Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1882, p. 1

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s rs j s r i wi til e- joiaif rc3 f4 it published every zffunsitar mor editor ii proprietor vir ii f 1ksm- i psixrjkt ppmsig netv dauxo method ilcumrct tv mrfj actont out trn th tutr pur will bo eton to rvwk r ptftito pud for moo pfcr n- r i m ftivihc j si- if not o paid- no r arrcirs aj paid ipi vl tlid option of the puutshcrj awttii lurr catfua1 cdvferttw- akjt coin ipcr lino for the finti inter- iioa a15 ciiau per line for etv ltice- qtirai nortji loib profcssionaj cards ro i ik or letw li per minimi 1impc 12 ha voc ww pavftbifl in 6 ramui fivtrl jst of iaxaliou anypeciil sioto ohject of which is krpimuole the pwainayumfit of any udivijnal or roiviy ti i eousidorvd ail tt-tvortim- re ai- the inamber ol lines rvckkiol by lh civvx mcasaivd by a stile of foiiivonpiccilj tsvfo oofk svoc so o k 1 cvtrct lattj ot- coliinm tjii year bit i jmiimtm cr rtf uutun ni year r inn tsxnnlli q urttnlutunhit movbl y i- tamn uittjr trvyut hjirrv jnic t fn niirlh j i i hr month nil bl teiir uurrmlirrclifcord- iiflc tntmltirt tikirtieninu jtattbe ri i loji4vanf j i chsicw m ttturt mlvcrtitmctm nrnn tv m fir orw uj 9 mon it tvtiyij txticr- tiy vl b htt owrw thv i0tlwinc rmt sp j j i kiuora proprietor wmtgbttm wh liowrt m b if qp s gnidajw o triaity cuoscjirem- br oi coikiw ci piiyaiiiains uxi surpeoni 05 e zz reiodco l vhe bead a tro-i- rlck s ic33 term 100 in advane the ncmpdpra map of busij life hi fluctuations and t vast concern 9130 if mt o paid volume viii no 9 acton out thursday august 31 1882 acton banking coy storey ohristie it 00 bankers art oh ontario a general basktsg busi ness transacted v0837 vwsrsa on imovin otbs nofeb discounted and interest allowed on deposits i is now is the tihe hake purohases 4t t5i- 1 office foreters dru stote dr mcrrxueiudtucq mul acton rldtyoe charch ttr formcrlj occs- pci ly ilr v ileastrrci aactiatrer l benkfttt dektist creorge- j pohv tatt66k ge adtite of os- tj3 vtiiiusiet carai tttrno tttrrirr stirjeoa ac3 on- orce in kb2oy pt ua aoi shoe st res- ilvcc- iu ljrtir- llcrf cisniindd is to ali cilu nlclit ct div jronjptiy utfeod tdto ttnavtf n tjfiiher y- s georgerowx e on fill visit acton ever- ttedcei- iiy ijl tlj to all calu pertiiniri i o li nriiru 0r3ricfrat mciarrius drr jrfll rccehe prcrpt acutio i tj fisher ftllertos eael i etoeey i btrrifk-r- sjcitors of the scitcim ct ccnyuty 4c tcmk i gcorse- tl omccv 5o x ciiutb ftrcct ttio i3 3icljs el icvtecidwe is ifovy to losa iokstogrb topeirinjoiit dtuy n of usefiuad onnmeataloood3 iasfarted from gr- miiy frwict bclpium jhemi wdgrtit briuia 39chios cheap for cah i com early lad hive the firtt choice of txc imoieqa kw stock jas f ktbmlb 1 cent sloir imdrkrip ch luui upper wtndham street guelpi whole no 383 2 caties of beautifol lores conch shells just arrived days bookstore cuelph your choice for 15 cents call and see them day sells cheap w i il eebisirjxt liioanssi iactioneer f tb c- k vteiiie3c d hiitn qrlfrs lft i ih fei piii osie actc 3r at y jrdride is acton will be pranlctly 2ttcid3l to tcjuis reiiariibk jjlouty lo laa also mobffr tc fcan on tbc at arorable urns ail it tbe hestntea of uitrc- in sids o sxo ibd np6rd w ill buv or sell tec ajdersjncd is prepirtd to parchsse 43v uigtty iff clai or ltrch stare liti hstri for headicg and pne cfedtr or liack ash for aaiap7 in ilk loc ot lolu a cfd stock of shlaglei rtaves ind bea4- ictilays qcihicd j ts05 c moore ieicilhill agton drmforster lutsiicating oils cheap hoatserratlime juice paris green helcbore coalcil plypov4er s smith is eiving great banrains in electroplated napkin rings pickle casters cake baskets etc i have also a large stock of specs and eyeglasses prom 25 cents up wm s smith tbe watcb ud clock houm of gndpb tucibdit mrtso aoeait si 1882 pqefsr the imnters dova ink bofpittero gotiiinff uuorfl with hii broom n hmd loarnias cleaning itclbing icmbtjlnfi j uojer ercry rjuwir ncalhlba cam type and tytcf j trampled hcru thr feu bjhii plato j doomed to jo to priatctibattflrudbflll buiaicghlihcf dartiaff thither i tail of all tbe afl oct md in docrr doti ail chorti j bringing telegraph ram for coptj nor dar cuip h for hi paper bat aj1 the jbormin save tlm or mja 3 j yelling forhii fit protm tb pallcji then ue aaliict on saninionf from the nevroom to tbc aaactata j part of mi dominion and the boiitct often ctou a j bcn wioiis bolo ixako the ie iiixji the level j slirrfpff up tbe coali wtabia j roller bricfisns eou or i l a sttofi iratcrpail time be at not j i at tle paiie ijot wrapjiccp th mail ftfiki do vbn tbe v doue thes he tccu one i vhr tbo frecc baclta lay there to tctlle fcruie bulfl in the pint tbcre fa merit i offer gafcifii byhu irsjcfqp lcciilatort groat delateri have ariaea from the priaon doril it to pay far from tint of abaxne food and honored tune of the prin wi den ova sroar pride overcome b 6tb a fedding i no bridesmaids no mtaic no bralfastor rteqiiion 1 i declare i could aot hel a if i bad been mirried 1 cxclfiimed murion willaughby tbrawing berclf dowu ujwn n loir fuuleoil ia bcr own llcanuyappoiajddniaiogrooa and drawio oil tbe delicatelytinted gloves the finest stnck tre erer had of j bch served is a finisb to tbe exquisite parisian toilet tbcre tvaj onlj one other occupant of elgin wall liam make in tckel silver t ike fob balekv lime can be had at tie canada lime woris in small or large quantities at any time apply- al ihe eibtt near toltocs niii or to i i c s ssoth mar 1st 12 box 172 acros at the peoples flour feed store fr4n01s nunan sncdeaior to t f chapman st georges square goelpb accouat books of all kinds made fc order perioicali af every description carefully borai etlitg neatly and promptly done harhess truhk eof yittttbs azctifiisc asrrfarjeg rlt earness or trunk3 to 4t dtlnteyehoald go to r creech acton east end butctifir step actox ost s 2arutt so ro taire ittiet tkaiski to the people of actoo and viciniry fnr their kind iitrnnaiee sitee tfnhiz lrniiihsa he nd wnald it- pccfullvt4iicit aenntinnarfcer uiermfl and ca aisare them that tbey- will alwayt hiafl ou band a lull stock of all j kinds of meat rmeit delivered b we jrjli purehamjgood meat of iy wdfromjtjmja wbotrb toadl i haui3 a s the ukdeksigsen has a large erperiecce in tbe manufacture of flour and feed thefe ia no doabt hecnu aeenre a good article of floor at reasonable pricea ijso oatrneal oornmeal gran ulated oatmeal granulated wheat patent boiler flour hungarian system gra ham flour potatoes ap ples bran shorts and all kinda of feed nanaljy kept in a firstclaae feed 8tor j9au be ka ia a fair trial and he will give yofl good aatisfactioo vonn resrjectfnlljr and gold cases i claim my xicke cases are whiter and purer than any other being made especially for myself b savage watchmaker jenclier gublbh r elliott acton aug 18th 18 botcher shop r solmes would respectfully inform the people of acton and vicinity that he hapurchaacd the hasraesa andproperty of mr v c- rohiasoo and it pteparod lo snpply all with firstclass meat of all kinda and poultry and game in season s ia meat delivered to any part of town 4tuny time 0 earing practical experience in the batcherinff baiioeie 1 feel colficent that i can salt au a call kindly solicited r holmes galediten wanted to begin vscrk at ince on salea for fall of 1881 for tbo fostnilt nitr8eries the labqetn canada botomct tomsto oxt 1 t i nut jmontreal pq t j branch officea j g p minb j nurseries fonthill ontario we can itart in addition to mir already i larce force mancxd how lost how restobeu we havpreeectljpnhliffiedfl new eiilmon of ur fwtverwejrt crle bmte4 issaf ou tnr nijlcnl and nertnaneni enre rilbul raph- cineof kervonsd- bllltv mertfllan i phyhlc- al incapacity impedimenta or marriage etc reantiireromaxceasea jgprieln a sealed envelope only6ctl or twu powige btanipa tneclebratetl nlior in lhu admirable esay clearly jenioitratea frrtnthirty ynr prnctier ihatalflrrntneeon- ienence may be raiiraiv cord wlniout thedaneeroup luerf intern 1 metllelnbor thenseolllieknirei poinlinfont n mode rf cure at once iropje ertaln and fcrriiinhy meant f wblei- eviy snfferer jto matter whathlacomiltlonroiy tbe room s man tall and bandsorae stand ing with one hard resting on tbe back of tbe ehiir site dd not glance up ae ihe spoke or nofc that chester tborleys face bad loat its alor you aie apeaking of mia maivines wedding v lie said- tuee is one ele ment esntiil to most marriages yon have not in- ntiocld in your j 0 things enn merated tf us love waning too oh no ijl believe she loves him she certainly must di eo to nn almost absurd extent iliay are to go boniekecijing in ft miall flat in an unfashionable locabiy op town where he mutt be away from tarly mcrning until quite fix clock he occu pies some salaried positiou clerk in a bank believe and shea girl trhb might have married anybdy honest labor degrades do man came the firm quick answer even a clerkthip is pot alwayj lo be fonnd and i wuuld rather break stones in tbe street than live by money acquired dishonestly or doled onliof charity though in such a case would ask no woman to ibure my lot tins locks like breaking stones does it not t she iaughinily answered letting her own jeweled fingers close over the manh hand where it rested a band whose sbape betokened a islocracy and which was white and soft as t womans at her 1 gut touch bis strong frame quivered 3e bent and let his lips rest an instant care singly on her hair for the girl beside him tvas his affianced wife i could break stones though dear and i dont know but that it would make me a letter man suppoie i lost illy money marion linppose it all were swept iwny from me in an hour and 1 had a position offered me- ft position which wonli enable me to live imt very humble very much as your frieof is going lo live tell me what would yon do t you aie onlt talking to me chester and 1 bat such questions in the first place it is i ntirely opt of reason for even tood behiud her chair ibe must have notic ed it yon are utterly absurd this afternoon che6tfr she exchiimed petuluotly have i not jlirt told yon that edith marrloes wedding was mere mks a funeral than wtdding and though i presume i shah hava lo attend my own funeral one day it will not i assure you be as a voluntary agent have yo anyllrfug more agreeable lo say to me j thc man shook off a eertnra minieuiiug wltlcb termed lo envelope ittm ia ti m- vitiblo eload and be answered with tbe old courteous gracs that soiled bin so well and had made bis powers with women almost a proverb monej always teemed lo belong to him by an inherited right it was so oatural that he shonld be rich no one eooidbave imagined cuetur thorlef poer be knew how to tpend bis wealth be gave it so generously yet without ostentation tbatne man envied him yet h knew half as how later when be left bis farefell kits on marion willough- bys beautiful lips that it was farewell to al his hopes and happiness the blow had fallen be was ruined man with scarce a dollar to call hi owu be who bid no nugratifted wish money could procure in all his thirty years of life it had fallen loo through no fault of his owo though ibere was feeble comfort in that there was comfort however in the knowledge that be owed no man and that he inight etart afresh in the workl with no tuiden on his shoulders or conscience there was a deep wovad lo his heart he bad loved marion to well that to girt her up was lo voluntarily renounce gods luulight but iq her life bad boo spent in luxury- it was to her a necessity de prived of it the would fade and droop- and better any lot than lo watcb her ilrug- gle and know thai be bad brought it upon her besides she bad made her choice to her a wedding meant flowers mosie friends tbe toilet of the bride the future lbs com munion of two hcarls the solemn re- fponsibiiites were bat secondary considers tioua goodbye my darling p he said as they parted but she added until to morrow he answered neither yea or day tomorrow the world knew cheslerthor- leys thip wis on tbe rocks many of hut bnsinea associates would have held out to him a helping liaod bui firmly and kindly he refused every offer he wrote marion a few lines recalling lo her mind the conversation of ibe night be fore and released her of her tows to him if any good fortune comes to me be concluded you shall hear of it if i am riient yon may know it is because my life fs wrapped in silence and shadow bless you darling for tbe light you have cast upon it i it will be like looking back to heaven i dare not see you again i tested my strength lo its full yesteiday god granl that some belter mao than i may win you to love you better u not within bis power nor must you think i blame you that you shrink from sharing tbe new lfe upon which i enter flowers cannot live without sunlight even is i spoke 1 knew your answer i only wanted to be sare that i made no mistake in interpreting the best course for happiness and then with a few more warm pas- slonal ely loving words of farewell the letter closed two years passed and the world which department alter department ikey visited watclng witb interest tbe delicate subtle machinery and its wonderfni workings marienecbcek flushed with interest and clay clayton noting k though he never had teen bet look more beautiful today he determined he must speak when suddenly he beard a litllo cry and glancing up saw her standing qnit apart from thegroup her eyes abhue and ker lips eulteriog al a utile distance hen ver ad justing seme pieces of machinery was a man lo a workman blouse ller try had attracted bias aad be looked up their eyes mot his face grew deathly pale but he gave no other tigu of recogni lion she went ttraigbt towards him ob livious to all with hand outstretched chester p she said in a voice scjxterv louder than a whisper at last he bowed low lit response and look no notice of her hand but the old dauntless pride was in the uplidad head and fearless glance did yoa know that i was here she questioned no he replied i am no longer in your world will yon come to see me t i cannot here hi voice broke a little mr claytoo she said let me pre sent my friend mr tborley spite of the innate bleeding of the man some of the instioctlve surprise at hearing a steel wo ker addressed by miss willough- by as a friend made itself apparent in the manner be yet strove to conceal then tbe party passed on he wondered however why marion lingered a moment to address the superintendent a qaeslieo as they came oat into- this open air he bad meant to ask her on- the way home the question which all day and for many days had trembled on his lips bet there was a new expression in her 7 and about her month which instinctively told him that this was sot the time to plead hit cause had that iittlt fellow inside whebnwed so like a gtolleman been any other than a wokman he mighl bare suspected bim as in some way responsible it was quite singular u it was that miss willoughby tboold have addressed him at friend doubt less some men who bad teen better dayt and for whom the felt k womanly sym pathy can i see mr tborley v the miitress of the bumble little cottage in one of ibe chicago suburbs looked up amazed at the beautiful young lady who asked the question indeed i suppose yoa may hiss hes gone up to bis room where he spends all his evening and not a bit of supper to night has he touched shall 1 call bim down mo let me go to him its tbe first room tbe right of the stairs miss hes the oniy lodger i have and yoa are his first visitor but the girl heeded not the words a strange vision she surely was as she stood aa instant outside his door chad in costly velvet and rich furs then she sotlly turn ed the handle and entered he did not bear her he had thrown himself upon bis sofa and buried bis head in ihe cushion he was still so motionless she thought be must be sleeping she twiitly crossed tbe room and laying her hand gently on his shoulder called his name my god 1 he cried and would have started to his feet bat that she held him the persisted i ask you to retbrn to no- life of aejndtnee i will forget that i have ajatj asha h tlw- world except what yon ire as 1 will ikae wahteftr nonieyoaiefltf ntjerthia tot better for worse dmng weple4gv4oratam a aacre as theagh already we stood beftrr gods altar fa sods light t am yo- wifer i elaia my right te share yow dark days as well those on wncfc the ran f prosperity may seine f he strove to answer bar bsjt btt tofcr broke she bad conquered but woman like ihe gate to bim the glory of ber vic tory as she sotted eat ber bipplnest upon hit heart a month later there waie qaet wedding- at which there were neither flowers nor bridesstaids nor onwlc but marion wil- louglrby missed notlilog it was osey after the ceremony bad been performed that chester thawed her a document which had beao hit wedding gift from tbe firm ha bad serrert so faithfully aad which admitlcd him at a junior partner frem thai date but she stalled half sadly as she looked at it through a mitt of tears yon said once dear she whispered that flowert to live need sunlight my darhag i had tot then made tbe woader- fo1 discovery ihtt leve makes lulvrht everywhere with yonr heart my home y ill be the outside adornments what they will i envy no klbg bis palace no queeu her fhrona hud known chester tborley knew him uo more he had entirely disappeared it back falling on bcr knees beside him was as though the sea had opened and swallowed him up marion willougbby was marion wi1- ionghby still if she tnffered she made no sign but those who had teen tbe oue- sparkling stone which had been the pledge of her engagement lo chester tborley noticed that she worelt still and others yet more narrow watchers observed that always when the entered a crowded room she would take a hasty glance about as though expecting to find aome one not tb ere she was as yet but twenlytwo a belle and beamy still the third winter of his absence she went west to spend several weeks with an aunt i cannot spare you her father had said when the invitation had come but she going close to bim and laying her head a moment on his breast had said i think papa it wbold be best they were simple words bnt he inter preted them aright the old wound would not cease bleeding she wanted to go amid new scenes so he only kissed herand bade her remember that bef old father awaited her return np losycurchirase wtre ll i havi cheaply prlvatelv ami rndiair i thin implore stiorrfd be in the hanls oil 100 additional oanvassfera i veryyoiui anti every man in the land address i the cnlverwell medical co j charity 41 ann 81 xew verb postofnes box 4s0 t and onrlnitne would alway8 be aitbbim and want more who can give foil time to tbe bnsinca steady applnynient and good salaries to snccewfol nlo it does not nat ter what your previous ocenpatinn hat been if von are willing to wnrkyour auocest is almost certain the lt of references re- would sooi er starve than ekt the bread of svtotice the canada arfvertlrlif aecn- jvey no kin rl wt toronto is tnlwlked to receive advertisements for tbieleper j w ppa you know is vcy rich said to you morion that i ucrifore putting this possibil ity pside ell me whtt would you do 7 nerflngrstelaxed their grasp upon his hand v s there significance in this ac- tion t he imilcd bitterly as he saw it his acs waa i erjr pale now except that b you have not been through the steel worts some one said to ber one day it really is a most interesting sight will yon join a party if we make up one to visit them miss vyillongbby f with pleasure i she answered lightly chester she pleaded you would not ccmr to me my pride is less than yours my love greater i come to you did you think that my heart ottered the unworthy words- for wliich you have pun ished me all these years t i have tried so long lo fiod you so long and so hopelesa and she bowed her head and sobbed out right hash dear hush- you shonld not bavt come here marion it might com- promise yoa compiomlse me with my future has- band t see chester and she held op ihe ring ive never accepted my freedom my own brave girl he said his toioe softening even while he girded himself up to the strength ot which be stood so much in need but the heaven you open to me cannot be i am foreman in tbe works where you saw me tpday marion my knowledge and love of machinery stood me in good stead i beard of ibis opening and secured it today i was adjusting some difficult piece of work i dared not trust to the workmen i am in receipt of a liberal salary which i am laying aside dear liv ing aspoorly as i cani hoping one day to buy an interest in the business one or two improvements i bare made are rapidly at taining me this goal tut it it still far off i can not ask you to wall nor forget the years of labor which helped me lb gain it i have waited already too long cbei and ber aunt charmed with fie bril- ter she whltpered i am ready now to haul success of her beautiful niece smiled i become jour wife al clay claytons numerous devices to en snare marions society he was the great parti of the place she had heard eunielbiug of some eaily disap- his facegiev deadly while do not tethpt me j he said hoarsely oh chester i the said when i i ham so much money why are you so cruel nrr poimmenia in marions iife it would be a and aopfoudf j splendid triumph lo oblileijtle it and al- j i cannot goback av a life of ease and ready she felt sure that the fiat lay iu the fjirla own hands i- tbe morning appointed for theetpedl- dependence he answered even vlib you jmydeaiiilote to brighten it bless you for coming to me marion 1 bless you tion dawned beautiful and bright ther for shnjringjny all ihit a noble woman can seemed indeed the drones hitnidlng on be t tjte memory of uut hour will light tome busy hires of trtrttera a tbay entered fulure yeart the great building aad tookaailiam i cbaftar you do undiand me how to avoid family jars never both be angry at once iftier tarn wftb a past mistake i forgot is never an acceptable tx- cuse hake marriage a raatier of moral judg ment if you must crilicise let it be done lov ingly never make a remark at the expense of tbe other never talk at one another either alon or in company if one is angiy let tbe other part tbe lips only for a kiss never speak loud to on another unless the house is on fire marry into different blood and tearper- ment from your ownj it is tbe mother who moulds the charac ter and use the destiny of lbs child do not herald the sacrifices yoer malat for others tastes habitt and preferenciek let all your mutual ateontmodatiobs tat spontaneous wboleeouled sod free as air they who marry for physical character istics or external considerations setli fail of happiness consult one another in all that cornea wittun the experience observatisb and sphere of the other never reflect on a past action wfaeni wast done with a good motive aad tb btaf-jaxlf- nzent at the time most too brimy father began the boy as he looked op from his first history are ailtar mlaw very fresh t fresh i what do yon mean f why tbey have to put salt into em to make em keep dont they v what nonsense 1 i dont understand yon web i heard some men in the car any that yon salted a silver nine and made hundred thousand dollars and i wanted t ask what the salt was for the way that boy was hustled off to bed i made him dream of cyclones all night cheering v spinster landlady then you and your mamma want the same rooms you had hat year f young lady yea miss sprig- gins only it isnt mamma who is with me but my husband ive got married sidea last year i 8 u lor now have you t i am clad to bear it dear me after all i dont know why i should be glad yoa never did me any harm poor dear she was not without reproach some little time ago miss francis power cobbe who has bo idenified herself with tha cause of anti-vivisection- called ana distin guished man of science in london to endea- vor by persuasive speech and viva voee argu ment to gain him over to ber canoe three- points were obaervablein mist cobbe oot- ward presentment- namely she had an oatrich feather in hor bopoat snd a bird of paradise on or near heraraff and she carried an ivory handled umbrella consequently the distinguished man of science replied aa follows madame charity begin at home when you have given np wearing ov trioh feathers which are plucked from tb living bird canting the most exquisite pain and birds of paradise which in oder to en haace their beauty and lustre are akiirned tlive when yon have abjured the aoe of ivory because yoa knov thai tbe tntka art cut oat of the dying elephanti jaw then land then only come and upbraid me with cruelty of my operations the difference between ut it madam that iinniet pain ia the pursuit of knowledge and for the olti mate benefit of my fellow creatures you cans cruelty- to be inflected merely for yoar personal adornment i o patting away topis the wearing ont of farm implements ia as a rule doe more to neglect than to use if tools can be taken care of it will pay to buy those made of the best steel and bnisk- in the beat manner hot in commopjiiuds and with common cart tueh are of little ad vantage a well care editor at no m king st east toronto out are the tditoral roeou of the sunday satcl jfnawl edited by mrwitbrow ef 9 jarvij street in the same city cooversint reoentiy with leveeral gentleman floi of them the repreaentslive of thelaroejt ad- vertisen in the world mr vcithruw re marked at to advertbing i oaasider st jacoba oil tbe best advwtiaedartiele by far it it a splendid reeaeoy too beeidet the nuny saaea of rhehmatiacn it hat cure ritrht mmongat at it has rendered tne taca efioubt aervioe ia euriag a aevare luweesj nf the cheat sad u obttiaaet haseh udeiitlwoaaaiastaetarily i

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