1- y- m m m fresa tnnsnt monxix auiput it lissi 1ocwq fojlks cosvsb tuc oiigtnol soarhead balloo uil dont die in ike boue hnugu on ftivtl clean oul rate nilco mticltts bemiugvflieianlf moles clitpniunkr gophers isc little fidget litucdriwclrtvl liviayiiuiuouio 0 tociuct mi ilc 0 lr ia l boaw uljc ridst trouble hriw tr uv kmca uikv- jjis or rotj luvtgce nojiiljmljsc vu roc cvtr mini b i liic britjvi la rxt lajcltyluuapirr artc uno oil rnfua- ilnrys prayer pcatg mok my two little eves and luske ibiai tiillu liiv bvk- my two little eus itnd licji an iertu nioiier ail me diie my too lips and tnkc ilem k kiuj uad ttut- d my lvu bnds tend mxkc tliem gooi lintl no urich w tftt liev imisnl ekss my two fevt aud make tiieai a where they onljt to bisujy ikmi and make it love gcvi and tuy fuller uiolber and uvosie and eveiyboly pleise itt aly sin never get liold of tue never never the urge double alorei soi 80 a ajhtmmmmmgfg celebrated all over canada acboapolorume thread ulotei with fancy cuflv at 20nd2so per pair fee them children handkerchiefs cheap a lot o kincy handkerchiefs at 5e each or mo a riojon another lot m o eachomoo a doten white cottons selling po at 7je fee i he hiiing sun cottons full yird wje at ls fnoiory cottofli from oo the 10a factory cotion ii janl wide aud rery heavy cloth cotton at wbolewlepticea when taken br the pie bargmni in tinen li w ii see the liter toweli with fancy borders at 85o for half a down another lot of linen towels at s7jc for hall a dtwn the njctowela are rge tiie and splendid value pnrkioli hare been put down to very low prlcee nloe satin paraaoli at 75c each satin purwola with lace only si each the demand fororpela hai been invmeniel a lot bf renlnaliti 61 wool carpeti selling off verv cheap hemp stair cirpeta lor 8 jo hemp carpeta tromi2jo finillo rat at 10c sudor hnta verv cheap new goodi vecelrej thil week black all wool frenoh cashmeres uuolc crape beaded ulraps black ostrich feathers the right flouee noa 30 and 32 king street eul near tlughion thomas c watellns hamilton kidneywort cfor the permanent cure ofli i con f i go other ruiemalnowpratoaltnthltoogn- j pprea ooaupuon and no reau tiie spool of cotton once a yen ng timn wuh wry htil irocy ivtj u tuiih eore in a nuiv i kaixad city s ft ilt cir- in i tuluvhis gtxxis tbet he ucunc diti cfuiigrd utid ftid 16 limtfif as in i tliitt n t itikiiuii uue fi ijay uilit i i tiul lie iliutecutictls to qluifow ll gire up aut go ivy juii then a iiac ul came slang loktjat lluhdi tiid at rou tbe raia that keeps tliu fiiorel- yes be i nsreiej iliis is m v fiou- but it is clusi itni luckel up nor wei siid l ltft little giilj vent yen plesse open it again and ttii uie k fjiooi of number fcerenty cotton i altlir eoreiate ebiit up and tbimfca vndt it to ttish tuy diets o ctgbteo that i cjq go to visit my mantle to uicnow tuq young ruerchant coaljcct rtfust- the childs jplcadidg voice to be un leckei tle rlorc and trnt io lit hit limp fcard for tcr the spool of thrtij sttd took her fiitcente she rent hip pily on her tsv lome and nest ds htr tcotbtr ccie in with twro ohti ladies thanked him for kis kindnti and bought some goods as did thectbei udres also wfca bad heard the story perhaps they told it to others foi more ccitcmtra came in and com tlnu day hla tcre was successful after wards be became rich and used to say i owe it ai to that spool of cotton bnt it was the kindness more than tbe cotton which vqb hid friendi and i tucceii for olo oaldn rather buy cl a kind and pleas3nt person thsn one i ulo seemed selllih and carele53 of utlers i lk tioinivvotpfilwitkan uiulrrukcr- uo nd 82 king reei wt near jughion kpnwn ajlho right houm baefor be pnit fw wek bew the attraction for im rrmi-mu- ho i m i fnruvm ionl aai i t b p p conimg fro all purlfl ot the plljf and oountry to sopphrahtr kubu in dry floodi carpeta mijlfnery and houan fumibbinf hi thii bering a lu p 4 0fgaodjatrailrrdud prices ihe clearing sale will brooniinuedfbr feirveeka longer camoraen will and- wbatifl rery important tint heyrtanmalfo their a hfwikuoroue lotn itfabstirr beleclioon from a well assortei block in the vnrloua department the gp value given in colored shirtinga iisurpriine purclaera oxford miirtirigi fromsc a lnvoue piulmj the bit four line aplendw lotofheaty oxford shirting oj 12ic rheuetmtnd fordrfw joodi ltstil keeplnjrop preia gooda at 10o worth lsc all wool dreaaqoodt at 15c worth 80c rhvmo on 1kioiuy the remiirkahlo j liile thread tflovea frim 5c utile gem lor the teeth and lireaui aslc toih dtuppifil or add ret iflifijat dcirmi of icxtnirjf inject life ilioull ilciviow tbo bee he ciii alwayt livc you a poiat ague and all m hinil und hillary com plaints are most prouijtif cured by the great uiocleiimng liver toguuling hamilton aup 10th 1582 tonic durdcck hlood itittertl t act on roel liver kidney and ulood trial bottle 10 cent sciuhcw people ulio lay they eojoy a lhimtt thoftcr ftuavf wnut muucbtkjy to heprescut in cjtiy it with tbcm jicibloockiuftabuflaio xy safi he iihs liwiti uiug or thoniti kclectnc thf to rlieutiiiiism he had fuch a lame kick hr coule not dg puy thing lut one ho tile hn to tell iiv twn expressiiii cuiea hunuii me thmks it it the best thing in tit hmket llcit of the citrjilithtnctit david you zn a fi i divii we vir t cmilclp iu vlta jou mcfd tut cutm tn to iiuiic ynn acd i hayc doae vac best l diphihcrin tht eriihle scourpe ol the prttent day nttackfi chitflv lioe whose viiilily is lou and blood impure the timely use c buidoci ulooduiuet ftictd theevilk oliuipure tkod and mvts uoctori bills samplo bottles 1u cenu c to mi- lyulis k tiiikhatij lyvu mtrc hr uzmvs if ldus clltd i ffulc viialthf by thlu ltr vendible cvu the frsnd outtpta ofdifesse frm he svfieiii ro the- sun the bowels and the kidneys bmoc elooo tittkbs i the inoi ilepletjant atd eliectu purifier md hoillh rjtonns tonic in the world triil bottles 11 centi mr c ft rgcins bein sville wrilef 4 a cimonirt who tried battle of nor throp t lyman veetahle ducoreiy fysitiithe nest- thing- he ever ued to luolc his own woru it jat seeoii io touch the fpot affected about a voir seo he had an tuuck of -btiliouf- frrer and wis afraid ie was in fur anothtt when 1 recommended tins valti atle litdreine nithtuch flippy results v winter fiu out what kummrr puts by kidney avort cuies iu win ter aud in summer thcie is fcircelf a p rson to lie auiul who wilt nm he here fittfdbya thoiouga course ol kidner- wvrt even spring itjou cnnot pre pare the dry buy the liquid it has the came esact whl tomnt wclminowtt good simir- ujivi aj r i hive been trouble with dyspepsia na lrcr cora plain t for over 1j yeirs and hive tried mmy remedies but nerer found aa article tbit his done me as much good as xorthrop lymans veietiole discorcry vid dysdpsia care oaiu e f0ie 4qaiud ui oclobwtl judneywort w c oar whtffttr uu muo howrrer obrlat ijtto om thlf nsmdrwuiotcrooscit r idii bft this dlftradu com- if rlucoi pium ii vtr7 tpt to b r mptifmt1ruhooeiupttoa kldmrwon otma all madi of puai enm whea pbjilelai ud mtxllolnea ht befbro tuled j u- rjtryw fc i1b kidneywort sooafiooatxo1 pustlt vaorrribl aigtir reconnneudcd for blueuaeta dmdackr ran- tupauatu intflkc tloa dtalarta heart bara bad breath lou of ap- petite janndjee ton of i memory mar htomacb lire r cam- pialutoranj- illness arijingrrora the 8m- iach uo wei or kjdncyt tber ue ufe nuiudtboroalila uicir actioa from to 1 pkicg ev fk box acton clothing store r e nelson prop spbinc stock now complete consisting of he intest and most fashionable designs in english irish scotch and canadian tweeds and worsteds parties wanting anything in my line can rely on receiving perfect satisfaction a large stock of spehtg hats to hand comprising all pie latest styles call and stt tflem worth their weight in goldj teaeecev whitens tiie teeth like cliitened pearls a 5c txyltle settles it a cad do u a procodueed iostuice of curnie thar dubaxtf of hfse is three times the man he wis before he bgan using wells health eenewer 1 druggist only when yoa drop 5frgecrge toulon druggict flraven hurst onl writes ily customrrswbo hive atd korthrop lymans veg euble discovery atift dyspeptic cure say tbat ii has done them more good than anything they have ever ud it haa indeed awonderful influence in purfying j turut holloways pills ointment this scq31p arable medicixe hit toxtd fur if an irnrtttliu farx throwyhctl worbl ftr the alkiiciisk a cvrt of iuoi dura to vkiclt humanity uuii gum display -of- spring tweeds at i tib east ead glatiiag jtase come and see them the pills the blood and curing dibe sts of the di- sgettre organ the liver kidneys and all disorders of the system noaxsrr it is commonly rid that you cannot make an honest man believe that white u black and vice veesa bat those who have grey hair by using the r cixgixfje hain reteweev will find that this ap- parentdiiecuityiseasilyorercome for sale by j e ucgarvfa 50 cents per bottle hcihhis wealth tiie h ind pet ia a v what physician was ever fcnown to potseos an infallible cure for heaache ecedjce blood eitecs do more than the doctors if you are skeptical try it and be convinced trial bottleonly 10 cents at enan looses hir crip of good resolution aioon o he cets tiht 5tr e a farricon chemist und drniist dtnnville ont writer lean witj cono lence recommend noithrop fc lymirjsvegetarjie and dys- iepticcure for dyspepsia impureblood pimples on the face biliousnas and ccntepaj ion such casee having come uuder my personal observation it wis 3 eddea iiippslse which mad lve mitticate the apple caiarrh of the budtfer snxoag irritation inflammation all kidney ind urinxry complaints cared 1 hy buchupaiba 1 j the cyclcpe were aa indesirioca nee tley had a eiligie eye to bsicea the only ile and effectual medicine that acts at ooce upon the bowels liver i skin and kidneys while it cleanses the dipod and strengthens the system is iurdoct blood bilters the great veg etable eenoratingtonic sample bottles 10 cents daciih better is the litest foreign import- socl xoiruecan have it pat peter eeiller buffalo fays l trae bidly bitten fay a horse 1 was induced bj l friend who witnessed the occurrence to try dr tnomaa electricuu il reueved the pain almost immediately and in fiur days he wound was completely healed nothing can be better for freah wsund strange as it may seem the thin man has often more capacity than a fat one pleasant to t he taste children and persons with weak con stitutions hare always found great diffi culty m faking od liver oil and from this fact it liaa dot been unitrercallyused hut with korthrop lyman v emulsions of cod livr uu with flyphosphitea of lime and soda thi prejudice is removed it is thoroughly disguised that you can- n itrdelec the cod liver tl dnephy- eibn wriies u that it is ucd almost as a average in his lamiiy j another person mi forma us that he had to hide the bottle f m his children fdrcoughsflndcoid lnoken down constiuitionbj and all lung diaeaae it has no equal had suffered many physicians and grew no better but rather worse ilr d h howard of geneva k y aftr dijmiing hi phjeicians tried nearly hall a tros of the various blood aud liver remedies advertised with no benefit when one bottle of burdock blood biftfrji cured him of paralysif and general debility at the advanced age of 60 he says he lees young again and is overjoyed at his wonderful re covery purify regulate and improve thequalitj- of the blood they aisial the digestive oganf cleanse the stquach and gowlls increase thr secretory powers of th liver braf the nertou- system nn into the circulation thepurei klementt for sustaining and repiriui the frame thousands of persons have testified that by their nw alone they have beerj restore- to health and tirenglh afle every other meacs hatl proved unsuc cessful ithe ointment s a public heeunsr should be call ed of tda citizem of every city town and tillage in the dominion to consider what shdald be done to prevent the hair from turning grey and falling out if this important question received tueir earnest consideration tbey wonldunani moasly decide that science had at last discovered something that would answer this purpose and furthermore would recommend cingilese hair iienewer a being this something for restoring the hair to its natural color and prevent its falling out 50 cents per bottle at j e mcgarvins will be found invaluable in every louse hold in the cure ol open sores hard tumors sid lcfj old wozzil cozsis colds sote throats broochitis and a disorders ol the throat and chest as aiso ttoat rheumatism hcrolula and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor kol lov1ats tblishmeni oxfcikd stheet londus and sold at i 1 it 2s 91 u id is 22s and 33s ejeh box and pot and in canada ht 6 cenlsj 93 ceats ani 150 cents ana the hrgei sixes in proportion j jcictiox 1 hare no agrnt in the united states nor are my medicines sold there ipurchaserssbouid therefore look lo ihelabelon l e pots and botes if the address is not 533 oxford strettj london they are spurious i the trade mark of myeaid mediclnej are registered in oltatva and also at washington signtd thomas hollo way 533 oxford street london tuly jtilssl excilstqr shaving parlor hair draiuc and shavinjr neatly ciecatei hair whisker or mocatache dved any shade deaired prictt mojorate kb lidics haidnssed cleanse 1 and dyed an v color scifoam ihampooaod curling fluid always on hand maxltactcbed ik toronto a permanent lure cure for disewea dis otderiandiilmenu of thtkidueyt bladder tud uriuary stcrctivtsyitem or attendant cvnplaiuls causing pam in small of back side etc gitvel catairh of the bladder sod palaces j bnthts disease diabetes drop v pile nervous debility eti etc paiiijhlcu and ttstimooala can be ob taifled fretn drujjiu free prices childs pad 130 cares bed- wettuc uegahir pad i special pad fcr cfarouic diseases 3 sold by m forater md acton r4 jwobds erin thos iloston george town a let b petne giiejpfi henry taatson miluioc stork tou bramptoa lydia e pinkham8 veetablb oomeotod is a pogiure cart v r all tfcmt taufsl coapfaurbi t wttkmmm m w u v htt tmmittlnmlmtim k meheitfor woaai imrtnttibji wtvxa v prepartd by sltnuf tuonmmt awii w suxai uij tfit tqrirm tbs drooplac spirits lprtsottlcs s4 aarsuolsmttwontaranctliisaeteusddfr asd onmusitolbastiticerwuiaoaamkllnstn touta f7smiauifloaiii0pauclisekofviwa d ztaa rtwof or litsi fprtef aad mrly somskb una ryphrslciuu u it and ptssctbm it fnjt u ftrntntm tatntatm flatalgoey 6attjojt anerarttr or sunrtuat aad rcltrrm wcafcaen at tb wjfc tbat flib ofbearfevdown csttrifas pals tdfbs aad ttarfcacba is sjwiyipefaantlytgtdbtlt tu trlkmafeusar cmyllu umx ttto o aa jttma t ptjndums blmb ptmltles vlll endkam tnrj tmui of eoavm tram htm blood and ln toa aad cnsuta totha stmbd of nan wsaaaa or m nf oo oatinajl both umooffipoond aad stood purifier an prvpand atcsaodgw attnaa irna jm frtoeaf uber9l blxbottloi or sl seotbraafliatba term of puis or olicmatgta onroedpt of pfice tlperboi orettfanv kri plnkham freely aaimanicttacf tnqnlry koetosf scjjta seadfof jatep ko f k boald b uvea pnxjaiii kofsa aoald b vlthoat ltdu e- ttvchatb jveb pflxfl tber ei and torplduj of tfae urtn jahsald by all driisists 1amam ornmaoia ladles flair swlpbe u4 cvrla a specially brlag tour combl ap all work done in the latest style a cxll solicited- parlor ia xatthems block mill street acton oct w kelly hairdresser will you exchange a caso of drspepsiaor bllfouaness for75cects it is awfully unwise to bgonlzo nn- derthooany allm en ts arising from dyspepsia indigestion disordered stomachand liver when this offer is made to yon in your own hone in all sincerity frith an absolute certainty of otrinjrton zopesa from brazil carea dyspepsia and biliousness x single dose relieves a sample bottle convinces a 70 cent bottle cures it acts directly trpon the stomach liver and kidneys cleansing correcting beg mating zopesajiivcs energy and vita to the brain nerve and muscle simply by work ing wonders tipon the diges tion and giving activity to the liver cat this out take it to any dealer in medicines and get at least one 75 cent bottle ot zopesa and tell your neighbor how it acts it is warranted to crcre dyspepsia and bu- ioasness ian immense spring stock dominion jlt tee boot shoe store wm stewart co gtjblph are now showing the latest oyelties of the season every lady should see them the hm sacceaafal kemrdyevtr diwroyer- ed hs h u e rul r lo iu ett cu and does not bllhier rdd pboor bixow kendalls spavin cure frmmofcljhio jan 25th 181 de b j kevdall contdui ibiuk it my dcty io feaucr yon my luank for the beuefltn and rrnflis whlcri i lave derived from yoar invaluable aud tar fanifd hpav n cure m j uln and i dad avxhiable t-ial- llon worth 10 whlcn had very bad parii and was rouonnced by foir enjlneut veir- ioary surjots ieiond any cureaod tta itu- here whf dooe fur ever aa faarefor tiidrifici my cousin lo try a tollle vf ken- dtuk 5ru7in care it had a migieaj effect the third bottle- cured it an i the horse is as well s ever lr dick offtdlnbarghthem tnent wlerinry surge u vn an uicle qf ml op an i 1 le great mtrctt iaaisiiiii uif proivtslon yours truly jkks a tilsoy i civil engineer kevdills spavin ctbe unntiarapq- mach 10th u79 lb b j riemia c- ientabom a year aju i fell mitt rcaj intonomelce und was bady hurt iu ihelupj jfoiwbich canwd me ra jch saffirlngr i iriv various rmtdlef but ndnehve me relief until i tried kfndalp spavin cure i appied it full sirecglh tvice ad iy rir about lootfefcb auricg btsl octu- ber and it cflocted a perfect ere i have piocetaen been well and free from lumeqeab h is very valoabltilor min ui wetl its b aat yoa is ttali seud address far itlastr led circular wh ch we lilok lves poiilve proof of its vlrtaes ko remedy hastvpr met with bach unqaali- qed success to oarkoowiedye for beasts a well as man j prloe si pr hotueoi slrbotllfs for 5 avi dirgsistt have it fertarcei u for you or il will br sent toanyjf3res ou receipt of price m- the prcineioppy tr b j kksdall a co exosbuhq ral vt sold ry attzdrvggists ltri vlthovt ofaaata ol h cstlcaco toa 1 til it t city connco bluaxieaw worth j i kumeapolla add8ufaol zs oonaoeta fa tjnioa xtepouwlia au via pttnctpal hsaa ot road between taa atlaaao and taa faaflo ooeaaa pa equipment ia vnxmieoi aad minlfl- miit beta eoapoaed af vott oarafbrtable and bcastifolday coaenes uactsoent hortca ba- clinina ctxalr can poiieud prathaw ptlaea fileepuur ctos aad tha beat una of jxnlaa- cars lo tha wdrli tttrea trmlna be csiioaao and mittenm river poina tvo tralasjbetweeai cw- aatw and hitroeapnlt and st paul vm the raoaoj albert lea route a 3tew ana direst ne via seaeeamad kaafca kae baa rteently been opened between bichraand sortoiewplfewcntlaooaauaiiiaar- rokta lraabrllle lomrnua rgrrapap clsetanatl xsdlaaapoufl sad lafayett aad otaafea ifenscap- ohi andat fuil aad intermedial paiata all tbroogh paaaeneeri tiarel oaitast xpresa trams tiokt for sale at auprinelpal tldket oooes la the ttaltd suiea aad i baizaaw cheeked throoffri and rata of fan al war aa itrw u ooapeuton that offar leas edta tafea for detailed information ret the mapa and told m rock island route al root mm ticket offlaa or iddtm r 8 cable e st i0hm r geat m-r- fesl til rmlifk chicago magyar ds yellow oil cures rheumatism- v woru hs a are tjleaaant to take oontala their own pnigatite is a saie sore vacnectajj r worms ia children or adnlta i we are now receiving opening and placing on sale a tn stock of new hats and bonnets sash ribbons broche and moire silks brocade parasols spanish black and white cream laces a stewart 2s co g-uelph- to coxnsdmptives the adveiuter navirg rren pe cured f that dtead diseap consumption bj n itmpe irmc iyis anxious io make hew i to hl tellow dnfivrer tte meant of cure tv afl wbodetire n he will setfd a copy or tin- pn scripuon ued rne- of eiiaree with the direcilnyv lor pre pa ring tn j nsitie the same wiich thy will ind a suit cnref-ircouaia- colds conaumptten asthma bronchlua ac piinlea wishing he priterltln will leeddrearvk awilsu iwpenci u williamsburg wy fob the speing trade t on prices wrix be ove ofj r he chief features oiowoaubliabmebtj oar aim is tofarniah customers with good j styliib wellmade goods cheap fcr caabjj our cobtomwork department is a usual io good running order firstcaa mater ial always need kpairing promptly atj i tended to kenney k son aetos ajriss- u 66 wee in your own toitn fi outfltrec norisk evervthiug new cailu1 nol requirtd we tllfurfilsh youveythingmsni are mafclntt oriuaa ladlef make at much as men and boyi and glrff make e ror kpader if jou wuiit a business at which yoa cm make gfcat pay all the lime you work write for particulars to h rallett a co portland mane wells fichapdsos i cc improved butter colo i a new discovery a wtot senzal yeara wa hte ipoatryavn at amarlea wita an odal color for bolter aq merttorloas thaift met with areas saenaa er reokrlae the tasheat aad only priaai at both inteisatkoal j pabardwebatehntronala aotenl offer thai new txaorju taa boat lll i tbii rt will mot color tho bi aad 11a- h i the fim m li undertakers furniture dealers and waggon manttfactubees wis mot turn rancid strpngagt hnftlitbt flnfl i chaaprtt dolor wad 4 i tjulvbueprapu4llaoaiiotodip htohiliiipowmttiruobw4tmcfal i i sbcwam ofaiilaaoiiiilr- atom aq colon for u ibbutote nsddadipoatli bolts i to ksovwbkvudbmto ncllvttaaas lp i j nurainuamjmti i 1 i i i si i m wundertohinir we mt particular attention to this department of onr bnsiaera and as we have constantly on hand a large and varied stock of cocns caskets robes and all fnneral requisites we oairbnit every taste and the oirotnnstnoes of all who require anything in this line all our goods are plaoed at very reasonable figures firstlass hoarse furnished when required fnmllnre in our cabinetmaking department we are prepared for the spring demand parlor suites sofas centre tables whatnots bedsteads o waggods we have on hand a stock of nrsvolasi lumber wagons nd democrat manufactured by ourselves from the best material which will be sold at the fewest pos sible rates bepairs executed promptly v u ii ii j a peiqm anagea burdock blood m mciiffii mum amterarlrfingthebloot it has been is tne for jo tears and has i proved to be the best kvhiaration in tbel markst far sick headache pad in i tbi 8idk or back ltveb comi pudit fdiplib or the tack i dyspepsia piles and ail ifoeu tbat arise from a disordered liver or an inqnra blood thousands of our teat people take it and tin it to tbdr chll- area nuralohtot preacrlteit dalr tbose who use it ooca reconuneod it to others ft is mad from tedow dock hondo rassarsaparluawad cbeny euuittgia audeaon sassafras rttsbsrgnes and otkar wrlhmown valnabte boots aad herbs uhcricuj tktabland can not hurt tka mo dfllcecomututlon it i one of us best medictasa laasafw berilatagtlisbbwela 11 1 sold kr all reepooiftl dtorlstt al one dollar tor a ounrt bottle or ate bqtuas fbrflte oodara tnoas who cannot obtain a bottle of ihtf medldne from tbrlr dronlst raw sod os one oobar and wewlg aaad a to them i t mmkt s to vinrmtrriri will cure biliousness dy8pepsia indigestion jaundice eryslkljs salt dheum heartburn headache and man species u dlsoraarsd liver j bowels pp blooi r relieve dizzine88 dropsy n fluttebinb of the he ast acidity 0f r the stomach drynesi of the skin -t- m 1 i ate nts secured ii inventions henf1y grist l tapttajmaawa