Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 28, 1882, p. 4

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what will the new yor bfing ok hlt irll th sa vkt uli mi sliibrlibleredurueboj- i hi rictld lfiid hit dullh r avthuit- ibl ur cl ui- i ioy sit quickly excises ii4r will it brinj m tori isi cisliti j ai it briat ffii enrr tr therjolberfcliiticej m br turlicc inibuliiilalrtrr j xbil ihl xt yctr eift tor ua- juiicf haiti be cnrixod llh care r oh tll h lo s vf hs 1m and she flccisl with t ijclofr3l lllhohusnlbvhriide j oh wbi t wttllln si- vn l bxs ta al iuredetli on it vsy j wul it brn treih ioyt in1 rci for ch saidizfi dij- bat the mother lcwk vi uittal al ih listed u hot diosller fair for the kaet ia her oatrxnl flilbit wu hiddca ciiay a kli oh bsl u the xct twr yrire siii a feeble vwi old man tve laii lic tweil rll and d it bat rjmr oa vtit ii the xcw yetr li sor t aiu ita old aad few ik the chitast thr tiad uc for cy iiys ire tlr3t tci1t ah whi the ncv year brir the iy aiay ccvet k for a aarrott mould oj ihe h ill ll the ccly ffj to lem what ctslomoagbt to rcthind a my of air washwoman 1 why her aira d fit to i unit 1 kidsor ouo ialu lirilaliou hcleution inooulia ence detains uwvel ic cured by buouuaib l what should a mau h- idled l o ukcs ilic phec of xsoluur hs a trata biadl a labstilwl barnsoa tbousuuf lost hi f ricu ktrcuri th with lis hair tid vvutnea lewie their liauiy vv thtire aui vury iargo uumben rsiurtr hc lavntrsot time by l llor tlie famoai ciiigakjc hair ktitiircr old at 50 at per lttc by all ilrariit a cyijctl biclulor megata t lay ut the than lijjik many nmhc citls of the pcticd are us that icu facts c ir tholworuan who jseks relief from pain lij the iree usef aciholtlf fllrxtu lauttapil narcotisdrue etidjvhal me icekioitl sofarasseiimtiiliij iadftroy- ed or ttmporrily fufioulid no ccks was tyilk ivkoratrt it ma kiaxj and the oilier thin re etaployad lit mora hopews thp aic becomes l ye ehlor ah mofiiuh an i belbulojiaa a bra and slra wukbam s vigetiole juiipouod an ilabcilc ulrt ulicl to riiaka idf a4ibfe to luigfvllow vctr alight if ray life 1 fafl aikp over ou of year nork flies tat 8tjt llit roehc rnt mice gopher chipmo by kougti iii ivts tif rll u 1 r ilttu ittitis aiuiui liii kulk to kuii i irti ui iu iilicti of ok if l blankets cheaper than ever at the right house id all iltmndpnocdireoi from thaulakofa boutbt foroaih arbebn their rajaur wboleala prlooi and selling otrery faitoni c iretrnly low tiio qjulii it the i fineitandbeat made ia canada boiure and lea them before buying satan caiai to band andloti more coming knitled wool scirfs fhmu sqimrea tihes ni dpimd sliawli wltba lar lot or ery superior cloth jaokela dolmatu and uler all purchased for caih exceedingly obeap and olling oft at u am jng rate iho 5i iilircry ii io new faihionabla and cheap that thouaandi of ouitomen arh making very lrrge pure aaaei suki juil tee hc silki they are greatly reduced in price ttiro ba a urta lot of uew white qualta arritej lolcly from uanoheiter thoy aro beautiful gooji and are marked io ion that ttiey have an immouie alo the lijie- n j icin underolotblng of all kiudi and qualineiaro going offat an amazing rate soe therabyall meani pi oi of tfonia knitted shim and inu iromjlcup toyi jofovny auporiorscstcb makes carpels for luo million from 12jo uemp up to the bait five frame brtuieliin be rery lales- delign abiut 820009 worth toielect from the new oarpeti by all means before buying they are ellingoffat wholeiale prion a ncwilockol lace curwini and umbrtqumi lately arried from ilic- koliirflnm i maketa bought for cash and sold at a very imalladranoe on tneilerlingooit several ahipmenli of nrwbritiih frencli and ieman kid jcrcy lined tailiteai duoeu j olovostohand ately dtroot from the mikan all bought for oaah apdwtllingouauhe yery lowest prieei piles of british hoiery arriving at short intervu fiom tie i leicester makdn at varioui prlcei from 16o away up to i112j for the very ben fine caicmere hose see ilia gtn rtooltn socks irom 20c up io81 or ilie bett cam diauhoiiory in great variety of colon ana qualiliei cheap j ia it now tickingi in this week heavy cheap and good kew kidder cruinb cloth aiiivod last j week from the brillih uaken and are offeriiig very oheap bee the little coyi navy knitted kalu they are heavy and good for the winter the drcis ioodi i have an amiing sale jun fee thoio nloe servlciable drcia ooodi in the new shidei at i2jc very luperior al 17 and 20c dut ihe 2c alivvcl ftvipei ore fine and good and well worth 35 the 35 37j and wo drew ooodi are fit for any lady thr high house king slret east coso to hughsou street where the verandah la down the ramo is mi 1hf -itvl- gllta- 3tjijtii kauitllon dec 9sli 1662 thomas c watkins hamiltoiv s22ll 1382 fall season 1882 him- lid sir wuat are wc to do f or fan in these holiday times we make acd go to ptrtie- or gttleritigt of youi folks cf the neiijutk liuod this ia tin lime of all- others fur j youngxcii- li oome together and fe mjrry xtid then childiiis jiirae- i am tlad to uotic- are lcjiiiiii5 u ore nduuorc counnui each yeir i uy tlat 1 amjjlad to notice thii it it because it is- a useful leasoa for boys and girle to meet ejeb other to get acquiinteajwitb and lrn ho to eniertaia one another at this holiday time manr of you will either cake or go to ttich parties if you jive ii patfyl i yourvoacj fricnit b xare totinvilr fur their entorliimneat many older jkrjiia thuk that iertaia a puty tby nkd clly tome refreshment soine thing that i well eiumjli iu is way is yistlr iujii- iuipjrlint to povide aoaje a iti hici ail j a- a ort a guiviing of grown pja- m1ijric rnt is m iio iiioth i lad eawji ifj mi- uf ciiihlitl iu t iunia aiu- iiaa lruku ih lsii nil iuij l if you lane eoiiiltv paiy ie suie aad pruuu- i adanc feboieihing toaiuuiij the but and siiu wo will i ny lue above rowarit for auy cam of tlvcr complaint miioinni hick head idi loillcifllfia coovvli alloc or covttvc- u0k5 wo cniimt cnio wrllti uvfl vcwitaljlo ltvcr ill is when i lie illr- chonsar tlrlolly coraplril with tney ar ulirely vdrlaalo mill nevfr rii io clvc nuricllnn sueur coalei inp baiikcouliilnliii 30 imiu 25 cents for sab- by an lirihgitu brwareof cauterflu hiid loitlauorm toe fpnulus rqanofiirtiircd only hv johk c s1sta ca vtlis rill makrrt aajklncsu eaatta- roilo ont freo irlul ickico leul by mall preilld on rccelrtofr ii cent tump a kotxd bdt totitlbd womax rfnm til damn o kucklous irulca lbe lies save in th bruges sore- i io if sares teller cliip bliins coins and nil and positively cores p ive for cula ill kliejiim fever ii i ahls cbu- eruptions ll5guaran teeija to give perlect sitjsuclioa or money rejunded price 25 bor sio kilui at j me ayth nd uiapl tii if to ea- uia 1 hive j iy to eil l but it a 1 i v jll j aal ilc i ijcl a io uc pre i i net cents per irpnt drug- i luiutiii lie iaot vu jlj lili-iut- jili if ytu t fur a re have successfttllfett we hire iin ti expreii our tur priieat td2 unprecedented and con tinual exteniioa m all countries of the demand for hollowaja pills and ointment ss nioit thingj of the kind after one geneition is set utide by llie next bdt lo our astonishment this ex traordinary man fur so wetuay cx-r- tainiy call hini goes on and on and on and au classes and conditions of ruin kind unite in procliraing the rnpremac of his temediei over ill others xone others have met with so much opposition or toured to much fiucceee the proof of the pudding u ii the eitins of it and hollosays lemtdiei once tried nertr give place to others to what else can we attribute the spread of them over the civilised portion of the globe wherever one goes there the energetic profestor will be found to relcive pain and restore health are you a boavicant a few pilla will remove the effect of excess are you feverish dyspeptic troubled with an anlargmtnt of the liver or spleen 1 what ruore efhcacions than the rem eliesbe citere at a cost which nppare ridiculous when compared with the m estimable benefit they confer i are you tronlled with skin duearc sores or ulcers oil wounds or iwilliigsl a a few application of the ointment will remove the tame are yon rheumatic 1 the oiutment wiil ret lore your limbs to the elasticity of rigoroai health this js ca puff purchased by lucre professor holloway h nothing mere to us tluu are the thousaubai who cater for public approval but as faillful ser vanu of the public it is in their interest that we record these facta m wn do not consider it to be cur duly to write angut that mar be considered as a puff for any individual if such wish to avail them- j elves of our publicity our advertising columns are always open to advertise 1 tnnts that are net objectionable but when we say this we consider at the same time that as caterers for he public we should occasionally publish such thing6 as appear to us deserving of notice patriot decline of iw i keryoua weakness dyspepsia inif potence scrual debility curd by wells health eenewer 81 why are farmers like fools because oaitber will get crops without industry 1 xiiyi are daozerotu particularly io kidiwt diaeaact so take at once j via surehl sltlwy ouf and obtain reiui from ail roar lufferiofb your druggist keeps ft sold in ittcnb 3 e jc9nia iii realu loflneiv t l i- j jbej- that kniivjvr rt is cafcnol tlltl lo nrrlcc miy relieve but liivy lite ualk for noj kianeys are the tnjulile old you w nt k reaidy tj act d tectiv on liioir tfcretinjfj to purily ana ieinre iber heiuay coadrion ejiiiil the a uildre taili lr a 1 ilere all tlie ske reaiera- fiicid yon platterert lt cure that i the mammoth bcrj to call llio attention of the ladies also the fiirmek mechanics laborers and the general public to the act that they have laid in this season tlie largest and liucst stock of dry goods ever brought into this section of the country it is coiniioscd of dress good in all the newest styles triuuniiigs to match ic 11 you vant auythiiilt new ou may besure to ect iuroni lis out millineiy and mantle department is also filled witlf he latest novelties irom london paris and xetv york if you want a stylish hat bonnet or mantle ihiv preaaajiittijitrfcuid call and sec us our dressmaking department is a decided succes we make up dresses iu the lutestand most fashionable styles prices as low as any other firstclass establishment wedding and mourn ing orders a specialty our ordered clcthic depaituient a uial wiil lo ieuiid turpisiliii all iar faauir efforts the latest styles of scotch naclish french ard caaadiaa tweeds and suilics black ilruad cloth docskins volttedovtrcoaticg ac wc keep a clt-cli- k ef pj and a fhl class cutter and inalie of lirsl-clr- flliop cent- t a- ke- ii ta hald a very lare stock of centt kumishini- hat- aud ca- uudeic3 ac our keadyiuicle clohinp ikpartnieut vill lc fuuud raeie citcrsic mid a laer isriiao than ever men youth ilnv and tlnldixus hulls aud overciat- cl chtii asrttneut come to the marmnoth fur viair rajiaide ci thiin hidniy won tns that spociiic action kfr any yr rs o wxala rrl-r- r 06v lisea bv f utc h2 in acii ht lavtiliya- aisuv tinillv iuly cure tint old for mjtcv ert ray x iclh cbiibwin- nwi cuui until bijohi in troublei t nn reliff she ltis itietj ft not e to 1k frii j thj pam wasihefi so excruciiing urit lie- couii not s eep at night your gia v iben on hn rpguur trip and tue uiltedj hita if he obuld cur her he fbomie eclectricttil she tried it and yxi tnent when in j illaverl nd th t5lurl condition it u also tbe bet reinedr for burns and briie i eer used iolj her thit dr i was aj mre cur nj uir astonub- tt das tie psin wfiet tom rrsiored to it i ect uu comfort ia ike fcnitcrlnff bijwn- houfehjld pinacea has po equal for icheving pain both in- iernal tnd extern i it cjirea faib in ithe side bck or boie sore throat ikheumhtum foolbsche lumbago and kind ot a pain or mostsurely quicken th as its acting poe- browns ifoutelioli acknowledged as tbe and of double the sinedgthj eliiiroi liniment n tjae trorltl should be in every family bitily lor use when wanted ha it really isj tbe best remedy in the world forcrtmos in t be stomach 4nd pains and acliee of all kinds and ie for sale by alt ejrtj abotue umrl zihn raw t trcliftr flkd tin i4r frial el wama u loom oc hr ccctwtvrjirsti tflrt to csati tct fl if aiit 6m ta tr tort vfclcfa u lit oqtaoma ttf o vt tttf rifr grftrilf ux nrtojujoilclc hzrita ec rejeris cr jt nlnae trza t scr vtxruij cctri b medjis for r 1 not rril pc uc tlisfd u cut trlt ol ihu 0 toooost cf iis rcrtfa nmrtit it lr r ftsi itibc4 br ti ifnt fijiidsuu la lia ecantxr crze utii it rti uka ciint tzd um aieh c it zurzs lrircrrtam tirr tad puafil gtf z hi otitils trvblw liirnrimrtia iac mcattpiiiitwiaewitis u crziizz hupcd t4 it peraiicc rttt pcrtica cf tie i7ttm tad fr tttr uxt tii rijrr u rrcrttt uiztsxn ufua fcrtrtrt nvisc f cr ttisslmt iad nifcr ii xerrtra rrwnti32 gnj dcfccily skvpiraeuitk dfpr tai tftilcwllci tst twlc cr uartac praiac ri tt it c- rta tl titiac tal sadt til drraauacw irt la tirsccf viit ui itm rcttr the estle tfhm- trtftzitx ldrtmrsirwulopcuict5d thixaimct mtlitliattcbrsrfrterltopcrfct imx fcr cu hm cf the ttftiauc compmd ata tx cbtiiamjrruirxririrtdltaw3pcr refr nt lir tojm la l 1u tcr emaey ocxjwlat of eiiirr to ujk kr i 1 gfijcrpftcmd u tlradtu tcfluaccikzi thev fltf 6j te tit csru i sr tia cmto o ccoirij scksaces tad ttinidi- of um tine set eocj firlakr vtrti voddcri ia fu pwj uat ud udi iir ta eni um oattprcai to ik pctgrttr isfittim ta to da rroi ts clm s j- s toy e a good- assortment for flic fall trade la q tulls sen tin t mof toito hill tilirt a0to3st 8 s toy e s i our ktapu- dfpartmtnl couiistiur cf cotton sliirtii- ti-aii- priut- v itltuukcts fluuutl yum towcllihg- tumiiau ac vil h inrln jiriiht the chcivt odd larjot in the county be ync iul ilc our chei ilhinfct wince v- wcois and klioi lidie and chimtvuv litc xutijnt erv clivi edthe loct prico co ctqkt- oil clnths liietui mutt ar wbsvc tli iu wo53 tapestry i ravels nnl tinnn cirpct icccrria s ini hec oar ftock and exiinine iur prit-c- to our patrons and the public we iw ibi- n ui vun- 1 f former efforts to ebuiu chcip pfk we arc- pjyin c3i1 fcrthtiii i htu we 11 ue mart ajw rtecic cb wb piv irakin t bi efftj u- do the trifle tuis islld rll our cik re marked ht the lnvet cali price- coe d buy yuur kd ijitn u mcleod anderson co mammoth house georgetown rc sintsti r s rf rl aru tor orir i i is rulciikk shop holmes lb ac lle i ui is 1 mlv all vf mr 4 chicago 801 tic wen br lie cvftt rhput in j kinimcity 9 ibotteti roou isd mj- nct t austrcffri wrnput cbuico of un between cba3 n i kjuumcitr council binffju wotts aicbiavon uumupdlu tad st ptal it ecismm ia unjen dpota wtii tu th pnaebi hsfi at rcvd betitkq iho atustia tnd tb pubu qea its eqcpmrat li ssritaled tad sttrsu j j host r loopcwed of ooinionttoiij ad rlmc cbir cat fujlmuit prtuttfft rtlao flleepisx cra sd tbe beit lta of xmatnf ova sthtwcrll three tfiiaj between chictjo taj ricsn btct pomu two ttkiiu btwea cw- ckcuj ujsaetpolutsd ttptultl uw rtat704 albert lea route a bt ad direct liaevlt scnegt tad y-nht- vfetaa reccctjr beta oined betwn riahacaj ncrtoifcnfrrrpcniltc-wjciiatuooofiauxb- fojiintmlle lonlitllle lexinxton cuadniuu riaajocj sd liijotia tnd omat hmnesp- ch iaaf 8u pul i3d mtnaedltte pdau ai tirousli ftiscturn trrrsl oa ftt zprm trim ztetit fslffti illprlapl tistc ofljewiu lie csitd sa d oanadm echifa cicttfd lilrca tad rswa of ftnat- wiyi u low ta cctrjpiuan uut offer ltat mtkx- rar duilid jttz4iia2 set the 3x4ja bid told- creat rock 43land route a rrr aer tlafcct oaso ot uliimt r cable e st j3hn i t eal 1 t 0 tia i krt as chicago ard low oil es rheumatism freemaits worm powders r caiat ii tsia ccntcfrlhcir ovn t-ir- i sre cru and efrrra dtejrorrr ol norms iz cluren oriaitt pirstclass meat kidnewojb 18 a sure cure 1 1 for ml mmiu ot th kmnr an4 f liver h hm fpeciifi fctr ci mjs at ipcruzi i bc ti ty tft t tsirtu is rv iftfciueciii tre bciot dxrat7- cr naiisd nl-7- oaa ifttcid tike c hzrzzi ccna cf u v nliccfsts prtcoha kidnbwl ache it wi blood and heal is wonderful anjicei being aineelieter of any otlier ggistsat2ocnt wuxyoo exchange a case of dybpepsia or bufoubness woils cents it is awfallt ariwlsa to asonlze utl- clcctheiaany ailments arising from dyspepsia ilndiffcstlon dleorderea istomacnand lilrer whea this offer is made to yoa la your own borne in all alnceritjr frith an absolat certainty of zopesa from brazil curea dyspepsia andlbuloosness a blnsriedose rellefes a sample 70 cent l bottle conrlneesj bottle cures it acts directly inpon tie stomach liver and kidneys cleanslnr cpcrcatlntt keg- nlatlnff zopea iritis energy and vna to the brain nerve and muscle suqply by worh ing wonders tipon the diges tion and girfug activity to the liver j j i cat this out talaa it to any dealer in medicines and get at least one 75 jcent botdeof dpesa and tcui your neighbor low it acts it is rrraqted manhoo ho lost how restored wehaveroecduyinblibuejauew ejllou ofilr alrcrwelt cclf w m lirotfd j d tnr raoiral untl iiilk normancnt cure without racjl- citiejofscrvoiilltbuliy mcntnhin l iliyfic- ailncaracitjimpejilacntsofiterriabjeetc reuulnrromrxceseoe apricttii cbalci envelope on lycjcti ortwo polce slampf tbecfllcbrateif mtlrc u t uk admimblc e clearly altfinoavirkie rrrm thirty jvir4ucceetul practice tmt alarm in coti- fcftueocfs may b6 radically cured trlihout ili dangetou hfc f internal medlclnsor thocseolthe knife painting oit a mckle of cure at once tlmpjc certain and e- fleet laluy meide f vhlcii every fufferer no matter hat ills ccadiiiou may tie miy cure hlmti ctieapiy privately and radically tnf lcctare tbcium be iu tue hand ol everyyotitu and every man iu the land address the cnlverwell medical co 41 ana st sew tork pohtoeuceijoi 30 caution each plug of the myrtle navy is marked ik broitze iettbbs none other genuine -but- o photo w hill artist acton is already hero and prepared with new scenery and apparatus to make photographs of all kinds eipual to those of the cities nothing is more ajeeptahle to a frieiid for a christmas present thau a firstclass photo neatly framed and c w ilill can make them for yon most satisfactorily see samples in show window first prize ohtained for photos wherever shown a stock of frames mottoes c on hand for the holidays call and see g if ill fall opening fall opening i l- hzuij irrtcl lljilc ia trc liutcltiij filiihls i fc ctitil lii 1 cil suit all a ril khii ttc- j ittconsc ieptives vic- atvciiicr navirf txn prrasueuty curpd ol thai drcnd dlsea pconnniption h -ni-c- um i iiliifu io make aum to hi- lei low firers il- mvai o ctc- t- z wbti icire h lie will sivi a cpy of tin rrfffritiipni ifc cfcharsre iili llu dtrrciuvjmot preprii ni usins th -rtnf- which tli fy will itda sjn- cure fir coughs coliit conaumptlon asthma bronchitis pinio wisittir uie lrcritrn wil plfrkrfdrer uve awilsjv 1pi ienn st viuiiiiisthnr vv worth their weight in gold t i frmifi wormremdy isuyzlf hirrrsi tsl irqirt to siffmekrry iislittsys hcstszil t a troy ny pric 25cts sold everywhere euikjk itters thl week af the- east end glothinc store as great care has been taken in the selection of kail goods the public will find that the stock at the east eud clothing store sur passes anything heretofore exhibited in acton over 2u0 pieces from which to select iueludiug a large range of scotch tweeds of beautiful design a large assortment of fall hats caps iu all the newest stvles just to hand j fyfe holloways pills ointment af rm fur if in- iutikrlltahk omc tlrncjhvi wvdiur v alkacit an ri fviscif vaf t hxuiifihr will cu biliousness dyspepsia hdigestiotf jjudice eptsipeus salt rheum heartburn headache and cvry iecl disordered live bowe re or relieve dizzines8 dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the st oh aw dryness of the skin f tlitsass arising frorfl 3 kdkeys stomach ls ca blood y flllborr i co p toronta grits specific medicine r- tac great zngllsb remedy f core for fieminal permattirrhea i d all utstaaes 1m lollow a a peticenee of s if- v h vp n less of mem- irjlnvcjtl lasitadepaln in ih djci dimness ol vis- ion prcm- tld age and befora t mrrv mher diseases that lead to insanity or consnmii tio2 vall ialiculars in nurfmphetnhieh ve de- liretoknj free bv mail to very ci- etthe specific medici- j- j iy a t ist at iv pr vcfcpct cr six pckaee fti- j or will b- tcnt free ly forji or fc- cr-ip- of the- iutey tv net dreisirj tho aray xediciat5 co after taking toromoont canada so j by j k mcftarvln druklsl aotoq the pills -our- 1c00 forfeit havingihe nlmontcodfldenecin luaupcr- tority overall otaersand pftei ihooaands of lostof the iqimi coraphcaed and evrel i cases tp could and wtfi jollified in cfle j inn to forfeit one thociand uolfar fornny case of cnugfkonldi nof ttiroa influcnzu i hoarsnei bonebltli oonsnmptlon in iff early stages wboopltig cough and all dja- eae of ttiethrojit and iutm except asthma lor which w hlj claim rcliejthal wecani carp with wests counh yrnp when taken according tn dlrenlnng btmnle botilets- am30cenw iirsbottlesonedollar qfnulne wrapmrnnlvn blue bold by audnseems ornt by expraai on receipt ofprie- john j wfst a cor1 a 4klnf 4tzsnlt toronto ubt millinery and mantle rooms are nov open in full blast our exhibition consists of the newest and freshest styles of lt ts m gs aud the most ciqniaite show d flowers prices as usnal cheajj city and country invited to inspect wa shot- a special lot of black fc colored jackets mud lower lhn usual prices black velveteens broche velvets chian wm stewaet purify regulate and improre the qmlits of ihe bloof they assist the digestive organs cleanse the stomach ami bowels increase the secretory powefs of ihe liver brace the nervous system an throw into ihe circulation the purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands o persons have testified that uy their use alone ihey hsve beei restored to health and strength after even other means had proved unsuc cessful will be found invaluaole in every house hold in the cure of open sons hard tumors bad los old wounds ccnghs coldssore throais bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and chest as a3so gout kheumalism scroula and every kind of skindisei3e manufactured only at professor hoi- loways ksublishment 533 uykohd strekt losdox and sold at is lu 2s od 4s cd 22s and 33s each box and pot and in canada at 3g cents 90 cants and 150 and tbe larger sires in proportion citrnoxi have no aentin tbe united stales nor are my medioines sold there purchasers shoul j therefore look to tbe label on the pots and boxes ll the address ij not533 oxford street london they are spurious tbe trade mark of ray said medicines is registered in ottawa and also at washington thomas hollowa 533 oxford street lordon tk kcvv tvnnryi uhaintbeat- wnr h uarathoed siciac fn hjsterui uuzrsscoayulodsfils nervoosneunil- ii hoalaclif norvous prostration caused y ibn ujc or aicotvol rr lobsccn wakelal- its menjl pcrrcsion sollenirj ol the hnuc rtvullinj in lnsrlty and lending lo rr liry ilecyanddealhrrembuire01d tt bariviuus- uss or powc r in ehlifr 5 is- vulnriary ij bjsoml sp rmiilorrhcixaded tvrcv rcxprion of lbs bralo telfabnse or overiuaulzcnce one boi winure recent ccf iacl brs conlaln one mrntiis treat- nli n ore dolinra box qt fix boxes for fire loilar solb mdl n recelrl of price we eiyiarlce mx i tjxei lo euro pay ease with ein ord- r reeeivid bv nrfor six boxes ae- em aiifd v livedo rs vvi wulsenillhe purclast onr wrillen guranlee to rerand money if be trefltrofrl ilof s cot eflect 6 ciire gynnmecs issud orur by je mc- gakvn cle anibfrit d ageni fiactq oni jobxc wist 4 co sole proprietors tororo onl jnooureinopay a local and constitsuenal trclaal tno distinct medicines cm ictim the nisdl parsafftj hd throai aod langi ihs ether on tbe lirtr kidocjl ind blood instantaneous economicalsafe radical treatment sold by all dilvggists price 75 cts if not fband wtisftctory the price naid t will be rcfmdedi some chronic or ocid- nate olstts of tog kabding may reqsae rom tbxf to tii packages to effect a permanent cere i montreal frtroyny

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