Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1882, p. 3

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ffl tlirsiat mohmmi ive j4 188 oatl at llnhlv jewellery 4 jfraey uomi starr an on fr merita ols toys ii lis i xiimhbmi oiiivrtimeui witiliuly n tatty s mi v lance ktarhj eo bits of brevity tafal and larval- ntui4 iij x r tkr pc ul hbw fr reshtrt t tsse ferr rttm bertie i to have 6 tbe sleighing i eiocllcnt now christmas axtk from monday a winter of stcadr eild is ptvdtcle 1 vfeddioc cakes are now in demau 1 the nuptial seasou u rapidly apprc ich- bgg viliaqe vjarietie8 fllrellaa f lml nrw anil alker alien r tprta lalcnu la our stlu traacn the place for boldlngjlh municipal election luu beta clitnpki from llio tww towu hall as acuoitejeod by puslcr- lu smiths iton tn mali uwl tin uimc chatty ua been uviilt ailh reference lo the school i teeth jr vstarrou yiil aclu willi l null hi khh lit he now hyxlls f tblcdj many wuijuulu jioui ilt itonl aix- already eihiiriuc lill lie mr a iijl tut will i ilubl piei lli v oitiie- mli luf ml liim ik itlc l afui holit liveioi iiihiiiv ii i m of ur litllliivli liim lkv-il- ui cdicu a- uklhlim fuuiiit ulll li lllic lu litt liu nu vuilis ml ikiiu r rcruu carpel fitieiit iimu lo the iuniiuicj tlu eikuiii-l- oltheouuiio liiauch of m 5- f winning up utiielly ourmoc1 piliti- dav holidij prcmbli arc uow bciit letted the brandon uu r is tiow isi ucd u a daily it has suowci here every day dujim uie pal week mr james moon has moved intc new residence lookout for ihe icicles which ryer hint yost path grip4 almanar is to hand dont t secure a copy wht i merry christmas look oar life wore now preseot- i jlr a xairn toronto adveilisei thia isroe for more wood j a wito of fft wihcr arrack put of ihe cottnlry yesterday board of education mehi ou tharaay eveniugin the chairmans oflfce g tr snow plows psaaed tlrojijh here fttqnently during the week lasl thursday wiu coldtr aid aiormy thin any day for hereral ycirs j we ire tinid some of the cjci behind boyi wil 0 ou crutches yet rest satisfied wilh doing well leave others to talk of you as thev will j cod weather iuj slcijhla ire a iie aprarently wilh the iateuiioauf suyiu uoinglu ih rink lonighi i the forem isl quefrui iflng the vcu fjik now hi fail vil- his sevvral accideuli hue alreidv hapj en- and till 1 ecu ed to boys hiniu on sleighs jthey do it- t j itr j r mcciarru isacd a very c tprehensive holiday cirjuur this week you receivb a copy j it is reorievx tlw uv- forty chan e of residence hive beta imule by citisus daring the pxl ix week if yoa axe n temperance iniu ir msn let the kvpic know it by cudar to suppress intrmperaiice the oahiwa uipkir haf ijiangcd to in eight uge slit- tb- dratar is a live iii paper the new t4wu hill bcil will amv day the customs iuihurii6s imrkise i duty of 30 jfcir cepl ou ihc bell mr a e xicklin lasdtspoaed of grotty and bakery business in wilui for i veryreuiunralive cgnre- what his become of the milton c pioni local editor it wasot much model for local news last week the early closiag movement is w rk- jng baliifactonlr and both merchauii cqstomer are witisfird wrth the result single copies of the pkee pk3s be had at this office far three cents a copy cf this wrev to dislaijl fricni howard gtftons ke vorfc ch thoir coospsnv gnve inurcting entrt tin- mantl here en satcniay rod monday a inga tut reason that the iuix pks i popular for job pnnltuj s because we al nothing bur tinavclaaswurk to leave office trilr john lawitu uf tile lh iijl quenng sold a pg on tuesday to mr tt hardiag which weighed almost poflnds owing to the vetj ineienjent weibcr frof brirto chibijn of educated h hut thuraday was nut very larrelv fotjed u any friend from out of town chauces to pay you a visit let the xnnr p uss know it and we will be happy to anno icce the fact the big snow storm uf thursday friday ptil a damper on business fo time baufl trajns and nails were dcaicra and other dulie preparatory to the uic entrance upoh wedded life arc being wry quietly tuvie by these youug mtu oa cant leep these things secret boys x direct our rviders to ihe dnjg wl- ttrlihmeut of v isiiilh cviuelnh mr smith has greatly implored llic i- pcarauec of his iture byhaviuj the eiling frescoed and jupercd in gold and the wholu establishment thoroughly leuoviled audit is uowouo of the haadiomeat drug tlorea in the proviuce when in the royal city call on w- ci smith co torauything you waul iu their hue ear frar while drivir from uockwood lo actoa hut thursday tncruiufi it sou of kr cbus willdughby had his ear badly froten xtulaaar ierlce rev r u waddeli bd of fall will preach miipwaary sermons lu the mcthodul church neit sunday imorning and evtuing rev mr bryers nillloccupv mr waddells pulpit at gait ev jrler wax mrs jazlcy will exhibit her famoui wax figures in the town mall loekvvood next wednesday evening a very interesting aulertaiumcni is promised and we luvu no doubl mr jarley wiil lave a full house tr skaoat suak this tear the skaticg rink in thi village is ucder new nuiuigeuienu mr a f matthews has leased the rink aud will conlrol i dannc the present seasen tuea- i day was the upaiu g night and there was a ou i gvxal attendance thrbaud enlivened the j ptocecdiugj i taort dr i iall janiea wright who stole an o ercoat j from a boarder at bennetts hotel hl week foi num time jt there boa been cen- blu qiiarirlllng between a couple of faoiii w maiding un the third line hear this vlllagi but iho climax waa reached on 8tojr lay the partiot concerned aio h a uyds and wm carroll the latter being a tel ii at of the formers mother in tile row c i riatuiuay ryder hail his head badly cut vith an ux undone if cinrous ore- lln bltuu oil and now inch iwrly i- rtijeavoritij m induce the law lo luke huif lb- ntlier altiieugli ihe naiiei ar i i kiiihlhoeo sevelidut ltiddllljill fain- iln cunntiiliyinuat not bend taui for uo iiullir ti lliddulpli n i -u- t u are ueuriiv peeking mnji tiu rtlnl liw abiding aswejjo s v iihdry eiiiu trfil of l is 11 piilv- idiy ruinjrincc wins nniniuu alliance have mt art hon- loo 17tli ta- temperance sunday miuibicn of all ikmnuiualioiia hi ontario wtu iuvitcrl to preach to ucircoont ki unit day oq 6uu1c pbaso of hie the irtipol of mtticg suiiuv fyr special appeal ii ft goinl tin- mtytiiuidc of tin evil varrruita uk lulclit- iii uwiuitiife active memupc fur ill ftilirii euppkaiioti tlio work cab- uolb- carrietl on sciuititit fands aud ftu appc 1 hu uea ran do to tiic iniuittcra and peop for tbe collctiuu oa that sauuy to uthu direction ye trust that thia l ttiii meet with r lilwral rcupouw cause oi the tempcratieehaa sufftrtd nuch in the jwi ljr want of money to nn it nptratiodjt help rtui u th vsr currv ad personals ir k mcgarrin of clifford was in town last week mr wm swacthammer of lexington mich visited his acton frieuds this week- mi and mn mrs james matthews ipent ever il days during the week wilh friends in b uilford mis john wriggiestforlh cf ashgrove spool a couple of days urn week with acto i friends mr w eanlou r and miij m panloii of m hon were the gut- of mrs s a seco d last week mr price ute of ihccwiawa viniicatiir safl made u5 a pleasant viiil on nurday he u fj- riw ui kalnlazoa mleh mcmsjieighl lid his daughter augusta of markham came lo atou ou iriday last to pay their friends here aiisit mike seem jid to enjoy himself lu hi old home and tie hoys appreciated his visit andleft for toroowas brought back by pjjeftj mmvi rxisubw lliiustret lie was lined by y i onlciagitracs kl mil cu or 10 days j strijtd unu ihe premise- uf the ulcri- in jail in default of oiymeut or the line j r t is u 1 ksqnesing or about cui j j jvcnbor four stccni one white two red he was tent to jail u pltte 0 can have them by kmtcxakiaattaa proving property and paying eipenscs the regular uarlcriy eiimiuatij in j c douglass aton public school will laka place in the first dcretrtmeotoathursdayforenoouand in the second and third departments ou stiliycd upon the preoiiscs of the ondrf friday forenoon next week parents and others ho take an ralcrest ia education i year fl owner can have the aame by i am- now selling my entire stock of toys of all kiids new years cards etc r at wholesale prices jatteu is tray i j uigneu lot vo 15 coo 7 xaasajraweya on 1 or about the first of september a red two- proving property and paying expencea matthew job xrasdgaweya nov 28th 1882 1 ae cordially uitiicd toattcul i raarpek fa xelasi acton hasnot a single within her j corporation uoundaries jit is a recurkabc j tdtirltrv wanted fact that during the year closing not a 1 m premtd ig single resideut his required pecuniary- aid j market price for any quantity 0 turkeys from the municipal council we are coa- j geese pucki and chickens dressed dry- latefor several days the irotincial exhibition will be jeld ingntlpiiinext fall we bare no dpubt the peopu of giieiph will do all in power to make the exhibition a snecer somepeople are rery obstinate cannot conrioce a man with a new cott that the weather is not cold nor a man without one that tbe weather is not w imt the old g t b lank houe has ecn removed to a vacant lot on young rteet and wiir be converted into a stable by jr james mcleilan iu removal has inipr ived the appearance of the gtr premises it is surprisiug uj see how verj ao carately householden who hare aidesv alkl to clear of snow know the point on sidewalk where their line fence comes disputes aljont prorl boundaries por eiainrday was a busy day the wethef was fine and the rol good and scor a of fanners took advantage of the occaslo l to come to town and make necessary chase merchants report a big days neasc tbe glen woollen mills co erecting anew factory- at fieorgetow i ln stead of using the planing mills at at r9posdi the new ikiudiog wllfu feet long lw wide two stories bigb tower pur rasi in teud the jbest7i oal oil ttraiacd to tbiai lhat similar iflstauccs are very rare among lh manicipalilics of the dominion oar awsplraaeat this week w uaue a supplemeut cou- i tabuing a large amount of interesting read- x j ing matter among which is a full report of the distribution of medals by the queen to those brave men who distinguished them selves iu the late egyptian troubles this wih make amends for ihe extra space monopolized by our merchants ttrljmas tree eaestaujne the annual entertainment and chrialmas tree under the auspices of the sabbath school of the methodist church acton will be held in the church on thursday evening 21st inst a good programme of dhduguos recitations ic arc being pre- psred by the children the choir will fur nish excellent music aud rev jy2 j of guelph iu 4iver an interesting ad dresa for particalars we posters bereaved m4 fiasn o hereatouient oecnned in pur village last week in the death of the wife of mr j pwordcn on friday after noon after one short year of happy mar ried lift mr warden is left alone with a live weelis old babe lie has the warmest sympathy of our citizens iu his afuictiou tiic funeral was held on monday and was very largely utlcudod as a mark of brotherly sympathy the hearse was vscorted by tbc members of acton lodge oof of which society mr warden is a member tlelfifla rlc aide from the appearance of ilcfv flow guidl which is ou our desk wc ahould fudge that tic- young eu are chips of the old block m the floral guide with its lithographed covers u handsome enough forlhe parlor fable it is printed on the best of paper has threa colored plates cf flowers and vegetables and full of useful information these who send 10 cents for u cannot be disappointed as the plates alone are worth the amount- address as ui past years james vick rochester xy efrsictwaaklp caauadl tha lutmeetibg of this council fur 18s2 was held on halnrday uie biisine- nf ho day being the winding up of iuatrrs pcr j laining to the township before adjonrn- menf a motiuii was passed tendering the thanks of the council to col clay eeere for the very able manner iu which he has presided over the council for more than a quarter of a century the reeve on rising to reply was visibly aflecled after referring to lib retirement from the council and his oug per led o office iie spoke of his obligation to the i ratepayers of the township for the oonlideuce reposed in him for so many years in closing his re marts he referred to the long end efficient services of tiie clerk the latter on being called upon idded his regrefs at the retire- of gentlcman of so jhoch ability from the bend of the founrih nay send rch and the jolh heir you iivus- acli plucked delivered actoli or xo r at our bake ahop iu il xicklivorsox pirse lost lol on saturday ercuiuj between the temperance hall and marlatts batcher shop ja small leather parse containing a five fllillar bill two ones three twentrtive ceuttiiecea several ten cent pieces aud a nam xtrof coppers finder willbe liberally rewarded by leaving it at my shop h maiilatt vfutice to cruditors pi racaiil to the provuions of 11 s- 0 char 107 tec jh the creditors of alex maanj late of the township of esqaeaing coaitry of haltcu who died on or about the 2otu xovembert882 are on or before 1st if february 1 ss3 lo lend a- jlt r their christian aa1 addrees and description the fall particulars oftboirclaimyasutetncat cf their actoaatx and the nature of their itcar- itietf any held by them or io default thereof the administrator frill after the said the said iut tucutioncd date proceed to distribute the isais of uic said deceased amotapt the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the said administrator shall have notice uati at acton the 4th day december 18s2 petek maxx auxixistkatok for the estate of the- late alexander maxk grand clearing sle of the finest stock of xmas presents lever shown in acton store packed from floor to ceiling and jammed from one end to the other with a choice selection of i i bemjtiee at wholesale pricbs vases toilet shlu china motto cups toy cups toy mugs glassware ink stands toj tea setts cot glass ceutres cut glass salts aad peppers cheese dishes glass pitchers silver plated fickle stauds tjnd cruets pearlhandled butter knives and pickle foiks napkin rings plated butter diahes i card receivers cake baskets childrens seits of knives forks aud spoous rogprs tea aud diuuer knives rogers spoons aud forks toilet hand mirrors j a splendid selection of plush and morrocco photo albums birth- i day albums autograph albums etc at wholesale prices first- liti talejckilk- woudju in acton ou uie 8th inftj jennie w 25 yean and 1 months n acton on me otii yi fe of jfr 4 p wordeu bjfed acton a to tjb had at j be ptotice to creditors tiipiaaut to the proviatons of ii ri 0 chapj 107 sec- 34 the creditors of ijoho srcmillen late of the township of erin coa ity of wellington who died on or about the toth october 1682 are ou or before the ut vi unary 18s3 to send bypost prepaid o 1 mtndersod of tbe village of actou tlai iuutian and auruaoiianddrcises and dcfijitjiitou ihe full particular of thair chuus a atitement of their accoanta apd tbe iature of the scenritiea if any held by tbetni or io i default therenf the heir will after the said last-mentioned- date proceed to distribute the assets of the said ieceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of whi ii the said heirs shall have notice datil at erin this 25th day of november 1882 aadrew mculllex fnr the estate of tho j latcjojtsmcmiukv your own juoce l iiiakc no anwarrautable boast of having th largtat stok iitiu aim stook or the oheaptst sfoek butliespeetfully invite yon to call and ex- 2 qmioe my stock fdr quiantltyquallty ohaapnaaa dnws our own conclusions j be your own judges 1 ian quite satisfied as to the general results yours respectfully tlatrioa ooodall acjron boot shoe house i muxsibekt actolf agreai varietv ol toy books for the children a wonderful selection of toys china and wax dolls mnsicai pop guns tin rattles tiu trumpets performing monkeys surprise boxes tin waggons tin horses windmills balls tops musical tops childrens setts of toolsj wooden horses and waggons toy cruets mouth organs from oc to 50c each rabbits jumping jacks tin and wooden banks glass and shell boxes and lots of uicknacks the finest selectious of xmas und kew years cards at half price al new uo old stock work boxes writing desks plush and velvet photo frames purses thimbles perfumery stationery chromo mottoes ladies plush sachets etc at wholesale prices remember this grand ulearing sale will commence this wesk and continue until the new year bring along your money and get some great babgai slleaffs ii ho4rvias mk jirfefjb m- i ajai waa idi i t v- v ljj i lljf svtifs v5i5 i i j i rtvil

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