Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1882, p. 5

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hbpf si 1 bsekir i s f fcssktmrti f v- j fw rfr m j christmas hatl hob seoicn ot pood will konjoucn icv be every 111 that throuoh the byevouo year brother to brotherman halh wrought and be we ail br christmas uucht acd bj- all feelings dear vith all our feflovrs faults to bear since their iaiirmllics wc share so this our inert la be folhto orjive and to orpet and each to each example set of christian unity cukltuaswilh ail it joyocs and happ associations and ihouchls come upon in once more and amid the pause in the busi lie and din of lift oar miaai turn from the solid realities of this matteroffact wotliuj contemplate the brighter and varuer ihingi of social life ta young and old rich and poor this moit welcome aad festive of all fieasoru of the year brings tt filing of pladj ucis and rejoicing which neither time nop circumstances can control or affect thjj veriest iofant in the cradle learns to lisp itaj welcome to old santa caus whose advetit it appreciates as boc of the great events iri lu eventful c instance aud as the wondering scutes of tbe eagr little toddlers of more ripening years drink in the story of t o halo in the manger and the first christmis mora on tbe hills of j their hearts are rilled anew with delight truly the tilings of threat joy bring then gladdening uiflcdnce to all people the verj air eoenu to partake of the general toue o crispncps and cheerful nes aa it echoes t the mem shouts of romping sehoolbildrej and pleasant salutations of those more a- vacced in ufa everyone seems poasesae- with a new vigur and all hard thqaghtk and unsecming feeling are as effectually hidden away as the dark earth beneath the glistening snow i what a host of sweet recollections awakened within us on each return of happy time as we look backward to ti jsctnes of years gone fcy when at honv perhaps as boys we gathered around thj old iarnily hearth listening with bated breath to the hushed tone of the nevertiring story teller or as wc joined with whole soul ii the frolics of christmas eve under the hoi- ly and mistletoe uow distinctly new we seem to hear onca more the welcome sound of the village church bell rigin out its summons to wonhi pers on the clear frosty air of christum morning the church decked with holly and cveaj- green the parson the choir the anthem even ail troop up before us in succession tni txrjigiara moment upon them aa a child upon a broken tor we turn avray ik ustwitb aeigh j it is our intention with the present num ber to review in a brief way a few of the customs and observance i which lt2 peculiar to this period of tfcc veir and o inquire into the origin and ciai of mmy of the associations that havj linked themiivds so inseparably o it it in doing so we should go over some ground already familiar to our readers wej only crave their indulgence in the matter hopiag tint they may stall find same item of inter est or at isas a reference which may-ra- cail some of those incidents connected with this past that ever touch a tender ciiordlip the human heart i i from time immemorial amongst no only barbar- jus but even refined nations custom has surrounded the wiztv solstice witn niuny solemn ad caliar religious rites 2nd leremoniei of these most noticeatlf in foint of importance the i fckutoi of tne ho man tha saturnalia tkcs the lsad about the middle of decesn- ber it began and continued many daysr dor icg which time general licensewas given to jollity and mirth of every description jj ojum we go back through the long enaci ot intervening cycles to the time wiifin eome wus ihthe zenith of her splendor and masmificencfc and drop into the old city on one of the gala days of this festival such a sight would meet one eyes as would bafee description wending then way through the gaily decorated streets 6r pas- tarei arrayed in holiday garb the bosy multitude with many a goodnatured jest and friendly taunt jostle each other in jail directions as they push along toward their arias destinations here we see a homely plib in hiseager haste forgetful of all iur- roundingshis coarse tunic rubbing ugainat the fine ioga of the lofty patrician andn a venerable senator or a dignified cooacl ap pears and passing is hailei with farmliapty by a company of bondmen who do nic erven hesitate in some instances to play a practi cal joke on bi for one of the cuaractms- tica of the festival was the utter atcliiion pro tempore of all distinction- between the usually widely rparated castes illjare making for the chief centres of aumteaeat and attraction- whetherto the foncni where the votaries of fashion the wealth ani re nown of the city gather to gossip and cbm- pare notes cr to the circus maxima or jam- ptw mzriitw whereare the great chlriofc races the athletic contests sham battles tc s we follow them we occasionally meet oatheroute perhaps achariottergrotesque- ly dressed with mask and wig furiously driving a pair of gaily decorated jackasses the sound of the chariot wheels atae3t drowned by the gibes of theurwd- at each turn we aire confronteiwith lomj new imperionation of ridiculousnesaanii so- the fun goes en- i such then was the saturnalia held in henor of batura the god of time and thus vrzk tbe waning existence of the dying year brftatjht to a close in those brave dsya of old j i iacy ascribe to this the origin cf our present christinas celebration but though partly correct in their assertion they a s not absolutely so long before roman prowess sough out ancient brittania and roman arms su doed it a custom prevailed amongst the lbori gues of the isknd in conniction v ith a sacred anniversary held about tha cl me of ihe year which has not yet altogether 1 tft its sicnificance- when the important d j ar- rived the britons accomijanied j by their priests the druids went forth in great pomp and state to gather the mistletoe this mystii parasite requires no d scrip- tioa tothose who have any kuowlei gtof qiristmas in the old land but lest thaw should be those who have not been sofavor- 0ij ti f 0u twjr swiuwwf ills place of blnh angel tells tn simple bhepherds keeping watch by night thay ffladlj- thither haste and br ft choir ol squadroned antrels hear his carol sung hilton paradise iitgalntd s tt qot rat yoo m 17 goo mm tie- men si f ut ootung 70s lit- aij ss zr 1 j j j i j m w m mmba cuuit dot 8 i iii 1 r rlaar wu bora o ohriitoaa i to m f cioni is j j rixy f hf un poot mtui nan sauai fold which long had tone a tlnj r r t f 1 0 tiding 0 cnxlatmaj evo in tho olden time on christmas kvo tbe bells were rang on christmas evo uw mass was ruag that only night in all the rear saw the stolcd priest the chalice rear the damsel donned her kirtje sheen the hall was dressed with holly fcteen forth to tho wood did merry men go to father in the mistletoe then opened wide the barons hall to vassal tenant serf and all power laid bis rod of rule aside and ceremony doffed his pride tho heir with roses in his tboes that night might village partner choose the lord undelegating snare the vulgar game of post and pair all hailed with uncontrolled delight and general voice the happv night that to the cottage as the crown broagot tidings of salvation down the qre with welldried logs supplied went roaring up the chimney wide the huge hall- tables oaken face scrubbed tql it shone tho day to grace bore then upon its massive board so mark to part the squire and lord then was brought in tho lustr brawn by old bluecoated serving man then the grim boarshead frowned on high crstod with bays and roscmaj- well can the green garbed ranger tell how when and where tho monster fell what dogs before his death ho tore and all the baiting of the boar the wassail round in good brown bowls garnished with ribbons blithely trowls then the huge sirloin reeked hard by plumporridge stood and christmaspje nor failed old scotland to produce at such hightide her savoury goose then came tho merry masquers in anl carols roared with blimesome din if onmelodious was the song it was a hearty note and strong who lists may in their mumming see traces of ancient mystery whueahirta supplied the masquerade and smutted cheeks the visors made but oh 1 what masquers richly dight can boast of bosoms half so light england was merry england when old christmas brought his sports again twas christmas broached the mightiest twas christmas told the merriest tale a christmas gambol oft could cheer the poor man s heart through half tho year scotts marmton f fwiinu udin 0 tidinga ol great mm- on 0 tidiogi d great joy s m tidjsgi crj great la biiahun tn jewrr ttis blesmd bb wu bom afld uid within a manger upon this wesmd mom tbe which hli mother iury kothlnff did ulco in acorn oh tidings tc from god our heavenlj father ableawdangeicime and unla certain ahepherus brought tidino ot the aamc how that in bethlehem was bam the son at god bj- name oh ttdnlfcc fear not then aald the angel let nothing 70u affright this dar la bora a satlour- of tirtue power and might bo frequent to ranqulah ail the fnendf of satan quit oh tidinga tc the ahepherda at those linings rejoiced much in mind and left their flocka af ceding in tempest ftorm and wind and went to bethlehem tlraigfatwaj- thli blessed babe to find oh tidlnra to but when to bethlehem they came whereat thia infant lay they found him in a manger his mother mary kneeling unto the lord did orar ohl tidings tc now h the lord sing praises all yon witiiin this place and with true lore and brotherhood each other now embrace this holy tide of christmas ali others doth deface ohl tidings tc tor god loved the world that ha care his only begotten son thafwhoeoeter beheveln in him should not perish but have evtrlastug life john 316 toimg mcni rhrtitua assoetaliaautaraaita we eitend to you a hearty invitation read- ing rooms open free from 8 a m to 10 p m every week day dont forget when you arc in toronto youwili be welcome for the lord is a great god and a great king asove all gods- in his hand are the deep places ot the earth the strength of the hills is his also i the sea is his and he made ltnd his hand formed the dry land 01 come let us worship and bow dewu let us kneel before tha lord oar maier psalum 3 to i he british ajieftlcajtbuskess college toronto is the moat reliable and rtvhe 1 con through ly practical school of its kind in cana- da send for circular jamzs bebges bookseller t il- pobter ko i adelaide east tor onto ont beautiroliy muattatad and cheap editionb ot tha beat and moat popular authors in history fiction and poetry also family bibles photo albums 4e- monthly payments taken axe wajiej rruie oktajao wire wonkatsthe j plaooto get wire cloth for fanning wlla etc window guards and every description of wire wort partridge 4 sabistosu6 bay street toront wilkikb mbtallicbelt fastener patented in canada and united 8tatl a new device for joining together the enla ot machinery belting both leather and rubber of all kinds it has been thoroughly testad and is approved ot in preference tovace leather belt hooks and all other fastenings cow in use for illustrated circular aad priee- list of sample oockaee medium sire which is suitable for sstbelta address johx wtlkins 7 wei- linzton street east toronto ontario just opened the largest and flnesfaaaort- meat ot english and frenih instru- msnts innlckel polished steel aad german saver ovvw rubbergoods sus h etc vlk send nmm ttpw iostrumentj required cmv scdwewillgive price by k- turn mail city pharmacy rtyonge st toronto e a smith proprietor established 1s3s jeelus go dor king fcyongb stsforonto the oldest house in the trade maxufactorikg jewellers silycrsmiths importers of fihe watches diamonds cold silver jewellery french clocks sterlinc silverware silver plated ware presehtationplate au good guaranteed prices lower than any house in the trade orders by mail promptly attend- j e ellis go kins and tonge sts toronto able sittuted ward or two might not be out of place amongst the dense oak for ests of primitive bitain this plant flourua- ed in comparative luxuriance festooning the trees with its sprightly foliaiteinmidwioter and such was its aoua dance and rapidity of growth in those dayi that in man 7 places trees might be found so completely covered with it aa almost to be hidden from sight having reached the foot of some giant oak whereon grew the sacred plant two white bulls were immediately tied to it by stout cords then the chief druid clad in white tie emblem of purity ascending the tree cut with golden knifa the coveted creeper which as it fell was caught in the folds of sacred prieeta robes the bullsand very often human victims were then sacri ficed and great festivities followed in addition to being reverenced aa a sacred ptnt the mhttletoe was said to possess many healing virtues and to brin singular favor to those wearing it the mistletoe bore an important part in the celebrations of the middle ices that time of all others when the passion for plays and amusements wu at f its height although not so plentiful as in former da a large quantities of it are still cut annually and sent to london to grace the homes of nch and poor the present custom of hanging it over the door or orer some other suitable place under which the unwitting may pass and incur the penalty of being kissed is already known to all in many of the towns and hamlets of england it is kept up to such an extent that even over the windows of stores a piece is some times fixed to the discomfort of those of the fair sex who may chance to stop to examine the attractions placed within the window we shall however pass on to notice another very old custom the burninx of the yule log this custom comes through our scandina vian ancestors who at their feast of jwu at the winter solstice were in the habit of kindling huge bontires in honor of their god thor in many parts of england it is still rningmv although it has entirely lost its original signirlction time gradually cba nged the form of this observance and in the feudal times we find it so transformed as to be scarcely recognizable then a huge log wu drawn from its resting place in the woods by large company of men and boys amidst sounds of nusstrtlsy and general shouts of acclamation and rejoicing ail who ohanced to pass or who met the pro cession on its way to its destination gravely uncovered theirheads and gave exclamation to an expression of devout reverence hav ing reached the baronial hall it wu placed on the hearth of the wide chimney where it was ignited with the charred remains of the log of the previous year and u the dames crackled and roared casting their ruddy glow on the maasive walls and lighting up the dark corners the sports began the baron for the occuion wu displaced by a humble self who did the honors of the evening in a right royal style all fell to with a test and the sports carried over the midnight hour lagged not until the sty dawn announced the birth of another and often that dawn revealed the sight of nobles vassals and all heaped to- together in ridiculous incongratity amongst the rushes on the floor the prisoners of my morpheus and strong all in devonshire in later years the ashtonfagot superceded the yule log havin cut some ash sticks a few days previous the farm hands go forth on christmas eve and gathering a bundle haul it much after the same fashion as mirrors bwxaicr fc oo offer the larjrest and finest assortment of mir rors hi the dominion in walhue bold ebony bold finely carved fitted with best british plate s ut tisuin 44 i m mto h its mill m rji st xm ts t 85 sium as to a as u n 60 im o to ixo eim 10 88 kino st west- toronto 1 as soon as you arrive in toronto 60 to a b flints and buy all your xhy qoods ib flint 35colbone8i vu r l i vt described shore in connection with the yule log games suchu jumping in sacks div ing in water for apples jumping at bread and treacle followed another cusfoa pecu liar to tne same locality as well as rnauy others consisted as lollows the farmer and his friends having partikenof hot cakes and cider repaired to the orchard wheerone having deposited a cake in the fork of the principal appletree aad thrown cider over the latter retired amid the firing of guns and pistols by the men and boys the women and girls shouting bear blue apples and pears enow barniuls baatula sackruis hurrah 1 hurrah 1 harrah this wu considered sufficient to ensure a bounteous harvest of fruit for the ensuing year and to effectually ward of all depreda tions of witches fairiej and other spirits the christmas tree is of german origin and still holds a high place in that land where christmas is hon ored as a high day the tree is arranged by the 6enior members of the family in the beat room of the hnuae which i kept locked on til the important evening arrives when the door is thrown open as the eaer juveniles troop in and behold the huge tree ablaze with many tapers and loaded with little trinkets and presents such as only chillren know how to prize exclamations of delight break forth on every hand the children also are in tho habit of saving their money for weeks in crder to purchase gifts forltheir parents these are concealed until christmas morning wben they are brought forth and gladdening is the sight of parents and children as they erperience the truth ot the saying it innore blessed to give than to receive oar modern santa claus a corruption of course of st nicholas is also a german institution although many 0 his characteristic features are innovations on the original introduced by thexsw england settlers in the former countn the heads of families often on christmas eve afterse lecting a present for each child as his or her character suggested sought out eome old man in the neighborhood who all dressed up with white robe and fur fiax wig busk ins etc came next morning and to the amazement of the youngsters presented each with the very thing he was looking lor as we have aid before the old gentleman who performs the same work in this land under the wellknown cognomen at st xkl hashad many additions to hi3 outfit in the shape of a handsome cutter a team of fleet reindeers etc and as he goes his yearly rounds silent and unseen save by those who are kept awake by the effects of too hearty a supper no person on earth is for the time being so popular but we shall leave our friends with this jolly little old fellow without a further introduction for we are sure there are none who do not recognire him u one of the first of their childhood s ac quaintances our modern cbrlatma we have followed then in a hurried way one or two of the innumerable observances which have been kept up from time to time during this period of the year by people who knew nothing of the circumstances connected with the important event in tho history of the world which occurred nearly nineteen cen turies ago we shall now bpeak of christ mas in the connection which trivea to it its importance and significance in the eyes of the present age although formerly set apart u a time for fasting and prayer by the early church it slowly assumed a cftflerent character and now many look to it u a season for eating and drinking and why in consideration of the import of the mes sage brought by the angelic host on the first christmas morn that the world ever saw should not the heart bo merry and voice utter words of gladness is it meet to clothe our words with bad ness and our countenance with sorrow and gravity and alit our bodies when tid ings of great joy are brought to us at the present day in some parts of europe such undue solemnhjr and austere gravity is given to this anniversary that the children are not allowed to indulge in anything ap proaching ti merriment while anything bordering on hilarity at such a time would be regarded as almost aacrilege is any wonder that children born under such cir cumstances should lose many of the lessons which such a celebration should bring or worse than that grow up to despisa the doctrines of one the anniversary of whose s mm iu 3 t- iry ylhm if l- vlv v -a- a v o -f- n ib rjfpif- it jj fm fee iiksl itm isi

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