1 it i 1 1 3 cm narmuv mot yojwc foutscotasb ouc ttilch sol imltllc lrp itk hrkw urk and lie ills oat fitk vjui c4 the ji kffis p ii eefress dtch 1ss2 e by little litt 0 ic vtep tui u cu tuolbcr and iac louj tt 1 i cades chetrfulitc mnkc tbe imoil clctrcr pv ioiu lu ihoucju mil adiw rwoc mid bcautv j i satin on in- his- rkiitu with liu hair thro m ml ii nu a vnl vaiireil hoae llicir icauty with iuu rut vuryjlrgfl uuuitoii rtslorc the iavcn f lime liy uitnj tuo umottb cmzsl uut iuuotq- bold at 60 ccaujtmvuiy by all iliiuife the iut puu of life lifl love tlie grtxllit uwmtivc hlflutlupjj ulc tcfct- csti iwikiiivi huil h the icalcav cva ilica auojjer i rent ti an ate motiicr i mouiar cl iuct it um- to the little cojii xvorkcr dy their tow but cociuat motiou usrc biilt uictw rt lfou in uc ilitunjl rociuua occu ui the coucjl iindonakii cy otnpcitdl effort uivc bee a rkticilly ffhicwsl aivl the u1 i cluc true luvini thca d3 i oer uie p t ifcoi liil rcsfc ycu in iliiiicarteiifsi live lo jo yoa nev- cm gel tbroufj but jus osdoi tor dy by dy axsthcr rofct o pain will i nsvi i 1 ui 3 ach uiilty uik elcvn friend jlesii rarkor i liii cwlou to viit sjiiliud jaod tcuowinjj the excellent qiuliiics of dr tliomai oil coucluilivt to trite sotuii with him aui the result 1- beou vcty jtotonishing we nuv sy tail iu several instances it bus cflectcd euie vtiiou laioienls btd been pronnuueed incuntulc by eminent prcliuouis i agnod iiivetiueut twcuiy five cent lonpcniiil i tl t u p i i 1 i uocynnts ylov ill vv hicil aml aih mule ct i t u jdollsi ieit f r oili would io villotv oil cur bheumit- iim bum vjil lrdstl bitf sor tliroit itoup still jiiiil contracted oorvls and luicno ra lfl imitin blankets cheaper than ever at the right house in all alios and pnoei jtreat from the tnakety boaibt roe oaihlar below tbclr regular wbolealeprloei and aellinj off ery fait anil eitremely low tbe quality i the finettand bast made in canada be aute and ewthmnbetae buyinif seven caiei to hand and lotimorr coming knitted wool bonrfa chaula hqnarea tiriiei and plaid hliowli with alar e lot of veryauptrioroloth jaoketa dolinaniand ulnleraall purehai forcaahexroedingly ohtpndellldgoftatjiuamiiiingraie tbe millinery is ao new faihionahil anil ohtap that ihouaandt of ojilomenerh rutklug very irrge pure iaae silki julee tnesilka ibey are greatly reduced in pricca there hns a urcelotofnon white qual la arrived lotely from mancheitar they are beauiiful gooli and are marked so low thai bey bavenn immense le the liulie ml iruin underololhlngofillklndaandqualltieiaregolnieffmanaraailngrate btr theru by nil monni pieaof lenn kniltedshirtaand jfiinu rom84e up to 82 wforveiy uperlorsoololi mke carpeu for the million from 12jo hemp up to the beat ave frame brusselain the very litea- dealgnt abtut 020000 worth loteleet from see the new uarpetabjj all means before buying they are wlhqgoffia wholesale prices a new slock ol ucecurtainaand umbrrquina lately arrived from tbr noli ingham makers bought fof oaah and sold at a very small ad vnnceon lee sterling cost heveralsldpmenti of nw british french and german hid jeraey lined taflnloand wuolen glovea to hand atel direct from the mkere all hougljjfofoiiilvalnd tailing nfial the very lowesi prires pilea of british hoalery arriving at short intervaia from the woealermakdriai varlouirlojt froiiilso away np to i13foflhevfy best fine cnacmere iioe see ihogenl ft ooltn socks irom20oui to 81 for the best caua- dianhoaiery in gwat variety of oolora ane qualllieaoheapj see it new tickings in this week henvy cbeip mid good new kidder crumb cloth arrived- laat j week from the british uakeri and are offering very cheap hee the little joys navy knitted suin they are heavy and good for the winter tbe drees ooodi have an ammlngiaale juv see those nloe aervkrable drrsa goods in the new shndos atlijc very superior at 17 and 20o but the 2c all wotl tigea ore fine and good and well worth 3j5 the 35 37j aud 50o dreaa goods are fit for any lady ihr liigbt house king atrot east oloso to huglieon street wbero the veraudah it down tho iamo it hamilton he 9th 1882 i- tar vtu tea av v ambwwvhwu tktt bottle of 111 allty more el than mini iirv medicino oki ruifc jt lilt ia t day lirovtrb leirl litltu eolv her trw uid flovrcn t trhicltn ueir ufn to rprt crrcrc unci ljiiicnot- rni i iiletts irnlcii salve et siv in iho world for cuti saieu eeis mt iibeum fever ictier cirippei lands chil- coins and ll tkin eruptions hie bruise sous bluihs tnd rosiuvcly rues lllok tisguirju eeea to iiuo iierleit ifitlnction or thomas c watkins hamilton mhjsssl 1332 fall season 1382 wpyrlu y lb ntovflrwirlfhrau3 cut ofltvercomplnlni hppma sick uiad afc luuifffllon coiiuiauot orcottltc notk wc cnuqtil euro villi wckli vteubie liver 1illi whs n tn dlrfclloniitrf itriohy c6raii irllh tty ar nnrljr vejuulr and iipvor lall to kivf fcthkracion pucar cotd iwrf oboxm coiitnimac 8 imiu 2i cent for mip bj ill urayglnu il4wtirar cuurfiu ind mlatllon thf cnalne ronafnetrionly by joiim c wwt a co ttie iiumkpil8 4mklnhtert-tto- roitn not kreo trlul iiikvic tan by mill pwrawoattcetrlofa 3cut ctainp o a buy b- li st is ll ii vjir sius viud and the home bovf ii lwit ot twfi- down money iflundcd lior fut sale ifctdro i jj whv il aliv jeilitiii rc illcc j mt- j cculs ier trvmi drug i uiuriui with iu- tif dr u if you yu for a ivm bave a kotsd dut ttitlkd wo jux rrnathbmm6lr lliit nud th juf uui books ou tin- jr lrit e ytur hpjtfrs tr b- mtineiiy jiimi nrk- leisut kiid agtedltlt to ru co uiuiqv to be dtiotita randt tii ofilifite little iv ru uat in rtitlity he via js roui- think ihtru u not attended to jumpcrl- i do wbit otiiers acojm liiht aud i ml t whe it hpjl til fay theui umny to ucae and niiuy ic si care it ioesed ud sulk mhdiijgly in tciw o illil iitlv l-yburrviv- o b s rurrd f a v iafinnttiii o liif i use f liie iiillle trieli foe- j tnendin ii in iie prove1 u for rn irv meniions l and ueriy ual lvije imj pjiitjr us that rou case of inci s ikdi- by tbe irj ii -mn- ecleo pjr in ieooiu in iie pnj us he bud t m irv n the diseise- it oute uilij bis friends verv iitasce it tvis eilect- z- czra 11 libiev tuutbels 1 r tl 1 ojuu with- utihl n v u ti- gi- ic tiulv y- ti kjr tis cijak oil u uv t- iiry tui stjlil iu u i b j i oalv imrikdt ucmcsliat wlut nirhiutc eaftfr- hijn cffffctnilv irria khkr ii 1u l jlcy who cry ilwavs the rit ir does us vtii quickly mi thoro a fcij rrle it fr ycir wuh khimy priogho rr i jd siul uuiii- neywnrt priv lift- cilel oh too tlje mammnth des to call the attention of the ladies auu tlie farmers mcchunies laborers and the reueral public to the iuct lliut they have laid in this geason the larjrest and finest stock ocdry goods ever brought into thi section oithe country 1 u ninikl ildrcss goods iu all the netvt styles trimniiuifa io niiilch kr it you tanc anything new you may be sure to pet it from u our millinery and mantle department is also filled with the latest novelties from condon paris aud new york if you want a stylish hat bonnet or mantle call aud see us our dressmaking department is a decided success onkcoratkirwaritrt h wwemrow we make up dresses iu the latest aud mot faslnotuible styles prices m4iniwbritaita fa j gattr as low as an v other fiitclass establishment weddins and mouru- oze h7iilt mb iqc ft rum ud it crock i i ii3 hcikr tndrtix thevomtorm rf fiiuac uig orocrs a specialty jtavtn fdsuort cu tlyit u 4 rood laata kn rrla t- wafc- htikrfzjtn 1u- rly iw jjlr ironiaui taerlaj nuj- be utitmiiilj ciltiai iw fri4 u woima krtae of her e lor iu rin her she li eeioir derutetf u tir tort ucji u um ootaomi c lft-taqdj- lad if obutrol a kwp rit uaij- inliusu lo bip her isir lit lrf porrwpeodew wtieh daulr pcan la qpoo her h bjinr nt tchea c faitajrlnc w joy u wlestm from iu her vccrtiiiie compnaad if ft mdmn fur ffrwd uvi not rrc pctrpoks i hat rrcojir lairsitjaliml l tad ui ailfflcd of uk tratt of ml iet lira not kiiueywort i smaritan jtyliit with greit ilxmfibshirc j en afflicted fiiiaes list j u alurming j le kid- iteiting anit i itousu on rats eii out rets mc roicjias flie- u ii teiauv kuakt chipmunks i ophei l5i diugfcist 1ivrt i iid s- tveu lui i lut lid 2sia75 vf dur orculrlv ia vihv di w tiktt jiils dr t isrsss sic7 trc i n rda i hf ssjans vfr drcit rr u sm in ictw by j mc vn i iij i riit b moig the mit tffisicious of reme- iu r tre he ietical prepiniuonit iinji tbe iijirwirv ot ldia k- pink lui lynn aii- tljvrc sever ilc huti suusipuitq n- loilt cuctlts backup alba jek corpete cure all annoyinp ki may el der and uriniry dexsei i druggibl- 7s ifsit i ivjji jjvf 2 clizvt circle c im bejiiity iclj fnitljnei5 j skiimy heu vtiis heith hfinewer restrgt lean i rri vigor cures dycpepna im potence sexuil qiltihlj 81 j ltbsirelv itttr to yzidaa tio mudi hn to cindenn too raccli iftcr razuy yert oepatient laveiiigx- tiou ir yiliblirfls liiulv lccteded il ierfectiiic a kidney care tiat ircld rniaqectlv relieve zll ca tcs of k1- bcvjjiieaic be suteaud t yuttr druut ia actoii by j e mjarviii tijcre i rrc usty men wiio- tongue might govern multitudes if they cojld fa tu tlttir tcccs- ilr ft f jlaccartby coeojiit ot- laiv tvriles i bare been dtapeiiting iincfjobtmgxotttirop k lymans mul- ion of cod lircr oil and ilypophoa- plutes of lime and soda for liie paiit iwq ycar and consider that there i no latter preparation of the same kind in the market it is very palauote and j for chroniccoughsit vjl no equal flexure may ijciptly comparcltu utaity i rcit books which iucrcjse iu rsal valce in tiic prop jrt ton they arc ilridej ifiss jlnry camplcu elm write j after taking four bodies of yoithrop k lymans vegetable discovery ancf dyspeptic care i feel as if i vere a new person i had been troubled with dytpepiia for a lumber of years and tiled many remidie but of no avaii uutiil unid the celebrated dyspeptic cure for air impurities of the blooti j jtcsick headache ltvei and kidney compbiiuu cotirenesssfcc ills the best medicine known j j not2iixi7iiiakf the world rcccnta ipuciuas 26 uj liave fridud- it a diiutice they make itaadcs aud ionitadef i i true to iler trusl i j too much ciaoot besaid of the ever taithful wife and mother constantly wajjhihff and caring for her dar ontf nerpr neglociinc j single daly in their behalf weti they are assailed by dls eie and the system should have u thorough cleddtihg the tomkch and txm-eli- regulated blood purified and mlviil poiiwn exterminated she must kaow that elcihc bitter are the only aartremky thy arf the puhatmedi qiaea in the wot id ony cosi fifty cn tk soijlykmcuiivid ftnm idi t lit in ropin vrhich womi i eninz i iv i- tofppictfdi ii- xj ihr -j- v lv fry i ip im tint i il ycir tli i ir j write i cu nic ly w jnr 01 nlin in the tr-vsingcscs- iuia keliug ii hours after mied by ilr nrtor dur city to try j lfagnuiicaihouiijtrccaw laaunmsuioo tuitf ctacica ndlatta h wpanj3t i t eqrel tr3ai nttms lid li mptfiihf 4 t lh cil c u- i mti3ivlfpt it rraitf fiiatai utinn ijesij ill en viae wr txlstjutr iwf rvle t nirf tbe rtcratacii lit rr blotlac itici rttoa pnrttiob jgocri vtbcity slcrfrsntm lttrairn ui ifc jv jknnisf tj cirwh lf il vllilniti 1 1 c f zlj ft per loctj or iti fp ti f4 1 trd vr drviprti- jj- atictrcirtoipiaucril linijlh by iba om ot tie vfi ccmjiowkiaal el ler tn laiatutuis frr tldaercuitruis cf n r m uiiki eear m ltrr lliibuiltetljmjtirrtt iii f if trki ftth caj rf caw eiuaf ai ijtfzdlit d ti 1tr err i a el ile oreyvretnl t ft pcpciit j- r rt i it o do pioi ic lirt i-mlv- nntvii v our ordered cjolhing dcpartiutut as uaua1 will be jviund tuiiiiiiij ill our lumber effurtk the iatefct styles of scotch ecclish french and cicailiati tweed- and suiticgs black ttroad cloth doc skins worried overcoatiu ac we keep a firstrclis stock of tiods and a first class cutter and mskc up ririt fitiir gent we alo kevp cu hmd a very iirc tiock of gents furnishing- hal- and cri vudcrclotuh ac our ready- made clothing dcjurtintut till ik found more extent-ivf- and a hirur annicn than evor mens youth lijy and ciullreus suits and overcoaia extra cheap p ajrtiaujt cinic to the kammoth ic your rcadyirade chthc jurbupkdejiartnjcnt couiistia of cottons kiiirtil tickicit print- wincey ulankcts flannel ycnis to welling tabling- ttc to wid bv- fouuacn eriinatiou to be tbe cheapest and urert in the county be ure zinl ev vdt cis bunktt- and wmccs liootft and bhtlidcs jujd clnsdrvuvlare iukirtikut tn cheap carpets oil cloth k liujlcun matt ac we have the imstitciuitarof cirpvts iu wool tapestry liouvek and union carpcs in c ad the loux- phces coie and me our filoek and tratuinc our prices to our patrons and the public we haw thi- ln fr nd oar foniicr cuort ta oljtain rhcap uj- vc isc piyiis fah fur tiicm end whi vc sell we liiit aho receive cash wc are tntkiuji a ii effcn to do the tntuc ljia fall aud ull cur vois are murked at the hnce h price- cuic au1 buy your cdjs frui u- mcled anderson co mammoth house georgetown br tic wtnl peltfo f lw un e tt iiftiuimwat brtktarttwt reatvnti an rn pumitftn vlunt fcflf w caicen4kaamirattqcmcai 9ru atawan lflm r r s s t 0 v e a good- rs so rtm en t for he fall trndr j a hills rw tin it ove drp hill itetkt o t o in line of road bmiran l a -j- eent twtnc oompowd ef oosfnuma m baurnidr cwfcsj unjn chair canlpu 3 bltipli out nd uw bmt lata of dtajagc fa thttworld thru trtlaa bttwmtt ohiam uiuoon rirer fetel two tnlaa batvacn cu 0 uuj minompatavid u fasi tu tlw itara albert lea route a knrifld dtrwt ltatl tcaeasl kankaw km tus rmwour beo 7pcsii btw ehthagnc twoe mrol norfoilvew3rtvmqutunixaaaatkaft s t o v e s r t butcher shol r holmes wiull reipcclfully inform the pep3c o ac a cud vicinity that he lia pnrcued th- bu ad prucrty if mr w c roljiusoo and i piepared to supply til with firstclass of all krds a 1 t ltsxinctca ajl toroocn ramnczi trtttl oalutj truaa tictetm tor sals u aujprtiwdpal tickt offle la lht unild butm mdotla3k btam cbeclced utroocb qd ru of lar av wja u low u oospttttcts ibat offer 1m ftdrm tot dartaflad iaiormucragt uis mapi end told- n of uie great rock island route li roar scsrert ticket osst or iflilr r cable e st john ke-rrw- ioalhyr oaltk3arsmlfl ohfcaco iellow oil neohes rheumatism freema3ts worm powders are pleasuit to take ccntip their own purjative is a saia iqte and efccteal teeirorer warns in chqdren or adalla meat t mtu at nv linn l to isi ft iaviti praetfes hucheriic huaiaem 1 let can irit r- lut e d n r 1 uherofinv i ieeuit is a cure cu1e t far all diai of th kldner a 5 i icvrf tift n better for n rjiii tihcihr 2 taici c photo v7 hili artist actox 11 m md isu mid fod ins nu ttomatdi cditiithiiet ji j- esi t7 kcrirx lie uatrl ir c rr ii cicir i rrriiar die birc r t l if jniatrepiirrf t3alct ic zjriifctctii- e shilohs consumptiion cure th- i lew iutvifci -i- tif ls i vnrib co cr lie d- if i vk- h ii i die i earn illotl tuccfti- vtr taid a few i uo7 crscft if liu- iue its ra- urcoaujiiplirm ol ueil- ry li nu been ijr iiji irjii itrsc aji c vtiitcn ta tttc altcrla paiiixea no equl io iern iva the ride b kheunijtin an kirni l i irice virloo urcmirucbeet pcrous riittcr vrrtwlij- itxaiitr c mditsvr alivady lere ami repruvil uirli new sliiiiory and aiiaiatn to f inuke ihotoirraijlia of all kinds ciwl to those of tiio cities i nuthiug i more luoeptaiilc to a friend loi- a iliriatniih present tlia11 n firstclass photo ncatlr fnmied and w eliii ciu make tliem for ou most satisfactorily see samples in hoy window first prize obtained for photos wherever shown a stock of frames mottoes kc on hand f r the holidays call and see e if mml rv in the lent that 1 a a1 kindly eolxciteu rililmfs to c0 mpt ives tut- ailvctulr navn- 110- u kruulieullj j cnrf ol lhat dread diseaccorsim plfon by j r liup ieuijyu nxjou 10 make known i to his reliriw snltfretv ihc menus a cure to t iu who desire m he will nd a copy of t up j prescription tisod fiee cf phanrc wlili lue dirccliou asin the same 1 troicu ibev will rnd a surt- cnre for conglis 1 cold consumption aathma bronchitis ic ianles uiiiin tue preseriitlou will pajidrekee arillsix ldipcun sl wihiamsbure v dr iirri tyvi v of ci mijo uoeruij aui3 cr and proapt rsneiy f ii- roaova of storrrci and at or pia toos frcea ciiud of adalt it a easy to talc tltzr fxut abtoiudy hirmlea and nscirc 9 afierphysic perraxro fy tkx s medicine c 7 45bleubtbt ecstbza1 and troy ny pric- 25cx8 sold everywhere mafrmpmremd yt buhlq blooh worth their weight ia gold man ho o b ipall opening fall opening ihp pain both siirnil ttjeurea fiid in ck or bovell sore ihroat 1 t0ij chej lumbago anil a i iin rir ache it will ostturely uijken tl2 clood rnd heal as lis acting povii il vrondeitul brora- uoubelinli v 1 nice i being i aekrowlf iljcil b thf grit lain eeiierer l andof doumt tie irength of any other elixir 01 liiiimtnt in llifc irld should be in eveiy itniiy hin ij for ute kiicd wanted is it reillyu te hestremedy in the uorldforciiimiin the stomach and paine and aches bf all kinds and is for aile ly all diugizistsat 25 cent i bottle i ftgsmm mmmmi wiu yoa 3st4 ease of if vsip hyspepsiaor f- r5i75 cents rssfesfa i nil wise to f onto ua- thi dlirtlicmany aiilm ont g li ajlsln ironi ijjyspepsia iiidigesuod ttsordored stomachand ivur when this offer la njado to you j ii yoor own home la all pmhbbb sincerity with an absolafce certainty of curing you j i zopesa from brazil enres dyspepsia and biliousness a sjlnfjledoserelldteij a sample bottle convinces jl a 73 cent bottle cures i it acts directlyi upon the btomach liveriind kidneys cleanain corractlng eeg- clatine zopeta ffitcg energy and da to tho brain nerve aad muscle bimplytiy work ins wonders uibn tlie dges tion and gltiilg jactlvify to tne liver 11 cat this out lake it to any dealer in medicines and get at least one 75 cent botfleol zopesa andteh four neighbor now it acf s ic is wnrrjinf ed to cure dyspepsia and bu uotv lost how rkstorlu 1 we hti recently pqlilt shed a new ditfur if ir cnlrrrw fits tele- liratfd ixj ou tiir radical and permnnrm cure wllhojt medi- c pfaynlc aiiiicarciiirapeiinientormtrriatcetc result ii rlccln averled cuvciopconlyg cts ortwiiiicviree tuinr tuecel ijtlior nliii adailrablp kscy clearly leinontratet frin tlurtj ytirticcefl pncticp tlatrlarmlntctni- sfjueiiccs tuii- be nidically cured wiltioat the djtiiseracs te of lnterni mcdfclnsar lie tleoi tljc icnife po tiling ot a mode of cure at once lmpjc crtain and effeclualfay mens nf wliiru evry fnttercr no matter wlia1 ii conditlun may oc raiy cure hlmseu cboapiy privately and radlcall- tblk lectare bliould be in tlie lianj oi ovetyyoaib andevery man c the land addresi tlie rulverrtell medjcal vo u las s kch toric roitomce boi4r v this week at the- east end clothinc store caution each plug of the myrtle navy ismabkkd tb n bttonze lettisb inoae other genuine as great care lias bueujtaken iii the seleciion ot fall goods the public will find that the stock at the east end clothing store sur passes anything heretofore exhibited iu acton over 200 pieces from which to select including a large ran scotch twtdof beautiful design a krse assortment of of fall hats caps in all the newest styles just to hand j fyfe will cure or relieve biu0usne8s dizziness dhopsl htrwtlkq of the heart acidity of the stoimch dryness of- the skin and every species v c ahsinr from ditordered uver kidmeys stomach cowels or blood t m1lburh go saw dyspepsia indigestion jaundice ehysipelas salt rheuit hemtdurn headache -yr- i s1c00 porftitl- j having fip utmoi eonfldence in id super icirit j- overall cthen and fltri tliouhaoui ol lesti of the raoi complleied and pyeret cakpswccocildllnd wp to- 1 joiilfied in ot1e- inp to forfeit one thoatanrt xitlorn fornny cise nfcnagig colds wiw ihroft- infincujui lipai-per- jtyinctiltli criufinmpllon in k lv liar wj iriuiopipc eaaghfflnd all ji- iiinmi t tfirnnfandiungb except aslim nf woloh w tl alalia rilifint wecant care with wcufs coach yraw8 nk according v dfretlnnb hample botaeiitfi andmcenw irgbottleionedoiiar qonnlfle wrapperaoniyjn blan hold byaltrnnwu or seal by ezpnu no receipt ofprlc jobx vbot ooifa a m riur 8tl toronto milliery and mantle rooms are now open in full blast our exhibition consists of the newesc and freshest styles of aud tlo mcsteiquiatu fuouif kiuwlr- priec i- usual cltap city aiad country invited to inepeot usual shon- u ncii lot ol black colored jackals much lricen iilack velveteens broche velvets ci an iliiii fm t ewaet holloways pills ointment mis ixcomparablf xkdicise kcvrtd for iltflf ai imikrlsfiublr fame hrjixghji oit world for th nluriatioti and nsrc of nxtt diat to irttci mnan vj i heir qhe pills purify regulate and improre the quality oithe blood they assisj the digestive organs cleanse the stomach aud uowfcls increase the aecretory powers of the liver brace the nervous system anl throw into the circulation the purest elements tor sustaining and repairing the frame thousands ol persons haie testilied that uy their use alone they have beet restored to health and strength after every other means liaci poved unsuc cessful the ointment c hays specific mkpicie u tne great frtgirrti remedy l a n u ii fa in i g care for seminal weakness irnniunrtiia iniioitney aid all uiseajs ttit it ii sow as i seiitjcncetif srlfbirf li oi mem- orylrtvi- i siadcpin irtl uaci limntjs ol-vls- iuq hremiur jli age and beiow takiaz niany other diseases tbat lead to insanmy orconsnmp lion jarfnli paliciar u k our pampulet wbicli we de bireloend free bv mail to rvery one eittbe specinc medictn- isoldby rail diug- cists at slxjper t or six packages for so or will bo sen free by mall an re ceipt of the money b ad dressing tho 0ra hodicinff oo after 1aiing tore ho omi cauadit sold by j k lcoarv n urusu lt acton tc1 f- s ral n 1 fe f t i j vvrino ittb fwl nill be loundinvalunole in every house hold in the cure of open sorer hard tumors sal le oil wounis oougtltt coldssore throats bronchitis and all disorders of tlie ihroat and chest as nlso nout kheumatiam scrolula and ery kind of shin disease manufactured only at professor hoi ionays establishment 5330ytoui street londonimdboldatlt 11i 2s 9d 4s cd229 and 33s each box and pot and in canada at 36 oenta 90 cents and tl50 and the larger siies in proportion 8-c4nr0s- 1 iwvfrno a in tbe united states nor are njymedicine sold there purcbasera ahbold therelore look to the ijibel on the ppjsand bozea ii the address la not 583 word slreal london thny are sponons tbe trade mark of my said mediciues ia registered in ottawa and nao nt ffaahington jr thomas hollowaj 33 oxford 8treetj tocdoo die ecwetsnehvh avd hraintekat- mtxr a anuraiiteu specific fnr lljsterlct uuzluefcsconvai5lonsfit5 nr-ooeail- si i licadache nervous hiostruori cnosed oy the use of alcohol or lobree waketal- w ss mental pepresioii strteiiinz d tht dmm rtmilllns in instiiy nnd ifnoltirtd n urydfctvndclemliprpmhliiretld a8 harrtpner loss of pow r in cither rtx in vulmiiary l sesfiittsrmilorrbftafaufd byoverrxerion of th bran fclfiitose or overindulgence une box kill rnte recent enses tach u jt coniains c ne mroiuv neat- m nt one dnllnr a bos rr fix tx xes for fiva lllns seitbv mull in roetii i ofrrlce we miaiantee six loxes lo cure ny ease with euh order reeeiv d by cs rr six bxeaaa- e in ai i- d wiih nvetirlafv wi wjllseutllbt purelasr onr wriiten suranlee i reload iu- runiey inlr tn alim m of roi foeit rurv jnrauters usil d only bv jijip- iauvix ole mubru d aarni fr artos out john c a m i cti sole lrojiilatbrs roromo tint a i i i s r i a m no cure i 1iataent iiiint meiiicirs jc- fziz cd lar navj hawei h tii and- lcss ihc ckcc tr vtr klli anj wood isstavntaneous ec0n91calsafe radical treatment soltl bv all druggists price 75 ct i net fcund aiisfirtcjrv iherihte fold wul be funded potee diicctfor juwi rate ces of long stantlir may rtqqi irom threj q sa pactagttto cicct pcrmasest cure 1sih montreattroyrn