Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1882, p. 2

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ai thecheape8tyeti our clubbing rates w are bora calatfeardtttm wnpnto urailmktw ssrssr tamtirm pnhb4mtlb 6qwcmcv mamfih tksiitdwuaisr tbaranpuaud wsjarr 0w from t tm tm u wklx man from bontujlflot u ta fm pim u lyoion a4ttlki tram bow util ok suv tor t ran pl sail omlphmarturr from to fan pssss tod moatnal wiukw troa in nfo dm sl v or ta fin puss am amwerlcau airfoil toafnatadafcalwror tsnuutroof ooituta d u w ta fu pun is ftnun lamata tna mv uul dk il v lor tim fax puss hi toronto tntta from bowttnw desimtdt tjo til wolonmratilmnbaorikrmnd una pariniarnan ud a jnl in atfraaai wkh jaw atdrusdtuitintlno uw horn ud iu dlmiw thii wirt u pnamaood by uiom bo bt rkdrrt it to bt laralaablt to othot atboraat call at toil gacfe or mild your ntnim ud mr par rtftiuted um to h p moore numuorn acton ontario ttrrnsdav mrvis dtt 14 issi the xnnicipal elections tlie pcalers announcing die munici pal nominations in this village for friday 22nd inst and tbe elections for monday tbe first of jauuary have been issued by the tillage clerk vto have u jet bard hut little rwptoting aspir auts for miniiciiail representation for upcoming sir in tuia municipality ni consequently have little idea who will constitate the villee council of i 18s3 bat acton possesses respect able number oftery capable trien el igible for the beveral officii and it only remains for the ratepayers to ay at the proper time who they willba pleased totlect to manage civic affairs during the next tear owing to the fact that nest year it will be actohi toru to have the wanttnaliip of the county council we ill not i greaijly surprised to e more liu frdiuarj eieremeut over the election o village keove the office of warden is one which reaches each fljuuicipaiity but ooce in every fifteen or twenty tear and as there is consid erable honor atiachtd to the office and also that this is thefirettime for acton 10 have a chance of receiving the distinct ion there will no doubt be more or less anxietv among bar principal represent ative citizens ta win the covetoi office however a lew weeks will develop all latent ambition and show which aspiiant can claim tlie majority of our wepjyera ballots in a municipal elec- itioc i business jbrev aft rrnott about our liualxu men ul boom of basal t u kaarl rdai bulk jdysliib lit the 2celi iot bvkiiv e nic liu 75 celitl qui rt lit thi to son lsc at men go tn cunts at collar grifiinv constant bakery hats iron jfylei tor choice artl cheap plu hujiics onfling actoii ra good kelt hat fu j jfyfe i if you wuul a nolliy diltable and oneap suit j ijrlca i the plice to go all kind olluw collm attcs and tks lit hughisdi actou fieshuyfclfrs by iheqlimt ly on hand at the excelsior actou scotch unnliili ubl canadian saitioxi iu erc1 viritly at the east end clottiingtlorc j iyft actou ilughet k giiffin belli mens kine stmw hits at 40c and t rd fine chlislr stiffs a 150 uewst sly lea suils and ovrcob at i xttemely ion- rates and made iu utcat etylea be wt to call and ee them j ffo acton a oard 1 all who are suffehu fritu llia crron and indiscretions o youth fcrroo weak- deal early decay loss of mathcrd c i will scud a recti that will ciire rou race or chaiaie tliljrtat rcaicd vu dla covered by a uiiasiouary ia ijutl aicerica scad a sclfaddrcsscd onvlciie t the rev josfcrn t 1vmxs sialhr dxcu koricivy ijshiloha catarrh remedy a marveious cure frciiuirrti lmptitbcrta canker mouth and llr ai clif- iwltn cacti botile tbtre 1 an i ugfnu us urjal jnjrlor tor tba imyre aueccwfui irialnivut tf ptie com- lalnla wiuiout pxint clcirijf olu bvjemc3nrvti mr d w fiircuul of x lerconallv i uiicve in tiobiiattac 0c it lltseu aid it ui- umilv aul practicf- ties the meiical hail vii2jhi m trfcemcentl j i- omlidcoce dv it is jcbv ali i prescribe flmspijalin- itl a thai i can attacli tu ic tiinr rui tilt it is effecuvi id answer this quastnu wix do io manv people wotcc anid ur eeio lo prefer tsunvr ci tx m ur ruier- abljbylucilcestjoiico- itfpalonj dttzinesi law of appeut oinitrjf pof the koo inoekiti wlnn tor tict w will fell liicin 8hi loh vuauior uti m nuvd to eur llim- soldbj je me unit a kimplq hcrlffvqnili3 ihftiiuy yhiui 6la sua the rn cliraite b- tiujcr ihc tkillful manipalatioo of pr tan bttc lj vruved oae of the grealrtt loeaaitigs ev r seol to baffcriog homiiiity r via bujikis sidaeycurc isickaovikil r lie world oreir ts tfioualy rivd rucily itx kidney troables vnjr tlrl ki it sold in aetna bvo- ix mcgirvyi and best assortment of- biscuitsconfecftioiiery i etc etc at the ixoilslqfl j oompriilaj fusi bkctits rcn ls6 is muisiasturors choice ooafse tioucry m great ttriatyjhiitlm suts idnjsagor oaie trlmmoaji tjlilaj oiie bacsi uinta heat sttts tigs fuicr bcxs of zmu osaftetienr7 jellies oaawd ooodi etc etc acton fulaxe council the eonnil met on tneaday evening present mm c s smith eeeye d v chrijtie and paul jarvis mintt ten of last meeting read and confirmed the fiuauce committee passed the account of j b pearsuu of so cent or sidewalk stiiipliea the bylwiipointing the return ing officers and the places for holding he municipal inomuiation and elec jiou was iotrodiicod read tbe reqair- td uamber of tiines and iased coancii then kdjoamed bemrery an s t k train on tafliday evening an old genlleman j left the raad christmas wedding hada to ori cak bulk oyips constantly on band fresh oyster larties supjilwat a reduced rate i jhrktniits aanivuraarieii i other ierings spplied witli cakes at low figures j call and sec ts ui ijd you the cotnpliqcntt of hv ca5on vocrs hapsctfullv e nicklin son harness i trunk trunk goin eat at i georgetown to go north by the l if w railway who complained that he had been robbad of 61c on tie train that a pursuit who occupied the same seat with jhiin left the train at stratford he however did uol b come folly aor of his loss until near ing guipb 3 sir hugh allan of montreal died in edinburgh at saturday tbe middlesex couuty council have passed the f flowing tnat the peurjoning comi aitee be instructed i to draft a petition o the tbrse branche of the legislature of the dominion of uauadu praying them to pass a protiib itory liquor la the tempera ice sentiment i rapid increifing in en land during the past summer open si meeting were held tn many puces these meetings were well attended bj people of all classes and great deal of intereu vu niani tested by tbetu the church of eng land is at tbe itejad oftbis movement is great britain to urafii r decsmber 15th tiit jtapdiooe stoi e wareroom in the montreal hw mm 8 a secord call and see irs records brilliant diapur of cbnl mm euaji arrired to- daf dieaper the i the rinriuiivliiiixg lxmrd harness cr truniis to wve money blioultl go to r creech t business booming at the- poples flour k fee store -c- ia 8 the ijndeksigmei has a rgc cxpericuco ip tk siai ufactarc i of v our and acton feed inhere is no doubt lie coij secar i a good larticlft of floor at rcaaonatile prices also oatmeal cornmeal gran- nlated oatmeal gnarnlated wheat patent bollt r 1 7oor hungarian syaten 3ra- ham flour potato b ap ples bran sbrjrtf and all kinds of feed usoaly first- oassfssd au he asks in a fair trial atjd ho ill fdvo good satifffaction i yours respcctfally j jlblijott in aug 16th 1s3j gc flas kept in a irs seed tbi ollttt snt bten la owlpo tai oatsptst srnj ttor la hutlpa ta rtanliomht ing itort iacrutlpa smiths drug store is the best place to buy anvthiug you require ill the drug liue we have the largest stock the most reliable goods at the lowest prices we kcepall tho lcadiug makes of dye stnfis dutrand package dyes all shades tjniou and hauay package dyes also our own dye which give universal satisfaction toilet articles and perfumery iu great variety in ssir bruaukad oembt ktuinl tooth sruei we have the largest stock ever brought iuto the royal city we buy direct from the english and french markets and are able to sell much lower in consequence pttent icedidaii ill vvt oils outer oil hutstoot oil srtr- lac lfaeaiat oh lawestiar ou sort anrrtrta oosl oh sort 0- idacoti ou we have the reputation for keep ing the best coal oil in quelpn and we intend to maintain it vr a smith o chemists druggists v 11 wjadkaaiklaialatokaakik hels05 ae fulunq the holiday seaaou oiir stock of general dry goods millinery will be found complete choice and cheap if h city gr ocery 11 hard up and cant help it you can buy more goods for ten dollars cash at a w qeeeus than atanv other store in town i have just received the largest stock of groceries and crockery ever shown iu astop and am bound to do the trade if good goods and low prices will accomplish anything a handsome class tea sett given away to any person buying five dollars worth of goods for pash lyamps cruet stands crockery and qlatsware of every de scription will be sold af a reduction for the next 80 days to make room for cliristnjna goods my stock is complete in bery line come everybody and see for yourselves a w green our wjpkly purchases from leading dry goods and millinery bouses enables us to show the latest newest and neatest designs jqst what is wanted at this season iu staple goods of all kinds our aim is to place before our customer the best makes at prices so low as to suit every person our immense stock of boots and shoes enables us to fit and suit everyone besides our goods being made by reliable manulactuiers can always be depended on to give period satisfactiou this together with our low prices accounts lor our immense sales our ovroato shirts iv drswrs mitts seeks and scarfs all new and cheap ia cur ordered clothing departmsat we have a complete stock of english irish scotch and canadian ojvtbeids for suits and overcoats a stylish cat and perfect fit guaranteed prices reasonable iu gents collars aud fancy and fashionable ties we show full lines oheap ladies and gents silk handkerchiefs cheap ladies knit shawls clouds and fancy goods of all kiuds have been selected with the greatest care our millinery trade this season quite surpasses other years iu styles and neatness oar efforts have been to please and we accept this as satisfactory evidence y wishing yen a merry bhristwas i we reimin kelson mcrae successors to christie henderson k co glasgow house cordwood wanted the subscriber will purchase cordwood during the comiug wiuter at acton station all wood to be evenly piled 6 or 8 feet high and perfectly sound aud will pay cash promptly as the wood is inspected and received parties who have wood for sale will please apply at once as only a few cords more are required applv for all necessary information to ool wm allan acton or to the contractor a nairn toronto po ourmai- t h harding invites the public to inspect his stock and desires to express his warmest thanks to his customers for their patronage and takes this opportunity ofpressnting to all the compliments of the season groceries in this hue i have one of the phoicest stocks suitable for the holiday season ever brought into town a good selection of ohrlstmae ooitfeettonery twpars- befiued aw cut loaf granulated and icing sugars oanned 9f salrnrjn mackerel lobsters sardines blueberries pjjars peaches plums etc etc tlasi a well selected stock of the fiuest flavored teas in the market qmokthy and olamwari- an in jnenaa stool of the above forxmaa and the holiday season comprising china sets lamps shades moustache cups flower vaseij cheese diih syrup cans preserve dutiesoake stands o st at this at drug stationery store see the immense variety of look out for my holiday circular this week 1 lifkifiwl where did you get that beautiful china sett mrs jones whyat wl p brow cos it is the cheapest sett t ever bought and thqy have the most lovely chiristmis stock sd very cheap too i could hardly keep from buying a erreat deal more than i did v s mrs smith yes ive heard a great many people say they have a magnificent lot of christmas goods and thats where i intend to make my christn ap selections b this line of business is being gives up and the stock of wools braid cwiu be- sold at cost boots shoes t for mens handmade eip boots olump soled call at gqodlaly s for metfs berlin frostprodf boots for men doubleboled eip biiots for mens gongresa boos for mens jbilnoral jsbqt for jldies stwmg bootel fpr ladie felt bgots- fgrdeg sjkgjoots or misses pqoj ffcr olftldrlns bbai i sorbopbfibtsj f9ftpwb0ptis indeed for very kmdofjboot8blioee overs koee jabbers sttppew emdeveryjqling pertaining to at wnrtu t jirtb br i ipau at actm motm smm 1 isvu i

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