Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 27, 1882, p. 1

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vi3l 1 v3 i jcifrtt ft03 vo8 u iiublllum fikfiu ttwltstiar moxxing 23 -p- iofriri etuor proimleur i t v1ib fm lw jpevtvff fv9u8bimq aocss sett doorldjletliodih church ttfw reef mo on j tsais the far pass will beaont to kaacaoem postage paid jot 1100 p aaunn alranec 1m i not so pa no n discontinued till all arrears arc paid iijopt alt the o ntion ouho publisher ajmttixa ruris cjiaaal advertiso- mata 8 watt per line or the first inser- tioa anlj ceati per line for ch subsc- aant iasjrtiiiu cash professional cards 10 in or losjiltw per annual i square lilines jjoctrvr annual payable in g ra juths from date of inscrtiou any special katiectha object of which is to promote tat neeaaiiry benelit of any individual or eoafunv to be considered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned by th space occupied measured by a acalc of aolilkvnpifeu cottlkcx batrs ont eohmn jirnr uxl ciljaui tie vr nf ciimn yar in- e jiitii via tniiila ukimn it vntlis q urtt mt mttntr mnrms l ti t c itln mire- v- in haueit iit iti ramui o rir inv ihr nnntu t 15 nvritt tilvyi ierlnttlreltot i will liltillrtllin lelitilifrw intlr tniivil rr atv rticni ul nftt catet 1t c nttncl nvfrlsero rif mrc t in t 0w j 9 mtn m r avoer llhr will be l tl over ul u- wtowirs ietk a p mtore r klilor 4 priori ci term800 iti adyane volume jjra tt tlie newspaper a map o jsi no 4 acton banking coy storey ohristie fc 00 b ax reus acton ontario s5 0 00 jinn wi 0 ft- r this papers itl i oirrl ceoi vtriwnc burwutiiskicea- f- cart i iuuiiuttiufu ix m ll a 0 exe hal baxkixg busi- aess tka sua c7ed k0n2t loauss os ajpsoves s0tb3 notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits an eik0axt presentationvolume the lyric gems ot scotland contaiumif nearly 500 of tbclwat lei ui tnuiic on the occanion ot tlie late vuil oitlie kiln ul tiie bcltryii to scilialil iii mty a pre- cuted wilb a haiidsnuie volumo of this work which he gracuiiiilr accepted a a lourentr of lit visit tltursdil 10 gent store i 1 j the ptrs penk in the highest termi of priise iihout thii ttorit n haiwlontp undine fiilt aijaa and edges 51 so tyaail at days bookstore cr elpn wh lowbr st b mcps aidiit of tknity college item ber of gjilee ai pliysiciahi aajsargcns 05c and reailsice as tic bold of f red- cricts ancn foisteilsi d filvsliifax srtceuv inc offiob faistexa dreg store dr icriai cmftaml jlilt st- acutt rcripjrci fbarji strrct fnneriy occn- ylcj iylur v hclitrl aucuet l l bekntt dentist gcorgt- jthn laascik gradtate ofox njavirrrtirr coiiros toktc jyutiriinry si2o- actm oac oscc inkeocej sons tot alii shoe stre re- u the rear ilirss eiamiaed as ic sisalarsi anl crticie civc all cjli aii- it day jroaptly attcai cd to ttnai ciy v jfisseily3 se oak wiii risr acta mlrisarltoah 0rget0tx cteryjvedaes- perlliaif t iiy to aii it fe 05 orders left at uegir d a sujt will receive prompt attention tenas mjieril tfisnnb aiid cheap gash bazaar dpper wyndhom street juelph comel see or vnv fpuxo a frox initqutlqritrip 3ennmi7frire eagand aadito ilal ojiulolllljiii tori j coioltsrteiitevcrools riou3idi ci articiw of err day 7s3l hsawlisld goad 1 ortsaottai cooisl ttecial coois very little money will buy a lotofthings at tttk j y cent store and lv cheap lasli itaiaar foar doom eit of poat jilire jas f kiqnift tjplp h f clleetox hall storey 3 s t barristers solicirs of the saprcrae coait ccnvetenceriic i croato gesrgv- tci-aa- omcxj kc jo cbarth ftrect toroao and mcleos lici gecrtftcvre tltryto lcn jiisml3iortii 2iia rftarr vrril tteustbeet btc2a3evd duotioneer- for tie coaaties of syeuiaitoa aai ti alloc orlersjeft al the zizz pjz 0ae aroa or at lay rcsijece ia actoa iri2 be promptly aitialcj to- tenaireasoaoble baaer lo loafl aiao money co loan en tiie iaot favorablt terms andar ras icarcst rits cf iaiirest in sums of 330 and cpwards medical halb agton dr ivl forster luiiioating oils i cheap i jlontserrat lime juice paris green helebore coal oil flypovder ry lle ill flucluatwnt ami ill vcul gmtcirnt 180 if nt so paid xoton ont thursday july 27 1882 whole no 373 im morhiho july 27 1882 pqethr tjab mothers lullaby i heard mother singing music i aft and iwwt tra ather iocp my dariin guijcluiiitjofoot- kcp ch kep my uarliar oimo low and meot l in the t ulh doar father guide iialiltlofcwt i wathx thn roay fingari keeling for tto light i heard tl a mother singing fatbe pnide aright kcr ch kp my dixling oime n low atid iveet la the truth dear father guide 1j hide foot i aiw the djooping eyelid covw c i hear j a fathet- kecj oh came u la hie t o to blue mother iinging keep him true tecp my turting lour and sweet dth dear luthcr ii 01 is criting great barcains in electropiated guide iii htue fact i tav the ihioing forehead pun oi id oh so fair i x heard ti a mother stnglcg write qii name up there keep oh rtcp my urling cejh6 u low and bwect in the tiuth dear father guide hlihtufeet otfb sroar the sqene changed tl wai just you cc in cli o amtrican village as pictures a back rnuod of eapcrli om nuiniiuius clothcl in blue grcta cctiirs nitli i torrnit tlanrin ddffa a uctpgrgv 4 river rtfltciinij lbe mure of the iky and i knolof huueea witliarjiarch napkin rings pickle casters ffi cake baskets c cjid and a thicket of factory rules of tbo dapplevalo woik are tbim lua tula scornally de- tnnddtd the girl pray coniidcr your came crosaej off i the book a you are no longer in my em- 1 ploy good evening madtjinourhe mr may i lammed down the cover of bis desk u it h were a patent uuilloliae and por mariei utck were utijr it two or ihree of tlio factory gtrli who had hovered around the piace t hear be diseusioii looked wilh awe stricken fac al marie aa ibe came out ffiih 4 1n ltr iiand yiu have lost your place maumselle whispered jen oid ba a pale dark eyed girl who iup ported a crippled mallier and two iiule sister oat uf her factory earu- iiicl and hv ncer take you on again lie ii as yjudictivtf cfl poisibir safd mary rice it niattiri nol hea a rogae aud lorues ionjtliuas outgtneraj themsclres but ou fsot sutvc said jcnuie couie witu uie maoiiuiclle mybotuei it poor place but ou wefccjconje lo stay iherelill yu can mite in your fiienda mutie lurued aud impulsively kissed jiuuie oo her lips i thank you but i do not need yoor kiudneo 1 ijavefrieuod aeartr luaii you lb ink marie duville went luck to the red brick buusc all thatched with the truwlb of the woodbine where she fudged with tbu wife of die man who tended the eugiaain the ujpplcvalc work doeabe ebcilyouof yaar mone loo the inquired wheu oimou petteuill cium home suiuke stiiued aud grim my lo h s bopijcr one sixth i have to pay him laid siinoo with a groiu ai be gliarad al the tire little uucs around hta buard vcs miu hee a villain but this worjd id lull uf tucliatid i una it a pretty bard world 10 yec ou iu mr iiider uever comes here or mty be tbina wuujd be diifeaut mr eider jiveu abroad iu parii they say lie ii lu liiu cuunlry tow- and 1 in- teud lu write lo bim it woul do uo good miss yea it will said made ittly vi tillprr or sell tae aulsriizned is prepared to parchaae any aaqtnty e cmu r ch tuve ulu liitwjt beadirg aoi in oerfir or luct tail fur kulnjea in the ioz or bait r a gond tnci of auinjjiea staves aud iicvl- inl alay oa baad thosc iloore 1 i have also a laree stock of specs and eyeglasses from 25 cents up wm s smith tue watch and clock house of gaelph perilaeut raragcaphs pay as y6u go progresi comes by labor passion impedes opinion guides peoole are kuowo by the compaay they keep posiioa nentnilizes both strength and reason political life finds more and leaves all dishonest pride and poverty usually reside in the same boose j prefer in be a doer of wisdotn rather than a professor of it persons who fret more tbcii they work can oever be bappy persons who do mean acts throw poison inro their own well j physical life is a slate of gtowlh or pre paralion for spirit life people who have ihe most of gravity have the least of anything clae people are always ready to assist those who ueej uo assistance promises made in affliction require a bet- ler memory than many possess perseverance lo receive a rich reward must have an object worthy of it p1i0 like a trusty sentinel guards every avenue leading to the citadel of life and ve are by it forewarned of dangec pride is better than gold for it keeps u out of ibe gutter but vanity is the gte ilmt opens the way to failure aud ruin prue of mind is the attribute of honest people pride of manners is tbtai of fool pride of birth and rank is often the pride ofdupei pride is never more offensive than when it condescends to be civil where viinily whenever h forgets itself naturally auumes ood humor the baf lt rain ithronflh tketniityalr a item ibvootn ttiotb paueringeyerjrwherb train oomes qalok with jora softiy the missel thrush sings in the golden storm tbejromn under the laurel bush waita tor toraorrowmonl drip drfp drip from the earet li pit pit on the yjine fiwiib twrh on the drenad leavea litl um the song of the rain grasses are bending low oflees is the corn and think ton lean almost lao thj nettles grow tney prow so strong and thickl soft lis the wind from be weai softer tlio rains low sigh the sparrow vaabes hi smoky breast and watches the gloomy iky btlwed are thebonjhstjy the breete ficaxclf a leaf ij still sc mathing is movlnsj among tha treei llko s restless spirit ot ill flwnilingwatchlug the rain pci you not toem to hear j the voire of god on tspeaking again toimitfi nnratefnl eirr promising plenty of peace garners with treasure heaped thai seedtime and harvest shall not cease till the harvest of earth bo reaped tiraius of gold it is tbe eui6hinc itself that makes every shadow poetry comes nearer the rilal tmth than historyj wisdpm i to the soul what health is to tbe body learniiigjnakesa tnsk fit company for lilmsclfl tliat man live twice who lives the fiiet life wel t the dignity of truth is lost writh much protesting sin ntay be gasped so close we cannot sre its face children have more nepd of models tfcan of cntics tbe wise man never makes the same blnudertwice grief counts the seconds lappiotss for gets the hours honorsome by diligence riches spring from economy the petals of ihe june rose bad fallen like a pink carpel uloug the edge of the j work and the upievalt wurks wure their holiday cuise even down to siutou ie other whose mtck smoke oging hieroglyphics against tbe btilliarcy cif the sky this was dapilevale and in the roy sanfcinof a june day the girls were all issu- ios i rtn while geoernl may the foreman i i- i pe tencilla newly briirhtened steam engtac sal a hisdest a pen behind bis cnr and lc 6 j q hi in 11 bady ei o draw back u it rere j e der and hti brde were lo vu lo hr abeltcr of a precipice of laggy eye- j f lh vredjui tour t it is apity muamselle alane wenlaway one by ootlie gms slopped and reeek- i so soon for they av tbe uiastn i kind ed tbeir piy f ir oae weeks work for this i beirted in ibe inno and sbe tuigbt hire was saturday one by one tbtv filed om j ip kui up for herself aaid siniua to his mean wat 35t si w piotirfind peed storie ijte foe sai- j j the ondcnipied has jait opened in tli lime can be iad at the canada lime preaiites forruerly nccapv by mr 5 worki iu small or large qaantitiis at any time apply at the kiln near tolwas mill or to cs smith hay 1st 1832 box 172 aci frafiqts rlfkar saocessor to t fchapman it georges sijnaregnelph aceoaatbooisof all kinda made to order eeriodieabi oieerr description earefally boani boliag netjy ajnd promptly daaev iflosetiliop attosir 03t s illarlatt 3ro tlie finwt stork we ever hpd of eigiu k waltliam make iti xfckel siker and gold cases lchrimmy xiclfot cases aretvliitcr anl nirer t4iaii ati-ittcr4fciiig- made eiecially for nivaelfl b sa vag e wateliinaker jeweller grtjelph vvitli cliscoutcitcd faces until ibe but oue paused in frot t of tbe desk she wis sijflit and tail mlb large velvety asislaut mr mo in bis best broadcloth suit and hi uiououche uely dyed sod in the the model llorband some wetks since the wife df a philadel phia broker asked her husbaod lo give her- tuoo on which to speculate and like ibe 1 good man he is lie complied in a day or tivo opportunity offered to bay soma coun ty railway bouds at very loivfiure and she invested when be camj borne that uight sbe remarked gvorge it seems as if i remember cf your huvinc some blank county railway bonds yes i did just 1000 worth wasut it eiacly and yu sold them 7 yes today what are they xortb about 10 percent what sbe shrieked bluccjva aol a complexion as cleicalciy j entrance mnib as the eamige drove up g a handsome blonde ulan and ao abuojlnee f gloy hair of so dark j out aud assbled a yklng lady lu a i unmor or teidar i kick your eoro thvough awiuddwglaas and the pane ia pone forever it is worth rctneuibering that when a man despair ol- getting good weisht at his grocer ne can flenerajly get all the wait he wants by dropping in at hi- barbers my boy said a conscientious teacher tlojou kuow the reasn why lni going to whip yiu yes replied tbe hope- fol because youre birter than taoi tlie wise editor a western editor offered prize of so and a years 6tibscriptiun for llie bes writ ten proposal of mmriage from a hd he icktd out a n proposal fion a beautiful and wealthy widow answered itaeceptn the pmpi sal and with the tlifeit of a breachof promise suit aottiauy captured her editors may not acquire wealth by writine twenlythiee hoursadiy but when then peiiius takes the light sliouttbey jiro- cure the periminons win bruwn th fometlin neck was lied lie pic details the i casual observer would v df led imvelllus sun to alight i may bow are you f he said with the carelessness of couscious superbrily marie my love this ia ray fureinau mademoiseme marie that bespoke li er foreign ulrtb i mr jliy found himself cringing before tvi malitniselie marie bow do you the slight frucb girt whom he had lurked e l asked tbe foreman ftvm tbe factory a mftoih before it is dot disagreeawe she answered a j gijd mr elder authorilivily light accent hanpintr to lier itones like w t very strange sloiics ve prfnouii il black and there win he aay the blue ribbon at her and the manner in which ihe j of her dress were arranged c hill mill street acton a hour feed provision store and will keep constantly on haid a fail supply of flour bran shorts buckwheat flour cornmeal seed corn oatmeal pea meaj and all kinds of feed goods delivered any place inside or nut of corporationr your patronage is respectfully solicited v for the aceommndatido of mr stath acotooier fresh bread rill be left here 0sm to tender thanks t the people of aclou aud vkititly fcr tlreir kind patrnnage ince polling laisitibes here aa1mid re- peefullr klicita crintinoaiice hhe trine bud can aannj tieoi that they ii afays bare on band a full sfockpf su k1md8 of meatv meat dejivered- awe trill purchaeodtnat of any kind from these llo msii teiatll hmartattbeo ml actqm- habmsss tbuxk- i j faiiirw bzocnwo axrnno w harness or trunke r j- to bs monjey bboam go to r 4 creech v t elliott acton april 18th 18s2 s vesmen a to lieiin work at olios on 8alea for fall of 1882 for the i- feitjmrifsikf w the uaroestjiw canada brwcb offices m yfserieei fenjlfil ontario w ca atart in additioi to onr ajready iotr gtim butg11er sii01 rh5lmes wnald repecl fully inform the pmple nf aetaiir and ricitnty that he lux turcliaed the bojkneat and property w c eobiusod and if jneparedlo fiftt-glas- meat of all kinds and poultry and game in seaion t meat delivered t any part of town ir irawne practical experience the butcheriiiji bojutenn i feel coiritknt that i can suit all a call kindly solicited r holmes s manh0s intirrrnce to k flnwer as the extended her hand for the tioney counted oui to her yott have givi n me iiut four dollars and it was ejghl by the contract sbe srd the foreman shruttgedhij shoulders with au itjs ilent ait vhuniph iiti aint much accustomed to our way or doing ihinga re you made mkiiicile fijhl of auic butwe deduct two for a fee i a fee 1 fir what demarided marie th flask ng eyes j fur getting you the situation to be tare btich luces dont grow on every bush soti yoo naturally expect to pay for tlie privilrite i did nut ob well all rietit yon aint obliged i stay unless yo i cbnasa do you irean that if i do npt pay fbis money i ndtated marie ybu caiil expectlo stay ia the works said may hilt hi up ms collar bat job b ijcr two dollars f obrjlbati b ft percentage llfo girls all pay said lh foicman but what is it for j mr may la igliexl it fitlps f ul mysulnry abiut i e wy tilings are managed here it lie me so notorious that the rumoi reach- ed her even at blythsdle springs and sbe chase 10 cinie and see for beiself mtrie my darling the beat weddiog gift we con make to these poor tirls is a new forvnian may volt are dismissed but fir- xcd a word cried mr ehet with lowering brow and mrmay crept out with boughtthise vert- bauds and paid 9j for them i just so darling just so 1 yon wanted to speculate i knew you would gel bilteo i therefore arranged il to cover tbe most of tiiit 810 0 back icto my wailcl but sir be calm maria be calm if tou lose your temper that way youll never hare any lack buying on an oxcitvd market you ought to i prnnd of a husband who can rake in 70 j or 300 qj one htue speculation like tbal drlnkins in tbe ddyfleld men in health perspire freely when vig- orouily at work on warm days very heavy sweating may sometimes arise from weakness a dry skin may indicate dis order evaporation from tbo anrface curries off i eat and keeps the body cool a large suppy of drinkiog water is requir ed for the winm haying and hirvest days but much less than is cimmoniy supposed bred and mustered pmi this is not a bad specimen of the vtral- ncnliou of no old joke the pilgrim oer a dsert wild sliouui neer let waijt rnuicund hidi furhe atauy time cu1 ett th3 mho irawtis arouad hinl if miitht seem odd that he could flud such jtolutablu fare did he not know ihe sons of yam were brtd audmaferd there j a tcv heartfelt words bow rich they are in meaning 1 have given my mistress warning said a servaui to her master what for i was the quiet query be cause i cant stand it any longer ahe io- ptied then the poor mn turned away vith a sigh and iaidto himself web ahes a lucky girl i wifch i could do the same lhiu uoiv lost how restobkoi liavwryppmisiienripw niiloii of dr roivetireiiaoir katikediliamur onjliitliijeal auu eluetofkevond bnitv mei inlan phlc risarjm jbprfcetn a ntd envelopeoolys ctai orlts noubc biarajb tr t tiieeelebnftw mbok inxwainttflrntili eaay elrnrlv lemoistrales frm thirty viirintf fmiulnfljetfe tijtlcro fowk wtcn rodeor enreulonre imple ortaln and rfnrma tiy ei f whirij bviy snirerer no msjter i eiaplj- prwihy m radtrnllr t rhia uetnre almnld be in im hanja ol rvferyyoiiut nd every own in the land dnu ot itot fortable consciousuesa of maries llalf a pint of water sippedsowlywill scoruful blue eyes following him elder turned lo bis wife yob were right giy love the mans face is fufflcieut evidence against him he said aud a new reign legvu ir poor jenuie fassail ihe others as weu as for simon pelteiurill and miuie never jvgretted her weeks apprenliceship at tie dapple vale calico works tlie itondersof paper at the mhbiairne ejthibtlipn held re cently tbere was a complete dwelling j bouse made wirely of paper and furnished i ibrougbout with tbe same malarial thera j werepnpeawbllo paperreofs paper ceil- of coarse yon j paper flours puperjoieni papet stair- know file gi is eiptcl lo pay something vt paper nltets paper taddipj paper each wejk fi keepiug hitlr ailuatlom ittja lehalra paper sofas iperlaipaper fry- place wtee l itre ute so niauy anxious lo j p am e the siorm in which get it asjd mr sldtr f obiie hi silt much lodo wtult lira master ifyot please j 1 slrelde owns ibe wprks jf wsli jye i he owns- it hilt i mantiga atsuage thirst n och uiureeftreiiveh than quart gulped down a pint qf cold fluid of any kind thrown iuto the slpmarb may- result in niore or less congestion serious illuess and nol unth quetilly dealhs atise from this cause it icetater is taken at any time it sbiuld always beswalloired so slowly that tlie stomach can r arm each giu before taking another as to the kinds of drink jthe positive teachings of meriieal science and experi ence i idicatelliiit is by far the best fltild for assuaging ihlfst and supply ing the vbdtf of the- system beera nje sweetened driiikal orany fluid i hat contains material that canst be digestei are a tax upon tbo stomach and tiaultodisajderth system a ib with expensive tastes one of onr citizens the other dnyjn counting money dropped 5 bill on the hntilhsjg an illiiidis fieiitiat extracted aurgepiee hf quartz from an old dkuta nd ers niouth into which il had been blown sea by tbe ugh winds which tbey have out hi the tuupntutusp iiut by tbe blastrof pow- jer bat there are lots of men who get more quam into their mouth than they ought los and- who cant hu cured aa easily i is thistnau was ao lrisbmail boin annoyed by a howl- inj dog in the night jumped out of bed lo jilodge the ofiencler il was iii the month i of january when the snovr was threb feet deep- he not returning his wife tim out t see what was the matter there sha jound her husliand in his night smt teetlt cbatteriiig anij his hole bcalyalojst paraiyzed with cold holdiug tlie slrirgjliug dog by the tail arrah pit said she whai wud xebeaflcrdolttthsh said bo dojivyc see t im thrjing to frase the basle everything tir elder repoaesi ihe ulnwst we likewise madeof paper cdiifldetice 11 my ability od be is a good business mar- he understands ms own interest an i now ityoatiave any irore qoesliom tffs ik blight flres ieav kept txinstantly bumrak daily ere4if psplermitche and when ibe floor wtiere helclit lay until hdgol ihrough fabricator of tbia mansion gave a tanquet counting the ro8 dnforitiiia4ly i puppy in wstlweulutbetiueplbtiathe napkins spied the wfl and wbert thi gentlesoan the piatesbhd cps bjldsaocera the bottle turned loyhsk itup ihebisi ebrnet x tits ndtumbleis4tenoblwh8aad forks vi wea just disappearlog dosfdogeys sua eryootprivvttb ceapatii umoatotaip ttwtf i ruired 8tonbbfclrwror f7 tffetetro mirotick rtnaii 1 aaa 8- cannita aiverltnr accn lfeno jkhsbtr wr tirsnto u jnornwdi to reedt adverhl ffr cmf am hbued 1 ike calerweji wedlcnl v- liitr ejlmuiriili mi 1umpiiigotlawtdiclij yfam t and i wi i oot pmwj caa 5t43i i 1 ke mail temprauceta in sirtyve counties mkbthttsthe em ibavoinoie but iaed ihia rnopey peimuwisenrcedlioaujititwheraj myself i rk hard for it 1 earn it it i apt enforced there ia q hetll rignicoobly i cannot bfforj boy biwjbiiekiglemeot wlselibeeub the law tliaitbeotbe i anjobg tliobepb w laboring loes cot eftctay nitt thew they are wiifiiig glrislo jibj ii oyqnr grtsfd- lio r5ud hw ifi and iw tliat they jf stung mischievous nuiw an emelid was hastily aduiiniatered which prodt the bill iii ainahhame bqi- ihe pieces w lire straigb- siedout pasted oa a paper i 4 taken to thehaiti wlr ft wafjjsdeeoi t a food fpsm rfitnit is ilfujno4mnocioo mieiyjij jkat ft itipjiwtapimsiaw menioaropembnb aw nnd iwhieh iiiuvifejlha ewr ih- two departments well eeiii- y sculcd j jn lately walking thrnnih thegorernnicnt baililinxbatoruwa a representative rfu ol ottt ljaf5oiirdabi iu the courf e af conversation glrahed some items of interest sneiikiaiwitlimr a j- cainliiocuief clerk f tne agriedltultoral bepirtiaenc that ireutlemn replied toacertaiuquestion if i hnvsasddst jaooba oil iunyjaiuily and foaud itito be an caeellaat article indeei it is the remeily to ijh1i iiti and haais pleaiaii t aud soothing way of dolne sjl thai isakea itvalnahle i cnnsldef it artw biedtejiie calling uphnilr militis epartibtit that tr manytherbuib tbathsfibi idpwnpeo- ajibwjredtbe jtalcjnfry plha thruatb are not aosisuv ri coxerable 1 t jacobs oilrt ojwlieina tileniu g i fepiedj initeafl for rhenhiawj ilbyev recotoanitedrit to very raavvliebr k4 ibonbimerfiuiwx had ie tijlfe1 i htn6wtbyfithckoidqotfcesjilyjurajbei joo i r l irtfc nur -r- jajabjjhsn

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