m j tue- it putrluhcd rxrtix tdrnsday moiisisu hir free prrv power printiegsc publishing ofkick ncxrtoorrt methodmi church itt st 4r fj trv the trti raxv will u juit to iinhc- vuo paid for 1100 jej u nura in advance ustq if uot u paid no piper diicvtniuucil till nil arrmtrs arekud txevpt at tlie option of tiic pauiacr albums uit casol advcrtii- mcnt chit per liuo for the fiit iusvr- lioa and 2 cnn per lino far ach nuke qnent iuvertiuu cakii lvifevuouid carls 10 liuce orlpss 4av v- annum 1 vjumx 12 hues moli per tmutuu paanhlc in v month frvuji dt of iuticm any special solice the pohieot nf vliicli is to promote lh pecuniary benefit of niy individual or company tts ik ciwkvtvl an advertise- meal- tha uuiuikt of liu tvcwinxl by the spact ixnrct mriwd by a ktjuc of solid noiqufvi- xtrr kvrtv on coiaaiuniir ytr haucvumiioue ear on c than a mi motihi ilalf mhirafisls mnnil iiartr polqranuinnm uaf clntnnlthre m-utv- ftalfcotimnj ynro mouths iinrtcr eolnini thrw rtonu- 1 will b tieiilhrirttijauiehi-datud- turir tranjvilrjntvt rttiu ul mifibc paidla adeafce cuanee far cihtrnci nr uttnt aumul t lo the offlrt nv 9 mrm minjays oibor im tiiey wil b hft over lim lh kilunrln n r mkirt i thlimper icha tvrtklm bcfrmlj siinor s mfr rce mi till r o storey christie 00 baxkkrs iclou ontario i uksmul vasklxi uldl i xkss transacted mns7 wanso on ispsovac notes notes discounted and interest allowed cm deposits thie abstract msut rlxi in new ikk 10 osht store english periodicals for 1882 britislj workman british wortwoman chatterbox friendly visitor band of hope infants magazine the prize wide iwake iirl8 clwn paper boys own paper quiverj etc- etc is as vv- h- iitv 5iit 5fcisj ibusy as a beeivs m liraiuiuitrin cuciv 5itm rvrolki iv l sa lihcltv im- osikv 1 v- h haul iff frvd- 1 holiday goods ll bexnktr mtlst c r l t licl 1 kctj he rtutm f muiufnctunrt iu u- toh lawtfks ghaktate of ox- i mv ensucl rd nc- york fur christmas and new years vitiivrv 1lj t wirrrr j-un- l act a oct irkenctr a st io ij v sv i 1 nee in th rcir ht iiiininvi a u mfi ii nlhiriy riy idi j k t d n i ri lio itnt tav r- i tlrisihek vceegktivk oitu vi- ac- ct lr di iiil itt3l oul caiis portain rotoiin criyrcfa 5icgitrrus riil ttrcuic prdnipt attcntin t j flsiiku d r v rlij lds jc l 1j -i- t rent morr and cacancaxk balaar upper wrndhom street guelph c hi jlriiy fjv- in xc chl pit llhiitos kail i rtopiv birrirs ri lc sabree ct cravr tjfvag vi 0ir- x vi chjri r t -v- x rfc grisn fcf t li -i- vr jt v eli- n d liiij liscensea inctionsr- urivr- ks j l tiiix pck oscc aaoi iiiv act vii v ivii- htrtirj to laxn lv t rics of ltrtl harness trunk rirtt trrr irc astthivg in harness cr trunks to save irrney hcjttli fo t- r creech acton g0hdw00d wanted tuvhhjav iiohsixo dec 7 ibsi pobtftr jcst ktceivkd at- bookstore 5 jl elp ii day sells cheap i to liic ji 1 lii l ilv cir- lilt wrtiirsll or ure qukhbtic at aijy line- anvlv it lt kil utar tohjus ssillth may li li 1w atiuv e tabvribci kill pmxlitij ktwd daring iic comiu winter t acton station ai iii iy ciiii prjiipiy luntiijy ts i j vfi i- ihcti si rlccivd all vsa tii evctily piled aud triccuy iound aintxtctnlictoliiillay cxipadys spvctt cations j partics uo imve rooi for silc will i pleac ppy at once i- only r limiiod 4uaii- j till ji rairci ivr fartuer pirtjciilir- tpiiy to 1 col wjr allas actus j or to aleaxdek xairk taruntj oct j3rd issj tounsrri economy the sure way get the bst value for your jmoney speak nae 111 ijitr ifopu- tiavl ihuir fudti and 10 lu yo uu hut ijl ra cbaaoo 14 w or hear ye bare un kfilit to icli if jo cnrifl ipcok 0 guol take carv mod m and ocjj hartb has all loo much o wo- and not anough 0 weal he cartfu uat to nan turn trilc wi meddling tongue iud bralu kcr yc will fud enough to dn f yc but look at liaine u v cijui ihiai 0 fiwxj ou diuns nwakai alj fur tljorr ii grid aad wo nuuta on ihi t5mtrij ull if rw thtald feci like nicking flani vi iwttvr jo wn and read th i took iliattciu jv all aiciiluic mote aud iiocm j ana irad a rvody tar tt cotsip or to itrift or cruapc tvill uiak for nm funny luin of life oh dinua add to oucn oc t not taock it with your tutrtb hut five ye kindly nyunaljiy to f ufferiug ono ou oartb ova sroer to secure tile choice of a large fstock to select what you require the lowest cash prices is to deai at 1 at m sxmith thj watch lri cluck house cf guelph wa110hes it rpiubeu w a tc uidjtsari is 11nua1cj i prcjia any jiiulj r elw inrcb rit ikccu s ft triple rim lti rv at ick- nitt- ah lr wtc tela irittf- pne cedar jrr iuul isi in titter tfilu lizs cr tndiij tr ajiv atdnce li thos cm00iie acuti int ri raiv the utrsietl bavc parchucd tiie grain baaidfet of mfcct c c d e totou r 0 0 and will pay the hishx nxaxket price tor j heopi s rlout re6cl otote alt kimis of grtin delivdred at tlietr ware- j hosse atthe graiiji trunk kaiway acton j ceajf yoar ain sll 4 sec ire tiie hih- j est prices- we ixiil aio pay cash for pork- james matthews asoks artca oct 25th 132 bus ness clocks jewellery going into mourning my poor darling wtd mrt bogi with a boide of camphor in uerhaud swwt sensitire creature uch a hid den shock said mira amanda johaca lookiuj aboul fur thr rmeufcoloyut support her hcad said old mr wlrkkj 0cuthe winlar trtre ihtt rttitinj at lait be brateftsjanftta ciecl jourself remetnlicr that vc xust alldr mitt soiiaelu uojfi looked irimud ler with in air yf compoioro wuich farmed a carioa c latrast to the flurried mien of those who surrounded her are yoa ail crazy aaid she a do arc uieful thy can cook yes thats l he one tlilug to be tbaokt odlkeearof thechildrnd ourse ful for lalrfsimuetli txamluioff the i pp a ncoerally plijr the puao heavy fnldn of load oa crape bat i dont know that i am obliged to make a fright of myielf because an elderly peitnn whom after all i didnt euro 1 wis slrawi for here the wlfamnn ffvvn a hollow cough aud mr ilagg uttered ilie word suaau clta 1 iu warninj occent the veil now iial ao bad said misn moffg ignoring her mothers implied ru- proof 1 ill way did think a widows veil was a graceful thing i suppose you will order an decant monument dear said mrs yyicileymik tlnientally scotch ffntnlte or pudeed i biunt rutorttd tuaiclla a plnln marble abaft with jldjuietcai or sotnetuinfc of thai tort will be good enough i cau tid bellcr use for the moucylhan italian autuary or ftonc culttri liiili add 1 ttll you wlut ma and anal wjckloy i ihaji change by lawyer uul mr pullux ajways managed uar mr middlttonvliw uue argiird mrf mogm i dare siy w suywalu and ha did his befct to persuade mr mfddlcioa to leave hia moaey diffreotiy only mr mtddlcton was tjo el u hi way to give op if old pollar had lil bii own w i ahiiild have shared evenly wttli ibe three children instead of 1uto it ull to my if ah the three children sail miss jobre youll take them hnnie to lire with yju otcourse certainly i shall not said smanetta trying the rflt of different crape hata on her round dimpled face mr middletona flrt wifes children are nothing to me botthfyare such darling pleaded poor miss jobnes who had a womans heart within her breast i dmt like ohjldrearaid mis moggv j indiffereutly i ahull send them to some clitap boarding school i auppos wick ley joa ougbltp divide the mooey with them their fatherjoerer could have anticipated he left w the money and i shall hold on to it said saaaueitf there ma at the francis ncikan yacctssdf to t f ttiapiaaji st- cfeorgeg sqaarcgaelph account book of- all kiiida made to order rcrlodicals j even- description cart fully bound- rajiniteatly and pruinptly djue taheii jhittues t agent fbr fire insurance cos ufe v j liccident insurance tickets 3000 ftr 25c per day agiffit fcrjthtfdtmiuioa steamship co reton ticitia ital cr ticktts tobritiout year friecdi cuzxveh thax ximot axt mcney to oau food jvijit or endorsed feliort daxt aotet discooiited j agni fori the canadian loa savings co toron tccvfrrjlscee or deeds jlortgaffes discharfies chattle mortgages farm and house ifeapes agreements c- clerk divfoort coinr in qnecrie bench 4xiaaer of jlarriage licenses cash for grain and pork east end butcher shop lietos oil 2 m arlatt bro desire tn actoa and tincfl opeoi peclfuilvi alu meat rr wi kind rooj as the ukdeksigxei has a r urge etxricncs ic the mannfactare ii i of flour and feed i tuereis no dtcii lie ciii secure a good i article of flour at reasanrue prices also oatmeal cornmeal grran- ulted oatmeal granulated wheat patent roller flour hungarian system gra hampiour potatoes ap ples bran shorts and all kindaof feed uaaaily icet iu a flrstcass feed store 3a11 be aakj is a fair trial iud ijc ill kife ou good aatisfaetitti voure respectfully r elliott spock njow complete goods all xn the kst ijjsortmeut of cruets cake iiaketr- iickle stands ic in guelib call aud see our new stodk wlieu you come to guelph b ftratchniiiker jewelleri acton aug isth i65i savage cloth hall ujr insontli sea seal ienilan iainb beaver oil sr fcnderlliauka to the people of iciiity fortlicirltiud iiatronagi uufiulias lief aud wimld re icit a contiuqaupe of tlrearuiej re iheoi that tlioy will alaayf oajiaal a fullrtock of kinds of mcat delivered- i parchah ood mat v auf lote who wiab towll merchant tailors guelph biftcher shop r holmes would reapectfally inform tij ptnple of aoton kndvicinity tbathe fcappurcbafl the busmessaod property n mr c j ftobipsoo and if piepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kind ami i pjuliry attdqamt in seat vu f iieat delivered to aiy part f uiwn j at in time i tiivinu practical experience iu the ltafcbariitk btufbeu h1 cmtt bat i za bv miiooarjin south auaric can aut tl a mil kindly aourfted l m envlotfe to tbe bat b- h0lieslfpstitlfh8uuiondxtrvricltjl itu caps hmy ioeu fully eoed und weuru allowing veiy loic- h ilk vtuy low price aw grundy all who nre card bnffcring from the errors of youth nervous weak- 1 stand back a little yoa rtifle ma with your uow do you ii hall with the jet camphor and your cologne i it ixally j buckle i mean and the drape folds t its lovely dear mid 3ir moggi black makes your complexion look pos itively radlaul j and i dont object to deadiustrej silk added sasanetu with a yawn bat aa for nmking myself hidepus in bombazine for any old man that ever vol blown ap on a steambott accident siopt said a lowtoice r ma a uxual blown up on a steamboat acci dent miss susanetta as lit happens he changed- his mind at the list moment and cam down on ths train juat in time to hear of bis own death in the frightful steam boiler explosion he was iu at black fc whimpers where be knows the senior partner when yoor order fcr mourning samples arrived and the fancy struck him elderly pernios do aonictimes hare fctrange fancies you know to come up here a tuasyuraik and ee haw the old mans darling endured the shock of her bereavement susaoetla mog dropped the crape hat wlih iu jet buckle her rocbud chcks had turned deathly pale j yoa you are not the cried the aka man took o2 a is w igy wig unfolded the tpitted kerchief and remoted the greeu gogeles yes said he am mosi middleton but i never shall be your husband yua hare lost me as effectually ai if i were actually a victim of the great accident ladies with a comprehiensite bow all around noon where are you goin 1 shriektd mrs moggs wildly extending ue hand to my lawyer pullux to alter my will wid mr middlctaii l miss sqsadetlit wont have to vfanr bombazine afierflll j and iihwu uf with wfiut miss jope3 called an onfecline chncfcle dar dear how near t came to mak ing a fool of myself said mr middleton bat im effectually cured now and the llnee hlua cbiltjrtn never had a stepmother aud indiscretiom oesii parly decad loss of mamhood c i will send a rwip that will euro you ruu abgk this great remedy was dis true about mr middleton i mean hs dead r said mrs hoggs tragic- iir- killed iuslairlly 1 said mii jobue in tbe miditof hfe wc are in dealb quoted old mrf wickley with dct eyes its terribly mdilru aint it ma 1 said mul suianeua- and we to be married on taeidiy mr poor bereaved aujelt sobbed sirs moggi water please somebody sbei foinf to faint again 1 i harenl fainted said miss hoggs aud i am not gong to do it again dont be silly ma you are not an actress now which wbr an entcuoraed stab at tbe maternal moegf wbo previous to bcr mar riage had puyed itoudme parts cu the ft ire sweet driiuc murmured tbe re pulsed parent clasping hr baud but wasnt it lucky he madehil will be fore he burted aaid the bride elect and bft everything to raev susanetl ukes such a pracdeal view of things lisped miss jobuas whos that ma aaid susaaettc look ing ap quickly ss benr was a liule bustle of arrivalin the adjoining rodaf tbs mourning dearfrora black aud whimpers aaid lira iforg i thought it beat to order up a lot of samples at ouce i compose yourself love said lias johnes its harrowing but it must be gone through with you kucw i we are all mortal whined 3rr wickley ma dont make a fool of yourself said susonetta with spirit of course its ill true that we were engaged and of course its very sbockiug that he should hare died 10 suddenly but it isnt any fault of mine hat i know nf and after ell ha was twice my age and bald ou tbe top of his bead and i never should have looked twice at him if it hadnt bean for hhr money hushshsh my dear sibillated mrs moggs with anger nnd eyebrows uplifted the young man with tbe raourniog hood- f j as if i were going to brifile my tongue on flmoant of s young mau with mnuniiug coods said sossnetth with a shrug of her shoulders young indeed i its old wigsby from the backiounter who sells oillcoes and reduced goods hell hear you susnella- and if he does petulantly itors ihopman dout stjand there in the middle pf the floor staring bring year sampbs litre tlje salesman froiji ijlack fc wliimperg who obeyed this unperions sanimnus was i stout person with green gojptlas a pre- ternaturahy wigxywig nod fhe luwer part of hit countenance muffled in tie red spotless handkerchief apparently he was suffering from aheiyy cold for hi voice was low and husky and be stood close to the flie ah i said miss 8uauiettm bom- bailnel i hate bembaiiiw 1 itunakee one look like a sister of charity its ac tiling my deer for said mrs moggi mildly but i ajmnof a widrjwt its u the ime dear old bncbelors are useless they no not even kuow how to drive nails or split wood old maids are amiable if soy one wants anything done that requires patience mil iinduts of heart a single lady is sure to bo the one to do it old bachelors are illnatured they snub children despise babies and hate young mothers and ore always so busily emplry- ed la seeing that other people tmke care uf ihcru that they have not a mouient to give to anyone else old maids are nioa looking and young for their years old bachelors generally have red noses rheumatum in the knees bald lieads and mbulhsthat toru dowu at the corners old maids can make a home of one little room and they cook delicious meala for oueorer tbe gas jet in canning little tin kettlas bealdes making all their own ward robes old bachelors need an army of tuiiors uaiteia cooks and ditaat relatives to keep them comfortable whoa old maids are ill they tie up their beads in pocket handkerchiefs uks bomceo- pathetic pclleta out of two bottles alternate ly and get tell again when old bachelors are ill they go to bed and send for four doctors have a consultation a mnntlepiece full of black bottles all tbe amiable mar- 1 ried men who belong to tbe club to set up with them at night besides a hired narse thet telegraph to their relations and do their best to persuade the world that they ate dying when an old maid travels she takes a sandwich a small piece of poundcake ard a bottle of lemonade in a basket and lunch es comfortably in the carriage when an old bachelor travels he orders meal in courses st the station aad rare because h has not lime to cat it before the fifteeu minutes for refreshments has expired old maids drink tea and it cures their had aches old bachelors drink slroqg liquor ana it gives them headaches old maids are modest ther think their youth is over and their beauty gone if after a while some auturranl love ti given then they take it as a sort of mil ie and hope people will not laugh at them for marrying so late in life so aays eg old maidl siatn of prosperity the followlin is translated from the chinese wbt spadae grow brijht int ml swords jrow dull where p su are empty and wt are bema are tall where ft id paths ire with b sonant feet outworn law com tardj weedy silent said forlorn mure doctors tool b and where farmers ride where tie abounds asd youth is multiplied where relecmous drinks are ohieed from every pilot where opiums corse no longer leaves a trace where tbeee signs are they clearly indicate a happy people aadevweumled state baloflthhtg and flyfubiiiff i hire often told you bat i do not bo- long to the class of dillettinti anglers who despise fishing with a worm and bout only of using flies i have never found a thor ough ingltr of that ohm in this part of the world as in moat other parte where there are trout streams the fly fisherman often lota all the delight of angling for tbe reaeon that it la impractic able to uw trie fly end for another reason that tbe trout will not take it if offered there ii no fishing to pleasant as along one of our wild mountain streams and there is special skill required to get truut in these rushing witets indeed it it safe to say that there ii u much skill required to take trout with bait aa with a fly una lake or on a broad open stream no tugler u fond of sitting in a boat or oo a bank waiting jor a bite but following a buok casting the bait into this hole along tbe rapid above below at tbe aide of ibis or that atoue reaching with a few lochea of line iuto the recesses of a pije uf drift timber workiugamong tue branches of a falleu tree always inovtug and always at work hearing the music uf the water hoking constantly into tie trysts flow row pawing under jt dark forest caoupy now through a rocky gorge now springing from rock to rock now iradioir ahnoat waist deep in a pool between precipitous banks startling birds and tquirrtls and uiiuks taking your fish sometimes out of the swift rapid and again out of the pool where they are congregated all this ii- the most fascinating of angling which our country or any country affords 4 good religion mr c close of gratun michr haa an article in a recant number of the alli ance headed a short sermon by m in valid layman in which he gives his relig ious views and subjoins what be haa adopt ed is his rule of life for his guide which is as follows all men women and children should try to learn everything that will tend to nuke their lives belter brighter and hippicr aad ihpuld do what they can to amst otbeit discountenance comity aud strife bigotry and superstition cultivate tiooestv and economy industry temperance chariit everything that ii i lend to nvike this life happier and the world better for our hav lng lived so mueh then will be gained for this life of which we have some kuow ledge and may and should hive more this should be a stimulus to cultivate a hope for future aid an immortal life be cause it can do no harm and to moat peo ple will give pleasure without controversy- cot or injury to auyoue in ease then that there proves to be a futuoe state of ezisteoce and if eternal justice rules and routrols all things we may reasonably ex pect that we sh dl start in that life just aa much better as we have lived and acted here aud that each one may iud should strive to accumulate a large stock of good i wish you a very good after capital here which ahonld be placed to hia credit in starting there by living thus mueh goud should be gained oh c risiian if you wish to win a wot id from selfishness and am look not too far away commence athome mike heaven there bv every influence act and care that kindly natures know on treatiug eome say thai kissiagia a siu buii think it qaue ya for kiasing has wouml iu this world since ever there was twa oh if it wmna lawfil lawyers wadnu allow it if it wasru holy i ministers wlui do it if it wasna modest 1 maidens waduaitak it if it wasua plenty j pair folks wadoa get il- strange keaspnlng it is to me the strangest tbiugtnthe world that men know lng i he danger of his vice p our civic iustitu ions audto our christian religion and the e menprotetsiug to be christians too will wlnkalthegrelt crime or argue as ibtard one chat to prohibit the iiquor traffic roolddeetsny the i market for our grain not ia that christi anity what can be tbuu ht of that pun who would aend some men souls to perdi- uq order that jketioi ht obtain k good urged miaajprlce ferliii prrfoor m it a yaukee teetotal orator recently deliv ered himself a fullowe now boje if you itant to be generous and treat each other why not select some other place be side the liquor shop j suppose se yoa go by ilie post office you say i aiyj iny dear fellow oome in and take some timpai these sum pa rwill cost you no more than drinks all round or go to the hailer- dashers and lay boys com in and take a bos of collars walk up to the grocers free and generous and lay what kind of coffee wili you bavel why not treat lo groceriei by the pound as well aa liquor by the glass f or take your comrades to i cutlers and say til stand a good pocket i knife all round v asipbprlee glycerine doss not ally tneimamng or heal my akin when chafed or orackkd i baveifound the following home made ice rertantluableb my case oil of sweet almonds one ounce spennacet two ounces white wax one ounce aad camphor ons- fouith ounce put into an earthen dlsbj and let into a pan of hot water when alt the ingredients are melted mix througelyi and pour into little forms to harden j what a change one little woman eanj make in a mans lifer exclaims ih pjoral iit tea sighed snubb andb lotofcbaagaieroau an allbound good paper henry wattersou tbe talented editor of the ijonisrille courier journal writes some people estimate the ability of a peri odical aodjbe uieut of its editor by the qu ntity cf its original matter it is com- paratirely an eay task for a frothy writer to string out a column of words upon any and all subjects his ideal may flow in one weak washy everlasting flood and the commend of his language may enable him to string them together like a bunch of onions and yet his paper may be beta meagre and poor concern indeed the mere writing part of editing a paper is but a email portion pf the work the time em ployed in selecting ii fax more importait and the fact of a good editor is better shown by his selections than anything else and that we know is half tbe battle ii to this be added the general supervision of the de tails of publication whioh most editors have to encounter he wonder is bow they find time to write at all wit and humor a schoolteacher is a person employedto give parents six hours of peace and quiet ness per day tbe first cloud thit nbsrons the peace ful sky of an infante existence is about tbe siz of a mans hand a texas man recently committed suicide snd si be left tbe whiskey boitle dearly full he was adjudged insane it isplttn to be aeen that a good many of the ward politician who attended primary meeting have never attended a primry sohool said the rich and quirt loving citizen if a man bores me aud i dout like him and want him lo keep away from me i uont snub him i just lend him jfi the ministers wooing is the title of a wellknown novel it is not known when the sequel a parishioners snotgun will be issued hollovayt pilu indigestion and liver complaints tbe digestion can not be long or seriously disordered with out the derangement being perceptible oc the countenance these pills prevent both unpleasant consequences hey improve the appetite and with tbe increase of desire fr food they augu- ment tbe powers of digeatiunand axim union in tbestomaob uolluwaya pills deal nut satisfactory wita deranged or diseased condiii ns of the mny organs engaged in extracting nourish men i for our bodie- from our various diets as the liver stimaoh bowels over ill of which hey exercise tne mos salutary control by resortingat an early stge uf this maldy to hue purifying and laxative fills the dyspeptic ia speedily restored to health and strengtn and bis sallownesi gradually vanisnes mr j r cuthbertson tbronlo writes my wile had erery severe attack of pleurisy and inflammation of ue lungi about three yean ago and ever since has been sruljeot to severe oold on the slightest exposure in fact they were- ao frequentthat her system was quite re duced she tried ereral remedies but without any permanent eseot nnta she was iuduoed to trr northrop k lymans emulsion of cod livr oil and hypop phosphites of lime and boda and i ant happy to say it has exceeded our unit- oipatioas i have no hesiuton in r com mending it aa a riotai ksaust for all beotions ot toe ldnge and cuesi and for aiioiaeor asdng imssmae and bulldmgibfweikcouaudmdn a core fcr ha4ahe tbnniilre enfrering tn sire to ibjsj ojetreenng trouble if juamve tuacvssdbtoaerly yiuliimrtcalhd jruttt ii ir wtet ksov satwi wsrienoev fieidajjfie jblirdoek pui ill etsotlsmtleauiw vi v a p