Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1882, p. 2

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rrl i tl tfsr tkvrsdav lorxina ma- 18 1s82 another industry for acton sines tlit wrudioo by fire of g 4 e tuliousflour mill about mil east of this vjluvf there lias been cou- i sjornble conversation among our cm i in ntout daring tbo mron tol on eorae induceuifu1 la rebuild tluit mill ia acton fjling tliili firt class ruer cimt mill in ieioe would tend greatly to increase aui ituiirovo business lure 1 l wj spoke la jlr g tollon about the putter and t itcebr learned llm the firm will enst a flour mill l the g t r depot kith daily capacity if hit hundred and fitly liantht of oeu- jirocxsa flour airj k griu sait-liuum- provided ibe farrairuliou uf aclon will loau ibciu i reasonable sum at u fair tile of itteiest and exempt the pro ptiilv trout halation for i tteuod of 1 yesra the offer of mesne tohoa in certainly ou of interest to those of our cilikus vha uh to tie their lowo prosper md die coosidetrtion asked is m t rejsuuaule and would entail uu onlar whatever by the coiporalion we would lierefoto recouiiucad oai ciric iiuliorilies lo uke lu aiiueciaio consideration 111 once and make liie nrcessarv artiiicraieut wilh llie above firir sod thus elevate oor little lowu i another sleti in proseeuly the sale of liquor fader the scott act since tfce uduplioti of ihc soatt ac iu ihiscouoty the sale of liquors las la coufiurd lo the liceuscd drujjiau iu eacli uiunieiiuliit uud it sold only for iacranieotal luediciual and nie chanica purposes is a large number of people sreiii uniuforaied of ilia pro ceedias neotssarr to enable ibem to pccure liquor for aore purposes wo publish tli follqvrin faitu tbe canada t oiperiiicc act of 187s v the sale of vine for tichsivdy sacra- meutal parposes shall be mad liy licensed dmgeists oolr an the certificate of clcr- grmaa asroiinr that the wine z repaired f4t sacramectal parposaa the tale of intoiicatin lienor for er- caaively medicinal purposes or for bona jidc ue wcuaiiically shall be in qnxatiues of not leal una one piaf to im remored from the premises aod to ba nude vheu lot medicinal purposes oathe oartifiomte of a medical man hating no interest in the aile bf the drdggist airmia that sach li- qaor his bee presckbed fcr the person nasied la eerti6cate aod when such sale is luc cae mechanically the same be made only oq a cerlincate by two justices of tie peace accompanied by the affinnalno cf the applicant ihat the liquor is to be oaed for mechanical purposes xasssaweya vews from our oicn cdrrlipmdai so far the scott act baa been great roccessjin thia totnliip i br lie ve i am saifefn baying thai llie gooc it has done already baa made a rerv favoraliie iuipreaaioa anon quite numlwr of ireoqe wbo voed agnioat tbe act of cdure the hold kirb closed their iituiise rifuaicg accotn nixition to irareieik but tiiat wt of dri busiiies ma hurt iheiw more than it baa the act a good hotel ha bjn opened at bawkntle and the propdietor does not charge 5 cetiu for meais as baa been reported but23 cnl i a usual lr tunit in given ttphu filun tiuu as teaclie ins s no 4iud if crani of r xkvol las been eogni to uk hie i ice ptjtpeot d vision u blill irrapentik ner uieaibe are being iuitialed every month ilr dvid waldie of knatebbull left for alanilibi accompanied by bif ueriyeddd ir wife oa xuiday the su act appeal mr j kcltren qp of montreal lias returned from london england wlere je was engaged in arguing be fore the privj gouncil the legality of tte v3tt act he sayi tbe iminu raised by tbe ipftellant are that under a 52 of the british korth americn act exdosiro rignu are given to local legislatures i egarding 1st munici pal ioalilalions 2nd shop saloon wid tavern liemses 3rd propertv anl rirtl rigbiaan i tliall mittii nf a loral or private na ure mr melnren q csnd mr fiflertoo of the english bar were only asked to answer the last point rats and argued that tbe act wm cot o a uiertlyloca or priralp nature but tb it it was a public and general niaa r introduced by the dotninton g jvercmeut wlticb has becinl power j grunted it for such legif lation under ctiens 1 and 2 of the biitikb nirtt america act from tbe above we rould coucluden tbat tbe case is vimual y settled tn favor of tbe scott act ani e jfeel confident that tbe dicinipu tbe privy council will cocfirm this cc nclusion garden viewer si field that veracity t at hi ilar c at f rre ren utas sta 1 liu o uo deslrv to waste my time or oeoiy your spa on tn noticing tlm many liiulala and itato iiirula which recently ippnattnl in your lar from i in pell of mr wilkioaon i have not acumen euq tgk to puroeive that laa deuiala effict u ibe least uny auleuiejt which tuy brief reply oou uinej it ta how evident that b ia uot row iieytr w ami never will b- willing to iitietr llio uicuxsion uui liavn il publihlud wlrt life vlc ol revealing tbe uulrutbfi i jarty though ibis kan da banter ill the guardian and free peett sboriiy after our do bale iu iutelligeut mau who wis lie- qutiulol with lua cou ae ud iruiibltu in the discussion ever aupposed for n iiiniueul that his kiijeitioil uf a re tuwtl and pulilioliiu waa any mory tbali t ff it t lo euwjm sruiu ilia odium that atuclud tu him fur his coiria ui the discussion persona at a dlauntc reading his bold offer for ten liigluii iuurewiih a refwrterujight as ihey did lu ink him aapeciiueii cf injured ipno ceuw auliug for eatmnce iuto th luht of a full report such pursoufc were terribly oiialakco aa i now evi dcut to all i have uo liuio 10 wasle on his many denial piauy of wbicb ire true eooogli na dctibl when bi- wi uiakiuj a busiien of deuring what uo living peiaoa ivorastuiid be thould have dtbied i hat the luillted iutn bad yet reaolied acton it would have bern cojually lm and j much to the piint wo pass ny his abuse and dismiss tim ftoui further notice xouca ete hmdiarmid in fairness to mr mcdiarniii wc publish lbs above thengh we fail to see its bearing upon the queatiou at issue that question as we und utand it related to iba truth or lalse hood of certain reports circulated by mr mcdiaruitdt coinmitlee to the effect that the second debate wk broken up by the action of mr wil tiutaus committee or by bir own action we hive shown our willing nest to allow each i cruace of tasting his case but we think it uuwiao to tllow general sweepingnilateuaenia biv iog no referenoe to tha question and aa the resources in this case seem to be about exhausted we deem it belter for this unpleasant rntagle now to end 0 rze fkess what peoole say that actcn needs aioat twantynve more tenement houses that fie weather of last weak wt every thing hot agreeable that l good maaynmhreuaa were tamed insideoat last week that they havent seen a drunken man on tbe street in ados aiico tha scott act came into force that they would lie to see a canadian party orgaaspecially a leading one con- damn a wrong committed ui its own tg they thought the yoong men who went to bocjnrood on sunday to get on the spree had more respect for themselves and their parents r- thai tha antiscotti are beginning to realize that the people aw much better off and that business is better than ever with oct the whakey and areeonseqaectly say ing very much less against the act ithst kendalls treatise of tbe horse is te best and cheapest thry ever read and w old lecsmmend every horse owner to call j the feiz ebis oce for s copy people oflea find fsah with a i cal ip r when a weddinjj birth or death is not a mounted but if her woad lke a m m it to cousioer ihey win d cnlude tha we cannot notice these- iilenstiog oc- 4ue ces withmt receivji g hepanicubui from tioe interested via uost cjtfcai that altiourh an editor is expected lo know eterythiok he doeaat 4 manitoba and tne aorthtfest if ill and erapleu alaterr of ike eamn- try by joha mteaasu h a r l 1 tke wortd rablufclns cesapaay catlph owu goritbinfivt hocc otuwa 8l march 18w the world pouishing cc gnelph gentlemen f am desi ed by his excel leacy the oovcrnorgeneial to say that he wiilsobscribe for priilessir ifacoans work ifanuoba and the grea northwest soars faithfally i i q btrwakt ltcol the cs1dle gcnsit tit aetnn on aie 14h inst the wife of win gurney esq of a ettiorr in efvnesing on he 14lh intl the wife of thus elliott esq of a son arthors in esqaesiflb on the isth but the wife of john anbaij eyj of a danghter maflatia in aclon on tin 14hlnst the wife of lcinoel hasalas sr of a slaughter watsox tn nampweya on ibe lath jom tbe wife of win lyauon esq of twins a son and daug iter fabxzk in qrannbu it on the 8th inst the wife of mr a a farmer tnii merly of this tillage ajgent n 4n w by of a son i tufisute ckeecb in acton on t m 14th lost ida louisa yoanijest aiajbtcr ef mr e creech lurocss nutkerjaged 1 year and lommtha seods all frosi at j e aitom aamittr tvhlu ivhjat i ss ill t sm i to 1 to i buring wh atglaigcw old i so to i 1 1 m to i 0 70 to 0 0 45 to 0 i 0 iu to 0 0 70 to 0 0 it to 0 0 is to 0 0 16 to 0 1 2d to 1 7 m to 7 0 23 too lwlwell burino wu kaduaaff oat barley knr uuttor dill y picked batter roll i potitees umv per bag dressed lings wool j dirirn jubhet flour tvhite wheat lraalwlll spring whtolmroir fled chiq oats pen rvrlsy live ep per divj butter daity packed batter rolls potatoes nsw per bush dressed hovs wool i t 28 i 28 1 su i w 0 0 u 0 m 0 70 0 10 0 lo 0 16 1 co 7 so 0 23 to s to 1 lo i to t tu i to 0 to 0 to 0 to 0 to ii to 0 to 0 to 1 tn 8 ui 0 business brevities soma fiotw and hats j fylei absat our baalaaaf mi a bouses of benefit to our general readers from 75 ornu to 25c fur choice and cheap flumes go tlujlics i giiffinv acton a goqd fell hat foi- 75 cenla j fyfei tr volt whiit a nobhv durable ai d oneap suit j iyfea is the place to go ah kinof lcdin cillara gill tlea and tick ul uughua i gnfu aclon scotch stigliili and canadi salting inlrret vsritty at the east end ctotuincstore j ffs acton engheaji grifliu aell meni pilie straw hhu at 4kc nod upward tioi- chusty stiflv al h50 neweav alylijs yi y j v ppuektra w a imift intelliifsnt i amtl n in iiiidllisiit buy about is yean i 6i is tiauteil al tha fas ls otuue 1 1 learu the art of priuiiug apply at ouue p mq0b8 faax iliua oriici actok f- pimples i win mall ikree hie recipe tor a simple vasatabu batm that will nnov tan riaekiaa jpunplaa and aietoaaa itavhi the slli ion clear inl henunfili uio in- iiruot inns liiriimdurlti ui tlusurl iitarowili uf tihlr una hlu in ml or suioniti auo ad eavtimua idrem tihilom la itaiap oowbureiiit ky rjniibfitiiiiitis bill thoimlerilanec hnnfir service oo hit premliieat lai r7ioosilgu lsquaslni nraraouxi- a ttiuruusfiurd liallwitliedl free tieeo ud itikeof ke it terms 4f fiir ruorouitbred cows and hio furliridc aiex iihrowm blrlcwi cali april uttlflft- 71 pyottl yk salr w aoton the hotel iu acton on olil street nrar the g t ik dtkt kiinuii as ueuuetis 1 hulel will 1 sold veryrriisiiuahle terui ui suit purchsien it is well turuiiihi nut the furulturu cau he ioukht it a leasnushii price ttith the linuso pussessiuu giui imuiediattjyi applvu tuos benxett proprietor balhnafad p 0 esqaesioej april 19th 1882 laio rnefflpekamje uutel joint 8t0cjfc0mpany a meeting of all tlie citimfii of acton und vicinity ifilretfcil in the formation of a jiuul sttxjit gtmpaoy for tla ervclioa tif tcmirenuou hucei tu actiu will lx held u th3 ttfiiparnnc hali mi fnjij evenfut iuth iiittjtt 8 lock let every mm iu- eretteil in llio lucie of llis bcott act mjkt u tffart to u prtkfut i onttr of suiu nd ovttconu al itrm- low rit and ranu ia utnt itjjei scie to cu and ie i htm j fyfe aotob k mcqnillan a himilton of iho wellin too lariile vork goipji out are doiie tbe jargeit retail marir trad a ia out n- inp in tiit- fiwt ttiit they an teie lest vrofl tnd iu thc chapatt the iq1iu- are varji rhl aifxinjt dcaliag with ecntt hand traie pdiorf tat ihonld o direct to th firn or hay from their actnu see tint ll name mcqiiuau k raaultoa it a t printed fon before vou i or order v bachnpalba quick eomplclb cur nil unnoyn kiaiy btdder anl jrintry uiieuri l dragguu uikt hohad that litii umb had tmlirm whit rfsnoir j shealwatbruihedlhem twice i day with mtcxbeaat joa know tke general elect the carrieiibriii ncivott tlie tar-u- t mar prtias be maajfal hint llbtlma- halan abtxtluie nteti m tbe pnu marlm obtiinh bttnwjtlicoti 41 rt km inn tt it eleelnraof pctsakhcoks aciruactat tie tret ramedr for corns ery aoff rir wtkim b made timpp na i wnti eretcitdly vtilr fbr ifto ptntna aflbrdtaf itaem rltf kaf sore painless 9are o4 drnmewb sabiutaces aetna may i682 tijecoilmiltee ekborm of totth a nenllnnan wbo soflvre fr tear fm kero ilebiliy trmiilorel nil the effflli 6f routliittl indlmuor win fojr ihsalceor cflerlt r hnmititj- tnd free so ail wli need l th- reel aod direction fir attain tbe simrle midr ty which he wds enr d buflerers wishirf ui jrofltby ihs ad vrlietvniertfnoe cau dosobyaddresslnv in prfer roiifltince joaxb iott a cedar st new york oxehtt it uoommonly ftid that yon cannot make an honest man helieve ihat white is black and rica tiksa but those wlso have trey hair by using the cutounaji hiiarefewz will find but ibis an pare n i difficulty is easilf ore rcotne for sale hy j e mcgarrfn 60 cents per bottle i j the secret of bennty no ootneiie in the word can impntt heauly to a face that isdisrtrnred iy url sit hlly blotchen arising from impuiie blood burdock bioo1 bitleis is ihv grand purivinc mediene for all htimoifa oithebloid ft makes good bloml anil tmpsrta the moots of health o the most sallow complexion j a care far headache what phvidan das ever discovered rare for he plucha bho niwera none rut banloafc rlol bitters hv iheir purl- fyiuj invifoaiing nervine properiies nflord i cut in nearly eierv ease th hfrtllhgiviog principles of this remedly are unequalled by any cimilar prepan lion in the world hotr to care a cold opon the first reeling of ehill h shivering remain indoors if possible n ibe the feet in tepid aster gradually increasing ibe beat tu long as it can be comlortably borie arink freely of wnm cingcr lea rgete to induce perspir alioc ana tke hagyird pectun i bvlam acdording to directions on the bottle ifagyards bnleam curefooujjhi asthma anil bronchitis preumption iieglns in i dornrca and ends in ruin tin the other hint the production of kidneywort begs with with i precautions anoj scientific search and its use ends in retjrtn shattered bnostiluiirns and endowin men ami women with healih and happ new my tormented back is thee clamation of more than one poor hard working man anil woman j do you kno whyilnrhfjat itls because your kidney aie overtasked nd need strngtbeninf nd yoor ylem needs tn becle nsed c badhuroorji yon need kidney wort i kest aae comfeiile ihesbsterlaft brown household panacea hi no equal for relieving palp both it temal andjeaternal it cures ptin i tbe side back or bowels sore tbroa kheumntini tnothnche ilimbagoan any kind nj a pain or aohe it wi cost anrellj quicken tha hlood and hea ai in acifng power ia wonderful rrowni household panacea hei acknowledged as the great fain rel and of rionlae the strength of any otl elixir or lipiment in the world shoulii be in every family handy for nsa whe i anted as it really ia she best remed i in the worlp forcramia in the stomawi and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all drnggistaat2scenl a bottle koffatrnnvdiiig store a fiao aesortmeat of puflucsirooi teacher examinations the july examination of candidates fcr the year 132 will be herd as follows fox nift qlmi guam c nos-pno- nbioxalat the normal school toron to on honday july 10th at 2 pin porlaurmftsluu ktatnntloa- at the towu ihau idiltoa and the onkulle high sohooj on monday july 3rd at 2 pm th3 profecsional exuninatiou for firtt claa obrtificatea will begin after th ccc- clniiun of the nonprofeialonal examina tion the examination for first clan certificates grades a and b will bcin after the cocinaion of the profcsaiclal examination forms af the notice to be giren by each candidate oan be obtained on application to any county iuspector it it iuduxntaltfthtx candidates should notify the undersigned not laur than the lit of jiitc ot their intention to present them- teives foraiamiuation m little p sl co rtuiox acton 2otn april 1882 in tiie high court of justice chanoerydivi8ion moore vs m00he parsuant t tbe order for sale made in this oaose letiriag date the eighteenth dy of laptil 1882 there will be aud with tbeappitbatioiinf tbumaa miller enquire local master of this cjurt of milton at agnbws hotel in the villkge of acton br wm hemstreet auctioneer at the hnur of one oclock in the afterhooc i or thursday june the 1st jld 1882 in five parcels the following proper ty tix parcelino i frm of 150acres mure cr less being the north east half of lot nu so and the korth west half of tie north east half of lot xo 29 on 1 ttrwoshipol esqawing county nf hslfoa there is erected thareoa a gool framedvel- linj house sud a huase plastered on the oat- wde two good train fl lmnis oce with stnne table undcniesth the toil ia s sandy loam and ia a pod state of cultivation the feiicw hit in firtcbus nrdtr and then- is s rxd tii aod an orcliord ennaistmg of sii seres wich tirt frait irees parcel k0 2 a farm of 50 scrja more or less beinn the kuril west half if the westerly irt of lot hn 29 con 1 tuwosblp fi e qaesinc- tbe soil isaasiidy loam tsrentvfie bcre cleared aod ia a good itate if cultivation the reminder well timurel hith ol hardwood and cedar the fences art- in cood order nro s tb sooth eat i tif of the wester y par or li kn 9 on 1 township of eqaesing containing 50 acres more or less it ii wll liuitcred ritb good bardvood id cedar parcel no 4 a farm of 100 acre more or lea iing the fimth west half id ftt no 31 cfo 2 tuwufchiiiof eoqufainc there is erected the cm a ccl frame duel- line house sud afiod frame larn litli tte foundation the ncil is a taudy tnam ninety acres beios cleared and in a rood itate of caltirttion the remaiuder well timlied with good hardwood the fences are in firstclass cirder and n nrcbsrd of alout two acres with eood fruit trees parcel no 5 a farm of gfi acres uire or teas ieiim part of the north east hnlf hf lot no 29 pun 2 tmrnsbip of equpstng more particularly xleribed in s deed from janiei cameron tn samuel mlwre there ia erectei thereon a lorge two story lirick dwelling hrruse a frame barn and driving thed the laud is a sandy loam in a ood state of cultivation there is a valnnltle nevtrfailintr eprinu cretik nrnning through the premise an orchard of jxiit three acre9 this farm is mostly situated in the village ofacton parcels ode two three an four are aifn- ated about one and a lialf miles from the village of acton which offers good market for tbe saleiof produce ac ac terms of sale ittn per cent nf tha purchase mhtiey to be jaid to the vendors solicitor at tlte time nf sale a tuffiuett amount tn tivike together with soch den- one- third of the jiorche nmnay within ne month thereafter withciutintereat and the balance in ifive equal annnalj inatalmenli with interest at six per cent rayal le ith each instalment to be secured y niortintge upon the ixnd the purchaser tt nave the option of paying the whole nmnnnt nr any greater amount than one third of his pnr- cbsse money within one month after tale with uteres on any amnurit o paid there will be a reserved irtd tn otber respects the conditions of saewill be the standing orders nf tfale hightlonrt of justice for farther particulars apply to mr johnl dewar and mb duncan mrgibron barristkb milton and mr jqhn hoskin s c tobohto johnpewas t midler vcxdor soiicrror loclmastbb j at milton milton ubfqlrnary 1882 aero- harness trunk ranrni uatmno imnniw a harne8 pr trunks to sara money shoum jo to r creech amibk kidneywort t great our1 la ii late in tapatifai lyissn ettkah i ilaabaaljsiaarw j- athat taaaap the djuilni ko oaljr rat yioum erauassatissi t5s45wsfa8iaf baswassiitdsw4iaai atrfotltcinwo ma at uscniea m sou n u crteaabantllyaafl of tbe won tsmtassq kidneywort gjtkesmen wa7ite0 to befon work at once on salts for fill of 1882 for tit foothill nurseries the largest in canada sudomet toanirro okt br nurs6rie8fonthill ontario we can start io addition to onrelrtady lirca force 100 additional oinviimn and wint more who cm ift fall time to tht hnsintts 8lesdy employment inn good alines to successful meu ft does net mat ter what your previous occupation his been if yon an willing to work yoor aaootn i 1 1 moat certain tbe beat of raferaoeaa re uuired applyto stone 4 wellington xoratrymtn torowu ont thk fres press premium all wbo have received the treatise os the horse and hi diseases speak highly of it many declare they would not pert with it at any price it they douid not replace it it is a useful and valuable book and should in the han la of every farmer hatbemember it is only for tnbainban who pay np all arreaia and fcr nejanb- schders who pay in idtanoe 1 bend in namea and money ai ooba aa the premium offer can rtmain opes only a limited time h t moore r ak immense spring stock it tbi dominion boot shoe store aoton wa are new raeairini optniaf and alidnj onaajnlhx stock of o a o ca fob thk skrino tfiaib i i exhibition qp ohoiqe millinery ajn ael kinds op fancy goods command thtj admiration of all visitors sajeplarged show rooms better light with an additional staff or experienced assistants enables them to execute all orders with promptuess neatness and entire satisfaction prices are guaranteed bight theie stock of- general dry goods is pull selected with usual care and bought on very best terms boots an0 shoes por everyone piuest kid to coarsest wear no better value in canada j r the goods having been bought before the strike we will take all the eggs brought in and pay the very highest priceii for then bemember oub j t f 4h 1 s mh 1a which still nlamtains its reputation as the best tea for the money inspection invited i i i i il if christie henderson co acton nf law fisiilfluttte spriflg bwifis at the- mammoth house georgetown off prices wfll be 0e 07 v the driaf leatartaof oortahliahmant mn oor aim is to fnrnish enstomtrt with good stylish wellmidt ocjds cheap lot oaah onr custom work departmut is as stnal in good running order firstdais aaattr- ial always ttmd bepairing promptly at- leaded to i kenney it son acton april 82 suelph cloth hall our spring stock oonnlbtlng of cloths i scotch and canadian tweeds hats and i vents furnishing goads is now complete in all departments shaw crundy merchant tailon enjcspaso to sh ft tixffibti anderson f coy 25000 dolura worth of tbe choioetl ud choapewt 5w6od ittjt ihowiriatms cotmty we bare rtwt pleasure in stnoondarf to oar euato inert aatt lot poblio pntralrjr that ht a firsteuaa atoek that we boojtt the gwodt right that w will mil thsos ohwap that throofh onr long tperieaoe aad oofawioabted eradit ad bar ability to pay cash for all tbe goods wo bay that wo ceo oseryoaidiooav menu that no city town or village or anj ehherplaearaqjobrr i the soape of a targe 8toek to ehooao from suitable goods for this asarkst aaa chssap ebore all- very few plaots in ontario ha larger or batter aekfus ptaeo totio bowain tha j wehstorslajswratooll sjid onr exponswa are not daf a ltzsje uritf botw- aod we will oot allow eitr or ooaotrr ptaoento aoderaell tu as this ta iho ptaoaw j bare pltehedoor lost sod tnreatadoarsaobw ortweooin aljthlateatfav riot creas 8ilsa black sad colored swattfol lins ofdrwea sukt tor sobptf yard worth tio prints lumens varied from so r yard onwardi cotton ot v all kinds inolndlng itaeks denlma shwingt and tioklhgi at whotsjaale price th abor goods were purcnaawd last october j ahejbstw adraooad lince tat isrga aeior small want hoaisry qlorts corset uoea tits umlellj ptao drti ihtambgs erll kinds inetadlog rringos cords and taaswls 8au fumlabjaajshats cap tsmite clothing bootasflreavvaltrbfla we aroar paying tpeolal tttsntton to 6arpm a bnifftil unioo csspst sbraas per yard a uptatrj for tie worth 85o andall kiad ofhoeae rijroiahing qr millinery it simply tnperb second to none in tia dommioo and b anashntndd by talent sad ability that cannot bt larptsaed v v st ladies ntod not hesilsie to patronise this dtpartaent mantis dt to order in lb moat approved atyle ordered clothing deprtmot-inubti8e- eea bniyu nailer throngh the dull seaaon the rattoo why rioolj tespfljods perfertrnttuflarmoajt and th wortthkasup dniarpaw hareain uabattn8tai to chitiaevfiom ud we aball bo making alnsoat eilia ditkm to ooysaak ta ait l llt qwesst id ohwapeajt oeodt- ikatabrs wjr this snarktl hithtr wt iu sell the gtjawkmoheiftltwfww ochbbturndgg coteiti tion u to ken nine ttal jasjsvn4am for oaatifwd there ikiffttmiitiii tstoaibbaonot bt mid as afavtaers artiaaaa mtchtaie tad ukoror all kind tr fu1o thefcprwiw w tha4v ll9tisaelaitamiwatiwrut9 bring us yoor mooty aadxoqw chwapttajodsiv ir i- i p ijliww i i eiwih swsxrwa hr wehaubeplwwdtewrwgwdtoaairww btmrf4idlsaboaw- v iaiival sir lokttarast bar wli atu ta ertry diparwwv t i a i mcledd aftjeraqn o i4m rhmag tackle efco i urtirteii stet acto0t

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