Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1882, p. 2

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t otc and comment tttsv fovtvs not im farmers and their grtua it refereaeo to holding back the pro ducli of last hatvest the joun ai of cotnuaxc rerv sensibly reviews lh matter m the following article and shows those holding their gram thai it is by long odds to tlietr interval to du pose of it without further del there u no anljoct uon which the furraer fwla uiorc strongly and con seeuenttr retsons more etroneotih than the rise ind fall of the price ol wheat h fancies tin whole couiniun lty leagued agaios him on this hed forjetung the economic truism that pncea are reguwled h sup ilv and dt- mtud the world ill not suiw foi bread thonih everf faroier lu onuf hold over his wheat iii spring aiid o it whole ctcadian predue kin u so mull fraction of the ords lupply ll a 11 oan have bin lutlu oflcct meantim upon prices but the fimitr hiutilf i made to tfbr u lo e at a 1 i elllaisle about 8 r c nt in tin uilcxgi about 2 er ecll in rill i i i fi hi i lu 5 ll i ill ui ii in 11 ftp c nlll if i ti h i f h i in il 1- u hiii ai lire in 1 k i i r ii iii lit auikf i l i ill i i f i im ii i in i i i i i 1 1 tl or hl j iuiii i i uiklu ii til ail 10 i i f l i tit u eu it i buahil iff tl i i ct cf tic w i n limafed at a dulkr a b ulil lluftf the wheat which ht u ight hue sold in september or x obcr fgr aav a dol lar a bjshl he must gel in the uanth of april 81 10 to 81 12 in order lo pn himself in us good a pos lion to ob am u good a marfce as tbut rt a dollar a bushel of sir months bfore f clould he sell at a dolar in tin spun j it wo aid be no bettei than so cents in tl- pre vious october a cutiatuika excursion fijoiu wiuiu kj is u ng advocated in papers it iir rumoured chat trunk ruway is about lo purchase die hamilton kortb we item the greed of l lit ormii trunk unliable 1 1 has bteu decided to scott act in st thomas ii elgin co at an eailv dale acton hllast council ixad and cojucii met on tuet ins prestnl mossri snitth christie audjiuus the rcta in ihe chai ilinulei of latt re cot gnu ed the fiuauct ctnuiiuei pifsenld their seventeenth rerurt rtecommend mjparmeiitof the fallowing accounla gurnet 3 mas itl lampliflliter 27 00 d hmlertou driaicgitidrcjiiteriog asijuraeut c morpe the winui- the grand i purchase tern the seenis in submit the day eaeuing 2 1st snjii h in j business brevities soma rafts about our bnslnsst kan and iniai of banafit to our i ganaraj rettcurt g rain moud bj d d christ oi p jarru that die ropoit ciud cuuucil tl cu ahjfiu ned life utirdercrokilurke tl iiiiki ui 11 r mar a in t i l ui ti r ii i iii 1 1 lio sonis u ik r inticia anil mill need 3 25 30 ii t seconded be adopted i r ijjtihhd curl m i f ii ll it kill f i 41 i i l ill i i ll i 11 ul i i i llll i iii i ii i h i i i lt i i l k mil i u ii ll tlli i lilis lailt i lit a u i i v- r i tl i i h lu l he mlliillcr illiiltc ilnlil juuiu lihl 111 oliltl icimiv li n 11 ui h no file writ of e rot t j ibt c mt iclion on a tchnicl io ml rcurn lo th r jht of cballen ng jurors alius lrv og q c ppuinlfor ihe crawc but not being mi to eo on thcujrt fire fndt the 24lh mst for tin- argument prsoner in the metntiae n in h the to be left je t of the auenfof yorl dissracerol vantlscolt lotic iaetsatniday there were tiroor three icdiriduau m town ihe worse of iiquc- and this fact has ben po d out to us to pnre that the bcott ac la failure prohibition doeo r pro hibit beoanw men aeil litjaorana o he s get drank whe pohioition ens s reason the fnends of license ow sappose we use the na argaaent m other mattexa for instance cnnstun lty ooesnt cfansuniz because there are sinners in the world wisdom iota t make wise because there art etill fools to befoond cultitration doean tculttvite because ireeds still cijie up in th fi- j eiocaliou doesa t educite becijc u aoesnt ertermmate the ignomnee that peraistf in snch sillr argnments as tlif above just petite and think of the absurdit jof the abore logicj we eonend that tl s scott act is do ng much good m onr midst and tratintiuv famflies are being hesej br its lull i enoe but who la it that sars the seott ac is not a success i is it the umpeuc people o the cimmuaiu so it i tfip men wio are illpgill selling iiqior and th fricndt of thse men too hnch liquor element the last isane ot the tororto fret mfltcn contains th lum fottn i below it appirara that eveu ihe atcret sec eiie are waking up o tne fict lbt the whiskey business and its prooioteis are undesirable in the fraternal circle it wnte thus vi bile we ate opposed to clasa legislation in maaonn as in politics wa cannot shut our eyes to the stern fact that there are too man y saloon keep- admitted to onr city lodges indeed one aty lodge ought to change ii came and we suggest the licensed victual lets own ax being appropriate the aberdeen standard says that in scot land many taverns use jtjuomc emblems to attract castcmj in a bar room id this city a masons diploma and a liquor lioerue hang side by side to wtat nee purpose c the farmers importance from the leadiag aticlet in the ma jontv of the newspapers at present it is evident that the farming com mnnity forms a most important feature in the financial workings of the eounliy their present acuon in holding back their gram is proving thia more effect ually than could be dono in any other woy but noy that they bave bad the satisfaction of proving themselres in dlseeturible they should come oat lite men eli thfiir snrlus grain and pay all bonat liabilities by do doing they will not only benefit themselves hut tbe community at iargj sotm and cattle feed tu ed r r lu fnc prcs dtjr sir sjoic very debased per son nuted on oe of uie git poau at tec icn 2o 6 enn on ihursday fore uoua fh lcih mst or the proceeding nil l a false and vri meal statement about two of the pupils couched in diijicib s kijuage wtia object ihe miiuuan being ho printed the words hid it would be difficult to conjecture unless it would be to show how mean and debased it is possible for one to become when he sets hi nseif about it in this enliehteui al ag and intel lignt community where tie are sr- ruundd br so manr influences i fur good it i- dn nnpirdouj ble disgrace sen that lo the mlividujl bv whoa p rautl dtij l cannaw i e 1ul beeudoi 1 m j moctal ho wii not uteiiumss of the ac pirtung s ispieion is directed towirds an in dmdusl who does not live in i s fro u the puce tln tutpicion istlecsneral it was per tuought to somu brainless bio of the 10 waa per hundred nt aroused character ol lie individual the pecul wl ich the words were printed the lieigbi to shich th words verepnnted on the post and the misapilling of one of the nataes i oud kaidlv advise tie individual to try lo altnln from mdagtng in hia ndturd pr jiensilits in so conspicuous a 1 ce add eudeaioito cilttuate an cxatuple touiewbat toitht of his pro eaic n lift hiujelf above such despic abi lutle tctsand he would be surprised hat a s jo hitig effect it wiuld have on hi cjuscience what aojnd slep would i folio and ho much it wc aid promote bis bodily health as well free of lost altpersinj wishing to let t the merits o great remedy ode lha will posit vely ci re consumption coughs colda asthma bronchitis or any affection of the throat land lungs are request to call at j is mcgarvms dreg store and get a trial boitleof dr kiiienewdii covery for consumptiun riiz op cost which w ii 6how you what i regular dob larsizebotllewiudo j v durability is better nan show durab 1 ly oi bealtti is portt more more than ihetvaaubofvanderbi t kidney wort is man s colabooer m aalniaidiog health with beaithy liver bowels and cidneys men and women wi 1 always be in good health if the bowels art torpid if piles tonaeat if the back fa lull of pam get a package of kidnejwort and be cored without more sufienn backjens arnica ialre ihe bestsalve in tbb wo id for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt r aeum fever sores tetter chapped lands chil blains corns and all ekin eruptions and positively cures piles it is gnaran teeea to give perfect sat sfactiou or snoney refuoded price 2 cents per box for sale at j mou irrin s drug 8tore i fortunes for farmers indhecha uics i housaoda of dollars oan e saved by using properjudgement in taking care of tbe hetilh of yourself md family if vou are bilious have sail w complex icu poor appetite low an 1 depressed spirits ana generally de nil ated do not delay a moment but g st onoe snd procure a bollle or tbe i onlerful eleo- uic hitters which never ail to care and u at for tbe inflmg sum of illy cents tbibcss loldbyj s luctiarvln oil cake tlhs seed bird cages from 00 cents lo 1 75 at j c hills haw irom 76 cents to j2 5c at j fyfei for cboioo and cheap plumos go to hughes i qttffine acton a good felt hat fur 75 cents at j fyfea good assortment of skalos fron gc oenls to 200 at j c hills ir you waul a nobby durable and cueap suit j 1 yles is the place to go all kinds of ladies collars collar ottes and ties at hughes i griffins acton scotch english and canadian soitiors in uretl vanctj at the east end clothinsatore j ivfc acton all ihe tage gaits imitation a hi galor balmorals may be purchased at qoodalls mxl hinds jewolery store hughes i gnfhn sell mens fmo straw hats at 40c and upward fine chualf stiffs at 1 50 newest slyles buili and overcoats at extremely law rstot land iiudi in litest itvloi be mictocall sud ice tlum j tlfo actoe qiftltlt s iitmo veil kiiowa in coo- utcliou lh hit slr iwnsttl which rutotci rtcj hsir to its natural color b a fan aiiaka me he id at 60 ceuta cr bottle i sll drtilgiits a frsjiraiil ireadi and pure rsitiukt will trourti a mill lis kindly aid i ho adiipow klills aiemsdo flhilolis ontairli heiikkiy a uiiiul i r iii f r aurri ill i llitrla m trun hi il i lh i l i ii i m l i k it ait iii hi omtl lij ol k m iii mtiafu lltalllli i 1 1 f i x lid 1 1 i mil ti nit el it fur faced ihii ll j 1 tnontlli lit d u lairclnld of sea tktaya littooallirl wlitte lu 1 liotilialiu 1 uic il injioh slid iu mt ism iv and ptsctice i preterit o ihofphatiu with a cufidcnc lhav4 caa attach to qo other retned it u aft it it effective tor talc b all dmritu 101 be most bnliant shades possible on all forbnes are made by the diamond dves unequalled lor brilliancy and durability lucts answer this question w nj- do bo many people we tee irotid us ccm lo prefer to tjaffer and be made miter ah e br iudisesuoa cotutlpalloo dlnlnck losfot appelil comlnc ip of ua kood yellow ttiu when for 73 cu we will tell locrn so ions nltallter guaranteed lo core them bold by s e jtetiarrtn mcqadliii hamilton of the clhns ton marble u 0 goclph out are doing the largest retail marble trade in oat ov tug to the fact that they do the beat work and tell the cheapett the public are warn cd aeuiut dealing with second hand trade peddler bnt thould gu direct to the firm or bay from their acnfa see that the came mcquillan k hamilton is on ths printed form before sou sum or order a tipla herb foundon the tunny plains of a boulhem climate has under the skillful tnapipalauoa of dr t21 surfj proved oae of the greatest bletuuojrt ever sent to suffering hnmaaity or tui suttstl ziiney oure it acanowledged all the world over aa the only perfect remedy for kidney tronblea voir draggut hat it bold in acton bv j l mcgamn mr ra harruonchemistanddrug gist durviueont- writes lean with confidence recommend northrop a lymvn s vegeub e discovery and dy peptic cure for dvspepsia impure blood pimples on the face bi lousness and constipation such cases having come under my personal observtion a certala kemedy far con ili it the nulvartal testimony and expressed by ctcrvoue who has cted pf coak el tlticon- thocands la rrn hre ued it with cratilpcff res ju lna it you till tike the troul c lo aik y drucsttt- lo will give tou the earner of mane penons ot your acqtituiitance who hve bena nkaily cured of the want hod of cores- sold everywhere sale tore palnles and vegetable ir cocposiuon try it it never faja eheamatism this painful disease that so often cripples for life arises from poison circulating in the blood and otten from excess of acid lnflam- auon u developed in the mntoles liga- meatssnd joiuu by colds damp cloth ing dec lioimenu are lerviceahle to relievo nmoce many hagyard t yellow uilu preferable to eradiate the rheu matic poison from tbe system nothing can surpass burdock blood bitters pleasant to the taste children ard persons with weak con stitutions have always found great diffi cully in taking cod liver 111 and from this fact h has not been universally useo but with hortnrop lymans emulsion of cod liver ou and hypop- phosphites of lime and boda this pre judice is removed it is so thoroughly disguised that you cannot deect the cod liver oil one person writes us that it is used almost as a beverage in his family ano her person informs us teat he had to hide the bottle from his children for coughs and colds bioken down constitutions and all lung dis eases it has no equal hothert jhothers i hotheri t f are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering aud crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth if to goat onoe and get a bottle of mrs winslowj soothing feyrnp it will relieve the poor utile sufierer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectly safe to use in all oases snd pleasant to the taste and is the pre scrfption ofone of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle the undersigned have purchased the orain business of messrs 0 fc e tolton and will pay the highest market prioe tor all kinds of grain delivered at their ware house at the grand trunk railway aoton clean roar grain well aad leoure tho hinh eat prices we will also pay cash for pork james matthews it sons acton oct uth 1883 james matthews agent fob fire life accident insurance co t insurance tickets 8000 for 25o a day for the dominion steamahiji co return tickets issued or tickets to briag out your fnends cheaper than aluoet say other line for the royal oil co ouelph money to loan good joint or oodoraod abort date notes dis coontod for the canadian loan and bav ingco toronto conveyancer of deods mortgages discharges chattle mortgage farm and house leases arrreemcuta dc clerk div court com r in queen s bsnob issuer of marriage licenses cash for g ram aad pork early closing wo the undersigned merchants of actoo hereby agree to close onr respective placet of business every evening at 730 oolook saturday excepted on and after monday 4th of december until further notice s t 0 v k s 1882 fall season 1882 y a cood- assortment for the fall trade de qt h l l rw tin a mote ovpol j hill mkilt v o t o it sltoiv e s nelson t mcllse j b pearson a w jreao htirute 4 onfliu t h hardluc i kenny s bon uhtrleit hill 1 frfe u 1 iwnico james onodalf lieoj llaslctf acton free pre8s eli printing c art now adding largelj lo out ttock of fine printing stationery new machinery plain and fancy type rllilant ink and other material neectsary to firstclass printing and we are prepared to execute any kind of work aad at keasonakle priced kncxil arrtsnov paid to commercial k livery sale board i stables mill street aoton i is where you can get firstclass rigs at reasonable rates f rinting of ill kinds which u executed with care dispatch as1j in 0000 8tyle in which may be included bui heads letter headings business and postal cards invoice blanks posters hand bills such as visiting c4rds invitation cards programmes ic la a utteful ana workmanlike manner merchants requiring tbe litest styles of printing u means of addressing their caitotaon buy relj upon having their wuhes earned oat quickly fudin the best style f tho art orders by lid receive immedi ate attention shilohs consumption cure his 1 beyond question tne most suec fnlcoufb medlcinfl w bve etcrsoid ifew this is beyond question tne most suecti ifb m dnws fnvarably core tbe worst cases ot conga croup and bronchi h while its wonderful rqooesh in the caeofconsuaipuon is witbnata parallel in tne history of medi cine hinoe its first discovery it hu been sold on ftiarantee a test wblotj no other me diolne can stand if you have a coufb we earnestly ots and or back sold by j e mcgatvtd cnu dutuu ii you aave a uouga we tiy use ynu to try iu prioe lo as w dfloo ifyrarlnnciaresore chest t laaae debbilotb porous plaiter pimples i vrfll mall ifree tbe reelce for a ilmple texetadls balm that win remove ttw rraoklea plmpua and blotonea imvidi the tslo tort clear and beautiful siio in- struetlodt tor prodnolng the iniurlsbtjrowlh of nafr on a bald bead or smooth tece ad- at j e icoctarvisre qood commercial eigs an express delivery wagon tul meet each express train and deliver goods tc any part of the town after the 1st march i intend to do a tnct cash business onl aa credit will i not pav for h rse feed o- repairs ed matthew worth their weight in gold the mammoth bog to call the attention of the ladies also the farmers mechimcs laborer and tbe ireneral public to the fact that tbe have laid in this season the larget and fii est stock of dry goodi t er brought into tbia section of tbe country it l- imposed of dresi good in nil the newest stjleo trimmings to match ic 11 yon want nuuhuil new ou mat be sure to get it from us our mtlhnirj and mantlo department is also filled tt ub the latest not cities from london paris and new york if you want a stylish hat bounot or mantle call and see us our dressmaking department is a decided success wo make up dresses in tho latest and most fashionable stylos pricei as low ns any other firi1 class establishment wedding ond mourn nig oideis a mlf out or i re i ci l m j uiu 1 1 1 i i h ml h ill 1 1 f mid wirpaatlng all our formsir iff it ii a latent kt in ikf ul luln1 1 uncliiinanadiantwclsndbultlns llluk lliral f loth 1 t sku iu 1 otmratiiifls ac vio keep a flint class iteolr ffuil mi i o lim ruiiu in 1 mako u fiiii ili lliilno louts wa alto keep on liatil a er la no nti i if hutu i niillifj- ii uiinlii tniurclntliliitj ac our hi ii ly urn it i il ho i i mini ul t ll 1 1 f 1 1 i ii it uuiinuo anil larger titimrtukin ll ai ntr kin i y nib it m d i i illni b h ill ti i fheionsta eitra chhtp iliil ii iltimuiii f r iliiil inailo i htblna on wi in nit i i im i i ii i ol m int l 11 l i ml hm i oil u t u i hliiuiiii iiiklm iniil ttinwa 1 wilhikj i l if t ii i will bqf mill hi maiiilbslliirui i ll hie l ll lie mp alii co hu tnal lllllkt wd i i i hi allailtl llreim lafde a9jttfiilit vvtt ehesp arprl oil tl ti i in icnin matt i we lme the bent nrtiientoi carpeht iiitttl lajcln u usil and t uinntarh in canada and the loestptioe come an 1 s tur tck mid naunno our rites to our patrons and the public e hae this reason far surpassed onr former efforts to obtain cheat goods we an pajmg cash for them and when we sell ire must also receive caul e arc making a fig effort to do tho trade this fall and all our gooda aeajriarked at the lowest cash prices come and bu jour goods from ns mcleod anderson go mammoth house seofgehm important announcement holloways p1xls ointment tbis ixcompipabll vedicim fa skcurtd for a i uiruhabk jan c jirounhovt the it orld t r is aucrtauuii aid curt qf irvtt ditac4 otrhch hu uantlytl nr the p lls purify regul te and improve the quality ofthe blood they assist the digestive organs cleanse the stohacu aud b01tlis moresse the secretory powers of ihe liver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest elements for sustaming and repairing the frame thousands ol persons have testified that by their use alone they have been restored to health and strength after every other means had proved unsuc cessful addbes h p moore free phe3s acton kidneywort t cure tsm um of thtto ovh1l j aon d poiaos ithe ointment will be found invaluaole in every house hold in the cure of open sores hard tamers 24 ithfi old wounds oonjhs coldissore throats bronchitis and sll disortters of the throat and chest as also ffont hheumatism scrofula and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hoi lowsys establishment 533 oyfokd strekt london and sold at is lid 2a h 4s 6d 22s and us each box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cents snd 1 50 and the larger sites in proportion pcautiov i have no atentin the unifed states nor are mv medicines sold there purchasers should therefore look to tbe label on the pols and boxes t tbe address is not 533 oxford street london they are spurious a trade mark of my said medicines tered in ottawa and al60 at gwn sljned t30mas hollowat 533 oxford sleet lodon nelson ulcrae glasgow house having purchased the entire stock of general dry goods groceries boots shoes millinery mantles ready made clothing hats capsvc of jfei christie hendereon a o at a grea reduction m price are now offering great bargains for cash we direct pecial attention to out ordered clothing dapartmeat where you will find a choice aasoitment of goods equal to any in the count in fine canadian scotch and irish tweeas and over coatings we have an immene beleotion and at prices that defy competition a perfect fit guaranteed in our boot and shoe department we have a complete assortment from finest kid to coarsest wear excellent value tbeftnu is regiater wasblngw i 500 reward wjwlll pay the above reward for aur case of oyer complaint uyspepsla sick head- actio indigestion constipation or cosuve- neaaiwe eannutenre fltb wests egetable ltver pills wben tne directions are strictly coo tiled wltb tney are onrely vegetable and never fall to give sailsnicuon 8ngar ooat id lmge boxea containing 80 pills 25 cent for sale by all druggists beware of ooue terfelts and imitations tbe genuine man jftotored only by john c wist 4 co th 1 pill makers gl 88 klngkt salt to rout oati free trial package sent by mall prep ild on receiptor a 3 cent stamp oi data flax seed we invite the attention of the ladies to our millinery and mantle departments onr opening day will be saturday when we will show the finest stock of millinery ever before offered for your inspec tion this being a branch of our business that we gve our very closest attention be sure and see our opening our hat 8c oap and cents furnishing department is no w most complete with everything rew and novel to suit all classes we are offering job lines of hats and caps from 25 cento up also job hues boots and shoes from 25 cents up remamsor our famous 60 cat tea the sen la the itotktt as we have a iull staff of courteous and obliging asistanta we shallie most happy to show our goods at all times and feel assured we can offer as good value as any other house in the business re member the firm and store nelson mcrae successors to qhristie henderson co glasgow house v v 1 1 4 3 hors6 aad cattle f ed at mcgarrins drug store

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