Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 6, 1882, p. 3

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f at go hviida jewellery fc fancy goods tort acton ont berlin vvoblt motto tbe largest stock in acton scw bc4k note paper tvm and ink scnbuioe biwkt copy books siatci watches jclock jewellery spectacle cracta kniic spoon and fork toyi dills- v album geo hynda the kdiac te tn actou tot weddior nd birlhiuy prfescou cll in bits of brevity lnl ti ikervlte nxair- the ie tle ttlirt rr rrafien f ut fit lre mosquitoes numetoa julyrinc in very cool kwpkodlif you kan seventh month hotuarj election ultis almost over ulto lus paid thepodalty camping parties are organixing fall whejvt is heading out nicely kotc is he season tor excursions of eoursa you enjoyed the holiday another nee icome nun on tuesday tuetday was uncle sams lig day the farmers busy time is f au approach- tec i xext vednesday is king williams day- thebiejcslthiag oo ice just now is the profit j jcw potatoes and green peas we ia the market 1 x5ireta correspondence crowded cot tti week the bear at crewsons corners his been 9eea again thii week fresh stji wherries are iov within the reach of ah ia price there was a uree number of tuitora in lota on tiominiia dy l rd meqaklan n hamiltons advertise- meat in tnmihrr column preservic time is 1 hand xow the sugar banyl will lightea twas i splendid and itosl acceptable ram that soil last eriday hot weather crops are now iq order and thf baiters aie making money if roa have anything to say say ft pliin- ly andin as few words as possible a number of the yoaug folks tripped the 5 jhl fantastic atthedriilshoa friiay effht j the weatbw now trill chanje its tune unless it keeps tie sameas june gript alsiaaal j the sit oiatoatlwparcli iaihcetcriag days aregpoti as tiiij are the finest uf the vear j i several 1 cur local politicians attended a osoaertative coavenriair ia iiilton on tuesday we are informed that bve owing hs been freqnjty indulged in in twa sinct the elecii ns is it true it u ruuwredihtl there isau fllhl whikey til in operauja not a hcu- 3rcd in ilea f rem acton tte wiit an apprettice to learn thprint iag losings tiie art prestrraiite of all arts ap lv at this office mr jo brawnndgc r georgetown shipped i fine lot of carriage and varkii hofaea to innijeg bst week herald the wt ithff is very favorable for farm ers te frequent rains and modetale henl are bing ng the crops along very tapidly kr jr an cameron codiaclor hxx nn bands fa atprewrot hcts soperintendiog the erect on of four bride buudiaga to tcthtl the stc ne wort of the new town- hall 4s now lin baih tery nrbstautifny the loundatio i will be completed ia a ew days ereirt 5dy at prtsctrt is n lheiirec ioo ot a pieaure trip but evry- body has itji the time andmoney that s the rah mr g oark returned on tsiesday evening- 1 om a fcusmns trip to gloversvlfle xy a x3dnectk with- the canada cucre wcrks the g rgetowa people seem anxious lo have mr tchloa twijd bis nuutbere aod taikof cierinahuiemare than actcm just to pt il the pablic schools close to nnmaw af ternoon lor tae fommer vacation of six wtks rtue sdiools wiu re pea on the 21st of aflgusi it is qc ietly binied that in a certain en- terpriaia uiae in hallon county caljed acton u ere are eeveral adewajls which require r ipairing very badly fonr b zy greasy men and a couple of bears rc ie in town iafct week sucii ipeci- mens of humzilj should be iiwiffl lhc- bick doo of tbe conslry and ordered ot hattit our citizens loyally enough to pot up a few more fisg on public holidays 5 a fewdolu s will procure ijood flag and bf their app id ranee rtsitorf will coaclads that we axe u e loyal people we profess to be t thai eccellcnt and pleasing pnbhcatlen forcebdi eo our little oiau aiia to htodin he jaly duaber it is gaining popuiaril among bolb parents and child ren with each issue which its adaptable cootenta lertsiafy deserve subscribe for it or seoil for sampfe copy the bisseu publishing co 8 bhnfleld st boston mm tws bi ick citoech ptctjo tfafl picnic and teas eeting idd at the brick chnrcht orar toil illige was well al tended and was a tat ass both from wxrul and fioanouj points of view the picnic wasaucu eo- jujed b i the church was tilled to 6ver- flowlng i i the evenings the jl e cbiuch friends ad this apooiotmeot bare a reputa tion fox atcoessful epifftiunmeou may ioccew qntione to ciown their ijcortf a catlertuti af iml im st lathtr aaatten f erial lat rtl i aw vluatt krmrn nkw phockss flouil the new patent flour manufactured by ihs roller process lonv be bad at elliott fionrd feed stor scumir yacattos thepobuc sclioou will close for summer vacation tomorrow and the little one are now talking of what times thoy will bare during the holidays onrnurt mr honiy uiothtrnf mr w q fee of this towu died here after a lingfrinft ulitcft on thursday evening last at the ripe gu of seventyelrut years uomi ksvrasulctibers whotrele-t- big town for ihtir sommtr holidays can have their paper forwarded to them with- oat extra charge if they willleavo their address at the office impnottsa mr wmanld is making arrangeroenta for veneering his residence at ihe cower of young and queen ttrctfi with brink this will greatly improve its appearance and durability ice cream parlor the excelsior bakery 1 now well supplied with all delica cies confectionery of all sinda nuts figs datea biscuits cakes ac ice cream si ways on baud and supplied by the dish or quart i tite scott act since the hws came of the vshdity of the cannda temperance act the law baa been vigorously eoforccd in the counties in which it was adopted in tbe lower prtviucca out own people arc not idle eiiherin this mt1er a little of botii if the license in- specltt keyt his eye iklaaed mabe be wuuuoi be obliged to uke a drive wsveml miles out iiilo hie ovantry to capture a few keg of liquor jfhi vei perhaps ifj would be even more profitable if he would do a little of both i death or rrr l warseitwe regret in notice thit lh2 rer lewis waroerdicd suddealy at mflfnn lat thursday mr warner wa- well known by many of our riiirrns and was repocted by all hcwm h kidia miaiter in tbe methodist church until hi superannuation others tins so too tbe editor of the georgetown herald lenders the editor of the aeon fe ptw a bit of spiritual advice most people wba know anything tbi mrrnodict circrcn rev v bqmlfiewivbiejl lw methodist churoh hereretc ied hit intro- inetory sermons on sunday ho disoourt e of the hot gentleman both doming and evening abountel in gopel truths and promises and were delivered with that eaxdeatoeas which beeomulh tl e minister of thspcl the sermons we maohi en joyed by the congregation rnd from the preaeut aspect we belie re this church will anjoy prosperity during tbe coi forenco year just oatered upon we truit the people will assist their pastoi working for the cftuseof zlon with both hans earnest i skyers xcciuixt an accident of n most serious nature occurred 40 thursday last at a raising on the farm of mr duncan mcgregor a few miles from this village to a young uuin named james anderson tbtf raising bail proceeded with perfect safety np to tbe point of putting otl tbe pistes but when at this juncture the j timber sllpj pod in 6ome unaccountable way and in fallifg struck the young maujcusjng him to fail a distance of about ill tee 11 feeu he wan picked np unconscious and it was found thil he was badly bruised about the head and shoulders dr lowry was called in and under his medical cafe the young man is progmslog very favoribly the verdict or the jurt we have just received a copy of the iuost popuui piece of music ever published this coun- try called the verdict ma rep composed by eugene l lilake his trritten io an easy style so that it can be puycd on either piana or organ the lille page is tery handsome containing correcj portraita of honlgeo b cork hill lim j ic porier and judge vs cox also a correct pic ture of the twelve jurjmen who convicted the assassin of the 1a belovijd president this piece of music shonm bcfouuiiin every household throughout the entire ciiuntry price 40 cents per copy or threv rctipics for l pustagtj stamps taken bs currency address all orddrs to f w flflmlck music publisher 160 elm street cfucituatl 0 i doiiwias day the natal day of our glorious dominion waa celebrated en sat- urday list in acton the day was observed ai a general public holidayj tho stores and business places were closed and tearlyi every citixeu soamed anxious to ahow his loyalty by abandniag his ubors and spend ing the day as pleasantly aa pcsiiiblc a abui the fferaw will agno that its editor j few left town for oher poinu of interest unds tn mcch gretrr need of a little eoamoa icoe mi fan xocm ecocrjlgtkg durirpthe lat ten day nf jnne over three tboosaad faner visited the ontario acricultutalcclicgv and ex perimental firm gutlph there harirr been excunaonsr from ait pirts to the co ege this shrks encnriniirint interest or- the part of the igriulturiiit5in scientific fanning h epikteu tm lnx the friends in this vicinity of mr robert hom of kec- nah wis wju bi pained lo learn that tve o gectleraxc departed this life oa tntsday stthnt afcr an illness rf ix mnths tie wis inhls c7th yar mr hold was for a number of year a resident of this citinty and there are on donbt many in the vicinity of hornby who remember hira sr albvvc cmccn rev c t i denroche ba of jairtjiica w i at one j time tor o the charch cf etigund in this village prcbel od sunday hi ser- mtatvaa an excellent ant and was great i v mptciated by the aid fence rov mr drarrcbe icctartd in llietmpf ranc h 1 on tuesday ttenmc on jamaica ad will deliver another address this evening open an interesting subject isrgetjatll uintan- a ecathirg ard fearless etpise of hi jlfe rnd real character the cecod ten thotnand revise fnd r lnied giving the names and pot office addresses of the perotic when statements areeiven io the pirn phlt the pamphlet ihat has silenced tcpetsnll an4 canfiunded his admlrets price ten cents address clark braden no 315 eil 65tli street xew york citv or news dealers gfcner- ally l bjutt hocsz closxo owing to tie eiisunce of the5cott act in the county of kclto the brcnt hotfce barllnelon a great resort for excursionists will on and fer july 3rd lie closed to the general public ourlpk ifrrextj what has the scott act to dc with clrinc a pleasure re kothing whatever we imagine j there must have been some thing itnpuawnt palaps ao etghtbyten room some- 1 where about the establishment lo5g hocrsthe mercbinta and clerks of acton complain not wilbcuu reason bf thclalehocrat which some of tlieirpstrona corne iato th htore to transact their buri uess it js yisl as easy in nine cases out of leu td get thi shopping done before ns tatnip b b b kfiviuj recently taken pains to acquaint oarsewes with tbe wtt rcjard ing the merits of the proprietary prepira- tioo of mesjra t jtilbura co known as burdockilood bitters wcad trath- fullysarllutrjebeviete it tejfhgthc cocfloeirce of the public w nrtfijbb oloil paijfler wid jregnlifinj iriijig ijasjioiigt bnuwo years ip isajket if ilds bouert ingh fshfe adtfgtcmlweirrifiifjrine4 iht 2i09ct bow wereiohdwial tfew three monthi jt il l wrotoctfoiiot thtsetsreibg carreoces which v tn tiytiitkd nolioe tookjilaoe teriritlxitth d j wenlngi the btf coufeiraij liu iaaneijilitt ihii 4ftol cj tristarbofwo tiwyjrtniedonbiti dyjsjieujj fptofcttm aijiirtji acwrttoilibd leftifor r hotn mittoriidomftte ii4 oir iir- i mm tv while quitd a iare nnmbcr from other places visited thtir acton jrieeds the day was pwaant the rain of the day be fore having laid the daat andrendered the atmosphere a utde cxjer and was spent qrietly and we presaac enjoyably in the forcnoua a bise hall match between tin grits iiid tories was played the score of which will be fonnd elsewhere hi the afternoon little knots of friends ooull be scon wending their way to some shady grove to enjoy a priraie picnic others ui- uadod the picnic iu the bricfe chorch a camber spent the aiternoon in boating en our pretty littia uke while others still wont out far pleasant dnvej the object of all eenid pleasure and we hive uo i doubt this waj found abnndaally sumbit- 1 1 pa 2 summer huglies griffin itof offer great tjwgaias la dry joods ready hade clothing millinery and soota se shoes dur new stock dress g trim linen gajod beat eli beautiful 3pboial liistes 917 pattema of choice english and freuch priats at 5 cnt a ynrc and up mantle anl dresa caahmerea 50 inches wide ingle width ds all the fashionable colors and shades with lings to mutch from 8c a yard upward s of every description at prices that oannot be heavy white counterpanes at 8100 ptaud spreads at 30c and 40c gents ifurkishing goods the llost compltb stock ck acton ijnery viu be ound more attractive tbart ever thig as we hnve taken all pains to obtain the latest and fcst class of gooda in the new york montreal and oar mill eon so choic tarolito markets special liaes in drs k lkd k- about a week agn biid btlw were tprexd bruadcat thru ugh town shewing the wonderful cares pr fessed lo hare been effected by this firm and snqouiicidg thai one of the mem hers of the firm or a physician belonging to their icstution would visit acton on tbe 4th insl uidl came and a nan hex of citizens went to the drh headqnarteis for consul tition and examination hot jlwy were con siderably enntgedkfind that tbe gentleman representing ds k t k was none rtinr than a medical man form the backwoods iumlet known as erin village this gentle- majn nuy have an uijbouuuctl reputauonaij a uif ilicl man aid we have no doubt he is a stilled paysicun but we tuinkthc drs kfcksit hardly acting in a fair and fianurajjlp manaer lv seading a man lere who his up ceimection with ihelr establish 4ncut after announcing oiherwisj we are t at allanxious to advertise this finu as we bclisvc the resident physicians have a right lo all the praice here bal e merely state ihefacu of their manner of pruceedure beru so that any who wish treatment from liiecn will not be disappointed in ex- peering to meet one of ihs drs k el b baiu the most excllfuggarae of iheseasomms played on domiuiou dav between cines frurn the griu nd tories of his viliage there xscze a number nf good players on both sides but j owing to the heavy wind there was considerable ovtr throwing and oadpfay at lie che of every innings the score was nearly even and when the ninth innings was commenc ed it was a tie the grits went to the bat and scored five runs and- then put the tories out with a whitewb mn h fc5 ii1s1111 childrens hats fancy straws at j5c 20c mens and boys felt fur w can show a very large and choice assortment m this line boys fancy straws for 20o and 40o hens straw and felt hats for 25 50 and 75c mm mm mm department the large trade we bave done in this line during the past year convinces us that we are handling the right class ofgoods oar principal lines are manufactured by j- d king co and cooper k smith toronto which makers are acfcnosff- edged by all boot and shoe dealers to be amongst tbv best in america and the holders of the centennial and dominion exhibition medils for fine and durable work grour prices will be found the very lowest for air classes of goods cjhighejst price paid for any quantity of good butter and eggs hughes griffin aot0n ontltz geoobet ilkc teiea o clock a good honest dav il i t white acted as umpire aud ha iadftaejut work np to i hat lime ia il that should be 1 expected ef anrodeindfrome doasideratiou shoald be shown to the storekeepers ia jbis respect why couldnt the eaily movement be cirried out iasjuabs u well as in wieter were apparently very fair and received wiihool question byfhu plajjri the fol loffiogla the score 3ejt j kfcklin j lawbdn jr j speifiht e b xickliii a raui3kw- j lawson ar w speight g wilds w wuliams toar t sriiyth tmcmackou zizi l mariattrr m smith- x w maristt w itcmackon e hennirett d ajiderton w storey we nflderetand reram playtifca weekotao the oak leafs of gn h did not put in an jfpearabcc thev afraid our pojs would rriicj jflarvlas dng 5tore llvi r fere 00 doubt ibeiithim r reapers produce comes and goes away tis sold so cheap theres no delay our stock is bought with strictest care its quulities are beyond compare- our eggs are always large and fresh we keep bu band the choicest flesh our cheese and butter free from scent examine our stock it wont cost you a cent if yflu want your mueys worth or more you will never pass by greens store a w creen thd jmuy 4ep manntacturers ol and h0wer8 8teeu ohiucd r other plovt 0 a bv1 g-3-1- f s x n cb 3 0 c- m tfli 3fl8i it vi ntiliiiiit ai1 ln i m i s 9 t fiiiliurjfiv si iitvsj ri -jtto-itutjlil- t w p brorit for cheap goods- two crates of glassware and crockery just received v w zbjrctwidt istidrv store negroqxis bottom ries t h hardwg wishes tjri infornytne peoplfctjf acton and surrounding country that lie has opeueoot titlie new brick store oprjosita aguewi family suppbfi auinfi8i teaij sogai poffeflbi frmlgdtii qooa tried salt meats etic umh mwoj seedfliahmos the bott to taekaei r lkqa mh jtnr ix 1 jbviimedthathe u v kll frir jjgjdiii st it ckbki qliiswaes and bami rn fruij ii oraf io hiii ju5 jsi m f invtt iirty s kptfiuf ws sut i f fpfe s 1 j ij 1 ii j fe

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