a cutdwelrtss village varjetil3 callectlon r laval aws aa slktr matters f aptrtal talrreat u r villain letters tjibmv mabstxo jily 2 lsi2 wkt i iumj f he aim wsnti mil i toui town council to rrait 100 for llie reorgamtallou of a brass band in that own kkw kkwkkcb mr thomas ebbagc is building a brick hausa on the silo o the bjts of brevity tscal al flrtrwlie rtarei t te ate at la pea adcum far reader at ue fire rem a at fcco hyid aclon knifes boai iml furk gutter knives crau pitkl stands tkl kirivw wade a batchcru iwmrv tbrnly itorc iu twn thlkccpaeluoaof thwepkkl j just cjw out wvihcr tuk epn j u burned lui tprinf opposlle mr c wiurom lor uie litu fjkv cu ra aua s smlurt property j ec ihn j p tni wiwt meuri uto g ind i5 i john lw8oa left ontursdtvy for chcytnnt wyoming ty wt wistilliem aabouuded nieces in their new home scccessful at llie rceat high school examination at guclph misses j leslie iud maggie syiuous who rtsid a couple o miles west o una village patted very sue cessfultw tukkew hocera operations hire commcuced upon the baildipg associations houses on bower avtuue a d fruig of meu will oc kept conually at wort nnti the edifices ate completed the pigxic suasok the picnic season ii i hand accompanied by groups of laugh- inf girl serious mammas heated papas jocose young men and hippy children nuw is the lime enjoy it while you may exroaoxa it it seems to be tbe ie- termioation af the temperance peopli of ushott to see that lhi scoit act is strictly enfgrcrd nw adwratt aod the ire certainly mung with a good degree of success kew u04vert waggoic ifefists e nicittu ooa ww sport a splendid ow delivery wagon the wagon was maoafsc- lured by ilessrs speight and mclam and rvflccu ctedit oa their alilhty as carriage makers th singular thing about it is that you seldom meet a ixuv cocutagifrotr hit fljh- iuz excurekia tuey keaemlly mkajl home by me cross road and yt ihe elastic rlli tcry rolls eaihy frum their leagues the nxt dv- qcaktoilt- siecttxg the regvju- quarterly cumnnmiua services in connec tkia witi tbe welitcxltst church here will ur htld uext suudiy mominj coojmedciag at uso in the ereciug a sabbath school s rvico will be held bjlsd costeatt referring to the brass bands cf tip couuly the champion- tayt theft ts srne talk uf a contest for a prize between tic aclan aut bnuiiptoc bsudtl the money will probably be in the fnroi of i wtgr lietweea tevtral genljcmec of those plncft- i- tlxix taadlte ctlucfle tcenty- first sjlui1 catilogce of the tuuag la itcs ctiliec eaniituq fur the carrel year is o lucd we aic psed io hcar ot the cxnrtiqtkd wiccest of ibu iastiiaim if yeu hxve growcup dncguiers write for jianiculire fiirr xew weceat to the fsrmcr brilgig in to this market the first kd of uewwhrtit we wit prtkctif nctazready a ftilscriiier a rmeijt forlle fkctpitrs foroae retr if i subscriber two oupies of dt eetidalis truaciae pa the hurse hvetiug has commencvd yoiy oppressing weather o late beechanjawiu be very plentiful this year ciiitens jnow begin to bout- about uicir new potatoes cricket ts now agrossjag ibe ittealion of local aptvlsmen- kr adm dickson is giving his resid ence a coal of patal r j v coosidetable new hay has bea brougtt in during he st week crcelmap brdt georgetnrn are ihippiug ktuttiog niachines to england mrs rj sone is barirg hw hoa- teneerrfvilh brick it will make quite an improttmenu scrrntielftiisof ip2 gone already why the war will have passed away be fore- we art awire of it oar tittle ones and lire xarsery for angust isrveived atadjverflows with in- lerest g ttiogs for the little fokt strive to impress on your cbildren that the euy ditsfirwre ataciwd1o ktacst work te the digrce of tioiug it badlf it is aifmsing to see tire weather probaitle codgrcgilxitit tbtse day in a rain bcp of hilling l about ouce or twice a weefc if ja are oot regular hjbscriber to this paper ujcome tjth at- once we wiu dq iojir i ia ciw jon all the idl uews weearnttit messrs d campil nd 1 rae arrirwl safelr at home in maaitolia o the 5nnda raoraing iftsr lejvifij licrc hartestiog twls commenced and farme r are buy pirrseritig the golden grain laborers are scarce ci good wiges ts ffetj gooi mea the dresien 7imti ba errcred upoa its eleventh ttlhime the tiitt is a 3ccal paper of nacriiaary iarii is neatly pant ed and- should be wtu received by its readers t scveril of our eititens threaten to ram- coa the tiiucc coaoii la pirar befoct the- p m if tbe thifitte and welsate ntit wa cut on qaeeu street east and adjoin ing streets xow is the tiie wfc tire y belle latetb herycung mti seroa the wmer it te calm reircnt uf thesaaiy woci dnutt- less to secinj that qaiottthk which ile front pdori5oih iv tffkl on wedr dty cf last warfc jfr john ac- dcrscc of the 6th lie eric anempted to j y for ir uileccn pry ap a plaflk in the bsjn soor when the i beast cpoc tliicli he tt staxdin brcke i precipetalhehfni ie tie ruot hoaseielow div schools to be held at ih- brant house tne lr- r t r igiuands burliurtn baeli io day civet toiie cnaer ur- lowtt s care lir prtiaiie ot be nr a prand success the s s excresioc the festival in coc- gction with the cnurch of england suc- kvereiy iiyncg his lip and fraitorrng ciiirfcoiie cnier dr lo wry s care aniersm a aoio as weil ss ccnii be ex- i pecd j we lave bcliced thai fij fiajionible vsagent nr lady of the period slways djsif o the freiajn in dress c yt irty iaxrarialiiv feel cbe to find thtir tecpiediy ihose btrceaih their ivvrl in s jcjv v wt therefore cxif d ourfympathir to pofraclvwutf striii i feivia bta hair cut bss wti jotctqrcry ftcowcd by the ten or twelve young of our village and who is wiablein jour language to ex praitis indignaionhreit 13 h baltalian bind will been ttiervunis 4uring til sftercwa aei eveuinr a wexklt letter- the popqlarify of the free pe as hnme ceispapr can be judge h the large nuraier of copies sent wetrklr y subseriljert thfaoh lh- miiu to friends in distant unds pltttakq time time u fut ptniog away the teubni coma and go in their npoctite ordor as we look out upon nature lit this period of the year and view with eminent pride tad satisfaction the boundless extent of her handiwork we are led to exclaim in l he language of one of old grand and beaul if ol s11 thii u it must soon paiis away an s 11 wise providence has ordained this so to remind man of his mortality an vitwicldt visitor yesterday morning a runaway horse belonging lo mr robert drtvicaran into the hall of no 0 sunken street and galloped through he kitchen and out into the back garden tu premies are occupied by mrs kerrigan and her family and it is needless lb say uiai they were nearly frightened out o their senses when the fiery steed ruihed through the kltcticn jumped orer iheatove sod demolished the boiler in ids flight the mail rcxaw at accident on friday even ing a runaway accident occurred bv which a horse belonging to mr a cooper was severely injured mr cooper was at glen lawstn and had tied his hooe to a cord wood stick while he was tranactiog some business the horse became frig lit fled at lomelhiae and itarted for home drawing the stick with him wkeu the horse ar rived uere his legs were badly cut with the sharp edges of the itick oae eipeclally was badly injured summer- pictthesqce caxadx mr grant the very courteous delirerer of pictaresque canada for thii secliou has jast furniaiied the subscribers with pata nine and of this beautiful wurk these numbers sus tain the cxcelicnl feputalian woo by the previous numbers and are faliyw interest- iug tad us the iceue become more of a locnl characterto this seciioa of the do- damiiuon they will be more iuleresting still tue wxwfc is most admirable io every respeet and should be subscribed for by all who can afford to do so obtttart it it our paiuful duty this week tochroaicle the death of alr james ikgngor formerirof isasugaveya late uf mauitnba whtch took piack at the geu- cwl hnspilil winnipeg on friday 2lt iosl rekilling frtna a broken leg which he received a few days pievraus 16 his leatu ills reiuaiiis were broa lo acton ceme tery for iutttnxxil ubrn a urge number effneadi trad acquaintances followed him to lis last resting place deceased leaves a wife and funtfy gf ttuwn u chifdrun lo monra fats io who have- 1 he heartfelt lympaihy if the eutite community intleii sjtd afflict ioo bictcuxs we areglad to notice that he ladies of this village have ukeu quite an iuteft in athlsjc fptirts the eicr- liuvs pel tcrth by lhtre yoting ladici two lirugoa ifiu eictaud tbe otiier on udu oue aerng at wat trj lag w avtr- come ihcftauvtuaiitirt of a bicycle waj srfnetiiiog manrdiutis had ihe writer been a litlje closer o lukae3f kuun we ccuh bare given a belter account of the rrfpecti re merits of tlese yuuug ladies as hicyde rider bat from the point ofobser vatiun all ibat could be desrraed after a ten niiuules trial as a esfused atass ef dftsies girls switcfarf false leelb bangs petti coati loes atockiogs ic abuve all which the biycle sceuicd tulaum up riamphil edinburgh warehouse i 1882 summer hughes griffin nov ofer great bargains in dry qoods heady made clotmug milliaeiy and boots s shoes our new stock special liisteis 917 patterns of choice englub and freuch print at 5 cent a yard nud up mantle and dreas caalimeres 50 inches wide single width dresa goods all the fashionable colors and shades with trimm beaten ngs to match from 8c a vard upward linen goods of every description at- prices that cannot be heavy white counterpanes at 8100 beautiful stand spreads at 30c and 40p genes furnishing goods trk host complete stock- rx acrox our llilliner- will be found more attractive than over this season as we have taken all pains to obtain the latest and choices class of goods in the xcvr york jloutreal and toronto markets special lin iu childrens hati fancy straws at 15c 20c mens and boys felt or k straw hats ws can show a very large and choia assortment in this hnu boys paaoy straps for 20c and 40o ileas straw and pelt hats lor 25 50 and vso ml department the large trade we hare done in this khu during the past year convinces us that we are handling the right clas3 of goods our principal lines are manufactured djy j- deingco and cooper k smith toronto which makrs ati acknowl edged by all boot and shoe dealers to be amongst the jest in america and the holders of the centennial and dominion exhibition iledals for hue and durable work- our prices will be found the very lowest for all classes of oods highest pricecpaid for any quantity of good butter and bjgs hughes grifffn acton ocr oorvrr tue folluaingwart firror- fble report of our aouclhuco it the opening panaraph o altter ram i gtou it i it xiil wrttpoadeat hslton is one of enly lt saod7 morpqg a vnornua ritli a f arawav icot in lui ev and a cajm eoj fiirisfyinf mlc on hi ufa ragfit kite been seea driving nioqg miii trci ritii 1tie tjjt of tie faritljc tann lojcly below lfceorecsmith tzit arctnicfc atihis taad apsctade of uter iiidcpendeoce unui tm ute to frlrxle y oslh willi qaestioci and uace teu ueabie as far lo learn wbeliern aris his irag so intent with his iesv flaking in tiie darkees tut- r ending the front gale with his dearest dear the uight before or the sweeuhoqgir i of a happy di y vhb fierin lie cool retreat of the parens parlor wffl iht cause c sneh as jrersight in harnessing the acinial tef reaucaehoweter uat tflow- inthe ws perfectl the hffrse and its freight teachtd their destination n safety gkid a letter from home even week and dont crst t cindj fur postage bcildikg ilocfcs jl building ajo aa has bca formed hndllie fiijx pjies trc thai ka hrnise ire lo ue tiuill wiihin tiirte malln f srtne rjch ilep were taken in rtdece the cott of haiidiug it this tonrn ki liive na dcmlit ilat a retire of luei could be readily deposed of j7oji vc kilia6 b wjs- boys end aoy older people do no probably fcsiow that ibe 4aw f rhidi the i iiftig of wrts aiid a fine is levisile on a ly person who kills by shoot tag or other is any species of birds be- taeen the 1st of star h and 1st of septan b- also siy jjersen wte dlslsrfas or inoref tbeh- eggs an act loo frequently cnmitted leres hisasek liable to a severe p caiy yoc axe i1mt nve tefer the at led tionof oar readers lo the fresit tdveniae- mtuu which i are constantly appearing in he col asms af ihe fbeepeess and te the tiusinen men represented in socbaovertiaf ments we recomaaend your trade a oier- chant who an a srat- class tock andceaann awc prices hi a do hesitancy in making the fact known to the pnotic lieno we cw niend to the comninmlv the merchants whose wares herajdod ebfobgi toes coluinns are el ail wkrtta the acton preu ia etttetej tpon its eighth rois me- it is without doubt the aeatest sheet trpcajraptiesjiy speakiog in theconntyof halloa gcin advoaat- civic holidt- when is ike civre hol iday guin to he kew this yeic 1 soaie places hare iceair set a dayaprt far that purpose- fte ietd recoptmend that it be held early in september then the fanning conm unity of this vicinity tculd iiu the village and a grand exenrfciou arranged for to some tntepesticg point- i jhockds tnijrred kow ttet sports and gamed of oil kinds hold a prominent part io- ibetntuds of our villagers the vil lage ahouki consider the advisability of procuring grounds for tack perpcies tbe laod about tie village is being rapidly ptbized for buiidinc purposes and if acton is lo have soy kind of pleasure grounds now is roe tim te be looking after ihera k fewtmndwd dollars thus in rested would prove a great boon to our citizens j csickit a club of players of this coiuly game is being organized here kany yeatf ago acton had a cricket clab which cold occupy a place m the issl ranks in the p and oamberel among its olayers several of oarcilhtensj whose heads are now beginning to tnra gray abcwt fifteen years ago at the advent ofbaseball the game suilenly becameleilinct and during uiat time we have beaid hi lie or nothing about cricket there ate now however a nonrtxtof drstdass playersjn town nil we have no doubt a club will be organiewi which will after a liulepnctiee restore acumn repulalion as fa as aia game is couceraesl acros gibs walteb aijrelj baoh- eior using on the 6lh line expressed kim slf to yoang couple whom be met out dnrieg one evening ust week that uo condwoo was a very loooty uno and tut he w desirous of taking unto himself a fcetterhau he prefers the j acton girls hot thinks tkeir aapirations are ef a jowly tharseter a tiey do not see 1 appreci lie hinteven ssttcr mclean sljafe and new togwry he is good hand the acton w pro has entered npos its eighth yejj r ia aneioeedingly dvelf nd most interesting local paper and eredit to the town where it is published nlord htrtu th acton kee preu kas entered upon ita eighth volijmp under tbenreaaut pro prietorship th f p u doing well gw to know it injl hope fujoier uuesaa will e4 you wother quill suiveasofoaua walp soed aood fresh aad sabl whelier it njaklog or stowin tbsm way the wrltereould asceruilu wlrfch u itliiiksoot trail iu ha kereacter ihlt jnpat woitlr biti eflgrbl jw u be gladly aivec poo i io tbej sukbdlwr of tfccffigp at atfaocakes j jt the bveltest coaniies in the province and its splendours ihis year are increased by the prospects everywhere arsparrat of a bouatifslharvetl with llie exception of iut or two narrow localities a soiacwkat eiltorive ran through the wrslern oraniies cf ontario leads us to ihe belief luat this year it will prove i6ef nearlv if ot quite ihe premier county of the province so far r the erlut and vale of its agricultural praducts are concerned all ihe grains promise veil tbereot crop is fairly good- an4 the almost general faikre of the larger f nit crop is very much less proooonccd here than in many other localities bisd csistezs sinoe the arrival of mr ed lucaa jr frem england there has been a fett- changes made in oar band the following is the list of members and the parts pkyed by each j c hill leader 1st eflat comet geo garret 2nd e4iat comet j c worden 3rd eflat cornet ed lucas 1st b flat corset m- smith 2nd bflart comet w smith jr 3rd b4at cornet- g h brown solo eflat alto jas ktemw 1st eflt alto h warden 2nd eflat alto ed kickhm jr 1st btlat tenor h jenner jr 2nd bflat tenor c t hih yrj bflat saritone j p worden bflat bass w williama eflat bass j a- fipejjiij eflat baas p eefiy jr scan drum aadlprascisbaas dram cyrnbala the above comprises oua of the best brass bands we have aver listened to acros cmckit clcb a meeting of ah persons interested ia his game is culled forlbis evening at 830 pm in matthews hall for the purpose of fully orgsniling he club and appointing the various officers through the creditable exertions of mr t moore teacher considerable money has been subscribed and collected for the pur chase of mterial sdd on tuesday last messrs cs smith nd 3 e jicgirvin went to teroute atxl purchased a full sup ply at an outlay of 45 there is vet a few dollars to rntso and we hope that at foe meeting teuigbt a sufficient number of ancmben will be added to the list to enable tbe club to begin operations fully equipped wttli money with which lecoodact the af- xmra ot lie olub let there ba ttsen a good tmnout of all those who would like to see tills pleasant game prosper in our village call at jvc sills tissliop for the follouinj aoodt baloofi fit traps btr4 0e nat it oheap enamelltd 3 ran if and braas prasarrlng kttlt- imitauon sll ver tea spoons at 40 cents per dozen best quality milk palls strainer pills c cistern and force pumps kept in stock and supplied at beason- ib e bates batrs old metal old copper and brass wool picking and sheep skins takes in exchange tor roods please call ami we tny ttck jchill next door to jc w- hilts phot studio leli st acton li7ee7 sale board stables mill street acton is where you oan get firstclass rigs at reasonable bateft qcod crommerclal eigs in express delivery wagon nil meet each express train and deliver goods tr any part cf the town after the 1st march iintead lo do a stricl cash business only aa credit wu not pay for horse feed or repairs ed matthew tlie largest the ohbapesti the best assorted stock of j groceries glassware crockery jn acton at go to t h hardings l2 lbs good bright sugar for l for why 4s mrs lydiae finkitaiss teg- etawe oeaiposnd like the mississippi river in a spring freshet because the immense rolim of tits dealing river tnoveswitk sack mooent that it sweeps away all obstalesu4fswaryoodidg tbe open- try joarvina bxug stob acton jat 21 try t h ardinqs 4 lbs good greent fotl wtry t h eardlsgts 35 ot japan tea worth 45 eta 8s- trj- t el hardings 10 lbs raisins for 100 go tot h harditfgs ft r familj supplies of all kinds comprising teas coffees spices canned goocls dried and salt meats laid c sj a splendid stock dt crockery and glassware jnst received at t h hatdjngg lv beraemjjetthe placed- agnews briofc block list turnip se ids all mais the bost iatiie larkflt call and- you will be satisfied that we can verify this statement i thos bdwdy co boelph manqfcturers uf reapers ana mowers steel ohilleo other plows tfeai