Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 28, 1882, p. 2

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i ii ctreertss tiiikbpm mounts dec 38 14ss the new year in a few hour old father time will hire ushered in onw year turn oyer toilher page of uibh volutue we itart out ua anoihui stago if lifes jour ney again it i tune fun ua to rooord ihe act thai noth i v ar baa boon ooui pleted and with in memories la about to u placed m tin- inline of the hisimic miw li ju and aurrova disappointment and ucoesst have given to as many lessons more valuable uiau n ild oiue ih renifuilwrtlnnl and other forge in the jiassige uf the dv iui v er uinuy bare- seen teats of ihf fgr deniuu tnenda and rij lives ud teals of joy uod by those who davi lud wuso to rjoio hu iuc that twelvemonth ago were happv are todai desolate and in tlwtu the toic of tlie mourner is heard father time ilia earned off his victims ail i uhout disenounauon during he jear o liare entered uoii the same round of peamre and pain arhiah will meet ujm a ho inhabit tin mundane sphere during the year to cooie and 1882 can be wtilteu of in the same tuinner u the put tor like the broofc men may coaie and tueu ma go but time gos on fiteier tho n yijar coniea iu fraught ith golden hopes for the future let us then nag out the old ring in the new itb a wish for a hifrt new year to a u m to the ratepayers a few days hence you will be pnr uegej to cxerate the frenclme m the selection of those who arc to be en trutcd with tht administration of youi local affaire for the ensutrg rear the franchise u not propeilr appreciated b isecord sr municipal jiominattttms list f cu4ides noiulai iled for ete and couacill f ibc uomiualiod of eaudidat i for the council of tin umntcialit foe the owing rear tool place on friday tbere wai a urge repreeeuutu u of rate paj era prewiit and eontudnabli interest era mamfoitcd tu the selection of candi date a goodly balob biug m iailtued a we predicted in last inufi messrs w il 8low and d d cum tie ire in tiie sold ur the rvehip and u kten contest mil uo duubl cusue fullovmg la u e itslufuouiltiallous to rchf j v u storl kounnalev by rich anl luuilltou avouudtd by cuailte knee d d ciikirttt nouiiusted by thos eaatoo foouded by ah x grant for uoiauluirs j b tejuisov nominated by c s suulh seconded b wui not cualified d uexdutsov xouii v h store seconded htmtrou pall jirms nominated by thos eson steondd bj h i iloorej c 8 sjcith kouiinated b vni iiuiond seconded bj win kemaueet rsaoo xouiiuatej by chu kueea etcouded by w if swrey vafp faiowv xooiiualeilby d v christie seconded bj alei uraitt u v cahi bciu koiaiuated by ell surdrr icuqld br oil isniond joaj cjukros xouiiuaw by h i rl ismoud lated bj by ayuj p muire kuded hj pail janu not qualified jases ooooall kuminited by d keuicdj seconded bv f not qualified db loav kouiinated ly h moore seconded b eli satdir h p moori- yoojmatijd bj puy der p lllnattiu d d p brown seconded bj d dj christie riiiiard hjluilton stoniinated by w m tlematreet seconder by jl a maor who arw qunliued to exeicise it but the recordtcg of u oe is ncne tle 1 is on tba account maler of grave moment i is 1 dur which ought no ta be dih3rgeu m an indifferent munncr the nun who places his liil fupcr c te uii tho ild uivc wtl considered id- rtojid ahiui be joi klvi naoiinatjd bv w yojen seconded by ljthur l osans jakes brov xoniuuud by til snjder iutondid by l bwlej edward kickltv pxamintd by d ksnmi eeco idnl by eli s utioj the nhnj r jarvis y p brown and i canijlui ded lied lo uftxpt l- niicing his ballot pacr should be g tn un lime mtssrs in nxprcssiju of ueliberatt coatiction fj low 17 and jalnes brpwn hare lbjran then names fruai the lis uot of jiassuk slitu nor sbedli it wii be a concession to the imporlunui ufjsothjt the ballot uill il acamlijirf lrerj good ciuiea should tbt fjjowiu mnies ojt of feel the casting ot a u to be dul uuuibei nuiinicj de cirdm iil iart houcst oou hdeiatioa of its iuiiat ind siguifi- ceace ooh brecl mdiridtial tdle- uet diaariu ina djty filbuiu cin there b ain laf ut guiinulec of intnty and jood mnajkuieiit m niu- i mcia ssutt it t then a matter of the firu liinwrtknce to mate a judt cuus cho c f wru lu rr 1 eat lit lite be mtertth of tin village in lhdmw j co tacil ye should have men who j while femg economical will at the same t me lkt tire that the material i toit rle r i d ciit h s7uke hoi the laterals of thi ptc are not lujurtd is aaoujer column will uc fouad lie list of candidates make your choice conacentiooslv rle tolxcilloeb il hamilton d hlxdeksov v i5fosd joas kem p moohc ejikalij kiesxia c s smith afier the hour for iiomjiistiori had expaed mr j e mcdapio uir cerfcjwbo pntidid cklled jupoi the a deliberate falsehood a report is biug moa indusfnously circulated by ceiiain parties in this milage to the efft that at a recent meeting of the county council 1 grant of j00 is mado to he temper ance people cf the eounty to be lsed in enforemg lie scott act in denying this reiwrt we have the authority of a number of the county council tor saying that it is a gross fabrication and without any foundation nhalevtr also that the countr couucil base unrei granted a single cent fot the enforcement of tbe scott ac iuj luriheruote llmt 110 teiupeituice oranizutiuo or beott act supporters hate ever asked theconnty cooqcil to grant any money to assist in uforeiug tbe sootl act psji tbe onh large members of the nieseut council to iro 1 l an account of their stewardjhip duung the year lust closing mr c s smith reeve apbto of the it 1 work of tl e county council during tbe year gave a general nport of tin re ceiptsaud cxjjetidltures of tho village council and referred to the erection of ihe ue ol hall ifrj d d cbnslie chairujau of the fcmanec committee fellowed iridi la de tailed md very explicit staemclit of the dujfal ot corporation mcuevs dur ing tlie real shot 11i that the contioll- able cipeuses et 0 ery cai ef 1 lly guard ed and staled that tbe n embrra of the present council lud to tbe be it of their abilttna managed civic affain dlung the cotr yrai he rcfenedlc tbeerec i ou ef the new town hall iaplained the disposal of the debentures and m formed the meeting that tbe building wouldjhe ready foi occupotioi in two at a meeting of be oountv ceiuucil or tni seceraj wolhf go an estimate ilrju w campwell cbirman of jjriaented b tie coiraty communion the stiwt and sidewalk commtteo i mounting about 700 for juat he did hisbest aauiaiiiu inspedoia hajan and tapeosaa of com jwuifcitlce and xnded thi miatiooers but this has beeu an annual j placed to the credit of thesjreetj sides i if committee a economically a axarraacp and would have been iresanteal bad the scott act never iiecoiiie javs auj of bis amount the arjiuuieut tia oue ualc tbe oult giaut of f22co made fcy be ho aoujd like 10 possible uiore luipiovemute ude baitl lack funds wa i be rutou tbey bpcj noil made cjuutiiouueildunugtbapastyearwat 5lr lws n xl called upon jf tlie erectmi ia a budge m the nd sjad that an ill cbrutie id ien umitliipof ylon aud it seem y m coulpvo a reiurt uf tbo ii rk f the jiiufenuut bow eitbei iliiu or the fjear tji fijtiig etuaiau could be twisted and timiafid into the above teport iieie aa little kt ful him lit say he cuil eudonte ill hat mrl had sid he felt diaaikiijted we true ihw explnaation by tl- u ball had not been completed member at liie itonnty council will kail the lie wbcfa uiat those whe if unng tiie f eport u inaance clectoni in tbe cowing municipal elactjose will have autficfent miiect for tfi ituth to revoke thw erroneous atf cattle feed th by utj conliat the jdeik i hen called upon jlr only ajt oil brat of october aevclrdlob to dujater just no mualed speeetja tlie urgent csko plaz s 1 1 it recjtint of said a of that uiouey and seen of been the ohfistu tbtt cam itbeir was j 1 liioop friend that he bad lioopted tho nom ination he wis sorry to ukn the geld in opposition to mkclniatie owing to their buttnom relations with eaeb othoi he assured the istnpayara that there would be no feeling between him self and mr christie during tbe contest h would do all he could to advance the interests of the col poraiiou eveiy man lias a tight to vole aa he plcasei tud whichever caudidate is eleeed there will be uo bitten feeling mi chuatiu u piepand tu 0 iij out the suggestions uf mi storu lo go through the contest vuihout any hard feelings will ud no fmjl with the olectors the muni tiuert to vote u then ctiscieuce dienies will feel honored vuy 1 1rel1 if tlie free and ludopeudeiu euelotm plnco hiui at he head of the poll but if mr stotej is ilected he kill gract fully relio kiltcltd he will mdtavor lo satisfy ihe uauls of the peopk mr larv is did not come lo the meet ing for the purpose of entering the couteft his health ould not allow it he felt bouoied by the tioiiuuaiiou thanked the eleiois ful u 1 tu -eacct- fuily declined to uccepl it mr c 1 fetuith was alluided much pleuuio by being again nominated for the couucil said there was much work for iux1 yeai but he as ixady to asslil 111 it mr h p moote tlunked ihe elec to for bis iiuuiinttiou mated ii at if he was elected lie aul i eudeuvot lo woik for the best luteiesla of the mg 111 cipahtytu ill as of tho iitcptyers was not aftaidof haid ictk elect ed would nut feel ui it he twa enieatii the council uilheut an cxpui nev 111 muuicial mitlerk as lie hid had the privilege of hittiug at the ejuucj boaiel a a represeuultvo of ihf press at nearly eveir nieetiu duiinj die pitl foul 0 uvl vi r ktid e itiw jlei ill could tut but kirn wjtiktluiu 1 mum cipil busucst ii i lie voteflle ilec iot plactd 1 m in tl e council he would feil 1 ighlv huiioivd tiut if tlect- ed to remain aptivale ciuru in vvmtlt be perfectly tatisfiej the otlcr cunddt lein eilhd upon were lu ind ohm nuclei louah dlsapeaied fruni the lull 11j afttr a poll had iki ii den and d and uta uui ced tbe mceinj n ijomnei not tl i l make clrliitii rrtli- i haxtel lhaddeus tiheiih tjuieiice jme jalon luebaij coir j i in iker y puiiji i ii ucb ardsuu j 1 1 i eqctsiv ileni iii uuv bv acclamation i 1st iqiii u cook aud j lie juu jud 1j iit r iraliam m celh itioii councill ors h hieivu jim iiiiv or ebotti and josi- h ilium nassaouvli v kvvf jar mtllles by acelamattdu dijuu reeve joshua xornsh aud divid w hcehban councillor johu vi rsiwllpnei gould dai id hu c v l mcmiluu uiii d bnatii thai tu u lime lit in u il in sou fnst dmtv ui enck vcoud upnti- john h isl ami henry canick councillor iliuvvu ungi a i ivtk uocknoodnew mr right baker of rocivl 00a lost a valuable cow in the victnily of mr barrv s stave factori in the aaine vil 1age it a jk ire llnf a vat filled vvitn waei ufced el iklllmlit tun be i noi to cutting into tuitt- aas left ok 11 a- also the fencing stiiiouuding the prem uses and the cow strating 111 was drovined ucb carelessness and india cretiou is certainlv ie rthenkllde and cominsation to some extent at least should be given lo cm u ho had be been anare that such a tup eaistd so near bim would not have let bis cow from the stable hav mg legal advice upon the matter justifying liui in securing compensation foi hu lo ue dust he will have no need to icceid to use measures to press foi mdmniiiu forth lose but that he ijl receivecocnpeufta tion to some extent at least the com taumty heartily sympathize wih mi vnght in bis loss more especiallv as it so quickly follows a gi eater loss in being bereft of two inemlets of his family almost in tbe same day cum jchibablbhwvhemto let throe of those oonrcnieotl arradnd tenement homes of tbe acton uuildlnr asaoclatiun uny be rented by applyinato u htoiley a clou ute 211 188 1retideut the medina halll look here a correction tha report is balng induitnoutly circu lated that i am about to remove from acton and ttinteqiictitlv there will be so oa id eleotiiiv mo as rutivo of the ulage council llils statement la incorrect a business ai raneementi make aoton ray lieadiiuarten audi ill therefore remain heso your 1 1 to and iuflueuec are conioquently rim0tfiilly tolicitcil il 1 christie x 0t1ce to creditors pursuant ui the provisions of h b 0 chap 107 aec m tho creditor of joba mcmillcn lito of tho tovmhip of enn counlv of ellmgton u ho died ou or about tho 30th october 1882 are on or befon the lit tobrutrv 1883 to ion it bv put prepaid to 11 lleudenon of tbe v illago of acton their chmttan and tor namuaddreatea and descnutlou ihe full pardoutnra of thair clflmi a luvumeat 01 their aceoanta and the nature of the kcunties if say held by theui or m defaalt iheroof the heir will after the and lastmentioned data proceed to distribute tbo aueta of tba said deceased amongst he parties entitled thereto lumuirregard ouh to the claims of which tbe said loirs shall have notice dated at erin that iith day of november 1882 andrew memillkv for tho estate of the 1st joa v mivlilllx y ot1ce to crfcoltobs 1 pro 1 tin chaip 107 kc u tin creditor o alex muu utc cf the tcnrmhip of liqacsiog cciuutj uf haltoa wbudieu ou orabout the 2jui uclnlxr 1s3j arc on or btfurc tiie lit ofebtaryl83 lotcudh poifprepsid to itttr uauu actou i 0 their cbnsuau xud lur qaimcs addreabetiavudiiccnptiua the full particular oftheirclauqmi lutemeot tof their iouuu and the uilure of their iccur itit if auvl htid 1 them or in default lhnur the ndanaiftrator 11 after the said the said iwt meutioucu date proved u dlstnlfuu tlit unlt of the uid diseased auiuut the parties cutttled tbervto hamot regard oul to the claims of which the uid adoiidiitnilor shall liave notice uaud at ctou the 4th la of lecembcr 18s2 pl1lu viaw dmiv1stpatu f rll t utc if the lau ltanlr sjas n pirtiei owing the abote eatatc are hftebr nodfif i that netleiuent must b midr h the ut tcbruary mcqaiuan l hamilton cf the w cjliog too marble uurka goelph out uredomc the urgent retail marble trade in oot ow ing to the fact that they do the beat work and sell the cheapest the public areraru- ed ajzaiqat deaiia with second heud trade puddlen but should ko direct to tbe farm or bay from their agimts hue that the name mcquillan ifjonltu u ou the prmtcd furni biforc ou nmu ur order kidneyvvqrt and best assortment of bisouitsooufeotioneiy etc etc at the coasruiaj fnili bitooiti frem lud lg muftfactureri cboioi ocafte tlomrr is great taruty salauat sut xdaffbagar oak trlaalajf veddiag oaki boxts icse meat ditei tigi facr soxi of xmai csaftetlasarr jaliu otsati ooeda etc ste ohrlstmat fc wadding oak itado to order bulk oysters ceiiituitlv onltuud fiesh qyater pttttils supiihed at a icdtieed rate cliustm is aiiuiiiijtiea i othei jritlieuiigs sopphed with cakes iu il low fi tail aud bec is t labium uu the eomplimtliu ectlietcvsun ours respectfully e nicklin s0n dont forget w hi oldmt draff 8tor la onalsb tfci qaupmt bros start in flatlph tai sudsemnt drug itort lachwlpi smiths drug store is tbe best place to buy amtbiug you require in tbe dmg line ye btve tbe largebt itoclc tbe uiot reliable good- at tli lowet pnec- v keep all the leading uukeo of dye htulh diamond kiekae dye- all shade- uuiouand handy package dy es alo our own dy es which give universal atifactiou toilet articles and perfumery m great variety la bair bruhti and oobi nali and xooti brusim we have the largest toek ever brought into the rojal city we bu direct from tbe english aud kiencb market and arc able to sell much lo vm in eonequcuce patat kedidaei au kiadi xachiiu out oaitof ou voattfsot ou srv- lag machlm ou laorlcatiag ou beit aaerlean coal oh bert can adian coal oil we have tbe reputation fot keo in the best coal oil m guelp autl vvc intend to njaintain it in acton is at t tt t khi1u co chemists druggists ladkaaimblsllkiyi ibik i tt thb- peoples flour feed store i ml l dllsll m ii k- firgc espeneuce in tin nianufcturc cjeeat bahqains a flour and feed theri is no doubt he can iecrc a xnl article of hiorat reaseuable priec- ajso oatmeal cornmeai gran ulated oatmeal granulated wheat palent roller flour hungarian system qrn- 1 ham flour potatoes ap pies bran shorts aud all keude ot li uaualli kc m a flratoaaa faed stera 3ail be asks is a fair tnil iitd bv will kive you good satisfaction youra revive fulh r elliott s actou aug loth 18- washes jewelry silverware ah this tierk at savages near petrle ew drua store gtjexiih cfow- harnes trunk oteor raniieo rfrquaiu vsvrano ra- hftmt38r ar ttubs to save money should go to r creech acton ot 01 jtag m at j b fp9i i hwbh bs wp pwwijw icoqma livbr7 sale board stables mill street aoton fa where you can get firstclass rigs at reasonable rater good commercial rigs i an eijiress delivery wagon will meet each express train and deiver goods tr any part orthe town 1 after the 1st march i intend to do a strict cash business only is credit will not pay for horse feed or i that the largest and cheapest stock of i0hri8tmas and new years goods isa santa oas ttsapqgabtefts drug and stationary store where did you get that beautiful ichina sett mrs jones why atw pbrown cqs it is the cheapest sett i ever bought and they have the most lovely christmas stock so very cheap too i could hardly keep from buying a great deal more than i did mrs smith yes ive heard a great many people say they have a magnificent lot of christmas goods and thats where i intencj to make my christnas selections r h this line of business is being given up and the stock of wools braid c will be sold at cost boots shoes repaji el spajri frthwre drug store aoton out for mens handmade kip soots slump 80le0 call at goodall for mens berlin frostproof boots for mens doublesoled kip boots for mens congress boots i for mens balmoral boots for ladies strong boots for ladies felt boots for ladies skating boots for misses boots for childrens boos 1 j ilorboysi boojjs l6r youthls boots indeed for every kind of boots shoa overshoes robbers slipperw and everything pertaining to a firetolaas boot and shoshoossa 1 oauatthe aca ii 1 acton boot shoe house i and oattlb f ed at hoowviie drug stow 4ik

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