Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1883, p. 2

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ff ims tiur5div molsjusu fb 8 1s84 onuri ltgtslatarc tlo laal mtioa af tho oiirtli pili- r ment o this praviuce ni brought u close tut tuurwujv it is inoouncwl tint tuonouiiatioiiofcddiklaforllic proviucul lagisktua will tats place ti tlie 20tli iiibt this is aliovt notice bat his uio advinligo lliat tire contest will to toouerbtetv the grain ttov fije monlrettl utfv iu naditoiil bearing ou the griin mori sajt last rears crop was probiblv the largest vei fielded by lh etrth the euro- eancrup was more than in average line while ia no part of the world w there anr conspicuous failure the crop in america wka almost unprcce dcuted the agricultural buieiu places ilie wheal riald of the uoitcd tlales at tire htiudred aud ten million bualitls or cuht- ffiilliou mort thaa m 487s fcrs uiilliou bualiois more liiau feist9 an j fitsv million monnhaa iu if icrarf uiaim is pucej at xl tuii ii i isij i- lci i li lt yc ra inf u- ci iim tro hundred aud sn- lulliiou- ututrr u- crop vc 18s0 citwas cop ia msj very large it is uu much wonder that price are very low in vier of the good crops all around unlets the european floods have interfered i more serioualy with arming operations in eatope than has bean reported or ietnethiue occurs to make the crop prospects for next seasou very poor prises will probably continue try low ibt bn renewed b lht secretary of the buard candi the finance cuiuai tteo pieientcd uieir first report tecot intending pay beat of the followiug u counts fbomu moore salary fur oan mj83 mix baitcdo 2j00 miss grant 20s3 mrs adams c5 jainea drown wood 00 u i moore adv fnrlcac icr chh gt ji liiag insuriu j school rcpcrty wtt moved by d ueiulttiou secoudtd by j e sicoarriu thtfl tho goaucc report be addopted c irried mr i ii mcairenccouiu for wood traa referred to lbs property committee moved by james mouie eecouded by k sictlarviu that the secictar tdvertisc foi teudets for the ofliec of caretaker of the schoo for the emevut year said tenders to be received up tc the utli inst carried jlovcd bv v h storey sacouded ijj james moore that he chairman be instructed to purchase ho newest and ixtt map of onurit obtainable larried upon motion the bojal adjuuiued p ml wnimwii u mi i rockwood news ja ttaolajr c tiling aothr flail a few weeks ducb we referred to the appeal of tbe liscsnsed victnallars throogutheiroigaiiue tjcvpvavouj started a business wh 30 n uli ihe lo witatss tlie ul klld miwi li u uluui a paui lindl iac her janidi iieihudim climpij ia this tillage wa tiliui wan cuiziuh t a b lvp a k ujiil minn iioiim of tac sway tae biidetuiitii ere ilisaea brooks and smith aid ioonmas mr f duuuat kv u spathlj mifoim jd the cereuiouy tue hapjiy pair hare lbdbest wishes o tae community for til possible wedded happiuess a social was huld at mr wo ilsrasey nevr eden mills on tuesday evening in tho interests of the ilxkwood presbyterian sabbath school i i which proved very successful this promises to be the fin t of a series of isociais by members of be congregation n aid of the library fund messrs mcmillan fc poole have coir jnenced the maufacturelof knitted goods if all kinds in the pre irises known as ijie iockwood acadtmv aud have the residence of ch iu a pro bability will btcome one of considerable piapiitude tbe mdusty will no doub prove beneficial to the village com rrir in which arm was evinced lest tbe jjcott act wdcld be earned in the counties of middlesex elgin an 1 oxford and tbe cities of liondon and st thorras and urging tliesuppptcrs of the liquor traffic to ftrtnuous action the pciu- cipal moers inicng the wlistey ruity are tidcntlv ven tuuch afaiincd at the i hah ocnclvct rcsjkiasiblc fcr tbe en 7 illi txprcl by ctrreiksaenu scott act movement aud the iteue of the lirrjci- following the one above referred to coniiiiuk the verj ranicst appeal giveu below we again urgb dion the trade in corrcsiondcncc vvujc wc ire alwjys miilicj to cu oar eolaemi to cuminciiicalioi on aay tsbjects of interest to our readcrij wc do not in sny tiic elcctfouv elgin middiesexiantl oxford and iu the cities of loudon imd st thomas whf re the scott act will shortly be submitted to leave no iitone unturned in opposing iu introduction ltl tie trad com- meuce uoiv aud not wait until the ere of the voting to bring all the force of argument- and tha jweight of personal influence agaiustjtbe act wlrrcverbti w s scot t act kcurer i- it a ical gtnthmaa who cu p oii to die auiience the resuiu oleudeavdnn to create sobriety ry priliibitorr measarei this bringing fcc vc aiili the tmptrrence lector r ljcii titiemeu 1nr f referable to l ijoi n ikid suvocate to coutest i o 1 the question tlie trade hd bette waken up to the fact that a strong crsuade is going jto be waged against tiieir interest and now is he imo to check this attempt to fores uiou the people prohibition the above paragraph will no doubt be read with considerable amassment at the very great lixiety and concern evinced by he tirade who are so solicitous abou t he retult of endeavor ing o create sohrfety by projibtory measmes the trade ia certainly an organization which would be alarmed at the result of prohibitorr measures uiaxtir sir john a mcdonald who luiu is lushed by tho dominant fixuich party of cjitebeo province tbli luticr umieuiontjs amply proved by tbe uuiittdco of sleasrt mouuwu and m son tvhe laia down thfl conditions upon which wit could oxilt with tho gov ernment at ottawa one of thot conditions was that the ontario boundnryaward should not be ratified unless quebec itcetrod an equivalent electors of hultoo halt nnd ponder wisely lht condition are oii goiug lo be diculcd lo bv the people ot an other pi oviuce who lavs always shown the ekm hiao of selfinhnoss in giving oouiuio lcr just dues and who bate been improvident with their owu re aouiccd aud are now on the edge of rut til have wo not as a provinoe hem bird enough in limes past for the iiviliiwx of ulliem 1 are we 10 cou uaue suckling the leeches 1 1 trow not then tally and cast your votes in favor of mrmowal who ihuslar has stood and battled bravely for tho province of onuiio and her just rights aud who will continue doiut so uutil victorious j d xttaujtey teu i 83 i business brevities some faeta about our bnatneaa kea and flooaes of benefit m ear xoaeral roadore f the tleclorti of lo express my tvtu if fa- i i delu fcic ai om elalton i would like opinion in reeviid lo he forthcoming cuulest not only in our on county but over the prutmcx- well satisfied witb the candidate rbo was brought forward by tha liberal oonvention hvld at milton on the 2clh january last dr ilobemon justly deferred tnc nominatk nt tbe liberal paitv of 1 nig i micvv uiiafull duttt diiil ije past four yers lo lc beu ot his amiuy ro that not even ihe u at ile hznus halton hav- discharged all liuiei ut malice cvuld ahten u cbaie ot wrongdoing kgamst jim as regards hii leg uie or lanvt career liieri pai ty hlui in cither in tie hiiic mktters as the dr kobertson board of education four yeare ao aud elcciwj him so now thy mu4t staad by u ai for he baa been tried and fouud to be true no only to he liberalparly but to liber al principles and as a supporter of an honest government upon the last ground he should teceile lie support not duly of all liberals but of all fairminded conservative that are uot sunk in the deptlisof tpry partyism the first and most leading question of the approachiug opntest is tle boundary award there was a time mr editor wher the conserva tive oppoeition under the leadership of mr meredith shone with some brilliancy aud that wis when they stood shoulder o shoulder with mr mowatand his aupporlers and voted iu favor of tbe following lesolution jvided a remedy tor those special dis- the first meeting of the jjoard of rtich was passed iu ihe legislative c1uc lla8 lft v r i i ucceoded iu compounding tits celebrat trustw of acfou school divisiou was j assembly on the the jril march 18s1 ed rills and tliiitment which embody bulk oyslets by the quart at the excvlmut bibiy e kicklin ejson mats iroui 5 cents lo 25c at j fylei fur ciioc and ciieaji plumes go to hujics i guleus acton a good felt hat for 75 cents at j fjtes if you wnut a nobby durable and eneap suil j iyles i the place to go all kinds of lulics dollars ooiist ettes and ties ut ifughes ii griffins acton frcslioyslers by be quart constant ly on band at lie excelsior bakery aden scotch english und canadian suiting ill ijfet variety at the kast tad ciolbiullilri j tvfc acton iliigliis t grifliu sell mens fine straw hals at oc and npward fine christy stiffs at i1 50 newest styles shilohs catarrh remedy a carveloucean for olitrrh plputberta caufccr moatli and head elic wuu caca boltlc uutl is an injpnioufc nrml injector for uieniorc ncciful lrraimnlcif ilfe com pulu without cxlmchar price weeotj tiom tiv j k mcoirvl n fortiv tr hiialrn a tilood purify- iitg corcpocml r bcrba root barkj and bcrtks all lincly ground anl ready for use lns i cents per jctic titinmm j very fine mtt- your tecu wlilte a mine iry tcanciti and you wilt tee 1 1 if- uot tut us tatd lo ue cntttulle climax lye salve and oint- mcat tounuin o healtb and hopes rajro latin ills lcr ac by j e wcganrin acton audiencril tlorcs tbroabout the country v iioiol iiiulj u cotuidercd com- pltfc- aitliest a bottle of vlu lv bnulvs kltl t i ii iu tie cloi it ia the only rtujd tbat rill pjsitively permaa- intli nil yinitnijlly cure 1 fornn of kidney lucre sold by j k mrtjarviu viliy sbould a ami wbosc blood ii warm ttitbin si libc li vialidre culin alabaster or it bii bairttuw msty scant and thin witn ticllcsc kcnewer will make it row ibe faster for sale by j e jfccania a card to all who are settcring fruuj tbe errors and indiscretions of youth liervona a-eak- ce- tally lcty loss of tnanbcod cie i will tuu a jccira tbat will care yoa fkee of cittnrr this treat remedy was die covered bv a misaiooary in south america send a telfaddreaaed eavlope to tbe rev josrru t iviuiv station djiac iortcuv ilr t cvellschraistandilrugglst toit coibnmeonl writes sorthrop lymans vejeuble jjucorery and dyspeptic cure sells well and gives the best or satisfaction forali diseases of the blood it never fails to root out all diseases of ibe system cures dyspepsia liver complainl ic purifies the blood and will make jou look the picture of healib and happiness csarerfs carbolic cerate tbe finest healing compound under the snu tbcre is no sore but will saccamb to its wondefnl healinf properties it is ao invaluable droxdiufr for cuta burns bruises pimples scald lioils leateringi etc price twentyfive ceuts at j y mcgar tins drag store mr blenry ilreliall reove of dunn writes some time afoigot a bottle of northrop k lymans vegetable sis covery rem mr uarnson andlconsider it ho vary best medicine extant for dyspepsia this medicine is making marvellous cures in lirer complaint dyspepsia icin purifying ibe blood and restoring manhood to full vigor uouoxca pilu ami ointment disease of voraen medics i science in all ages has been directed to alleviate tbe many maladies incident to females hnl professor llolloway by diligent study and attentive observation waa induced lo believe that nature bad pro for tul- kiqhey8uver urinary orcanb te beit blood fl itlfleb there is onur one nry by which any disease ean be oured and that la byremovidc tbe eaumwhalarer ii maybe rnerreal medi cal ant hcrttlea of the day declare f ha l nearly every disease ii earned by deraased kldaeyi or liver to restore the therefore 1 the only way by which health eaa be secured here is trhere wakmkb 8aricoaa has achieved its artatrfpuu hon jtacu direct ly upon ibe kidneys and llvr and by rnaclnj them la a healtby eoodltlan drivee disease and pain from the yitm for all kidney liver and uxjnary troubles for the dlstreaa- tns dlaordiriivof womeni for ualarla and physical troubmscenerally this rreit rem edy has noequal kewareof imposlorir im itations and ooncocuoni said cj be just aa ood i cor luabeles ut for warxxh bath uia- ttes cm a for tale by all dealers it h wakvek co torbtaaobemrrfylojidoti suite and overcoals at extremely low rates aud made ia latest styles be lure to call and tee them j fvfc acton mcquillan hamfltou of the welling ton marble works guelpb ont arcdoinj the largest retail marble trade ia ont ow ing to the act that they do the beat work and sell the cheapest the public are warn ed uaiaat dealing with second hand trade peddlers bot should e direct to the firm or bay from their aeente see that the name mcquillan hamilton is on the printed form before yoa siffu or order tbe aalekest tblstf on record is krami fluid lightning for earalgia headache toothacjie elc 1 does not blister or discolor tbe skin rehires but one application to banish all paiamagically without using any greasy lioimei or carv ing your bead in a poalijoc for weeks try a twentyfive cent bottle from j k mc- gtrvin llrugglst oh what a cough i will you heed ihe wariiuf the f ha perhanaofthe sare approach oflhal most terrible disease cootamptlon ask yoar selves if youeaaauordfor me sake of saving soeenu lo ran ibe risk and dn nolhina for 11 we know from ernerlenee thatbbilobs cure will cure your coneli 11 never fails tbls explains why more tluii n million bot tles were sold ibe past year i relieves roup and whcoplnpcongli at once mjc- thersdonru he withontlt for lame ftact hide or chest use sthilobs poroo piaster 8oldlxe ucoarvtn le met leal- all 4 in gtaclph tie oldoit drug store in guclph tbt cbitpeit srujr storo in onolph tae htntuometrt iruff store is duoljo smiths drug store is the best plnoc to buy anything voii requiru in the dnitrlinc we have the largest stook the most reliable goods at tlio pricea we keep all the leading ol dje stnfltj diamond i dyes all shades union and package dyes also our ow tvhich give universal eafia lowest makes aage iandr dyes tion euvast irl w axttll servant girl wantj apjdy t ceonck avxiij jewellery 4 1arcy goods fctire acton jut eh1r4ble ii01ses to let d three jof those conveniently arranged tenement boosee of the aetou baildlnf association may be rented by applying to w 1 stoltcv acton dec 21st 16sd president s ettitmerst keqeibeo the anderaignjd having disposid of hii flour and feed basiuess would respectfally ask all indebted to baa lo call and settle their tccoanta at once as he is sbont to re move from acton nohlrt lxlioit feb 7th iss3 toilet articles and jicrltitlciv in great variety 1 la siir brashes zi conbs kii aid toeti sxushfs i we have the largest stork ever brought into the unval oil v i we buy direct from the lnglish and french markets and aivable to sell mdcli in crin cinscqlionee punt hodicisk alitijiis mitiae oils oartooil lscitfset ci v iaj kmhlao oil l-iciloiti- oil bert ajaerleaa ccal ci at ia- ua coal oil we have tbtf reputation lor keep ing tho best coal oil in g jelph and we intend to maiittair it xr c stimi chemists druirciats i ve it wyuam lr clock mexdeks waxteo tenders will be received by tbe undet- shzned ap to he 15ti february for the pur chase of the stock ia trade of the estate of the late firm of allen 4 jenoer of acton glove fjnafactarcri an inventory of the stock may be seen on application to a w greek acton jao 31 s3 trustee answer thia questior wly do 60 many peoc to i-ci- a seem 10 prefer to 8tifler end be nta able by liidijfrsuon constli tilo l loss of appelile coming- up or th yellow eku when for 71 et- wi i lacmsbtlobs luluer giiimntctj them ttoldbyje mcunrv in loo i ill ecu to cure we have a speedv nnd postllvr clue fjr catarrh dlphtneria cfinfecr mcotb enj head achelnshilolscatanli utukjv a nasal injector tree with each bctllr- ive it ft you desire beaittrtasiisreet breatll irlce jocenta sold by jk bcgarvin t exdeus nanttd tuders will be rcceired by the tmder- ligned notij uoon on monday the j2tli diyof febrnary is53 forthcoficeof ctrc- ukcr of ihe actoo public school the loweaior any lender uot ueccesanly accept ed the duties will lw defined upou p plicitiou to if moure acton 7th feb 188 b usivess liuck bsid in tbe cliairmajir ollice on mon- 1 not two yearn ago itb day evening 3lr itlatv present ers leiuiu voice james matthews yt if- 8orey d j rebolvcd tbat it ia ue duly of lb- i whether residing in warm or cold henderson jikium roore ilegarvid nidj e igovcrniutut of onuiio niiiuuiu be just cluinis tbe secretary toot tbe chair aqd tbe ptovince of ontario to assert aud and jigbta of ia determined i lc8reifndet8oa and storey moved by bo award of die a rt itrators and firms its de that jfr jlattbcwi be reelected cliair- j bis home liereby ioa imancaxried i ii tcnniiutiou to give is ctrdial suppori jfovd byl iloiiderson eeooudod i to be ouvcniiiieirt ot ontario in any by j e mcgwrin tbat tie following i seb it may lie oectssa he tbe sundinfiicoiiimittees of the year sostnin die award aiid fixasce clfjtittze henderson maintain the juat claims ltwry end mo5vit tlio provinco as thereby vaofiarrx goxvifoul matthewe detooined jioore sujrejpwried mr meredith standi moved by wkowyejwideitby jroriuce convicted of bu one disf principle natnraallj designed for tbe reliefand cure of disorders peculiar to women of all ages and constitutions y to take to to assert and and rights of declared und jemcomd u ffiry no- 38m9 no in force in tb waterloo mutual pirernwarorit bt9 abil tpb fb iespinbgrtlxistb before the itp want of wh pped ly bis backbone and vim matter at ottawa be ow ftoaobo tiuipbly to do ibe biddin of tit mi otl cako fla swd wwhrrrrap climatef they have repeatedly oorreced disordered functions which bavo defied the usual drogi prescribed for snob cases and still more satisfactory is it tbat the malady ia relieved completely and permanently k0neywof for the permmbit cote of i con trymconftjctionmid aa equalled tio cctobr e euro wittotsrtha ib tio ecmo thu teatiyxria ccubntod kiamtworr m ml srttaegnwjwi 1 p tho vrdsceaedptttaaadqfljdor 1 hiai3 cf hia orea when xdmtfltaia mm kiin op wrmmwk the ondersisfoed in thanking his many oustomen for their liberal patronage iu the past would respectfally solicit a coutinuancc of their patronage for- sir howell of waterloo who has purchased the stock aud business mr itowcllwili take possession on the loth inl r k w uliekv all parties iudebtetl to me will please call at once aod settle their accounts as it ia very necessary thai i should have all ac count settled without delav a gulex acton feb h 18s3 dy8pep8ia liver complain t- isilnotwortb ihcsnuth price cfjtcit- lo free yourself of every svmitoxnf utcst- dlstreunicnairlaliit ii ynti tl 1113 io call aloor store and eel battle ot sbiiolts vlta- llaereveo bottle basa triutcj jriwrintee 01 it nse accordingly atid if it unbni ood it will cost yon notblnj sld i- jj e jle- oarrln i bewarr of loillafi 11 i since dr thomas eclectric 01 his j become celebrated a number ofunptin- cipled penons bare been endeavoring j to palm od electron and electriciuil for j the genuine dr tuojus ecllctiic on i beware of these similar named articles fl their originators had any faiili in the healing properties of tieir otvn medi cines they would like hcncsl nieb give hem a name 01 heir own and 00l try lo sell them on the reputation of au- olher but as they know t ai r pre parations hav- no merit tbey reioil lo ibt most unprincipled nirans of belling ihem by gelling a name ns netr as possible lo eclectric we theielore ask the public whed purcbiin to tee lbit the name df thomas eclectric oil is on the front of the wrapper and ibe signature of nobtuko i lyman ihe proprietors tor canada ou the baok the allen jenner estate n otice to debtors creditors the undersigned hereby notifies the cred itors iu tho above estate tbat all claims mast be proved wilbiu one monlh from date otherwise they canuul be recognized all parties owiust tho estate are requested to call and settle their accounts not later than the loth february otherwise costs will be added a w gueex tlllstet acton jan 17th iss2 oo sot be liccicvcd in these tines of quack medicine ad vertisements everywhere it is truly graiifyinglo loliud otic icmcdy dial is worthy of piajse and irhieh renllj joes as recommended elecuic lir- ne will do as reeommended thcyinvan- aflly curesicnacli audilivercomplaiuls diseases 0 the kidnets and urinary ditsculue w e know whereo f wellies ic and can readily say give liuain iriil soldat fllty ccuisa loiiiu by j 11 mc- iarvin tf ot1ce to creditors pursoaot to the provisions of it 8 0 chap 107 sec u the creditors of robert allan snr late of the township of erin county o wellington who died on or about tbe 23rd march 1882 are on or before the 12th february 1888 tosondby post prepaid to d henderson of the village of acton their christian and suruanls addresses aod description the full particulara of their claims a statement of their accounts aud the nature of tbe accuritiea if any held by them or in default thereof the eieeatoks will after the said lajtmentlonea date proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims m which the a lid executors aliali hve aobci dated at at ton thia 8th day i of jam ary 1883 i d b enmffilson ttatoa jamjs oaukbbj f for tbe euu of the late komtaw atlu8 1 t fiwii ttuoits or vomt a trptiticniau who stilert fr vtiit- from nervrns oeiiiiiiy l litcviiid all tlie eirects of yonlniul ijidisce tlor tini for iheankeof fiflerlnb butnaiihtv kndiree 10 alt who need li tin reeelrt nnd dircctnoii for making tbe simple remtdv iy irbicli lie was cored honercrs wishlnglo iroqt bv tli nd- verllseis experlenoe eando6obynddjessin clearing sale of winter goqi at the mammoth h0u8e georgetown tlconsisttnq ofd- ladies furs fur muffs fur boas fur gaps geutfur caps and gauntlels gents cloth and other caps buffalo robes and faucj robes a magnificent grizzlj bear robe for 35 worth 50 ladies dress goods winceys and knitted woolen goods millinery and mantles mitntlcs to be slaughtered regardless of cost beady- made clothiiig and boys overcoats a magnificent line allwool tweed worth 1 per yard to be sold for 65c genls fiidcrclolhidg blankets and flannel we bare our blankets i and eianuue you will see tbat we are iu dead earnest about clearing orit the stock oar tailoring department is second to none in the county a magnificent suit for u gl6and 818 worth f i more inevery case dress making and mantlei made on the premises mfirrtclaaa etylc mourning and wedding orders a specialty we confidently expect a hash for tbe bargains mcleod anderson go mammotti house georgetown a pact acknowledged by the people of acton and surrounding country hat the place to buy goods is at w p brown coys store those who have not called would find it to their advan tage to do so and will bcwelcomed and wailed upon in such a manner that they will call again boots shoes c- in pprfecrconnuenbe jonn boancj caurst rest inr sexi vorfe not life is fcireeptny byigo ijly i aid dire bt- qvc rcn die fir j i rometuin raifht trad aub iimelcavg bhlrnl tocinquer lime 6ia ffefe in youriowxi tiw ioui- fitfreo korsslt fivcrydiig new qripunl notryatreuwewlllfuriil youcvttnlhln mnnynroniflfeltig rorlmiffc 1niliefi injukr ns much ah men nid iwysniitriris makt- ureal pay header if you wnnt biisiue nl yuu can make greal psy till hie tlnie fbrparucutare to h ii alaett a copo matne r to mens handmade kip boots clump sqled call at godalls j pormens berlin frostpro6f boots for mens doublesoled kip boots jor mens congress boots for mens balmoral bioots for ladies strong boots for ladies felt bjoots for ladies skating boots for misses bobts for childrens boots for bojys boots fojr youths boots indeed for every kind of boots shoost overshoes rnbbersjsupeni and everythins pertainintr to a firatclaaa boot and shoe house call at the actos boot fjhqe house bqtc harnes trunk gort rilllills kxquliunu tnltluiii ix harne6 or trun vnm shop r holmes m respectfully iufom the peaple of ou aud vicinity tbatho baaburchascd tb 3 bosiuea and property pi mn w 0 tybitisoo and is piepafrd tp aapply all rith firtolass i meat of ail kimla and poilujvjitl gimie i hfoftiu to save mopey should gp p r creech ii rce and cattle fd i- i- 1 t- 2 i h it r jjcat sleliverpil fl ly wft f tjltn ftimu havinii practir1 tipcrieuee iii hsi criugbminesji 1 feel jmhtnvnt that i nit alb a call tindly ajiictj- x t tcb mmm vv5i i 1

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