the r i ree press thomdit itoasnro april t7 iti the hesu let monday morning witnessed the ad vent in hjdun of ibe canada tetupar enco act far thrse jwrt aud at thr same time the retreat of the l eel ee sjtieui a trust urcver our cuuuly haa entered jipon en em ol iu liiatorv which wih be of tual importance to the watsflf euiperance in every part of province jujthe success or failure o the scottj ail ibtliis oaunly to do what has jtieeiircuiuied lor it will uo either beneficial or detrimental to the cause o hwalpruuiuiuon lu ouleiiu i i for uiany fears lu come but iherwis little u fear that it tlj iruia a failure aj tbe lemiircnuce people am thorough ly orgmiii d iluouhout the ooiiitv aud ure dvtci tuiued to leave uothui uudoue to make luo trial of the act lu uauou a success tito mailer of accommodation to the vtarelliug and the faroiiug com oinnity ia the only cry of any aijjtiifi cance that can be reined against the act by iu 0hjumii- of course the scott aoldoeif n close up the tiotela aoly llse bir hut the keepers ol theee bouse have aeen fit ir lose all acoiuiuiuiauuu against both friead and foe however the cicada of the act liavo been pxsrtuij themselves to remedy tis aravbact aud ai far a acton is cone t tied ample accommoda tion has bee i provided for ulan and beast and tht coannitceo ia 8uring no pains to look after the comfort of all who require f jod or rest nolwiiluund- icg auy report to the contrary ea cooragingl rt received from the action ports have also beeu ill parts ef the oonaty of the hotelkeepers in closing their looses subles and sheds ems to j us dndesnahle it is not denied that about seveaeigh of the people vbp e rer patrotiizsd the hotels an friends f the hotel keepers and consequently opponent of the act aiao that nea lv onehalf of the voles polled in k the act why ton were pulled agaiuat than da the hotel tet pern treat their fiends jn such a ihauk- lesa manner after all ibe kindness shown them and after leaving their money with i iem for years it does seem a moat noteless proceeding wleu it is consifere that it is not the friend of the act wojaru being discommoded but on the contrary the very friends and snpporteia of the hotelkeepers and we feel rtain tbat this action will not citrate lien even in the eyes of their ownfiejtda as far t a th 5 enforcement of the la is concerned i he supporters of the act in haltoe an determined that their opponents aril be unable to boast that liquor is being ojienlv sild and are so thoroaahly orjreiiixtf that this wiu be impossible tlcra is no doubt however that the old topers will continue to get theii supply of the ardent aud jtial there are men uu principled etiopgu li sell it to theo on the ily but the open teuiptaiion to jthe young is by this new law removed andjit is a self evident fact that if the young of the present day are saved from the effects of the accurs ed liquor iraiec we will have a genera tion of men ia a few years which for sobriety honesty integrity and eacrl lence in all virtues was never equalled since he liquor tyrant became king friends of j temperance yoa havi gained a rouad- on the ladder never before attained during the last halt centary you hive been fightinj for the rnht let no your energy slacken iu any iexpect ijontinue tostand uu lor whit even yiar opponent ackriowl edge ia right and victory over the souldestroying fiendis yours saue one or more i deem most ei 1 y eh lswry and taotved tint the rh irniu of the school board be and u iereby instructed to ebeutvirea as he ha tiedient m raise aufficleut money to pay ff the balance due 8 ibcc cwion no 12 erqueaing in aciordance with the award made ia felruarv- last suoli dhntuivs to be luuiln for anch tiuira as the ohairuian thlllrlerumie cah tied ou niotlon the ixiaid adjourned to ueet on the aral mmday in juno prohibition t uu ilwr of ike frtt prtu i dais sra the chrlitluj tampazaaea poopaot kaltoa ba br uiq llcaatus of 0sl on uielr afforta uli after utuy faara of baru ao1 aspen- aim toil to the iu- iire hint oljhe tanljieraawi moramuit tuctfflol la lihlatuebattla to lha titea oduskreatiriiitarqprtaeiplof having- i itnmblt uock roioiid laast tho woak an obcuuualjeraruououtottlastdr prohibition hu kxtair bccooia the law in haitau and an mnher pwoi thai aach a aw u br tho clrtom alncea ol uie caao demuilf x uiu the nlmiiaioii mn jo viv uis hor d b cansvon in hia thottshta on prahnilion and lha vomiorauc rioace wjnli we think be tnnersuout ha an 1 drunkenness 1 a heinous tin and if the guilt it aot panlonl and the luit inoruuod ithu the trtmendoos pover of exqdins the drunkiuvl from the kinjiilom ot god fhretrx thii terrible truth in connvuon with the undeniable because tclleridom fict thai all drunkenness flows from su ic the result of uio traffic in tnloxicat sue liquors ought to be a au9deot resjon to all uiuuhjcut tninji of the i neooaslty of pntttg aulh ctrv lavful eflon i to hare lhll fearful tumbling block removed and so much the more so when it is manlfart that the promoters of ihetrafqc are now as 41wsvs dciertninei to defeat uie object of the law of prohibition it cannot be deaiod uiat the case of the temperance people is made much more difficult in acton through the course pursued br ihe two ministers of the cospel in the rillie who are citlng the uqoor interests all the support and infl lence of their posiuou u ministers of the eosuel over im portant cousrocatious bat while this is to be deplored ret we ought not to be at all discouraged tucreby but rather incited to put forth ihonecea ssry force to male as socttu possible the neces sary provisions for the secomniodauon of the trstcliiiy public sad so rcaotethe ouly obje tlon to prohibition thai ha in it even the semblance of any force the committee should lei the trsdes benevolent association know that uie people of ualton sre not io dependant on the 1 craft ss they suppose snd that uicir guile in wding uie tempersnee jwople lo bcliere that they were willing to rent their premises up to the last dar of their lioeuae term and mea refuse soint blsnkwil srsil them but very utile and set them know that the poeple of nunn can get alongwilhoul uiem i toulaeto j w actoa 1st uav 1bb3 tbat cruncrt case to ac editor of the frtt prat deab sia i bej to inforov yon that your rrjiort of t le chancery case which appeared in last issue of the fbxe press was no extctlv correct insert the follow ilaii respecting and would auk rou tn inff frooi the toaonio the case sitrre v cutzbot w caaaells and peterson for plaintiff j e base qj c and joonsoa for defendant this ru an aduon by the plsfntut on behalf of himself anl other creditors of the defendant charles cameron to sat aside deeds made by cameron to one atcgarrin and by the latter to camerons snfe since the deeds in question were made thi defendant chat cam eron and his wife had disagreed and while the defendant chat cameront acknowledged that the transaction was intended to protect the land fn question from hia crodllon tho wife main tained the transaction was bona fide and for valuable consideration decree for payment by the defendant in a month jof the earn of s49q 9t50 of that turn to bear interest the whole sum tb be charged upon the laad in default of pay ment in a month or sale of the laada so costs toaayof tim parties j i lo ours etc c s surra acton kay 1st 1882 manitoba and th xortbttest board the board lie school met messrs jemei d heudersobi towry minutes- of confirmed the financi th4r fifth following trrest of tbb s thomas woo re miss fi ample miae grant aira j adams atoba hays ctsriatia he oowooev us mcvair report wvo1 headcisont of educations trustees of acton pub- on monday present malthears phairmao james moore and di fast meeting read snd cooiraittea presented rt havingeraniiaed the ts recouimeaded pay- i alary for april cobalanoa aeet wood u383 22ji vus3 625 1 00 6a 2800 total moved ky j by dr lowry fiaanse oasaraj ried movl ij p hmdetson neontled h2667 henderson seoondtd that the report of the ittee be adopted car llowtt ft afield 1 fall aad mtaplete lukery f ike caaa- try sty jeha sucaaa b a r l tke warld faulsaflaf casspaar gaelpk watt ifoafrmf gaidu april ilk tha above is the title of a work now in p ress thai has been eagerij looked for we have men the advanced sheets and can aav thai the promises of tha title page though bugs have been more than carried out thia ia no eafohpenny affair but a stand ard work prof macotm made his first fffip in 1672 in company with sandfbrd fleming asd principal grant in their cele brated trip from ocean m ooean aa botanist to their expedition soon after whioh he resigned the place of professor of botany and katoral history in albert onivtraityi bellevilie to take the position of govern ment explorer which appointment ha has filled with great credit las an explorer he was sent each year with a stall of trained men to investigate a certain section and bnog back specimens of soil naturalipro- dnefs and full reports for nine years he kept his notes refusing to publish them until he bad visited every section and finished his work which he accomplished in kovember last since then rev prin cipal grant and other able men have been assisting him to get his work ready for the press he las also hsd tee official depart mental aid in- the necessary preparations so that the forthcoming work is the most complete that we may expect for some time in regard to the great kortbwest prof hacoon has long been considered the most reliable authority on this vary important section of the dominio both govern ment and colonisation pamphlets refer to mm snd bis statement jhare never been challenged prof ifacoun finds it a great relief that he is now ablato give the world the benefit of his information in book form aa the hundreds of letters of inquiry that ha haa received from time to time have long been a burden to him the work has been profusely qlustrated in fact very few books ever issued in canada can compare with it in that respect a- fine twopage colored iithograph of winnipeg ahowing the present city is a great contrast with a view of winnipeg in 167ij shown in snother part of the book many fine photographs and drawings have also been made especial ly for the work the work contains excel lent maps printed in solars the large land map of manitoba ihowiej the counties n aeiors a map showing erritory wast of alsatioba affords much suable informa tion archbishop taobs has cootribnted the history of the bomsn 3atholic missions of st boniface wiitth fexmsa partttf the work ihai first toen in tie oominiob hate subscribed for the warl in advatwa ot poblisatioot amoatg them bis exe alias oy the governoraanaral s i john a map- donald sir charua to tftx bob mr pupehliniktarofijrioalturei bfbnedwi rd blake hou a mackenaie bir biohird oartwrlghi shoe white 11 p of molt real and winy others dr bchulta 1 u glvon tin cider for 50 copies the publi h era aware that the circulation of this w rk would be many umaa greator than any tx ok told in catsada have wisely concluded make the price about onahali whatbrxks ofa alirillar stie and style of msnnfscti re an usually sold for so as to place it will in tin roach of every family t s hope all c ur raaderi will smbraoe the first opportun ty to prooura k oopy of this work testimonials will bo published nfxt week tha company hart still a few vacancies for agenta business brevities lane riots about our buslneea msa and henaca of bemett te ear juaasrat readers hat8 from 75 cunli lo f3sc at jfyfeta for cioioe and clixap plumes go rluhea v onflinv acurn a good felt hat fur 75 cents at j fjra i ip von want a nnliby durable a id eneap soil j tyles is the place to g all kinds of liditnrcollnl coll ttea andjtiea ul hughea i qitnt acton j 8cotch english and canadian suitings in treat raruty at the east g id cluthiistore j fyft acum niijhei a griffin sell mats fi straw hill at lc and upwardrfiie cliiisty stiff at 150 newest styles suits ehl overcoala at extremely low rates and made ia latest styles 3e uie to call and tee them j fvfe acu n -b- acton clothing store r e nelson pkor spring stock coiuiiting of the english irish tweeds now complete otettt and muit fashionable migua in 8ootoh and canadian arid worsteds parties wanting ancthing in my line can rely on receiving perfect satisfaotion taatisiaoj uarjot lm1tc took op sfriito- hats to hand comprising all the latest styles call and basis them maoroctsbbbeii brll the undsrolznsdhss for service ou bis premises xxt 17 conealslon 4 eaqoaalng near aoton a tnoroalibrd ball with pedl t red heoond iukenfkeau terms 0 fur rnorootiibred cows aiul100furorads hlrlctl cash april istli 1ssjw7l aiesubbown vfcquilbm sthsmiltoo of tba wellii urn mirbls wurti guelpli out tredoiie tha unat retail marble trade iu onl iw log to uh fact that they do tbe bast work and tell ibe cheapest the public are wale 1 amiuat dealing with iecood hand us da peddlers but should gu direct to the ri m or luy frnia their agents sea that lha name mcquillan i hauiiltou it aa she printed furtu ufare you tifm ur order lame back lumtntjo kidney complsint kenrfl eta rheuinalism snd all pain and in stmmation are speedily cured with bagjanjtl yellow oil croup sore throst ooidx burst scalds bruifcs frost bites chilliuins and all wounds ol ibe flesh are quickh healed by yelk w oil i ebkorm of yoctb afleoornai who soflere fir rears frdm nervtis dvtij li- rrcnialnre lieeaiatid all the ebveu jof tkuujinl lodikellut will or lhinkeor jrjflerti t humeulj- nl free ail wtitiueeil lth rvetlpf anddlrectloii for tasaldslletfmile mdr ly allcli tsewas cur d huflerers wishu g lo front by th vrtlisxpeilf uoe ca uo sobyaddresal la ptfercouflrfiref joun buonsx u cedar 81 new voii mortcace sale of faril property there will be told by publie aoctioa to the hiiihest bidder it the door of amws hotel in tbe vlutute of aoton on wednesday 171ft of may 1882 at twslve oclock ncoo under tba power ol ssle enataiucd iu a mortgage dated j6th of april 1877 made by charles obn mc dooald atd wife aod which will lie produc ed at the time of aale all and lingular lot uuuiber tweotvtbree io the tscoud coo- ceasioo of thr township of eeqneeing in the county ef ualton this property ooateioi ico acres of spleo did farming land in good cultivation and haa on it a tood frame dwelling house with atone foundation and a barn 34x54 and sheds alto acres of orchard and is well feuoed sad wstsred it is limited oa s good road and only 2 miles from acton terms of fastle tan par cent cf the purchase money at time of tale and tbe balance within oca tnoath title perfect for farther particulars and couditions of sale apply to mcixixald t mcdonald yiwdoru sourrrors jntxrh it is impossible for a woman aftei faithful enun f treatment witb lydjia k plnknaims vretablecompooml conlinne to suffer wilb a weakness ol i oterot enelnaea alamp to lira ly e pink sam 231 weiiern avenue by maat for her pamphlets esehtt it ia commonly uld thst yna esmnrit make sn honest mao believe that white is black and vice visas bat those who have grey hair by using the cnceatil hall rbxswsr will find that this ski parentdlfbculiy is eaaily overcome ftf sale by j e mogsrvin 60 oenls per bottle dent cire np he ship were the memorable words of comrr c dorefeny we repeat donate ve p the hbip poor despairing invalid bit try burdock blood bitters it cai n others why not you f it renova i reeulstet snd tones sll he orgrns secrelioa and restores lost vitality ilati saffered many pbysictaas and jjrew ho belter bnl rslher woi mr d 8 howard of ueneva jj v avr ditmiating hia hviciana t ii d nearly bell a loss of ibe runout hlo d and liver remedies sdrenbed wl io tizstzstzztriz of buiudk ii bnefiii when one bollle of buiddk blood binrs rured liim or piraljns and general debiliiy at iheadvamid sge of60 he says be lees ya ig sa i snd is overjoyed at bis wonderful ne- c irery st ailtmiafttje best aast cesafert le itcsaererlag brawns household psnscebs no euslfor relieving pain both ternsl and rxternal it cures falsi in thetilde back or bowels sore throit kheumatirm toothache lumbago aid any kind of a pain or ache it w moat surely quicken lha blood and hei 1 as ill acting power ia wonderful browns hoosebold panacea beirlg acknowledged as tbe real pain believ r and of doable tbe strengtb of any otb ir elixir or liniment lo tbe world shou be in every family bandy for use a hi ivstded as it really is tbe bestremec j in the world for cramtis in the fctomac i and paina aod aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 ceo i a bottle i t me fob sale lime can be had at the canada linu wocka in email or large quantities at a y time apply at the kiln near toltonfs mill or to c 8 smith miy 1st 1863 box its adrov ghide tbee8 fob 8 alb from 1000 to 1200 second growth map trees very tuiuble for shade trees from tolz feet high will he soldat bslf nursaiy prices apply to the proprietor jofa o ttifoer st lot ii no 3 eequeaing or u uat gbsxt acton on qotki fob sale xt svotosfs tba hotel in acton on mill street heir tbe o t e depot known aa bennett hotel will lie sold very reasonable tarn s to salt purceaeere it is well farniahad an 1 the forniutre can be bonght at a raaaonab i price with tbe bouse possession glvti inmedlatelyv applytr thus bknnkra proprietor ballinafed p 6 eaotlaibu april lttb 1w1 frai ssllj in lfte high court of justice 0han0erydivi8i0n mooee vl moore puridsuit to the order for 8jje wade in thii cauks bwriog du tht eightsjealh dr of april 1882 there will u bj4 with lauatsppfobeuioo tif tbdolau wuier eoir local mtveur ol thie cvinrt uf mutoo at agnbw8 ilotbii in the village of acton by wmbestutreet anetloneer at the hoar of one oclock ia the afternoon thursday juoelie 1st id 1882 in five parcels the followiof propel ty vis parcel no i a arm of iso acres moa or less beiag tha north esst half of lot no jo and the north west half of the north east half of lot ka 29 on 1 towoship of esqueaing coaoty of halloa there is erected tbereon a goasf frame dwal ling house and a hunse plutered on the oot aide two good trarae issma one with stone table underneath the soil ia a sandy j loam and in a good state of cultivation j the fences are in firstclats order snd there issgobd well and an orchard eooeistlog of i six seres with firitelaea fruit trees parcel s a farm of so seres more or lass being tha korthawest half of itha westerly part of lot no 29- con 1 township of e quesing the anil 1st sand loam twentyfive acraa cleared and in a good itate of cultivation the remstoder well tha fences sre io good order parcel sthe snath etit bslf of the westerly part of lot no 29 con 1 township of eeqoesiqg cnataioing fjoacrea more or ism it is well timbered with good hardwood and cedar parrel ke 4 a farm of 100 teres mure or lass lieing the routh westbslf of lot no 91 con 2 township n esqaesiog there is erected thsrnn a good frame dwel ling houee and a good frame barn with stone foundation the mu1 it a aacdy loam ninety acres being clesred and lu a good state of cultivation tba remainder wall timbered with good bsrdwood tba feoces sre io firstclsas order snd sn erebsrd of about two acraa witb good fruit treea parcel no 5 a farm cf ts acres mors or less lieing part of the north east half of lot no 29 con 2 township of etqucung more particularly described in a dsed fromjsmeacsmcrou to uamoel moore there ia erected thereon s large two story brick dwelling house a frstne barn and driring shed tbe land is a sandy loam in a good stste of cultivation there is a valaable neverfailing spring creek running through tbe premises ao orchard of aboat three aeres this farm is mostly situsted in tbe village of acton parcelt oos two three sail foar in illu sted aboat oae and a half miles from the village of acton whieb urtera a good market for tbe aale of produce ac c terms of sale ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid to tbe vendors solicitor at tbe time of aale a tufficiest amnant to mske together witb jmch deposit onethird of the purchase money wlthiu one month tberesfter without interest snd the balance in five equal annoal instalments with interest at ail per cent payable with aaeh instalment to be secured by mnrtesge upon the land the purchamr to have the option of paying the whole amnant or any greater amount than ooetbirdof his pur ehsae money within ooe mooth after sale with iuterest on any amount so paid there will be a reserved bid in other respects the conditions of sale will he the atfwrf orders pf the highcourt of justice for farther particulars apply te mr john dewar and mb duncan mcolbbon baiaiwrxs mltrog sad mr john h0sklv s c totono john dewar tmiuks vandoas boucttoa local uaatti athutod mlltoo eth february 1882 adrataistrators notfce re archibald mcnab psrsaaot to section 84 of chspter 107 of tbs revised btatates ef ontario notice is hereby given tbat all creditors and others havmr claims ggsiost the estate ef aacai- sil mcnaa late of the tiwnship of ers moas ia the coaoty of wellington stoae tassea who departed this ufa on or about tbe 18th day of february 1882 are request ed u send by post prepaid addressed to tba undsnigned at bock wood po on or be fore the twelfth day of may 1882 a state- meat of tbmr oaoee and addresses with full particulars of their claims and tbe ecnritiesif any held by ibero and that aftarj tha day last aforesaid tha sdminietra- tor qf the said archibald mcnah will pro ceed to distribnte the asaets of tbe laid de feased among tha parties entitled thereto having regard ta he claims of which he tbaojbas notice and shall not be liable or ihe assets or say part thereof so distributed to sor person of whose claim be ihall oot hive ootiee at the time of distribution ss afpreaaid dated at kramoea this slid dsy of msrtb 1882 i william mcnab pttblic school teachers exanlnations the july examination of candidates for the year 1882 will be held aa follows tot tint ouss oaisx c ncx-no- ressmxai at the normal school toron to oa monday july lotb at 2 pm par xtsrattuue ixaalnattaa at tha town hau uuton and tba oakville high school on monday july srd at 2 poo tbe professional examination for first class certtfcaiei will begin after the con- crusion of tbe nonprofessional examina tion the examination for first class certificates grades a and b will begin after the conclusion of tbe professional examination foftna of the notice to be given by each candidate can be obtained on application to anjr county inspector it at uduimuablt that candidates ahould notify the undersigned auf lata- tion vu lit of juu of their intention to present them selves for examination i uttim p 8 l co hiltox acton trhajorfl 1882 ctox- harness trunk taxtrxs xotoniaute sjiisuao or harnf388 or trunks to save money should go to rcreech acton i an immense spring stock ar m- dominion boot shoe store a0to3st i ws axe now receiving opening and discing no sale a big stock of ehflers jekhibltion gp choice mlllilnefsv ul 1 i alfd all kinds of- ifancy goods commands flje admiratlod of all visiton enlarged 8bow rooms better light witb an additional stafi ofexpejiedced assistants enables them to excente all orders with promptness neatness and entire satisfaction frfices are guaranteed right m their stock of general dry goods is fnl selected with usual care and bought on very best terms 33 i boots and shoes for- everyone finest kid to coarsest wear no better value in panada the goods having been bought before he strike we will take allthe eggs brought in and pay the i very highest prices for thbm remembee our i r which still maintains its reputation as the best tea for the money inspection invited christie henderson co acpn mammoth of new fasliiomfete spring goods house qeoaoetowit mcleod anderson sc coy 70 thbspbina trade t prices will bib okb 01 tba chitf feetsrsa of car aublishmeo t oar aiei is to f ornish eastoesers with food tlylith well rnsds goods cheep far caeh oar eostoni work department is u ososl ia goad raoning order pintclata mater ial always osad repairing promptly at tended to kinniy son acton jipril m of human misery sa on tvess air manhood tvebavereeebtlvpiibllsbedaoew eillilon orsir calverweirs cele- entea beaqr on tne raaleal and j sjsf lhhnut meal- clneiol jfervpgsdfbllliy rasalu nenialsniptayalo ebettvfmelae sealed entslopetinly i eta aottior in this admirable lemodttrates from tnirty ajtaetles thavalartnlnt ena ls i ewjwdwiilkiqt 7vtm aawstelsweor lkhkairepoldtiaiosta tnode of leieidab itlhehuei pointier inee rtntble trrtaln ai nf whhai sitrrrw tstfienri bo a isjjoiirehlmaeii be lo tbshanas ol whathueonflli ebespjjprl partly this lamtttteji ereryn nth and addrs te i 4w cfriaiiialf 24000 wllars worth of tbe cbcteeet tad cheapest new gooda ever ahown inthis county ytt have frwat pleasure ip snnosuxnpj to our ouaioniers and tbe poblki graesallj i hat sra have a firstelan stock tbat sre bodjht tbe goods njrht tbat ere will sell them dbeep tbat throughoar long stperieoee aod our undoubted credit and oor at ility to pay eaab sor all tbe goods are boy that sfe oau otfer yoo in jocsv menu tbat no city tosro or village or any otberpuceoanouer io tbe shape of a large stoe t to choose from suitable goods tor this ttnrltw and cheap above all very few p aces lo ontario baa a larger or oetter sdaptedplaoe to do boaiomibthu we have t a larger stock aad our eipwnsee are oot near jai large ascliy houses and wej wit aot allow oily or donotry places to ondrrselt pi at ibis is the place w bars pitch id pur test aod invested our money drees goods lo stltbe lateel fab rios dress slks black and colored a beaatifdl line of drtae silkt for 40b per yard wortl i 74a prints iumense variety from 5o per yard upward ji cottons or all kinds iaoludiog tucks denims sblnkjga and tieklogs at wbolssnle drioa i the above goods were purchased last october they bare itdianosd since like win large itook of small wares hosiery gloree coreeia lioe iw umlaellas parasols 1 rees tjftumingt of all kinda tnoludiog wngeit cords aod tassels j aentsrurclshloflsucapsv ready ntideacthlngstsesciboea valisestrnnks j we are are paying apeolal stieotion to carpet- j a beautiful onion carpet for ic i per yard i tapeetry for 45c worth 5o and all kinds of faase furolshinp loor i millinetw i simply soperb second to uooe in the dominion and a superintendd by talent ad ability that cannot be surpassed j test lad iee need not beeilato to patronise tbl department j mantles made to order in th most approved style urdertd clothing dssumet imrortm eesa busy aa nailers through the dull season i tbs rauott wbytcbolee o00 cheap goo perfect fitting varments and the worlnianahlp unsurpassed we have an in mense stock to ohooat irom and wej shall be making alrtroet dailf ad 0 dltios to ur itook in ml tbe letest olioleest j uheapiast goals suluble to thu nuuks l farther we will sell tbej goods atone prior aw for cash or prodiee j stoblattersddsggs cohuikin is so knn svowihsit rds base to be sold i for oasb a id there is rro reeaopthat oaab osonc t tepam as all hrmerav artisans mechanios uld uborors ol all kinds are paktcs lb thr tbelr produce or their labor the urns 1 uooms tor anewueparture brio tu jpnr thooey aid you wilget cheap fiot da i the aboi rules wiube itrlotly adherejd lo sicajptlnosaaaief eitrtwie emerg- j enct wt ebalbeplesteaatoilrowa f oneeaswlldeign tooallottsa s aaas lvoi kut grath bargama wul be gisen in even mclsod anderson oo cv1 jb cl tht vi ik h bsbbsi ij3jh lt vi li ywm j adl ltim1 r m 51 jmrr ahm v tm v i- ssssl sfy 3h wlssssbssi ii