n it -thb- upabuabd zxszrttmx s editor a proprietor at ta pllcs pro 1 jzovss nervkjrlomeuwdlucbofth if5rtjc aetoii 0f tiara jthe fui puss till be tent to inbseribcri pottage paid for 1100 per n a am in adinaaon 1150 if not to pud no paper disctntinaed till til wters arc paid except at the option of the puhliaher adtumixa irm casual adverba- menu 8 tiouu per line for the first inter tioa and 3ceata per line lor eeh subse quent insertion eish pnfeaaiooal cards 10 line or lea 1100 per annum 1 square 12 line 50d per aanojfe payable in 6 nraths from date if insertion any special tcottee the object of which is to promote ths pecuniary benefit of any individual or company o be considered an advertisj- rtteiit- the nimber of lines reckoned by iherpiceoccqtued measured by a scale of solid nonpareil cavtract rats3- on eoiama one year hail eolusan nue year urtprciliimn one jptr oa e ttumn lx tinrter entfamastrntscinirn i cai ibt months haueotump inwaondii vlirtr cofimn tar months inifnij wlthmiriac hrpcilorp imuh f rbkt a i ell rjrl arcord- ltrt aikerufcetucms mntbe kit dnlnk 1vrhemf n most mr or s moi x nlat nther- ril w ira over ul the louovlnc anra proprietor 4jl lj i jrjl udiiiicofr tkrhtioo lit mno volume viili no 6 he newtpaptta map 6f baft life iti fluctuation and its vast concern i 1 i tlso if not so paid tlixl jifc ql jv00 12 j 3000 1210 acton bankikc coy storey christie k co sjtbkbnt tjhd at august 10 1882 whole no 380 btkkebs- acton ontario a qeseral bakking busi ness transacted kohzt waited oh atpe0tsi notssi notea discounted and infjerest allowed oadtposita ajt slkoallt i presentation volume the lyric gems of scotland containing newly 500 of the beat son set to music- on the occuioa ol the late visit at the king of the belgians to scotland bit majesty waa pre aeoted with handsome volume of this work which bo graciously accepted u a souvenir of hit viiit feree thursday morviko august 10 18 i- wh i loyriir u b- sl cp s gikdaate of trinity college mem ber of c5ue ol phrsicuns and surgeons 0 je iai residence t ihc ttedt of frtj- eridc su 4 mfoustfeu m d physiciax frczok etc opftca forsters djt store dr morro- owttino mllist actoo ettdrycr clanrli itreet formeriy men pieti by ilr y hemitreet uctitcr dkvtist george- l l- eexstt toxayai john lit50kgridtite ofok- zlzid verunikiit caixegc toronto vctrluittisxeoc icjon ont office in kenney sctis beot and shoe store rcs- idence iu tiaa reir horses exiciiaed as to sounisess tudcertiucsles eives- iil calii niht or day promptly attend ed to tertas fcaet how is the time i to r make purchases at tst4- i axo cbed citsbz8 ropeainoat diijy pit of dscfalaod ornamenul gkvis imported from ger many france bclgictu btiletuiaaudgreat britain j sliicc cheap for cath cme early and hare the first choice of the immense yt stock i jas f kid pi i l ctmi lure aad csirtp cak bftxaar uprer wyndham street guelph tbe prcas speaks in the highest terms of praise aboat this wocit in hind tome binding gilt lijes and edges 1 50 by mail days bookstore gfelptly dat sells cheap rerps tjfhhsr v s georghtowx oatv vzsx ris acton etery wednes- diy and will attod to all calls pertaining to his prfctsiil orders kft at ilcgrrint dro store frill reeeire prompt attention tenna nlodtrae i i tjfisher f cllertox hall fc storey eirriters j solictors of the supreme comt conveyancer i torchtoig-eoret- toica ornai ko 50 church street turcrrc aod ifcleods block goorgetowc t ildztrt to lasn jlsmlbstok tf x f r 1 ndt0ezt w il hxk3t2et lioensed auctioneer for the counties of wellintoc tad haltoc orders left u tlie fexe brrv os acton or at nsy i rtsiuence in acton will be prbtupiry sisnded to terms reisonable j bnej- 1 caa also money t ban 0 the mot favcraue terms and at the lowest rates of interest in ecxni of 0500 and upwards l hall acton- drm forster lubiicating oils cheap moatsenat lime juice paris green helebore coal oil ply powder pasrsr i ui is giving areat barsaina in- eiectropiated napkin rings pickle casters cake baskets etc i hare also a lare5 stock of specs and ete0u3ses prom 25 cents up wm s smith tlje watch und cloci houm of gedph bhothees four little feat on the fender on a rtonny winleri nighu four utile feet ou the white hard tnov in the told ray dawning light strarlnj togdher thronfih rammer woods out in the autamni rain ob dear and deep vexe um footprinu that never will came again four little boey bare brovn hands ready or work or plf from the ormstir at piplof birda to the last fiiunt gleam of day eeajj lor book or line or cun heady to halp or to bear four lilue haadi eventide bolemnly daped in prayer foar itrouff feet in the prea of lifs firm with lb tread of health eeeping step xith each other yet in tha race tax fam and wvalth four hanii graapin each other tifht iu cvty pleaaora or pain kinds ttiil fell of a irindij- ttrtogth 6u11 free fnxn unholy stain four reary feet on the fender four weary hands thai aak oajythe uirtar tuat win do l and then 10 lot drop their taat sittinff agxln by the fircalde calmly and tolemnly lad j two oil men tlkiag together of the ploaaant day unryro had of the woods the fields the tchoalhcuse their love their lotes and gains and how they stood vy each other tbwash csanjtt pieasuru aadpaina and now wiiii hearts kill iwoet anditrenff at the end of earthly ftriic btili hand in tiind they art wiitinf fqr the dawn of a grander life when thetc toothers aball meet aaln in the land for which we pray when their feet truad the hilu u god oh what will they do and cay i when their hand find thdr angels work and their hearts diviner joys will they not still in the memory keep some iwect remembrance calm and deep of the boy when they were boya engaged in tbu dicniiioo of family af- the parlor carpet 1 mis mehceat bcream- fairs mrs copman bercelf was cheerfully cd w ill fcct or 5ell tne andertined isprepared to parchase any quantity of elm or birch stave bolu bxitwii fnr heading and pine cedar or lucfc uh f z shanffles la tle log or bolu 1 -l- a pood itncfc 01 fikiagles staves and head- ie ilrxvs on nani i thos c mimee sile- lime foe lfcne can be had at the canada lime svorks in email or large quantities at anr time- apply at the kiln near toltons nihlortx a s sung lav 1st 1832 f box i72aciot hour aad peed store the aodenpied has jasi opened tn the premisea formerly ocenpied by mr c hiii mill street acton a hour feed provision store the finest stock we ever bad of elgin ic waltliam make in sfickel sllrer and gold cases i claim my xickef eases are winter aud purer than anj other being made especially for mydelf b savage watchmaker jeweller gtjelph butcher shop qvs stqsr a domestic despot ah dear me dear me sighed mrs copnuo what a world of trouble this her sonlnlaw looked up from the news paper he vu reading ht wa a tall baud- some man of thirty with soft dark eyea and- here aud here a slrer streak in hu hair j is there say new trial developing it- aelfr he tuked kindly 2o saidjhrs copmao dothlnj especial except that ilarioa wants the green parlor foi a 6tudio tberea each an eiceueut northi light to it yoa know- well said henry chartcris why not let her haye iu bat what iiall we do for a receptloq- room t said the old lady u take my library suggested ha ily dtur hebry acd all the books what is to become of tbem t bill dear marion woald be so delighted if only be plio wre praqticable pntihcmj my bedroom said ifr cbarteria abinliy floyd can eaaiij knock np a fe shelves there it is a piiy that marian snould be disturbed in tbe prosecution of per art you are always so kind and ibooght- fol 6did mrs jcopuun brichlemug up bustling about ordering the maids tor- mething be footman suggesting this thai sod tbe otber tbiag to her three bony bigh- cbeeked daughters hftrion arabella and mellceot nntil suddenly glancing ap she chanced to observe a light bgure clad in a pretty pink mustia with a floating white aarf enter the frreenhouse door ncrom the garden bbe rang the bell eoergetically floyd said she who is that that person in tbe garden f its miss jetty lane the parsons dauebter said floyd at least couu- io behind his band it looked like ber and what is she dolog incur green houses id like to know demanded mrs copfnan hotly 8be goes there to get flowers for her waxworks maam said floyd my master your master would allow himself to be preyed on by every one in tbe village if be hadnt some ooe to protect him said mrs copmaa severely go at once floyd or stay i believe i bad better go my self this sort of ihiog most be put a stop to add she hurried out to the trreehhouse where prttty jetty lane was culling sprays 1 of while stepbinotis in aa unconsciously cmcefal altitude as she reached up among the glossy dark green branches for the starlike blossom oh said mrs copmao stiffly miss lane i believe j jeuy paused and turned ouly home from boarding- school three months ahe had aever me mrs copman face to face before its the terrible molherinlaw 6be said to herself and she answend sloud yes i am geitint a few flowers to model in wax and ah r said mrs copman but per haps you hadnt better get any more the flowers dftat blom very profusely and my daughters like them far their hair be sides mr charters doesnt approve of the whole neighborhood running not through his gtonnds jettys deep blue eyes fijtshed madam said the did mr charteris tell yoa to say this n not exactly faltered the sour vis- tt3 widow bat then paid jetty you have been guilty of a very rude ajd inhospitable action and flinging her white buds and blos soms on the floor of the greeohoue she walked out like a princess well i never said mrs copman scarcely knowing whether to be most iu- diguaut or surprised at this imperial coa- duct while jetty laue hurried on never stopping to shed the tears which seemed to scald her resolute eyelids nntii she was safe in the little hazel copse and once then under lie cool quiveriug boughs of the trees she buret iato a passion of tears miss lane i jetty t uttered a re monstrating voice ys 1 know said jetty laughing and sobering in tbe eatne breath itn j epect tbetr fat very foolish and i oaght to know better bat it isnt pleasant to be turned out of a place what do you mean f said henry charteris gravely and jeuy told him all a dark frown gathered over his coun my 4 1 there wis a little irjoivc i lirodin it little baike and be njode alituuhalctofio ihroah through through i andneateatltuecfimm and gave a liuleeu cza and lota ffhtuo tbindid be po do da a gre at big tubby cdt caino wnlking pitapal an she uw where the ftt4 tnpnsp had mr run run j and the watched thijro sll tbe ir but thflrooufichcbtiyedaway and ad tabby haalo ffo wirhbnt her te fi- as sure as you live mamma gasped arabella its that bold parsons daughter jetty lane the rapudepee of some people cried marioo when mamma as good ob order ed her off be premises aot over a month igu j henry said mrs copman angrily as she caught sight of her soaialaw eereoely smoking his cigar just inside of the case ment why is it that the carriage was not seat to meet us f why are we compelled to walk all the way from the depot in this broiling beat and what is that young womih here for t as she caught sight of jettys white dress in the background of the large dim room the carriage was not sent far yon said mr charteris calmly because mrs obarttris wa usiug it mrs charteris gasped the widow dropping it least lialf a dozen of btr parcels in the path while henry led forward the lovely young bride all in white with cheeks like pale rosea mrs charteris he repeated my wife let me present you and the misses cojimsn 0 her and that was the end of the complica tion fcr of course mrs oopman and her daughters were too highspirited torenuia under the same roof with such a dimpled and lovely yonng usurper and they re moved all that belonged to rbeni and a good deal that didnt from the houi the next day in high dudgeou to thiuk what fuols men are said the widow when dear henry w3 so com- fortable with me and the three irk- bat apparently dear henry was of quite a different way of thinking for as he stood with jetty on the terrace watcling tbe carriage drive away which eontaiatd the widow and her daughters he said my dear i feelas if a nightmare were lifted off my life and now otc wecan beeia to be happy 4 the thlnt tatft vote wbena day laborer who bad been all bis life accustomed to digearth wfth a shovel ws ehowothc machine which at a single scoop lifted a whole cart lod and dumped it at once ha looked on at first with asen of humiliation that here 4 as a machine superior to himself but shot a jit lb his face brightened and he sid but the thing cant vole he waft a voter acd could look down on the thing that sur passed him in other ways but bad no vote one imagines that the representatives in lhe masfachasttte legifilaitire when they voted down the bill for preddcnul suffrage for women lat mondcy niist have had feelings akin to those of that ta borer wo- men are physicians they are graduates of colleges and profsors in tlem theyare regularly ordained ministers they are law- yers they are authors thjey are artists they are farmers and merchants and they have more than average sue ess in all these departments oj activity but hey cant vole was it to keep this list shied of sense of superiority thnt a majorit of the repre sentatives voled cgainst tbp third reading of the bill to jive presidential euerae to women at any rite they cpt the chaoce which comes only once in fdr years all to themselves and can stili lok down npon women who must continue to look up to their political superiors aus i am one of tbe women some hints to parents when your daughter performs a task in an ill fiuhioued manner always say there i might a well have done it myself in tbe first place and then take the work out of her hand and do t yoursejf this will en courage the pirl not to try to do the thing the next time she u set about it never permit your son to have any amusement at home this will induce him to beek it in other places where yoa will be annoyed by his noise theie is ao place tj ke home impress this truth upon ynttr children by making borne as disagreeable anduoiike any other place as possible r never neglect the lock 00 the dantry some boys bnve probably turned out first- l class housebreakers all on account of this judicious treatment in early childhood be genlle and courteous before corrpany but if you have a temper let your children have a taste of it as often as convenient a mother should never practice deception up on her biood talk slightingly of your husband to your this will make them re spect their father tell your child he shall not do a thing and then let him tease you into giving your consent this will teach himwhal to do on subsequent occasions make promises to your children afld then neglect to keep them this will leajl yojjr iflse word happiness i something to hope for and something to love j every man is occasionally fwhut be ought to be perpetually i acts looks words steps form the alph abet by which you spell chancer lot no one overload yoq with favors you will find it an insufferable burden pleasure is the mere accitlent of our be- ing and work the most natural and holj necessity idleness is hard work to those who are not used to it and doll workpor those who are mwe hopeful tho ail visdom is one draught of simple human piy that will not forsake us j we do not jndge men by what they aye in themselves but by what jthey are rela tively to ns katare never sends a greai mkn into tbe world without confiding thq secret to an other flaul wit is sometimes like a svrord keen and cruel sometimes like a sanbaam bright ani genial that tmbrelia during the shoifer the other day a citi- ten carrying a very wet umbrella entered a hotel to pay a call to someone upstairs- after placing hh umbrella vrbere it might drain be wrote upon a piece of paper and pinned toit the sentence kb this umbrella belongs to a man who btrikes a 250pound blow back in fifteen minutes he went hii way up stairi and after an absence of fifteen minutes returned to find his umbroa gone and in ijts place a note reading prs umbrella taken by a man who walks tea miles an hour wont be back at aiir succzsafxo t- f chapman 8qqebie8 fit- georges square gnelpii- account books of all kinds made to order periodicals of eery description carefully bound baling neatly and promptly done harness trum 1 i putrucs kzxjzisssa lxrrmxa js i harness or trunks to save money ishculd go to i r creech i acton east enil butcher act6s mt hmirlattftbpo dare u uoder tbnkj to the peoptaof acton ami vicinity for tteirkina jjttrnie in opnin i lioiisbo taue bdwoom pectallt boiicit opntiimxoee of tbei tsdsaa ktnn ihem that they nil tlwyi ht onjlunu fahftoeft d au kinds of ileat ftwe will parebme od meat of any kinairon tijowbowifh todt uid will keep constantly on hand i fall aapply o flour bran shorts buckwheat flour conuneal seed corn oatmeal pea meaj j and all kinds of feed goods delivered any place inside or oat of corporation tour patronage ia respectfully solicited i 3tor the accommndatioa tif mr stath- emi cutomen fresh bread irill be left here r elliott acton ipril 18th 18s2 j galesmen whtbd xo begio work at onc on balei for fonthltl tnmsvrtii the larqest in oanada ad omcij s ifjftito oxt branchoacj nup88rresfciritrifllontario we cao atart in addition to oatfimaj 100 additional oanvr and want ore wke an jgivo fill ttee to tbjhiik xrpiiin mm aaluiei io neeewoltnea it doe not mat ter what yoor prariou oecnpation hai been if yon are willing to wortyoar ineeeai i ilraoat certain the beat refxrlnees re quired apply to h 1 alnffion 1 ffhi4 r holmes woold respectfuriy inform the people of acton and vicinity that he has purchased the bnnocas and property of mr w c r eujuan j pie pared to supply ail with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in season s3 meat delivered u aoy part of town at any time j j j jst having practical experience in the batcbering bminess i feel coc6dent that i can saitall a call kindly solicited chidren not to placa loo much rsliaobe tcaance he had known that mrs cop- j p ta f m r tupon your word and shield- them from man and his three sistersinlaw were sel- i j mnv disappoinlmenta fish arrogant aud domineering he had t 6 j tell your children they are the worst been quite aware that he was tittle more nu 1 yoa ever saw and they will no doubt eu- than a prisoner of state m ma own hiifle f ueavor to menl your appreciauon t be had even ormed some vague idea that he burned away to give the neceasary j j j 6 j arabella the youngest and least hard- i ions uvortd of the three bad designs on hi 1 fiovd mr charteris faithful scotch j heart as far as ho personally ras coo servrof stared blankly wheu the old lady 1 l earned it mattered not one straw but now j that iunocent dewy eyed jetty had au about lhe war issued her ordtlrs my masters library said he op to hi beiroomt wherever wiu i put the books y i should tike to know something about this egyptian question dad said a new haren midget at tea last evening what ohtherc if there should they can easily been thus nublesslv attacked thing as- j tt jl u it 1 1 j ara they firing at alexandria for because sumed quite a different aspect t pfenly of room for a few sielves said mrs copman briskly and manhoo be a tulumo or ao left over be pot in the closet under the stairs wli6ubxsacood urge window lookiogiwtovtr tne tlables fiord wldsled iinider bis btealb but tbere wag dolblu for it bat to obty i never bbe such a motbetrlnlawed house as this ib all my life i said be to tbe housekeeper with agnwn heres sir harry crowdea into the bed room la the north wing aon tbe closet under the stairs while mrs copman and ber three gorgon faced datghlen bavn their boudoirs and the mischief oalv knows what all i tbe housekeeper shook her head i ah you day well bay so said she aud thai aif boyd ehtaaidjtheoldmin how lougj is il aince mrs pharterij- poor lady died i mysteriously questioned j bow ioht sflwi kdbtobeb we hovf recentlrpmlillthedanew rdlbqjndrbrfcaltenrhrvcelf- tiim braled vjmmj on thr rndteal and clueoymervoiilrafy serllan i physic al ineapaeitrttbpeafmente of marriage etc resntfngfromxoesset tsbprle in a aaaled entolopevonl i ets or two poftege stamps thecelebratedaathor in ihts admirable ycarsoocfwnilniaetjij thatklanuatohs- aeqnanwtnbywermrkallaredfirirbbiri wiid plovd butwivf he daneronane of intern raedlcinsor s cui way i thense of the knife pointing- oat a mode of ah aaiu he housekeeper when the wmglbl2si arsve tip hell male him marr whatbhcondltlonmayoemenrebimsei one of the thrt s sisters i yottaeer cheaply privately and radically y tils lecwreabpnutba jnlbe hauls of but they n notoneotemooierforty ereryyootuanaeterratanintbeland and plaia u pikietaffs v tjaottlatefj raddress flnyd indianay us 2sevl j tooml flop as iniil wooimike no dif- what shes gotj vtotice ttiecanndaxtvertlrldateni j m pjiey no sklnc st wert toronto isj alive floyd j wit slfesnadfopner wtrtlrrao dowd tipoa the sweet blushing face look both the little hands in bla jeuy said he this rs an uneven battle one widow and three resolute sprinters against an onprotected apeciqen of tbe gems homo yet i thluk if i bad an efficient lieuteuant i could flefeat the j enemy yrt- will tu jcin tb ranks 7 i i dont think i understand you j faltered jetty i yon are eighteen i am thirty be i went cu and yet jetty i feel yduoc enough in niy heait to be your match dear little jetty will yon he my wife t to yon love me jetty t and jetty bravely answered yea i will be yonr wife mr charteris ue looked he it is great 1 yes my child i snppose so and wuois arjbi bey and dervish pasha and ismail f they are all foreigners my son toil can have no possible interest in them eat your supper and keep quiet this ia the way some parents have of withholding information they havent got tommy to the fore tommy please mamma may i have some more paddng t mamma noi tommy t think yon have had quite sufficient vou know if you want to be health and strong yon should oeyer eat as much as you can but you should stop when yoa can eat a bit more tommy yes ma i kovw that and i want to aee if i can eat a hit more now r advice to the young i eat oysters only in tbe months that have an r in their names and drink whiskey only in the mouths that have a k iu their names from their children how to get into a pew having entered a pew move along do not biocknp the end of a pewas if you did not intend to have any one else enter if or as if you were holding it for special friends do not rise to let others in bat more along we v j j do ltoii wdv she added artlessly i vc the pew invitingly open that t the worst of it neither 1 have loredyqu ever since i srstcs me tbey wiu kn they are welcome if a w mat vnlt nyflti ann i 4 u r akerb xjhyasteeijmontul aintimf aaid floyd home from school and met you at foe sun day schcvl picnic under the maple trees i j mrs copman and her danghters pew holding six has already five in it do not file out in formal procession to let one poor woman go to the farthest edtl but more along and let her sit down at the end had gbue mrxiit ife oitleirtheit spring next tothe aiala it isnot necessary for akfrence lraaier8gloqnilly her eye on as true uwrmuj thats youre yancqd and she newi yet- ailed in whots bdio dp t pjanr odroyiwtefindtlie wirdrxibes charged tb mr count of corirseand it was kte on in the afternoon of the third day oj their absence when they returned citwy irritable and tired marion a shade reddnqsed than usual arabella more pettish melipeat more blowzy and coarse v v i to their arnizermnt andlndijiiatipii the boud4 of oneofscbubertfnocturhs floated man to ait at the end ready to rushout and kill indians aapoasibly it wes once a stroitiyauit j japartsin jarfyedpnhh- miilmer the other day to lake pp ijid cittracter of a bcttant tlw k8pecubftrpearhoce of thf litter tt leyood qneetiooing j ii alt mthft loi- wiiidot aakelady i smiot ftfiifo wajent jierlio yoa with my bill wonffirf oi ageot a ibrely nu a yet one sunday evening theev mr ham mond preached from the text saul saul why persecutest thou me h in lhe eon- gregation there was an enginedriver named saul who was sccompaniad by his wife and little girl the reverend gentletnaa repeated bis text several ifroesv 4 saul why pereecu test thou toe at last the daughter of saul thiukirjg that the text had a personal application looked np ia the face of her father and said dont mind him father he has bean drinking tbe snperintemiem in lot soot e j oneill ol the bomimoa police forceyttawa canda thus spoke to a representative of one ot oawav leadinx jonrnals i am actually iujlove with that wonderful medicine st jacolis oil x keep ii at home aud likewise boe in my office an j though my duty should jcah me heoie to journey a thousand miles st jacobs tfil wualdsunly bq my companion it is tla moatraijdrfulmedieiueia tpe wrld vita- out any exception i believe myeotirt faintly hare been cared by-it- we haveased it for twenty differeht aihneabj and fuind it worth a rfcow of doctors- my fneu benroa r the qomintpa jrsilice fnroel pse rf riht i along moil very justly think that there ia ibatis wlieveitjatfe long loupht flu yitft and potlkises the power ofmavine tbe old y otng agim ttobw it often ealvenine aud mlthtgh i an past m r-