Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1882, p. 4

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jrf i- t- i s ii rv i i ctrcc jmisiipa morsivo may 18 18i 10 cwff folks cobajbm the brook taldebrooa lltttebeoa ycahavc rich a hny look- back avctr nierrr manner as voa iwerve and carve a crool atil vour hnict 0ae and one kcdch cich other hurd and rua ms unflilh little ciiudree to the ran uttle urcokir to me sim about a bamlilcboo that tumbled tryai i lily bell mi grumbled muaimiacly lvaaac he wet the film of bii 5rjn ud bad to rwiin while uic water baps raced rutnid uii laugh ed at hial utile brook tint a song of icarhal tailed aloiia dovu uic colqabraidl center ot your current rwlfl andslroec and a dragon aylhattt on lie tilting riia u it and rowed a wax ad wasnt kind a btl little brrxit laugh and leap do cot lot the dreaancr weep bins tiiall the nt of funkier till he tick tu softest aleep and thee sing soft and low throuf l hi drvami of long ago slag uiok to him the rest he used to iaiow true a young man who has saved up fivi hundred dollars at tweiilyoue his done handsomely lie has exhibited a thritty disposition which hodos well for his future pecuniary success let him diow resist the temptation to hazard his savings in an attempt to make them increase faster than iascon- sistent with safety let him dis trust an who profess to be able to poiut out to him ways of mak- ingmuch more thau ordinary in terest itr which there is no risk for there are no such ways in due time however his capital small thongii it mav le will prove sufficient to start him in business for himself out of which he can make a better iking than- he does now u yott dont stop yce coucliinjj sir ittl a testy juilcc lu 6bu youljodj ill gift s cxoil jah4tilthillor m replied the witty coujiij skiny mi i weill health kentner rettorei healttatnl vigor cures bespeptla lm potence hiexual deliilitvi 1 j tlo all lie odyou injljv ll he petjiii you cati aa loc a ever youican psce you cau th um sroth oivm t in llitf advice tivcu 1 imsii ukm thousands of ladies grateful rcnicnibrntke it tliehel o rtay cherish rived uvul iii ue of yd a k rinkhtmti vcpotnlilo compouuft ii poillijjly curs all female ciiupliiiitu- si mri ivlia e rinkhtirjt3j wtejrbj irfnue ijtin mitss fca- mi4plilta ulio caa settle lltia tnjonicotuoua quea- tkiti u you put iwei iiemini futo the amn room one witit tlie lo tliache aud tle other in love wjjicti till o to cktp hrat cowpaf aiki h who bain not oirneu iiilii rapture irailen frame the power the brace he magic of a name atvl ifitj the name of a yen be mre it ia one pf bierbrooks the e provetl by tl the denie i tw llemtja sjumeuii fit to 32 83189 jfalua an lllioui best yrlnu of all which would eta i close pr am ikon cir fire axked filieriur ko lmi clcji got beware the secret of being sober and 1 of keeping sober is to avoid the first glass if you determine not to take the first glass nobody can make you take the second it is the first glass that the con science grapples with this taken conscience grows weaker with every succeeding glass all the drtmkeuneg in the world began with the first glass and often at the family table i before you take the first yon are perfectly sober but not after ward and the second and third remove you further from perfect eobriety the whole controversy be tween teetotalers and drinkers resolves itself into the propriety of taking the first glass to the first glass- may be traced the greatest portion of poverty ertme1unacv bancroptey and pre mature deaths as surely as you cau trace the expanding river to the single spring kog on kats clean oat rati mtoe roacltea biaa lata bejbugi nkanti chipmaalu gopbera 15c drugcisu i wiali x wu a paddies maanna wl caaaer jhoold bare a lot erf mgar put into ine isno family- djet were eter o pop- nlarasthe diamond dyea tier neer fail the black ii farfiuperior to log wood the otner colors are bnlliant what ta this man charged with v ask ed the jtidge with whiakey tr honor replied the aeauotioaa policeman all those painful and distressing dis- aaaetjicd irrejulariuea peculiar to lhe female sex niay be promptly cared by bcstock blood bntce3 it regulates etrery organ to a healthy action aq epitaph in ulster xrtckd to the memory of john philhpsj aeciden tally shot as a mark of affection hyhis brother thomn myerr bracebridge mites dr raomas eclectrie uu is lhe beit medicine i sell ilabfaysglreesalisfacr tiori anctin casee otcoafbs colds sore throat ie immedwtereliefiaa beep teceired by thoae who use it a careieas boy swallowed a revolver car- tridj the othecday and his mother doeatt dare to wallop r bim for fear hell go off areyoa a martyr to headache 7 saner no longer a remedy is found ia bar- dock blood bitten itregilales tie bowels cleanses lhe sysletn allays irnfatinn and restores hepjth and rigor esiniple bottles 10 cents gailty or not guilty asked a dntch justice of a prisoner xot guilty den what yott waat jiere 1 go about yer hir- nasa jir oheara eirer street toronto him dr thomaa eclectric oil for her a iws for cracked and sort teate the fiinks there is nolhinglike it sue also ued it when her horses fuidlheegliootic with lhe rery best jesuits i cint aays emerson is asefal to provoke common sense it is also osefnl with aa apostrophe when a doubtful friend saks yon to lend him 1 a public meetlott sliould bi call ed ofide cifiieneof erery city town and rillhge in the dominion to consider what should- be done to prevent the hair from turning grey and failing oat if this important sjaeation reeetred their earnest coneideration ibey would unani mnusly decide that science bad at last dicofered eomethinptbat would answer this purpose and furl hernore would recommend cingalese sair kenewer as being this something for restoring tie bafr u5 itsuiitural cciloraodpretent lis falling oni 50 cents per bottle at j gilcgarrin atn dose btlla niipinp oil tuele lsiur of younr uncle answered young t plchty oh tire already au jiosv dc bells am rujjttu for water llulotcuif pillt tlc aiaeiieit co mon to our riorors climate which en danger the constitution will ulways exist though ninny tuay be mitlgiledaml ibelr efic reatoved hx lihilr aid appropn aleir applied uoilowitys pills arn ac- knowledgedfar rfnd wide to be toe most cerfu regulator of disoruerod organs anj the taftsl mid surejinferient tat citltii iretcribeci ih ujcdiciue is applicable to all alike young or old rouul or delicate it increases the appetite td rcgulattv the iiowel after the diomer is fttbtiued occtsb ml doses if these f ilia will prtreni any re lapfe and moreuver secure promote and intensify the good results which flow frota perlcct purity and fejuiiriiy it was a very pretty reply made by a lit- lie iul lc lie statement she beard uttered that oar saviour was ccver ten to tciile liidut he say scffcr tlieilittlc children ti tiaie uniontev and they would not hive come daless l hid saiiled i i hahr usthcr m1itv i xroyoattiswrbetlai night hiid tiroken of joucrvil b x icc clijd luflering ti d cryifnc uh ibe oxcruaiaticg puin of culunc leotfi i ifeo cfat onccai1 cet a bolue of mrt winalous yootlmg syrup it wim rehcre ih inor jiltie raliercr iauceiiitely dppead upon it 125000 3ft of goods selling off at th eight house up tii iieof these iloren p e custom house leturns of oipwdiorctntomcrs who thu bin all piices irom lc ly twentyone nnsea of iuiikuji etc all aellln to incrrase bis business nd hopes 10 do better his mormous stock of genu at and sercrnl other iery sup colors prices and qualities bo good value for 18o w t4huglioo street where ih xnl 23 th 1882 nobles walkln to sell about twice as mush guodlas anr other house in hamilton this is not mere guesting but is easily ozonations in published in the papers showing that be imports about double aa muoh as any otter retell house here and ng these aloies daily prove quite plainly thaihe talis all he imports and piles of canadian made goode besides about 200 n to 88 15 enob haie been received lately fbey are new beautiful and la the very latest fashions there is a fcrtat rush millinrry in lately consisting omhe latest styles of knnaa british and american fashions in hats bonneu feathers or i offal extra low prloe u astil purokajses hit goods for oath down at tbe very cheapest rates and tells them for cash at small nd thus suwus1iiiu buy eaperori account ol buying so largely isut yeerby following thii plenbe inereated bit aalet rear a lull slock of west of england and canadian tweeds lalely opened np they we beanliful patterns and extra good d ladies underclothing of all kinds and prloea ties rioat a and tlchua in uoe and sitlct new french kid hlovet in gou iriof makes very cheap the cnrpeu are going off very list about 100 pieces ol drew good and oyer 1000 pieces or- to choose from lott o dress uoods at 12o worth 20o and at 17c well worth 25o about 200 pieces of prinu at 12j riled npprentices to mantle making alto i young man to learn the carpet business call at the kigbt house king street erndaii udowu iunile makers wanted the dime is thomas c watkitfs hamilton kidney wort ben proved utouufsr if di8ea8e8i cr dlaortarcd ulflo iadi- itsfltimf tttehdonot yhat kjdneywort t entlnif- 1u ind it will ipoadlly ottjt- ind rwtiw hojuiy tvotlas ij t tor oompulau pecujiw c iliaulvdi otoothx ttaabupitx m ud irmkamfm kiilnaw6stli uatdrpmmd smftwlliii0tfaromptlyiadiiftl7 bthstr 6cz to rauntioa ofurtm brick dtvt titjqpy darpalu uul dull dtcsiaf palu in wfaut tn i owttttt smx o bold ex all deuqqi3tb prf ii kidneywort eigiily rccommrodtxl for blltouateu bea4lclir a- d imolmeu hrahbrnnii d brealx lom of ap- fomt uoaory foar 8aurli llttr com- pulnuat ij want vizliix from the slom- aelu uavrtlt or ludntr tiict tre ufe rofuduitioa la their action from 1 to i jaiifclad 1ii racetso m box htvullla slai 1 ttke the mbl sarqcfbrl ketaedr ever tiwover i i cd 11 enmli li it- 11 cl- and les aol there us no miuse about it iiere is uilici rnjji 1axrltuir rota motheron earthwlohacrer used j it iviio wiii cot teli yojtiatitandbils spavid jcure will regulate lhe bcwelt and give rest j r- rr to he motlier and reie nd health jo jass frtclaveelixvivu tbechcw opernling like tofic xc ia jiiirrrif tile n y as ti iicirbttnn perfectly fafe to ue ir ill cafi pnd pla2ct to the taste and is thapre united sulei catsa boule sold er i yotuhjuc- tc aiivjuuemcnt or k ntuiri spivu ctirptrl arftrti in j oir pa er mniiv j tjcircd pin- rr liave ucn utivc llrrd schplidn pfune ottho pdjetvihd best jo aiicau lunujanjutij hrelt uj- ciifl ferriale physicians nne- in the 5z rywtiere at 5 lap a rttr mavuraltuited iv tokosto a pemanefit hart euro for zjcwei di- mderianiiiiimtntaif llnrkidnoi bladder aqd uriuary stcrvtivcsyiuim or atieodaut conjiaiuu dining pain it small of back snlos etc gravel catarrh of tlic bladder aad lusact briiilit ijiicaig diaujte urojvpiloh nurvui uclidity etc etc pjiiiijiliku and ttiihniai can be ob tained fnim djrufiftt free iuicra olnldti pad 160 carts red- kclluc kerular pad fi sptciaj padfcr clirouic nileaaej 3 sold by u forjter mo aeon rt j jou erin ttina raiton georgc- tfiwu ajei b pctrio guclph haary alno milton cstotv a son brampton worth their weight in gold h0ll0ways acton clothing store r e nelson pkop lydia pinkham8 iaafoaltittcnre 7 ftratt-itrn-rrllt-ttil- tlviraaai mwh wwwthf1liptaatimna- ttvluoarecounlr tbc mdot form of ftpmle plainu tjl otmiiib treubia laaaaatkm tnfl noeh- can fajllaf ad51jalajijiiudd uw ecaw bplosil wtmksca uui li fninurfr aatfud to tt change of life it vfll dlmottf aad ojtti tamontnanttfenula go tarij mttgt of dereloptoszit ib tendeacy to eta- for rttmmirttmniierttvtimottk4taai it cam blcnuiiiy hklclks vnrou trtmkntlo oeoenl drtfltt sleeplrawnri prpnon aad isju- gmtloa tht feeling- of bnrlaf down ctaifajy pads wllii tad batftatxha u lttyi ptrwamntnttr aatd try if r ltrojuautigaefcnd voder ild rarttes wanting anything in my line can rely on junnouj ith ih unuxaieniuuftiiitttam receiving perfect satisfaction h- spring stock how complete cousisting of the latestarid most fashionable dusigjia in c english irish scotch and canadian tweeds and worsteds r a large stock of s-priitg- hats fo hand comprising all the latest styles call and sul til eh hmd display for tlw euro of xifatj cemtutau at titter kxclii componnd u tmswaosc r lvdia e ptscnajtstecrtable ook- porst la ptrpaml ai os and wcatcm iras lrnnum prtti bubotuefof tjtt flarttrjuwu la th form of ploiydljo la tbe arm at loxeato oa receipt of price fl far bar for dthr- kni ftakncn tretijtamvtmllieasettaqasrt- bead for ifnilf lit xartm u abort matitmtkupap v so tfcmflr jhoold bwuwctttdii z finclults lttes pilla iber car njmtpa1i m tarptdit7 of tbeurn soestipcrbex o- said t7 u dncsiau tt -of- spring tweeds -at- lh east lad gtomag teii come and see them ia mam i pills ointment 1ttfe otcxet j heuralgiiicicuca lumbago backavht surewtt f ih cbeit gout quinty sore throat swell ings and sprains burns and scalds general bodily i pains j tooth ear and hiadaejie rotted i feet and ears and ail other paint and athet jta preflsntlcn on ardi iquz 9r sierts ort oja tar svre timpu thii eieop tiiiml arfy a trill ectiik trot i lie eocpitittt trfslrj octkr of jo cmts sndeetoo mffrriac vui pain caa have ciea tsi foattlts kt it its lltrceiittu in hsren laarucss 80idj et ili erugsista isb dea1ee3 i k kedi0iee i avqgexerco rirul kiraaiuiowx uccaa iitni s lau ai ril 2cim zijkiidaliis spavin cure i os prmik flesn thocsatidv 4f trtalfi on haraan klh hni jrqcpj bgornjndotminhi hrndaiirapatln ctirr irii offldj rtricth to tnolrardiid tfrlelcurebc kotf twsttof r raraatlum eorq i or anr braise rut nr unlfiticfi in not jlmemii tf cm wf t m ht li dci nnt bllifbati0 ilie cpotnu- remotci fedlsorjc- kendalls spavia cure j i s johd e0oc2mpa dn 8 j- ivcfeau a co bavo tmed jpar spat in ccrewilhgreatfiee as on hpartnqrbiftnl ftunw i kntw it u b a pd lymrdy for rlf rtkrrc iinc- snaviip crtcfi ad all tlrtf ofirm -cfj- a mnj- nthrdl out oirny nrn uprpjrd hif rnfcip vorj badly i ap- dlied kcdallvsiarld car and i ikvraaw ttntttdnpwnrtmfc it he was wrll in a few dftrt 1 fciow it to be oojfortnana well as bait iprpcurtd one of jtnrtrraliie oa lhehqrjebymnn farketrm i tnink it ires the mancfartnttneflcoonon thai iuiaj4 acmrdioc- o lb rurfctlols riven in 30jbootercirtparm tlfle j voarstmlr wjc j pearson kendalls spavin cure fndaddrcrt forllafuiled circular sblcu we think eivep pohlve rrfr of us tirtnn xarrm5dr barstvcrjnlwllh rccb unqaajj fielmiccalaburitrioiedpe for m c si weilaa-aja-b- ptte 1 pt potif 0 tr bottles for 5 km droecfcubavf luorfianeet u for yoa or u will bsen toany aadretrgon rreelr f piee hr tbwprrieirp jb b- jkkkdalla co- eyfascrc f alm vt sot izr 4 druggists lvmak sons tt co- honalrcalp it this 1xc0mparable medici ke lax icxrti for it if an imprruhabu fame kravghon the virm for ac alleviation and curt ofmojttdiafajff a iraia humanity u hrir the pills put if regulate anupiprorethejjaiiljr of ue blood tlieyaaiistthedlfestitt haoa oe4ibihe c stomach and bowels increae thf secrrlory powers of the liver brace the nerious system and ihrtw into lhe circulation the purest elements lor suslalning and repairing i he frame thousands of persons have testified that bj their use aioce therr hare been restored to health and airength after everv other means had proved unsuc- icessful 1the ointment i seeing goods clalca60lmlamlinpiin by tlusioetdatml rti of tts lfaw oohmois t ut tnd th wwt touwshortmtroiimdta 0 r- rta pumonn wttsom tua of ean betwi e oucstejo auu city frt sbtflh xjsmt n worth ail 111 ii wlhwsmjvi iias bcmnoou la uoioa dvpotti wlih au cha kaaa of rod botwaen ibp a smbtbiv ii6 year jowiston sarsaparilla mklsiihu 1 fn tariffing tht blood it has been la use for so yean and has i pmved to aerhe best prepars uoa in the i market fofsick hbadache pain 1r ithb 804 ob back lives cox- i platst puqlffl os the fac5 i dyspepsia files end all disessos i that artsa tvom disordered urer or aa i latpart blood thousands of oar best i people taicb it aasl gtvs it to their cah- i dreo pbysldaas prescribe t dally tfcoso wso ass it ooca recommend it to or ben it is made from yellow dock hondu ras sariaparilla wild cherrr stluinela dandelion 1 sassafras wfrtenjreee said other veukaoira valuable boots and herbs it is strictly receablaaao can not fart ue meal dvheale eonstltouoa it is ofe oflths best meuicuies laatofor rsgnlaururtae bowels lt is sold by all responsible druggists at one dollar for a quart botl le or atx kesho eaert btaln a bottle it titsbwdlelm frba their d urirrtt may send lis one ocoat aod toiuiem dupth mar and we will send a t isamcs 1 eg tfittilctcirt darreorji socs will te found invaluable in every house hold in the cure ol open sores hard tumors j eai less oil itvans oessrlu i coldsfors throats brotrehilirid all l disorders ol the throat and chest as j also lout rheumatism tfctolula and ibsery kind of skin disease jlanufsclnred only at professor hoi i lowsts establishment 33 hxftlkd 1 stkekt lokdux and sold at is 1 jd 2s 91 4s 6d lis 22s and 33s each box and pot anit in canada at 36 cents i 90 cents and 151 cents audlhe fctrger i sizes in proportion tcatmos i hare no agrntin the 1 united slates nor are my medicines sold there purchafersibonld therefore look to the label on ti e pots and boxes if the address is not 633 oxford street london they are spurious j the trade mark of my said medicines are registered in ottawa and also at washington signed 33 oxford hlyjtk lis i fkom brazil a itevr compouki its won- oiiiul atiinlty to tie digestive appamtas and fie latot ucreus tng the dissolving jmces zeliev ijtg ohnosl instantly the dreadful the averllserfiavlntirean permisemjjr results ol dyspepsia indigestion j oybjate4ddpeavooiinrniillon by zipesaan eyezy dayhecessifyji kiaiflistr evgiyhonse il 1 i 1 tt acts gently and speedily in biliousness fostivoness head iche sick headache pistiess a let zatiog wiadom tiitstomaelt harcsri patella s side and bck want otappetsa want oi unezgy low spirits onlstpm- aczi itiarigqiateathptartitsax ties off all surplus bllg regulates the bowels and givesjtoae to th wholn system i iu prtsriiiioa ntedirret of eharewuj the dlriciloni for preparing an nslnirthe tame which they will rnd a sarecnrefnrcongbs potem coaaismptioxt aarthrna bronehitaa sec primes lisping the presort plllr will please jjurcai bet b awilsg m penn m sei eeftnn your own town 5 fllfreeuorlsk everything w capital nol requlrfd we dfurnlsh youeverytblngmany mafce iuioiaaniiniid boys inji rls kender if you want a y cut this out and take it to your make great rv druggist and get alo cfent sample bnttnets m wtlleh vno can wnnie great pn ora lrgehottle for 7b centsnnd f 5mniflnii white cottons munalia emoroideries swiss embroideries zing trimmings and rnfbings cretones beautiful patterns lace ties and- sows splendid value in new e vney combed quilts andtowels new silk ties new tellings gauze and nets we also show new sprltfg straw hats r wm stewart euatbtf chair cus follmu prvtttsm pio uijeptbc oku aad ta bast una of c la tha world tbjatnbiabtwmbcaueac lltrtpotaa twotgatoa ii it- ririnaaittfijmatirl bttwmjrimalf albert lea boute a vflwasd direct idaevte fleneemaad kaaia lehw rooesur bm opened toatweafl btdmo to tftisatsi wasiiqita tynhrstllti j j t hi md lifajitiev and oiaalu xlaaai p- olm anefb fmal aoti iall throiajh paaveucez tntrcl oatastxxpraaa tlokata for aale at all th unttsml state and bacraan eheeked throoskh aad ratta of fan 0 warsaa lovai oopeuton tshatoflbr laaaadraa ford ec of c great rock island route at roor aeanat tlckat oooa or addraai r r oabue e st johit tlcapro a geml ii tt garttatl aral chicago too gttelfh bring your babies tilt lo photographs taken instantaneous- ly by the new process dry plates at hills studio jnb the largest stock of frames in the county on hand h yelldwoll cures rheumatism freemab7s worm powdefisi anplaaaaattouka contain their own pnxgatite ti a aaia ran aod cdtoctnl awtrvtw t wtrmm la 7 n improved fi butter color i i a hew di8covewy libtiwswis atrrasext of america ansa am amalkat azts ji -p- i r j iwtth gnat success meywbav 1 algbsst aad ajj pttsaa aa botsi i btbas irr paaertaadsnlantmo asmreawebatataarawla asialil jilila aad aow earn tali aaw aotaras fls tat ta sts aasria tt will wot ootor the agttemhbi h i wot turn bsmeid it is ttt i swwgawtf asaftehwjt mwl ohawpmt0oftf i glad walla onxtatmliimtam edtbat tt la talpoaato for u to wkm rasdd fosiwarb of aatatotobaaa4efatt other ou oolort for thay ara iualtolmoaam nacadaad apofl the batten j 1 vrtaiia to itaorwwhereahowteif itwitboaaiam wzusb nrmnam a caw w lamier t iabieeaawaaamaeaavfcaaaa liver sale board stables milc8treet aoton it where you can get firstclass bigs at reasonable rat itta e ltood commercial rigs an express delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods te any pari of the town after tlie ist uaroh i intend to do a strict n buaioeasenly as credit will not pay for horse feed or reparrs ks3r undertakers furniture dealers and waggon iiytaiitcrotxjrers t tit rndertaklbir we pay particalar attsntionto this department of otrr business end ashaveeionbuntlyonliaiidalseaarfrariedsioolioj ckitbias 3aaketa bobee and ail fnneral reqniettekwe can suit every aste and the ciroutusunoaa of all who require anything in this linee all our goods are plaoed at very reasonable flsiuiea firatjlaas hearse fntniahedwheii reqairei ftirn demand i vt prepared tor the sprina imana khot suites solas centre tableswhatnbta beoatoadstie ik of nretchua lumber w material which will bet waggonfcwe have on band a ttook of fintclaaa lumber waajons and demooau atiantifactnred byjouraelves from the test material which witlbe aptd at the lowest do rsible rates eegaa eisctibad promptly iuw li0i rurdock blood will cube or reueve biu0u8hes8 dizziness dyspepsia indiqestion jaundice erysipelas 4mtt rheum heartburn headache and wrary aamcleawf dbea dlaordwwl liver kidneya i bowbm9 0r blood t hllborru so dropsy fluttering l i of thtkeaki v acidtrr or the stomact dryness of the ski tohohtc aft nts secured ror inventions henry grsst ottawa 1 1 fh

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