Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1882, p. 3

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y village varieties i call n jcb njrnclr jeweller an fancy i oods store acto fr berlin lools toys dolls fandy goods a larse stock eo ii vxds bits qf brevity sval ierlmy inrak b ike mie r i f aad etsn fr- winters cattle so slcighlc ycl fif dollsrsfound sec air wonder wholl be reeve mat cu colds ercprtvslcit here at present purchase tjur curislnis cards now the town lift is ixiig plssterrd ire the skate dealers business is ur- buvcis this season acton his mn r than ever befcre messrs e niukim son advertise for dressed poultry ftev dr vfid cf toronto lectured in fjecrgctowri iss uia the boys live been shatiuc on hen dersons pond tiis week the new toya uu lh has arrivi at the guelph cu1ies kt the- roads trr very rough now a few larjht of ncwiuil l hcveptbie the manager cf acto skating iuk atk for teadcrsfit renting the rick for the tenon two or riirte loai weddings are ruacred to take place 1citreen cow and christmas j tie pangfolks have spent their eveu- irp thus fin this week inskaj on natures riuk wouldnt it be a good idea or the brxsa bind to ivc a number c parlor con certs this winter harjau ays there is no truth in the statement thst he is jb1 to isie up his residence in new york itr t j slarrcll editor of tie milton xms bai been elected ciiei oscer of ilil- ton good templars lodge special servioes are big conducted in tie methodist church a rockwood by tha pastor rev w w sparing the early closing movement is now establhed en a ood scll basis and will no doalt be a surcess this winter our ctkeis must dl fcrget ths there is a bylaw rtqairiuir tut ill sijewiui be cleared o shot by 10 oclock am the electnezi sjorm which passed oyer tie country hut friday seriously interfered with tie working of the various telegraph line w are prepering an interesting sup plement which wie be issued ckriatnus week it will be hiicd with interesting carittaiii mailer the xnri kaymhe new slrcct lamps reesntlyrerected in miltn ire a poor affair afverall and sntntr cfthera so out shctiy after beic iightl the piices paid for perk this seison caanot be unsatisfsctory to the wiiera- if port racing trer jiid befcre itis ccrt-iin- ly most praluble now hrftloi or locsl urn i aid olhrr i ntattert of kprelal taierrat th r xlliaar hcdcr i actooi imptiteiaeatt 1 lu our tiell issue wi vriu gltea hit ol lliefew luildimrs ami the improvamcuta tootlicra lliat hate been made in ottr viu lage dutiui the preseul year pfe4alervte a trriet ut sfvcul lervicca in coonccumi with the mcluudist church in thti tillaip nusinaiujurhted ou monday cveuliuj last the icryicca will cotitloua each evening dunoe the pfesenl week tertteetcel our utitwis begin to think that we arc in sime way vcty 1jm1j- oonnectcd with uic- nrth west tuicciillv when the price of coal is spoken- uf tins wcxk we arc in- tinted that coal bail riien ty s0o ixr i tea i krep kllle b dfrs it the last mceliuir of expieiiug town- ehip council the toulutn- of 7733 was retcd to dtflirent rcaidcutj of the township for sheep killed by dog query does the dog tax amount to anythinff like the r mm paid out for their depredations i lalellaj a new local paper with the above caption has bean started iii alvinatoo rjatubtoa co lu first utsul- is to hand and is a fair speci- ruca clwhat a country newspaper should hi the tame of w v buchanaac aa ctlkor of the journal will be sufficient to ensure enterprise a sneccss ttcrtcal cbaajr kev c u lee ma of rcrrtcolboruc u rrucrlr iacniubeut of st alhaus church hi iv his ikii appointed to the charge of i v otful forest rev il ccasweu ua ol weliand has been umdc iucuinhent of tcorcelowu in place of hev g 13 cooke rn laavca for a charge at sauk sle iaric thonhbrtl sek from enquiries made of i8c0 breeders prof brown of the ontario arrricaltcral college gnelph riads thai there arc in this province to every 100 farms but i thoroaxrhhred bull and i cowl anduo each iqoo head of head ol aheap but 1 pare ram s that there is much room for improve- meal tensors almaaae we received from the publishers lltssrs a vojrelerlt co toronto a copy of jen- njrs almanac for 1663 it is a neat utile vjirune but tinieis the weather repoits therein are more correct than bis recent prediction vermors repuutioa fcr cor rectness in guessing will be considerably be ow par 9frtber ufb1 there was a macniheeat display of the aurora boretlis during- friday night the heatens bein illuminited with flashea of colored light the whole of the iky was ablaze with nuroral ughta of maay colors the sight was a magnificent one and of a tpieador seldom witueaaed oulaide tha arctic region personals mrs k deiiipsey is vultlnj frioods in alklrlon mr james hotidoraoa o neiou vliiied ha fri inds hero ytstejilav mr and mrs j e iwiarvin visited nendi in cliltorthhli week mr cw lasby ba of st catharines is tin lot the home of hia youthful days mini luai hill of wclland- haj been the gueat of mr c t hill iuid family for the past week or so i mia maggie a mooro left yaslorday for salforl wheta she will ipood a few weeks with er brother rev t a moore t ft ttraahp on rtday allernoon as freight train xu 21 g ik cost was about two miles west of briinpton ua aile of olio of the care broke throwing six cars of beef for the ltveq kmi market oft the irtck the track was hocked up for over oijht hours caus ing ci nsidcrahlo delay to both piuencer atir lieirht traffic the line between acton and toronto was filled with trains transhipment of passengers ctiiiflernbl wu nude tue i aoetamoo daael the ten tenement hoases crctexi on bowe- avcnne by acton building associa tion are almost completed they hava been i tls up with all the conveniences necesjary for the comfort of the tenants xeat ticket fences have been built iu front and ei eh tcneaienl is substantially crclosed each house is provided with a good hard well wodshed and oiher octuuihl- several of the buildings have ix riniih d and tensnu rre begiacing to tako posttision of thu xaett er nanus for genrsetowa un monday by a large majority the electors of georgetown sustained the by law ginting to the glen woollen jlilu cv a bouts of sis thonsjiid dollars i ij votct were polled 7 voting against the bylaw pall opening r fill owning this wk h- east end clothing store as great care has been taken in the selection of fall goods the public will find that the stock at the east end clothing store bur- passes anything heretofore exhibited in acton over suo pieces from which to select iucluding a large range of sootoh twttda of beautiful design a large assortment of fall hats caps sw the wonderful man 5ij5vrjt hi nil the newest styles just to hand jfyfe the tiisdle j to get fresh and cheap gs oceeies boau gorptowa iutuul tuii i ilic tecaad grfnlcd by georgcrowa kithia elcl otbi fcrjje george okn j2ope inouiflat let lbix ainbitwa rua awaj- uriih ibclr jood sense and cause a ypirit ol rect iessniss- the ratepayers have to fool the bill jog ttiow i rocrrtni4e jerici cin be boubl cbcsptr in tfac i gr gorfetoq tbiii iu icy other loan far tvearf mils roani il woyld pa the in- liabituusof braaptoaindacuatopiirchisfi their groceries here gtorgetova hcmld kot a3faitxrmiif you litre not pt iced il l jtcarieiin acton i our grocers here claim thti tiity bel fcrocciiea with asmauer aitr- gia uuc aiiv- other detlers iatbis pirt of the cjuotrr theri are more raea in this busiaeu la actoa tlta la miay iotes much larper iod how ihcry all miuae to cuke uricf is s iuytry i e4mic plowttt mitch the foikrwrin is t liil of the priza win uers it the pioiridf butch whiclitcofcpltce on the ftrm of ifr d crots nrifea first cltisrlrt george broom sndthofi early 3rd vcm jorce meo secoad clia lti thomit szovc 2nd john llamj- 3rd john wintow 4th john icdoircll boyi glifc 1st jimei start we are informed thit itr thomu c foore has sold bis residence tfld property oa borer aicaae to ilr joseph anderson sleyoiridiligadd tilting- tie uwlthy peter or vbcnt t000 itr moore wm lrtim ripi finf 1 i tianci nn hie and enjoyable jpiitimet toyfi but 64 tint they dt cot pass time aioag eo rapidly that motiier hi to vrj is lcr owz rrcci mot miytaan cin grab a aii by the muzzle aod pall t ever a fesce or out cf t boat botuietecrscd ortliirdtime ieldoni fails to leave the gim without aa ottcer the p ablishers or the viliaon tsto i have been mdclec in lhe sum of 200 tl tie iasttoce of j pearson at the late owen soand aisizcs yoali require to be more careful gentlemen pork is comicer into tie market in coa- iiderable qatatities pricu are fioci rang ing in ppce from 750 t3 773jtr a- w green made a large shipment on tuei day tke an interest in your own piper aad secure a fewsubscribers for tie fpee pees merchants can thus increase the circnlatian of their own advert isemecls and tie usefulness of the journal- will the plaster oi tie town hall pat oa in his fioety weather be as dnrnble as it would have been had it been completed before the first of october as per con tract good judges say no and nur vil lage council should not lose sight of this messrs bkckeby et haviu have iis- posedrof the himm eavni to mr xalhaa n baehner of the hampton 27ra hav ing cocdneted it for abocl three mohtis the emrd is ortauily blessed wilifrc- quent changes in proprietorship mr j murray township clerk baa kindly sent us the minutes of las- meeting of esqcesicg council but owing to the large amount of other matter fur ihii issue we are obliged to leave il over tue neit meeting of the coticcil wii lie held on sat- urday dec 9th our citizens manifest considerable in terest is our new power press as numbers of visitors call to see it in operation every day all seem satisfied that ft doea it vworkina most bustflesa likemanner and pronoacce itxastly- superior to the old band press webope if all goes well to bare it roaolnc by steam in a more commodious officeat no vary distant aate mrs spoopecdike mr dear how is it that baainess is becoming so brisk in out shop now ilr spoopendiie how do jon suppose it is 7 do you think i have been reading the- acton fnee pnss so long without knowing tint its the best ad veflising medium in haltoti county what do you lake me for a church steeple or a bay rack a ux psess adv always pars i tell you the best coat oit ia will build i brick front to the hoosa on hii factory properly north of the g t rail way and take np his residence there mr anderson ha pcrciased a raj eood piece of village property in the above- ttie karkett the prices for grain remain about the same as those of last week very little is being marketed and our buyers time is very little occupied it is some satisfac tion though to those dissatisfied with the figure gffered to know that oar buyers irive the highest prices that it is poasible to give- we trust tie farmeri will soon see it to their interests to sell at current prices early coitus j the majorityof the merchants in town nave agreed to close their stores uatil further notice at 730 pm each evening except saturdays the asrreement to take effect on edouday 4th december oar eitizans and these who deal in acton will oblige all concerned by making their par- chases prior to the above hoar and thus enable each merchant to ful his agree meat ike pulpit i rev i bums ba editor of the ex- pttilor of eolimu toronto preached er ceileat sermons here oa sunday morning and evening in the methodist church ffis subjects related to the higher christian life and have we trust had the effect of encouraging those who listened to the dis courses to strive toward christian perfec tion mr boras also addressed the audi ence at the opening of special seruces oa monday evening x soejmi te i oa friday evening last a social tea was given in the methodist chnrch in aid spl the ladies aid society the attendaiic was very good considering tie fact that the octal was very insafficiedtly announced d tie proceeds satisfactory the tea was a credit to tie donors mr and mrs thomas easton and all present apparently enjoyed themselves the band was in ali tendance and rendered a number of piece of sacred music moat creditably ieetl let i ballon the licensed victuallers uc cuk of to ronto copies rer latum the misrepresenting letter of prohibit in the gtofc of a iveeij ago and eummenfj opn it endeavoring to show that the act is a failure wj would recommend to the impartial editor of the irerie the perusal of tin taree letters in last bafnrdata qhbe replying td prohibit we think he will hardly insert these letters as they show the act ltj be doin all that was claimed for it j aotoai is to be bad at jj tlttal impraresieat auoeltaloii j the first meetidfof acton young- ilci mnlaal improremeutaodalioq for the fecasdo will be held this etenin ia itattb ewa pall the followiag question will be pretcated for debatt it it affirmed that the people of htoiibb hare not sufficient i i cause fcr prousting agtinst lhe diiiuow- ancebf the threersilkay bult by the do minion government a large number of young men in this village will do doubt ttke tn interest in the loceets of the association tad the weekly meetiagt dorin the winter will be spent most profiltbly crtpv comic aimitaf far t3 te have been ifatored with advance aheetr of this popular innual and lure qo hesitation in sayma that if the rest of the book is equal to the sample submitted in litenry artistic and typographic merit it will j the best comic annual yet issued even from grip cjsfle every line is teem ing v ith fen and the pictures are equal to the 1 itterprcss jthfl ahnantc is to b con- bidenhly improvbdin this its foarth year thca useful beautiful and cheap i glassware chims amd crockery w p brown fc co the grjlvl uamsillk ia georgotowo oa the lglh last of infiamcittory croop arties louisa beloved diucliwr ef ilr robert ranishw formerly of this village uged 2 yean 7 moolhi aad 9 days cobdwoqd wanted au0t1qk ulz ezaistes tarticjlaratteationis directed to the fol lowing sals bills advertising which have heed issued at this oqice tiitcadar kov 15th the ketl ksutecf stock and impieuieuu of mr edward draea at hiij reside uce ia actaa sale to cotntaence at twelve oclock win hems tree t auctiooeer f arm eu order your bills priated it this office we tarn out only first clss work tad guarantee satisfaction every timo i the bukcribor will pnrcbam ood during mhc coming winter at j acton station rani will pay cash promptly monthiy as the wood is inspected and received all wood to be evenly piled and perfectly j sound and according to railway companys i specifications fdrbes who have wood for sale will i please apply at once as only a limited qoan- uty is required for farther partfcalars apply to col wk aiujx acros or to alexakdee katun toronto oct 23rd 18s2 tokokto s peculxot1ce h no advance is to be made in the price every one of our readers should iay by a quarter iu a bit of payer labelled for grip 5 almanac only where la advertise one of our eichangts makes the follow icgfuthful and pertinent remarks about this i ime of the year advertising sharks be gin tj lay plans to gull aad rou business men with holiaayi sheets and schemes they are never what they are represented and iuny of them ire uter circulated at all the only ones benefitted are the sharks i and schemers ibosincss men should be very careful not tc throw away a large share of their hoik ay profits on these ad- verteine frauds the local newspaper is the only sure safend legitimate medium of communication with the people vrwkoeietr balk in hoita tl emiltou vtt says the masonic and oddfellows fraternities of this town we lrm have j about closed the bargain with id r john dewar for the parchaseof the vacant property oa the corner of main and martin streets it is the intention to build a solid bnck block thereon which will comprise stores oa the ground floor and society bahvod the upper ones it will mak i an improvement to the town this is a j rood idea and one which the jlasons and oddfellows lodges of acton could copy with profit to themselves and im- provlenieiit to the town think about tie matlcr gentlemen otkviiir school the enterprise o ourtowc school board in high school matters deserves more than a passing notice during the summer they hava erected a handsome and commodious attainment to the school buildings for the exclusive nse of capajcious and iii high school the two comfortable rooms with every convenience are the design of r little esq county inspectorand the work of messrs boon jet carson and we think are tot surpassed n excellence for school purposes in ontario the total outlay has been about 3000 the present flourishing cone ition of the sc lool under tbe able man ager lent of n j wellwood b a and also the increased icommodation warrant asii expecting rrater thlnirs in the future even the marked success of the past we heaftiy commend our high scho ilto all in ur country seeking literary acqt iremenls- jakvllla prw that year e mo garvins drug all parties who have not done so will please call and settle their aeooanta at once robert creech acton nov hth 188i a skleby for sale tuc mdersigned is drsiroas of disposing of his isberv and will sell it on very reason able terms a good bniiness can be done by a live man apply for particulars at the fitix press ofece or to the proprietor edwaud dyxea- 8 bill forsd o found in my jewellery store oa satur day night a 5 bill owuer can have the same by proving property and paying for this advertisement jko iivxiis actou noy 1 61 potltkv wanteo wc arc prepared to jy the hucheat market price ior any quantity of turkeys geese docks aad chickens dressed dry- plucked delivered at our bake shop ia- acton e nickla fc son j actou nov 2j 62 citf grocery hard up and cant help it t enders waavtei tenders for rtatiatj the acton skatior rink for the coming season will be received by tbe anderaigned up to noon oa xlonday 27th kov 1882 term half cash lialanj in one moolh tbe hiehet or any tender not necessarily accepted j je mtgaeyiy sec s eed potatoes foltsale a quantity of beauty of hebron ivotatoes i are hereby offered for sale this variety grows ooo hall more than the rose potatoes on the same ground price slooperbag apply to james campbell hotel acton acton nov ch iss2 j parlor suites parlor suites parlor suites from 5000 up you wm buy more gbods for ten dollars cash at a tv geeeua i than at any other store iu town i have just received the larget stock of groceries and crockery ever shown in acton and am bound to do the trade if good goods and low prices will accomplish anything a handsome glass tea sett given away to any person buying five dollars worth of goods for cash lounges j loiiages j lounges from 6 up aecheaihpuelmelpkub- ixkmtcee all work guaranteed firatclast styles juit received a beautiful lot of tvalna window cornices will fit any window only ji75 each complete window drapery fringe only 125 a lysrd 14 inches deep 8couoped t f cummings the upholsterer ftpbbko st qpbijpe lamps crnet stands crockery and glassware of every de scription will be sold at a reduction for tbe next 30 days to make room for christmas goods i- my stock is complete in livery line come everybody and see for yourselves a w green latest arrivals ladies cloth suitings in blaok bronx myrtlt navy cam brown and sag colored cashmeres in ttrra ooha navy marina oarnat baal myrtl and broma nuns suitiags ia all the new mixtures kaookabout serge in all the aev mirtareg moaks serge in all the new miaetures black velveteen extra dood valu colored velveteen in all tha now shadaa matalasse mantle cloth vary handsoni pafiarna german nap cloth in evary oaalrabla shada newmarket coat cloth stylish 9oods special notice naarly four hundrad importad mantlas offarlnaatoasparata prleaa john hoqg son gueuph boots shoes store attoa f7 it- ivtaf for mens handmade sip soots olump soled call at goodalls for mens berlin frostproof boots for mens doublesoled kip boots for mens congress boots for mens balmoral boots for ladies strong boots for ladies felt boots for ladies skating boots for misses boots for childrens boots for boys boots for youths boots indeed for every kind of boots shoes overshoes babbers slipperu and everything pertaining to a pirsttilasa boot and bhoe house call at the acton boot shoe house business competition business competition when conducted on sound honest principles is the best guarantee the public can have for good value for their money there is however in the grdcbrt trade much apparent com petition which can scarcely be characterized a real a system pre vails of quotiug proprietary and other goods in which there ia littlg money value at and under cost and this for no other purpose than a bait for the sale of goods of large consumption and such aa the pub lic cannot competently judge at sight their real value tea seems to bethe one article selected by these cheap vehdort of trifles as the scapegoat on which to impose the unmerciful bnrden of the entire profit of the business while i supply every article in thvrocery trade at the very lowest remunerative psices i have always made tea the most prominent and attractive by invariably securing the richest and most chaice first crop teas that money can buy from the large import houses and i supply these wholesale and to families at a small per oentage of profit prices of teas tha itichest and ohoiooat tea that money can boy 75o fu lb very choice rich tea 60c per lb fine rich fragrant tea 50c per lb special mix tare of choioe india and china teas 35c per lb note purohaaers oi 10 lba aad up wards if any oi the teaa will be allowed a large per cent discount coffees genuine- freschand jav jet to hand sugars always a fine assortment of banned baw granulated got loat leia uugarainatoek jut received a flno atock of canned ooode i i will offer for the out twenty daya a rreat rddaetioa in qlumrtrta filjjss yriainft moaa roaa and china btttaaa colored te 8e bedroom f v ra store for the best coal oil ia aoton j

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