Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 4, 1883, p. 2

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1 x the cheapest yet oub clubbing rates w nm usetouowtiii ositt to s babrtoh tmtwu toa tumunirkiiiilirr mwi u nw ttsr wtnc gr it one will pet the tvn tmt until uwusideeiasstw tie fax pum and wcaltotolj from now until dee si s tor n nix ri wuv ua bi until ooll whr j th fi tana aud loadou advertiser fcmq until dee jlo few tb fix pan and oueiph llerciry from aewontildcsi ssior j th fm run and atontrtsj liaew trout mw until dec si 65 ft tb fair pm and aowrwiccji asical- tmxalitt from no until docsl s3 for t fni part end fanners adtoatt trom lo until d 31 63 for tb flutx paxes end totvutd truth from now until dc st tor- j ix tv also present til nt tubkttbrt and thai prtatljtruidiria4rtn witbscorr ol kadalll treatise on b hon end iu dimtm this wort it pronounced br lboc who hit received it to b lurslnabl to owtian el bones 0u it tbli offle or wnd rtrcr nsinea and money per refistercd letter to hpmoore ia lts lti il3 1t5 diets the municipal elections actonv council for the rreent vrr elections el3kwhbr3 aj pwvionsly announced th pel elections took plioo on lit ins the ooiiust for the raythlp wns ptiuylkooa oalho purl moadts l neiid of tho 1i my ttrdnotu in their cativniiiij result- oniulcnibly surprised tetele ve ihink and prov pracliollj that those wjio woi hardest cake the the lul uiado k rnrx rtu orncc icrox oxtuuo m tittesdav- sloltsrsc jm t 1ss3 the champion and the seott act ejllyirg to onr rercfrkt concerning the vniijiiv ctroncuus statements about the rpricging into oxistiiree of sbeiicecs ia itnltoii its last issue savs i 2fos- the cjiier of le free press must live been perfectly welt aware that the chdinpiin cocofcnihed the scott act nearlvlthree months ago 1 i bat while he thought there w anr iurger of his letcn involreii in li- suttioti abjtii il le lell hi ice he ii welcjine ts ail ls ciiui ha miy mike with the scott act party out of this contemptible piece of journalism oho of course ire did we know the chamiihi condemned the scott act i more than thiee yiiri ngo tbit i as aeon as the preamble to the acttad been reid by the c7iayiipi editor and c know further that the clici ifcr unless ili present management u of vert different jconrtituiion to that of the rciiring etaif wonld condemn any mcjtns which might i pat forth for ibe extermination of the ahiatey trainc as to the clause above about boldin our peao j rtile ye thought there erisacy dinttr of being involved in a discussion e woulj inform the newlvicstalkd edior of the charnpicn thif u fee prdss has njxer in any wity shirt discussion on thus subject with the cjnpi or any lother jour- nil and if ibis gefieman jrbo so soon after attnniiug tis editciiai chiir charges tia bittbren of the quill with contemptible jourcaliam will take the trouble to renew the elesof the chmripioit during the past two or three year be wilt find that lie jtaee iesi bajf uot been afraid ot discnrsion with his paper and in these discussions be will nlio find that the ciwipioa fre quenily resorted to oonlemptible joamilism and used statetuonu which its editor knew perfectly fakeand which tie free peess more ihjn once forced it tlpcill- go on witii vour well to back down discosflions mr will always champion the fbee press uphold that which is right and for the best interests of mankind a foolish practice of till the absurd mactices of the present day tbas wbicb has beoa called treating is eys truth aaaa of the most ridiculous avhatramasemeuts or enjoyment two lien both in all pro bability able to pay far tbeir own drinks can find in alutmaleiy gut zling at each otl els expeuses is one of the things that e post- finding out they would not dream of bntintr one i i 1 another ooot or settling one anothers laundry bilbf tbtrc is no matual treat ing to water rates or oven ito mutton chops or siiytbinj eatable jve might the votes j w u d d of be candidates anc oultl be couucillois ware bou tit succeeded i of the soverul lo nil 111 moal kci lb- ing c tle hel trtuit i succh iojlclosed ot five ocluck uta- were couuted nud i lawu after which the ful caididates aidreswd the electors m sbo t sjieecbes thanking tliein for their t ipkat itu prooiieiug aitcg t ieic best interesta the year ollawing fiiows the uuiulier of illetl fur each wndidite i reeve stoiuv crfitlstit councillors 8jitu c d iiesbersox joux kesxcv wit isnoib edwabinrcslix tt p m60re richajo hamiltox tha cajibcil for 18s3 wil qnently be poikisd- ss follows reevt w ii storej cocs derson ismond tre in at br a cm nc illlors c s uith i john kennar anj rev j f t 111 49 13n ijtc w lli largest evr polled 1st ulku ldua living minations elrawhe-e- buklisgtok rotvi e g euater cotnillort james j llenw j doujlas j ogr jcsuitb georgetown a mcleod couudtl a fragrant treat ii and puro tiiurut trill itourti and by its kindly ld the teeth tnow while ar mado i answer this question wltydobo manir peoplui e t arod uk stem to nrtir 1 1 hnilrr and be mad ni itr- 1 ole lil ludigesuon comutloji dutluoi nt appetlksciimliui ip of in fool jjkhibableuothehto let tnroe of thoio conveniently trranicd tcuomout lionjci of the acton building allocution may bo rented by applying to wh8t0bey aoton uk slit 1882 prwideut iiu csin wurn ir a w wo will oll tnhbloiia vuaiuor uuamniecd to cur them bombj- je mc ikrvlu allawtiii whfn nr 7lcl jotice to creditors luriuaut to the provuionl of it 8 0 chap 107 ec 34 tlio treditora of john mcmillcti lato of tlio tonaliip of erin iittr many vmm of patioul luvestica i county of wellington wbojiied on or about tioo br 7l bttnb 0 oormauy dually th 80th october 1882 aro on or before tha mcetcdod in porfcclitii kidney cure tliat woald permanently reliove all oes of kid oey oiloue be httrj oud uk your diujnl firsp vttbual2ilfi07 0uo hold in acton by j e ueoarvts j mrs vim allan acton nyi he has nerir uen without bottle of harvards yellow oil in lh hoote lor ho use twenty years ind would not be for tu limes the coat audijii that the bn nerer ktown it to ful mr collnd group so r rurai still neok burn scaldi etc sio oouclinles liystyiug ii any one doubts in efficacy tefer them 10 me ebitoks of yoltn a fvcnuemuii wlio biifleict fur year from nmu lltbtiuy l iieeui und nil tue etteet of juulljinl lnlllctklll ul far the luacof raertt ivniukiuj miui fre to all whit need it tin rverli t- and direction for uiaklnr lle ilmrle naitly ij wmelilie wu eur d hnnerer wislurf u inll bi th od tenleis int- rlenoe can do oby rtddrcfctln tutrr ereanflaviice jnunhuodcs lcctii st new vcik sbiloha consumption care tbiili bcjantquetuia tne mon mccew- ul ouuflb metllcln w nuve vertolda fu uim inearhblj- cure llii worst cwvefc f cotlh crour and rsronhilll wmlc ltw a ond rf uuceena in lli cu1ufcouiiinptloa t witlinaprallfl in tin- nnlnry ol meil- clnei lilnco it am til emery n hm been ildon uuratleia itt whlcn noifjer mi dlctne cn aund ii on l nvc a okx we earntuy afk ycfa ti try it 1rlce isctiso cu and 1 iw ii jriirmnt re kipj chen or hact tinen esmioiis porons riaiter 8otdby j euoavlo lit february 1883 to send by post prepaid to d ilcndertoo of the village of acton tboir cbritiiau and turnameiaddreesaoa deaoripllou tho foil particalara of thalr clflma itatement of their accounts and tha natore of ibe lecuritlea if any held by thtn or in default thereof tbe mr will after the said laatnuntioned date proceed tadutrtbnte the aaacta of the laid deceued amougst the parties ntillad threti bavluj regard only to the olaimi of which the aaid heirs ball havo notice dated at enu fhts i5th day ofkoecmber 1882 anurkw mcmillex for tho eilato of the late jonx mcmuixk mecuiilili 4 hamilloli cf the welling ton marble wurks onclpb old ale joint tho largeat retail marble trade m tint on- tog to the fact that they do kk- best work and bell the chcapett tbe puljlii irc tiarn ed akairut dcaliqj with second hind trade peddler but ihould cu direct lo the irni or bay from their sicni sec tint llie name mcquillan i hauiiitoi is on the printed form bclorc voa iiu or order j r u rbor dr itoe g ii kdiiedy rlo milton mayor george smith iieei u freeoiic giundllots nortivvard j p roier ri uaiiqnf john dan- can sjab ward gore audrewc thos lush w h licds wird m cjuway jaujri linjiy jet crohcre esqdesing ut deputy j warteu cjuccil iors- j wiliijuis dr webstcrj nelsonj kevew ii petri e a wilwn councillors e john butts j mcmaster dr futy dlltod acton village council the village council of i8s held their lascmetiniron tuesday aveuing present mr c s smith rcevj iu the chair paul jaivisaud d c 1 i minotea of last meetiug reid and confirmed tlie fintuce committee pijesenltd- tbe 2ctb niiott recommending accouutof wui smith of 83q0 of shop for election pmpoica b jwid the report was adopted moved by paul jams seconded hi i d w cnuiibell that the report ol errors in collectors rolls for tui 1877 78 and 79 as msdi b comorittre be ajiitl and tl uipbell hat tbi- or us la yearn iecial it the monies wrongfully paid ba refunded to the several pirtiet therein natntd upon application carried moved by p w campbell seconded by pani jarvis that je mcgarviu be paid the sum of five doliars for correcting errors iu collectors nils for the feats 18778 aud 78 carried council then adjourned sbiloha catarrh hemedy in paw the bitter by with a liugb or sneer were it only a foolish cnslom but it ii as mischievous as it is ridicnlous most people who conform to it drink in consequence twite as maclt w they would otherwise issistiuc one another to sotiebliipiesiieasuuderizelcnccof fruadliuefis a vord of wartiiug is 6ea0tbh fur this in the time of tbe year wbeti lie preposterous and ruinous usage is oioet- erattnt we are thaakful to be ah e to iay tlui eo for u hslton conn y is conct rqed this absutd preectoe iiaj uirotigij act to jopttt w- ence of lbs scott tent been extern nstfed 5cne and flattie ifaeiiifla- pw4 amaryeloasenre fiircjuarrn canker moulb and h ad ne bouietbem la aningpnlrna natal injiictorior econj 10 cents lb moresuccesifui trralskutottit ilnis witliou fitracbi id byj e sieoarrtn glalnis witliou fitracbarat trice or iberia n cacn actox habautt ivhite wheat o90lot ireadwclldew 0 91 a 0 94 spring wheat glasgow new 0 00 a 0 91 balchau peat oala barley kye etig per doz butter dairy packed butter rulla 0 m o 0 01 0 65 o 0 70 0 85 038 0 o 0 60 0 60 oo 85 0 18 o 0 19 0 18 o0 19 0 18 o q so floor tlelpu mabkets 2115 4o 300 white wheat utw 1reidwu 8pring wheat glasgow bed chaff oat peas barley life- eggs per dor bottet daily packed bvfoh- pa rv f 0 83 oout 198 o0 95 0 98 o0 95 090 oo 99 0 85 0 088 0 60 i 0 0 75 0tfl06b 0 65 10 w oh what acoaffh iviii you ncj lli eria tuc- ii nertjii of llie ure up ricn ortlikt niot terrible ditoase canvuinitlon aik m ci if yiiacnafinra for i c ikjmivi soceut 10 ran tbe- tut and do iclhlbt fcr it uc know trom experience ful snllols curt will cure onr congb it nvcrfil tnuexpulnt why rare inn r milikii li-i- ueawere wild ibe pat jenr i rvlfeve crvap and wli oijuf txaeli i uiee jlu- tbeisdo dit be wntxinlll tor i-am- iiaelc t5idcorctirl ter stikibl ilater bald be j e mcoarvln 1 giveu away wa cmiiol help nifiiiiui- the libeitl ofler made to all iuvalidi aud sallerew byiirkingsyetvdiscovirj forcodsucjp tiori you are retjueted id call at j e vlcgarvins drug store land get a trial bottle race or cost if you rre luflvrmg with cjtiumpliou severe coughs colds asthma bronchitis hay fver loi of voice roirsenei or anv reflection ol the throit or lungs it tviil positively curs you j a lady from ciyrcue writes for nbout seen yera lieiore taking xnr- ibrop 4 lymans veselable diffovery and dispipuc care 1 tuired irom n complint very prereleut with oursrx i was unable to walic any distance or laid on my feet for more than a lew minutes at a lime without feeiing ex hausted but now i im thankful 10 any icar walk two miles without feeling the eit inconvenience ror female com plaints il has no etjuil hewllvforfci halaritl diseases ed prevalent in the spring and full uch as aguechill ferer billioui fever ic- depend upon anjimiciive alate ot the liver lowelf skin kidneys etc for did tlieseoullels of jiloiud pyionous eai er free the iyrtm prcpely no kicknesa would result burfock blood bitters eflectu ally refulile these orgiua and enrrects the ahsoruent and secretory system a well i worthy of rralsc as a rule we do not recommend patent medicines but when we know of one that really is a public benefactur and dots posjtjyby cure then we consider it oar duty to impart ifcat informailon lo allj electric bt tors ari truly a mosi valuable medicine and will surely cure biliousness fever and ague stomach liter and kiduey complain a even when slfoioer remedies fail we knowwhere- 01 nre speak and can freey recommend them uvall uarj sold at fifty cents a bottle by j s mcciarvin to lessen mortality and itop the in reiadsof diseaeui6northropilenan vegetable ducovery kna dyspeptic cure for alt diseases arising from im pure blood nch as pimples blotches biliousness indieeationic it has no equal mrs thcmas fcrritih elm writes i urn using thi medicine for dyspep sia bass triod many remedies bul this is the only one thai ius done me any good i hotbers f nebcra sotbcr 4re you disturbed at night and oroken of your rest fays sick child sufleringand cryin wilh the ezorudiating pain of catting teolhl if bo goat ouceaud get a bottle of mrs winslows soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sujeror immediately depend upon it j there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth sr lio ha over used it who will not tell you at once that it will rogulale tbe honeliand give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectly bale to use in all caiei end pleasant to the taste and is the pre- scription ofone of the oldest and best female pbyslouns and tiurse in tbe v iu4 states bold ryniere at 25 oesuabottbs kidneywort c fob the peftmaneut cure of t 9 constipation j h eetoaataill i utaacoattijat e oezu waavetsrtlmena j he tmt tula rahrj7 -utaitiia- ti wetauficti xicv2stnayrftta gw1alrwt indciotiaa haabaxerolkded u6h jtotice to cbtditors pursuant to the provisions of jl 8 o chap 107 nee 34 tli creditors of al minn late of the township of esqueaing county of kaltco whodied n orvboat the 25th vovefnbcr 1882 arc on or before the 1st of february 1s3 tn soud by post prepaid to peter msnu acton po their christian and inrnamei addresses and description tbe full particulars of thcirclaimaa itatetnsat of their acnnta and the nature of their secur ities fd any held by them or in default thereof tho administrator will after the aaid the said last mentioqed date proceed to distribute tlie assets of the laid deceased amount the parties entitled thereto having rcsard only to the claims of which the said administrator shall have notice dated at acton the 4th day of december 1882 peteu maxx admiyistiutoil for the estate of the late alexander manx 3aoy parties owing the above estate are henby doifled that teflomcnt must b made by the 1st february acton free press powerpriifc printing wc ar uqt idding largely- 1 o wurstock o fine printing stationery new machinery plain and fane typo brilliant inkt aua otlicr icatcriil ciixfcirv to firatciam nulit and carc prepared lo cxccdtc any kind of work -axd- at kctuonablc prices iixul irrutius rim tu p ommercial printing of all kicls wlich it cjcecutei with care dispatch axd i in oooo style in which may be included bil heads letter headings business and postal cards invoice blnuks posters hand bills spur 44 visiting cards invitation cards programmes c in a tasteful and workmanlike manner merchants requiring tbe latest atylea ot printing as a means ot addressing their ouitomers may roly upon having their wishes carried out quickly and in the best stylo of tho art orders by mail beoeive immedi ate attention auwtbss hpmoore fhpepkes acton 8 uootwvlab fesi 1382 fall season 1882 tit oldirt drag store in ouclph ti ohsirt craj stew la aualph taibajaammtftirusitortlnoutlpa smiths drug store is the best place to buy anything you require iu the drug line ve have the largest stock the most reliable goodavnt the lowest prices j wc keepaluhejoadiug makes of dye stnfts diamond package dyes all shades uuiou snd ilandy package dyes also our own dyes which give universal satisfaction toilet articles and perfumery in great variety iaairbruiiia4 0ombiltiiliad tooth brttiies we have the largest tock ever brought into the royal city we buy direct from the english and french markets and are able to sell much lower in consequence ptat jfcdleiai ril until xtchiat 01u outer ml kettiftot oil srw- latt wnnhltia ml luweatlsc ml b amttisvi coal ou stst oia- laiia coal ml we have tbe reputation for keep ing the best coaboil in quelpn and we intend to maintain it w g 8suth co chemiste druekriflts o it w adkastl sihlselabedsaki bleek harnes truflk spqf iirnij noriuu lnvmixa cs harness cr trirks to save mouev should go to tho mtwitnntb begs to cah tho attention of tho ladies also tlie farmers mechanics laborers and the general public to tbe fact that they have laid in this season the largest and finest stuck of drygoods ever brought into this section ofllie couutry it is composed ofdress goods in nil tho newest styles trimmings to match kc iiyon want anything new you may be sure to get it from us our millinery and mantle department is also filled with the latest novelties from loudon paris aud new york if you waut a stylish hat bonnet of mantle call and see us our dressmaking department is a decided success wc make up dresses in the latest and most fashionable styles prices asulow as any other firstclass establishment wedding and monro- ing orders a specialty our ordered clothing department as nanal will be found ujipasaiug all our former efforts the latest styles of sketch enelish french and canadian tweeds and suitings black broad cloth doe skins worsted overcoatings dc we keep a firmclass stock of goods and a fintclass cntter and make op firstclass fitting gents wo also keep on hand a very largo stock of gents furnish ing hats and cap underclothing ac otir ready made clothing department will be found more extensive and a larger assortmen than ever mens youths boys and childrens snits and overcoats extra chesp g- assortment come to the mammoth for your ready niade clothing our staple department consisting of cottons shirtings tickings prints wjncey blankets flannel yarns towellings tabbngs ac ac will be found on examination lo be tbe cheapest and lareest in the county be sore and see onr cheap blankets and winceys boots and shoes ladies and childrens large assortment vcrv cheap carpets oil cloths linoleums matt ac wo have the beat assortment of carpet in wool tapestry boussels and union carpet in canada and the lowest prices come and see onr stock and examine our prices to our patronfl and the public- avc have thh season far surpassed our former efforts to obtain cheap goods we are paying cash for them and when we sell we most also receive cash we are making a big effort to do the trade this fall and all our goods arc marked at the lowest caah prices come and buy your goods from lis mcleod anderson co mammoth house georgetown r creech aston butcher shop ii holmes would respectfully inform the pcaplc of acton ad vicinity that he baa purchased the baeiqwa and property of mr c robioson and ia ptepared to supply u irith firstclass meat of all kindf aud pouuvu and gtimt iu iatvti 3 ileal dclircrtd to any prt of town at acv time tt uavinc practical experience ia the batcheriax baainess i feel cot fid tat that i can bait all a call ftiodly solicited eolmes sale iboarp tables mill street aoton is where you onn get firstclass rigs at reasonable ratea food commercial rigs an exprtu delivery wagon will meet each express train and deliver goods w any part of tbe town after the 1st march i intend to do a strict cash business only ascredlt will not pay for bbrle feed or mr jiif where did you get that beautiful china sett mrs jones why attt pbrown oos it ishe cheapest sett i ever bought and they have the most lovely christmas stock sp very cheap too i could hardly keep from buying a great deal more than i did- mrs smith yes ive heard a great many people say they have a magnificent lot of christmas goods and thats where i intend 5 to make my christnas selections this line of business is being given up and the stock of wools braid c will be spl4 at cost boots shoes druystow iotoa oat for mens handmade kip boots olump 80led gall at goodallis fcr mens berlin frostproof boots for mens doublesoled kip boots for mens congress boots fpr mpn bmoralbqpt for indies strong botsp 1 for ladies felt boots for ladies skating boots for misses boots i tor childrens boots for boys boots f qr y q0 indeed toreyery kind ofboote shoesoverejhom bnbbers slippern andeverythins irtalmnk to a firf01a8s boot and shoe bom oall at the agtojs boot shoe hou bwej8v r inv howe and oabtle p ed at moqarvias dtuj store 1 k w u h j-

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