so t a fi rm ft03 888 is published sveftrttwrsdat morning fedtur lrirtetoi at bvt fftcl 1rtu puimxv pvtaismithi h n door to ueuodtsl church jtf redf acta oh tch- the fan pbkss will bo tout to subfibcfs postage paid lor i loo per n aau m advance ii so if not so pud mo ppor lifrxmtmued ull all luteani are paid eiocpt at the option of the publisher vrvarnsrvq jutxs casual adverttae meats cents per une for the flrsunser ttoa wis cents per line for each sabe- qaut msertiou cash professional cards 10 lino or lc 4 00 per annum 1 square 12 lnea 15 uo per annum parable la 6 m wtlt from date of insertion any special qucoluio object of which is to promote th pxianjan benefit of any individual or cinpauv to be considered an advertibe- muit i yhe number lines reckoned b tbc sipe ajcutued mesaredby a scale of solid sun pare j ovctiuct ratk3 ontcojanis one veur ball ejlumn n er tj ricir ilimnqa yar ia 4im i vix m iiui tfcx 4r m mlh irir col imntlx manini i e il tmi ihr mmm q itiwlnmh tlir- month will 61 ertiulirrbln l chttfrd accord- lntl tt ili iry- aiyertlenunu mnu e chitc tor o ntrtri t itrtlemf wnaast wi tiey wll b 1 ft over u 1 the lollovlnr ret h p miork fcjuor 4 proprietor i i 1 i i term100 in advano s 1 1 1 the ntaipaper a map 0 buty life t fluciuahont and iti viai cnnurnt 160 h no ao paid volumetviii no 8 1 1 acton ont thursday august 24 1882 whole no 382 acton banking coy storey omfttstik k 00 bankers so so ff s00 is 80 on is in t v tuio d1dcd trtve focionf vtocop acton ontario a qekeral bakkikq busl hess transacted k0x27 loaotd or apntotss notes notes discounted and interest allowed on depoeitg- 4h jiltoaht presentation volume i j i the lyric gems of scotland contauninfi nearly t00 of th best ioqa let to music ou lea occasion ot the lata fliit of the iciaff of the beliana to featlso4 hu uetl u pre- r sefated vttk handsome voium of this work vhich he graciooily accepted u a soaveoir of bit viut how is the time hake purchases the pims ipeaksin the highett tenni o praise nbout tms vrk in handiome hading gthiidei tadedes 0 by naj days bookstore wis lowrt it b m c p s i gnkliit- of trjnty college item b tolftje of puvacans and borgeons o 5i aiti nrskace at the head of frea esi acton ml f0u3ter h d pttyaltlan sckgeon etc offjcgs forsterb drug- store ur morrow lum stand ill 1st acum re dtsce chanft street lortnerlf occ ptijti if w t heuiurret xacueer l b bekvett nijont dentist gcogc j0iilso gradtate 0fo tv jd mrviet coumt tobovto- t invrr i ecn acton oct osce cc- sos s bo t and hc store res ji the rea- hors eiamined as tc 6j ltcsi and c t ataes jrven a ed t- flight o- dar urompty attend tense esv i0bstoh cmcmm8txyells cheap g r e l p n j30peatn80at daily pile of useful aad oroametiul gooda imported from ger uafl france bclmoi bohemia aadgreat britain tseuine cheap for caab 1 come rry iud htfl the hnt chujee of the iiuoieue w stocfc jas f kcqmir i rent sr sad cbeap caah basaar upper wrndham street guelph t fisher v 3 geobgetot j out will vail acton every wednee dar id will attend to all calls penaminc etion 0dr5leftat itcgaxvin du je wji rece ve prompt attention terma moderate i i t j fisher pctlebto hall fc 6to ret birrries bohctos of the sapreme coaitjcootevaocei ictoroctc a george tcirnn orncrs o so chnreh street t onto stxi hcleoaa biocx georgetown fti itoiifv to loan fls sftiixiot wj x ffill t- o st0ejtt l h2itsteeet jbieensed aactioner po- the counties of tttelhngton and halion ordr3 left at tne trlz pnia 02ce acton or at mv resdence in acton will be promctlv attended to term raasonohle arr u lam also monev to loan on the most favorabl- terms and at the lowest mist of interest fn ssiita of5q and npwards medical hull acton drmaforster lubiicating oils cheap hontserrat lime juice paris green helebore coal oil ply powder mm thcridjly 1oeio aujuii 17 1682 ress pqetsr haste to the besoue daachten pf caitada haim to tha reacne snatch j ar poor iurt from aorroir and wot mo ii a mocker it itlaj uk a terpoat fauj itabiu though the polacn u aloir oh 1 haveiieen them ao joung and so lorelf quaifing ice winecop with laugh or and glee how they bad thudddrod could acme one hare ahowt uitta what veie tbcu fate whan a few yean should flee some lr the crater of the drunkard are lying slain by be jaulem demon ot drink oder lire circlcas of baaband and children bathing to rain nor pausing to think vot lu tb 4otae ijone in thii haroc not in ui traxehooae the workahop the mjl- tender y ntiturod in home of the veallhy tlare o thail fial lj fal enemy iuil ohl chrirtiin tistert chrub your stirring if you woujd lear from the maatr wefl done t cae all tcurpowcrf penuaaioa example ri3j you re paid it j cu ur osiy oae 1 to go and stay with him and i am willing to go well don t you suppose yon would be best for bim t said mrs damoqtboubl not tery mach a jonng man with a onw like razor aad ao fe whloh xvoojd have raised a blu- fully it w old leav e more too for the iter oo eheet iroo oo a bot dy baited a la eivinff great bargains in electroputed napkin rings pickle casii cake baskets etc i have also a larsre stock of specs and eyeglasses from 25 cents np wm s smith tie watch and clock house ot gudph tua sroar ruths choice a ven j pleasant little gtcmp gitliered lbout hrt diaiuoa cot breakiast table hat briljt ejnrg morn ng first mrs daon lhxit fur fat tud well no natter about the age lea cars a ttdiw with not over i uuw of ian and tbe mflhtr cf three tuls mi laura the eldest apd the beaut v uta4 isabel a be lt alsa and a mu ciao bus de and hlte rjjl wbo was regarded b the fimilj- a b a i other girl and i hen when they marry the can help juu yoo forjjei uncle ed lias promised ber a set out said isabel with a scornful laugh and laara added a pretty set on bo doubt i don i auppoae after bu bouse is furnished uncle ed will have fifty dollars in tbe world go alone rath i whb you joy ia the bargain laura isabel hush n said mrs damon reprovingly if ruth has a mind to go jou ought not to put obstacles fa tbe way let ber do as tbe likes when uncle ed eame it was an nounced 0 hiin that ratb had decided to superintend his establishment thank jou dear be said laying his band on ber hind 1 ii irj to make jou as comfortable as 1 cati vmll jou be read to ro gvtr daj after tomorrow t yes sir answered ruth- the girls bad a great deal of sport ahout her eoing uext day but utile ruth wbose heart was warm with pity fur her lonely old uncle htl firm and was ready to go early the next morning uncle ed invited tbe rest to go over and see ber installed in ber new home laura haughtily declined but mrs damon and imiiki resolved to go label enjoyed tbe aoucipilion of turning up her pnuy nose at ruth s humble quarters tbe crossed the ner and uncle ed told tbe ladles to wait at the office a few moments till be found some sort cf a car nage he hired a vert handsome one i must confess was isabel s meutal comment as the were seated a little later in a stjlisb eatiage with its spleodid horses i didnt know ihey kept tuch elegiat ones outside of the eiiy scaled m a corner mias isabel enjoyed thi tide verr mcch cnrameniihfc on all tbe handsome residences ibej passed what an elegant place h she cried as they drew near a fine old mansion la the midst of stately grounds witb a gleam of marble sta uary amoog the trees and neither vety bnllunl nor ve but very ufll to i elp mot er a dtbe sulc hervanl with tbe htaschod aft n j tu s monung ti ere was an eitra oie io the groop i mra damon brotber edward j drop aa mrrundem youth wbo bad ran awy iu mr apoq weu t hb txill but or sell toe ujdersirad u prepared to parchaae any qaifltrtj of em or tiircb atare bnltj in ira id for head og and p ne cedar or lack aih ttradngle5 in tbe loe or bolta i a a good etnck of shingles eures and bead is2 alrays tra uaad i th03 c moose t dte hoe sale luue can be tad at the canada lime tcokl in email or iarg quaaures at mv fane apply at tie kiln near iolton s cm or to c s shits hat 1st 1882 box 172 acrox g at the peoples flour st feed store a american watches the finest stock we ever had of elgin l waltlium make ia mckel siber i and gold cases iclaimnn iticlcefcae are whiter and purer thin aiijtither being made especially for ni elf b savage watchmaker jeweller gtjelph lo caiiftrbtajearsiigo and jut comeback dot much the heller as mrs damoa euald discje for has lone wandenns we never need have expected poor un le ed to make an thing she remaik td to lur daubtcrs the night after lis sud den reluru he sav be has saved enough lo 1 uy huntlf a little bouse com inhere bat i suppose that is all i am som fori did bope be would have leen bk to do we will stop here said uocleed- as the coaebmin drew op his horses here i why do you know these peo ple who owns this place t asked isa bel i do w returned uncle ed quietly as he assisted ber to alight you cried isabel wi h at leist three exclamation points siler the word kra damon flopped short on the car pedeslntu on qratbt avenue and stated that be was trying to raise money to rencb the bedside of bis dtlng aunt in chicago hi was tq proud to beg but if the citueo would give him a quarter be would show him a trick worth five dollars vuas lab dot drlck queried the citi n it is to make ten cents go further than a dollar you con plat u on the boys and make ten dollars a da 1 my freudt i nerer plays mit der poya l cs but you can have lots ot fan jou know i vasli no bandt for fun if i effer git of some sbokes i nefer laff yee bat this is something new when you come down to the grtjeery of an even ing 0u i doan come down i rash home on der stheps all der eaioingt but yon could have a httle fun with your neighbors i told yon i rash not a fanny man i likes lo schmoke uod read der morning bjdcis tll i don t want lo beg and 1 am offering you ihu trick very low in order to get borne and see my sister die have you a d ing biater t ddan expect i have yash ish dot dnckfl to make ten cenu po further than a drllar uud vhfll she do it t she will uod five cents goes more ash half a dollar ast so und a cent goes petur as a dime v thais tbe ratio uad notlings at all goes pettar ash five ceols i i i tbiuk it doei yhell you anust consider you haf all dtr nollints efer was unj you viull be iii chicag a tomorrow t gif my love to dot dviog itster uod tell ner dot you saw me well you d petter git somp express wag gons to draw dose nickels down to der rail road and ou look a leedle oult for some dutcbvaus wbo has peeu eating grass und vhasgreeu 1 w used to walk together n tbe tvolght he whupering tender w irdi so swset and low as down u grson lanes i asm tiwdsw was al and tbtongt he woodunis fre the birds want cung j we wandered in those bran so long kgo bat now do more we walk to purple gloaming adown tb lanes my lore and i ah me i tbe time has past for snofc romantic roaming- he holds the baby white i to gettlsf tea we used to all with lamr turned lew together and talk of love and its urine elloctf when ddghts vers long scd wintry was lbs weather far noblor be than night rith knlghuy feather and i to him ore lovellf t of my sex now oft when wintrj nd howl xbond th gobla immersed in smote hi pores oer gold and stocks the fact ignored that jost lerof the table the loveliest of her sex i ts darning sdckn words of isdom experience is the name men give to their folhet r heir sorrowsj an lndutect man e like an unsealed letter every one can irafl it tbe man wbo la always right finds every one eie alwajs wrong there are no oaths wbich make 40 many perjurers as the vows of love tbe cheapest advice ija that which costs nothing and is worth nothing who ia lavish with p torn lacs is apt to be penurious io performancea it is easier to- suppn as the first desire tbau 10 satiafy all that f jiiow it ail men are liberal some to those who are ia netd and others to tbemselvea a christian thrmldih w his religion over a counter as well as at 1 n altar when was a man t ver weak that the devil did not chaise do rn upon him eternity is luug enosgh to make up for the ills of our brief troubled life here v tbe whole of our life depends upon the persons with whom welfve familiarly strong thoughts are iron nails driven in the mind that noihiogcan draw out benm invariably rises remember young man there is always room at the top men often persevere in loving those who do not love them women stop at ones the poster plays a truly neutral part during a political campaign- it is always on the lence cometl ing for you evls hj4it i suppose nage steps to say wt mjl matae tbe best o it and treat him as well aa we can i do hope he won t try le b n a boue in the cil for it w oa t help u to hve shabbv relaaons close by i a alwdvuehim as bw mean aresaull to j over n the jeie shoru francis nunajm saccessor to t f chapman sqqbixb8 fit georges sgnare guelph account books of all kinds made io order penodjcals of everv deaonption caxefnllv bonnl rohng neatly and promptly done harness trunk stpor nrna errarj asttbtjw is karnes3 or trunks to uv money ahould go to r creech acton s the rsdeksigned has a large experience ia tle manofactare of flour and feed there if do dnobt he c h aecttre a pood arudf of flour c reaaouahle pneea also oatmeal cornmeal gran- ulated oatmeal granulated wheat patent holler flour hungarian system gra ham floor potatoes ap ples bran shorts and ail kmda octaed oanally aept m firstciast food 8for taii he aaki ia a fur trial and ho mil pre yoa goad sat afacttno roan reapectfttuy r elliott acton aug 18th 182 butcher shop r holmes wonld renpeclfally inform the ponple of actmi snd vvcmitv tlmt i e in dutc a the bos neaa and prpertj if mr u c robinson an i if pu ared lo supply all with firstclass meat of all kinds and povtiry and game in season w meat delivered to soy part of town at lay time 1st havine practical experience in the batcheni g basinets i feel ocfidtct that i can suitall a call kindly sflicited r holmes uittk ti received this adice and con s nted to ndopt it wiih a si twinkle in li gm tpes wli cb mrs damon did not notice she ra l c expected to be asked lo assist in ibe rlecdou of tbe little place but at un le ed did not nnle ber lo ac company him fihe did uol offr htr ser vicc at the tabic this monine uncle ld an j u deed witlbc lilt e house was ruidj for occupauon and thai be was going to take posbesionj and innw i wsnt a housel- eeper be said inaklowwav won i you lend me one t f yotr gj-1- ian everjltod locked up as uncle ed made ills astotihtng request laura blasled with tcxfliou label sbruzged ber pretty sh ukere and emjled and tveu lit tit ruth lot ltd ast m tied of coue lou neednl do the rough woik otiuln utd uncle kd i ill ire a kitchen girl for ih it lut i thoucbt id raller hte aoe ia ruy own rllalins to look uficr llnns you tee til ut have niajiy years lo lire and 1 wuulu like lo be wilb my ivn km obody anrwered so poor tjccle ed wenl ou slowly ill ult you what 111 do if one of you girls will go oer to mj new home aod know luethtro wtth me ill give her her board j and ckxlitn while she slat a aod whenever she marns til give her w bar i can for a east end butcttef shop actojt blt s marlatt bro lame to tender thanlu to he people of acton and viejaity for tbefr kind patnrnkffe since npemirc utamhia bee and vcmld re- pec fully solicit a coflfjfraaoce of the srme and can aasnre them thai tbeiwih lya hare on hud a all stock of all kinds or meat mbst delivered bwe wilt porchaaegooa nreat of any klndroawtan who w tottll ailiiljltttbbo galeshen wanted to bpn work- soaha for falatjabtiotr fontbill acr8elie8 the lasft3 oahada hiio ornct toaosto our nurserlesr v we can start n tth llj large force manhog 9 is it possible edward yes it is t ven so returned uncle ed smiling come ruthie dear this is ihc bon i have lirougut yoa to let as go in and see how you ilk- it the surprised party foil jwed him throajh the grouadd to ibe door where th j were adiailied by a neat colored boj good morning john said uncle ed 1 here is jour new mistress preseating ruth as john bowed low after the man ner of a polite darkey to welcome the ooog lady are the rooms all m order john asked uuclc ed yes sab replied john 4 cry well we will take a look at them j come laiieft ue led them through lofty rooms most tlegtnily appoiuted pausing at last in rulb s own chamber a lory room all soft drab blue and stiver and fit fur a qnueu or a lady and heie he said opening another door into a room furnished with ruse color a a room for your sitters when they may cliooc io come aud stay with you i know ui don i like to climb stair a but bui edward said mrs damon who as the first to recover her voice w are astonished oeyood measure 1 thought you said you had only made aliuleout yonder uncle ed smed wlii i did make a iiute mary and i never was given much tq bracgmi 30a bades i had a fancy to see whether uncle edward poor and uncle ednard rich were lo he considered the same yon hare all been kiud mrs damon wined a httu for she knew it embarrassfnir incidents of a sleeping car let me subscribe some of the experience of a pa 11 man a palace car if the cars art fall it is embarrassing lo a ahyman what rnosv it be to the firer tsex t 1 had noticed thai american couples are rattier demon ttrauve la iheir euuearmenla both 00 the cars aad steamboats bat this beats all in the sections 0 a railroad car as in tbe wooden hoose even whispered remarks arc ven audible especially al uiht when everytmng isstdl ifor example one even ing when we bad retirtd a low voice was suddenly heara from the centre of the car bhe cared tor ilim a young damsel who is engaged and will shortly be amled to a galliot son of neptune lately visited the manners church daring the sermon the parson ducoared eloquently and with much earnefctnessof the dangers and temptataons of the sailor he conrladed by asking the following questioas ia thee anyone who thinks aijythwig of him who wears a tarfaulm hat and blue jicket or a palrof irowfecrsmadebf durjc t in short is there one wbo carva aught for the poor sailor 1 a httle girl sister of the damsel who was suting beside her immediately jumped np and looking at her eister said in a lone loud enough for anvonejto hear yes sir brcky doa 1 tbe audience was convulsed wfthlaugh ter aud tbe minister bit bis lip j nave ton a scra beot erery farmer should keep a book ra which to paste agncaltnral scraps er onejn readioe a paper ardl see a nantber of things ha will wtih to remember be viu perhaps see saxgesuoos ths alae of which he will desire to test oil hints which he will desire to ue aorerned joy in fatnre opera lions aod ret after reading the paper he fanny ftunrgne me a aws and iay i w throw u dnara aod vou forg ve me then a little louder faonj fjony i cant sleep unles you i you forgiye tne gire me a km and say yon forgive me at last the vuce of the penitent hosband regardless of tbe tittering from the but roanding partiuous spoke aaio fanny fanny just one kiss and say you forgive me at last a peppery old indian officer down at the ead of the car popped his head unt and shouted oli fano for goodness sake do give him a kiss and let us get soroealeep even then amidst the outburst of laugh ter from the other passeoeen yon coald hear the poor man catching a curtain lec tors there 1 i told yon so 1 jiow yoa bee what yoa hive done 1 i knew everj one coald hear you bat at last peace rcjgded and possibly fanny gave him a narcotic kiss of recon ulutiob jftitl probamy never see it again in snch a case ali the rain- able articles are lost to nseveat anoh a loss eeryj reader should clip front thepaper such articles as he desires to preserve and remember and paste them in a scrap took such a book at the end of ajearortwo ill be very interesting and valuable a ihreerearold gracie was hugging und kissing her baby sister when ber auntie said to her aud yoa teally think you love your luue aster do yon quick as n bask came the reply no i dont fink i love my utile sister i love herwivout finking i how lost how restored we hnvweceritlpimlbhedanew edition of dr i nltrnvrlln cele brated cassr ou tk rnifcsl and mw permaneni rnrr clh ul meftl- etneofstond bitt mesinlan phytic ailncapaelt impfdtinenuormarrlayeetc i reaaltlntfromaaessei i tpne tnasaiedenvelope etij ortwppoteceaweiee i theeebraed unhor in this admirable eaay clinrlr demonstrate from thirty yiansnoeessia1 practice t latnlnrroin em seqaeneei may b radleau cored aritnout i tbe anermir if of internal meillcjnpor c onfanin the naeoltlie knife poineroat a mode or rofivniuwnbario leureatonrptlrnpw c rtalnandenfiiraby means f wblci pv ry snrferer no mnlter what hrs eondltlnn mnv ne may curehlmseu cheaply prtvatelrand radically j tma oeetore be in the hands ot t oht- kow 1 ii leave oa to think over it fm bolng over today and when i liad only beeu a pitying sort of kindness ron uct this tventogyou can have year ana mj liulo rtli here most of all choice mide a ll4s coue t0 ke my home bnglit after uncle ed left the room there was iu tak good uer and pve her a a ch nts if exclamations hundred dollars a month for pocket money ixibcl keaoed liaok in ber chair and airgbrd ijntii she as tired 5toudn t i lonk pruty playing tl and when she marries i intend to settle twenty thousand dollars on her fur a wed ding present 100 additional omvasssrs a it ms whoawflfirewt i ad iaebodthe calyenrell medical and want more who rtbe bosfeen sreadyetnpl salaries to neeeaafol men tr what your prewrts ocenpation has been poatofll boi fit nv wonr aneceaa u i c p fluo in uncle ed six by nine parht with an i igraln carpet and wooden chairs sbe exel irned and wouldnt i feel like asking col richards in to call ou me in some httle muffy s uffy jusey habitation t cried laura it dlguaotly its a puy i know said mrs damon but i dont see but what one of yonooght isabel muat tsy all day go know uijcle ed would dresa yoa he said co new york rf you avfiiing to w j ta twloajida atyertwni agen itjmorno kfn8t wektoronlo is jriratrjmea th sintrywa torosto ostr v i4u flve adveplsemeou for shadows a burst of golden annshine a w biper of tne leaves a music ripple on the brook a joy a wpoder in each nook a sweeping shadow oer the land a flushing of thatree tops a crimsoning of the lake a peaceful mildness in the air a thought of hidden mysteries there a glorious fadiugj of the sun a summerly is done a j ia childhoods playthings a casting them aside isabel sank down io a chair speechless j a fl ish of golden youth hoods hour with astonishment while mrs samoa ex- when joy breaks through the pseamj claimed ttoodneaa gracious i i can hardly be lieve it yet edward youll ret used to at uary new ahowcr a caallebuildlhg is tile air is clierished hope defeated a aasjle at joy a doubt dreis crad laura indignantly yes calico gowns and cotton ahawlt end ms be a cheap alpaca for sunday thank vau vot for w let ruth go theyll st it her ii mji is wblinn i will go sasd both rulhie dear take your sister to your room a gleam reflected from tin past and take off her things atarytyou and a sigh ufioa lis besom cast i msi stud yo x mystery of a world uakpown aod then aaoni has flown au little ruth as she mores happily about poor edwards magniflceai home feels very happy j sbe was kind generous sad henest and now she has ber reward oerman wotkman4 taaaj it a drue how sad to think that there are many mm who profess to be on tlir way te heaven who too often indulge in the socicd glass of liquor and wboaomelimit ate over come by it tippling church members ire a far more serious stumblim block in the way to prohibition than are moderated mit ers wbo make no profession of religion and whose example is therefore so pernicious le those who are only too observant iuc the actions of all such person k power in he house of ptrllit- ment- conspicaoua among the rofioential men of the dominion is mr i h metcau 1 umber of psrliaraeot from tbe city of xi agstou commencing life aa a school teacher he hsa ateadiaitlv worked hu way opward to tle hooorod poaitten in basioeas and pol ties he now homa cotttni to a personal matter we would aaenboa- that mr metcilf waa formerly aubject to fztreine aorenes of tha cheat for which aa he himself te i could find no remedy but st jaci lis oil thetlreat gasman remedy in tbe follk letter mr metcsli ihyes eyibenoe of hu p- preoiatioa i take rreat pleaabre uiatas ug that i seed st jacobs oil for 1 ktreroe soreness of tbe cheat and fouus it t be an ezeauent ramtdju iwouldooteevthiatit for ten time its selling price aa a fauiiiy remm it oertaiolj iut aa equal some of mem countrymen drtnk jbochbiei not it is not strong and doe ndtmake dem j drouk british workanm 7no then tmrzou fojlljforlbeflrrtamef ifuacubd drouk- 3 i it wbrjtchtrlly4wtoone 0 osevlt pma3ntrf b t saygtftt glrl enjttuh correeted f a are- we going to have any gitlvaii- ued ireu oa oor new house r arrwiatr any gfilvanitod rron galranixedyoinuean dont you v yes p t butteecherays we mujst afiss mry cjasapbefl slss wi iirs after taking loir wtlex or k rtlinip aijjm veitrtabre piseoreiy a ktdy pepua cfre i fselas if i were a new peraob 1 had been troubled wi fa pepau for olsdler oryears ul fnrd pjany xesardtea bu o m idl unn i sued ike oelebraud dkapepuft iar forslt 61 the flsk i headstie jjiver anderdrejobn tri liu i i l