Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1882, p. 1

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m vhk r- i 401 fp03 lf88 1 published svtiiir tilciisfia r itonxixa h- e moobe- editor proprietor at lufe frkk i 111 next door 10 meltoiliht oharch ulnsimi xcroi tsaxs tho fnti prs will be out to subscribers postage pii j for 100 pec u- nam in luivanw slooif not so paid ko paper diwvit inacd till ill a rears arc paid except at ciiorlivu of the puutslicf aivesxishw llirns cavjaj edvertise- meat- 3 cents jvruoo ir the first iner- tkta aai 3 cnts per line izr etch fubw- qaal injn ciu picoaal carjs loliow or 1 i im pcraitru 1 rqurc 12 lines 3x per iaaaui payabl in g months fromxitof insertion any special sotiev tv cajrt of which to promote til periuivry boriit of sjiv- ialividuai or coraomy to bi ciusaered mi cjivrt- m r 1 term8ioo in advane 77 mempaper 4 hap of by life u fluctuation and its viui cmctrtu volume viii no 19 nkat tu a the snio o cvtct hatx5 on eitmn cr vi trtf uima ryeir on c im x uiiiiit hairontuan it mvilh in- c iitun thre- r it hlertlimn ir mmlr line reckancd bv riii uiiirvl by a scajee ft to v l rv pat mi aiva-i- lalff viiy9 rioi wic liiov wii1 1 ft irr a r m mjf lirtf oafh to rtlm rv mjlb- aptqn banking cot storey christie st co bankers i acton ontario tlexfhal baxkixg busl- skus tuassactkd ri prorrletor this paper rl f icf- soizs notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits highest prices for wheat farm r dont hold on r higher prtcet tb- acclt f cnjis am over europe itdcae llnl riot- ar- ntate likely to le ttryr ia hijhr ou the cloee uf uiiitil at the 2039 worth seeef ml siq instruction books tlboif netsepsld aoton ont thursday november 9 1882 whole no 394 heaairu glance troaod the kcbc of coafas- tbe moet ado 3 of croitarw i rcrnt i iod end im oiug to help yon through own that yoa are equal to anyemersehcy is i i iv loen ii fjus office pi sir w h fvh ifdicil h arced y cc- ctflp czsirii2zli28 uir prxsi 1as fi ktqnesr- tfl t cat marc khjc hcip cu buar upper wyniham street guslph- the finest stock west of toronto days bookstore gte lp h day sells cheap tmrnndav jmonmvo not qet thj there ire nlaetj jiilxety axd nike ind niao tlit uto and die u waat mid tjungor aod cold tht oao tnay rtittl in laxary and be lapped in it ill jtiu fd 1 se ninety aadlnlno la their hotel 1 e one la a plce with riche rare fiells the ninety and nino a oar mother earth tbev dig and dc ivo u tho daakj- mine and bring its reaaurera forth and the tcilth tituwe j by tholr iturdj tlowi to the handi of tho oue armer aon prom the sweat if their bran the daaert bloomt and tho forest beforetbem ftju their lihor baa mil jod uamblo homea aad cwwtftl i loftr hail and the one otdi city homea aal uada aad the nlaotj- aaov nine haro eiauty huada justice they toil la thoj for tbi iralta l l becsetr uextist goal m wood dealer joh lpvsokgrujtate ofok i vjlrjasrr sirjc ac- qu oslrt- i 11 tr ii ktct t 5ai tt ex etn- rts idea iu tii rjrr e r- elziiiid ta t- ah ji aiiuicrdij rrrty rni ed to terins tiy ij lilh lit ocrs stow romance of housecleaning is xjv economy tjfishse v 5 gzofgztovrs div i xi iijiil t ili ci2 rerriii toaispici orinsfi it zcgininv j t j figiep cmtlleetos hill i etchet birriate sjlirit of the sapnnc coiru c v eyi t- r s gvkc t3xt omczs k- i clrli nrct 13 hlv to lcsji- jix s- rrtil eistrleet l3ari3ed iuctionerl for thi cjafcs c vti2irtj jaeiot orders ls it ui- fsxc eis- osce irmi or it dt riiac- in ahca- will ix pramfj- attesj to koncr ktn- ais3 niiey to ioic o lie raori favorable tern tai it tiic- isvrcs me ol interest ia stuns rf f 500 sei cjkards i to tjftlr tiic ut ijajitici r tvil ia lu t ut prcirr pi thortcl ciicc it firlis bcii hid mivc tict ki in enrdad ttgre icryts eiicr cil or wood delivered ui any iart of tle ujirtt ordere left at tbe u ltd itoertore vil i prttpjy attdd lo i 20u cord cvid dry eecu ttd maple ivood vacted tor wutii the huliert price ail be ptid fikcy osds asd i cohteotioherly rs w c king t ihe foe sale i lime on be ltd at the canada lime j works inail cr ure ctne tdanv time- apply tt tie kiin near tcltcms mill or to c s s3hth may 1st 1632 eor 172 ados t jhbeu wivtldt u5 tmcred t ocx cf faxv goods etc in the vrcizir- ktlr occcpfsd by mr r e- kecn on liaia rirtct aad so- licit the public patronifie j colrd wool hats j a splecdii let of colored ool aits of ail in i vill be sold cheap m a number rf jcj aosicrs bible mats etc csh and see prhat we have ia sirs- vr a kt1cg the sure way to gret jie bnfc valae for your i mone7 to eecure jtiia choice of a stock to select lanw it he co llaje willi a i lriu tiae hd uacai atrd u oil auul del let me be olj fwra lee fi ura u wht you reqmm at the lowest cash prioaa is wm to deal at s smith tne toli and clock hotue of gnelph oomrng at the peoples flour sc feed store the acdemgred is prepare i to parchae aay qaautity f citn brcb red beoh ift i niiple roi h red oau hsfvorl white aah prar vlite trvi lalm cf oi4 a pine ctdar orrbuckajifa tti ttlrer lulls j j j tj30s c mooile i jfloltranifeed the ukdehslokef has a nalcee in the mjacfacture of j francis n12nar scccessor to t t cliapaan 8gqs3sybss 5t- georges square guelph- accoaat boois of all kinds made to order- periodicals of ererr deecriptoa carrfnuy biaai ealagdoatly and promptly daiie- arness- truhk 8ep0f hsirn83 or trunkst to tave monej ehotud go to r creegh aeton tiiere i uo donlt lie cai article of fluur at rea the finest slock we ever had of elgin waltliam make ia mcke silrer and gold cases i claim myxickel cases are whiter and purer than any other beiug made especially lor myself b savage watchiuaker jeweller airblph- 04 t watt you 1 biid eiic igtil griuaeti thai aim- tit the utjo4 wliill- shaiiuft hi lie aocictv ijqbui 1 wut oi portaiaaleauauci oa a kcturiii lor uatl it coue to auj ixjttd a ihuc flappniatcd to coafeas tfce trulii the ba eseciailv arranged lliis visit with rtjfereu6elo her nephew euc eea a fia young fellow she had said lo herself wi u true feminiiie diplomacy wilhaaeicjlleot parish ad fine pros- peclj and it hib time howai seuled in life with a wi e and i uunt flora lee iroald suit hi a exactly and here was the young man himself upsetting his charming little caaueintbe air wilhoat the least scruple of cuu science lie 1 he modem iconoclasl that he wis well eiic aaid mr dove despair- inlf ril urite to her not in come of courte i doit want to put you out jum when youre 10 boiy too with that course of lectures on tbe book of revelation but i really thoi gut flora would make the house lively sbei a el too artificial to wit me said eric h ie ask her to come in jane when i shall be off to omalu and kfltada on th lt conference 1uainesi but aj for i riiitf i should prefer little polly peppercorns xg wax doll with tbe ailky black hair an ths slaring black eyes that open and shu 07 machinery solfre do re choking back the tears of disappointment fur she had beta nursing this pet scbec ie ia secret for a loojr while sat down an 1 wrote a letter to ber friend hiss lee pos poning the prppoaed lojoum at cedarboag 1 farm nnlil roies should be in bloom an 1 strawberries beginning lo ripen adonijah said she to the hired man take this le ter to the post office yea mil sad adonijah and he pat it ia his pocl l and straigblway forgot all ql iu it was adiimal mioy morring in april ube yellow jlquils beaten u the gruund the very wild fecqre n gwd nallc prieec also oatmeal corzlmeal qran- ulated oatmeal granulated wheat patent pvoller flour hungarian system gnaj- ham flour potatoes ap ples bran shorts and i kiadfl c feed u easily tept ia a first 0 ass fcad sforo 9a11 be aaki is a fair trial and h mill give yoa good satisfaction yours refpectfally r elliott acton ang 18th 1832 guelph cloth hall uus opened out very latest erxrlifih american hat3 lweed rubber coats i silt braces cashmere half hose for pall wear fellows curtis celebrated unen collars east end butcher shop actok ott h marlatt sro desire tn tender thanks to the popof aeton and vicinity for their kind patronage aee opentdg fcasiobaa be sad would jre- petfollv soltett a boottonaoee of the vow ad eaa aarare tbenuthat tbey will always hare am band ar fall stock of j sll kinds of meat wmeat delivered j wi ill irarchim good neat of ajby udoaikoiewtuiraiitoaeiv hmaelatrbbo butcher shop k holmes wonld respecifolly inform the people of acton and vicinity that be has porciiaaed tbe business and property of mr w c robinson and is ptepared to bqpply all with firstrclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in season sjsr meat delivered to any part of town j at any time j had broaijbl sat crying ol ladder fur down the eel and mrs il sent a mesa broken out violela shotting up their eyes as if in unmi igated disgasl at the unprom- ising 6tate of the weather overhead racks of gray cloud i scadded across the heavens and the utile dieet of silver lakelet nnder the hill was dotted and dimpled all over with the filing rain as if pierced with a tbooaaud tin javelins its no i se trving said mrs doyc patntively the fates ihemselvea have cjaspired aifi tnst me i the carpet i were up thti pails of white wash stool styimlng in tbe middle of tbe and mrs dorebtreelf with her gray cans tied ui in a yellow damask pocket hand jercbief which hec great uncle root china half a century ago i the lower edge of a tttp- bctsey tbe help had fallen ar stairs aui broken ber leg ilrinyi the cbarwomao had je that her eldest eon bad j rid de miizle inre speckl ed all over lit e a shower of red pepper and sorrt a bit of clauiu conld she undertake far until tbe srskes over and thete three daysof all others sighed mrs dovewben eric had ex changed pul its with mr waahbome 1 and he so dislikfci boasecleanlng nod dear iu l ilra dove what ia the matter v j mrs tjove started to her feet with a tit tle cream or there exactly as if she had been rained t own out of the gray xenttb stood flora lee herself in a trim browu travelling dr as with a neat little hand bag a goasaner waterproof cloak and a silk ambrellt why f3 ira v cried she bow came yon here ry the t bio of eonrbe said miss joe and i walk sd from the station t i wrote on ost to come said mrs dove in con fterhation but i ne rer received any snob letter to all wthol are suffering from the errors j aid miss l l shall i go again 7 i sod indisore ions of yooth nervons weak- j no you darling you shall do nothtig 1dess early dcay loss of manhood e 1 1 of th sort 1 said mrs dofe enthasiatfv shaw grundy merchant tailors i w harior practical experience pn the bntcberiok btuineu i feel confident jlhat i cunitall a call kiddly loliciud bo web i a oaro f will tend a r rape that will co re yon runt oichabox tliia great remedy wai dia covered br a raiuioniry ib south anerica send a aeli ddreaied enrfope to the birr jaufd t llpx btaliotllxcv tori city ally itnaa ooly beeaaie becaoie me were hooae i leaning im not frafcl o boimjcleajnng aaid 1 riora 1 4u how it la with a exspt- hlt j yoa 1 laid mrs oore i yea 1 r aatd fwra why nott jmt i lead me ooe ol beieeyaold dreasea wliere ia bteey by the way her father has just carried her homo id the waggon laid 2dra dove she broke her lie and your charwoman oh dear 1 oh rar 1 6aid mra dore she has ul a viiitaiioti ol the tueoiels or amallpux or aome other horrid diaease in her family and my nephew krfe la to be gone for three dayi and i made sure i could finib the house cleaning while he was abieul and we ill aaid flora cheerily uow can we t oh ym ihud tee i nodded mil lee and depreaed though ahe waa aire tovu began lo feel the mercury riae in her tociital thermometer at once and flora lee arrayed herself in one of betscya caaloff calieoea lied her rippled bruwu iresaec up in a cambric sweeping cap and went rigironly ti work wilh a tu joins brus while lire dotre beul htrureutiii to the window glaaa and aluijali nith more zeal than diacretioo huoed whitewash over himulf and the fl or udth lauiable impartiality wal aaid adoqijah afterward i uever did see no cricket work 6pryer than that city young lady by graioaa she beats brl5v all hoiler at it i and ihes got audi an op aodiran pretly way of doin tilings too 1 declare i couldnt hardly aie my eyes off her all the time i was in wiiltewasbiu t xfn dure howeter was unused to the severe exertions incident upon bouae-cjean- ing time and went lo bed with asick head ache in the middle of the afternoon never mind mra dote laid flora ill get tea and ill make some of those cream waffles and a ahort cake for mr dave and yoa shall see how nicely 1- can fry oysters indeed indeed i dont know what i should do without you flora 1 aaid mrs d ive fervently but as it happened mr danieldove was unexpectedly detained on business at whiakiu a neighboring town and instead of him who ahonld walk debonairly into the little sittingroom singing down bia earpeobag but eric hale himself lust as the rainy dusk closed in and- the delicious lyiters and afocha coffee filled the house hello 1 aaid erie so youre clean ing house eh betsey i yes sir a demure toice responded from the kitchen and wheres my aunt v bhe has retired wilh a 6ick headache the natural conseqnenee of cleaning house i suppose said enc hale with a shrug of the shoulders dear old aunt delia 1 why shouldnt she be contented to leave things ss they were tell her betsey tuat washbarne has concluded not to ex change until next week and that now im io the midst of the melee ill lend a hand with this business torrorrow yes sir and betsey sir where did you learn to make such dliciius coffee brio m a cup at once im ready to drop with weariness and it is likea dream ifaabia i and flora lee with the flapping edge of lier sunbonnet concealing the amused dimplesaround her mouth brought in the oysters and coffee flanked by a pile of featherlight waffles i declare betxy cried the reverend eric facetiously if you were a trifle younger and paettiar id marry you myself tn makesure of coffee and waffles like this eveiy night would yon sir 1 said the soidiaant betsey and well make a compact betsey merrily went on the young clergyman as he helped himself to butter to fiuish the housecleauing onrselrea tomorrow and save aunt delia tbe worry and work cf it yes sir said betsey but please sir its all done except the tacking down of tbe carpets who did it i sir please and mrs do re and adonijah and please sir im going io fhuh it myself tomorrow and please sir dinging back her sun bonnet and dis closing a coronal of bronze brown braids a pair of very rosy checks and eyes fall of sparkling hazed mischief im not betsey at all but flora lea entirely at your servicer the reverend rlc hale started with roundeyed surprise not unmingled with dismay miss lee ire repeated exactly nodded the young lady did yon make the coffee i did and fry these brownjacketed oysters and stir up the waffles 1 no one else mn hale and scrub these rooms t glancing around yes air and dusted the cornice and washed the window glass and took down all the picture frames sad put the laoo curtains in soak beside other items too numerous to mention mischbrrlously add ed flora rather enjoying the discomfiture oftbe yeung clergyman miss lee laid eric- i bag yoajr pardon vwwwmrhatar jot fhrajftma ngua anl when laur in the evening mrs dove crept out with her head lied up in eau de oofons she found her nephew and fiora lee niayiug chess together by the fire io the most amicable manner unagin ahe its all right said mrs dove to her self it was all right and mra eric hale won her frank anconventiooal husband not through the medium of dress or jewels or waltzes or flower shows bat through tbe grim realities of cleaning honae 1 wanted a genuine helpmeet says the kererenderic and i have gut one i doltabs am csvssvx phai wtb tbis eetmtry t notarftehatujer dollars and eanta douarsandomta r what are tnen sstlviturior hot and intense t jollari and eanta dojlars and oeats what makes our polities reek with offence 1 dollars and cents dollars and eenta what makes mruotild thsuan a smell suaa inunatuvs rjollars and cents dollars and eenta f what maaw cmr cauhlers jump oer the baek fsneef dollars and cents dollars and eaeis what oanses crimehi theallgbtest pretenaef dohass and cents dollars and oents wrjs it stem justice oten relents t roiiarjaaad cents dollars and eenta what more than all shadows tell con lngerents7 dollars and cents dollars and ceida vhal makes yon polite to amaa ol no sense dolsss and cents dollars and cents sometbjns quite soft why your hand feels as soft as silk aaid iul shook handswith the widow nonsencc doctor she replied here wilh some more of your flattery are you my bands are not aa soft sayour own this minute why your hand said i feels- so soft id be afiaid to squeeze it i never felt any thing so soft mow doctor just listen at you again i if you never felt anything so soft aa my hand and eveu softer much softer you know it has been your own fault and i thought the widow blushed asjhongh sorry sue had said it pray said i becoming deeply inter ested what might i have felt that is sof ter than your hand t hush now i yon dont know of eotuse you are very innocent and then i conld hare sworn the widow was blnhiog upon my honor i dont know was my still more interested reply wont you lell me or show me no you know i wont tell you then show me wont von i dont like to but you are such a tease and such a dunce one must do almost soything to get rid of yon certainly and ahe took my band mincingly in hers now shut your eyes doctor x closed my eyes in an instant she lifted my hand up and np i held my breath and dear reader before i suspected what she was about she had placed it gently upon i my head t a favourite with all the strong attachment of subscribers to a well conducted newspaper is full con arm ed by publishers stop my paper p words of dred to beginoers in business lose their terror after a paper has been es tblished for a term of years so long as a paper pursues a just honorable and judi cious course meeting the want of its cus tomers in all respects the ties of friendship between tbe subscribers and the paper are as hard t break by au outside third party as the links which bind old friends in busi ness or social life occasional defects and errors tu a newspaper are overlooked by those who- have become attached to i t ipouh it- perusal for years they sort times become dissatisfied with it on account of something which has slipped into iu columns and may stop taking it but the absence of the familiar sheet at their homes and offices for a few weeks becomes an in sap portable p ivatbn and they hasten to take it agaio and possibly apologize for having it slopped no friendship on earth is more constant than that contracted by the reader for a journal which makes an lhtonest and earnest effort to merit its conti- dued support hence a cotucieoliously conducted paper becomes a favorite in the family troubles ol womans life whether last years falldress will ap awer this winter whether to put a parrot or a pigeon oat their winter bonnet uow much the woman across the street paid fur her boudet what is the hast disposition to make if ameil boys on beaunights why the people they meet in real life r re so unlike the ones they read of io novels how much cloth cut on a bias it wjl take to run a dress with fifteen rumss why ieit that a man of fortyhorae brain power is so insanely stupid when asked ts- matcn worsted r whether it is wiser to marry a homely man with a big fortune or a handsome tci- low without a oeut why is it so much more tiresome to sweep a fivefoot room than to take a fivemil tramp after antnma leaves whether skyblue paris green or old- gold ribbon ia most becomming round a steal gray poodles neck if ldisoa cooldt gel np some sort of patent kitchen machine to ran things wbibs the cook is on the strike which is the best way of sttiaf7 st the right side of her husbands pocketbook hi winter supply of wearables how some girls can contrive to get mar ried afterone seasons courtahip and etheta cant after a half adozen of after mjtrrlage- tbe plauoiphy you lore em no longer said a bride of of a few months to ber better half in his gown and slippers why do yoa say that puss he asked quietly removing a cigar from hiadips you do not caress me uor call me pet names you do longer seek so anxously for my company was the tearful answer my dear continued the aggravating wretch did you ever notice a man ruaniog after a car t how he does run 1 over stones through mud regardless of everytstiog till be reaches the car and he seizes hold and swings on then be quietly seats himself apd raads his paper and what does that mean t an hlus- tratioo my dear the car is as important to the man after he gets iaas when heis chasing tbut the manifestation h no longer called for i would hate shot any one who pnt himself in my way when in pursuit of yoa aal would now shoot any ouo who would come between u but ass proof of my love you ixislst on my rnnains after the car kales for home joys shut every door after you and without slamming it never shout jump or run in the house never call to persons upslaiia or in the next room if you wish to speak to them go quietly where they are always speas kindly and politely to the servants if you would have them do the same to you when told to do or not to do a thing by either parent never ask why you should or should not do it tell of your faults and misdoings not of those of your brothers and sisters carefully dean the mud off your boot before entering the house never sit down at the table or in the parlor with dirty hands or disordered hair never interrupt any conversation but wait patiently you turn to speak never reserve your good manners for company but be equally polite at home and abroad gautyer not entity an irishman when uked guilty or not guilty said to the judge howdo i know share thats for you w find out said the poliiaoal orator lam speaking for the benelhrf prosperity borne one shouted yuyoioogttirta xtmrute the cmstsak kaee keep it to yourself yoa have tronbhj your feelings are in- jnred our husband is nnkind your wife frets ydtrr home is not pleasant yoor friends do not treat yon fairly and things in general do not move pleaaantly well what of it keep it to yourself asmolder ingtirecad be fuuod and ertmgtusbed ghat when the coals are scattered who can pick them up bury yonr sorrow thepae for sad and dietruatiug things iauhdertias ground a cut eager is never benefited by polling off- the plaster and exposing it to somebodys eye tieitipaad let it alone charity coverethtbultitade of sins things thqs covered are often cured without aecar but once published and confided to meddling friends there is no end to the trouble they may cause keep it to yourself troehles are transient and when sorrow is healed and passed what a comfort it is to ay no one ever knew it until the trouble was auover tbe farmers life there is a quiet about the life of a far mer and a hope of a eerene old age that no other business or profession can promise a professional man is doomed sometime to feel that his powers an waning he is doomed to see younger end stronger then pass blm in the race for life he looks for ward to an old age of intellectual mediocrity he will be last where dnoe be was first bat the farmer goes as it were uts partner ship with trees and flcrwersrhe breathes the sweet air of tbe fields there is no constant strain upon his mind his sdghts ere filled with sleep and rest he watches his flocks and herds at they feed upon tot green and billy slopes he heart the plea- sant rain fall upon the waving corn and the trees bejlanted in youth rustle about him a i he plants others for the children yet to be ret one or our feeaillaritiaa socalled respectable people would hearts considerably before pdxezing your pockets in a crowded itjomrisrirare tnas would be tob too the same dis is not i by the aoocoed respeetable druggist when that woader- tuleorn eure pistaaass csww esatraesar is aaksd for ee will pillar your pockets in the most genteel manner by substitutestathegejin- topctnaiaisoornerkactior wateh tethaee gsntlemen and take none other than atnasa corn bxftactor bold by druggists everywhere i i o k comttock cekonit ifltftt writes i was aoftering tieruost excro- ebning pains from inlamraatory rbsumaia one applieatiob of qr thomas krfttetrid oil aflorded almfst ipstaotrelief sad two boula ssfteesm jemanenl cure j v mrs b jt qisfcrd c pothsowsna vraa for maov yeara suarer jrltttuvsir complaint and a srio j ayonng lrhiraasi whp had msarred whan bsrassnewstt ir i s f ms

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