i if f ij 1 i i- tss-fif-i- awci srin cttecjrts5 the stolen custard sofrtwufri diet fcr uuili wv so he hiycrem iulo ibcjlitohi smtcij i cjli iroui itc ytsuy aidariejoi quick vuamiccdvy moucr crtrucn vfciytcl he there co cavc for uiwtctc ihcy bvkt bt ihii cuiurd iooki rich isl jelicioi hot uru ccw it lb m or ihe mice cr ihe ctt fcrcl kt lest ikink theyre irio- the j tuiut livfl tiled up s jel inter uvue cu r ixi nt cf tjon t cu iuul it fz if i eey to cr v hwuhofihilitiiiedkr ai the curtri trsai daunt ore youd tuiul i yih i hriek tl iva ci to dc issjr crtuioj tt cip tcez h tklfld tuirblcj pauri tuj l- civil ut lit- vhe liva lis hvl itbu wivl t cjittl of isulard it li the cuhurtd u louder call dusaic uuruncut is llu cjrnt f bucuupalbn quick compute cure all kimey blddcr and urinary fl druggist- allhyufh u eniurt 1cuuku inky rise to jutiucliuli be will never mika mail sttnsoa lost hip ttrcnctli witfc lus iair a annoying diseuoc his riiouaaiis cf ina iud women halv tutu udi- anl very urt nmiixrt rwtore ll lavages of lime byiuiiai the umoas chi f ten llair restorer 8uld fit 0 cents per bottle by all drufgitu aa0jiy laly of misutt fclaajkd falling fi willi a knife shj prorjilly ftantm to cut k swell skinny mcu vctxw ucuth uenewet h4lli and vigor cures dvp pdtenee sexual liability- 1 a milvcihki uoumi his kepi b liling vritr on tin- binvc fq wtntylvvci yir t30c t blan kets cheaperthan ever at the right house in til tii mid prices iluoci from the talker boufbl forcaali arbeloir tbtirregdlar wboleale prioei n selling oil rery fait and mlremtly low tlie tjualllj i ibc finest aid heatiutdo in canada do iiireand lee ibem belciro buying seven cae to hand andloti more coming knitted wool sonrfi bvn it sqnares tidieiard iiaid sniivli with alar o lot ol vcrysupariorclotlijaoketi dolmans tnd ulslcn ill purclfcd for cih exceedingly oheap tnd lelllng 08 at au tracing rate tlio millinery is 10 new fiiuionahlcatidcueip tbattliousandtotcuitomerierh making very irrgo pure laaes silks juiueehiesilki tbey are greatly reduced in price tbere his 1 lrelotornowwiiiietjinlt arrive j lotcly fronimanchenler fhoyare beaulilulgooii and are marked lo low that tnijhaean immense ale the julievmd henls rj ilttedshirttand inu lrom3c up lo2 50forveiy deilgns a but 820000 worth to lelect from sea and lambrequins lately arrived from the notiiiijlnm 1 and german kid jeitey lined taflatcaiid woolen luh hoiiery arriving at short intervals from the voolin socks from 20c up to i for the best cain dian hoiiory in great variety of oolurs uno qualities cheap j see it kow tickings in this week heavy cheap and good new kidder crumb cloth ai rived last week from tlio british mnkeia and ar offering very cheap bee the little coys nav knittd suit they are heavy and good for he winter the dress floods lute n inihiinj sale jut sen those nlcoerviceablo dress goods in ihe new shsdea at 12jo very superior at 17 and 2ic bul the 21c all woul seige arpf lino mtgood aud vvull wnrth o5 the 35 3j aud 50o dress goods are lit for any ltdy thr right house king slret cut close to huglison slrcet wbere the verandah is down the nimio u indorololhuigorall kinds nd qualities iro going oftat an amaiingrate soe theruby all mens pi es ofosnis knli superior eicolcli maca carped for the million irom 12jc uemp up to the belt live frame brussels in the very lalet d the new carpels by all mesiis before buying they are selling oifat wholesale prices a new slock ol uce curtains am makeis lourhl for cash and soldat t very small advanceoa the sterling coal soveramiiptiienli of now british french 1 ulivosio hand atelj direct from the tukers all bought for cash and sallingofial the very lowest prices piles of brili leicester nukdrs ai various prices from 5oaway uplol12i for the very best fine cascmere uose see thogen vo tuc life ol tuc yonnc man vfikivi if you liieau to rvtomii- btic liu mid avhere iu spend yunr uigbu ilno light often destroys a imj file tue icatlage of tin uigbt kc the djy funvcreiuptv night i ains uiivesiini tiniti more tin und time ri coumiiltej mono uigbt thn in alptuu divs of ihe vretk tliis a imre vuprially tvue of the city thin of th eountrv tu street liiui like t hi ofjfihiers vruii torch in hind fttiv- txr in lon lines on ritucr sirvk tlio udy colored trans rtnenchs iic tiiuzi with attractions the sxions and bilard halls are bill liantfy iliunjinited music eeads fortl its tuchantujent the jay cotupanv begin to gxther at the haunts aud hrnjrs cf pleasure hr- rails of dstnic- irarc ciriirc heiltli honor liappi e ad lhom of tiiouuds oi tic ilirlint ud perils kti1 i jf td n- x iiindut jjd ilikcr and uioiv -iltic- itti restores ptii im tkt tleof r thtj pail r tu scsid burglatf i i calvcrtt carhouc ccrm try it fur iaiicj liamli tit tlurus hnnies u t t car- ouc aclilhdlralc ll will ejrx any scne irlknullniutlttlmrailinslall cill at j t mdmirvliv l slorc iul ft a lfcfcic tvveutv live am imill it c k ttvlliin lis mlltvd iillt brciktieirln-u- it i1 a lolitcr u- ol v lii cliivt tuthtr eproutiu nuiiiiiu iy a i ujvuiy iu its pltlc chijng alii- kic to their wtrtr a- vcll as 1 1 llilir will to aid you in choosing a remedy for bojvelt liver ud kidney disease uy kiadeyvvort and jou will never regret il if you ire eutjct to uc vou mujt lie euie to keep your liver ijoscis and kidneys in good irc condition when eo jon will be sale irom uatt lltmill llv hhlssi thomas c watkins hamilton ulscu tiltll rnc iv uiitu 500 eevard we viil ayilio atxivtf reward furnuy ca- orltver cllupultit iyfpvij kick head urtit hidlcshmi ttintllpauor or cauc uctt w ctiikit curt villi hcjiv vcclttlti- llvcritills wiicu tup alircilonntirity conipr vrltii tucy rtre ntirclj vcjcrlu ind rasver ill lo civp u ruchi coalcl lrc toxckcfliiialnine n illu ciil for h nil dnicli ilcwure nf euuufhv in jinlliimn tlif cinilm mniiircitircl otrli b inlisc wi si cn tiiprlll muic- nmakluemk-iti- roiln if ftrr triiil iu zt cm by nitil liriuii ci rrcouluru cim hlitip 4 kofed but totitled wgjiak hutr drcsiiqi and slimviiir neatly cvccatcl hair wlnakcrt or mautuciic dyed auy hatc tkiirvj irict- iiiojcratc nh fadica hair dressed clcacacd and dyed aay color sciioam shiinpooind curling fluid always ou baud jl trade jourtal tves eervia iarjt picc corailrel very phi tfait crt thi ui in our icout ptci vfranii srcss siirc- cin ttei riit- khiatx u rarc rxjittlut to tt er wu uit tiircviioss or prc- vtd barlii may be j to tiidic rrhu ule f dont wiat r lt iuthjtfir vi ut oliiv imracd dinasltbat wiijt aitc futter- him ctctaaly r trw u baataa cw1 la dirt ualrkwluhand ctkntwialj bftng tr comblip all work done in the atct style a call aicitcd parlor in matthew block mill icct aci tut llszott anl ciorc ground and set w kelly hairdresser ui lire lnvf xi5 iiiriiu i ailii o in oir cities ia a jtrfc r uptii and 1vsm uiiiwe ns fetitrt bick witii oi inuo u-trsr- lmliua tid in acm by i i mrii a tniii icrirvi tor r lilnrrite bn sbill bv loiijauion o niy btait itiy bivd my 1 a liiuiidic fcr tic titualum rrij 1 iuit n to ixlu- attthini about viu la or iiirt ln b w bi i- t c a uvingtin ilittyille ont sys i ltve miivh pleisure iinreconi- mending it fnin kcicr c il trom hing jo t r mysell and having said i for inie vm in iuy vvnciie i mil say for it thu it is me lit preanuiju i have ever tiied for iheumstsm why ijli l- slreatnac vinug nitn ayf tilinage ill me ioiv nd u you rjkiid your t veii- tlis-thd- i v iil vlie u tiifchl tf un ebiirncr1 nndfulire destiuv and l iis to in- rt yoar lvmes it sccius to iu n uppiojiritc txt would tir watchmmi whit of the injhi l p ucliiin rcmg thy tiait nat ut the nighr whit sre th- youn men of the cty dob at night i where do tiiey rd their evenings i who are thcir isociites vhit ait tieir haidte where do they go in nd what tinie do yuu see them come out policeriii sronld the night life of young iteu commend thtm to the con 6dencs bf ttiir emtiloyere would it be to their creoit mike i record of the nights of one wtek i put iu the morning piper the rutnsi of all the- young men their babiti and biunts that tre or the ttreet for sinful jikisurs would not there b confusion i i spliin do n- circuia aj it oiy k v iir irjlgist u li j wi price ifllk iruica salrc iiiu iritlj lie i dr ill ifvu cuil- erjpticn- it isguaran i schoolboj- ott corns corns aie of two kinds vejcubla trui aninial vegetable cora grows in rows aud animslogm grows on toes thero are strerai kiudi f coin there is tiit utiicoca capricolu jkjp corn corn doogerc tield com and the coin which is the corn your feet feel most it is said 1 belieire that gophere like com but arsons having corns do not like to go fur if they can help it coras live kernels and some colo uris hare corns vegetable corn grows un tiie ears but animal corn tovra on the feet at the other ead of the body another kind of corn is tbe icorn thi growe on oaki bat there isr uo hoaic tbout the cora tba aoom is atcomj with an indesnito article added try tt and 6e many a man when l has st com wishes it was an acorn folk that have corns sornetimts send for a doctor and if the doctor himsele ts corned btjirodably wont do so well as if he isnt the doetoc jayg- corns are produced by tight boota and eiuxs srhicdi is probably thersason why vrben man is tight they say he is corned if a fsrruer manages well he can get a good deal of corn on an acre tiut i know of a farmer that has one corn that makes the biggest acher on bis farm the bigger crop of vegetable rs3rn a man raisss the better he likes it but the bigger crop of animal corn he raises the beuer he does notlike it m s romeli that hare beea pronoancad incurable by the ejeit physicians hare been completely cmed by lydia e tiukhaintt vogeublecompouud bdiyi re diagcroas particularly ia kidney diaeaiea eo take at ooce df yul butos sta07 our and obtain relief from all yoa r suseiia yoor druggiet keeps it sold ia icton by mcoarvin houzh on rau cletrf oat nu mltx roaclea lliee topuft he qviffrtt lsttcklca lt iesi ic in the rorlti tur tuli brussoc- ik-rr- u rlituhi kerer jiet letcr ciiapped hnd bbtu cumi ii ill mdii xnj ouivtly lves piics eeea to ie pertect sstisfiicitoa money reiunaet ince 15 cents per bde for sale rt j mcjarriui drug fctore cicff4lc iuuvj kl1 klouti iu cue j ucciiou fct i- hiit ecacvcr ulich i rtttrts i v bur t i iitutil tjjor by a few tttcks c ii t trl r p uiile i by ill dug ee attd c omfart to cuemtterfnf brokn s household pacicec lias no equal for relieving pair both in ternal nd erternal it cuijes fiih in the side iick or bowels sprfl throat hheumatisn toothicbe lumbago and any kirni ol a kiin or ache it will tcot surely quicken tiiubiooji and heil is its lxting power is onderful browns iiouzioll pinatfea being 3kg0kldr4ietbegrtineeierer and of double the sirength of my other elixir or liuiment m tae wojrld should be in every fiiaily handy for use yhen wsdled as it reiilyis tha bestreoiedj in the trorld for cramps in tlie stomach id pains and aches ot all kinds andisforfale by all driggkrijilt 25 cent a bottle i holliicne pn nfjrvoia debility rko part of the hacian machine re- qcirea more watching thka he nerrous system ijfjoa it hidgs jhealth and life iuelf these pillj are the best re- guutort md etrenctiiaoreotthenerres and theiet eneralpurifire xiee headtctie giddine- nambaeisj and mental apiilhv vield to tueci they dispatch in a ejimary malner those distressing dyspeptic eymptjomt stom achic piins fulness at jth pit of the stonnch cbdonsinl distention and overcome both caprlctoui appptites and condned bowels the commonly nccom- panyinp sins of defeciile dr uerangad nerroue power holloiayk pill are particulary recommandei tn persons of studious an sedentary habits wbo pnviu ally sink into a nerrous andl debiliuted iute unlets m tuchj reitoratire be occasionally taken il- kbrrt u i r4 ui t i itrr xiu t piat- tajr- cf ljtmv be tbx li ciikt lzaui tt burt trujiirje2tu wrjcltc h irtne of fcr rrwrceu c to i her sic lrdtuai lo tlp bf iirrt ii urfu wttftpeoiliivre wtla t rcrt la ccc tr mt bcrisj in rprkl bda c iiertsf cr jcy it nsue fnxa l kcr vivrtbl crxnzd u t mtiil f sr t til a- xu rvxvwc i ttre rrfcat tarrrvifilci li iai cacitflod cf ti irsii cf hit c imccst ot i prcrta owsrij it u rt ie4i tai rfw t thb f jrtigim la li eooattt d rajr i it wrrfci lik k chtrai asi t mri fia tt ti rr tatirtly lie wnt fena cl fitac ef i tttt- lrtsrtfcaa irwtrijlf aad puaftl cixrux z hxilr jt d k7arsnnt sd ti mi jltackuccrtlife it pttrbkjkttrrx rrilrrcrtinnies titrttt ar life til ifr tt rrsjt t- citka- itiatrfn 2 cnltl2r t jtisrdiir tad n utr tr kk tt lt ftaatciu it km boafisc hiiilm rr- m tfttfstsgt ttixfticf veijf dcnaiaiiis ltfcci fa attrf ptsksaaxr cci ij- ir w it ti it wj ix i eafrr til ctx30haae k la itvtairj trt ttt ut ital fen um fcxk r7rt n ccf cs x pr bgtt cr tlx tor it tii u kli it tfrvczftx ast ltfc rliirl i to tpwcic ow lii llibjjmc aaar litt bc rtftcr ls pcct taaiifcrit bjitftt vv ccnrzi cut 1- cio4 hriirif jcnt v rtaspf- nt at b lcsm ia tna icul t edttlt ctaseijizl cf ffar ki lift ecs id i ifa piaiiaai u tat ttx fi4 boru cr lie cvt of orcrj z kwi u4 tts41t cf tt uttt eer fficoi rvldar worts vmden la it rij uae ud udi fxl- ihsnjt twpct bar u ia iact cf icinrr t aabttso fa ta do rotd tc oc baegains os buggies and democrat wagons speicht son nve i number oltiuw and tiftclas buggies tud demoerut wagons loft over above ticir orders ion the seaon and are prepared to dispod of them at a coiifiderable reduction foe cash tlio miiphiis stock must bo sold to make room for winter stoek and bargains will must decidedly lie given those who require rig- of any kind shuuld give us a call you know our make of rigs call inl mc tlicni j iood stock of furniture and ttndertakiiig sup plies us usual j a speight manager kendalcs rspavin cure is kl iwii roo x0hak9e a ea ol dyspepsia or bllfotijniess for is cents it li awftulj natrise to aproiilze an- derthemany atlm eat a arising from dyapcpsla indigestion disordered iirar whejjt thlj offer u maae to you la yptir own bonw la all sincerity with aa jabsolut certainty of otrineyott zopes a firom brapl enre dyspepsia and eilionjsiieas a ingle dose relic vea a sample bottle co avinces la 70 cent bottle enresv it act directly nbon the stomach liver and kldseyf cleansing correcting beg- alatlnff zopesa slrei energy and viia to the brai i nerve and muscle simply 1 ry work lng wonders npoa tt e dlfjes- tloa and tjlvinff ac tlvlty to the liver cat this oat take it to any dealer la medicines and net at least one 75 cent bottle oi zopesa and tell your jeighbor now it acts it is w irranted to care dyspepsia tnd bil foobvcb c photo w hill the ho sacctfbl renirdj ever iwwt- cd ks ii v re ruin in u z c ami d- roi tilitter ke ij prfjf efivju kendalls spavin cure free m oii t tiuio jar ah 1i urb jkfs-uaflicu-deru- ttiinfc it rar duly to render you my tunnlcvfor ut bneflt auj proctf vrliicn i jave derived from 3eur invalcible and far fam d spavin urt my ecus n and i tad a valnablc ul- uoarorth w wbfcti liiil arerybid rpavin and wat jironoacced by fur eialneci-velcr- 1 nary surjtont beyond rny crtt lliftt lbe elorv- was done fur ever an lis rosor i adrlsfld my eoctin to try a fcottle of kec- dall hiatt cure it hrd a magical effcci the bird bottle cured l aih the hor i- nf well n e ever dr diet of mnrrgliibc em- inent vclerinry ptrpci i rr mcle oi mine and lute real lukret in knir 111- proiejian vodrv irnv jsxi x rirs i civil kniiicer kendalls slivlx ttre uanampi ilurcli lviu l7v dh h j kinnauicieeiabofcift year hcj i fell mbe read crio tome let and was badly bcrt lu lue up joint which eauw- j ras mach uflerlt i tri varioc r medio bcl none are mere lief cnilt i trfei tveidiuv spavin cure l applied it fniu irccjib ric aday for aboli iwoweeltr dune um octo ber and it effected a pertect cure- i liive vi nee lieu tieou wh aud fro from lame uc ills very aluable orratu a well a- haat vorf truly cueti k uufis scldajjrtssfcrllatritcacircnanrhcl vre tii lit ivcs- positive proof of iu vlriue- na rcraejy lias ever met villi such uracil fiedeccc- m oar fcnwielpo fof beat a well us nirai price f 1 ier botlkor tiz boiicfor ii ah urusci iave il or can get it for yon nr it will be u to any aidret ou reccft of price hv hie rroirietor dr is jkixpalli co exonirt fall vi mmmmmwtm br ui motral pcwltloa of lt un eotstmta th sut tod tb wst by tin sbortmi rout and mt ne pumoftr wltoput hanae ofean btttwetn ducat o nd lanaa ctjt cooaeu slsflk ltmtts worts atehiton jliaampoua tad l pat it ocascia in unioa depot with all ti pnndpil lircacf road betwen ihe auaotlotnd tin fuiflt ocena iu eqtupmtot u asriralad aad mtatiifl- c2t thrtsx ooepoaed of uott oomforula aa4 bauuful dtr coacbe vcnlflmhl hortoa e- kiuar chair car pujlnaaa prtttleat alu filf ifpujff cera and uie beat zaac of dtnln on ia ia world thrm traiaj between csieaco and jiiiaocn biver poia two trajn twtwaen cbl- eco arj mjzeapohi and sx purt tha famooi albert lea route a jw and plroct lie via bsraees tad xaaia- kfcuxs reoircuj- b opaed bctwtan eicbmond k3rfsuswtcrt hews chatucioo atlanta aa- ruata kaabnte ltiistliie lexiaaoa dacimau ladiaairola and lafayette aad omajsc juaaaap- clia ai si paul asd uiiariaedlaie point ail thrrc jaa2fiet iraal co taa zxprett traisa tisatrufcr ut allpriaaptl tislel oscetia cse uciid 8utea aad canada baccafs cckod iirouh and rat of far al waji aa law u compcutvra tlu qtttt 1m tdtui- ujtea forletai2 lsfcraalon pet die ktptthd fold- r island route xi 73sr sparest nalce osc ct utdrm 0 cable c st john viptj t g ra 1 til tut aft chicago irj mm oil bssbheumatism freemans worm powders are ci- 11 iic cvrlais their owa tiir i sife kre ai- fittxrtaaj i t rr cf irnj ii c ca dt adult pimples artrst acton -it- mlils ji nii 1 kidneywort 18 a sure cure i or til dihtht of th kldner liver haipcciiaicin liu cat tprt jf i cjaa rr 1 is itrow cucrriiitt ai k i jivt rtstlulis ttebfilux ccrrsa ct qui biltf tad frr fcccplij the biwc it jr- i i m9l3ri3 siptavtttrclii wcrlwclerj- nusetideiliily cur i 1 a- old br dr pr 1 1 kdc1sywort is iilrcady liciv and ihiud with new sceiiiit mid apparatus to malco ilioturaphs of all kinds ojiil to tlioc of the cities 1 notliing is more ujeeptame to a frioud lor a christiiia prtieot than a firstclass photo neatly framed and o w hill can make them or you mot satirfactorily see sanjpiu- in sbovr tvindow first prize obtained for photos wherever shown a stock of fiatiks ifottjes fcc on hand for the holiday cull and see i viw mil krro lle iccilo for k j ui i i voffetable bal2n th will rennve tan fiecjdes flmplet vuj xuolciies uvirt l tfch oft clear n i bciuvifl i so ln- tractions for rnadnclrpltielcrcn hi f rowt of uftlr on a ijld ltau or smooth uc a- dress i nclosint 3c pump ben vandeli co l2birclarst xy to consumptives tbe advertiser mviijncn permancniij cjredonhat drerj diteaeoiumriac b a lape remedy ianineiomafee tnciri lohla fellow tustrer the iacani of cure t- all who do re n he will send r copy or tl prcscrtpltoc cs4 tfre of ehanre vriiu itv dirfchon preparilif an j injllie samr which they will tnd a sure core for couglu colds cflosmptloii astlnna broncluui n it mlt t t kakles wintii ue prrrri win w tt miedu ktddrinere a vilsliipenr igu wmuumsburgxa ifall opening fau opening this week af the- manhoo east end clothing store cm how lost kow restored vojjvrrfii 11 plmifclnhuucw tdiitin of li r calveruclta cclc- 15jj- hraterf ivaj- on tii niiical and clliej ofxvrvu-it- li- bllly vttialn ihjfic- ailcciiciiitapedliqtiiiof marriiigeeic vtri u catii en ope- only ij jet e ortwulktuje flaop- tne pfiltbraletliubor inllis iiditrb- etiay clearly dpnansirikk frfi thirty yrar tutceftui prclxc tiitalarnilnici- uence may be radjcilj cured trimotii iti- dfinkcrouf ncof intern j mejlcjirsor the- use oil be kdfe injntinyoal n mde of rare clonef iinpje ctrtaln xnd tffectuubv means f ivliieii every fiifferer no matler whathla condiilonmav- be may curcliimtei cheaply privalcly uud radlcnuv thb lcctare tliojld be iu the band oi everyroutli nl every tnaa in tbelaud atldrtis the cttlvcrwcll jccdtcal co i tan s sew york f6tlofiee uoy i ro gauflon bach plug f t he myrtle navy is marked as great earo lias heeu tnken in the election of fall good the public will find that the stock af tliceat end clothing store sur passes anything heretofore exhibited in actoii over 200 pieces from which to select including a lurga range of scotch tweeds of beautiful design a large assortment of fa tl hats caps iu all the newest stvles just to baud j fyfe -our- t ik bbonze letters none other igeauine 1000 forfeit havlugttjeuunostcualldcncc m lishuijer- i lurfly overall otuefbtind pfter tbauaitjid cd tests of tbt- most emijllailed mid everel j cakca vre coald find vre feel jtuilfled tu ofler- ingr to forfeit one tuoasand dollars orany j case nfcoufrfcoldfi norf ibroar influntn 1 boarbeuei donchltla eousnmutlon jn iu early tdages whooping coogii mid all dls- fcaaeaoftbe brontand lungi except astbm lor wblch wftonli clojm relief that wecaoi cure with wests couth yrup wben takn according in dlreiinng kamrle bottle- flddjdcflnu urj- baitlesonedollar genuine wrappennlyln bla kold by almrnctelfu or lent by exiifewon ferip ofnrle jobk d wzit aco1 81 klny h erm toronto obt j -l-i- millinery and mantle e00ms 1 are jjfow o505 full blast our exhibition consists of the newest and freshest styles of wgs usual and tlc must extqiailc sbuvr of flowers irbei tu4iwal she p city and country invited to znspeot i ahotr n sjipoiki lot of black t oelorad jaoksyta much lower than prices blice yelveteens broche vbltets cheap gtjblph worth their weight in gold h0ll0ways c u vf- itssidi aid j tlzi facijli or ads it is eliy ut tev tiiu ainatcjr liraicea izi mit o afierobyiii kxtaie2 r wz svith medicine c y 15sltto7st hchtitbat and troy ny pfucf- 25 cts sold evtryvhere vfm wopmfemdk bufdol rloob will cure or relieve biliousness oizzwess dyspepsia dropsy- ihdigestion flutterih0 jaumtce of the heart erysipelas acidity of salt rkeuu the sjomatih heartsurft dryness headache of the skih and evef stos v diseasa trisin from sisordcrd lves kidssys stomach dowels or blood t milddrhlc0 okays specific helicle the great eiifiluliiumedy an hlfitiii evijreforeiulnl venfciio spernialurrnf a impoitpy d all disease n a iiow as a eidenee of slftbrse a ley of mem- nvlniershl laitudeprln iulhc baev dimness ol vis ion freiuaiure ld age and before tlkine- aany oiher nieaes that kad io iraii4 or con cm p lion grfcil paiicnr in oar rinjulel whici t l- dc- vcry o j7itj eiicir- iiold ty tv di- pills 01xtment this ixcolfpaluble xedicisl ha tcfrcd fur ujf an liuikrlthal- iol lrvvgkwi tic wvvll f r v alkrlailoa and i jri- cculz tkik ltsayiy li hiir rthe pills purify regulate aud improve ha quality oflhe blood they assist the digeslire orgiu3cleansn the stomach and bowels increase the secretory powers of ihe liver brace the nerrous sfstem an throw inlo the circulation the purest elements for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persons have testified tuat by their use alone ihey have been rssloed to health and tirecglh after stery oiher fneahf ivad jrqred unsuc- cessfui riil- 1 il co is pactc for 5 or vri bci fce by inal nr li t-ip- of l rccucy b id dressing tho gray llcdleine co after xaiing toromo out canada oid lr j k mkisrvinuroffylsl aetod the ointment mill be found invaluadle in every hous- hbld in the cure of open sores hard tumor st logs old tounds oouffiu- coldssore throau bronchitfs and all disorders of the throat and chest as also gout jjeun3atisni scrofula and ovary kiad of slsin diceasa ilanufatttored oniyat professor hoi- lojrays esubluhtnent 533 0yfofti stfieet london aod sold at la ii 2a 9d 4a 6d 33a and h3s each box an4 ou ft jn cnpada at 3p cents 9u cepu apd sj50 aul le larger sifea in proportion fccauriok i have no ateotin the united states nor are my medicines sold there furchflera should thbjfefore iokto the label on the pols and boxes ittddrffia u not 533 oxford street laop thy are epunous the ivade matfc of ray said ajediclnes is registered in ottawa and also at washington signtd thomas hollo waxv 433 oxford street london dr iiw uarrviuicf vultuitary lf by overfs overiniulpj caet yicif ukill uno dollars sci trnaiantee s each on3tf eimrarii il purcbasr itie money nel t avp llkalstrtay- jier n euirantetu jpeiqc for uysierui urriqtiscuviiisiousfhjs xervoasneuni- ci lieadai he nervocs piotrallon caused oy the tie if alcohol or lobpect waitiaj- n meuf i peproilon softenids rt th tirnlii rtu uugtn insiufty and leftdina to misery dec yanddeaib preixatare old aei loss of power in either sex in sesaca spf rtuntorrhoxicaued cn of ths brstd selfabuse or cce one box will eure recent x comaius one months treat- oilrra box crtix bcxes for five t b tia on receifti price- we x toios lo cjre oy caw with received by us fo- six bcxetta- wliu flvedollars wcwid senil ihe ili 1 rnwl ur rrutp gurriplee to refabll i r e treatment does sot effect a care guartiniees lsued only by j e xuv gakvis- le atubrrfetd apeut for acton ort jon c vit4 cv bole proprietor toromo out ir nocueeipppati a local aad consritutiotul treatment tq duuoct mcdidcet o acxiog od uk nuo pusafu head tilroat aod lunfs the othtx en the unr kldmil and blood instantaneous economical safe radical tjieatvent sold bv all druggists priqe 70 ct lfot fooad vatisfinory tta piict paid will be refunded sane chronic or obfti- nate cues of ioq ttuidir my rcxraire trom ihrt to tu pickct lo tffea a pennaneqt core ililin montrealxftoxn t- t li j ili i