Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1882, p. 2

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na the cheapest yet our clubbing rates mi uorftiwfttui putt ttatouairtw obn prtaawatudeberjlujrr itis ffl nl u ri fjmi aattl uaidciaim nruirumud weur oi tram tfc fjxi fain aad loadoa airtrlikt twm bow aatll de jl lot j i s thpxpaiaaaa4golpalirtmtfin low until dc si tor s- tha rui fiutas aad moutml wiuu fra now aattl dc a es or i- h4 fu puu m aaartrican articil- sriilirlrosaowuauldeumfor l taa riu pmm aad raman fdrocan lrwaouuldecsl tvi fail pkxm lad toreato trtth boa no until dkjiw for l tfs alto pwaaat ill naw tubserihrt ad leose mrtaaarmri aada wariaadraaeethaaeort 5fksaiju1rum oa tb horn u4 lla dliuim this work it ptoaoaael br tho wao aara racalrtd ll to b iavaloabla to owueit tl soma call it tail ottct or mai rear aikm aad cnj p rwjtd utkr lo h pmoore rvtz nzu orna ctosostaeio y h nicned jlb ol of ilic id the uiiuer ai from lh v things nil shapinj we predict that at the prweut elcciou our citiwoi kill wiuwss wine warm ani energetic work for the reeveahip wo do not know out there iro uny particularly imxjoui aspirant we undorauod that rmyo suiilh doos not intend to be oatiddaw at this ilectien bat matart swrev and d d christie are by their rkiixxlivi itienda b theso onllcman ate uiutt uligmd for the cffio lucy are both highly reieet- edeachhai a large number of imlporl er and should tbny alia- tlnnijeke to enter a xintcot e lieliuvet il rould b the aloft keculr fauhv lalila that basevcrukenijlawinour qjudlcipali aa for coaccilloratb nltutsauggost- ed by cititensart nuiucrous among thotu tuoiit eligible itnd xxursliuj the uecoisary roierty qvittlificalious are iietsn c s smith d w ckojpbell i i paul jarvis d henderaon jme moore w p brown elwatdjk cklin jauies brown rtchatd llnujiltoti c t kill jamts xiatthe benjamin hasletr tltoois c mooa dr eowry thchspit uokkixc d si 1sss xerrr ckrlstnu tu ckrjtssu briaji ta ocrinf ot hiini wboie leva wc frlw tha worij ci runl pktiaf tit oafflr txaffl- iajitta- t1j aaunacc o itttctios ilal timacar caer destrcy i tzz pruca of our dear oc to tharfl or ctriftmai joy before thefreefrem again brightens the hornet of itn many readers christ mis ilerrr christmas will hare come and gone onoe more even now the air liabstes with gladness oar commun itief are pervaded with enthuaiastu pesccandgvyi will are spread aliroad and the peal of tuc curtsttuas chiima will in a 1er hoars fcdlj merrily tiion our httiinf ctrs tfci altnoat untrtrsil ccirbri iuu f tlie feitirjl of chriitrntii- givea to ihk snioa of tha yenr a dis onetire chanccr irh which we woula be luatlt lo pjrl i entererrnia it raiy r- that the present if mi age of akevicisu the tailluirastn of christ niis disp41i fr thti timeau doubttscasts saie all unbelief ks w4iid not if we octild analyis this fepod-tanwus- ldnets of hurt testing iontent in the fict that it exisu independent of creed and of the wisdoin thtjrideeiuelf upon hr- inff probed the dint of the human soul c is the consciousneo of the mighty spirit tut forces that are arousing the intpir iuooo of nattoai the straggles of tht vesr have at tiieoc wired fierce i hut we can forges them now an era ot peace be it short or long has dawned for us we fee- new finn in lle lossibiiiliea of the future hope whispers how rich uiay be- the results to b reaped from faithful work and rilmqed icieri- ucc and love comes to animate asd give soul to all this worlds festival is a significant event xut only does it com memorta the lirth of a sariour hut it ia perhaps the most powerful means of citising millions of hearts to turob in sympa thetic unison with all beneficent and joyous impulses it is a day da which to forget injuries and to foigre oneuces it is a day hich aroue the deeper emotious senct the power as well as the benefit of christmas hard heart soften careworn faces relax in their sunmeis and almost before we are aware of it we are andet the influence i of tin overwhelming charity for all med io tha words of a deep student all tue knowledge ie the onlbirth of the eijierienccs of the man passed out of liia irivth limitations and entering thiuugh the service of liunwity into the life of humanity this i what we need and civilirr lion if i mesina auything must tend to ati ever iucreasing hnuiaiiity holiness leuiicujenlauduukelnsbuct therefore let us be glad that it in a time of peace on earth and good will to man and that ot ti tbfl midaight wljite tad starry iplflador u e alex w e adams john cmti mcgajviu j ffe c v hjill itseli in a in the above lit re a uuuiltt uf ojeu ho would ery ably sent the ratejkcre in the coiuatl and we think il would he but ri little uaore youtiful uloijd a infusei iuto out muuiciwl than it har heratotore conta we are ot opinion iliic it uue of thes youug men ure nominated they wili he elected the rattpiyit hav- plenty of ma terial to chojse frulti and with lueui second and no doubt whu these iamet ars made puhltii others will be tdded oung renre ht that a hould b niiciiiue ued aud or mote alone hatthe uaiuwc decii ciatur eke n turn miui be wnts iit ujilici ptv no u piouitscs hut vote for the port be adopted curried moved by w h storey seconded by jamesmoore that in cau n substitute pendiug the engagement of miss jcssto frater cannot be procured by lio dolh insu the chairman shall authorisa the seoreuri to advortise for lacher for th sscond departnmu carried meved by james moore seconded by d henderson that the chainnau be inilnictnd to pay over to school suction ko 12 esquesinr balance ot award due to them carried muton model school the following are the uamta of those who successfully psssod the third doss professional examination at milton model school last witik 1 indtnjn hnhertj mcciregorlalucs n 2 atnoltjohn 1 fi xiion alfrad v 3 baanatyre don 7 peacock albert 4 ueido robert s seswart thot 1 fexaixs 1 daria mary 0 lean martha u 2 dice sarah 10 mclean baruara 3 dotlaad kalicktl llcjiuter ifca i awntvmrt 1i jicxeroey iiarah 5 kutethtookaj13 mephail mary g elliot faaoj- 14 xorrii estlir 7 gallic mary h 15 rcjan juliilii s- kelly louisa m 1g uyanenj k free glfl lu your opinion will hdve the iuterctt of tuo uiunicipliiy t hir md are willing togirt fair day to every section acton wants men uf judgment iuug- rity and rmuej lt uk have them always take receipt the chicago uock island pacilic hallway have in press an almauac and huud book of useful information con taming a vast amount ol miller which il is handy to have available uud which all classes o icople want some time duriug the year the book contains descriptions of the western states and territories e list of u s lud offices when lands aio available at low ratci how olitiiiicd ic etc as well as interest ltblcs buslneu law rates of postage and political fuels and figures in lact il is imim v kirro and all he matter is of even- day use r j tlie siiue ruai i pullii of th icuristms lifxik fur childivii irlmli contains stvjral fin- illusrali ice ii i is orgiul matter and a uiy fim- liiei- i of sheet music at ranged for piaw ini a quatiet of voices eillirr or both uf ii bovhs lld tb music will b- it pos lii- il n- quesllxl byjijsltl ot httlr lliecttliti your name is sent lo k s joho gen eral ticket mil iismtici ak1 chicago the qniker you ill jet lh- books 1 ht hw big bargains and best assortment of- bisouitsopnfeotionery etc etc at the jll r bssuse k niou to j men wh oomprlilajt trni suouiti rm lu4- ins taumtvrt oaoim ooafto uoaery m iit ruitty riiiinj nuti ida sum co trtmmlaffi tolllau otke soxti xlaoi mnt dtui rigi iac7 soxm of xmti osfactigatrr jeuin otaae4 0oli xtczt ohrittma tv wtddlnj oak uadi w order bulk oysters coustautly onhand fresh oyster parties aupnlied at a reduced rate chrisliutta iiuuiveiiiariesi oilier galheriugs sopplitid with cnkei ic at low figures call nud sec is uisuiui you ike cuaiplimcuuof tlie asou vours eapecually e nicklin vson ik look here wjatohbs and jewelry fok thin uontii iutend giving the best bargains j ever offered in iublph dtirit fail o examine my i slock j shop open every evening during lie holidays wjm 8 smith tho wnlch mil cutk houv t iuclil the medical hall fjreat bargains at this time of the year fail lirsjna arj tnakitig mare or less payment of moneys in many cases the liuounts are small and ther coasidsr it jetxigatory to their dignity or honesty to takfi a receipt this is i wron principle and only itxulv e hav cusi red several diput over lletuuu rhieh might liaye been avoided if all trausaciious however small had been conducted oil t- a proper busiceas basis lue more lu- titnale ion are with another the more rets s therr to bave every transac tian thoroughly understoojl kthmg reserves fritiidhip better than ooritfct settletrcuti ills ery little iroablefor anyone rcciviu money to get tt receipt forit 3j fa m as are concuned we shall only be ui w a theory br writing m mny poatthle in return for tht mount ot ouf eubcripltun hope to have dur capacity irverely test ed duriog the next few weeke r si uominal a- price wa tbe altir gacit liitowxllr la ntimjraawcvz at lha reaideuc f tbe btidts ather a lie 20th las by the ey j b famaroo jlr william fjautul pckuuj ijakoia l s to isabella daughter ot hu bfowilte xnetis cittv5tkat crcwsautcor- csti ov uir llith ius at the tesiiiecee of the bridai faller br eider j kiljoar tf uuelph jlr edward li stsklio actaa to jliu addic l crawion eldcil dicgulcr of mr wm crewaoo i election card township of esquesing i3st watches jewelry suvenrare all this flefk at savauks xcar pelrlcs xew druestore guelph dont forget that the largest and cheapest stock of christmas and new years goods in acton is at santa claus headquarters drug and stationary store at the- peoples flour k feed store a1 large crirtricncc ia the mauufictare of dr webter wulw tl electa of tlieltow j flour and peep ship of esquetitii thn jompli- raents of the season and respect fully solicits their suppoit iu the cowing election of couucillors acton village council ti2 las regular meeting of the municipal council for the preatnt ytar wa held on tuesday ewnirig the 19th itiit present ilrc s smith- reeve inlthe chair meiyn d i d christie dj v campbell and paul jarvia minutes of las meeting read and con finned the fiuauce commit presented their 19 th report recotnt lending pay ment of the fallawtdtf accounts k j p moore printiu j election poetara j e mcgarviu daly on ml cs saiith stltcting jarod tlios beaver eitrat fjr town hae once more the glad oellf nag -bii- softer iraiian tclcae fwmt and tjdsr tae song of cbiiftiasa alae clruaaas is coue and to erery onejold or young rich or poor the fueii pbess heartily wishes akaprtioroubchutstjcae 300 68 ic 300 3000 moved by d d chriatie seconded by paul jarvis that lhe finance re port b adopted carried the council then adjourned board ol education tbe maulclpal elections uaidering the fact that the uiunici pal nominationi take place to moirow mtctera pertaining to llieelection of i council for this municipalitf for 1863 tire remarkably quiet although the oami of many citizem eligible for eec tiou tee ajubtioned the loud ullr aud tha excuementauatoonry at thii eeaaon of tbo year are ben f but after to morroar there will ui i doubt be plenty the board of tnisloes of acton i public school met in tho chairmans office ou thursday ereninjj ulh iutt at the call of the chairtwan preaent mr james maltbawr chairman d henderson w h store- jaa moore aud dr lowry mill like of last uieutuuf read and con- nfmel i the finance committee presented i their twelfth leporl tcummending payment of the tollbwrog thotnoj t iloore 6ilr dec uiac sample worn and oattle 74 accounts 4583 2291 miaagnut mrs 1 kiunt f m mccun repairs to uiwlters 1 residence fl p moore fyearatal catioucry postage c ktepbeoton poacrc ic 803 625 906 1837 12s inalia i flacillnji u rellin aualpfa icifciis too marble wurfc out uv- tha lariat ttud marble truo- i tag lo tlie fact that they du tbe beat and ell the cheapest the public arc warn ed azaiiut dealing with secoad hand iridc poddier but shonld jo direct to 1 tbe lira or buy from their agents see j tint tbe aame mcquillau k kaniiltoc ia on the printed form btfotc vou uru ur order kidney- wort for the permanent cure of constipation tryc74- ti so tatiyhu em ttiuiucl u ctili kidaeywort w mm vtairrr kit l pi s uic m- oocplieatjd irtji c o- hidacy- wst strjlia lis ireaicii ptrt ojux quickly a ooret u kjadicf p2c cm when payririanj ta mtcjjat biro befct ttccd gu- erifygc thoa fatrgble prick bth use irunlstsnr there is no doubt lie czu rccure a gcoj itip of kioarat reaouabie price also oatmeal commedl qran ulatd oatmeal granolited wheat patent roller flour hungarian system qra- iim flour potatoes ap- grs shorts kidney- wort qee8e astray i came to tbe preiniaea of the ua4eriaacd lot 27 con1 eaqamnx on theth decem ber tlree geeae owner will pleiue prove property pay expeacea aud take them away john yfllten liqaeaiai dec ibth 1882 aud til kiude lficl uyuahy kept m tie oldest 2ng s in quel lit oieapest srair stsr la guolph tfii eulioaest dm stsre in snel i smiths drug store is the bc placo ui bu3 anything yoii require in the ljrugwo we have the laigesl sloek the most reliable goods at tho lowest j prices i v j we keep allthe leading makes ol dye stnfls diainond naekage i dyes all shades union and ltan sy i package dyes also our own dyes j whieligive universal satisfaction i i j toilet articles and perfumery in i great variety in bair srabcs ai ccbs kali ui tppti brwjies we have the largest ftock ever bryught into the royal city we buy direct from the english apd french markets and are able to sellmucli iowrip consoqueuce first c fep sor atall lieiskiiaa fair trial and bu ail kirc yea good satisfaction yours tejpectfully r elliott aclon aec 16th issi 1 harhes trunk flkirts keqcielxii isvthttg iv harness or trunks to save money should yo to r creech acton t ahb vstray j strayed to myprcmuei lot 2j con j eaqueaingoa or aboat the 1st of december a ram lamb owyf will pleaae prove pro- pertv pay expencea and take it away is otice to creditors patent uedieish all unis machine puj omtor oil itettfost oil- sot- lag maeitla oil lubricating oil smt ijaorlcia cod oil cct cic- ftucalou we have the reputation for keeu- iug the best coal oil iu q uelpu and we intend to mnintaln it i 8hitu to chemists druggists st ifwynikitmh pixlnbolham block where did you get that beautiful china sett mrs jones why at w p brown cos it is the cheapest sett i ever bought and they have the most lovely christmas stock so very cheap too i could hardly keep from buying a great deal more than i did mrs smith yes ive heard a great many people say they have a magnificent lct of christmas goods and thats where i intend to make my christnas selections this line of business is being given up and the stock of wools braid c will be sold at cost boots shoes esiaeaiog dec 19th 1882 it otice to creditors mx moved by i henderson seconded by w h storey that the finance re oil csk9 flas seed oil 0a3c flax pcreuaut to the provisions ol e s 0 chap 107 sec m the creditora of al maan lata of the towuahip of tjaoaiag county of hilton who died on or about the 25th xovembcr 1882 are on or before the lat of fehruary1883 to teud by piat prepaid to peter maun actou to their christian aad aaraauies addreaaaauddeacpptiouthe full particulars of thcrrclaimaa atatemeal of their aceouata and the nature of liheir sccar- itica if any held hy them or hi default thereof the administrator trill- after the said the said lut mentioned date proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parries entitled thertto having regard only to the claims of which the said administrator almll have nptice l dated at actou the 4th day of december 1882 i petee mask anmlvistbitor for the estate of the lata alexande i mann pursuant to tlie provisions of rso chap 107 cc 34 the creditora of john mcmillea late of ihe township of erin count of wellington who died on oc about rrurv a pthttjc i tha 30th october 1882 are on or before the juu- ajimuus ut febru 1883i t0 sen1 by pos prepaid to d henderson of the village of acton their chriatiaa aud surnarnaaddreasea and description the full particulars of their claims a statement of their aaooants and the nature of the securities ilvaar held by tlietn or ia default thereof tho heir will after the said lastmeutioncd date proceed to distribute the asseta of the said deceased amoagst tho parties entitled thereto having regard oaly to the claims of which the said heirs shall have notice hated at erin this 25th t of november 1882 andrew mcmlleek for the estate of the late johk mcmillex atents secured ro iuventions hlnrv grist ottawa bed at j b moarviiis livery sale board st a b l e 6 mill street acton ji where you can get firstclass bigs atreasonableflates good commercial higs i an exrimaa delivery wagon willmeet eaoh express train and deliver goods tc iny part ofthe town aifter lbe 1st march i intend lo do a strict 1 1 cash business only aa credit will n not pay for horac feed or j i fp 1 ed matthew storer iltib oat for men handmade zip boots olump soled call at goodalls for mens berlin frostproof boots for mens doublesoled kipboots- for mens congress bopis for mens balmoralboots for ladies strong boots for ladies felt boots for ladies skating boots for misses boots por childrens boots for boysvboots for souths boots indeed for every kind ofboofe shoes overshoes rubbers slippem and everything pertairiinr tb a firetolass boot aad shoe house call at the r f acton boot shoe bkhjse am rpr fm now gloj buj thl i vl sorse and cattle f ed at mo9arvias dmf stre

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