Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1882, p. 3

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n e y j thcrwiy moksme atyjw 17 18s2 at cn brndt acton kolvts ispooni tnd forks butter koirca croeu ilcklt sundi pockttknivvwdc 4 balchtrt suorv the only ilor io town thit kccfit ttlccuon the gonlk jot fwofed out mother toclrof lxprett wwsonc fof tit litu wk cu io ud thtrt bjts of brevity fcti f the frw rrrss grc4n ipple pic tita introduce kow is tbe time to sdteruss fsrrat or tale- j tlit cricket excitement taasut ibsied in the lcil xsttirc hi pririneled our sinks tctt effectiirjy hteli tbrjshiaj machines are now beinf heard tvnyirbew mr r elliott i rushing things ia ihe flour and feed basimss acltct civic hokdt bn been pro- clutnd for the 25ibiml esqucrinjj fh fair will be held in georwwn on friday gib october thejpnispccls for saur krul are terj- pood cabbage is a success ibis year l up siicr harvest is tbe farmers inotl ttba time i oarl baed tiieo tbcbrick iik of mr fcriruscasdet mrdcneis mere thm balf completed if vu want people to kmw wbit you have to 8ei advertise ia tbe yacs pixss dealt spend a month looklag for vour flry snimau advertise ia tiie free press llage varieties a cumioft r lti nrwi isd tki nmtrf hwclamatrtrst to oar vluacr kptlenu taiia iiatqpaycr bad bttlcr aro op their dimes t tbe tex collector wili soon b ou mi mid atfab tnd as usual taxes murt be paid porarow potmoes arc expected to be admgou lb market this fall tbe crp u flrtrate and owing to last seasons high prices everybody has ad extra supply wklooxh usbors ha been appointed in the methodist cliorch and strangers need not aisjr away because they aw un- cqusjnlcd with ptvholdcrs we are assured tbavall afll bqmadt welcome civic hojnur finnan and others ic- siaio outside u aclou will please reoiem- ikt that the 25th angus t has been set sport for a civic bbliusy and thould consequently truosct bqines here on some other diiy om biq offehwc will icod the fer puess to any address in new sub scriber fur the rrtuaiiiderof 182 and the whyle of 1ss3 fir ouly 125 and giro a eoiy of kcudalis treatise on the ilorw fite greex arflcs the season has arrived when one meets youngstsrt with pockets bulging out ilh little tureen apples such a fight starts thoughu of policemen watch- men bululogs dark abts and ntfibts in lite cells aierwardj and doctors billc roller procea a lare part of the raschien for the mvutifncttrv of flour by the roller process in mi uanants grist miil hia already arrived aud ia big rapidly put into posiiioa for work so thai we may- expect it to be in operation in a short une- sliltoh ckaniplca rhpr0vrxn5t nfcrs christie heo- deroh co have jal in a new floor of ikretsicct maple strips into their ahop isui it aboal time thei- gcallenjeu erected forthcracivt a cewr place of bnriness cfeeap fare an civic notlda we understand that armngetuodu arc beina made with the g t r aathorities for reduced fares on civic holiday sod il likely that tickets will be isiufd at unfile fare over the g t li as far cait as to- routo and wcl to loodou and intermedi ate itatious on that day wo will give further particulars in reference to the mat ter next week a pod dentiat could do apayingbirai- i whiji wtmld be a credit lo lie village ai ness in ac4on there is none here at present i tbe grind troak railway now cod- sistsof tfirea thoasacd three hundred ciea of track i full barns are the order of the day in this viciiiily with coasiderable crop yet t be harveted tbe iises now in course of erecticn bv the jrtpn building association are to be brick- id kew com has ma3e its appearance aod the diner cow plys the flute bn the ccb woodcock bootiaguni indulged in to ary ps extealin this iclio owing to the sorrily of birds rtorohui celebraaed her cin hwidv on monday llilujn and gaelpb ontutsliy and hamiltoq yestrdiy furibus driving on ear streets should be prohibited tt is frequently indulge iu to ihe dahgerof ci the pricket club talk of tnvitingaelub from a riiebbbricg toti to play a maich with tfaein on civic hoiidsy the brickwork of ihc cells fa the new luwahali is amjst completed- xqw boys wholl be ihe firat occupanl milton people exjeuried lol thomas on tuesiir tiie olympic lacrtsse clab plaved gbeph ou the si tlvaiis grounds i our tittle town posessea orgadiztods cf anjosl evqir description but ta coicpku the list me thouw have lacrosse and bicycl- clcbfe- j i cfcares a toelsr junior membr of the firm t atogfier a co praprittcrs of sl jacobs oil died at baltimore a few day aga mr peorge tolton has purchased the storthonfeolllr w hortnp m the g t e drpot and will purchase eraia llih season as uual a number of our citizens took advan tage of tbe redned fare and went tu t- tonto on tuesday with guelphmechaaica icstitute icurrioo a pi iuclphian advised bis son to aim high inlfe and the lad w out and slint acow iief waiaui the highest tidus be coojd 3nd to aim at a ea iple of score of youthful cftiier had asocialhbpontuesjoyoighi twas nice coo refreshing amusement wasat it ladiea md genuemea 1 tescairsgeommesced ic the senior de- partmenuof the pnblie fcchool on ifoaday morning ext monday the second and third departments will reopea actoipreaented a most lively baainess ftppearaike oqsstnrday flfternooq and the streets rfe lined with vehicles and tbe stores we t thronged with customers our merchant report better day than for eome timi i aglissfronl now adorns the houtz- dale drug store addiag greallf to its ap- u i to ilz exlctiivc bviineaa carried ou ln- th- lirau kuptiau we coogratnlaie our friend mr r cuaipbeli w bo on wednesday lost tleppcd out of the raoka of us bacltltsaud lottred upon a uewiputreuf actioa taking as his partner miw jeaijie symns o acton may their highest expectations be more than full lied- ie all hubert- licb- tlor friccdi wave their coal tails adtirc as thir old boou for luck gorgjotr herald bceolars at oakttlln on friday nlit brdiri broke into tbe premise owtedbr e h ciitde and uccujied by him as a saddlers shop arid bot and sbo store ttty burs open tbe cash drawer axd robbed it of ita coulcnts about eight dollars only thy afttrwardsopeniledqa ibe sife first attempting to pry opea ihj cicihisarioa having failti ia tbit they atleuiplfd t3 drill icto it aud had tacceed cd iu drijliug a hole abiut half an icb deep when ibey were disturbed by the ap peirne of mr guuedge the iiaetest a very large amount of gniq wis hoaxed ea friday snd saturday b oo fcaiurday uigbt tbtre stil remaiued a good dis ia the fld ai ouny of the fanners no doubt tbuughl it would be uo barm ti utilize the flue treat fa tr of saaday to getihe oalstacdiug grxin urder cover the cocmaad sir days thu ebalt work ul on lbe serealii thnu thilt rct ia car ing ime aud ta harveat thoa lilt rest buvir wiu cberved by idl in this vicla- tiy adjb barveters went to wcrk on monday with renewed tigjr and energy leak of flouiditfjc orange coco nut asd iitiie groves of florida are- attract ing tbouandf it is no longer said go weil but sootb learn of wis rich aui tropical laud the beat way is tn sub scribe for a leading fioriu piper a pamphlet with larg map of state giving price uf land best place to settle pxiflts of orange ani ccuanut gruvei drainage of okeecboct c wortl the price of sub- scriptioa to tboae ho with lo kaaw of of fiorfdj free to those who send us 1 fr a cix nioatts subscription think tbls over and address c b pendleton key west fu grata aad sse ks4u balsis we learn frotua miiuwof tie farmer in this vicinity that the whml and barley crop rectitcd very litiu iujory from the reosnt rains tbe wbeat was boused in a tory gvod oddiuo but the harley nu oouawerabl diteolored a new press the proprietor or the bowuanvlue aim- ixan has introduced a uew press tho only one of the kind iu canada into hla office it is a power prew called lbs prouty and glvos perfect satisfaction u a newspaper or loster presa belug much lower in price than ibo iuajrity o presiei manufaclurod it will no doubt meet wltb a ready sals opesjas t mr james gcodall announces elsewhere in our columns that be will open out ou saturday a very large and varied flock of boots and sbocs iuthe premues lately occu pied by dr forster and invites all to call and inspect hiiguods mr soodall has considerably improved tbe appearance of bis new premises and will no doubt do a good business there frtas exranloa the programme for the annnal meeting and eicnrsvm of the canadian press aeso ciition has been issued by the secretary and foreshadows a most erjoyabie lime tbe leading journalists of nova scotia new brunswick quebec and ontario will participate and the trip wili be one seldom afforded journalists for vliung tbe great nurtliwet under euch favorable auspices ard obtaining information tbat vill prove vuluabrc to those connected with the press taecrtnollae an attempt is beirg made to revive tle crinoiiuc in england and the new move has even extended to oar own tbores we re irepaied for any atruclty bat ihia if dursidjwalks were wider one tuigbt put ap with it or if nur wnmen were not so shapely or if sik were nor bo dear but niidrx present circumstances we shall rise in rcvoh against the iaipttiuoa we rfould throw the criooliaes iutc the sea aa did the bostoniai the let l cenlory pearance hovtzdau both exttrior and interior observer what kind of fronts do your ilores generally havedowo there among tife coal mines bra fraier t is glass scar x the torgdoten herald calla him hob wbl mcvraniey oar worthy member for halkm isinodoobta most honorable gentie- man bat tinderstocl tnpttriiamentary parlince yet perhaps however both the herald and ottaelves rili yet have tbe pleasure of ad dressing 1 im f this distjdgaiahing prefix bau iiuj the georgetown herald is anxious fpr the un approach able base ball dab saiiihibitf less cod yon veil the direct th stree made i fan lamps to tun he hasnt wen tbe title hoa fl f that hamlet to come up sod ouri silver stars comealoog bjvs and tie stars will sepd yna bomr jth a lit ielass starch and probably a trifle tbey will however treat rbile you are here we have no brewery t iih itack door in it tiwugh the st irer lamm tbe village coun cil hare oand it ceoesaary to reprimand ampilfghter for the condition of lamps lately complaiot was only efiougb oil was pat into lbe until aboal ten oclock fcbnt the wick kas only lorned abbat half way up and tbe uefct given bo dim tbat the lamps an of little coziseqance oh a dark bieht v e tn tst tbematttr will hereafter be proper f all ended us 2iont r rat lime fruit personals ifr j p onle is worlcicg in gaeiph icrs ii chriitie i f iaitiug fneadj io veiacd iir h hcdoirell of miltan was ia tonon tuesf- llr ciias gcrrard f berlin wts in iowa over sundtj iir ciia eaeea and adf are visilinff fneujs in chi ugo dr mcxauuton of krin- paid frieodi here a visit oa salurdijv llrbi hill of berlin spent a few hours in acton jait weeio mr e ryria and wife of gaclpli visit ed acton friends co tuesday mre tuoi t moore visited her friends in kinf york co this tetlc jfrs thos8tewart of jlnskegun mich u paving her friends hero a visit mr t uilbarn of toronto formerly of this village ws ia town last friday jlrs e mcgarvin toent several days this week with friends ia orangevilie and dnnsalk mr w p brown spent several days this week at grimsby canif orounds enjoying himself vent mnch i lit andif re junes tybir of yorkville peat monday kith their frieodi at the melhodist parsonage mr john matthews otinnamosalewa is wishing his brother air abram matthews and other friends here mrs tbos heodetmomd mt0mc- giliboo of miltoo spent ja couple of day last seek with acton friends mr w t smyth and family who have been risittdg friends n jmaskokafnr the past month reteroed honie on friday miss addle l crewson returned on fri day cveniog after a very pleasant visit of about two months io gore bay maoitoulra island i mr a e matthews fe engaged in the ox w tel cos offlofe pueljih lor a couple of weeks fitievisig a brother wire manipiilntor juice at j e itoflarvias hamtlloi trtbmae once borved the splendid new tribune newspaper- fiire iu hanrilkn was demolished by firt lal week and ail the ton ten is destroyed the building bad just tbea been completed and vi olc of tbc fidest in the city tbe preises and type also were new and some of then had lot been used an insurance of igk0 will not cover more than half l lie lo the tribune is to be a dnily paper p mis bed inlhe ialcrest of the temperance cau aod the fin t issue was to haveip peind on the 23ih iost tbe fire will no doubt ciasc a scriuua delay in its publica- tiox appreetatloa the fouowihg from a rockwood subscriber whose name has been on onr list for the ait uveyean proves to cs that there is at last one person who appreciates oar en- dsavore to gat up a local paper second to none enclosed you will find one dollar for your valnabls paper for another year t tliink my time runs out on the 16th or 20th inst i forget which but it does not mutter xow sir editor i have taken your paper just long enough to begin to almost count the days each week until it comes to hind i consider the little story that we get every wovk is wgrth the mcney and then all the rett we get makes it one of the best litie papers in the country dont think i am puffing you fori mean it all yours sinrojy j w xorfu weilprlees il may idtercat protpecttve settlers in the orthweit to learn tht lbe following are the latent quotations at emerisoq jfan for 2 principal article required to begin operations oq the prairies itorses per piir j 400 00 oxen per pair 1kj 00 ponies per pdr 160 00 double waggon 75 00 buckboard 65 00 double harness 25 00 plough li 00 store 20 00 tent 13 00 floar per cwt 8 00 bacon per cwl 1 00 oats per bub 75 wbeat per bush po potatoes per bush i 00 aetea fair grounds tbe property at tbe bead of mill street belonging io mr joba alccoii brampton and containing four orflve acres is being fitted up for a driving park we would suggest to the village council that this property would make ah excellent fair ground a thing most necessary here aud it could no doubt be purcbaedat a very reasonable figure it would alsn make a first class- ground fcr games nf various kinds and if made public property would encourage athletic sports among the yontb of our village if tbe council cannot see their way clear io purchase il wouldnt it pay some of oar public spirited cit liens to gain possession of it put it in good con dition and rent it to one or two of the clubs in town it is almtwt the oolyaralb jabte piece of ground of any she in tbe cor- jwratlou and oar citizens would gladly see it made public property picnia the cutrers of the canada glove works with their famllie picnicked in a grove pear this village on monday summer- 2tow offer great bargains in dry foods ready made clothing hillinery and boots shoes our new stock ct bpboial liites 917 patterns of choice euglish and french print at 5 centa a yard and up mantle aud dreas cashmeres 50 inobe wide aingie width dress floods all the fashionable colors and shades with j trinimidgs to match from 8c a yard upward linen goods of every description at prices that cannot be beaten heavy white counterpanes at 100 beautiful stand spreads at 30caud40c gents furnishing goods thk most complete stock ik acton oar millinery will be fonnd more attractive than ever this season as tve have taken all pains to obtain thelatestand choicest class of goods ia the new york montreal and toronto markets special lines in childrens eats fancy straws at 15c k 20c mens and boys i felt fof 4 straw hi lica i w can show a very large and choice assortment in this i i boys paacyistraws for 20o an40o j liens straw and felt sats for 25 50 and 75c lf department the large trade we have done in this line daring ihe pastytar convinces us tbat we are handling the right class of goojas our principal lines are manufactured by j- d kine co and cooper k smith toronto which makers are acknowl edged by all boot and shoe dealers to be amongst 4he best in america and the holders of the centennial and dominion exhibition medals for fine aud durable work i ccrour prices will be found the very lowest for all classes of gooefs highest price paid for any quantity of good butter and bggsj hughes griffin aot0n j removal haviko laboelt iscseased jjt stock or- boots and shoes i have fonnd it necessary to remote to the rcore commodious premises previously occupied by dr forster which i have leased from mi k creech i therefore beg to inform the inhabitants of acton aujd vicinity that on saturday next 19th inst i shall open oaj a very large and varied stock of boots and shoes whih i shall offer at the lowest possible prices as heretofore my stock has been purchased from the largest and most reliable firms in toronto aud montreal which enables me to offer you the very best value ever offered in the county of balton the largsfc the ohbapjstl i the best assorted tbebate dace io kincardine oa lbe 10th lat maggie s infant twin riatohtar of w a drug store aotba oat trusting you will give me a call and satisfy yoiirselves my state ments ace wt exaggesated i remain yours obediently james coodall 8remember the place next to llynds jewellery store go to th hardings for 12 lbs good bright sugar for 1 a att h hardings sap acton jul 27 try t h hardings 4 lbs good greeat for 1 saritryj t e hardings so ct japan tjea worth 45 cts gsftrf t h hardings 10 lbs raisins for 8100 go to t h hardings for family supplies of all kinds comprising teas coffees spipfes canned goods dried and salt meats laid ac splendid stcokof crockery and glasawafe jnst received 3eemembef the place agnews brick block ilajn st tit it icip a nioe eummer driak moatssrratlime s of groceries glassware crockery in actqn at j w call and you will be satisfied that we can verify this statement j thos 60wdy co 6uelph mpfactsrslf j reapers and mowers steel ohilled othjer plows lift m s abk i a a s 4wflwsn w 3 x n mn ibbibvvkv f shhi p vsshi y 1sj piuit juj lot at moarvias drug etcw yiiafc- 1 i miejiiil mmdkmumk ikkim jiiiiiais

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