ah the frbeplless apa c it82 tom wotiiivi ii m s fll5 stt 4h ru u x r farfi ioi cqmxss kdl lji j k ooat tale outomnyj taylor uilorind keuilrfjdelii flail old irun crats snd costs t arras and ahoccu of mall kith cbawol paiui fre paints lis coat pt aniis bot hi lovr kn cunt u 1 icr llic uw st ail mv lil the njjrt iinrii an artist tailor sad hit i i hell le is eeltiac ity from cctouert lutil be etrstom well fa hen efe liia murine waia lot liis o ic aa a little and tlioogh ill fils he never got ueofwgot a filul he ildinlomhujiciiht iatiiouu hed owu close hit itorv aud lliou lied ec his elotlns awhile then cloic li ecs and srere to threti i little nile lie wealu qtcdle little thtxad iwvt cutting daadysjuil hed mlv tki lan- lutvad in junli r r e invests ic cl5 in iciuvr auu if taiils in prit h tews tuic icdy things in fill bj rip pirclaucc l lit kmld dste breeches of the piece whirl h vi is homid to keep but uoje crflfoc his little tkecc rjcciuw his fvis were shtcp i i ii 1 1 i r suiit who had lint ittle isrub j hail teeth as wliit aj t she always brushed tlufti lwkljh ithn laerkt toll know i xkw oiiots a newtilpo stjarttila b ei put iim lltt m e bliurch george- town i bonl me la lira boole n rough jm rats poan ool down itrn iola at al piicei froai3se d mice rvichos bs4iilputanl8liiol cliiprnunksgoiht jsc j the irm who say hit women hat rtvter invented srylfiinp ihnild llsteft or it lew luiuclci at the kchlcof the etfitjg acviely- i that hmhoikt f mlae ihroo tiaici the man m bfof je b 1 aclcrjyniaq layi yottnft wctnaa dhx iu my neighborhood jeitetdky while i wi lucaching the goapcl au a beastly tutc iif iutoxieatkti imlwalisi theio roulileoiicciuplains may b p8dily cured by fuuids yiiokoii iio grev reijy rcbich as juibstorprtppllcxlignand asitn in tern- alrtuofv luider racee ofuseruluef thm ttti virniirpreirtionr he world auurucjisttaclliij5 3tln diamond dym alreayi do mt tlixii they clioi to do old dress it will ljckl ltjceuu s125joooortlipfaoqd5 selling off at the eight tht tnirtaous alie of hi ilowi rntblrt wafklfii lo telt about twice u moth guqdt u an cftbar boaae in hmilton tfaia it nqt mere treaaing but i eanljr proved by the custom house leturna o importation at published in the papers showing that he imports about double u mbch aa anjr other reuil bouse here and the dent fpwdsaf customers nho huong these stores daily prote quite plalnlj tbat hesolll all be imports ard plies of canadian maile goods besides ftu r diiilj iliontyoiic casts of r jnmeiitt lio htbhom etc all sell fr fin so jus to increase his buslnes w2b318j and hopes to do belter t till value- anjeuormous stock oftienia llioni best snd sereml other eiy so ip o s 7s each he been reeeifod mtf tb r d beefstlfnl and in the ver latest tu lioni there la a great rush e millinery in lately consisting of tbf lault eylea of krtmrtl british and amerloan faihlons it eals bonpeu feathers or igcffntcitrajofprioesi asfja purchmes hit gocoj for alb down it ibt itty oheapejt rates aid sells theifl for cash atsrsjnll ndthui enatllea him to buy ohemper on aooouot of btiyingno largely laat year by following i his plan be increased bit aalea year a till slock of west of england and canadian tweeds lately opened gp they are bead iful patterns end extra good nd ladies underclothing of all kinds and prkit ties tkiarfs tndklcbas in uoeand silk ni it french kid hotes in kou i ierior makes tery cheap the carpet are going off tery fut about 1000 pieces of drea qoi da end orer f000 pleeea of irirus of alii colors prices and qualities to choose from lots ol dress uooda at 12jo worth 2o tad at 11a well worth 2so about 00 pieou of frtnu at 12j0 nhich would be good ilue fur 18a v anted npprentices vs mamie otaking alto i young man to leerfa the oarpet butinei call al the right hotiae king street lo hugbsott street whareil terdiih ji dowuv k anile makers wanted it nsime to east close r tke butcher ttie btitcb fore it is ntca th htilche tbe fair for it1i iist ia lbs ice fljii bat tl is a jolly fcuosr thetv latlt iuti iti ixx utoti you as tnacli eb bat j be tike the boct l grf frerit ittivs til ill he is mi tin latt if- bnd tgtlt ciie out ih htf- iitcbor i- tf inlet o his bresd in t je luu ut sells to you and doesnt ti tt coue tmtof the ficih the butche is bkmtj frchariihg for the toce al for the doe not require rou lo lie cirtfully rcmuvvs kot an tptist v what dtsth ttid h 1862 guelph cloth hall color over lutu ike new only ijkiid litjavohii- our spring stool all be ren before be bends itboxe batcher chitges yoti fpr a pound cf bane you he sells the saw- for tl i k cedti- tboish j th fifteen cents f must reuembr that bone to the satvnjer 3 jraaet iia tvtniae price is eiorfcittnl batcjirrf ete eimost invariably sly menl a tiea stop is the pca to g- if yoa tant t gt ftt the bntchi r is usually very cour teoiie ltritc ce of his best customers frequently j g the cold ihaolder froo bto3- the hatcher soon finds ofif a poir paricustoiwi aniwill atcc6ui him oj- f joa go w him- for a pound of tteak tie chanks are that he srili cut too off to if roa ssi for a tender steak the batcher wjll bomeniie cat a slice from the roanhahi beat it icitbtrs clearer this mske it tender but is it s legal tender li an old h n tails into his grasp he wiltitfafasnate it into aprin chicten tli mafcw jioeeediag that i niist have inherited ny bad teroper she toesrtt jjdcny tftt yoa are yocr mothers owu bov ocoodtntor tohare pure arctic lire tfotisr- ere fimilc jlitiild tire a good filler the hciltii and comfort depends tarjely upon the uso of proiek iltejrcd waer the livrr is the tire filler ior the blood and bureocl bioo1 buters keep the itverand all the srnrj jorctfu ip i iiealihy eordiiiou it tsjtlw grind blood punly n liver resnltinjani41 o tol tlv whtt you to at all bodlj do ve fiiruilhy- kidncj won i great rtnicdv lor liver boirolsaud kidney oica5es rheuiirvltsm and piles rinih before tl the ionic eflcct of kid iey- won is produced by its cleansing md purnying aclicnj on the blood tvbere tacie u a grarejly deposit in the uriueor milky ropy urine from disorder ed utdnejs il altrafi carea i jabesh snow junnlnf core x s- writes i at comptotely prostrated with the fsthtna bmj hesnng of dr riiomis eclectrie tiih i procured a lottie and it done mb o fciach god liat 1 pi anotlier and bed re it eras used i iris well ily ion iras cured ofa bad coll by the ute of ialf a bottle it goes like trild fire aiiuutti clirjis irhererer it is used i jlrg wilaoillypatilion moanuia b c rilik be thomas ecectiic oil is the best medicine 1 erer ued for kheuustism nearly very winter i am laid uphith khumtum anit have tried nearlj every kind of raedicice without gelling anj beneiil until i ztsed dr thomas eciectrio oil llhvsvrorked wonders lor me and f wantauolner up ply for my friends icy iimv to cr a cflw upin the first feeiing of ohill or shitertng remain indoora if possible ofthe the- feet in lepld aaler gradually increasing the heat as long as it can be comfortabiy borre aripk freely of warm ginger tea orsageitea jofndilcepersplr- ailoc and uke hifijardal pectoral bduain acoetrdiili to directions on the bolile higyards balsam cores coughs asthma and broncuilii consiatinr of cloths scotch nlid tanitdian thodt hats and gtius fiirnuhlnir coods tl iskowcomplet j in all departments shaw grundy merchant tailors i successor to tbe btnc- r pers -for- moat of bid biblr bat lie teels all his icclves the batcher is noted for his elegance of apparel se drtsses to til- and be kills tp dress when betf becomes a grain stale the ba leker makes corn beef of it batchpr is different from the batcher doesnt ruind ai baker- the little smoke vhen he does his bacon the baicber bss been known to cu off a palf lead and sell it andjhe calf aarovnct a word iln past p esent or future theres none like the utitohek a pabuclccettnffeiiouldfco call ed of the citizens of every city town and rillage fa the dominion to ookstav whatesuald im donejtoprereht tbe bairfromturofngtirey and falling ocl if ihlf imporlaivljjtiesuoiixeceivect fhmr eameit consideration her woald unani- moaaly decide that seaedce had at last discorered something thst woald answer this partjoserrand fttrtiirnore woald recomrnecd cingalese hair itanewerc being tiiis sjmetnidgj lor restoringruie hair lb us natural color- and preren its falling oit 53 cents per bottle at j e jlogartins dont jfind ttiedi orhdry fancied or itlolhiid trocg tcutter bitter bvt luitrl tl euitini irorl dont inoud over real sllptev jwneutbe yni the teniptitiiin is and cruevodg iherris the moment of sereress tt abqod io hejlpr and vnthfrni iillrale the spirit and restrain the cruel speech conquer betfjtlinwiu rou be stubs to help others calarrfc f tie buer shsdixcf irritation iiifliirbitifttioniall kidney and fjrinary complaints ctired by bachtipalba 1 r three people can ksep a secret when tr6 bfthera arijdead f the pyramids of egypt were bulltwho knowswbat for but ererrone knoni- that tbe suerbroofc steel pens were made to suit the different tastes habits and stylesof the rations writers ilahy a mid who wears flossy boou shines at the wrou extremity moliyi bitlilt order tbuuhe cligbust ind us position may not rapidly fnn il diaaateoas courfee from bad to worse tbefcffjcled ofereryage and class shoiild rite it unmdwfiatuhtidr a few 3oeenf base thoroughly purifying and strengtbfhingkils will aiwsya be benesdal when tbe least disorder reigns br when herronj fears sppresj two or three fills atbediimjira the happiest effect in proanotfns forfeit digestion whereby the muscles are rendered more vi orons beipirils more buoyant and toe entire trime more hardy hollo ways medicit a incrtases the quantity of bulriment ds rirabie from agivenquan ij of food and so the quality of the blothimnipfi fedhe toneorerery fibre tjirodgnitftti e wy4l tieilitened and tnedispplilioi in m ink diseateitre- ttbesfitbitoltrramt- ci j are you disturbed atnightand broken ofo arrest bys sicitrhild su8erfngaiid cryins with the excruciating pain of ctrtling teeih if so to at once and get a bottle of mrs winilows toothing byrup it will reliere the poor little spflerer immediitelyjdepeilrl upon it j ineretj no mifake anoatit there is rot a mother on earth who ha- erer used itwho will not till ypuat qjoelbalii will regulate the bowels and gire rest to the moiher and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectly safe touseiri till cases and pleasant to the taste n is tne pre snrrption ofone of the oldest and best tmale physicians and nursei in the uuilestalesiioldereryivcare at25 cents abotue til v eeui amzitfwtua mgemv u- tthbubiiariu digestive apparatus aadthxtlver iucreas ttheils6owiijlalc3j muev- last almost instantly- the diodtnl zopasa sn erery taraecesaitria evaiy house ylt acta gently aatf speedily in litiottsiisss costlvoness bead- w eatllfettnlfon ihal3himck eeartbum pains in the bide and backi wantefappi titvwaital ensrgti low 8ptat hch it invigorates the liver can ties oil all surplus 1 lie legvtetea thebowels andgivos toneto th whole system htetuyisoiauiiiqidod for balloaness btadaefec co ttlpattoa indict fdlxxlaeaa heariswrw i bad brealkt laa at ap- swine jasradle aeaa bejmry soar bsoassaea utercosa platattot say lllneas arishag ream cm btossh i aeh bowels or kmaera tber axe sate nd id aadflwcoogii la ulr action pwai 1 loj i wrrrirjit ry house thomas c watkins hamiltok atents secured roslnveritions henry grist aboot 200 iamam manxkactuhed toronto a pcrmdnt san car foe diiemei dh trderjinr4iljucjiu of thekniaoyi btidder tad lrifiiry stcrnuvcsyiwm or alndat compuinti caniing pain iostnill o back sides etc grave cnurrh of tb bladdtf and ptiiarj8 rrii uiecaie jjiilxua dropjv piltx xrvoai detiiliiy kc etc paniplileu and tcitimnnials caq bz ob- uifled frofj drupgwk lre prices child pad si so rti rd- weurh kcnlar pad fl special padfcr m fortert md acv rt j tfoodt enn thou rurton g town alex b- ptri- gaelpli h wauoamiitonctorlcttsun bramptoi isliejw sijpirxjsrgrj ooobs dealer in general dry foods andgrocerieb fiaaluot opened e took of goods suitable for prinff trade compnslnp i frpiaose ind 7m oy matt oolorh ifuiliai tttti cttrtilii fe laabrettiisj cmosuii tad ortteaat trlaff borlia weoli and zmbreidtrlei slb- boaa ai jlstrori suk tad le tlot eiastoa tad foiat ltet bigiagt vaitt ad 0m ltcei of tujkladj prlulaft uui bdglact 6ttx m austaot staidi tfiiu i vlolot tad otatxr ujlt 01ov0orit shli liatnt linen towdi fco mens straw and felt hats i tsasas the duty has been tken off tea i now bell my tea tan per cent cheaper than did prices a handsome volume to every puretwer of three pounjda of liquor tea- b sitslefp bica8oeo0kislailtspacinc fit by thsj oettrmj poiltion cttta line xmt aod the west br thethortett r hm paneiuen withemt ehutre of grand display worth their weight in gold 1 kevuvlls iavl tlkec the host saeeesfal bemedjereriljhear ed ft 11 u jeiuia iuii effeia ana aue i or j u by ibeir nse alone tbey hare been blister lynpacorlia stored lo heallh and slrength afur kendalls spavin cur 3 i other me had rd ansue extract from a idler writln otj or ilht etffu ivt lh t drrcn a weekly wei in pajrof ttuo ky at id encocmtfeitii lo vnjslncfr tbe advjrleectnent of hnda rxivln ccie rtrt appeared in roar paiet cuiijv iijurfrd inlnr have been usinp ii a j in afleiijieslnattf arououoitlliiafcoiisi ed wandenrt it in irf jel mcrfm atoc 1 rcean s piwallhslllral kencsilsspavin ourk ok iltman flfsil tjaoqnd of trtalijia hotnarl flcih us care ii kafficleatstenfth lo penelrale a rtrtne to care ibt worsicascunf ramxiu corns banyanf frostbiforanrbralee at or iamcntm wnicb are not aflpcied lu i tie leant by ordinary altmcriu it dtc 1 fcluurbaton the cocirar removes aiio ne kendoll ispavia cur 3 j pt john piocu27lsl dr b jjictmall co enfi i hi acd tout rparin cufewlthqrerlswcccia kpiritiercb and funtx i ltnox it to b good rmcdv for rltgooht bdhe spavt carf- tlnct of irmnern fc ifiaiy niherdimctililffiafjoutthrlkjive vqentnj mm nrraifd hk hnkle vtiy oadl 1 p niicd ktdauuspavinctirftlitrnfferr lv anrtueerojjtiutejubfi wa xdl iha- davn likia- ui0 beffwdmrinan wjll af bast ii procure onfrpunbrtjv4tie ftn the uoffevijmfinfqr25ouahit uilir it tfivs the mcanscffarlnjtfltiltsftopooelto re that i treated accordlne to iw ilictit i rirenln joir book for displaced stifle yoarf trolj wy j pea is- kendaiis spavin curo sendaddress fortittislrited circular wii eh we tblnk aires poilmm proof of lu virtu i xoremedytiafisreranerscttb saca unqall flpdknecem looar cnowledse for beasts wellasmaij v-i- iprfce tlperboutejwaivoottlsrors drnillit share it oriante ii fnr yoa i will be senttomy udren on receipt if pr hy the prodneiorllr b j kjtsnali cb ekosarkti fills vh sold rt all druggists lysaksoks co itonmrealp wholseale agent holloway pills ointment tnislxcosfpaiiable xldicikb hi itatrtfqr iutlf an imrxrishalu famt larvigyi fa wcrld fvr tk alltviaikrn end atrt ofvtogtdueatts o which humanity m kir of- spring tweeds csuoafo udlinuj city ooancil blnili ikrea- warta atcblsum annneapolu and st fsat xt ossiati in union depou tviul all uu prtncapaj linaa e rmd betwea th atuuond the paano oomsjl lu eqalpmiat la srltaid mod tttitfl- mqt beta conpasetl of mnt comjoriabla uts beaoliftjl vmf ooochet 2iciunoent hoxton b- bluusf cbitr cm pnllxus fttut auo blmplsc cart ad um ucsz laao of diaia oar in th world tireo traiaj between ghiasg o and xlsaotin biver folnu two traina between chi- mto and jfenneapolu and e u j aid via the jaaioni albert lea route- a wew and direct lias rta seneea and kakj khrftceiij benaearf bejtwecabicbtaona kcrfouckewport mewxoanoor allan u an- ruita it uhruia hotas7ule haxincicn cinstnuatl xsdianapoua ud lafitc tc and onwhm junnep- olu antf st paul ad intermetil point all throach pttrtrrw travel on fan axjtrtw tioktw for ule at auprtttdpal tick offloeata cte united statu and canadx bagf ace clnclced throufti and rates of care al wajra aa low aa caapemon that offer law adrjuw or detailed tntormatioo fet tna scapa and tol4 era of ihe great rock island route al roar nearest tlckevorsse or addren r r oable it st john tlrr a otsl mit getfjtb tfm chicaco -tt- the pills rjiiyi regulate and improia theguality 9illililod they lasliat the dfarnlirt ognneeihaethe stomacu and bowels increase tbe seoretory powers of tbe liver brace the nervoaa system and tbrcw into the circulation tb pnresl lements lor sustaining and repairing beframe tbousanda of persons hare festised the ointment ill be found inrftlpajiie in erery home- in tlie cure oi open sorea- hard ill 1 koid to gsqscmetfcb rei liter navies been prmanerj y hldoelracmanitkit n ylniiliyiixlijqa idrilinofii tbe adteiiiter havlcsj been prmanerj y cared afthiit inoddimcmampjpir n- a iiniae mdrlanixitfiiainja1d4no frv to bfiywtfletrf tatareafii mdnfo w all whb desire il he will lend a copy of i be preaeh pu on ottti fre of charge wiih se s68 a weelr in your own town iitfllfree norliik everylrilng f capital not required j o imteriiwbioneteryfiiliimajur 111 ttlaathz lortnnes lttd rvjiii4il- i masre as nucb as men and boys and girls mjt this out and u ke it to yout i mate rl rsr header if roa want a praggist and gets u cent bmple jbosldti- widen rmi can make arrcatjiy tt a lareelnmleiqi ftmixmttxi nxs sdf attbi bad lri oldvoiaii 0lai colds sorrtbroats broncbjlis and all disorders of the throat and chest as also dout rbeumatum icrolula and erery wind of shu pieael mannfaclured only at professor hol- towifs establiihment 33 oxfukd stkeet losd05andsodatls ld 2s 91 4s 6d its 22s and 33s each box and fot and in canada at so cents 90 ceiilaani 15u cents ana the larger sues in proportion bcitmox 1 hate no agent in the inited ilatea not are my medicinas sold lliere purchasers should therefore look lb the label oh tee pots and bore if the address is not 533 oxford street lotjpdn thejtre spurious the trade mark of rny said mediclnei are registered in ottawa and also at washington ivnerffhomas hollowa 533 uxford street london mr4iltilim- th east lad gbiii stei come and see rthem- pereheborikobses lar0e8t importing and breeding spring goods i whlii dottons muualia embroideries swiss embroideries zing trimmings and etdigs gretones beautiful patterns laoe ties and bows spleadid talne in new smey combed quilts and towels new silk ties new veiliags jauie aad nftts we au80 show hiw sprimo straw hat i wm stewart co guelph m w busalami 7ayne tc pse countr iitsods u s jl i35 iailc3 cst cf chicago 7irhit7 fhe tvrrf 77 man t jto stal irovs tsd vsrtreve imported rbti jraiict- to this estairfisjiment beinii more thnn the combined imiafirttioas of ati other imjniltra of djafl fforatt from all jxtrts 0 europe far qij one yran ouflph cf ti entire ccrnbcrof impart et ft meti iorln ajuerioa ctn tjo seeaco bit arm his intportitions ha lathaded lb friw winners ot tl ltiiecnal esftoxitiph pmim 1878 and ncarlr e11 the- prize horset o tbo qm shows ol frcuce since hia iicpot itijt lt3 liioy r su carrituo tiiu louuri ni the centennial 1s7c anil as tbe girnf aucnqo 1sh1 hr ditnjnm brrh of ljrcfei08 fl3 rotcprfzoyj mth tne tnryet and finrst- collection of cljrfr- ttales erer biitwrn r3bstiru o the prize win- egtb at the graat shov75 o scotland aaden- fjiadms r nned the gitntd wtrrrpxtaxrm jrizr ol sljqfrl cnj grtliul tdtl jlednlf 100 pgc catazofttz rnt t71e on t pptc oi comfoiiw ortr 4 itlxzt- trctous nul ths hrttirv ff ilia petcfiarom race ort c1il0gv x r evhet nsigebohhood ixrs a n ircaas rriivuc iris demen- to the prolace ia a rjouktoc ttistisikntrta laxi nrc irs o llh ccntr7 th pre- rs arj f ulaaaar jr htsl liveet sale board stables mill street aoton ia where you can get pirstblass rigs atbea8ffrtablenati bring your babfes photographs taken istantan eous- ly by the new process dry plaites at hills studio nb the largest stoi3k of frames in the county on hand undertakers pumiture dealers and ttggoxi lami good i commercial rige atrexpfeii delivery wagon wfll mei each express train abd dsilrer goods ir any part of the town t afler the 1st marcbiintehrl to do a strict cash business only at credit will not pay for horse feeder repairs johnston sarsapmiua iml for furifyins thsebad tt has been to nse tor 90 jeciaand has proved to be tbe bess nrerarntioa- in tbe market for sick headache pain m thb 8idb or back uveb com- plactt pdalles ot the tack dyspepsia files and all disease that arise from a rjisofxtered liter or an import- blood tbousafids of onn brst take it and eite it to tbeihchll pbrsiciabapreeciibeitdailr- those who use it oooa recommend it to other it is mads from ycito dock hondas ras sarsapariua tthd cberrr emlsisia daodellon 8aasatraa wiiterrreeo a4 other weukoon lakiabls rooa and harba itiastrictly tesetabla and can not hurt the most de5e coratlrutloa itbooeof ths best medidaet la 130 tor itorilaainrthabootla it tssoa by all respoaaible drassatbi at one dollar for a quart bouie or sec vndlbrtfcilir to tv whonlar ihebtiob tt ii ii dijpartment of our bneiness and aa we have oohatantly on band a large and yaried aide t otconlna caakete bobee and all ftnerlreotfisitlstvre can stlit wj taste and tbe 1 irournsujioes of all who require anything in tfiladrie auorir gcimsaje placed at veif raaaonable figures firstclass hearse famished when realred wrmlurfei ouf cabineiiljajnhg departmeht vre are prepared for the sprine demand pador bnitea sofaa centre fables wbate its bedsteads 4o wagrohli e bate on 5ahd a stock of flratclas 1 lumber wagona and demoorate mannfaetnradby doraalvea from the beat material rb ich yillbe sold sit the lowest pos- dyspepsia inqtesstion javhdict erysipelas sait rheuu heartburn headache will cure or relieve felii biliousness- dizziness dropsy fliimrim of the acidirrof the stc dbyness of thi aihlmr species wf dl sales dlwrttrejl ttlver kidneys 8taj bowels off blood g 3b i