thk jolan ftb 888 i i thutifs hvfmv riuiisiiar- mnsim at tilt vc4 prm power printi8g8t publishing offttk soil door in motwlttl chnrctt hlbi stmt aejoh out nuwr discontinued till all imn me paid jieept it the of ticrn of th puutahar totottsrsa run caauti t-dyerttte- inents 8 cents per lino for th flrrt inwr- bou ml s p l- cfnenl uwcrtiou caeh prof iona cwrlt 10 lines or loss per urnum lqoare 11 lines w00 rcr annum payw in 9 months rorq date of insertion any 8pecisi sotic the object of which it to rtroroot tho pecuniary benefit of any individual or oompmy tii be considered an advertise- raent- the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied rnoaaarcd by a seal of olldkonparcil contract rxtts 6n eotamn one jrsr hall oolamn one year qiarleredarnnoiv year oo oftiama tl tnontns llsirenlnmnnminlh uiarler eolnmnsli menti u ie column three mnattit haireolumntiiremoaiiis oqsrter eolurallwe months vtterilsemenvhumilieelfle directions suit c i owned uufriijniclirzm accord ingly transitory adwrttsenicnis mnutk natd is advance njuancesmr eirlrct ixlvertisemtuismusl bsta the oce oy mon uinlays other- ssvlher wll be ufiorer uu the hallowing k p m re kdllori proprietor i 1 tlrmtioo in advm j7i kfmpaptr u map of busy lio u fluctuations and its vast ooncem f ibo if net to paid volume yill no 20 aoton ont thursday november 16 1882 whole no 395 a6tqh bamwnc coy new cawe8 ttoriy ohftlttie it 00 i bankers tsyioo ism sutn woo to 00 11 no oo hon to ti1is bicd rt foccd on ale al of p emttwritaaar b a- tor u in nfcw ldhtv- miieassl acton ontario a oeseral banking busi ness transacted i m0k2t ioahsb oh wnwvan kmss notes discounted nd interest allowed on deposits i new games wh lowry mb mc p s graduate of trinity college- mem- bar c coucsrc- of physicians and surgeons office sad residence st the hed of fred- mick st aston- mfuijstkil m t physician a stihilox li officb medical hall mill slrrcl acton rtuirjcs church street trmerly occu- pied by mrw lenirvl suctienrrf li bfkketr hextlst cc-rrf- j ointlavvsoxgautatu of11k- tssio vtrisfsint ciirc touwio vetriusry karcwc acuc oct orce in keoneyt boni bxt snl shie vtore rt idence inthetvsr ilurscs oiimmcd o to soandacs slid certificate ci all calli niiht or dsy irotniilly iltcnd j m terms esy tj fisheu v s ge0rgtowk onl will vijt acln every weducs- dsy snd vrill sttend ti all cslls pcruixns to his professtoat ordtsleftst sfcgsninf drn store will receive prompt attention terms mjdersk- t j fisher ci rigg udsof the ertnof a pif ilrtjtrtoitarro will be st dr farsicxs osci cu the- first ifonustcf crcrr mccll iu the practice of his profession ah vtcrk eiccntel in ttw latest and tnnst iinrsrovcd style cf the dental art jco charje fr coiitaltstion hi6hest prick fob wheat farm rl dont lioll on for higher pricea the account of crotf 11 over eampe indicate that prices are more likely i to lie lower than kittr on the ciom of natigalion at the q cent store avt i cssf c08m mmiff t oercr hold on for liiffher prices but aluayf aejl at a living profit and tind come out right in lh eud new mi in immense tarictj arivin daily give as a call alien iu cjueluli i will i lad u yiu im f ki0kb is lel re aat fe cs aaaar upper wyndham street queiph- coal and wood dealer j cqqqll i iijunadeaftatikecnenls by stbicli lie ili to supply tlu- lt qulili if cul il lots tc iit pufebasers mi ibodal ualioe at teasoasble prices fintclsw beech and msple love rood inoiwidl tue lengths either coal or otl ilclivcitd tn tnypart of the uiuii onlcrs icf at the uiot nd iwilore will be pnioiptly stteuded to i it cir 1 1 rcccli and mspe tvj wiitcl for nlich the lishesl prices nihlsiaul j jahes ioodatji an immeiu ftjsartniortt a qnmos nud parties jasi to hand nt day bookstore amongst the lnfrxl nret btownajrsteaniloal culup jumbo fire hitsine rcwlcj thompsons amlirs ari- tilde a jamcif bini tfocipiitf mut- cal talhirsi there it i s lei graplical jauie miuccrie mirile snap om maid tiler coodles trip to fvcs vitk fsmilir quitvtotf w bift of triors days at bookstore 01 e lp ii day sells cheap tucbstiix moaxixo nor romrer ohuroh severiee of a 8ohool girl- mother in litat hattnn one day aunt truedtlea relallve whom i liu had not seen for yean walked in with her satchel and umbrella snd an- diuncod her lnlonlloo of making a weeks visit what a sweet looking old lady i ah ciclarmed the next mornldj holding np a photograph that she had found bnned un der a heterogeneous collection of discarded brka brae from which lila hid told her to help herself to wlialttirlbe fancied who is she denr t that oh i thits toms mother i have a now bonnet 111 co up to church to boar the new preacher roung- joiulhn btreh rsl tingle snd handsome but uioyfojjl u and that his sermon sr loo snd dreatfolly uii litn indlflcrcntly drr bat btu s bschelor 111 try f jr hi isko to look luterestqd sod kaoii wide swska economy the e cllebtos exll istorev i barristers sol of the supreme court convevilcers 4c toronto t gcorgc- towtsn ojtkes so 50 chnreh street toronto and jiclaods block georgetown s3t stoney to loan jis s mxeirroy nc tlkii bdstocet rrnf- heubtbzet licensed auctioneer for the counties of wellington and halton orders left it the feec fzzss office acton or at my residehce in acton will be promptly attended to termi reasocjublt satey la ain moncv to loan on the most fcrorable termsr and at the lowest rates of interest in sums of o00 and arwards t ike for sale lime can be ha4 at the canada lime works in small or urge qusctities st any time apply at the kiln near toltons mil or to a s smxth v my 1st 1882- box 17 acrox rpntbeb ttajvttw the undenigoed preriiied to parchise- any qnantity of elm birch red iieoli sft maple viimssli red oak basswoo1 wlnte ash poplar whit wol halm of plead pine cedar or black ash in either bolts lozi or standing trees apply at nnce to thos c moobe acton out fanot 80008 sd qowfeotiohert rsw c king has opened a stock of fancy goods stc- in the premises lately occupied by mr b e kelson on llain street and so licits the public patronage colored wool mats a splendid lot of colored wool mtu of all kinds will be sold cheap also a number of wool dusters table mats etc- call and see what we hive jja mbswc kikg sim way to get thebst valuefor rour money to secure the choice of a large stock to select what you require at the lowest oah prices- 18 to deal at wm s smith the watch knd clock house of guelph business watches clocks jewellery now complete whi ft pool conrvt3uon m fltvd lbt i ciiid tliit fac u uintllur bat what ft bor nunc t xli yrt kt the kciftl the un turoagh bcr uom i wonder if mumaj will trtsr prooa tb chor hiu liaiibod u owiiag bjtnn th pruchori too plo iad nrfullj inin h iirtfm i hlnk todiooi aad jirosy nd long tbey uy uitt b thlaii ertm dandnf it wtonc vhiai bmuuful muule u10 hurton ciru iror t wonder ff tbey roallj- do bleach their lidir taf drm ful ityhih ud lure 1 rout iw tbof uj uit their ftiiari ni rich 1 jew khl there fo the uruioa i- uiuit iiiu with cro oh buat fnnt ffou col boaatfful lulr 1 i muit ctcii if i an the drtit of the- text i wonder ht hca bui uwi will hve ccit ah ma 1 how i vftb tht thv choir wouhl tins rd giro mjueuilnff nice for a now dfamonl riaj oh whj dpnt tho 1rwwhlt iu vrterh to the point i hre ml here till everj hone n ot joint hao a trctk 11 mjr neck m kpahitn iiivbicl i doclaue mary liley liai ctt a new tuck anl ajl lined ihroob with the tvtioat o fur i never couhl ma hai folk fan icl lulur well the aennoijji progroejifn i imit litn anl loun plow i villi ikm winn up and 11 it look jhctv jdanfft lu mourn itu i wander wliui tlol tihed look well iu hlaek if lur imir wmiii n in lite pw rihl behind tnc uuiddcacoi ifcvro idout mlndhii ileeirtng ti wlij-dorthcmnn- at hear that drou baby i kuow if hikli uort hate to to hare t diiturbiii the church iudbow can he preach and pny uittmrh k all they tar uietffl ko u tolls of uir lull that her droeg wa fuit lovi- ikt uirii diriae bat 1 wont beljcto it iu better thji uuik the ermon 1 ftniihed the bu11 ii cloh the collection baa wakeuol the liacout tlu doxu i must feel in my pocket tad pot out my diuic the hoy in the gailery have a food uice whjr therei wary mrtin what a beaaiifulhat how pretty ahod be if the waaut to fat and now well hare a tone from the choir i think that iheir ainrfnfi lauki feelini m art i wonder h uarray will be at the door or if he will join that pet ulnaic ilocrc t bhci prond of hexcyea with their iccy old lru i do wiah ludfome fixbutton kids old houdrcj hi fininhcil and 111 get uy muff i think for today ic had preaching oaojdi tc aialo la crawued well hare to go uot ah tlierei uhinia uooro gont ot withmy beau see haw ahe itmu in her new palauahuz i alwy did hate her lmimlent tayt ni pretend not to ace her and tarn np my cote and ihow how indifferent i am to the bei9 there jennie jonea opposite waiting to w u i had a gentleman come home with nc ah nid i jnat know pa and ma will be vexed for i have forgotler every wonl of the text mm 1 l 1 i-ii- c3o0ds all ik wmmis mum successor to t f chapman bqqkblfib8 3t georges square goelpo icootmt books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carefully bound eulingneatly and promptly done 4 ctojf arness fc trunk gpor 3 v i piuties mornnxo iirrraso or harness or trunks to at money should go to r creech l acton east end butcher shop tetos ost 2 karlatt brp ivsire to uidet thanks ti the people of aeton and vicinity for their kind patrnpage n owning rinsjiilus liet and would re- spect folly solicit eootinnance cif uiesrme end can assort thiem that tbt will lwy hare on lani a foil stock nfi all kinds of meat asrmeat dbjiytred- rvve will ponsluae gool wet of bj kinl boa tbot who wish tosdl h maklaittbko at the- peoples flour feed store as the ukdebsiokei has a large eilericnce in the kunnticjare of flour and feed there is no doabt he can secure a good article of floor at reasonable prices also oatmeal cornmeal orart- ulated oatmeal granulated wheat patent roller flour hungarian sybtem ora- ham floor potatoes ap pies bran shorts and all kinds of feel uaunlly lep flratoas feed store j411 he asks is a air trial and k- wii ire yon gl aatisfactiofl j yours respectfully r elliott acton aug 18th 1832 j stock new the beijt assortment of cruets cake baskets pickle stutnlf tc in guelph call mid see our new yon come to guelph avaqe wafcuinakcr jeweller gtjeziiphi butcher shoi r holmes vrl respectfully inform he peve f acton and vicinity that be l ti tlio busiucss and proiierty iif mr iv u robinson anl ii piepved u supply all with firstclass j meat of all kinds anil j eumnj and game in heattoii t meat delivere1 to any partjof towii at any time- j tr harina practical mpjenenj niiitttil aallotr just your uusbsud mother why child you must tiikc me to see her i knuw i ulisll like her wc arc not oa visiting terms answer cd lila coldly not on tiii ting terms 1 reputed aunt true anxiously my dear child i hope it ii not your fault i ira urc i dont know whose fault it is mm mta pettishly auat true i musui forget to show you my musical album it is n real furiosity but aunt true was utit to bo turned from the sub jctt ill llshtb wlioercr is to blame it is all wrong dear she said eanmtlr a wife who cts herself sgalnbtr bosbaodi friends joso what lju csu never rcgjlu in her has bauds rcgnrd especially ougbl his mother to be sacred to her uemembcr he ean never have another mutlisr and for bli sake no mailer what tbo trouble hat been you ought to bu friendly with lisr- i btg of ou dear child not to let it jo on so aliotlier day ilul the good words fell on ilony ground ucd when on one dsv tom renluiod to liiul hint lie ivnulil like lo ask her mother to lake tiuukrfviiik dinner with them lii iromptly autweted that the bad 1- reulv invited i many itiests nt the table would hccoftiuiodate lhc fame inomlug wbile they were at breikfast a note waa received fnun mrv ii yiiioiid bcgciir tout to bring hit wifi and boy to iud hie day wllhjier vou will jo wout you deary t laid tom eaerlv no 1 will not answered lila you may gi if you i ke but as 1 told you be- fwv 1 have invited company so dinner and driver to lose no time in reaching home it would take so much longer to carry hltn to toms she said to herself and then for lbs first time she wondered how it happened that ihe child should have been on the street alone where was lila where was the nurse t bhe mast telegraph to tom at once fortunately tier physician was her next door neighbor end fortunately too tbey found him id once or twice the child had opened his eyes but only to close hem with a moan poor little man i he has been pretty badly shaken i said the doctor and im afrsidbe wout be able to bold up his head again very soon he must be kept as quiet u possible and mrs raymond hearing it could not help feeling in spite of her sorrow and satiety thoroughly glad that since the accident had happened she hail the darling under her own roof where no one could hinder her from caring for him at toms meanwhile the house was in state of woeful alarm maggie the nnrse having made her appearance tome two hours after the time hied for her return weeping hysterically and declaring that little pbll had been stole shore an he wat tundin fornint mc lookin in at the windy at the wee christ- mnset an whin i turned myself lo spake to bim be was nowheres to be seen an el i the saints bliss the darllnt i hes wlnt inside 8o i walks in mescll thlokln lolke at not ho wat nt some o the counters but nlvcr a illit could i caich of the cbarub though i wlnt from one cud of the itore to the otbet and whin i comes out then wat an on id leddy aliure an tbo bad the look of a leddy mom bad as the is jest sligblln into her kerrldgc wid ilia darllot in lur arms may the blessed vnr gin uve ii i in i an afore i could tpakothe driver wat off like t fcythrr aolnt the wind an wbiui screamed to the poulice to stop i eta fort lusfe be lost laughed id me face ocli i sbure an i with 1 wot dead mom rather than hare the bad lldlnt for ycis yeot klu bait me te t jilly if ye lolkct an ill not say direr a word but ber mistress tat looking at her with a frightened face loo overwhelmed to speak or act tom bad disappeared before the girl had half finished ber story and wasal i 15 snowfiakes j i boftly softly float the feathers through the air downward to the dim old earth shaken on horbosom bare how no longer fresh snd fair reft of song of bloouland mirth weirdly weirdly ziiko a mystic veil of whito hanging tweou tils earth and aky who hath dropped it in bor flight who hath lost it in the night in her winging ar on high coldly coldlr all the earth is wrapt around hidden deep and still and low wrapt away from eight and sound 0 tho violets underground t snow tbey ottho winters woo 1 whitolr whilcly all the wide earth ibuddcrs docp xesth the cjinging ghostly shrood all tho windirtj- stealthy croep and tho stroews and rivers sloop and the skioi sro dim with clood drifting drifting 0 tbo crael treachroua snow when will all the blossoms tike prom their slum hers soft and llow when will birds sing itcct and low 7 when will all the brooklets break lovely etcnlng a watering- correspondent writes a beuulif il young lady arm in arm with a young jnanau evening or two ago into whose yes she would frequently smile itsa lovely evening said the fair one ye replied ber atlcmlant tbev were mlriit and walked ou it was a lowly evening yesterday said the beautiful girl us they came ronnd again yes meoijy auweiodlberoudtman evidently at a los what to lay they came lourd a bird time and it wat bis turn now i hope it will be a lovely eveningto morrow saidbe so do i said tlie the caverdropperarose looked ofton the walcr from which the tints of the setting son had not gone and wondered whether all beautiful women were liko this one it would be somewhat awkward lo have ready ielegrsphlng in crey direction ibat you iibteot saddest of messages a child lost in- tom pujihik buck bis scarcily i at led tunctlvcly his heart turned o bli mother breakfast rose from the table in grim j but why trouble her he said to him- iilcuce and marched off without even giv i telf it would be time enough to tell her iug ber his usual goodbyekiss when the suspense was st an end in what- puor mclher i be sold 10 blmaclx j ever wav the end might come and though he had inteudeti to write at j late in the ctcning lila watching for ojcc be put il off until the last thing be- bim in a state bordering on frenzy wat fore leaving the office hoping for tome turtled by a sharp peal of the bell message from lit that might change the shore j a lelcgrapn mom praps tenor of the answer but none came and i fm kin uu bj he wrili who itv na when at last be took up bit pen he wu y harrt b wh lhe jnerit strongly templed to say that he and little j me yellow pp the mktkts it guelph cloth hull openjed out very latest edklish american hats tweed rubber coats i silk braces cashmere half hose for fail wear fellows curtis celebrated linen coll aes shaw grundy merchant tailors vt srosr her sons wife oh tom tom i did not tbiuk the could be so cruel v the speaker was an eldt rly woman in widows weeds and the picture the wa gazing stshowed a girlish face fair end delicate with dimpling checks andjt pair of soft blue eyes tom raymond was his mothers ilol nt least as much of au idol as was confistcut wilh hcrdetouudhereucelothedce logue but her love for him had iliat ttnfelflab quxlity that always characterizes true motherlore ami wlicu he brought home his young wife she took the grl i her heart at once liiaikiiii- tom with gonuiue pleasure for giving ber so sweel i daughter and for a lime sverythiug went smoothly the oung couple milking it a point to go to mothers at leasl ouee a week ti take tea and spend the evening jut bow the aleuiatitm began it would be difficult to tell to tom nnd his mother it was al ways a mystery ueiibtr ti them being cna- tcious of harboring any unkindly feeling perhaps an untimely suggestion in regard to the bygieiiic irentmoulof the baby had- something lo do with it for litn m- a warm advnoale of mrs whitlows soothing gyrup a which nostrum mrs luyinnml bcuior had a wholesome abhirreiine id perhaps it was partly due u toms fiequeut allusions to bu mothers skill in piepniuj his favorite dishes young husbands are prone to afflict the souls of inexperienced wives by their outspoken allegiance lo the traditiou of the mothers in culinary flffaiis but whatever may lure been the entering wedge the breach had gradually widened unlil all intercourse with the old home and die new w as practically at au end evcu afler imdttrs had ntutd i lis pas turn coutnucd to make his ipitbir phil would come but in doing that he would necessarily make lila seem at fault so using an excuse the fact that his wife bad made other arrangenuqtl before her invitation was received bs expressed hit hearty regret and promised to drop in to ree ber as kn as practicable poor mother i he said again as he dropped the letter into the siie would be so disappointed p- open with quacking hands quick maggie pot on your shawl and come with me the cried and tell bridget lo tell mr raymond that we have gone to mo- j tilers and half an hour later they were at mrs raymonds door i whal words of reconcijuation passed be i tween his mother and hit wife tom never knew but when at midnight he walked in wan and baggavd he found hem silting and could lita have peeped into the old hand in band watching with troubled faces home the next day perhaps she too won id utile phils nneasy slumbers he was loo bve siud poor mother i for toms let ter ovirg lo bis having inhis preoccupied hale of mind directed it to the wrong number did uol come lo band until dinntr wu ready to be served and sittingdown alone with those empty scats staring at ber turn s own high chair ibat he- had when a baby wailing for little phil the widow could uot keep back the tears she bad s i longed lo see them all and especially her boy just for one look from hit fear brate eyes i she sgbied that evening at the blood taxing at toms portraits from the overwrought to trust himself to speak bat going down on his knees he pat bis arms about them both and tho three wept together during the anxious days that followed while natnre waa knitting to gether the poor little broken bones in the babys arm a knitting together of hearts was also iu progress and by the tune the child was prouounced oat of danger mrs raymond had foun 1 a daughter and lita a mother imcrtkantrlctf the dog tax l a protective tariff on bark prar wldout fellh is like work wldout jedgmrm it amounts to nolblni when adolpliu placed ills arm around tbo neck of angelina lie tald it wat for a necks press purpose i it was n detroit girl lljat married at is to at lo linve her golden wedding when it would do her tome good when awoman wauls lo get rid of her husband for an inur she sends him up- lar to get sorneltl i n from lhc pocket of one of ber dresses it is alleged that there is a man in plaltl- burg y wbo najno is jonstantagony out we tkouldivi wonder if you got down to olil facts youd lud his name tobe boyle a prcftr ornament a friend produced a very pretty effect in one corner of hei parlor by the following device she secured two oval mirrors a little larger than a dinner plate had tiem framed in dull gold an inch in width honx each flit against tbe wall either side of the corner and on a level with the top of a small round table upon the table in summer she keeps a low bonquet of beautiful flow ers and ferns and in winter a bouquet of pressed ferns and autumn leaves alto gether- it makes one of the brightest bits of ornamentation i have ever seen an important omission sir l tillev in his reiura in reference to tail chimneys oniicu lo nivntion a very importont industry and one which has not only iven em ployment to many hands bat has through the influence of the n p relieved thousands from physical sufferia we refer to that greatremedy for corns pctsahs rersess corn eitbact- oe sure safe tad painless sir leonard may exclaim canada for canadians but we moat emphatically exclaim pumaans paiulesa corn extractor for corns sold everywhere in the to all wl nie emly will eil oraianon entered bt sewaael- a oard o arc tulteriuh from the errors little easel beside it lila girlish fact smiled up at her ob i tom i tom 1 i did not thiok iht coald be so cruel i the said sorrowfully in rub a poor old mother of her only boy one bleak afternoon ajme two weeks after tbe dinner mrs raymoud senior bad jus stepped from a toyshopwtth her uiuie full of bundles wheu she heard a glad little voice sboutiug gttuma 1 gauuia why phil you darling she cried syringing toward the boy but befure she c old racb bim a hnrsc of which the driver lost control dashcil upou the aide- walk and ibe uext iiislant tbe childish figure lay bruised und senseless on the paveuteut give bim louit cried mrt kaymond doppiu her buuolcs and uoalehiug the utile felluw from the stranger who had taken him up tiie crowd pressed about ber some full uf tolitude otheissimply nuriuus ubal could theydu for her wat the child teriuusly injured t would abe a household word but nue cveuiiil alien bave a carriage ordered with little phil on bis knee he began bilk- teem lo bear them bat ahe did uot jug if grtuiiluia lita angrily interrupt ed biui i wonder that yno ever coufitited lo lenve ibat molber of yours i ouc ionld think there was not another such nrj the tsutfir she ened a red spot burni4 and imliscielionaof yiwlli nervou west- 1 ettner enwx jomth t 1 sms sutiidntu torkcu decay l f manhood c f rncii llitwll cure yuu paai tbia reau teoiedy waa dis a niiasinnaryjiti south asberica addressed erivlopetottlrebat eilmti r ynrbtiiu tom looked at iter tor an lnslnui his te gray ryes wklvniuir to their u most limit iliere kre not waiiy like ber i i salt quietly m alter that ue ntyer prlisjd bit hst pertiiit me madam said a tall elder ly mu who wns evidently a physician and lcnuiug jciwu lie maodhis band care fully ovor the iimniuiide form not fotmlly liurt 1 think lie ald j but his mm is broken take biin home nud have ilaetiw qi iekly a pctfiulct his own cnrrigi wrai in walirngou hie opposite hide uf ibe hrect atttlllieltracurer having sumiaouesli wm lltlodher loltli abu boy still in bctfrms the dlreclad the the langnaee of tbe hair having already given our readers the language of the mouth we herewith present for their enlightenment the ian- guaee of the hair straight lank stringy- looking hair indicates weakness and cow ardice curly hair denote a quick tern- per- frizzy hair set on ones head as if each individual hair were ready to fight its neighbor denotes coarseness blaok hair ludicatcs persistent resolution in accom plishing an object also a strong predis position to avenge wtougsaodinsultsteal or fancied brown hair denotes fondness fnr life friendly disposition ambition earnestness of purpoee capacity for busi ness reliability for friendship in propor tlon aa tho hair is fine very fine hair indicates an even disposi tion a readiness to forgive with a desire to add to the happiness of others persona having very fine light- brown or auburn hair inclined lo curl or friz are quiok tem pered aud are friveu to resentment nnd re venge light brown hair inclined tored- utes with afreekled skiu is a certain indi- anion of deceit treachery nud u disposi tion to do kmelhng mean to a friend who can np longer be used lo adtautage we give liis as we flud it and it is about as true tncli tbinip eenorally are worthy of praise as a rule we do not recommend patent medicines bnt when we know of one that really is a public beneiactur and doospositiveiyicure then we consider it our dnty to iiiipart hat information to all electric bitters are trtrly a most valuable mediciue and wti surely core biliousness fever aud ague stomach livec and kidney uornplaints even when all other remedies fail we know where- ot we speak and can freely recommend them to all kion sold at fifty cents a bottle by j e mogarvin it is not necessary for a man to be poor to be honest iertainly not bat it seems sort o half necessary for a roan to be poor if he is honest l one mans meat is another mans poion kidney- wort expols the poisy ouous the first thing to do in tbe spring is to clan the house for inter- iial cleansing and renovating no qlner medicine is equal to kidneywort in either dry or liquid form it cures head ache bilious attacks constipation and deranged kidney open your mouth and purse cautiously and yoarstoek of wealth and repntationahall at least in repute be great hera la a good thing for out paternal guvcriuiunt a convict anyone waa sent lo prisuai xuraiog dishonest yet ho ia com oiled every day lo cat oat pieces of paste board wtwnrsiiibetste tbejcheap aho masliore itew paiaied ofl on use innocent peblk u leaiher 1 hohoicays ointment and itills will be found the best friend to persons afflict ed with ulcerations had legs sores abscesses fttulas and otlwrpninful and complicated complaints printed and very- plain directions for t 6 application- of the ointment ore wrapped rbtind each box holloways alterative jfilla shouldbe taken throughout ibe progress of the cure to marotsin theblood in a slate of perfect purity and to prevent tfi health of the whole body being jeopardised by lit- local allmxnts bad legsold agescreat grievaiices are thus readily cured without cohfimbg ibe patient to bed or withdrawing ftomhim or her the niitriuous difrt and eenerooa support to ioipirattyeljr deanantjed i whjn weakemintliseasei atuei arlono id vyeara or vconiut6tiorjs eitocing premature decteptitude mi kfc