Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1882, p. 1

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la published arsjr taursqir mornisq pgr jp mooirs editor proprieur ataui rtufaw ptlxttxe tf pvu8btf9 movss sn doorto mellwdisl church ililistrt i tanas the fak pniss will be seiit to sulueribers postaaro f1 lo0 per n- b in advance tlw if not ao paid psrwditoontintwd till all arrears ariid ixcept at the option of the publisher i ajvtarwoo kms casual advcriise- meau s cents per line for the first inser tion anls cents per line lot each subee- qoat insertuu cash professional cards 10 liuesor lew tsoo per annum 1 sqaare is lines jjk per aarinm payable in 0 manias from date of insertion any special koticethe object of which is to promote tb pecuniary benefit of any individual ox eompanv to be considered an advettiao- went- the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of solid sonpireil i a 71 term 9ioo til advtne crtxtrct ras oat enlnmn o rear halt mui inn mi year arlcf r tinian year- on e lim iimhlu ilatrwtlitriiivwii mouths tj trtr prtlumiuli montn i i c ittinu hire- nvvlis half entamn ictomh i mter milnmn thr month volume vii no 50 aoton banking coy storey christie bankers k 0c the ntictpape a map of i uty lift iu fluctuationi and ill vust cnncerni aoto n ont thursday june 16 1862 aeton ontario faiuo sjaj ivnoi tv j0- it soon it in i th trifle direct lor will bmeitluf irbihanleb tdaeeewd- intlv tniii-htl- ciwrtlm nu man be pil i la teur chvrs fur emlrtcl aivrrltemnis mosl b at iflwiv mon m piovs l her- wl- they will be lfl over ul the following n p jioore i ullior 4 proprietor tui dadcd mjrlrilovt tenbiac noma l severe si 1jv aoi matlnc general basking busi ness transacted xohxt loatfsb os jlp07ss hotsb notes discounted and interest alio wed on 0 epo8its croquet croquet biqvalue eltvn oratas lut n 10 gent stored wh lowrt if i grain b hcp s iaite of triity college uem- berof coaee of physicians and siargcons osca and residence at the head of fred eric su leva- mjfoester m d puvsicux t sreokftx crc- offick forsters drug store kelt door to oceeckt saddlen acws oxt bltdirsrt church street formerly occu- picjiiiymr v hemstreet auctiiteer and cheap gash bazaar upper wyndhom street guelph- kf come see ora yew srniyc akrrvals raoit 0ixa4trtac eajlwi oa4iwr tori oiovdei ttst rf vw sooii i nuumut cf irtleia tt ewrr 8t t7m houieiii aojls omimdatal qooeu useful ooois very little money will buy a lot pfthings jat the 1 r oeht store aia lv cheap jcask baiaar four doors ccst of post office li bexkktt lnti ool dentist georj j0h latvsox gbadtite of ok- utio vcrznsini coiifjit toaosro veterinirr sargeon acton oat osce in kenney sons boot and shoe store res idence in the rear horses examined as to soundness and certificates given- ill mis night or day promptly attend ed to terms easy t- j- fisher vs georgetown qau will visit acton every wednes- ditanivul attend to all calls pertiinjlg to his profession- ordersleftat hcgarvins drag store will receive prompt attention terms moderate- tjfisher- tttclleetoshaixastbbey barristers solictors of the supreme gjcu convevanccrs 4c toroatcij georgc- fcrrnn oraro jso 50 chureb street toronto and itcleods bioci georgetown iilopev to loan- 4is s rrluxtox raji itui n d storci medical all i sets of four six and bight balls and mallets very low at days bookstore ctelpd day sells cheap t tiirnan a splendid new stljck -of- watches -axu- jewelry a wttjl heilstheet liicansed auctioneer fo the counties of wellinton and hilton orders isftat thi fm paiss ofioe acten or at my reshenoe in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable- also money to loin on the mct favorable terms and at the fewest rates of interest in scms of txo and apwards- gbed- yeteeikabr stjr- geox georgetown graduate of the outirio yeteriniry college vrilf rait actoa every taeslaj rom itotj all ciiis received promptly attended to by jht et iir horses bought and soli on eoniaissioij baidence west cornerom tivjry stable georgetown ont g reld t he ptjmp bcs1sess- gyaieaaatfs 18014 not o paid whole no 332 ress v murhixo juoe 15 i8s2 pqet0t one hay op gladness one da of itiiaeu makr unondi for all a1 oq bvtrtlt at for etch unions boar een- sj the stuuhlne floods the plain and dr m j1 trsms of ufl rtin so joy ipon oar path sitpeart and lei ycm do tottipes at tears thoiigl sorro to our tide may slip and g wlril the ills miffortuno aeodt tulmeaiod and parfeet flower 1 os dose companionship ound sbout dji thadows tall one da of gladness brtghtans all with c ierfol glow it reaches far boyoiv uio light of moan or star bhinini long after day u don brifihu f as konray midnight cnn thoufi wo with farorod ones abida j u llfaf ranny fcida more beautiful and blest in splendor all ha rest serene one da r exccci or the i the past is in review and ca v cm many comforts few how aj the troubles thit annoy extiuff ilihed by i gloajfl of joy 1 for all the tirrowi of this life for all the suffering and strife in blisi that earthly bliss transcends the gli 1 hereof tor mikca amends i just received -at- i wms smitets dont fail to call and examine when rou eo to j guelph j the watch and clock house of guelph istew roui fcjjicl jfecd sitore the undeeaignid haa made arrangemenu with hr- tsiomaa ebbaee to attend to ins pump bnsmess- daring his stay m the sortfawest au orders whether for new woorrepaleftatthdencefmr b in sftf52g- i premisesfordehylupwhy actnn a 19th t82- i too wxtill buv or sell j jbt uudersixued is prepared to purcbaaj- i cl or rch i jawol for hading 1 f uatk ash for ahi l a good stock rfauulille uv ad bjid- iur always on w tgo cmoogel t ime fob6ale- ume be had t the canada toe worktto small r large quantities i at any sue apw a eta near tolion mill dssjalxh box 175 acton floor feed mid will keep nuotly on band auh i flonr bran slu rts buckwheat f lour oommep seedcorr oatmeal peamiaj and all iir ds of fead haylst 1s2 8neceortotfcliapmao i st george square gnepli- j aeeonirt boota of a aimcu ma tole peau l desoription f wnligrek t insurance 0mpa me in ophal tfi jwklf p liabilitt c shanholrlera ttji protim canaau mfc hff natvhf irgest sijto rfjh amee camy int auown au kind of proiwrtycionfa af molieitedt- ato lionei to jxiaili t a- a 8e0obd br ajmi at ktu rovision sttre the finest stork wo ever had of elgin 4c v make in vickel sllrer and gold cases qvb stqsy an ihcident of travel all ful sir sorry buljgoessyouu manaje to itand the uett fitly rnilea mr smilb the iprucc yoaojr condnetor on the central railway cart ushered la a descnpidiaujily sltirc l0ld rflu who haned ro rily on bis staff and carried 1 liearr valis 0 in bis hand the loo dimly lighted car was fall every scat ivis occupied j bandboxes and carpet bi weie held in their owners laps and there im not a aingle chauce for the new crimer to be accommodated a coupl s of score of facta lifted them- j selres to c ince at ibe old mans face u be moved slo rly aud painfully down the nar- 1 row aiale it was plainly evident that he 1 bad as ran h at he could do to support himself at d besides be looked like one that was just n covering from ji eevere illntas bis cheeks wsre ihin and pale bia eyes licktd tin fire which ouhi lo sparkle be- nentb tho e lare and ttrongly marked brows there were many well active iooklug b althyyounc men in the car bui not oue ft t disposed to renounce bia soft comfortab c seat to he abkbliy old traveler and afler i store of undijknised contempl each and 1 11 droppl ibtlrtyes tnd thought no more if the siifferini old age before hem in hit eulijihteiied country it is a uoturious fact that the aged meet vfllh slights au incivilities tq say notbiag of rxaiiiic i nkindnuu which would bnvo pat the bi rbaroas ualioul of old to shame fill jai ice eustace a young eiqniaitc the r iclaim my nickel cases are wjiiter and purer tliiiti imy other btiing made especially iorwysel b savag watchmaker jeweller guelph goods de irered any jjlace inside or orit of corporation tour patrouaje is respectfully solicited artortbeaceomnindatiori of mr fitatti a coittomerajfreah lreal will be left e elliott actoni april 8sb j8s2 east end iirtciier siiop autos oji h marlitt bxti bairt to toidet t is jo pele of acton atidva jtrity or tber mmki pal rnbage jrinee mieorng jmaml aa bei and wo id re- imecfulrvaol cit at mtwnaneef th itrwe ltu asm- 1 tk that ev will plwayt inrrembaoufullttock of all kid of meat tarfefeat delhered1 ywmln aanh meat h y kud to w i j l mastlatt bbo i burciikr shcr r holmes j wnam twpectfauy inform lh pwjpje of acumand vicinity tntiie him rnrctiaed the iinniness ami pniperly c mr w c- rohinson mil it piefared to supply all jwitfa firstolass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in beaton meat delivered to any pirt of town at any time having practical experience in the bnuheriiik butineas i feel corfident jhat i can suit all a call viniliy solicited rtfolpfes a great gause of human misery it ibe mat af tb canna a ivertiir r agen iwoj klnfll wet tor into ii ialuorta lo rekj adwnlaem nl for v wpurchblfapsfer tbu paper manhoo wehnverertntlpnmlstielanew ejilon of r calrerweir fele- la rled raaayjnn lli rmial ru ty permnnpnt cre ollhnut roell- enhoftrenrond bitity jlenwlan l hyle- 0 impediment of marrhji retoltlrlrfront leette aiprfyta a sealed anvelopeenl j eta or twii notnire atampaj tnecalebrated iithor in tills adn lrabl eaav elrnrly demonntratea rroni llnrtj y rahcepsaiul ormitlep- fiat alarrol iv enn- jeouancti may be twllmu3r enred ituoul ihe aanswoiw vn nf lotern1 rnedk lna nr thanaaolthelfolfr pnjniinoata ode of rare at onre imple opijilr nnd effpe y meana wble viiyanfrreriio mnlter htlilaeninitonmaywiyenre ivmael ebeaplj prlvntel- and faillmlr t tw frtnre atimnd t in the hi nil ol everyyoiihi and ererjr man in tbelat d adlraa tbe cnlrerwell medlciil to 41 lan it rest t voitomee box 1st the car the stranger looked at him with eral comes down from his home la h quletacorn j to visit his children you need not trouble yourself to slip l 8o you see that politeness gained a has- through ibe window young man aaid he baud for one woman and it will bring hap- m a voice of irony plnwl to all if ibty will but practice it for fill janiea was thoroughly dligusle true politeness spiings from the heart and he could not endure such vulgar prupiu- u it but the effervesceuce of a kindly quhy so he arose quickly and atridinu christian swrit anxious to promote the over hiscompauwn made the beat of bis i wq being of those with whom it comes in way into the smoking car contact miss winchesters conduct bad been witnessed by all lu the- carriage an i a dixju aeju were offered by a dozeu polite i nd officious young men but she declined did you ever aee a baldbraded man who them with a motion of the bead and ru- dldut have such a beautiful bead of bair nialucd leaning- against the side of the till that fever or ihataometbing or other i goodnight ooednbihttlallttls lips tourh ours the uttle arma anfold us and oh that thus through earning- years hey- mialit fort xarboln aa oobd alaht wa answer back and smile and kilt tbo drooping eyes but in ouif tremuung hearts uumrhua the wistful queries rfae who in the weary years to eoma when wa are hid from tight will clasp that ittla handaand klat thaso utue llpt flood night r did von ever see vehicle the traiu flew onward the old gentle mau ineouwmle dlspuclng hjiuselt fur a couifurlablu uap which he was suotdy uu- jovije- some limu before mdnigbt the tights of boston gleamed through the darkness another moment and the train thundered lulo the depot cries of llurrab furoeneral balhertonl three cheers for the hero of mexico i rent the air banners trailed out ou the fresh breeze hambcoua dashed drums beul aud a loug hue of carl iagea died alow ly up ihe street fitz jaincs inquired the occtsimi of all tills luuiull aud earned that it was a pub lic welcome encoded by the citizens ul button lo gen rjuihertou a ggutlcmao a vcierm uulceawbo had signally distinguish ed himself lu the then hue mcxicau war he came in this traiu said a bystaud er la it possible sir that you did uot discover him t tjickly looking old mau dressed lu threadbare grey anil carrying a uuge black valise he has jal recovered fiuin a severe attach of rheumatic fcvei wuicu has troubled him ever siuce his last campaign tbose vile ilexicau vspors and sieviiiig on the culd ground underuuoed his ouusututiun but lie is a hue old fellow illij wiuchester thougt he must be lihc had heard much oi his gallant dariug bilfilz james was the picture of sileul moniticjtion illsk winchester and her cousin stopped at the american house aud early the next morning before the ladv had finished dressing a servant brought up a uute bear ing her addreaa isabel u re it open and there fell out two cards of iuvitaiuu to a ball to be given at the revere that evening ia honor of general jsuthertoa oae cord bore the uame of fitz james the other was directd to hcrtelf she bod no ac- qualutance ia bosttm consequeully the iuriutiou must have been teht at the iu- tuuce of ihc oeneral hiimelf i fitz jauies was surprised audjhuuiiliated at this mark of distiuctiun for be could not but realize that the invitation had beeu extended to him solely to save bis cousins feeling but notwithstanding this he wished to accept it if only to bare an op portunity of excusing his yesterdays impo menus lo the maa the journey to nabant was deferred for one diy and early that eveniug ibecoojdns were at the revere where 1 brilliant coterie had already assembled general suthcrton reclining in an arm chair at the bead of the great drawing room received his friends as they passed took it off did you ever see an old bachelor whej was not forerer seekiog for marriage lo i felicli lea to reconcile himself to his own lonely lol did yon ever see a small boy so wanting la spirit that one diurnal doublingop throughout the summer conld effect a radical cure in hla immature fruiteating proclivities f did you ever see a young lady who wouldnt ralher hear her huitund praised by a lady in the next town than by the lady in the next bouse 1 did pou ever know a man who habitually tells us he knows who did not everlast ingly repeat himself i did you ever know a man who talked mack of himself who did not have a pour subject for bis conversation did you ever know a fool who was aware tbsi be was a fool 1 did you ever think that yon might be thus oblivious as to yourself j did you ever see antthcr do the same thing tbreetimes without tbiak ag that he coald do it much better i dm you ever know a swindled man whose hurts were not partially healed by hearing of aanlher mau being swindled in like manner did you ever know a young lady with a new and neatly filling waist who thougut the weather was cold enough fur a wrap f did yoa ever see a mn with urge feet who did not not declare that his boots were two sizes toj big that he likes tbenreasy yon know t did you ever think that men are the biggest foola in creation aud that womcu enjoy the fun of letting them remain an- coascious of it did yoa ever see a young man who car rieds cane who would not repd ibe usiu lultcn of lameness did yoa ever see a drinker or a smoker that couldnt leave off at any time it he wanted to dil you ever think what horrid children these good peoples parents probibly bad the good peoples stories to the contrary notwithstanding 1 did you ever feel like immolating tbe- shnpkecoer whose free use of your uame nude that name seem hateful aad adious to 1 ou f did yoa ever think why some farmers do opt succeed tb southern farmers monthly given ibe fullowing reasons why some farmers do not succeed tbey ate not active and industrious they are slothful in everything they do not keep up with improve ments they are wedded to old metboeh they give ho attention to details they tbink sraal things not important they take no pleasure if their work v they regard labor as s misfortune they weigh and measure stingily tbey are wasteful end improvident tbey let their gates sag and fall down tbey let their fowla roost in the trees tbey baveno shelter for slock tbey do not curry their horses tbey leave their plows ia the field tbey hang the harness in the dust tbey put off greasl og the wagon gtbev alarve tbe calf and milk the cow they dont know the pert is the cheap est tbey have no method or system tmry see n good in a new thing tbey never use paint on tbe farm theyprop the barn door with a rail tbey milk the cow late in the day they have no time to do things well tbey do not read- the newspapers and books who wmscortinghiscouin isabella win- chester t ftahunt dretf dowu his moulh by one giviug place to another but when until tbe nds ef his copper colored mous- isabel was presented heideuined her band to aay htase sit dofvn on this ottoman ly my side i have a helative lo whom i wish to present vou it warfnot long before a singularly hand some young man came up to the general smiling a friendly welcome and the veteran turning to isabel aaid miss winchester allow me to present to vou my son alfred sutberlon who is very grateful for the kindness which you last evening bestowed upon his father licbc rest d on the lips of his well starched dickey ai d lemtrsed to jibe lady silling by his side rcalll mr smith is insuling us why cni uthe find a place for that wretch ed special n iu tbe aecoail class car a nasi perhaps of pridr perhaps of nngt mmnted to ibe white forehead of miss win hesler 8be put up her hand as ihuugh to check tbe speijkit and said iu a suiidued ulce eilz ames will voo give that ceatle- mau youi sealt my tar isabel why i would not evacuate ray seat by your side for a king dom h i the old fellu slaud it out it wise words there is a blessing attending the ministry of merer give aulher counsel oar salt until yoa are asked for it i industry nerd not wtsb and be who lives upouhope will die lasting cheerfulneas is an excellent wearing quality and has been called the bright cteaiber of the brait no school is more necessary to children than paueucc because either the will mtist be broken in childhood or the heart in old age the grandest aad strongest natures an ever the calmest bat without earnestness no one- is ever great or does really gveat things people who are always taking care of iheir health are like misers who are hoard- ing a treasure which they haveneverspiitt enough to enjoy important the man who gets mad at some allusions to kimscdf or some of his friends and writes to the editor of the offending journal that terrible sentence stop my wnpef is chiracter common to every ooiamanily- eveu great journals like the new york tribune it seinw are not free from experi ence wilh i ills ludivinual he wrote ton iowa to tho editor your dirty sheet of abase of march 1st is before me and i hope lo god it is tbe last copy that will ever come to m notice which led the 7vttue to observe that a man who alwaye alludes to himself in capitals and spells the alujighty with a small g must be a pereani of tre mendous importance why it pays to advertise a reporter dropped into ane of por larg est retail eslaolishinents wednesday and hdd a conversation with the propiietor you have a great rush remarkedthe reporter yes replied the proprietor partly because it is holiday season but mainly on acconnl of advertising how can yoa tell whether advertising pays and whal papers are good mediums i can fell that advertising payg by stopping my advertisements ive tried it trade drops not at once but tbetide of purchasers fiowa aome other way the the young man bowed and the father p teu ibe ioryi continued whenever i see a young person volun tarily render respect to the aged i am con- slraincd to admire him or her as a relic of wont da uge his appearance much 1u uej j lhe g politeness which reigned over show and beartlessaeas when i was a lad ii u all hollow ceremony low my dear and if tbe old man cannot ahjnd withuut assist anec he is thrown down nnd ttodden upon bat there is a march or my ears deceive me alfred do you need a further hint or must yotr rheumatic ll father act you an ex- afaple of courtesy the toong man started and colored for he had been gazing so intently on the rare bound tbeii i will trouble you to rise a mc- raeot i prefer tile other side of ihc scat allow m to pass if you please fitz j unes never ilwuehl of disputiug tbe will of his imperious cuusio and he stood p lo let her get oat but iusieud of uking li o seat which her er curt had occu pied lh lady walked raigbt ou until she reached he side of lue neglected old gentle man 1 be touch of her hand on his arm j y miss winchester that be had for- drcw bis attention mwrd her j gotten t and place if miis winchester will permit me sir will you have the seat vbich i have den slas early thit wearied he goodocra to take acatcd i have rld- wuh sitting sol long pray oblige i an said offering her his arm aad a moment morning and am lhey atmg of promenadcrs mr suthertqn seemed bent j a t 0 showing bis gnlixcde to the lady tat tke the o d maea face brightened and he m eendercl lo hu fatter for cast gi stef ui look ujlo the ejes of the is there any difference in the sharp ness of the buyers i mean do they haggle much over prices oh no we sell at one price and all ihe best etores- in boston do tbe same they will sometimes aay they can buy such end such an article chiirper flsewbere when tbey mention tbe place we ssndand see if it is true and if so we mark ouristock down suppose you should give up adtertls- ing r well i should save a big pile of money the first year but i should lose a bigger pile the next two years you mujt keep ibe boiler heated if you want steani if vou bank your fires too long it takes dme to start up advertlsintistheaetam which keeps business aroa ivo atudtiid lie nuuletjvor the wanton calf a tm a calf full of wantonness and play seeing an ox at the plough cunlrt net for- bcarinsnhing blm what sojryrioot ururgeiireyou said be to bear that heavy yoke and go mrningupttfjlaawinl for i master see what a hapfjy life lead 1 be added when at evening the ox unyoked and going to rest a vi butchered and hung with garlanj taken away by the flamen a veael with a fondness for veal put pie moral this fable teach youog people had better stick to and not study for a learned proij less they are fully aware of what ft nwana oa the water as well as on the litlbtl how it tt potaible to prevent agood thing from being known ia thoameatioi i now agt tatibg some lew indiridnala in tl e domin ion therefore larger nnmbera althoogh not snfferers from rheumatic kcablea m of the opinion of copt barry of krajrstaa owner of sevesal lake veaaehr a id smmaek aaling master of ooe who aaya j i tooj have been cured of the rheamati un by st jacobs flil the great german r medy and i kiow of mteral others beside i lyself wb have teen cored of that dreadful ailment in thai aame manner ft is known upon tha water as well as en the land am is toturicv creil an invaluable remedy every rhera handsoi e youag lady but madam yo must be weary i cannot i ocepl it i sue k lade an impartial getturi miss wineht fcr was alway nccuatomed to have her way ho air lam well young and strong i ghoul be aahamel lo sit vjthmncaaled of yotfageod hltb r wretched he scarcely quitted her side daring the averring d at the close of a week he fol lowed uct tdnnhant whereheoonlinned fortwojarbatheactraoirof fill james and an esieabir of all use jrotiwr fopa who laired to tie taod and fottmae of the beautiful miss winekester fittjaeneseaartaoe bad wdg been his be meant the same twnjbnt pnt it different j it had take him some time whig a tongue in fall acoor 1 wlthhis aino but be finally btoaiiaerett out n will roa will you wander tfefr life path ywr haadin mine while thewaidniii- of lostaeistfen songs teasil of 1u ybulhilaiy0o my aagd i well wall woaldat i look weil as an angel beehere if you wnt me wmhrry job to make life happyiaad beako weasant- for yoii to aeep the kouae allclded mp nice to oeok your rtuahable meals ialpr deat l vj iriinm 1 well to uaaeby theaaaoftbal thhc yottt ttr kindness is w maam to eight to hare found a aaofstifahitawtoltesliurf t f f tf a certala letaeer ikrtt raw nils is the tralveraaltecthnony ai i ejroiemas by evervone who has used funis a ommx trattor thouaands in canada have used ttwirkt gtttuyiag remits and if you wfll tat itha tronhp to ask any draggurt ha wfll give you hanamasck- onaiy panona of your acquamtoni a who have bojin radically cured of the worn j aid of cornc abavarvmoiare safe tun palnv and veg- etablecoibpotition try it it nrrer fslla jftuvoikijv piil wlibbjiuelnmest weather ohetcks to a consider ble extent theaoiion or the akin an alterative ia reijuireu to 6miijiatetl body mpans of other ohannela rtollaway iwatalnbeojnfideiitly reeoa mended as bt jnest suret and rfe rnao a 2tainfni thairame without weakening twosiatdehoave or laoom ofldiruv the eaoameelile wiaattim irujneiills- reciir- chiua o the indal ation ot impure air the ijood beoomea jtiul aaalha seereiiuns wtiated hiese pjus iiieaem imij and fswei ins h jailer tf akjrawatjtomeawa dtstaee fa mrtmimm j i8iedf jnd luemdfene derroua atnimdres aa- iwalii brou eotalum ujpou ibeau t t i i i h sm ii

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