Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1882, p. 3

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tarstoix moastsa may 18 tsss hands jeweharya palicy goods store acton out i at geo berlin wools mottoes the largest stock in acton sehnaubookk sntt paper pens and uk scribbling boks cony books slate wateheaj clocks jewellery spectacles creeta knives spoons and ifnrka toys dillt wee alfoini geo hynds the uadiac store in acton tor wedding and birthday prtseute cell in bits of brevity ttal svd ntnt rmrrd hj u r f lit p i tlr rr village varieties a cueetl r islest nin t ether swatters r asterta wim i r vtlfacc eustts no dccauu a eunos at out cridlo notion will prure that the population i not deoriulng very tnpmltv wbat too wasst job printing of evert description kxccuted at cheapest rates tad prompt- at the ofictol tola paper niw pbocim piotji the new patent flout naunfactuttd by the toller process m be hall at euloiti flonr feed store acton warm and pleasant fruit trcei are blooming the whttcwesber areiusy heavy frost last sunday night the showers of mar mike splendid hsyj prompt payments produce a good paper village ciuncit mels next tuesday cveciog aeotlrcr week passed and no arbor day appointed politics and elections are txing freely discussed now v the raius c last week gave venialton an cicelleot start single fare over the railroads on the queens birthday the dnsl was most effectually subdued by last weeks rain the physicians motto hare patients and you will suca j croquet lawns arc now being ptepared for ibe aeasvavcoulests jane if said to be the best month in which to prune ftuit trees a risil to the groves now will cereal beauties in every direction thrsod dried up very qaiekly after the luiijy jaiu of iait week u here the toa never ecu on the fenu alien a circus gues by t6eo victoria will be afity three years of aja next avcdirevlay- the ficus an now decked with a beautiful uianiie of reireiy green- dont lake dou yoar biuret loo sooo tte miotic u june is trfy cougb the icjaocjajx for iuy was issued last week read ii oilers to abacrioera d u ynu see the snuw storm last fri day true il i a very iiisigniftcrfi oac ldilit lime oar yoaa mia were ur- gatixii a uiae uaj cr eici or lacrrrvw eiab- rrr j coulla gtaffteaown preacher eren- sutniay ercutfjjj now inuie kpdst church here rtcmperaoca hole jolntatock company meeting in lhc teojpcraiitic hli lu-aot- row evening uesd uie adrcstiscslunt in aoother rilunm rcrring ui the erectiun of a tem- peraixc hotel did yon lose yonr hat or spoil your cmbula are qutslumis reulling from ihc itunn last veek- sjead aoipy of this weeks flux paiss to yoar frienda at a iutance chuck loll rtessok memmoiuai collectors are now cntaaing the tillage for subacrip- tions o the ryersbo mtinotial fund the object is a worthy one ssasc tries quito a number of our cltixena taking the adrioe of the fail pukss have planted shade trees on the trees opposite thotr premises we hepe other will follow thir eiaihple asssssjiixt coajplited dogs are once more allowed the freedom of the trects and they ctn to enjoy it after their enforced confinement in the back yards and cellars the assessor has completed his labora fiuvthe nortsi west on monday messrs frank d ooates and wm orer- ton left here for manitoba nd on tuesday messrs v c 4 s robinson and r wat son left with a car of cattle for the same destination i btex scarce the village buteliers ex- pcrrcoce considrrable ditaxulty in gellins beef nearly all the fat cattls have becu fold for the english market and fancy prizes are being asked for those now in the hands of stockmen cittls fob exolasi last thursday messrs craig a- toitou shipped from this village three ear loads of beef cattle for the european market i among the lot were some of the finest cattle we hare seen in acton in many a day foa the old cocxtst ifresrt a e mkiihewa agent gk w tel co and w j xiclin of the fsxi pitas staff left ou thursday ooa trip to eogiaud nc pre- sanie tbey like the rest ol tuurlta are off for ike benefit of their health fall wheat auxa from be returns of ihe oouno hurau of industries c leara lhit iu halloa county tiiere are 43000 acres of wheat ooi in lhe ground the- return states thit llie crp is fitsiclas iii nearly every tccliou of the country besses k buusdoi we notice liyj the ifniwja sum that ur arthur cameron 1 of this village has entered inio partoerahip with mr c a- larkia to carry- ou busi ness as builders aaccmtrtctoes uuder the uiaie cameron ltrfcia we wish oun tid irieiid every success csa5e or true- a new time table look effect on the it r on mooday 15hi bst with the following changes ito 3j icg cist due at 5 02 p nv instead of i10 ko 4 goiac west due at is7 pmj instead of itt so 8 going west due at 523 pm instead bfs20 sfi ccg there appears to be a prospecl that at ust we are going lo hare fpting the weatcer is now wtrm and pleaant and veiretaion waich has been very lack wart will now prehablr lake afresh start and the change canot fail to be of im menae advantage u the crops fibjiwo kioouaioj a fihlug part including eeovusmltli oonnc liorbpight it r rao agent q t r r ardew and chas knert macager cutdor n tannery with their ladles went to the forks of lhe credit yesterday is quest ofj speckled beauut we have not hoard hat sooeeea attended ihera but hae do donbt a pleas- ianl day s spent fiu caacsjctt we notlos that are icnokers an ciposed for sale in town and iprtaume the merchants keeptdp them u unaware that a village bylaw prohiblu their ul or mo within the llmita of the corporation the village council conclud ed that are crackers are a nujaanoe inas much as horses were scared by them and property was also endangered loonseqnent- jly they passed the bylaw mentioned above lleeeernl yean ago i i a bici hoaii lut holiday one of tbe hones bolouglag to mr jl williams miller olenwllllams wu lakfn laddeolr very ill on the street in this village and it was thought or some time that the animal could not recover but throusjb the exer tions of m r j lawson vs it was brought ijaround all right the lioree bai been given quantity of dry ftod and jflerwird- a large supply of walerj whlchj caused the trowhle i i scorr act ix qiaorowxja large a- mount of trade wu done on friday and the idea of business being destroyed by the boott act was oompletaly exploded sat urday wu also a good business day and georgetown waa more sober and respectable than it haa bean tor yean a few of our bums go to brampton and bring home bottles in their pockotal but this is confined to people whose natures hav4 become so completely animaliaed that ti rob a hen roost is their highest j ambition nothing short of a miracle will jerer sober such peo ple gvoroctoica herald wont orzs agaik the guelph her ald says a commercial traveller in formed a herald reporter this morning that as long as he waa on itho road he would our spring stock gen m 41 m m 1 1eoxs or kb at the annoal con of interesting nutter voculiju cf the tjnivrnity of trinity coll a bomber of caonirted poeee passed i r tot tl1 cooffrringof degrees in medi- tuimcgii here on m m k temooo for the kbrth weit gudtfc has bee cboaea the place o meeting of the presbyterian synod of to ronto and kingston next year toe scott act is aot wcriiog har- moaiousif here and reiyitttie in being said against it- tree by iu fois the merclranu of georgetown aa well as those of our ofrn town report- business inipruviog since the coming in force of the scuaiit f im lonely totught lore without thee is the plaintive vail we heard issu ing from a mill street residcacef a few evenings since the junior base ball dan call them selves the slaw tie ouelphclub they pttrpoae plaruig irii eaoaeena birthday is the oak leafs- mr w h teong ef oafcviue has beea soiated stipeadary ensgistrate for this county 2r toung will ac doub ful fil his dnlha faithfully a number of new names are added to dex sabseripioa list this week the free faxss is considered the cheapest and heat local paper in the county take vandag by this young mans fate he would leave off liwflsuneii hes sjeeping now ncath a oirer plate aod bis cofsn has rosewood panels the easiest way to eootl a boy is lo allow him to o without restraint and come in late at night without being required ui give an accomit of h imaff if well be pleased f tee sxsaanyrisitors in acton on queen bialoay as tee it to come bus sre hereby uitoem luem that theres so whisaey here now we noticed aereral onabrelaa tamed insideout ou thursday we prejome- the scutt act wu to blame as u is made to ailpulder acarly all mishaps now fipoins03rw have receired a copy of thscasodiom sporuwm oad saluralu a 2evpae monthly pablisbed in if ontral at 100 per ana am lnteresung to sportsmen an amatear granger drove up siren the other day addressing hu team a fol- lowsgefupl gel along tliere gee wioa gee there wbojbacklmr 1 xk i be your parfoo go on m a- b yet the rilfege etdewalks the gtb- oa friday af j dne on wednesday last the drffree of mbj wasronferrcd on mr w hl mcdonald of lliis tillaee we are pleased to sec thai success continues to attend mr mcdonald thj cteccs ktmakce several worth lees circuses arcou the war path through canada this month and there are seven more to follow the same old story wil be repeated this year by those who go am tne old verdict wfll bs given i saw ital before 8tay athome and save your money bctldtrs societt the acton builov log socieiy is gettins ms organiitioa lute working order the company has anooano- e4 its formation id the ontario gazette as required by law the 6t directors are messrs w h storey jaines brown d henderson d el cliristie and w h browa reacncnr in speaking the other day with a respectable fanner living a elf miles froin actott be said to us i did not vole for the scctt act as i did not be lieve il would restlt in good but it is nosr law and i intend tr respect it i think t action of ibe holetkeepers is closing thi hdosea c evenjegainst their friends oootemptibl ana though i fonnerlv pi- rouized them ooeakonafly i will liereaftar lure nothing to do with them jfittoa iveim bf kit thc8eclt act became imospbere of the town dergone an indefinable t smell asit usedto i that something of the ice has been reraovecl-j- and look pleaaaoter emselree look cootentad and h3ppy and why ahouldnt tbeyt acoos experiend is similar to the above a coosied item the fouoarittg item from the ottlfh herald is evidently ckect to suit the antiscott palatef ike city editor police cocbt joserih wdkinaon a vsg from the village of acloa plead jpibly to the sof t impeac ji- raect he said he was a supporter of the scott act and vdled for it and now grets bating done so before the el he had plenty of work but on ibe pi of the act be was the first mand l the mscjirtrate gave him two hforil steady sit at the county wdbupili acton has but onf citizen mimed wil never open a trunk in ihe cousty of halton as long as the scoll act was in force his last lrip sickened hira he could neither be accommodated with i sample room or s bed and who witots him to open a trunk whether the ucott act n in force or nol the merchauli here aaylhcommer cial iravellcrs are a iqaisauoc and ibey dont care whether thry ever see one or not aa they ranch jjrefer ordering gmds from the ihohsale houses direct it il conse- qoutlt nit thepeoiile of halton who will suffer by the abeic iof thai commercial trareller we imagfne too that if his employees wish him to visit the merchants of halton that hell very sooo open his trunks or else be iarited by ihem lo leave lhe mad la short order that traveller lied too when he said he could neither be accommodated vkhsaaiuc nxss or bed as other commercial travtllrrs will cheerfully testify that ihey never fared bet ter in haltou counly tliau since the scott act came into force celxsutioss host of the towns and and villages in this vicinity are going to show their loyaky for queen victoria by giving public celebratioa acton isnt go ing very extensively tato the celebration business but there wili be enough of inter- e t to keep our citizens at home and per haps eaticc a uod many to pay ber a visit a bese ball match srtll be i played at 11 oclock between a gtielph dab sod one of this village which will no doubt prove in teresting in the erening prof smyth of gueiph will give one of his excellent con certs and we can vouch for a most pleas ant erening to all who atlesaiiit fnrock- wood games and sports svfil fill the pro gramme during the day and j in the even ing a concert will be given in the town hall being the anniversary of laying the corner stone of the new st johns church prof gale and lee of guelph will take part together with the best local ulent of the village at brampton there will be a oar millitiery will season 1 fnrilli r ii airiimnaewit i millinery boots shoes hats caps 917 patten 8 of choice english and french print at 5 oenti a yard and up r mantle and dregs cashmeres 50 inches wide tingle width dress goo is all the fashionable colon and shades with trimmings to match from 8c a jard upward linen goods of every description at pricet that cannot be beaten heavy white goantdrpapes at 100 beautiful stand spreads jit 30c aud 40c ts furnishing goods the most compute stock ih actoh be found more attractive than ever tbis as we have taken all pains to obtain the latest and choicest class of goods in the new york montreal and toroqlo markets fancy 8traws at 15c fc20c mpns and boys felt fur 4 straw hats 0 special lines in childrens hats tro w can stow a very large and choice assortment m this line boys faaoy straws for 20c and 40o ltsa8 straw and felt sats fox25 50 and 7bc iftdf mb slita depaetment i i the large trade we lave done in this linedaring the past year i convinces us that we are handling the right class of goods our principal lines are manufactured by j- d king k co and cooper 4 smith toronto which makers are acknowl- edged by all boot and shoe dealers to be amongst the best in america and the holders of the centennial and j dominion exhibition medals for fine and durable work week says si law the whole 6eems tohavf purification it di person now f nature of a nut people feel happl the hotelkeepers foreiurs demonstration a band lourua- tuenl and a lacro ase match its rapouts tbe ffambx spectator in referring tobnr remtrks in last issue re specting its misstatements lays the spteiator has simply reproduced what was published in the halton papers if the fk2k prxss or any other j paper or any person has aoything to ssy about the scott act speakiog favorably of its working in haltqp the spectator will lie exceedingly happy to publish it that what has al ready appeared seems to be against tbe act is not the fault of the spectator we must say that we cannot see that j the spectator practices what irpreacbes t in the above pal agraph as there have been very very few- items speaking favorably of the bcott act in halloa in the columns of the oee- tator while innumerable isstaocee of its success have been published in halton paperaaas well aa those injthe adjoining counties on the other handl the spectator has almost daily appeared containing items referring unfavorably to the iact andjrery few of them have been taken from halton papers but on the contrary an so called in terviews with people who bare been in hallon imagi nary peoplewelbaveno doubt it is plainly to be seen that the spectator is not all anxious to publish the success of the scou act in halton iir prices will be found the very lowest for a31 classes of goods 03highest price paid for any quantity of good butter and eggs edinburgh warehpuse aot0n riw hot going to manitoba but im poing to stop right here in acton and intend to do the largestjtrade this season i have ever done because 1 have the goods to do it with and the prices are closer than ever the qnesrtion is often asked how can green sell so cheap and still make money my answer is just this 1 buy close and keep a sharp lookout at ail times for bargains and buy everything that a farmer oserja for sale and my customers invariably get the benefit of it i hare a fall anal complete line la ghtro6lblellbrs all fresh clean and new tbe largest stock of crocjkery and glassware dishes fersonaus aliwld be repaired at onee and if ytin jap jo and as he is s rev gwilletijaii we pipgdio break your leg in coming twnie dt he wasnf i the rag reretred tb after seene your affianced yon could pro- inl eooclifde that the fferaf mio ceed against the eorporatioe tot fuiaaies iab fw was receatljr fonatda fhott distance from ibis rfflsge it was nu0 f earthenware was brown id color shdhsd httidle it winiiom two tjutftav is supposed tojiarefaeen use property ofsp antiscott xt eteaictiafl 4i wrote the item when be could and no otbtr mploymetit with the sole object oflvli g the scou acta nfb since the scott came inloiorce oi man willing to wrkh a been oat of employment in acton sod f 9ubertu mtoii nut of t job well gi e hira iorretbidg favdo if bell come down j3fttili her the left on tues- trip to new miss allie rizon of milton paid actoa frieodi a visit this wetsk m r alex secord bf the jcanada glove works baa boon indispo8d daring week mr 4 mrs v7 h storey day morning ou a ten days tort master louis p snyder left on saturday for belmout where be has secured a good eknation mr ac speight has been laid up dur ing thkw sek- with a bad atfc ck of qniusey heisisoi improrbg miss a burtch of tor into now oe- copletbe position of operat or in the os w telegmph gos office be mrs hugh mclooghlio t ear crewsons comers who baa bfea 111 or some time past tt now able to be about strain week hessrs w e adams fid ifattaews and ohu m ill have re turned from the horth west nose of them j aire very flattering imports of the tlrieprotlncei li any color any price or any style you want special attention given to the provision line gash paid forproduce of all kinds iraxnericeui silver and nickels taken at par for goods geeen sells cheap a w creen premitei wid will aatatoaos bs ready to mttle ever shown in acton hon audi peed tore the undersigned haa juat opened in the rraerly occupied by mr j c hill mill street anton a floor feld provision store goods cheaper than ever gr fas just received a fresn lot of roeerie i di two oeatbs gliss ware and mgkmelff which he is determined to sell at hook bottom prices- remember his celebrated 50 gent tea wanted all lands of produce especially butter and potatoes ia0t bo0d8a onr lot of ry crbods jaitto iio i keep constantly on band a full supply of flour brtln shorts buotaw leatflouricotnmoal see i oorn oatmeal peamesj and jsvll ltinds oi feed lqo ds delivertji any place ifasidc or c nt of corporation tour pt tronageis respectfally solicited artortbelcctmmodatioaof ur 8tath eras costoaefa fresh tiread will be left here acton april call at c hi utastmifli fetjbstaktatal 34ju w bottom priges everything fresh neat and t h jfarrilng wishes to infonu the people of actoa and sarroonding cpontry that he has opened oat iu thejimew brick str opposite agoews hotel a oompletenew stock ot grocmies i provimo family buppues of au kinds te bruits- eonyinc that i r elliott left m i must have moey to itu ih hiuiiiai inspect w jm splendid tookcaoct3ix nflrjv on hand- vi j rv irj itiislwbliskiryk 5fe igtpf it r y d wivttattlrtttbouiit aa soon ae

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