Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1882, p. 1

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-thk- l published svert tkuiisdat uortflso a moobs cdltajr proprietor miurmitai patxtixp pfftusmuw s0v8m sett motto meuradislchnrea ill stnttl ado out tsxk the fui pun will beeeot to abscrlkx p4st paid fs vl00 per n- oa n in advance tlso if not to paid mo pvr discontinued till all arrears art paid except at the cyuonoithe publisher ajvcansisoi rxtfcs casual advertise menu 6 cents per line for tho first inser- toa ml s coats per line for each snbse- qurut insertiou cash professional cards id lines or 1ms 100 pox annum 1 square is lines looo per annum parable ia 6 m nta from date of insertion in y special notice the object of which is to promote tlij pecuniary benefit of any individual or eounanv to be considered an advertise- mql the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a scale of sohdsonpareii cltrct satis one eolomn one rear hal alarau mt vtar i rtpre uama one year naie dtmivit mnotii ulfeih imnu tnultis 14 nrlerenlinnhitt months ne ivutuo inre- molus hslfffrtlumn iltremonth q lalereolniwu thr month vrtfmaurunvu dtretlort will bf liwtilhf tbldsnteutrttdareoiti mrltrnttt adtertiktuenu uialbc paid laadvano chinees tv rntrel ttvertltemt m must be in l oftl- oj- s tr mon m nlarsolhr- wi iber win be wft over ul the following- week 1 h p 4coore kjllord- proprietor fsioo s5 0- s sro joo 13 v 11 in on twiioo in advaao volume viii no 7 acton banking coy storiy 0hri8tie 4v 00 baskebs acton ontario a general bakkixg bust- fiess transacted hohst lcturcs oh appbotsc hotes notes disoounted and interest allowed on deposits as kuiotst presentation volume the lyric gems of scotland containing nearly fi00 of the beat tonne aet to mime on the occasion ol the lata viiit of the kiiie of the belgiaus to scotland hii majesty vu pre- mated with a handsome volamo df this work which he graciously accepted u a souvenir o hii vitil 77tj nmpapera map of bxlfy life iu fluctuation and itt vat oanctrns tlbo if not to pftld aij3tpn ont thursday august 17 1882 whole no 381 rs tncrsdr klorxisa ausuat tar kow is the time tu1q d1dcd m3ttrwmdoalttetiowip c trwts itrbrr adtcnisltif eft it ix newvokk ipmmcrgm make purohases wh lowrt m b m c p s graduate oftrinity college ilem- bex of colktje physicians sod surgeons 03ce and residence at the head of fred- eritk sc actdn oipscb rforsters drug store or morrows old ftacd mill sl acton k231dkncx church street fortnetly occu pied by urj w henwtreet auctioceer- l bexsett fia onj dextist gcorge- johv liwsonguidtate ofok tauj vet c riht curg toeosia tetirinivrt sirgeoa acton oat osc in ktanevi seas boot and slioe stotir res- idsace in the trir horses examined as to so3ainesi ami crtiacties civea- ill colli aiht or dir poniptly attfind- ej to- termi easy tj fisher t s- geobgetovry out- will visit acton every vtednes- aist ml xill tttenl vi all calls rertinit to iia oraleszdn- orders lelt at cgarrinp dra storewill receire prumpt attention tdonj moderaie- j t j flsher tulixbtok rtt a storey barristers solicitors ol th sanreme cocit conteancr5tc toronto tt george- totran ornirp xo- liarch sirtet torctio ao1 iclcod bkv gecrgetowc tf itonvy to loan ilb 6- mxestjox vtikhlix bdetortt j rrrk axitstreet liiceiised auct-ioner- tar ti5 coanteea of wellington and haltic orlrs left it th free pexss office icton sr at rny residence in acicn will be promptly attended to terms reisdaable i jiat u laa also moafeylto loan cntne most favorable tenci and ai the lowest rates of interest in sums csllzoq and upwards iqh asit csp csm bsz8 0upeuiutout daily piles of useful and ornamental goods imported from ger mauy france belgium bohemia and great britain tejlinj cheap for cash 1 come eary and have the first choice of the imoieaae xew stock ias kiqner retktk matd ckfoap caak kumar upper wyndliam street qaelph the preu ipalti in th higheat tenni ot priao abotit thia vork in handaorae binding gilt ndi and edgea 1 w by mail days bookstore d ayells cheap tue budawipied u prepared tt parchxae any qaatityjof eltn or birch stare ujtttj tiajivood ior and pine cedir or ack ik ipr cumle ia the ioz or bolts a good atock of shingles auves and bead taz alvayi on hand f th05 c moore l hall acton dr m forster lubricating oils cheap moatserrat lime juice paris green 3eleborej ooalloil plypcwder li coring great barsrains in eiectroplatad napkin rings pickle casters cake baskets etc j i have also a lanre stock of specs and eyeglasses from 25 cents np wm s smith the watchand clock house of guelph pqbtr 1852 the editors summer vacation- tbe tinxl aditdr aat in hit chair portplringly bathing tho hot fultry ilr and writing urj ptnoaalr a column or ao of folks whoaio jone adotlicrto go to luo lammlr retoru to tho mooauim nd wilt to the brwiiy aid tea or cool roojland rtlla and bo vrou uiaulaiouavhhavd gonewitli ome more to lummar it ktport bjmi boor the witoaroar while young ill guih had goao to valiant along with hii kilter and eouslm and oant and mr fitxaioodle li going awar to itmt smiogi to lovely- and gay kits uis uid uisi bas hive gone to ibe lake kiaa tuff to the county bcrue of tho malcotj uz snob to tie monntalna to take a ibort ral lis snub haa decided to uke in tire weat ucun filrfii ucdcagal and pitrict ucgoa arc going to long branch 10 batbo in the aeo ktl etc he wrote another lot tbn thfi editor iaid domuiipencu and tbougnt 1 lit here ind rweat get no thinis for my pain utile those jyle iocuiaed of more money than brilm go off to the plifec to itay and keep cool while i it y at tork im regnur foci i tc gotlou of imumi but here i mmt stay for tho paper kill dwindle ii i go war then be looked ai the fitng then frowned at the flocr amlmade ceatre shot in the old cuspldore then jumped o bit feet and eicitodly aaid tm goiap tile pape- may go to old xed i fear not the posa nor hia fierce indignation he rarely canl kick if i uke a rafatioo and without preparation aani eollax una tocka he took hia raition he walked romd the block toodby i very well in the cars but tit the hotels we catiuoi parene the uarae little achetnes the hotels are what idread the moil we mast liivf some ciemo for keeping the people k from knovbg that we area newlvmarried 1 m t cbang daily fcbor for deily bieadla the malt of that is s phrase be ird in ihe hallway of manyi home as the nun of the bouse is coup e oh enoajh laid buroey lhatwill be eay whenever we go out ill slip out commerce sometimes it is the wife who says it some times infant lips prattle the careni ag words one door acdyim liiu out the otiiei7 nve j buldi u ttcatoi the kiss ova srosr on the bridal tour a few daytj before ihe solemn event bar ney and ihet it mami the idea lovey lover beexui woman who was to be bis bride ia tnarjfing nut plana for their wed ding tour delerahaed lo keep fmm the woikithe udt that they were but twwly jras the briie thai 6uggekd tt gce foe saie lame can be had at the canada lime vtorks in small or large quantities at any jtiine apply at the kiln near toltons triili or to c s sjitth 1st 1882 i box 172 actos hatl ncekor to t f chapman st gtwrgfrs square guelph accoqnt books of all kinds made to order s9etiodital at ererv description carefully bound ealing neaily and promptly done ctqx pmss trunk mpr haniess or trunks to save money shotrid go to r creech acton flour evad peed store j the tmderained haa joit opened in the premiaes formerly occupied by mr j c hill mill treat acton a flour fail p rvisip store and srill keep constantly oahand a full supply of i flour bran shorts buckwheat floor cprnmeal seed corn oatmeal pea meaj and all kinds of feed jj 53tgoods delivered any place inside or out of corporation tour patronage is respectfallj solicited a7tor the accommodstiou of mr statu ems customenresh bread will e left here r elliott- acton april 18th i8s2 american watches the finest sfodc we ever bad of elgin fc waltham make in mckel silver and gold cases iclaim my nickel cases are whiter and purer than any other being made especially for myselff b savage watchmaker jeweller guelph she said she called him he wa a big orerprtiwri bradshialddrpd fellow who weighed alxiat 100 pmoda why cant wej nore than herself lorey act lifee old married people while na ourjwedding toar t i dcclire it will make me ftel uocomfcrlable to know lhat txeryon ia walcjiu me they do watch bride- idoat ihtyf yew i ixcidve tbey do said barney yctl 1 doal think persons bavea rijrhl to be watchiqc every molioo a bride makes can arhnge a meeting place far enough away lo keep the people at the hotel from getting down to our scheme and then at the table instead of abticing me youll be looking at every ofher woman iu the room hem ember deur h is at the table where most couple on theirweddiog tours attract the oi6t attention we musol consult each other about the bill of jare and we rauant order the tame flishes ill leave yea to shift for yourself and you nioat ap pear uo i to concern yourself about me and by the wy yon mustnt dress ue a bride you mostat wear any bridal finery oh desr cant i near that lotely white bound im gving to be married iu v no that will at once proclaim you to be a bride bui i do want to wear my bonnet- if i cint wear it oo my weddiug loar i dont waut the lour afitr ciiideruble tilk it was decided thai the biide could wear her lovely while bou lid bat the bridal veil was lo be left at heme i buroey was married early in the moru- in and the bapy couple were at once wldrlrd to the britttd street station to uke a tram for new york teir ticket wre alnrady purchafitd and they passed direcr lo the cars now remember aaid bumey as be scaled bid wife remember thai we arc to act as old married people bbot forgei lo growl when 1 tit duwu buroey sat down roughly but there was no growl why doot you growl he said why dear i forgot what to ray llush not ao load dont whatever you do dont call me dear again that isut the language old married people ose when they addreaj each xher it was several minutca before the train wjqm stait and barney wanted to aaanter rut into the depot and come rushing back i just as ihe ttiiu was moviug off but the i newlymade biide wouldnt hear to any guch bitanfferaeni she was afraid that he naally wonld gtt left it wasnt until after the train started that burcey and his bride showed any of the actions of old married people when they di 1 commence however in their zeal lo carry tut the scheme sacccssfully they overdid the matter three times his wife aiked bumey lo put up the window and three limes he give her a very surly reply- tbe ubt lime he was so aivage lhat the bride forgetting for an instant lhat hia that is its warm sttnthlne of life and ibe strong man waits a moment to clasp his treasure and tf gone and all day he wonder at the peace in bis heart at ihe dtrve wilh which he meets business louse or beam business crosses the wifes ktas did it the babys kiss did it and he realizes that it ia not wealth or poitjou or luck that makes our bappioess but the influence we btuir with ob from the presence of tbue we bve kias mc goodhy oh lips that have said it for the last time would you ever ak again la those pleadirg tones for the kiss so lardidy givvn would we nut rt- member that the relathu the flower ears to the universe is as carefully provided for as ibat of the brightest star that the liltle attiuo of a loving heart goes side by side with ihe deed of heroic worth that love is the dew of life loat the parting for a day owy be the purling of a lifetime how many go forth in the morning that deter come boma ai iiibt and heart haie broken for nnjdud words spoken that aorrow can neer set right make the air vocal with kisses many teara luve been shed over ankissedkiefl over those dear as remembered kisses after ifealh but the time in kiss is the present kias your chhdrcn man of bosi- ness before you leave home kiss the mother of your children and thtt dear old mother wbo sits in the chair by the win dow no mailer if her cheek is wrinkled her heart is young and then go about your diya wurk wilh a thank god in your son lhat yon have some one at home to kiss for tbongh in the quiet evening yon give the kias of peace yet it might be thai never for thee the pain of the heart aboold caaae dirge of the gree apple hard sxabtro of oomltuj fruit fen4pndioftheirajuidafenn what paint qry jnlfa crnjto can shoot throogb adolesoents wrstchod form yea retched form what fa tore charm doit tftjon potaeaa tjat boy for tbca tbcix uvoa ahonld lose and hump themfteltet in sad dfstreaa vtht time thy acrid iweeu they chooi tea madly ebowa tbey seek jbee with a fierqa desire in secret button ail alone they welcome gripes and ctolies dire and will not wait till thoji art grown a fairaiaou lum the village doctor smiles ofi theo thon art the harrest of his toil thy jolcea on lifes troubled sea lai waves financial smooth with oil ahem castor oil 0 careless youth hark wisdom tone where i tm now soon yon must be carre this on monumental stone and lay thee neatb some drooping tree tjreenappletrae w and im eureji dint wact them watching me and then it would be so ma- h fan to riugijaess was only aaamed allowed the deceive them i declare it will be just j lelii to sprio to her eyes at this iaisia splendid for a to net like old married peo- j a gutieman sitting in ihe opposite seat pe while wti arc on our wedding tour j arotet stepped over put- up the window kow we can j cant we v why yts i suppose we can before oihtrs we cjtii lc grum and surly towards each oiher and then looking buroey fair inlhe eyes he eaid sir you are a brute no man with the least spark of honor would act towards butcher shop r holmes wonld respectfully inform the people of acton and vicinity that he has purchased the business and property of mr w c robinson and it prepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kinds aod poultry and game in season meat delivered to any part of town at any time jt havine practical erpexience in the batcbering business i feel cotfi dent that i can salt all a call kindly solicited r holmes 0 no dont lets act that way if yon a w0nau u you bre done to the lady sit- should fpcat cross lo me id cry i know ij hy your side i wod sir aaid mr buroey spring to his bet you jnust remember lhat im not ft who arc you addressiog v in earnest the more surly we act towards i i addrejfcing- you aaid the man each other the raue fua we will have firmly yuu are a big man sir but yon laughing awitit when we are alone i are a coward and if i hear yon lalk to your very wed said ibe bride now j w again m you have talked ill break lets think hcrw we will act wili i have ymr jaw yes and well help him shouted four men springing lo their feet ajtumedatlhe sensation tbey bad suc ceeded in creating the newly married sometimes a hu day before they exchange couple kept reiuaikably quiet uutil the a pleasxnt wird i asked ma what makes rwii new york at the hotel barney borrid piece o dlstoction of m q them act thai way and the said she didut j again overshot the mark his conduct lo- 1 acliah to scold you occasionally no whl- do you ask that v j because thats the way ma and pa net when they are travelling i declare its short suudij sermons amao cannot give a better legacy tothe world than a well educated famity money is bottomless ii in which honor aod contcieoce and tfulh rrwy be drowned a suggestion to the pulpit less orator ical pyrotechnics and inoru head and heart argument thenoment a man begins toiiso above his fellows he comes c be amaik for ticir missiles if you can bar nothing good of any one aynolhingat all for in friendship as in luve we are often happier hi ou lack of knowledge j- dont icf your heart bleed over the p ar iiealhen whiie the poor curiwliau at heme is starving for kindness or substantial ail in loving gud so abnndaotly mamfeal a little for your fellow men tvil be con sistent and vill win hearts to the churc l a more glorious victory cannot be gai jed over another man thiii thisj laal when be injury began on his pnrt luetuulifcas fiiiouhl begin ou ours i dont weary your ees aud excite ywr own envy in church by scluning all yur neighbors dcess but give your head nd heart to the preaching of gods gofpel j good breeding is the result of mrich good cense some good nature and a little self- denial furme sake of others wish a view obtain the same indulgence from others dont expect to make np for a neglect rd tioialkw tif the commandmenu alljthe week by ostentations service on snuday the lord isnt ansophbtjeated he pas had too much experience with yonr like liotnebade opluloa- a westem engineer ells the following story which happened in bis own experi- ence ouce the train stopped to get wood and water at a small atalioo in indiana wbue this opertujuu wasgoiogon i observed two greeolooking chaps in homespan curious ly inspecting the locomotive and occasion ally giving rent to expressions of astonish ment finally one of them looked up and said stranger are this a locomotive t certainly it is i repiied did you never see one before f no haveut neyer seenone menbul came to the salloa tonight on purpose thems the biler aint it f yes what yer call that yer in y that is the cab andhis hig wheel 1 thats the drivingwheel and thai big thing ou the top is the cktmblv i suppose v precisely be you the engineerthe mau what runs the machine t u 1 am after eyeing me closely a minute the man said to his mate isay bill it doot take much of a maa to be an eoeneer way the hen laughed they say a worran cant keep a 80016 remarked mrs fmantiry with a tots of jtbe head i aay ita a alandfer mrs south told- me today the pendesons had had an awful time john came home last niht iu a terrible state and sarah deebvred ahe would not live with bim another day but tbey are all made up again and this mffn- iog tbey were both as good ai pie lira smith thought twas tetter not to say any thing abont it teeing that they made np she told me about it morea an hoar syo and i havntmcntioued it to a boo i guess a woman can keep a secret as well as a man every woman in the room cried ont most loyally of course she caa 1 it wai only the men folks who relaxed tieir feattrcea a toash lot a orrespoadeat sends as the fllowiae sum vs religion l there are in the united states 166000 retail liqnor dealers there are about 18- 000000 men and women wbo drink jthe 1 numberwho are slain by rum every yeit is about 05000 the money spent lor drink is more than 600000000 j there axe in the united states 83t637 churches 11459931 ciinrcli member 78- 045 sunday school pupils and the amount paid for the sapport of religion annually js about 48000000 the expense of turn over religion is oo20000c0 she was plump aod beautiful and he w3 wildly fund of her she bated him bnt womanlike she strore to catch hiinj us the cootois if a basket ol trait were lying gunning themselves on a window few evenings since when a dispute arose it pears to me said know but ibe supposed it was s habit both i i uis wife was so sarly that it attracted had growu iato the attentiou of three divoice lawyers the fallowing evening the boon tobe tkxmiuja probable job these birds of prey married cup1e spent two hours rehesrsin j presented their cards lo the bride and tried between them a few of thejnuny incivilities so common i 0 persuade her that she ought to get a i the mlgut 0u among marriej people i divoice t once tne handsome room clerk better go and shake yourself replied now feidburney will you pretend ll8lj ympatbltol deeply with the wife i he orange you are always roii rows that sofa is i car seat tu go seat your- finding her joue he urged her u get rid j p um crieathe pear never self and wjiea 1 mm and fit aloufilde of that brute of a husuaud by elopin miud ujs i da w we want ad- you you must eidaim in a loud vule with him vice dol oppte u 3 dr op be careful you are as clumsy as a bear j t last experience satisfied the pr y crivs tie raisin youre long out of cani yoa nit down withoulltwicig my with trying to imitate old married people i dak f silt u9e tojureitupsays dress t as quickly as possible they eot away from llie c youre a acefoacholy lot alto- it took tiily miuutes to get lhat por- that hotel and during the balance of the g gtop the quantl for goodness lion of the prmgramme perfect neither triu hey alloweti tue warm ardur of young m ats me this slateof tjifngs tsl ol- 3 east end butcher actov ojtt e marlatt ft bro tfatre u tender tfaanvs to the people of acton and vicinity or their kind patronage line opening ixisinhss bet and vrmld re- vpee fally aolicrta enntinaance of thesrme and can aasare them that tbey will always hareolioanil a tall stock of all kmo of eat srmeatidejirered saffcwwih purchase u mtt of any kirndfromtos who wish to sell glesmen waited to begin work at opee on sales for fall of 1882for font d ill kpbbies the laroest in canada bud omc tottokto out 1 i l 5 montreal pq k branch offices g p jf nurseriesjfphihill ontario we can start rn addition to onr already ierce fole ioo additional oanvaeere and want mnre ho era f the bnsinea steady employment and sood 1 sarie to saocwf nl n n it doe npt mat ter what your previoos hccnpatinn ha len if yod are willinzto workyour nccess is blmot certain the ixfrt refrrences te- teawaauaoiwi kttll3itmp0iobl out j manhood bow lost how restored we harp reee nt pqhlfsbed a new edliion of dr a1vrrweir cele brated camay on witt wilcal ana permanent cure wlihout meiu etnofketondbllltv phytic- ailoeapaeltyimrlmenuofmarrlafeete resnltlirrromexceises i taprifela awalid entelopfjonly 6 cts or two potnge sutt r- j theralebraieu mtlior mthls admirable enay clearly damontitratea fmm thirtj jcccfsiul of them appeared to be very apt scholars i to assert itself regardjeas of wbat for as soon i ihey were aide by side they t world might say begao huggi ug each other as soon as one j bug was ended another was commerced i i this tuj kept u forever fifteen min- 1 tl immnnuieof weak tulncs u es fina iy bumey remembered it was married hfe and not courtship that they ought to b rohearbng and decided to go back to the jaesuoo before the house j after the ride had learned how to call her husband a bear in a surly lone buroey p oceded o itehcaree a u other portion of the irogrrn me be bad mapped out afiery u are seated lie said if ihe window is cjown aak me to put it up yon pthetlvtat alnrrolnv enri- wqnenee may be radically cored without ytsraucecf ihe danseroa nfe nf inlerri raedlclnipr theusooftbe hnife pofniiiigoat r mode tf cnreatoneplmpte c fffpetoftby meana ff whlcti bvry snjrererbo matter whflttils eondtilon mnyneinsycurehlmsej eheapiy privately and rbdlcaily thin tseeture slkold be 1p the hania oi every von tli and every man in the land addreta pou offlce bojt ft 41 ann 8t sfew tork vtotick tt fiannda a-lvertlhra- atpti- n ey no 39 k t wprt tnronto is aothontrtl to repeive atfytrtlsemcnls for thti taper im butpjubavaun4cr bnpplnesa in the khalopera doose in a recent convereatioo with mr coimer ryal opera house toroatoj he spoke aa folowa to a representative of a porament journal in reply to a question concerning his health daring the early part oft last october had a severe attaek in ery lirht knee of what pysieana pronooncedaicnw rbeanvktism i nsed manv socalled rheu matic remedies withunt tjecbviog any ap parent beutill obaorviug that st jacobs oil was being constantly recommeuded by many of thn leading members of ouripro feaaion i decided to give iq a trial accord ingly 1 purchaited a bottle iuf the articid and applied it as directed fiiin tbptirst appli cation i emmnecced to improve an4 btfore i nsed twothirds of a botilel was entirely cared aud have experienced no retain of my ailment- among friends iaienoatablein my opioloil bays the currant we had better throw the seedy iudwidnal who began it out and coociitroaj chimed in the banana yes chonased the others but for him there would not have ooadaa row as every 1 thing was olag oil piuaib whereupon flhny set about expelling the diauirbcrof tire peace when kitty the maid of all work appeared on the scene and waltzed you often see a small dog running bark ing at the bee 1 1 of a larger or stronger one and is comparatively safe in doing so i frederick the great wad told one day lhat some one had spoken ul of hjm he asked if that person had 100000 men he the whole lot off to tho kitchen was answered no very well said the i 000 men i could declare waragainsl was j j i feme men escape by reason of their to cure acandaitake of good na- hadbeterinawhlnu lns men r bounce t of the herb mind your hi reply v ry gruffly ob do t bother b h m wolu i me you a e bis enough to wait on your- j self if ill readinir ask me numerous nueslions ewy time yondoso ill either a dull old lady being told that a certalr not reply t all or else peak very snappish- lswyer was tying ot the point of death ex j ly but dont rulud what i say- keep on claimed dearmel wont even death stop dbi dab it fairare is not always followed by fauuii and although you may have triediremediesxep ited- fy without bsnefitdohtubunt that you wii find the right- thing yet pbthxiva fannxas oss exraaoroa is a poattius mned tor carta and once used at once cured fhls fact has been vouched icvbj thousands who have used it- sold hydraggista k c tolson 00 piopii tou kings apexpliot direolloris for every ose are given with the diamond dim i for dyeing ilqswa arasseesggs ivory hsir ao i r own business one ouase mir them with little charity for others aud two or three sprigs of keep your tdnpte between your teek bothering 4 a y get tip in that msas lying 1 qeorgie is five years old his mother had the nlvetvrell wefllcal to moo lm wl awa andgelanj agcntumanpromodadloglbeftrmtwitb undressedhlmforabattbeforepultinghiui other seat if we caii carry ou that part jabrijrbt little by at bis side vhen ibe little to bed as oe stoodbefpre her be said successful people will luiuginc we have fellow cued out qb pa there goes an how mamma tm t khf tesmj been atairli d long chough to celebrate our editor hash hush f 1 said the faihtrj dear said sb do youkoow what ilnd- liu veddtp dont tnakoapbitir tie yoor nuio who ofa kid i aiul- hodtrbng 1 well yea aid the bride that will do knows what yoa niaycomota yet i- stji tai r mrs a neton brafitiord writea t i a eufiertr from cbn no dyspepsi a for eleven years always idler estin on intense burning lensali- in is the s ott- ch attitnea vff j ditr issing eaqs ingv droopiiig and languid feeling s hick would last for seven h wrs alter ei frog 1 was recoranjended ij mppl e cnemtst of our city tc try nortbiopi ljfmam vegetable dit loverjp and dya- pepiievcure and i am thaiiklul 1 1 say ttitl baveqet liieri b tier for j ar that burnmgenaktloo i naimgoid feet- ing is all gone aod fo d does o t lie ieavy on my etpmach others my ilatoljvwdjlirit ibmi reeota

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