insured assessor mr a a 8ecord ar iu been appointed imesaor for ibis municij al- itv for the rear rice mr hemstreet res rn ed he will enter upon hit duties at once i good pionr ws ara informed tin dr fox of hornby porehased seme manitoba land about two years ago for 11800 aid sold it the other day for 5- 000 caampwa xewttps a large quantity of nw job type haa been added to our stock i bis week the fbos piuss li determined to keep abreast of ihe limes and always m- deavon to excel in job work i i- likw gteocaat mr t h harding las opened anew stock of groceries and ro- visions in the brick store opposite agnewi hotel the stand ia a good one and 11 r harding will no fioubl do a sucofcaf oj busi oeas i aiidrrtoss ilr c w hillji pulling np an addition to his reaideoce on borer avenue and mra- suulier is doing lhe same on elgin street and mr w isrni nd is erecting an adilitioa lo hk house on john eireel a qoqd arrotstkect mr w h grant of this village has received an ip- pointmenl from the p r syndicate as land valuator la lhe north west at t very remunerative salary hr grant left for win nipeg yesterday messrs ciirislie headenon 4 co show a apleadid slock of millinery vitn their newj showroom and increased au of aaiisuitsjtuey are able la meet all uic re- quiruneuta of the public they invite in spection of their gouds vrkr sjltcujll it it just as natti raj fur the reader of a oeaspaper to buy ft un those parties who adreruse therein as ii is for ciilidnen to follow a parade of sldi r the blmpie fact of einr 4 thing every 1 sy has an irresistiuie attraction tesejfsts4we underttaadthat ibere is a movement on foot for the organization of a joint stuck company which wiii erect 1 uumuerj of neat and cooiforlahk dweling houses the idea is a good 00a and will if carried out meet with success 1 ii t- krr estate ceajigei mr alex be- cod has porcliased the property an bower avenue fryoi mr b watson mr w ovcaon jas sold hit property on main street lo mr jinrs coaly of xjiagiaays who intends liking up his ricicuce acton i tnrtxsstkaa number of boys sitrt- ei a fire h mr ecmaueeis iwamp saaouy wuich caused couakierhlcdainmge and required socoe hard work before u coid be exllngujhfti mr hemstnt warns all parties aiainst trespassing on liis premises in f ulare 1 sew ffrif rx itrltoi messrs b eemstxeei jmbastedo iiavepurchad the general ilore of mr jchn smith mil- loa and whi hereafter carr on boaioest ia the aame stand unijfr the firm name hemsueei baatedo we wish the j men every sdccesb in their yenlure ikpaoyixo we are glad to tea that mr j tj ellis foot has so far recovered that he will soon be able u resume wort we are also informed that mr john gor don jr who cut his foot so badly while chopping in the bush a few weeks agu is gctuog along as well as could be expoct- ed j a meai pbuctici- with the resump tion of gardening operations the practice of throwing mbhuh such ai branches of trees boses etc into the street is aglin indnied in- tao who are anxious la have onr village present a neat and lily appearance will abstain from this iaejegant practice j i flocb iua feedsroet mr r elliolt late head iniller far llessrs d et0i10b has opened a flour and feed store in tne premises aext to the- canada glove works and wqi keep- a fall ttock of flour feed fcc mr elliott has had loog experieoce in the business and will ao doubt do a payisg trade in aelon sdoczssm we are always pleased lo learn of the snecess of acton boys and this week it is very gratifying 10 ns to be abie to announce that mr w h mcdonald who has been attending trinity medics college torontoj for some lima past can e off victorious at lhe head of his class ai d winning the gom medal at his final et- aminationiaat week qrzjrs barrhdat it is not a bit ho soon to determine what kind f a celeb r i- tiou if any w will have here on queei t birihday next month will soon be chan 5- ed lo next wtek and than it will be t d- morrow and to day what is it to 1 1 gcnllemenj get to work cells public mat ing appoint yoar committee and prooe d wtlh the decessary preliminaries ifswspaiab aird basx dcebctoht we have received from tbe publisher p hubbatld of mew haven conn a coj ly of bis newspaper tod bank directory if the world which is one of toe most cot f plete worka we have ever seen it cental is a complete list ot all the newspapert si d banks in ite world not omitting the mo it hnmbie c he work is s directory a ma aiioe an eocycjopedla a typograpaic i aod biogra rfacai oietlonary and atlas 1 ii in one ll wu a stupendous nodeitakli g lo bring of t such a wsrfc but it has bex n successful r accomplished and two hani some rolni us conjtainlng 1w0 pages is tl e resnk t j ootmt agfaiaet you w131 pmtrjr cook connected wllh a printing offlco although topteumea when ons of the bauds makes a utile pi h makt th fora mina utile lait boaaonaall onr eltjseni who can do 10 should prepar to take boarders ai tbtrs wul be plenyr of appllcttfont for lodgings when the scott act comes in force and the hotels an looked np gather tbe harvest while you may our txotllent brass band champion of the county serenaded our clutena on monday evening playing a number of splendid tones la their usual good style for which they hare the hearty thanks of the villagers their muslo it much enjoyed and we hope they will resume the weekly open air oouoerts during the summer months baurook a private letter from mr a e nlckun brandon informs us that he is busuy engaged at good wages and thathe begins to feel at home in the north west a1 uys brandon is going ahead very fut now but after this summer you wont hear much about it he thinks about going into busineta in winnipeg mr w n snyder is also in brandon and doing well whim to plajit 8aua taresshade trees are often ptao led too near dwellings and too thickly so u lo make the house dark damp and cheerless large ever- greent are very much out of place on the sunny aide of the house while they form in appropriate screen and windbreak along lhe cold and exposed sides of our buildings set out trees it is a duly but set them judiciously fob maxttoba mr w stephenson formerly of this village pissed through here on the q t r on monday en route for the korth west mr stephenson goes out as manager of the 12000 acre lows farm near emerson taking with him a dozen men 20 one horses the slephensoo steam plow of which he ia ihe iavenlor a large number of cattle and pigs and a quantity of seed grain exhibited al lhe pro vincial fair hut fall which will be sown with a view especially of raising seed wherewith to plant the farm in due course the brampton aiaaer says one of the young men who lalcjy lef here f or manitoba after hli arrival there went out id portage la prairie and with a view of begiaaiag butiaesa made enquiry of lhe owner of a very small store what rent he wanted and was startled at the answer six thoasand douan a year tbe young man was going to brandon and if tne like high scale existed there he had made up hit mind 10 bay a pair of overalls and go to work at 13 a day this is sensible as well as plucky scspitna pabtt on tuesday evening of last week a number of the meads and relatives of mr john mcconnell met at his reaideoce to spend a social hour or so wilh him on the eve of his departure for mtailoba during the evening a sumpts oils repast was prorided br ihe ladies of the company which wat fcnjoyed by all the evening was tpeat in a social way and be fore lhe frieods dispersed a very appropri- ale address was read and mr meconnell wis preseoted with a purse eoutainlng a respectable sum of money i mr meconnell left on thursday morning wilh the beat wishes of ail catadas sew post cask a few of the aew postal cards have passed through actou postoffice but aayet the authorities have not received a supply the card is somewhat longer and scarcely as wide as the original style and more alter the ameri can pattern and made of much belter quality of card there is ao ruling upon the face of tbe card audit bears the words the address to be written 0b side instead of the address only to be written on this side the stamp is of an oval shape and ike card haa no border the card is neat but wa think could still be improved it will however be a welcome change from the old ulgotup card personals mr w adams left last thursday with lhe maailobaparty mr a matthews spent several days this week with hamilton friends mr d mcmackon left last week for the high school t couingwood we wish him success mr g c clark who bas been attending hoekwood academy for same time past has resumed his place in tin canada glovt works i mr jeinttaird who baa been employ ed in mr 1 b pearsons haadware store for some lime past left for philadelphia last friday mr s robinson who has been in michi gan for several months has returned lo acton he will assist his brother in the butcher business what people think tbat april has brought spring that a number of street crossings should he renewed that acton is one of the tidiest utile towns in ontario that the village sidewalks require con siderable repairing that fifty more good tenement houses would pay in acton that the kail press is the beat local paper in the county j that our own will soon be snfflctently supplied with groceries that acton should tnskt a right royal celebration on queens birthday that tbe boys are aching for the time to come when they can go troutfishing that the worthless anclaimed curs in town should be disposed of ij theauthori- thatait pays to read tbe new advertise- menla which appear weefclr in the feei pbbss i that a liberal coat of wail broken stone on mill street would pay better than any thing else that could be putjoa tauahi blaci luoht at tbs brides lather on lltb at lediard of erin central slack eldest son of john myra c daughter of wi allot eramaaa of the il by elder j mr thomas lack esq to inhtrq bmatatoaw b ready dry goods milijinbrt es grffln our spring stogk yard i md spboial lhsths paherna of choice eugliah and french prints at 5 centi and up v cashmeres 50 inohes wide single width goods all the fashionable colors and shades with trimmings to match from 8c a yard upward j linen foods of every description at prices that cannot be heavy white counterpanes at 100 l beautiful stand 8preadsat 80c and 40c 917 a mantle dress gents furnishing goods thb most complete stock ii actor i onr millinery will be found more attractive than ever this seas m as we have taken all pains to obtain the latest and choicest class of goods in the kew york montreal nd tor nto markets 1 special lines la childrens hats fancy straws at 15c k 20c mens and boys felt fur straw w can show a very large and choice assortment in this line soys fanoy straw for 20o and 40o icens strav aad felt hats for 25 50 and 75c mm m departmen the laro trade we have done in this line during the past year convinces ns that we are handling thd right class of goods our principal lines are manufactured by j- d king i co and cooper smith toronto which makers are acknowl edged by all boot and shoe dealers to bebmongst the best in america and the holders of the centennial and dominion exhibition medals for fine and durable work sjour prices will be found the very lowest for all classes of gbods wighest price paid for any quantity of good gutter and eggs edinburgh warehouse acton im not going to manitoba butr largett going to stop right here in acton and intend to do the trade this season i have ever done because i nave the goido to do it with and the prices are closer thanjever the n sstion is often asked how can qbeejtf sell so cheap and still makt money my answer ia just this i boy close and keep a sharp lootout at all times for bargains and buj everything thata farmer off rs for sale and my customers invariablyiget the benefit of it gr ll i hare foo stntl cottplete line in eloiciellkiilbls ill fresh clean and sew the largest stoel of crookery and glassware ever shown in acton dishes any color any price or any style you want special attention given to the provision line cash paid for produce of ill kinds araerioeui silver and niokals taken at par for good green sells cheap oxt1t geogllilt a w creen floui and feed store nadsrsi nad tba pramiaaa bas jnat opanad in tha f ratarlv oecnpian by mr j chi 1 mill strsat acton a flour fed st ptotisjoh store andwil floor brm tour solicited acton april j8tn 1b31 tomttl i kaap constantly on hand a full supply o shorts oornmool corn oatmeal pea meal ail kinds of fewl buokn hajatprour sed and egobds delivered any place- inside or i mt of corporation pitronaga is reapectfnlly r elliott lutvfmoaieytoraitho immsdss dm ot new fashionabie spring bonis at ther mammoth house qe0sget0wn mcleod anderson coy 25000 dollars worth of the cboieast and cheapasi new goods tvsr tnowniri tola county we bare great pleasure in aanouncipg to onr otrstobers and the poblo generally that we have a irstolaaa stock that wa bought the geoda right that wa wilt sell them ohesp that through our long experience and oar undoubted credit and onr ability lo pay cash for all the goods we boy that we nan offer joalajdnee- mentt that no city town or village or en j other plaee can offer in theahape of a large stock to choose irons soiuble gooda for this aoarket and obaapawve all very few places in ontario has a larger or better adapted place to do btsuaass istkaa we have br a larger stool j and o3r expenses areaot sear as large asoity hootes- and wa will not allow city br ooontry places to nndersell ns s tausls tooplaoe we have pitched por tent and invested onr money dress goods in aulhelatealfab- riot dress silks black and colored a beantffnl iam of dress silks for40oper yard worth 75o prints itamense variety froca io fer yard upwards cottoaa ef all kinds including uaokj dentma sbirtinp and tickings at wholesale priors the above goods were purchased last october- have advanced since lake wise large stock or small wares hosiery qloves corsets ltcea ties umlirellaa parasols dress trimmings of att kinds inclbding frlbget oorda and taaaelt- oanta ruralabings hats caps ready made clothing boots t oetvailstrnhks we an art paying special attention to carpets a beautiful union carpet tot 25e per yard a tapestry for 45o worth tao and all kinds of honse urnithinp onr millinery is limply soperb aecond to none in the dominion and la jiuperinundtd by talent and ability thatpatroot be surpassed aatladieaneod not hesitate to patronae this department mants made to order en the most approved style ordered dotting departaert immense 8uc- eeas vmay as nsilers through the dh seaaon theteason whyt cboleatstook cheap qeedr perfect fitting aarments and the workinsbahiptjriaarpatea we have an rdtnwnse stook to choose from and we shall he making aloioai daily ad ditionstoouratookin all the latest choloest- od uhaapesa goods saitahlo to this marktt forthtf we will sell trie goodt at one price and for eaah or prbdnoe such as bvttterand eggs- competition is so keen now that goods havelobaaoh for cash and there is no reason that oath cannot be paid aa alljfarmera ftir llataan hechaniot and laborers olali kinds are paid eaah forbistr produoeorlherflabor tbe time has come for a new departure firing ss your money aat yoti will oat chaapooods v v the above rules will be ttriotly adhered to esoept a ewes of extreme amaraj ency wo ihall be pleaaedto ahow goodtto allotweld friends and aamany new ones as will deign to call on us fikmtgroalbatrultw mcleojd anderson go geoaetown bring photrographs taken instantarieo ly by the mm jyxxtoea nrheiaats ziadly oauaaft iettlaooormt afei

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