i i i ui its j 3 twmnm t1iitma xoisimkcb 13 1ss8 am ulliaauctll ill tllo vlllag dominion hnrltnmcnt the huajo of coruaiwt was formally 0ncj lo dyj tuere ivhs h large gallietiug of iiuuiuljeiselecl in the commons clui ill bot in the uiotninr tim tuinlior of no facta nmoug tkatu wisl a ninllit eiiccial couiiueul moved ly c 8 sin ili seconded bv john keuuij- ibul ile tiocouut of thu jotes ic co toy ui jui canicd uwu motion the ci uucil adjourned board or kill i cation tbu uoil of tru there ute sevwuysix member of tbn ucsout ivrluiamt- uho live never ml ui liio lloiisc jf couiiuoui before of llo liret lfiniei after cuafwletulioti i j was cviimiiiinialed ibere re oul thirty reiuram a i th if st genera election- j i wvlfcodist inlon tin vuiiijofiiln busts of union ii buii canitil nil by tli- quailily baud of tii- miuiiis chinch ui ciimji unu ul utiiiu tva luuiv 11 gil tl j tliu ivijill tlltvl u i biv lf union up la saimuy 23 favcui- hie lias if nnd io voted njciutn i tii iiureiai- votes mv 10- the iwrik tiie ixauiniiu public school met on thursday evening in the cliaiiumus olliie piesout sir jauuy matthews in tlio chair and mcssiif storey moore and mcciatviu minutes of lust uifetiag read inj coufiruied morel by j k mgarvin tocomd by jimin moore thut he sum of 2185 be paid lo- i it mcsair in full of aecouul far wood lit- siun of l5 having beeu deducted fjr bad itlini- ouried moved by j nines m lore seconded by i j e mcuarviu that in consequence lot to oieuibcis of this board beiujj absent the mutter ufetliuj the care ukiiijj of iie puwic school bs bud over nil next lavetiiig of tills board cn cuucil uii iujll h carrlwl itees of acton business brevities seme raata about our buatnaaa mob boumof oumta ttterej reader nao boum of boatm 10 oor i5 ii i ivvuis iii fie tbive wvtrc ja fficncrt rij robiiby voe nexl vrjl- la ifo iiiimi onfiicncf ti iatii of boib puliiid liiul do not iiccl t1 mtich irclauds couuilion a ijaiinkdcstiliiiiua pivls in ib i x hr cmiibrlj llnitulkoii itsl f iabiitl j to ll horrors fjuiiiic ii ajdii srcitv of fuel tb wuut iniils ol lunger iuaeattd bv exposurt r liberl tub skabrs ivere limeuta ro iiiclfjivul iiiuer wealber these opk nix improvident us lh- kng k uing made the ksfceix lub jit baivbi k s for bot 1 dliu wmtci iiupiiivkliire iii lle fuel ibil ibure i itbiir piili its uil u ily oae jeieiviuj lo imfcutiio olllitd theui foi fiugjity of ho tuppait ef tbe jlccoi iud iliift thev ate ixibbtrd lo nvl aui kit ol all ciukiin sud eve i- the iirj oniii cllorl cut uvwr be j out of ocb 0 ihe ittjuciou landlords and x thcii- auy iopli iu lik ciicjailaieit ivoiim iv as hclciic ii lf t trr jc111 h no fuithor- do iioj iu the ajil kale teiniicratic lcsislalors llaivfroiii 75 conib 10 25c hi ji fjleu j i a coon pell hut for 75 cenu lit j fjfea i ir you wnuta nobby duiuble and coeapuilj kyloili the place lo go i scotch english and canadian suitiiie incrcil variety at the eat end cmliiuijitoro j ky aoton suits and overcoats til oxlieniely iiw rntei aiid mdo in latest ifylen be lure to call and rcc thein j tvle acton shilohs catarrh eemody a mareelou cur lurcaurrti nipjiilicrla caiikcr lufiiih and utad one wlm oacb boule lliivli an ingqntis noal injector lor tin- innreiucccifrui ireatmintof tifw com putuu wiiuooi cxirx ehtinrc price fioeenti 80m bjjkmcqarrln focttats or hriltu a blood parify iug cetnpoond at herbs root btrk aad berries all ftucly ground and ready for use prico 2i ccnu r package tianeuu eeryflne mrlcea jourteeih as white afc mine try tkannnuv and you will ice irilv not wllatlunmlobc curncmlls cliiuav kyc salve and uiut- nicnt faliatain ol ucallb and hopes regu- ltiug iilla for kale b- j e mcgamn acton and eacral ttorcs tbroughout the ciiuutty ko loiuichjld thauld u considered coin pute without a bottle of dk vax btnxms kipscvcuki in iu the ckt it i the ouly remdt that will natively pernian- rotly cure all farms a kidagv disease sold by j ji mctiarvlu why ahould a man whose blood is warm i within sit like bl nrandsire cut iu abibultrv or let his hiir f row rutty tctnl and thin when cingalese kerewer will make tiie fssur ror fiie by j hcgarvin a card to all who are sufferine from the errors acd indiscretions of xoutli utrvous weak- oti early iecay lss of manhood ic i will scud a iccipe that will care yoa rrtr 01 oiiaiio this jjuat rouiedy was dis cjvtred bv a miwiauary in south america send a sefddrcsd cuvlolc to the lllv jiirn t imuin siathmljxar yarlcuv j cajrertl carbolic cerate the fitot healing cjripuuld tiuder the sea tiicts is no sor but will succumb to il wuudeful healic- properties it is au iiiraluable ilreiu nirctits banis llruijes temples scald ilili icstoriii etc iricc tweittlive crltth at 1 k mcciar- vim ilrtig slua- mr uenly atarsbill ueeve ol dunn writes liinje lime ago i got a bottle of nortliroii it lymans vegelabu dif covery lnin mr uarruou andt consider i tbu vary best medicine eitaut for dyspepshi tliis medicine u uiakinu marvellous cur in liver complaint djtpepsi1 ac in purifying the blood and retorins uuahood to full vigor ilurl fuiik- uinldrivcr ltwcvu kiiicrdinc aiil iunikjn u it was tiie drifts imvc uju verv bad ill this imiie ivr lnyprr- tnli a arcsuh ic f ivim 3ii a ervacr tufftar than ncceisiutcd the i k1 j iu d l a llj2 dud ulllkiug je ul a lulit i would die isifore i ralii inv duiiualinu i t- clliel a tf mciircorv vx curr and it ciie i iia iulil uttlte at 1 v mtuavlluu slurc ixrular tire llul as all iui1 j c lt vuc political meeting a iioluicil uixwjl in th inteiefita of majr kenu the cjlisel vative cau- dtdale was held in ilieleinikraace hall 1 licit monday evening tiieui was a lire uudhiilv iixe it contisting of fethuaiion mr lent ol the vouug asaocialion odu 6kakera of the w kccnf bui- toronto j a s d 0 wen robert- ihju katiuetiu ili the conaeivative uk mcgatviu fnt j mens couierralive 1 1 iexi the cluiir tnc ieveniur wete mili i side and mr dlack c f toronto fcr the j to attentively throughout very fer in kuckw ao xc lie sisl at mr cuce- was tucceiifnl mclueeua resid- notwithstanding tii tajtiabuudallc at siou ion riii- k10mey8 liver urinary organs the befst klo00 pikifick there li only one nyby which any dinaia an be eured and that li byramotfnf tbr eanio wlialevtrll maybe tlisirwl tuaul can be eured and that li byramorinf tba eanio wlialevtrll maybe theirmltuaiil- eal ajiiliirltlra of the day declare that nearly it grow i is cut thisuoet i jlilv ltlioll over vicinity and l-av- pulliug down ef i lod through ibelivi nut iijtt ii li- liu bui clii the beau of the ciiilr ivmii a general block ad- ve will appkcti cjnie tdi the uioie uu acciuut ol the unueuiiv lueieuient every dlncaae li enqsed by dera nied kldnaya or liver to resiorc ibei ttiererora i iba only i by which health ran beatcured uere is where wanxeia satk oat baa achieved us areat reputailon jucla direct ly upon the ktdaeyi aud llrr and tiy niacin incm in a healltiy eoniilllou drtveadiaeaie and pain from iba yitem for nil kidney liver ad urinary troubled for ihe aittres- ln disordis of women for uaiarla and phymeal irooblen csnerally ihls jrc4t rem edy hip nojual keware of impostor lm- ilnlluiis and eoneoetlous said u bejnsl aa rood ror ihauelva rk for wakxshb saji 1jia- hkto crna kor sale by nil dealcrr h h warxkk co toronteoat atachastern y londoavxnf prsixtss tuangt the uudcrsijrned iu fhaukinghis many customers for their liberal patronage iu the past would respeclfally solicit a coutinuanoe of their patronage for mr howell of waterloo who has purchased the stock and business mr howell will take possession oq the 15th iul a w grkkv all parties indebted to me will please call at once and settle their accouuts as ft is rcry necessary that i should have all ae coauts settled without delav a w ouees acton tcl 7lh 1ss1 1 ileal m gvle at the cim saw mammoth house oeorcetowh m m the allen k jehher estate v ut1c 0 debtors credit gns tiie cinuriiiiwl ittcly uviiilitt lhccnt3- flora iu lit j above ciult libit all claim taust leijrvivud hitluu uue raoatii from date otherwic tlicv cjuhuii tc rccoginzel all pirlfci ovinc lhc wlatc are rcnctc4 to ciil aud ncllii tbeir accounu no later tbaa j llit i5lh l-vbraan- ulhcrniie coss will be we buy dllect flulll tlc iilisb adjftl wcukkv j and french njarket- rd iiie til oldoit dm swro in guolph i ti ohupest dm store la guelphj tii bndsoaest dru store irguclpi smiths drug store is the ixit place to buy anything you require in the drug liiie we lave be largest stock tbt most reliable goods at tlio lovc- prices i vc keep all tiie leading uiakef of dye stnfls diaiacmd package dye all shades union ami handy package dyes also uiiiown dyei- which give tiiiivqrval iatisfiiction toilet article and pel inmery i great variety i is slir brushes and combs kaii ad tooth ejshci j ladies furs jmjt muflsi fur boas fur cajs 6eutjur caps and ganjntlcis gents cloth nnd oilier caps buffalo robes anil ftncy robes a miignificent grizzly bear robe or 35 j worth 50 ladies dress goods winceys and knitted woolen goods millinery and mantles mantle to be sliuiglitpred regardless of cost bendy- made clothing and boys overcoats a magnificent line allwool tweed worth 81 per yard to he sold for 65c gouts liiderrlotliios blankets and flannel we have oor blankets fiannela direct from the makers so hare bargains will be given heavy cloaking to be jd cheap in a tock so large and variedas oure it is impossible to enumerate all we have the largcel fovk ever brought into the royal city tlt-tll- to sell much loner in oofise pavtoat kodiclsos ail kinds xtiizi wli oartoc oil stcatf3st-cl- sw lag mwhlac oli lcricj cili boat amoicii ci c adiaa coal ou tisi ruiier c itiwo yitiiticii ilecd to uo ibid o cialv tis irjiiillie indidilcs in ue ptcsat outaij eltcliju coittot in this cjuury uu geuikuicu of jnu aoiidccd hjaukiylccjnincijita 10 ilul ttiticia fivr iiclud iialtju will le ieieenuj tiyia iuierjnc wu i h itrtady kujru j orc tiicaiicr foi use uoiuudoii ivghilatwe it also found oa bu qnesviou h tlat as ur an our pirrtauienlarv rfftudtitifs jtre-c-ui- i crue tin- ittfiic iu in out j i kxk cjuutrr vjfy hni- ji i i tj t juxueujt tuui un luiaiiucbt jmacc lu thai imt rjietiy iuiiy occupied hw unit saljec o uiinjttliltmii riaiiii and luk ltikticjut tc ejccolrj ctt very mticu fciriii o reptesiutivisr d iiieckutuii u fijrd evci tuiirl prirciplt un jils gt ultra iiij iijai loai v jrarii-ttuctit- tiui i iic wfjtk ill a moat fijiciicd mcquillan ilauiiitiii cf ihj welling j ton mrirttlf worl ntlph xhtt aredoiue tptju- ttiieu it i u ir ri mrmr tnuitmii out av 1 j iol ts iht fact 1 hat uuy j the lefl work u ljc ltt3 tiie jullitr arc wiru- klfveti i- vitlj iccofid laud trade j 1 ti h flitdd j direct tii the linn trerks cf gxd tlyilnj and old ifcuhs or bay raw their accu xce that the iaiu muillaa 4 ifamiluio i iu le xiduud 1crns bljte yoa tii vc order r lt oh- whatacoufiria for one tsrviax 1 toajiiin mere it iu exacted iat i ljden ciigrwjalioii jerery slibitb iixiuj ittit mristtucbid ill im gijiiied ilr suncliia n ts erit cjnauii tiiu tetyia3 uud a u oad cautufi una it lll tltnk lllfc ulii jri itct he warmifj ttiefigunl rhrlasaf the tare approach oft iitl mot terrible uiaie couaraptuin aik yemr- cl if yoacri nflord for tuc fak o tavnp yjctruif 10 ntn tle rift auj do not tit nc for iu vi e fcuotr iroru tnrfcncc hill ritillohv care win care janr coach it mverl 1i tllerpiiiii why more uian u il ttilou iii- iit vca fciijj ifjc pat year t relieve rji fcnj uuuiitjcnajrli ijt oucr lio- cliersiimit ij- witliaut it toram ustt ildtjrtici nt kiiloui iurout ihoter fcollt- ie mcciarvlu jitiar riid i if yiv ttdditil looai ilj1 ciu- feople ct ccurdii correspoftdeace while wc trc idvzy c-iluuii- tv cjjitiiiiicrl j il ilturcsi ri nr ri acion village fonucil cuuicii rtsr in itr c 8 stuiilivi cliici tufvlny cvciiiu 13u msi j tlt rvt 111 tin cbajr meuxbtrife ii pilvjijt jliuiitck vf htviuuouicct- iic kid and aduua tfw cideri rtjcivcd i or the tfiicti ot mtcukel of tjkxi lsii tiid inujpliite- r-fii- ijid and read tlj ilituixs- h-jtuudlter- biouut in liiit lcot tlt jiimaicndiug tlif phujcit tiitj juiuttiiig jikxwuuj viz uiuu a hiili ijuiljr ytd ctlvo bld ortckc- rerorje fcr ihe ctpin- j iuas ipressd bv corria iudeuu auutlier query m crajy lijulijllini deaksik jt hfij iu your jxrc uiutr tbt- filer f 11 c bave no djtii jt ji1 notd tiie piki-it- vi tbinfc it imt irit niviltfgc i of 1 hit- ivfore yot many tcijdeik llovr in it ilie town ilall do not be uccleed e cuuttutiint f nt itiuesct qaack luedtcine ad- ivrtieaiwif ercrviiere it is truly gruuiyiuj- o ofind ou ifipedy that u worthy of prtiie and rhich redly doe aa reoommended electric liittere e wu do 23iieommanded they inrai-i- ill k nccbsti v co it sillia la dpea or r oj any subject vre luikit iu any aflly caitioiaifili and mver complaints difficukieir we kuott wwrcorweg dccs tiie kida6fsbnd urina add can readily say giro llicru a trill sold at lift j cenisa lottie by j e jr tiarvin i tlit tlio ojatmctor wiio ia a tesidenl of anutntt conuty lk 7 riuiiietif himself 10 mucli ia he a xtw luu a tdimjlo irm ire jiut- tio op i purely tcijetible catliartic pilliu to ceut uittii tj kuite the ctitiveuieuce if pertotis dwirins eiuali quantities con eeneutlv hopes ilenlitiiig ills arc sell- itfu iflq u j i tiig like lijtcakcs ivcrjhlicic ftittut nui as i r rtcbwivu miciuvk oiekat- i kliauld five the j u dutt tiluvc mken iuother query t ajjrli to- u iijalo hockttuod hidton jciectiui if fiiu ptettitt almost v tvijis lor iciid klv hiiiiitn ntjilrd 1 ii iliw jjit ihttti tour mcciium hpd iltijitii tj fefwak i ttnti m i fs mmith iujudid by f iliidtif 11 ht tjif rcioit cf the on th flililjt- vjlllflttt irj vifsv- call ilfd i mo u i l ly jijj jolt kenney m lender of tho i jlilil t fcitk c- 4 ting of hull and m ioceiiied 4ai jitiej for ligmrff alk j or lmr i- ucaifu1 ilsvi uins tl j lmk i a ri mire fitvonlb l rilexdtks wantku jjuvtv ia dnth ofcaitufoi- oi fr cir l lesiu w ao aailiall u ready furoccn- j j t same political i arj- for the pur 1 cbac it the htotu in trade of the estate of ptriioij cainei d tslkable holheh to let three cf those comtiitailiy arraoud tcutilut louies of the actou baildlujz asuciatiyii uia hv routed by applying tu w ustoulv l fe actri iit i ui 13 1fiaidebt khlf ejylesitl iiill ciiltlkctiol the riudtitiiiiicd having diipieed of lna hitir atnl feed bcifucfs would respectfully aik all iadtihted to hire to call aud ecttle their accounts rtt oucj a he- ia alniut to re- 011 the 1st o at the coutriiclor zi acb day it tfter that dita t he aliove umt he j vvh move froiti acton aoton jau itth isj totice to creditors iuruaat lo the irovisiots of k s u chap 107 tec 31 the creditors of robert allia fcur htc df the tuwushin of krin coualt of wcllinguki ia died cit oralwul we iwivo lllc rcatilili li kljli the trd match iyjareonttlwforehlie i 1 v i ilth ivhruinis to send tiy st prepaid v luu v 1 to t hcjderonof lite village of aclon aild wo ultcllu ut liuuilulu ii their chtuuan aud fcirturn and description the full particular of their ft shitl vv co cioii a slitcnieiit of their accuuuts and the nature of the kccuritics if zn held by llicm tr iu default thereof the eveeuuirs rill after tie raid lalrocutioacd dute pniccctt to diktribate the assets of the mtd deeewed amiiipt the parties eatiued thereto la vie rtgard only ta the claims of lich uic said eiecctor- thall have notice uitcl at acton tini 8th diy of january 1s3 rvmr camphkll for the estate i the late kubukt auis u lacutorc chemists drustfs- v 11 w j adjiatiimiifglnl odirni nucks east end butcher shop actojc ot 3 marlatt bro dire ti tender thaibs ti the people of acton and viciuity fir their kind witnriuge iiice tixinbiuhj itit and would re- ipcifull milicil i cootiauance of thciume and can rurc them that they mill always have on hand a full tock of all kinds of meat nmeat qeliyprpd ajttvc will prcliac coil uieat cf all kind frutn tlioae wfia nth tospjl if mahuttthko dr feliz le bruns v ffua ran fj core oratqehit liicies safe iteacuul itd reliable nn bad eilects frtiru ftkiie ooe tirl- iiii rtert wltu biil nesr itet fries f- per bo v or lhft- boxef iirjd hriden pnrtntes itnett by every lulyaanjiorued aseni tu leruuil lli meney u tire toxtsfsm dear sent lotinge prerild on leechorprtcj ufivbxlk u whs co md c king hukat toronto oie iruprfetcrj- j iu mclarvin autuorlxcj agent for acton uutario- p bar- a frmtmy umi vinivf jio r catarrh iiplirctn canker nuuiii 11 lead acjciu htiilolv caunlj hen- y a diisal injcior tree rltli cjich kit t if you dewt- tietili and uro- ore- ti fiicj jo etints sold oy jk jilur dyspepsia liver complaint i it not vurtii lufmiuii pric- t ei- turrec yourself of every s nipitiir it-t- u-triiigcoaijalnt- li vou tliit to cr at oar store nivj get bmtie o slli vita- tlrer even bottle bat 11 iirit curaitc oj it ue aconijnjly mtj tr it jtef vou vn ki il villeikt you uolhin sdd b j v me- tianln errors of yoith a tienitcmau wjio nifleu fr year- from xe-toiit- dejufty irrtufiiuii lci vnrd nil hc etit or yctjinr n-xtin- vm tn ih tankeof pirii z tumn nj nd fre to au irlin nei a tu- riiti t olid dire 101 for matin- tre piinple imolj ly wlitct- be kw fnrtl haflcrers iriiirg tci frrfit ljti nd- vertueifi expert en o etn io tnbyjnjdreiiif- liiiwrfeerconfl0free lonx uogdex c cedar st nevr yot- rest not lle mrhpiir by and dare- bcroi- jci die rometoln mtflity ind jtib- jfme leav blindioeonruer lime ftlq irrefeln joiiroirii ui sit if free np rfe ktvrjitiirj rtv ctpuuj ijolrriuired ue v id titiiiit viey pi-thmi- mauy nro njuinjf furiii jdje iimk inueh aa men and bovs an j b niaice frtnt pay header iryon want liuvine at which ydii tun nmkf crcnt itayiiutiie liitu vir- oniarttculaii to h iultiitt dcpoit ini mat dc the cheap lines that vci are prepared to ofier to uie public suffice it to my ttoatif yen call and examine yoti will see that we are in dead earnebt about clearing out the ttock our tjijorfu depaitujeut s second to none in thtconijtj a llaenificentfioit for 1514 16 and 1h worth gt more it even cuse dres making and mantles made on the premise in ilrtcjii st vie li ouruinp aud wedding orders a specialty we confidently expect a ruh for iht- ijargair mcleod anderson co mammoth haass beorfeton better than ever r best alue in tea yet- offered 30c tea not equalled in town try it and be convinced r large stock of grrocfrieg glagisware and crockery un hand at- w p brown coys t boots shoes cures sore k eyes old sores all skin diseases koiiert elliott village council j tcuders- will lie received hy the under- tons at muvcj ljhikc viu be icwutuctor if the tow ij ilrudelkoii hiit the ritiaiioo com miucc i and ultcii- iiittiuotcd lo taccj wi iio io ia itroiile tiiflieieiit ruuds- for ti fyfjjisli iiumfif lli hojie that our lliciatc lirm nf alleu i jenuer of acton 1 fis sa uu mil on the loibotial aecarily of the couueifrcyriiej fovedlijr w iieirfunoa krconded i br ivso iiidilidj lint the toei llnll j cooiuiiiuao l jiiil liaittehjf iusuuettdj i stock may be seen on application w hall hat such j a wuuebx actou and that actu t- lticy will uittboito niy such injnalice fo oul i fiiaiikiiljf uu ir ahoiekjiacr i mn yoira lliaixcif i c0vskhvai1 j j to prnciic miitu fr h hall afum i and nlito ftuilable cliiuijapd tables for j council and reiidiiig room catiiol motctl by i hiidrwju seconded j by vviu louiulid llidt tiie kwke liavr- filipaivtl liytjie yjlhrne solicitor n by- lyior for the i illy he tax paiun 1 iluirfckiii whrfl for 7a r tlkiiiisui lots vila lire r t laraoteecl toenra lav frr lt ujcshiod of i luuioral iiiin sold by j e wcutrvio anstyer this question wayiutfic maniteopllve soi arokl tu item to ore tt i hur eud be masla miser able by hull teaiioti const paiiou dlczineaa ixssmif apifuf comlim i or be koo cu we srttl mil crse and jattle peyiioil cilw p1m qta glove mannfacturen an invtntry of the j kidneywor for the permanemt cuie of 4 constipation i wmowis saifi raettrka tm waseapfmnimuslsifm fl pllfscs t1ri swtri ni 1 1 ft nreilaed port ana qkty g kmp fcczhaarii kidneywor flax seed flour feed store tlc undeiaigued has pureliased tle floor aiid peed uiisiaiits rum mr kohect elliott and trill carry on tbo basinesa iu the build ing former- psd as a liarber shop oppos ite the old feed store i will keep in stock aud sell for cash roller jflour qranlatd wheat oata 4eag chopped peas cwcn feed- cracked graham flour buotwheat oatmeal corjj meal bran i shortbi chopped oats barley eye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax f6ed fotatoee turaipb chopped barley beans o fee your paifeutiiw jfpcctrully iolldjt tokl for all kinds of cralb lf at 5 mo3arriafi liveet sale board 8 t a b l e s mill street acjon v is irbere yau cpu get ifirstclass bigs at rea80nable rates good oommeroial higa an express demve each eipresi train a say pjrt of the towr after iliolitmaiali j neaaoi for 1 rep ed for moris handmade kip boots olump 90lc0 call at goodalls for mens beflin frostproof boots for mens doublesoled kip boots for men13 congress boots for mens balmoral boos for ladies strctfcr bopts for ladies- patboots for ladies skating boots for misses boots for childrens boots fori joysvboots i for youths boots indeed ol- every ltind of boots ehoee overshoes bubbers suddbrh andeverythins oertainahk to a pirstclass boot andshoeifonbe call lat the v actox boot shoe house ftcrojr harnes trunk ijiutcffer shok rhplmis would respectfully inform the peaple ol ttkfiv vicinity tbat lie haa purchased an express dellre 7 wagon will meet each eipresi train a id deirr goods tr jllpi do 1 mrid cash basinesa only uscrcdit wiii not pay for h rsc feed or repa n dlstlpm 940 fjlian utvuijmr iwruimf ifcd harness or trunks tu save money should go r creech matthew oat ie oyso w4 catt o p pd on aud vicinity tbatiie haa po rebated the ha sines 1 and property of mr wc robinson and it piepared to nnpply all with iljllbthclfiasb meat it all kiuila and j pwillry uml gaihe in season if meat dclivored to any part ol town at any time mhkpaai i 4 a ip 1 i ugriiiii iraiticil experience in the anfflrv i bottbcknii businessi fmcottident that i cj i oan aniill x call kindly anhcited n routes