Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1882, p. 1

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the guiau ft03 888 ivibluhwl every tdvisoar vokvwtf the free press power printieg publishing onijiv kcxt ivjorlometliodiiil onurett hill strati acton onl id- int ent si t lure two fit laotf a- tk tli face parss will bo sont to jrabscribors potior paid for 100 pr u- nam in advance si 50 l not so paid so rnor diconuuntmtiuiul arrears ore paid xc l the optuui cl thc jmwitdicr atrutbix iurxs casual -ftivcrtife- rfcents s coats per lino far the first inser tion kid 2 uts per liar or ecb tobso- 1 qaent incrtiou cash iviiesioaal cai1 i 10 line tt irts moo per annum 6quh i is line 300 per annum payable in g months rum tlttcjaf inwrliou any spooial j xcticc the object ot which is to ptvmolt tlit pecuniary- benefit pi any individual cr ampin y to bo eoasuurcxi an advertise j riicnt tho number cf line reckoned by j the space occupied raeaurcvlvy a xale of wild nonpareil cwstract- kxtr oa eolamn oncjfr jfioy hill column on yiat tsw viartef oolamnone renc vw on column six month svw jlairculnmnsixmotiili fvoq tiqtrtereolamnixpiontus is a if column the raonii- v0q kajf column t a re month i2u3 rtreolnrao ihrwmanth too vdvrilsmiu wuivniillle direction tllb lnrthlurortimandchrcfdaeord inrlr transitory adverilwrncnu tanvib paid in advance caane far eonlnct ndvprufemcru mtsi in the offict oj- a mou uinvlayotbfr cl tbeyirlu be wn over uu in lollowac h- p moore tviitor 4 proprietor acton bankinc coy storey ohr1stie be co iuxkkks iclou ontario ckxmul haxkixv itvsl- xess trassacted h0ott loaned on appb07eo j notes j notes discounted and interest allowed on depoaltb i new cames new games thi8 papers sjatg barb vrr h uowry mm mc p s t graduate of tritity college iteiu- ber of colvi- i raycim nl jvirv- office and iidtucvit the bcai cf frvd- ehcksu actou mfohstkk m u puvsunax oppickmedicaiihail si ill street actflc kh5ii cburch strett furuierly occc- piod by mr ff uematrect aoctkter l l bex l bexxett llexust lieorge- johh lawsox gradtate of ox- tifco yktouxint college tukcsto vetriaitt surgtoc acloti qzi osco iii ee oner 4 bons boot and shoe store rts- idens in tho rear horses eiarniued a to acandness and certificates ei ah calla luglit or dy jromptjy alteui- i tdtc- terras easy- j 0 cent store is as busyj as a beehive j-ukcklvlxli- holiday goods from ile ctutrea cc kanufactoreri in gtr- many england and xew york for christmas and new years as f xidkl upper wyndham street quelph goal and wood dealer an immense rvssflrtment of games aud puzzles jusi to hand at days bookstore iinoturst tic latest arc blittuuu iteanilxu cutup joaitw fire eufiihe rtiile thouipsonv autfcra ai- tuil ilimcof birdfthaiiitinni musi- ca uthon there il is a gto- gtuniiieat eaiik menace rie ptinle iai old maid pcur collies trip ti xcw york auiiliar qnotations aad dozens of otliera days bookstore glelpii day sells cheap tjfisherysgeorgetovx j ont will vist artos every yycunes- f day aad will attend to all caha pertaining i to his profession ordtkftat kcgarvirfs j drug siore till receive nrouart attention 1 tenns modarate i- ict jrdiaatfrt tjfishcu v ch biggs ljd5 of the unit cl tugos ltosttcrlttt will be atcxr forlers osee cu the j monday cf every moctii in tb practice- cf his professwr all wcrfc eiecated in tlr iiss ind nu ttnprrve i style l tii- dental art- xc chilrv fr vcuzii3in f fllertok halj- vi storey birristers solicit- jr court coutcytnccr- tc lowna orrimf xo y torcnick and ifcled bl tr3oievlin issrriixktoyr tk iiiili ndficncr tli saprn rtoa-g-rse- cnnrcii rtrcet vztz gtorirtotfn v gqqqall alcaic arnwplttnerilaby wrhich c issbl fiipply hi best cciiiuti of coal in lou lortcst notice li taouale price j firttciim tkech and maple itove wood in cord and stove lengths- either coal or rood jelivlitd to cy part of the tmru i orlerf left xt the ixoi and fibv store will e ijrtnijjy attended to 2x1 corjt rxki irv beech and ilapl wood tinted foe ttiich tb hiiest pric till be pail ju1es ooiall fancy goods oonfeot vt heilstreet licensed auctioiiber for the counties of wellington and haltoa orderaleft at the feet viliz 0ce actoc 3r at my residence in acton till be promptly attended to terma reaaonabu xaer lan also money to ioai outle most favorable wnas and at tlie iotct rates of interest ia sum of 500 and crrard tike for sale- lime cjji be had t tlie caiiidi- lime works in small or large quantities at any time apply at tlie kite near tcllons mill or to c s smite may lt 1bs2- bci 172 aros mrs w c kikg onl stjcic c- fancy ctocds etc ip lit pretuiws lately ocenpied by mr r e xcisin on main street and set- lfcitaf the pnllic patronaee colored wool mats a jplendad lot cf oulored wool mats oi al kinds will be sold cheap also a number cf wcol dustors table mat etc caii andtt that te hzxe 1m trs- wc klxti t ihbek wastfcd at the to economy the sure way get the bm value for your money to- secure the choice of a stock large to select what you require at the lowest cash prices 18 to deah at wjvl s smith tli wjitck ud clock hoa of giuii i ur qmntftr of elm birch red boxh wtt i nnkrinuh redoik kat wbite p fioup feed btotb sih popur white k aln of jimq k jslir orbuet ash in cither bolti loai or ttandinrtrees a ppiy it roce to tho cmooee acwu ont i s the usdeikigsed has w j urge iijerience in the ruanafactare 9qkbzpb8 j flour and feed watches clocks jewellery stock now complete new goods all in the best assortment of cruets juke baskets pickle stands kc in jaelpb jdall and seeour new sfotk when yoi come to guelph bj savage jw atehmaker jeweller guelph fit- georges sqnare guelpb accomit books of all kinds made to order peaodicals of every description carefully bocindj bojing neatly and promptly done ctqjt- harness trunk b90t t ixnzs ilqznaa tsrrmxo vs harness or trunks to t money should go to r creech acton there if no doabt he ciu securt a good article of flocr at reiiouablepnces also oatmeal conuneal granj- ulates oatmeal granulated wheat patent boiler flour hungarian system gra ham flour potatoes ap ples bran- shorts and all fcinda of feed aaaally kept in i firstcas food store ajl he wks is a fair trial and he will pre joe good aatiefaction yours jrefipectfally r elliott actio a og 18th 1852 butchgr shop v r holmes i would respectfully infnrm ihe jeoplc f actou aod viciiit- that he has pucumt the bosiueaa and property f mr hl eownaon mid ii prepared in i supply all with- des t uder thuks to the people of j firstclass mbat acton hid vicinity for their kind patronage lioce openiuij boarulusa heiyanti ktiaid re- specjojly solicit a cootiiiuauce of thestrne indoui amorethem tliatthey ill alv hire on hand a full ttock of east end butcher shop f actov oxt 2 marlatt bvo guelph cloth hall j jist opened out very latest enrlish american hats tweed rubber coats silk braces cashmere half hose for fall wear fellows curtis celebrated linen collars skaw crurtoy merchant tailors of all kinds and poultry andgam in teuton atl kinds of meat delivered rffe will prircnaae ijood uiet ot any kud ires tko who wish to seu hmablatttblw jflrmefit delivered to any part of town at any time b3 having practical ctcperieuce- iq the botiheriog business i feel confident tbatil can suit all a cajl kindly solicited i tiiciiav monsixc nov 2ij issi pqbtsr a sermon in rhyme f you lavtfa riea 1 worth iuvikji love him vdjj will le him know thai yoa love him cur liloi erenini tinpchi bruwirith utl cicrv wiy njiom goo1 wyrjt iictr l sdil of a woiitllillho u dr if vol hear a touo thai iliriiu jon sunffbjanychimof oujt praiw it do not w the icer sit ilwrvjci iruik icioj why fchoull oio who ihnils yourheari iaclt um joy yo2 uiav imjiart if you bear waycr thai iaoi jrou by ut hainbltplfa4ia tout- join it do uot lot ihe ieckcr lki- bforj hii god aloik- why ihoum go yor brother ibarc th rfnfth of two or ihfco in prayer if you nc tho hot lean fj ling trotn a brohri eyf shuu mum anj lykhaiia 0ti yonr klnuii vlu tin- vk- why thouifi any etc he tiicl hieu a hrothcrv bean ij tad if atulvery laiiz is rirrin- through the icuihinc on the face kharc t tn tho wue izuii ijiif for hath piaf and jgy icj i there heailliilnd goodeev- la llic iirth in which an uocmi lauh 11 birth if your orfc is ruii mor- cfy by a hccdiylicjiijj hrj siyto bpak ocl brave md trujy ere the darltnc veil the land fihoul i tho brother workman dear falter for a word of chct r scattar thus the ed ot kind au enriching m yon go leave tbm truit thv harvest gmr he rill maiocach teed lo fro r so anti iu harpy end yoar life abau never lak a friend que s roar i hem auo tbat sanrphire was a gelatinous vefctjldc not unlike jpiu which wu j at be red ou the seabeneb and boiled with huuor and vinegar i an ou neeresa whom clce menlallv at- ddtd mutt beat jenst a hundred years of irgc waitou and kept off tho flies with a brush of peactks plntnes slieils 1 yea there fere some fioe abtils ibu judge believed ajcng the coist mrt yorke kuew mn yorkei could jell hira paleoplolay wis a study wbicl ulwajh mustcotnniend ilaelf and the judffo fell bla nnd courteom- ly iislctp witu n smile on bis face 3trs yorke laughed hes rpry old said sho inhiflerenlly he ofl ci does that dont mind him dd yiu aiy you wanted to hny ahella i will iiy and iiartr aome colltcied for you by thi lime toriiortow cvold i collect tbeuf for myself mr ci-avt- askel with the eagerness of a mrs york biautiful bcow- darkened ko she answered curtly the coaj s oum ft far aa hooky point aod ofir people duut like lo be iutcrfered with if j ou ii cjm here thii time to morrow i will have ten dollars worth of ahelu for ou and to hia auiaztmont mi clare was compiljad perforce to accede althouch ia hi innermost beart he doubled whither mn yoikc woa a judge of what would be leu doilars wurth of sheila and iheu the judge wakod up and pre- j tcitd rcvei iu have beu asleep and mrs y rke farg vine deticionaiillle iraiaiida biuth lo the guitar aud the old nwre hobbled ii with a melon est in ilicei and powriered over wilh augar and before mr cvc knew it the clock was striking elovq i he walked botnc in he moonlight with ibe tumiiltuons rush of the rising tide in his ears while mrs yorkrf french ballads echoed tnuically tbroujjh his brain aod her juraioous blue eyes nnd bnroiahed oeils cf golden hair haunted bis recollection h i ihe strauefit sweetest face iorer saiy be muttered 1 believe i am more tuu half in love witli her u only that dilapidated old piwre of boutbera cbivalryt tbc judge wtuld die i should like to make lbi woman my wife and iben he smiled out there in the moonlight at the faalaslic iinprobabtliltof tbc idea lly ii next mornlnc8 fcunrise he was up and qui on the glorious reach of spark- lhj und wilh ihe seawind fuuniujr his face ntd rv whole batlerv of electricity thpi iluuuflh bis pulsea nuhii seemed too much or too difficult to achieve lie climbed ditty peaks he wuiked miles he stood on aolitarypromon- torits where culls flew shrieking round hi cars antil at last he found himself on a levclirelcb of sand not far from the old yorke mansion eureka he ciclflimed to himself as he stooped lo pick up an exquisite shell tosetinted and convclmlated it rare corves which lay bludiinij athu feet as the same moment a boat coutaining the yorke beach its somebody with a rumotix cvltulis hop hld tbc iandlorj lonking bto the lictuc ot hi coarse straw hat a5 if lie ex pected lo had he troiiuleioaic epitlitt tiiere it aiul a professor nor t a puusapher nor a pedestrian with gssp at each of the hard words uul its inictliin that be- gins with a p and hes liuuiiu fur ibclli all loru uf queer outhdish shell as isnt lo be corac acrot evotv diy do tell 1 aid ihe hodhirla vyifc praps hes goin to grind em iota frrlil- illug powder or inircidauiiie a road with em o he niatl sail hr haluud lies goiu to publish u boot of picidre abojt em then hr an editor i ui mrs titabbs taint quite that ueiher sdd mr 8qbbs slowly but itb mtlhing ven- wise and learned so i iod inai hed 11- ter go ti yorkes the yudf woman there ha a iuortd nice collection cf out-of- tieway sheik acd iv heard uf their j tall flgurt wrapped in an old blackserge aellin shells to them as fcineitd em cucj c rocklup around the point and in awhile fur all theyre sitii hightoned j a voice cried sharply gentlefolks i u here hands ok ton re trea- that had been 5ir silas stuhbs ljvicc pausing on the yorke beachl put down and jlr clere the paleontoloiut had that 6heli or ill shoot taken it audwaatrtn thrp waikiuj- along ind the barrel ot a retblter glistened in the shlcgiy beach where the wives cakd the auusbiue in foamy fnngts almost up to his fee and i beg your pardon 1 stammered mr the trails of blackish reised showed the clere promptly dropping the shell ii highwater mark juiige york he had been judge nobody knows how long ago of snme petty court io a western cily before ihe yorke estate had melted in the fiery farnace of litigation aod he had fled northward in search of the worth eitting for of late and she sang soft glad little roundelays to herself like a robin aa she sewed the judge looked sleepily at his daugh terinlaw across the lunchtable did thai very agreeable gentleman come for those shells cissy t said he wc gathered them logethtr said cecilia torke smiling here an ten dollars that he paid me we are to g agnn tomorrow if it is pleasant he is a gnat paleentologiit papa is he indeed t said the jndgt bit dim old eyes brightening at the sight of the gold coins then perhaps onr beach may turn out a mine of wealth yet eh cusy t airs yorke smiled and patted the wrinkled white old baud i think papa she said im not certain hut 1 think there are good times io store for me yet the judge said ho was glad to hear it and then be fell mildly asleep in his chair when mr clere proposed to cecilia yorkeshe made no scruple to cooftsi that she liked him but ibtre is papa she said gently hut firmly i can never leave him i promised my dead husband alwavs to be a true daughter lo papa ajid i honor yoo for it my jore aald j the paleontologist he shall be an honor- ed guest in oar cily borne all winter and in ihe summer we will come oat here and drink in the salt breath of the atlantic but the very dext nigbtths old judge fell asleep in bis ebair aod nertr woke again and cisbja work was over 6he wu married quietly to mr clere and went to the city do you know cissy what they say about you v said the paleontologist one evening after a grand scientific recep tion what laid ciajy lifting the lark- pur blue eyes to bis face that yoo are the beaaty of the season said ur clevt i cried cissy in amazement i always knew i was weluooking enough but i never thought myself beautiful i did said mr cleve even on that first day at the seaaldc when your hair was rough and your dress untidy and cissy sixucd and colored and did not know whether to laugh or be vexed wasnt aware that the loielli of ihe lidefuttered a cry its hr cleve saldsbe aud its mrs yorke j retorted our hero ull uv h ti the goldcotressed beauty pnt down the business which never came sat out uuder revolver in the stern of ihe boat sprang the tumbledown veranda with the air of lightly over its gunwale jiud came up ui an exiled prince he was white haired and rnbicuud irisa and his slippers bcich with her checks all mantled with 1 blushes vere down aa u10 heels and and his red cashmere dreading gown was jiatched with quite a different pattern and his wristbands were frayed and ihe lack ot buttons on his shirt front was made good with a pin bat when he saw the stranger lift the latch of yes said the- il is i 1 believe you arc a gentlcnian and i may as well be frank with you we are starring genteelly at ihe house all the income we have is de rived frooi ibe sale of these rare shells which i piek up myself for we have no the ricketygale he advanced to meet him j ant but ow cardac and she is too stiff with a patronizing urbanity which wn j bn1 old vo m fl my fatuerinlaw little short of overwhelming he listened llm d been qaite himself since myhus- to mtcleves selfintroduction wiib a royal baad was kiliei in railroad accident three smile be welcomed him as if the old house j j were a palace he made haste lo introduce i your busbaid repeated cleve kill him to mrs yorke jed then you are not judge yorkes mrs yorke was a lall goldenhaired w young woman with her lovely tresse6 lacked untidily into a net her dreas de cidedly the worse for wear and her ex quisite face burned by the impress of sun and wind but the flash o brilliant blue eyes was like sunshine itself will the gentleman slay to dinner mrs yorke asked thejudge because we have only soufepbrgiesftndtauiphlec bui if be carta for such u simply fare ho is 11 cried the blueeyed ensbantreas i tho wife of that old man 1 alii then with the crimson bush of ber unpalatable confession still on her cheeks mrs yorke broke into a peal of girlish laughter subjects of thought he who does his best however uttle is always to be distinguished from him who does nothing honest worth clothed in poverty ofteir trembles upon approaching rice throned in wealth a false friend is like the shadow on the suudul appearing in soaahine and van ishing io shade to tell men that they cannot help them selves is to fling them into wreckleunesi and despair if every p rson would be half as good s he expects bis neigbbor to be what a heaven ihia world would be fear of punishment and hope of reward mores cowatds and sycophants virtue is independent of either never be above your calling or be afraid to appear cessed in accordance with the business you are performing no man is more nobly born than another unless ha is born with better abilities and a more amiable disposition using a showerbath doctor well how did your wife man age her showerbath deacon f deacon she haa had real good luck madame moody told ber bow she managed she saidabe had a large oiled silk cap with a cape to it like a firemans that earns all over her ahoalders and doctor she it a fool for her paint thats not the way deacon so my wife thought doctor your wife did nothing of the leri i hope dencon oh i no dootor aba used anmnbrilly doetoi what 1 used an umtyella what good did the showerbath do her t deacon sheaaid tlie felt better her clothes werent wet a mite the gentleman wins it you speak the right word at the light time if you are careful to leave people with a good impression if you do not trespass upon the rights oi others as well as yourself if you do not forget tbj jconrtesles which belong to your position clevo took ihe basket from her nrm j you are quite sure lo accplnpligh tnueh- in let me help you said be kom a j lifewhicb others wilieqimil ability tail p judge of these lieiiutiesj i am gnlherinfj this is brhera the rice is not to the swift shells to illnslfalea e volume en the nor the battle io the tttoog it ls subject of paleontology and i want all j yoh make people feel thatyov ssre unselfish i jljithe rare specimens whfeb can be found j aojl honorable and traolfulysiiiaooere 1 this is what society is looking for li men a oaro io ali who are snffering from the tirtors i en 1 indiscretions of yonlh uervoua wk i neis rarly decay lima of nmdhood c 1 wi i and a rerape that will tnre yiw jreia o nukvt this great remedy waa dis co ereu by a miasiooary inlsouthiuienca be d a telfaddreaaed envlope u i tbebctt j rs t nous steiioti d s rort car welcome burjcievsadceplfdthe slraplegivei vltflipri- tsiejisilge wai hie a piece of oltt wong bese coanej potoiajniirfkedarri damaged iltnigiit and the kndlunl of die fulhernianv betbt stnijgennine mrs yorke wosj a j pevent could notimaiue what made his j beruitrbutqofiteyonrg enough the cnest ijgdest so ble lo bnakttat upon that par- deeifleatobecrhnsbnndsgtaddaoglhr ticnlar morning nd rfiafroij wheu at- ahatwidea be wanted lokuow whatpnjn be did come j eartli porgies and samphire i could bo 1i as for beautiful mial- todtalie went tnerewnsflo caipettjn the diulngrotmi jbome with a new light ib ber eyes survey floor and tlie whidowe jieeiled cleaningi pl b critical in te lail ani after butthe chian ivaa bne and tiej had wirebe had fastened upilhejtoldsrftisirln a blfiiberries farly apflles and a few flilijpirw fashion set hersel f to work to repair apfiilt in aetmr of allver rj ibodamigesinhe afljeiotjonilrw r li thiyhwdi iiidj5liijj because i ilwi in tlr s irinclf tpot said clive dlsiidyered ihalpom jftvereacim gralnodnabwilh ajjosovdlil of bom v i v wnitwfllirmattarbyandbr wbttbat ay path below wae wiw whetber it wound through dark uttt iadar a gray or a olan orr whenllookbaaionnbyandbyf what will it matter by and by wbaamrnanelnadltouadalou daahadnrrtoottealnstastooe hlslnthechaigcrftlwa4felnlb biddinf a taluk ef to by and try r what win it matter by and by weather with uughlni joy i went den thnufh theyeaiawtbtladestent nevtr beuevlng nay not j taaii would be tweirtarby and by what wfll it matterby aadiry whether with ebaek to abeak le lain aots br the pallid anfeh pain soxrthinjmjasmhhjohtjhsobaadaijt allwulbeeleeirimtryaadby what wul it matter haoxhtlfi only am sura tha way rve txoj qloomjr or guddanei latdt to ood queetaoulnf not of the bow sua why if i bat reach bun by and by ail it wm matter by and by nothing but this that joy or fats lifted me ekywarii helped to gain whether through reek or smile dr tlgb qaavenhoma allin all by and by pans in haw lieyi then the band began to play and the irum said this it pretty fast time bhut if 1 am not getting beaten although i got ahead at first i am pretty well blown myself bald i be trumpet big scrape it it not said the bast viol i but i think ibe violin will squeak out of it you are a lyre screeched the violin wait until my beau comet and he will make yon play another tune bit him ou the bugle growled the ophlehde pray do not have any clashing said ihe cymbals no that would be tone noisy grunted ibe bassoon i am pntiywell handled mourned the flute hot i have pot got the brats of you fellowt fife for shame 1 rang oat the triangle are you mellow now yea he has stopped for four bara al ready complained flageolet keep quiet or you will be snaked out laid the aerpent here eomea the leader aod ho drum may get a bat oo the head that it played oat overture side rat tled the drum i am no dead best but right on the tape do not let us harp bn thaae matters any more struck in the triangle oi i shall go on a strike 1 let us make an organized effort new said the cornet as the leader annonnrcd the grand overture him alive xo matter how loose an engagement ring may be the diamond never slips around on the inside of a ladys finger the lightning never strikes twice in the ane place old aaying it dont hare to new saying ur cobb recently married mies webb he knew they wen intended for each other aa toon at he spider economy is half the battle of life it is not half so bard to earn money at to spend ilwell the latest english fashion is the painting of bine veins en ladies temples varltts sod arms a baldheaded professor reproving a youth for the exercises of the fist vwe fight with our beads at this college the youth reflected a moment and then replied ah 1 see and you bare butted all you hair ofl oh give me anything made of beans exclaimed a boston man who was takes tick in the west when asked what he would have to eat they obeyed us re quest they gave him castor oil k change for the better we are informed that in best society jelly it now carried to the month on a fork well if best tociety baa been in the habit of carrying jelly to ihe mouth with the fingers it it about time a change was made tney will find forks a very successful article when they get used to them it is astonishing how such men are aue to win selfrespect and siioceas and use fulness who possess those qualities ufgood- urbediog jtia almost the lnralnipototof sneoeas in practical life poesfeoshpik 1 1 a womans diets it like the avelopo of a letter the cover it frequently an index to the content the trouble and worry and wear and tear that comes from hating people makes haling unprofitable a bey when rebuked for spelling needle uaid1esaid thai every goodoeedle should have an eye in it sew it should re sponded ihe teacher after the clergyman bad united a happy pair not lung ago as awful eiunoe ensued which wt broken dy an impatient yonth exclaiming dont be so unspeakably happy it has been found by experiment that a crence urder a door large enough to flask- a penny thronah will let enough cold air inio a room to require ito extra pounds of coal per month a judge in remanding apritonca cslled nim a teoundrtl the pntcaer reedril am not as big a scotmdrel as your honor here the oulprit slopped but finally added tikes me ho be pat your words looser together said the judge unpreltotious writers may find f ittle cotisolatiou in spowing thai eroutheoritjcal f of the eritles eometrmesget oarelesa- i thus pde in a eritlealartldto onamaiear pd-s- sbo vhberjfeftcasffiallsbbuldie a i oaoe lejerjwtto the aiwalnarjlhora at seml-dtviigt- b tbereiae 4een so allied poem x sobotroj pi xtwtbnirnebtj siw wjlof btvergy wbeffjrattajeiierfeb feel unstrung and litueeanesa topplants eoergy itu th ntvt time to ltefbttyt sifeupwj ftus to twwtm disorder fanning into disease tfieae excellent pttb correct lt irfesiltftw sjefeaess fb mru v so energeuoallv on the fumtioisal dtf jdonatasa1mllaftlwtjiinlk blj tetiied jhimotmviigmi it rtober and purer the mnsojes beoome firnuuwstrcrngsilw iterttjlri mi suit jile far- all olastex mod all ami they hve aoetniewi1i4sfl persons who are mtiwttmg soon rectify what isroff aireitftissdyetwieyil r 4

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