Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1882, p. 2

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nil m ii j 4 i i x a tejrafits5 issc tllfrrsftat morsllkvatlcllit 1 the afarptlrin difflcultj kotinrrg of importance has transpired fn wipttionkh ibfl war io egriu etatag ih fast iht except lit arrifal f ttniral wolsvtev ob tiusia- li is lamoifj irrat qcu wolsiky fcuiid ilc gillian hs inevl more serious ilian km bwn suiiased u is stale- llal tlie war ffice has cudvtvd s0c additional truiii 10 fl rrailj to fcrocved okijvpi iruqudiaielr to lake tlte place ol ilie sick and wounded the voters list tire voters list for is53 has ik d ferred evert man entiikd to rc-u- shotild see that lis nam i property oh the list bffort the time expires for cor recting tire sitt all men sre fllilc tad mistakes will souilimts occur an ofticriniuly is always given to turret tuetn ortt and ecrrvxl ibem and tic toler who fiuds himself disfracehisvd ai election time mist blame linnlf fur neglecting to see thai hi is properly on be list a copy is potted up in ila- eleiks office where every ratejuterisal riberlr to examine it fattomzc home industries the above is a niotto rrsed at one lime or another by trery man engaged jn business the merchant the maun falcutrr the producer each wishes bis fellow cittfns to4troiir- i oiiie indrts tries eg far as pnniliisinj his wares ir concerned bit this pahodaje if it be observtd en ouly cne side is hohinc more cr less than a farce and thai this onesided pitrcnage iscairiedqu to a conridcrcble eiunt is a fact plain to any person who will ire the matter a little sbertatipr a merchant who lives by the uiroriate of tle town and surrounding country yoea to hamilton or guelph to purchase a carriage or organ or piano cr turnnto lo purchase an article of jwderr or anit of fnrni tare tiie nirclants wife peliase her silks and silrerware in the city trith money obtained from the tarit trade and so ihrorighont the whole list the irinciple ia both wrung and ibortsighted every article purchased oauije the town which could have been obtained at home decrease the aggregatenradeof the community and results in a loss lo etch individual member thereof iheparebasericcluced the monef spent inan outside town i gone but if spent within the corpora tion it would circulate again amoci the people atd benefit trade lo that extent the sooner this principle ia applied to acton the sooner will oar commercial prosper ity be increased let every- ettiien do his part to introduce a new order ofthings mu tiili fnitnloue ia abundant tim nsiilics of lite ock arc a ciiittpletii at they conld be obtained no eptiuiiilei have hetv uiaovof tkororrgu bteda i for sections- for which returns wiiv not recleved owinji to trrt diffi culty of cudmg atvareraga it io ear tain tint the full number li not been tfkirtilmt il is almost equally certain that some aiiiniau catervd in the sclied ulesoifarnten as thorotrghbiels would iictci ciuain ieiarlwii in herd umik following are the returns for the ptotiue and for li county ol ualuii too frcvic- wvitiit lcr 353 fc l hrvwviitij vmuv o luhroirn locc 10cw04 cjfrru thjroulibrl cl237 wofkir oica ujm ulcli it ocu sht caftlj ever i yvut 27i3u ohct lljo cian totai toikl- coin dl lrovj gfojt ctueiijclatklbivuj 16b0jfl tirxr cor oolltj i vwi 4 otor wl7 ca jr 1 ycat gcd kin oamll jrtviriiidovcr hsk012 ualtir 1 yer iziv4 jfji 0n yeaj- and cxnt uodaria clt gea roiitnr xuclioraf urtfti 3its pom kki eihr fjtc- ciuoo ot act trials tlit county si iw ss co mil its 61 s uts lilcl st uvj uj txii 7119 tnjj tirt stock una cropeeports the report of the barea d of indus tries for august contains statistics of the live stock of the proricce as retard ed by school section districts and tabnl ated by counties and county groups it also reviews the condition of crops on the 1st of the month ihs progress of haying and harvesting operations at that date farm labor and the rate of waujes and tue state of pastures and live etock in relation to meat supply and hiary produce- throughout the western half of he jrorince fail wheat has been remark ably heavy but it has sit escaped the dangers incident lo a ute season of ripeniog owing to the occasional rain storms the crop lodged badly in many localities just as the grain was begining to harden as a coustquence the gam pie is not generally a good as wus kot ed for spruit wheat id flie eastern half cf ile province where it ia extensively grorrn gives promise of an abuudant harvest but in seine districts it is being attacked by tfaemidgej the ksssian by and mat there ii a largo area under oats and the crop is reported good all orer the estimates of correspondents range from 35 to 60 bushels per acre teas are u gofd crop ia aft the northern countiesj but euewtre they have been injured by the btig iiarley s everywhere a heavy crop and a large acreage haabeen grown es peciallriirtheliiki ontario and east midland bohdtieai ihd fruit crop is pdor in all the best fruitgrowing districts there will not be tliore than half a crop of apples f caches ami plums are almost a total failure pears and grapes are fairly good the liquor ctues which were atljoarn cd from lust week were tried here yes tcrday tefote wh younf eq pm the ctic against mr weish of torouu formerly cf oiknllc resulted in btuu sned the enui of iw andcosu forth- the kmd effence ihccase agiinst mr z mmerltnnof buriingtonwas tlicuiiss ed there not being sufficient evidence lo cnnricl drcijscnt in the case of mr mckillop of the braiit rouse burlini ton was rehrvixi wbie the case of messrs cutiiliniiam of keuon ami bunton of s ain ere sdjuuruej until saturilay uextat 9 ocluck am l7ff- xect wehave been unnble lo lerm the result of the iritis of siurdy but will cive particulars nrxt wek ei free frit t acton tlllaze council tie tillage coudjcilmel en tuesday evening pursuant trr adjourntnent present reeve smith in the chair and messrs d d chritiejpaui jams aud d vv campbell t minales cf last meeting read and con 6rped the pnance commite presented their twelfth reiort recotnuiecding piy merit of the following accounts ki kwietliiinnies 3j davs work h69 joha ifatthewt daji work 250 e p mcore 200 capita vol lut priutiog caw notice 4c 1g3j 523 44 stored by tu christie seconded by p jarvis that the report as now tpid be adopted- carried moved by d d christie seconded by d v7 campbell that the clerk be and is hereby anlboriied lo noify vtmgarneyiarip lighter that he is not carrying out his agreement with ihs corporation in lighting street lamps carried council then adjourned the railway amaleamation at twelve oclock on friday night the great western railway which with all its branches jiai nearly a total length of 10c0 miles became part and parcel of the grand trunk railway acd is now bwallowed up in the larger system in accordance with the joint action of the two boards of directois through whom he amalgamation has been negotiated and who finally aggreed to it some days ago the grand trunk hss now practically a inonoply of kail way nfc in ontario the globe says the disappearance of the great western is a very serious injarj- to the large thict of country which formerly enjoyed the advantages of competiiion belwuen the two lines trie public may- now expect higher freightand passenger rates fewer trains and less uccouiroodatioti for local traffic the grand trunk management has only its own inlfiiest lo consult its most formidable competitor being out of ibe way it would be hoping against hope where those whose business inlerests are no ac its mercy to expect greater coo sideration than that usually shown by ruoaoplitts in like circumstances a ikn batberf hataerilil are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering anti crying with the excruciating pain of culling teeth faoeoat once and get a botlla of mrs winslows soothing sjrup it will relieve the poor little suflerer immediately depbnd upon it there is do mistake about it there ia not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bonds and give rest to the mother sod relief and heallb to the child operating like magia it ia perfectly safe to use in all cases nd pleasant to the taste and ibepre- scription ofohfe omhe oldest and best female physicians land nurses ih the united jutes sold everywhere at 25 cenlsa bottle i- crltket nalek on tuesday im ths out match of the inwljorgnohyd cricket tlvh of ihli ril litgii was pjijefl two clstens were cbo tram smoii the rarniurs of ibe ch fi kue smilll anil geo hyuds acllog at cq talos the gams has been in eslsleice hjero for m ilioijt a time that the majoiiiy of the ilycis ware hiexperlonccd and in- acquainted with the numberl robs bnl the match was much eujoved by th ue ptvrticipaiing and llie score kct down very respectable figures reeve smlilra l eleven had to ako a back seat as mr livuii team came off victorious tbe fulluwing id theiscoro 1st ixxixoj tiu rekvkt tthi 1 c s smith cmojrt b lowry jj k mjirviii li moore j slntllicws cjiwry li moore jjspebjbl leg hi v b stooro cvi ilillc hyiidsb mire f 11 smyth cking b ibwc v williams c liwrv b jiowry u f mixire run out aj vv orrau b honre jiihe moir imi nut j fraucjs b lyiwiy i 2uri isxtyga ch smith h b lowry j jv m aitiu bgb b moore julllies b uwry jpp kin li bwry 0 vv llulb mre f li smyth c king h mciore v viiiiirns b lyiwrir li v mre c uiwry b slrc v green e sratirit iimre jnvj vkirv r uiry 1 francis uot out jtzl x xj xj is making pirstclaw photograph of every size and style at j a new btook 01- picture frames am mouldings selling cheap at hills studio mill strmt aatob business brevities let cbeam- paaloii the exeehlor hiury i uow well supplied willi all deliea- cie cuufeutionery ot all kiudi hats llgl tiaus biscnlu cakes e leu cream il ways aa huiid sod supplied by tie dkth or qaaru- iutb from 76 costs to 26c at j kyles pimples i win mil free tbtraeljm for ttpla vecatam bklm stmt win remove taa rrmklaa pimpim and btotcp uains tn akli- aofl clear a4 bvauuftit ftso ln siruetkiaalur produrtaf tb laxariiiutrrowtu of rtalr una add niail or twoolb laoo au drtw litefcarna so suiaip b4d vaa4u conbrt1ai ny ebkobk of y9th great cuttikg povfti jsale of dreee goods printed mtfslins prirtg mihiherjjantie8 flowers feathers straw goods we have an hniienae fpck and gopdg shall be cot down irfespeetirc of i ar v a a i i eost to effect a gpetdy elearnce we hare d r if di a clentlenau wee laoarerl for yaan from r j i fjr cinicf ard dump flumes go to i jtirvro utbiiuj lreruipreieairand all envcl af yrathjomoeietion win tor ottotfg bbirtinge inekg denims tnat we shaff offer at wboear toial 00 nrxos tiiii 1st ixvisgs g urnds b hcoarvin 0 t t slve run mi 0 vv i kinc c milllicws li mrxiatvia lit irhrv clier b mxiurviti 0 j rvfe b wiliini 0 jccuik c jlatlh w5 b llliarvin 1 v hdit d william 0 c ilnfl b mcgavin 1 ll giru iit w u ililll j h pcuu itt ml a f malllieki c smith b mcmn 2nd ixxrxr c rtvrdj c hi 1 b nfeirrin t t t vitc b wiliuie 12 t c run c greu wiliaui 4 or iurv r fraceiii b wilijnis i j tlte c william li miqarvin 0 v oluk c siirii b mrtlarvir 0 co sralclu c linn b william pi c lfrc s sfeirvln c ilrnrt c mciarvic li mtirvin 2 1 ii feirronc pkiihlb mcgvriii 0 a e jiallhw nit wit 0 sifts- c tolii jrjriy ever the r eves tcan tinpire- hewn j h ilolie aon slid j wild- rierlin scarr mr f dryert there is pleiuy of ma rial for z firit- clasa team in aclnti and we exrkct to nee wot cf ibe crack clubs of ibe ceiirbbjr- hood thallcriired before ions i lhmkor aflerlag bummnty end free to ail whi nl k be receipt aud dtreetlon tor ltu h quffius acion a oooi kelt hat for 76 cests et 2aztmzu ad mchb was j fyfe t cord suflercra ftjihicg ia ivflt b- 1j ad tfinl cjpf ricfto eau ilo w by wftlrettl ng oncftp suit j lyfe i ia the pmc to all kinds of lulu collar cout- uf mid ties al hugla k gnffiuv acton senich enffwh tits canadian stiitincs io srin1 varftty at the eaat kod cloiliinniujm j fyft acvn iiugrim k gnffia sell mens fiof sun ik at 40c ami upward fin ciuisiy stiff at 8150 ntweti itylca suits ntii ovcrconln at oxtremelr ot rac aud made ia latest itjlea be iuic to ci and i them j fyfe acton mcqnhian a hamilton of the wehinr- tmi mardle wtrki gnelph out are doing the urrt feuil marme trade in ont n- rp tr the fcfc that tby ho the ltt rork and nu he ehexpeit the poldio are wam- cd aeaiiiat dealinrj vthh accmid band trad ij ildlef fiut ihoulti gg direct to the firm ar ley from their trota see that tha tamc mcaillaq tk hamilton is on th jjriated furtn before to rif ot order s t o v t ktov hlkkltl ktiite wheat i 10 to i treadwcll om i 10 to i spricgwutt glticwod 1 10 to i kd chair i os lo 1 peia 0 50 to 0 oata 0 50 to 0 birlcr 0 go lo 0 five oootoo ezc per dor 0 16 to 0 batter dairv pactec 0 16 lo 0 s rr1 aad mrord laewfftrll browns household panawa has no cjual for relieving pain bolh ini erhi and external il cures fain in iheside back or bowels sore throai liluumlijm toolhnche luibaosndl any kind t a iain or ache it will rrojunrely quicken the ulood and heal af its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged a the great pain reliever and of double the urenglh of any other elixir or liniment in ibe world should be in every family banfy for use ahed wntled as it really is the best remedy in he world for crmu in the lotnach and pains and aches of sll kinds and it for sale by all druggists al z5 cent bollle e 8 t a good- assortment for the pll trade q it j g hi dlls kr e cw tta si mrrr rix itiur aoton e s t o v prices we especinllycall attention to cfur dkeb qoopp millinery gale antj print sale we shall give yon drew goids fort 10 cents per yard worth 2tcents prints for 6c worth 10c we are eellidg the dew style ofpriuts forl2jc sold at tlieheginrjingoi these oov ft 20 cents furnishings in large variety a magnificent lin allvhool tweeds for fje -eemem- ler onr ordered clothing department is one of he largest in the province we eicel in this departplent magnificent seotcb tweed suits for 16 18 worth 24 aad f26 we likewise do fashionable drhsb maiiso on tlie prernises wed ding and mourning orders a specialty itffi- we shall be gjarl to trade blankets flannel tweed or any other dry qoodsfof any quantity of merchantable woolr i i mcleod anderson co mammoth hoiisfi seorgetown i e s orclcd hlrtets flcar while wheat lreadwli spring wheat giucow bed chad oats peas barley 3 25 to 3 40 1 10 to 1 5 i 10 to i i 1 10 to 1 1 os to i 0 50 to 0 0 75 lo 0 t5 0 0 to 0 co cesiledt fob rheumatism neuralgia sciatica lumbago baciachs soraniii of the chart ooui quinsy sore throai swell ings and sprains burnt ant scalds general bodily paint tooth ear and headache frosted feet and ears and all other pains and aches ho trepanlica on aarth aqoili st jieou on mm a lne re afmnie and chtap external jlrroto a trial fnlalh bat tba eraipaiaiirilj irttllnj ooiut of 50 ceau asd erart ooa rafferfas willi pcia eaa bar eiuap asd powtltt troot of ito dlnctfooj in strra i4atiasa sold et ail dbdootbtt 1bd osaiess h ifeeiothe a vogetj3b to co ji ltd u t am gtkayed came into the prtmiies of the sabscriber int 30 con 5 ejaesiag ou or sloat the irt may lat a heiler calfaboat a week old the riwuer can have the aame by proving property aud paying extwnpei j0hs yats02f ang 10th 16823t puinteb watd wauted a practical jourueymao printer for two weeka 9tle who understands rnauioa a wuhiugton hand press apply at ones to h p itoore feez prr9 omci acton aug 9th 1682 kidney- wort he great cure 2 oa rhe0mat1sii ai it is tar a tho piafnl umum of tt n kidneveuvert and bbweift it olssnw ths tmtesl at ha acrid pdiaon that causes the arotdftil tusutins whidh only ths tt73 cf 2uecnstlxl atn ralim tm3usanosqca6e8 of ih- wont czrsa of udj taribls mjjbta ctt0 bequlcl7irllotodndlaihotttime f fsfectly cured iyiulx ft lirjrro 133 scr solo pt dacoolen u- vrfojiuiatirrtaail tyitttiptrapfvtjti1at kidnejrt 9 asdartiasi drtlg store abtob jtiftrlnitiry 1882 voters list 1882 mnncphty of the village of acton ik the corxtr of daltox vtotjce is hebebt giteji that i have j truihcitttxi or ddirerod to the person mentioned in tbe third ind oarth octioiu of tj votenr lirt act tha copies required by ujd noction to be so truismitted crdeiitored of the list inde parnuat to am act of nil persooi ppearitig by the lut retired xtse tami koh of tho laid monidpalltytobe entitled to tote in ti aid municipaiity at elections for membert of the legifilitlro aiscznbly nd it uanlcipl electiofll uid tht the tald list wis jirt potted op t my ofuch 41 acton on the ilxteenth day of angnit 1882 uid remim there or inspection electors re ceiled apon to exmine the teld liii nd li ny omion or uiy other error in found therein to ufce immediate proceeding to hare the ujd errors corrected mcerding to ly j e mcgastik clerk of the id uilniclpaiity dated at acton the liiteenth day of anjuit 1 civic holiday ajl toc h smith esq reeve of the municipality tftkt yluagt oacion sir we thflnndersifrned residents and basincst men of the village of acton re epectfally request that you hare friday 25th august 1882 proclaimed a oivic holiday for tbia muni pality signed w h stores k son and thirtyfive others dated ana 14 62 proclamation tu compliance with the above petition t hereby proclaim friday 25tb anmst 1882 a civic holiday in the village of aotoo and hereby request all cititahs thereof took serve that day io a doe sod proper manner c 8 smith atsera eeeres office aog 15th 1882 stuffs paints oils o greens go to a w greens for gem jars imperial measure the only ones west o mont- treal bologna sausage always on hand at a w greeas green pays cash for all kinds of produce 60 tuba of batter wanted at once high est price paid 18 pounds of good sugar for 100 at a w greeua all kinds crockery and glassware cheaper than ever at a w greens full stock of everything at the city grocery a w green 6 lbs of the best 50c tea west of toronto for i26 business boomingat a wgreens green sells cheap green does the trade christie exsibition of choice millinery and all kinds of- fancy gopds chnianii the admiration bf all visitors tsenlarged show rooms- better light ith an additional staff of experienced assistants enables them to execute ail orders with promptness neatness audentfre satisfaction i rrices are guaranteed eigkt their stock of general dry gojods is full selected with usual care and bought on very best terms boots and shoesj for veryone finest kid to coarsest wear j no better value in canada the goods having been bought before the striked l we will take all the eggs brought in and pay the very high est- prices for them i remember our which still maintains its reputation as the best tea for the money ingyion invitee chrit3tie henderson oa j z atcbtia cstdi irtaa 1 l j i i i s m a is il ctjoiel paijtaoili

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