Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1882, p. 2

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m taciwdav moaktso now 9 htt2 thaakffivlaz day this u th day pcwltiuiwf br offioinl puuhoritr tor imjnil htibjiving throughout lb diinmiun yt uu- beiii blvsved with n liouiuiful imrvl wurs undijeaiilfticu ie utikuou lo u oul hv ithv irfii pilijr our nitta our lmiiig ua twvi- til our iiisou h8 uotbwu iiujatml an uh lin-m- ill iuvtinublij ucsings msctidui from tie hand u ihc luilicr of nil mt rcits j wo bavtvmucu to ixj llmuk iful for but the question ariw- ar we thankful 1 while iti otbcr uud warn faoiiieviind poaulence have tgd vriib terrible fotce and uevasulicn we fimi ia thia land till quitluesa und kaciful- nesa while var bfi uu ruling in kgjpt ce find lie caudum inubatid nun iuslead of fibutijfriug bis rifitf jrriug a bayonet talking pac fully to and ftvtu bis duly ub pacvriii iu the goldvn grciu imj ib lucious fruit is not ibis somftbiug to br thankful for i many of us du tint knew hotr to appreciate what llic almiiu b been eo kiud and gtucious in be ttqwiogujkiii us liourd uf fctfucwuioa tas boaid uf tiuath uf aciou f ublie school turt ou monday w mug ctu mat almbfmufluirthirihlil mmuu6 v lflt uiuuj ix a d ittld coulitutd riievtrcroury rflad the communication f twenty ltut- ujiplicuuu for ilia pti tiuiia of tcacuffc ifi lli- cond and ihtld jlpitltufulb j j moved by wlj sluivv fcecuudvd h uv lity llui tbe kiiiiwuoii of mw juuu- k- uuoit iui- uii- uiini ury ol two biujjlivd aud hky ijulais kjr aulluitl b iocld muvldfd b certificate be ehrtidcd bllure the expti atiuu of tbe ifiijl of hr juxocut jcu gruant cariiiil moved by d ueudercun accouded by taiuca afjorf tbdii the lluunj ittlj jiiru 10 uiict lo ujottow evening iu tht cuaiiuiauvuftivj cailiid tilsiuv kvemxg bjxtduik una trvlliiu ikulult ciaiitrtti d ilriucrnu wli 3tji j met alwjt t tuo dr ljvuy i 4jviu uy wlll csiutty kccciud i jiulfa mtolii tiisl liiti ttpliiiciuud ol ilt m aune gibtu vl fuytlnou lo ujv tbii hoiitou olj u iclllt ill tlil kujliu dtpltuniii ofaejoti public sboul la che tillage pura vuuancc during tb euuhult utaiabs tbctv ia always uurc or lsa cxjtvriaiiti amocg our cuiins iq drfireiicc ij tlif subject of tbe jiroiniety ul kojiiu pigb tu tbe vtllt ul ciikj ibutc rraa owu lus aiauwia tjxiui tbtt ibe lave a ngbt to kfctji tbetu ud cjuuoi 6w bo tbfy are distahelui co uluur tbese wbo dj uo ee tit tu lave jjtg ilyfiud uuit witii tboe iio tiuttuu ijrrrut umuy atttuttnt for tbeir t cluiou from tbe liuuiu cf tbe cormr lieu for ibe uliefit tf our icadlit hr give tlieuilbe- ojuiju of all exivfi- fclic d fmlfuioi who tiles a fviluwt i 1 1 i rcji aijriciiuaniiui is ue ii- v njiir 1 k- i uiij im- uii jut aa bf is urn ni 01 tir uoi be iu j nuc yet x toi iniiriiiibie wotktr tu cijesti tource ul kxi ani ftrtilc r l i but ia ibe vibie wiicrc jg ibrij fcoiciiuici iuitrlere with iiruii- jod are geuiuj faitidious and avuid cuc i i ku aa i nuisance it would be u ntiisiqce jierbapi under tbe tba eaves of tbe daeilui mauatd in almost nu way but- nt lueybcic eid of tbu vil lage lot wbcre tbe tiiruif lucre u oue u located there tbe hy nuy hi talth pucrtl vriibom llfrticety eye ear or liuaini aud auu decided jruti ft u tbe cbrpcit tuuroe of 0jd pork biuj fiboulder eatiaje bedclect and 1011181 a villager can bare as a manufacturer of fcrtilizra fur ibe vir age garden tbe pigcoa not be beaten he turna erery weed hod veeliule fiair and all kuebta wosre into guld ab t but be tqueabj tom iced biin mtre and be ftijt be uiet ua a lmub all uy and all uibl ab bat tfae ku u alhijjbih tui it your frfujt nut his ecu tbe kiy lti lit leatbcttc ul0 ii lliry i uuot it itiinjj of bcuti- aud a j iv totevr tou like wtlj be htiielu imju aoy way xo dir xot i 3011 uk proer care ol bitugtve ban tiirii ico bower fur dis urat and plenty uui or leave mid be utii ket p ins lci aa cltmn a a pjriur tnie bttii plenty ul muck or prat udcu kjj iid ijlj or ubwibcnu uf any tinj giidiie- wdi bo tboiouliy ucrve tbe aliiic ia ia rid co aniuiil 4fe tint cj rieigbbor of yours tseall tnietrtnit tba a pig ts wit bin a mile of your remits tbe btrultb cotniuilteei of ibe viling- wlll neer tslutii oh tnt or enter cum jdaiut ngaitjst your hty dj nut ii you fciii of oiniiuu at tbe uojr ui tbe poor dumb fnrt ii- hat 1f res luetic hide and nnly r quires a fait sbure of attention to be ujiie ornnmen tal afi cjl at ucul picae fak- jatiicubsr nciic tiiat o rae our un pok botuecurd iiaus itrtd kiuiu- tbe woiati wbu tiiiikea our sausage lutnl tiie hodrnigtivd ii diiffnu nf dppn n o bis ovhitya aul will ilcll it on very ra ftble lermi a good lglitv emi be d by mvv man apply fur particular at fete iltcai ifliuc or m ih- nmniiptt jjlvaauhdyx tted potatoth hrsal a qinntiiy of boauty of hebron potatoes 4tb hanjby oiturcd for sale tim vaj trows oiti- lnf unie vln i ilc inta 01 hie iiij pound 1iico s10 aiply lo james camehellhnit- ac aclhi svcb 1s52 g a ix tlm i the mlcrsincl liavo purchtscd gnin bsm8 of mmn g e to on uid will pv tilt uijnsl mirkcl price lor li kiius of praiu delivered nt thtir w re house it lu grand trunk kuhvay ac o clean yuur grain well and tcnrc tliu h li eat pricus we will apo pay cash foh jame3 matthews 4- sojks acton oct 23a itsj the fciun uf thiet- hunjied dullul y annun if ucc pftd oi uej muvj j w jti sliiry kculicl h u ucilltuuli liut the cllmimu ivau- culta tu iliire lle two uuics uf ur iiudm duiliiimcli ifue the ailuli ult iu 0 lu uv cnlthii ii- tinic- lvinnuuiii iiiitibtit i lufc teuut icp nc cujiinilitiiij t ueiit ul the luilod ug ccuunl hicoik moinc siuri fur oc f 15 6 mu liliitiv ki9i muliiaut 1 isl adaf ci3 j e mciirui crivros fcc i 3j kjlofiuiiy i ade urttaclctl kb ii i muurt cueiilc iik 170 ha i j yid hy d llrnilnsonfcoiidfll dy li lrv itiitt the ttiurt uf fitiauje ciiltllie j atii li ouiiici ti- i5jrjlirli aiij jormil auctioj sale farm farm stock al idiltliraw tu aikkr c i iirslcn intmel liv alidfeiv nicm ul ii kj imiui fur ile buk u tu utcl johk mcmulle esq tc icll ii- puiiic anctiun mi l 3 t aa i s ill dl friday 17th nov 82 w fall opening pall opening this wk f east end clothing store y a rrent enro hns vicen token in the selection of fnll goods the 2 pnlilic will jiiil tlmt the stock nt the east end clothing store sur passes nujiliiiig heretoforo exhibited ia acton over 200 iiocos frim which to select including a large rhugo of scotch twoeds f beautiful design a lurge nssortment of fall hats caps in all tho iewest sidles just to hmid j fyfe 18s2 fall season 1812 business brevities some facta about or ecaiacai ilcii ad cusca cf bsefi to our fiata fruul s ciolt 10 j2k at j frfet fir cniic nrl cien plumei go tu hu i- giiffink actcm j- a good felt ilit fur 75 cen nt j fjfei bils f sm6 in rndiffs vurietf nt the aefm 13 jot i s wartliruse if rnl tkiit n nniiv ilunttj caeap suit j l ii lhe ditce logo all kind- of l uii k ciuik gllur -tt- and tie at hughes i gnfiui acton over 50 different rle in ludiei boits shnes i slippers at goovlali biot and bhue slure i- iiirci sun4 icarii i tricarid liidi laiiiad tu i vialii ilidih piut ciiie- i kam l 6 k t fitiunj lil eaa llp 7 kk lilr l in- ufx i nvln ind 1 iiti i sstor i hn lilt swa linrd jleapirtil mkr 1 liicui ac- j t i lineial w i i ir f ji 2 l 1 iii piia 1 r u iimiiu 1 rr uu uu llnb culrnitr 1 tc- filet i slty 11a ii ri et llup hjrnis cliilin f hike cudle- svirs hnaant nu e iirr iite alien ijitilv ilay itisw and ci ff ah wl v ill pe- nd barley anl v utnrtv f liilr the farm- cohtains mien llu llml lle preinie ftaer trie 11 i j i i i i iki n 0 w -is- this time to get fresh and cheap geogejribs ai it i i rn ier ca laru led tilie a rci tehird hfd i t fmei 10 bell hlioded 0 tnus on tick aiit impliirrrfl in i culi r eiii fwr tin nintl crt ii per cent dicieet tr clm uiiile klami i i dv uf fic sale to corarnence at 10 oclcck am rnif ii tte jt ll ileal e wm neiltkeet alcu eric kor 9th 15s1 usdful beautiful and cheap plassware chima and crockery w p brown co tho vamnktth bes u call tle attention of tlio ladies also the furriiers mechanics laborers hih the general public to the iact tbat they have laid iu this season the largest aiidfirest stuck ofdryqoods ever bronglit into this section oflhe country itisconiped ofdreu goods in all the neweat styles tpinunip tomatcli c it you want any tiling new yon may be pure to iret it irom us our millinery and mantle department is also tilled with the latent novelties from london piiris and xcw york if you want r stylish hat bonnet or mantle cull nd pee us our dressmaking pepariinetit is a decided success we make up dresses fn the latest and most fashionable styles prices as low as any other firstclass establishment wedding dud mourn ing order a specialty our ordered clothing depart irtfirt as nsnal will be found anrpassing u our former efforts the utest styles of scotch english french and cacadian tweeds and saltings bkcfc broid cloth doe skins woisted overtoatinss sx we keep a fixstclais stock of goods and a firstclaas cotter and make nn firstclass filing gents we also koep on hand a very large btock of gents furnishings huts and caps underclothing c our keady-mado- clothing department will bo found more ei ten fiive and a larger ateartmen than ever mens yoaths boys and childrens suit and overcoats- extra cheap g assortment- come to the mammoth for your reidymade cbtbing our staple department consisting td cottons shirtings tickings prints wjnoeys blankets flannel yarns towellings tablings ac ike wll be foundonexajnlnaiion to be the cheapest and largest in the county bo sure and see our cheap blankets and win coys boots and shoes ladies and childrens large assortment very cheap carpets oil cloths linoleums matt tc we have the best assortment of carpets in wool tapestry bo esse u andtjiiion carpets in canada and the lowest price come and see our stock and examine our prices to our patrons and the public we have this season far surpassed dor former efforts to obtain cheap goods we are paying oash for them and when we sell we mast also receive cafh we are makidg a big effort to do the trade this fall and all our goods are marked at the lowest cash prices come and bay your goods from us mcleod anderson go mammoth house georgetown a fn giant real and pure ttibfekul ul ttcure and l he kitnily md the itethmow while are made pimples cititrveor eillursock orprpcr j voetabla balm lb at wii nnove tan rockl plaipies nl blotrics laviij i ui- itifl ceir in i bpmtf u o tn- ttr fcirtcutuit ir i rujiclixut luiuriiiiffruwili l hir trit n u li tu an or dn tr itkicciffc sc ntitup bon vaalell ft clurccjii xy c0rdw00d wanted the subscriber will purchaao wood daring the coming winter at acton station and will pay cash promptly monthly u the wood is inspected and received all wood to be evenly piled and perfectly 500 eeward scotch auhh moi gnndiin ssitios iu rreii viritty athe east end citrtiiuiitire fvfe actou i au ili mgf j g iiih itiiiihiion aili- nr diihh1k iiiy jk uichitml kt tju tuxi ui tihirtetry sioitt hiiiihi t oijism svll mifi fill- s i wti 4l iini iipi fiii- c diiv s nvl5 fitivisi jbij it- village- council c uidct met an tliarly evedilj for regular immutrf prrlut jicvk stiiitli iind mekm d i uirifclie diie d w campbtu- miiiutw ufuiot mtxliug itnd ttud eoiifliojcd tiic filance couiqjitafl prcf cited their bixtrcnlh leport ifconiuinding that the fomuwinj accounu u mid m- cooper paintinc town lull roof 5750 vym swackliamiher cutting tfcuues and rtpairiagfiidewallca 39ii h- p atoore advt jpdges coart and priotiu tax itatetneuu 500 6646 moed by d d christie seconded byc w campbtll teat the finance re port be sdopted qdrried council thfn adjourned oil cika flax seed suits in i 0v costs nt ertruely iiw ntz aai niiiie ia latest styles br sie j cil aad tat i hem- j fyi acton mtc iuti d lindoi cf the uemip tii miri wrrks gteljth 0t areinmi tbe ur j retiti li rc uait iu ut t-itlj- fct thatlhtfj i tin- kt ii etll u- ciwa ile lumic arc nn ta rjsit utalirijf wu tornl html iicdtilerr hit tliiijld diret ui ihf work ltailt plate1tts raioi 3v i3i o obt ua pients in csiais i ul pay ibe nkive rawuni fur inrevt crlicl rnce gcnrucr ii u clheritoon- of liver cmpuini ivr tva 81 k iii-ul- izic thrnrsfcarvvrerue i iaihii tu alio- or cuhlvr- no chin- ivr txiiuiiot cf nojcl or flrt- if biiid en u urii etathe iact a br itj frvc- liver iihs wientt eiilr eifnusiir- ftrllly pctctiirl lirovil cf wr notiw5 in the en rap mi willi tney ar uireiy vck iahl- fichatinc trctku anvu-m-suicirf- irt rtver nil o five fir ion t ciixwiml ti ti ictl riri- oslod itc boi n cimilis 3- ill 2 lirci tji k ij jhf ic vjrii tsc j- cfitk fr tal in nil liruglif bunrf o re5ut rd tl3ucctcrv rucuc aicr- c-uim-rf- ni imlwii th c utilnc rtni t i f ilf erertn l jilik c wift a ph rhictcdf the ill wk- rv gi 3 kuitl eito is j iiihs 1 tiklvi iycar l- iu o-j- roito ni kn- h nkt pe eit b nail letici lh 1- it lt ucvood lo sqese riuld fn receij ljfa3 rtn timp etliiie ixente cnrri tcrk j- othr iijrtitt cf in ufrij iroftcs p-jb- btlcl it trr cccrrr sit coj14 ly huuj 10 ccze bcm br cil tlviij1 r atrtriu c uiciwtr uric i eiribock tut i ite izuica lrcc sound and according to hull way companys specifications parties who hive wood for sale will please apply at once asouly a limited quan tity is required for further particulars apply to col wk allajc acre or to alexander nairn toronto oct 23rd 1332 toroxto worth their weight in gold parlor suites lounges easy chairs fancy folding ohaira cornice pojes wal nut cornices win dow drapery fringe curtain bands a fiy fiveoclock tea ta- bles ottomans foot stools et3 a beautiful selection of diamond pattern french cretonnes all the style now for curtains p f t f o i t ai h k t a beautiful assortment of raw tot rsciirparabfeiiedlhse plushes plain embossed cords hollo way iritti tutir ai see tiisc the rjme mcqatlua t lutciillmi is h the printed form laloie you tku cr order cisgigsfl ns kenwn ti ecu neulkiu witii hie esit eosoicr fiicii rtuxuridt crey hir tii tiutml uor y a lew itettstive sold at 50 cents pr -tt- iiy ail draf jit shiloha catarrh remedy a marveiocs cun r tfjturrd ihnhi lerla ciakcrmthuiif ii af muc ii cacb oli- uer- if an tf hlt iib ii jcuir for tii- m rtisacc kifu ir nlnj ni cf ttvcfim iimelcu w liioy iii cjtn- i rice sqccnie dr d w faircriijj of new y guys perfcticaiiy i ticlteic in plusphililiic i u it oijeelf ad m invfaciilv aiid practice i preicril pijopbatue willi a citafiileuci nat 1 cioiaucij to uu otfier rtonedj 1l l- afe it u tffteuie for sle by aj druuttj answer thisque6tion- fic arc e made ion uuiitie win josi many popij we bc- arcia u le ifai-tr- uv apiiti cmijf pii tiwltu wtm lo jjrnr t suii- anj ue maje uok uy liiiisftiirjtj co btiai jl- il fctw whfj fr jci we iii ieil iicfa hauuli viutrer juiriuued l carc ih m soli t j k ile aruij a slaijifi herb fucud m tbeianny plains of a twadiera tlinikte tia under the bkilifol niaiupulauuii fir van buroa proved me oi the greattjt llehij tvcr tanl to iffniig humatity er vaa stwosb over a the only perfect remedy for juduey trouhlea yndt itaitt has it ti id in actou byfj e wkgarvin shildhs adneumption cuije tula is tieyonl questlaa tie mostsaceu- fulcougfi ieicui- wt iiureverom a few tises ivarnbil cure the worst ci -e- couifi group anj broiicbill- wllle ll ttonderfi tafcelnihecureofconnii piloh is withhi a parallel fn tbe hit lory of meal- clue blrw ifudrstdisoorery it boj been told oa gt arnuel a teal whicu do otb r mt- dioineeni stand if you have acougtiwe earnestly ask ydtn uyll fries lu sis 60 cuarxjj ou ifrrurlancsbreaore jbeit or rarfc iue ijeshlipiis porous p aster bold by j e i4gutiu horss au cattle fned am frurfd for iutf an imyruhaht thrtiivjl the urd fvrlkf avtrialiv cud run ofnstdittajsa o icuchhimaniui heir ft he pills punfy reguhiteand improve he quality oihejdlood they assist the dijjeiuvi orgtds clparwc the srohacii and bonel increase ihe fcreiory powers of liver bntce tha nertous system throw into the ctrealiuioa the p elements fur sustaining und repairing the frume thouftands o persons hare ee ihudy their uio alone they hive restored to health nd strength everv other means had proved u cessfui the ointment ail be loundinraiuidle in every hfuie hold irwlbe cure of open sorea flarj turojrs ea4 lcro oil weoss ccagau comisfire throatk broncliiliss- an disoidpfs ncllie i hrotti and chea it nlo pout mbeiinimlfdi scrofula every kind orkin dineaae manufactured nnlv al profefinr jhol- 1okib khiimenl 5i3 uyf kd srrliflct ulsdhn and fold at ir 1ji lr 9 4 6d 22 and 3a each cm ard tot and in canada at 36cenli 90 renu itnd 150 aud the jarger aiiza in propc riion jscidti0i have no aent ijitbe unilid biates nor are my medilne 63ld there furchaseraflliouh therffore look lhe melon the pots and bxe ii tbi addrrea ia not 533 utfurd street lond in thy are spurious tb i trade mark of my taid medicine is re utered in ottawa and all o at waal ington bit ied thomas hollowtay 33 t iorj street loidiin at if city grocery f gimps aud frinses- t f cummings the upholsterer quebec st guelfh- ihe anl iret isfd beeii iflcr i auc i all i and stoves i good- assortment for the fall trade i 0 hulls rew tin a tte depot hiix itbeet aotoit s to v es hard up and cant help it you eniv liny more goods fnrten dollars cash fit a w geeenb than nt any oilier store iu town i ba e just received te largest stock of groceries and crockery ever elown in actm and am jbonwl to do the trade if good goods and low prices will accomplish anything a handsome glass tea sett given away itn any person buying five dollars worth of goods for cash lamps cruet stands crockery and glassware of every de scription will be sold at a reduction for the next 80 days to rnke room for j christmas goods my stock is complete in hvery line comei everybody and seo for yourselves a w green important announcement nelson memae glasgow house i having purchased the entire stock of general dry goods groceriesv boots shoes millinery mantles ready made clothing hats caps c ofmessrs christie ileinjerson co nt a groat reduction in price are now offering great bargains lor gush f wc direct special attention to our ordsred clothing dpartmnt wliero yon will find a clioice assortnient of goods equattonny in the county in fine canadian scutch and irish tweeds and over- coatings we have aii iuunelise selection aud at prices that defy competition atcrfect fit guaranteed in our boot and shoe department we hae a complete assortment from finest kid to coarsest wear excellent value j 2 moaarrjie drug store aotaa 0il cako flas se6dhorseaadcattje peed at moqaryiasdruj we iuvite the attention of the ladies to oar millinery and mantle department our opening day will be saturday when we will bhow the finest stock of millinery ever betore- offered for your inspec tion this being a brunch of our business that we give our very closest attention be sure aud see our opening our hat cap and cents furnishing department ia now most complete with everything new and novel to butt all classes we are offering job lines otllats aud cups from 25 cents up also job lines boots and shoes from 25 cents up aemtmbn our pmoue0 ceat tm tht stst la tit ituktt as wo have a full staff of courteous and obliging asistalits we- shall be most happy to show our goods at all times and feel assured we eau ofler as good value w any other house in the business member the firm aud store successors tc ohristie ijeiiiwrenhlfc co glasgow hjp i

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