Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 1, 1883, p. 1

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mm ka verrn hie ire iros p luthik rlnmcljisjlu church acton out c lriii trit will ho tent to ouoo nail for slto per u- nee j 1vi if not sa paid no iriol till ltl lutears are paid laoolio of ho iuhlither v 11 ui t j- casual advertise iuc tor the first intyr- no for each subso- rnfessional cards- annum 1 square f iiiiutn payablo iu g rtion any special is to promote f any individual or iidcrvd au advertise- liuet reckoned bv xpo i joo vttj i km k0n27 loaytd ok approved s i i smes allowed on deposits big bargains -in- watches and jewelry foe tuts isovtk ktekkat0mftlkew8paper agency n mi r nr turret- iut w r nviiy riii iiiulnl giviuir the lett litirirfiins ivor uilvivil i ii f c r s college mom- u inl raureeouat to- head ef fred- gublph i ii i fail hi eviiiiiiic stuck t i -t-u- kd i i- ijkll chiv diiridir lc hoi mv in the city and city sohools will be found gfieap at days bookstore kiel v ii dat skllas cheap if too are k want if puke drugs ami- medicines ill to petries iils t c iti lp wal 8 siilth koktikttlwn j the aer i vary vinet a ikrraininc idhlttritmeciirvini h mi1 c r hoi- oircl of tltauks t jfisueii y x tli- tm i the nrtt tl iraetiec of vciilei a of the d srnuiv i iiroli-rl- illii v hill tii ill i vi f cucltih o the hurt till nifiht t our lima t uin lill- pyiisdririis- q ouht store v and ctirjip t rmt hauir tvi vtr- wiacv cu3 viii t ja f ktp upper wyndham stree guelp oarojttitii priro ura ihr frond nir 2 l kill i- gublph cloth hall rpnuien wivru t han l barber shop jpwobdeit ha- ui a birbcr shp lt7y jupitdby ur fa ltji sjoliciu n lire oi tic jutrohage prcnirtil to pirche red btech soft jirfwrrrl uliltc blni iff iriicsd in either bolt i il- ippb at llltt to thtis f mooijk acmu oct insoatuseukcal tcrsfii beaver caps n lamb a2st in the premifes i ter as s medical vill be cou ve us s csll acud iu hrtcliss i p wokdy cuelph i you will there find the bwtqual- ity at moderate prices iiiorse andcattle meditine- care- i fully cunipounded dye stuffs iiy stock is selected with the i greatest care all my own colors i guaranteed handy package dyes every color kept trasses supporters bandages i r stockings ic a very full line of these goodskept they are fitted on without extra charge ax fxckiikxi iis with lictr vornii- c 1 el lv willi iklirr iliuoitni slp ilcnuy v il iut irrv ni i vilmiih uiiliii xioiu vnllidiloil 1 j i-uiitl- luit tint her lui v- kiuliil ll f otiihion ietii snr inil mink t t vi0tuj i in to nil hrjr wuililiimiiklthiit tl uhiiinn i a filii- irimi o anl ui- in i lit wti for thii llc riui v 1 y- t lidut knoir her and the uiiort luiv audio khlmlli 1 qfs tqsl my will wharton i jliljoiii iny hil liililiiri willi will wlnrlia inn i fill rr he would easveiu me 1 tushit 1 ui it vi li- firlll iicd i uoilii nut mere tl innlcl bllll lialftviii- imt 1 would h ili vit that wis kouiiiiily mirl lnlvilke sl uiiill tor him iiiii ii did mil ioini siu i ilii- cvi led that iliiiiu 1- 1 1 1 i t 1 1 rvc uiilleli u- could not well inivniiin iii i- all officer i tin- v 111 u i fo u kum r lis verel had kiild way t lo v j undtayif the lamry e going quite cl irloie lu tpead n laour iu the pot wheie two jenib go by slotvlv tiios did i know jiipliin and kty go ruuiil and katy urted on a euro iwan lour hieiiji- whipend in nay enr dout k an ll inaijj marjuiic et miriiei hefule lie euuiujilullle ynu cc if ycu like f i r 1 kuiitlii and her ftouk loniiiikd w iii no- i i ieiciuiilvl an eldeily eiilkmia whu cnly luojiil a lenrd of oinouraeiueal from me a haniioie man iuoriiioiily rich who laid lull a dijjnnjatio poilioa nl load i lesohd tint fuell hoc is 1 tuulllllive woald he all thai hr would desire ii- wanted jy at liie head of kl ubk a loving i arc- iu in illuc and old e i eauld give him that mul he would civ- ueltli pokilicui prutictim and to 1 miiiled and wcie a caaii eiaaiclueut riff whell till- vofllrviimi home iul xaiiuie dew toullikd to mu the net that will uanlej 10 he inalriod very tu lev iho c0o- wo- hjnie agiin will whhitoa breathed the nine air thit 1 brtsthed oar feet tr the idenilksof lie om town where we had hreihli uat vowk and we were nothing to tacli other wheie werc hi vow of eternal lure and hdelily illowu away like thiilledjieu hy a busty woitl or ivo oh noi he never loved mi a 1 mid had he done fj he v ouid nor have heeu si leidy lo turn from me the teiet hie iu villi nannie dew beauty and youth and elegance ilehld eied for inr and erlaaf that 1 bid liloken ttilh him ann yet before we rere hath married he will write on ihlill ippoill lly 1 mid ull he did uoi wliio 1 he mi u the xtr- he w afe n i vll hill iheia inn in in- e the i mi u he i he letlll 1 u id i aul- lillle will lave ellnieil hi h ilh 1 1iv we were fhjh to ijuarrl at vr iiait a thing lad i wa very mu md viy pditeul itltlauuifli i would not irie no neverthit lie should uol have i to that i wiote firs-t- ve were iu the end oi wiiitr hy hi time and prine came hooii full oi prepar ation for a guv euuutier my uiohec ani ibleln were goiia lo xevjklt to saiitoa tu lajci- ieorgc 1 of emir wejit yilh them they all knew ilia llieie hi 1 been a liir helwevi mujorianud will and ail lkik ilifteretit vieus i f il maanua wi- of oiilliou unit ill stleh n eh inking this little quarrels shoahi he luieie an iid thai i oagh ii iietiiuijii to he suae n very dignjfieil jeltei joseihine ia eoalraly mill led and deciaied that i had ikw nally hreak off ud riale a hirer match and katy who a wro iriioihed lo each ciirr ouec more to kii miller the oia llees tht sheltered ue linn t i heu he live sweep b- aiid ee lio- hialk upon ill- lrisl and thi tirluanlic i ei foniixrice i uuileuook one luiid -pun- 1 hiied a eah and drove out lo the ineel country piao- left it and laming duveu long lane came in a deierted country seat long in the lnyeis bands aod eiilcrxal ils ueghcied galdeu where a wilderae- deautifui llowere had gone wild thers wan au old arbar here gnat uce jrew over ii and a great vine thded it through i- erjlrauce one saw a picture of the liver nod hie opposite slnue ou the broken bench wilhiu weiatin that bappiet nioiuenl of our life tlieie woahl i til thed the buruirg leais ibat litade my eyes ache toad baiy my dead lovr my fool pred the lliicsiold 1 lulled rid at jnl11 u iljere hit anus upon the woriue ileii laoe hit faqe hiddeu iutheui tiie old b- aidt creaked brnaatb ray treid he tprnig lo his feet it was captain will wharton lou heie v be aid i thought it w it oiiiy 1 who cared eaoaah for the old always laughed at everj thing t ud that it place- to revisit it my wonis the words i would du will aooii hud mik him proper- tilieed jerc mcint foniithina ly bunibh- lo lei him ahiiie until be eama i laughed heiriily around himtclf no prelencc will avri aid i i bad my dmibtt abaut the eoiuiog tiv mitt dewt euigerjeu ring a few raand bat i tod nothing what vat the days lifter she put it on i kflow- vnu have ute i had dene it that wa- iheeiid ofit tonic home clad and happy to marry beta and i tbonld have lo tuftcr whalcrer il win- wc veie there win- to be ii hop al 1 night and i hoi heard lb penalty eougrhtulate yeah she it lovely hut u siiatogi doul play the injured lover to amuse your- loe hotel that if witll ill- m nannie at ihete words he ttarlel forward onion ladnj-bj- an fvpert ii ft he mo4t vill- 1 escaleat there it of lite most delicious the earth producer tinrv it one thing lluf if ltcltt and uu is pjpa inly i know uen who if they cir- iicrjeacc tin- stiglitat whill of an onion bciie tj tick riiii they are in th ecepejt injagihable liihery for boant thereafter whit i tiy it i etaggeiatioa it ibe lea5t athlaiil pi ccalhig attaraey iloiper is jdcrof fliheel tiia war ji the other hand there ale ihote who are so jassriositely load onions thvt they wouiij rather eat a oittjf oaioit than to sit down to the ullifi b nipet iu thecal jctleral sitnul f hirit i m of hern general hunt an ed-iari- on hi- subject o onions he told i m once lb at every time he visits the residence of a filenj 0 his who makes- a speeiidly of raiing a panbtthrly fine sp-achis- of onijns he eau so rainy taut he ii aharjei of hicjtelf jlsny i time he dipt oft to a retauiant and eajays a feist of his favorites in leveral ciarttos lie sayi thjt those are the hippies iiiuicsu of his life iu the travelling nun the onion is the bait frieuil n ihj world j you cant lhinkjof any shape ihat an onion is uol good iloik- 1 ttewti filed bigckl frifaes ted itcobeipad roajied idckicd or raw they itepnldhic and deliciou cooked willi -nptiloc- heftttuk3ikiy or dack they are excecaiugiy tvvcry just let a fellow itinjiugsroauq llie caanln disgust ed wilh the xc he receivs at out-of-the- wty hiteis or bjsrdinghouset eat a raw nrijn and sec how it wiii brace bim tip if yea bare laker tea much in of an evening and feci the wote lor year boat the nert morning manage tn get outside of in onion or tno and see how it will help yen onions are exceliea cures for heavy ecldi as everybody knows thea when a fellow bcoert wakeful jat let binii all tip 00 nice tlicel onions jraclons lo lgoodnci whit a comfortable drovcsiueisjwill come over hili he forgeis nil care and siuku iutc a iregukr nhifahioncd toriyknat sno ic lliat does him a power of good i leiryini fcculiar people rjple who lake snnfr people who diedike oysters people who hold their longueas people who hare io poor relations people who have ro sense of homer people who keep all thetr old letters people who like long walks before break fast j pcoiiielwhe always know where the wired is ive ing parties in small who lie tares on dew w lo he pieent 1 hau never eeen hired ran by the hand and looked me in mi d w hut will had once tai i to me the face ihat she vtas o chnrming lhl if ic had not already fallen in love willi no- he might have lotl his heart lo her such a speech from her lover would have made any girl anltious lo see another and i did my best to look weil that eviing if my idea was to cut miss dew out the efton was a fnil- iliive ynu ihought that it was i who vl- to liialry miss dck he itked of course i replied growing faiut under his touch and ciid yon not kuow that ray coutin will wbiilon islieuteusiit of the fto he asked a haudsouie fellow peon romus i peiiplc ivho like giting up early enoruing popie the light and leave off uti davsj i copie mlo iicad au income oa niters for tlic- bauojihule proie ho hive cion maur than tbsi- krovr whri to do wiib j ptrcjple ho sv lf iuterinr ia- liov- rnd iiuippiitible- pcopre kho hire luihing ibe matter nritli ihtir ueiliuu mid cia eat inr tbieff piojiie without prcjudik- weakntts acipatlne bobbic crotchets or dvoriie tberie j pfupie rbo leiviih mir moaeroabe hestben abruad sua itare the bjalksnat bofue to take cuv of iheicseke pimple vcho nt iliis period oi ota com mitcia ikpiciity wben wrhinj csts next lo uduji3r cro- their letters afilictiy ure she was pruuier thiu i hii wx younger ihait i iim udatchool- idea it ttriltn dreamt cf bciuc ind vnly will very iripy as ivr mi- i came tiic first iwd wirt of all fmlte is to wise vtordsc iiki tbc irin imitb sbapes as people wili kis yet iit on- ju n bun- died ktjivi bcwtoiiiac bli irom love- i ckil- iaijy- knw h a c iunit li- flurual ac j i u c icui lo lib th jiiivit- m h u tor you- uic but f- the inny tha 0 it like iuuli cooiii or jbcli cor firsa kirw you are kl- dim i mike n misa-jt- shholj uu becoj drji uiip i ilkt a iroul irt u i a lisck won r uk ci tin- er on ilirjc rtrtf the fcuid the nrd cf ur ioe or iljp cvtr c uv watrfalor boafribbcfjafa hi to g- tbrwub tjic thrld be a ktlc tb s fit ht sbttiid lav a cea fa a kind cyiaud a moutii j f cxttcscii icead cf tobacco viui k flrytj- itjjiud- ieff little doi djaifi tiuvivtjl scd up xci lo be lzkuji i ck i a cnurd twu iwijz rc puty to corner- wxl citdi a kias 3kje pvisous spoil the r5ort slh nrni jt vrnt hart rur after vgu ae usa to it take lb- left bild of ibe lady iu your rlzli la lt your hat go to uuy pec ou of tj tvaj tfrovhi ltl- lm y cvt lbrsld- ldy ardlet tu hsl faii diwo upon tic rbl tjkij ibe ull lioux bd iu a hurry d- fctr fctly toward your- loving bdrt her liid ciil fill uhw up vor shjiildcr ii a biriiicxe tbcuiderttiap t diikes dont bv iu a briry ead a little life dsar your ud arc ahd u it kco its bjices itcr ft bani i ic your rht bscd icl there be oxpiior t tii cot ike the grip cf s vice but a gvlil chip full of eleetrijiy ilj3 and re spect ujvi le in a buny ir baud lies on your sbudr u are nearly bear to birt look bwn into ur lalfclctuyes gently bu maufully prvs- bcr to ycr tosoai biacd firm ad prcvjdtree will give vvsitrenb for tbec drj tic ijrrive hzi do co be ic a hurry her hp uiffiost cpci l ifltly for- waid fthb the head net tbe bc4y take oovi im the lips erect the eyes close the hesrt opes tb iul liunh tbc stotm ucubc iad forroiv cf fc- ucii t lo in a luny beavca cpbs lftl the irorld fcheui from indcryiijr fet as a meteor ribe zcos lbs lvc sky don bcfraid the tctc aajcfrro tiie jutcrcatid alter of love- l zpbyrs datce with the dewtrimmed flowers the heart ftcts its bttieracij aid the ari vi kiisiii is learctd xo nciic c2 fus c guuerinir nad suirmil like a hookimpakd worm kissinif doiit hurt u i it djnt rtquirc a braii kvaafcc it lea dit jab down cjn a beautiful mouth as if sparij frogs do act hess br hsir scratch dawi her collar bite hr cblk squiizle her rib rib bo as and leave her ciuised rumped uod t3um- murd dont rrab aad yk the lady is if the were a slrurffir- colt free tresinss ptlirs nf bc- blisters places d iutccst banks heats of people liadjctds a scrub roa forwaibers kucrtwitiisticcic bachtbrs the chaispioa i ij- lit weigh a ton cf coal stuff and donsecce a b diaer and the postprandial speech thirsting for knowled- wczdcriu ii yoa can hanup th- barkeeper for a drfrk who ii the iimst finished ori oiki a correspondent well dvrotheres has been finished adont is kz a them dont whine dont be whining about cot having afiir chance throw a seablc ma3 out of a window hell tml en his feet and ask ths nearest way to bis work the moryaa hive tu bjziu witli tku les yon will tjivc ia the end roney yci cam yoareclf is mch brighter than any yoa can cei out of dead mens higs decidedly the best said a farmer who weu given to long drinks to a brother arcuhurht wbat brel of cuttle would you pdvisc mc to adopt sboit boms- was the siniii- cdnt reply f ruratbud with the dew ttill mi it uud hemti t he furgiven and found my trut- when wc were introduced -lie- mid ive love inst lo me i am wretched often beard cipiiu ubarlua peak tf yun oh wiib i iri tl iut tryiu now to liiss gniy rnd blubed bciutifuiiy on wlbdiiw uiy rnds ob willi if i btr eijyagemcut fm cvcs heif j knturc is the master o taloct j keius is ibe niap fj m in patent medicines t snccetjrvj t t bspiaan i 8qqgla st gec-ige- kiniarcj iiielpli j ctiit ijoas o aii kin is made to order k i liicai- of ever detcnpiicn tarefully liuiiaa neatl- antf uotiptbdniiel j le ptires jflttflehis a sent for fire insurence cos life accident i insuranoe tickets 3000 for 25c- pertiar j aciert for the dominion jhtcsmsbip oi vtunr tichctt sced or ticiicetb tobriugout yen- frieiidt nifln th- aljfotv atv i reie mi j i iliaey to loicij- roaid jilut or eaidorsod a oadate- lafet dvcouitc4 eit for the canadian lian it havings trt l om ut is- itchr iieedit mortgaires disctiarees ofasttie mortgages farm ipd otii dps have imeu tiery carefu elected and we are itliowi choice knit vciylow irfcet aii a ii o nnnunv ni st is ver ar a ou shaw ukunu instantly addhijr- all tle new rem- i merchant tailprs sueuph j machinery 0ls i all kinds paster oii elephant dil i oil seal oil lubri- paring oil sctviiirr machine oil 1 ic at bottom price paints oils colors turpentine i hanicts ytirimh hoof ointment store van uli carriage vantisb tuqicntine varnish furniture polish cautio n each plug of the i myfltle navfr is marked coal oil coal oil wholesale and retail eqiise leases agrabmenis c- lriv oaart clonav inqaecus bench j tic rtiacr of marriage tacenscs cah for grain and pork ik bbokzs littibs iitui a pkn btd but kmwn i do ui love mr chi- l0 l f ul did diamond adhe looked lo mv eve mers it was ealv locau of tins news i i f f and to forre tbb bcr brart wer full f mm cue it m great mmd iui the bench uml drew cever retlect on a past action wldeh wis done with agejd m tive aad with the bst how mine ncbetl she i-o- a groat e sat dowu fancy to me ibe td my tisut nud she j mu to his side tougbl uiy society cs though ciie did at j i wont pin with you lo an old gentle- jument tfie xlai i last we day as we widked home from- the j c1 he nid send back that gteanlic tiue tronl course is tiie diamond pin springs sht laid ber bam iu its pretty j diamond and put on tlitu little pearl whicji may tic ite poetry and mildness with jace mit with the diamond g earning atin ive wcru tbein ccxliuy liartal a wirljbntminrr sluicism throucu the paleulue inhw on my arm uiwli j tdere area great many subjects jto be and said j i did us be dvauuded laved him and lhw or witty upaaand just as many to bo i suiiou ynu know what ilia ring wptild rainy na one ele xa wa afraid jcoratit and fooiii about mt a ts of haaking l cibalmcrs bert hecjuld c j t 1 i siy iioibiuff do uoihmsr which a eood qb yw suppjistf i du 1 aiswurl find another wife with his wwdlh and ap rn j t i i i m tt j tnuthcr would not approve and voti are on rcmcmbcniic ut rimj- i still wore oa a pcaiviee which he actually aid in a very 1 v i i in cerlaju roid to bapptaest cbaiii abat my uttk uaacr my ditais i short time i tbou ft was w carious xa i was married to my will wbartnn a itui v wil1 e above his pnsent she wfd we bad alwaviluved each 00 the diy that unlwd xanie uw to cil fit danr of tivinff i swce dr lhomaseciectno 01 has i ii i iittkiiiic btncntii hem okc of iiipvrieuce sa there is prdbbly no time in a ttomms litf raoru lryii or when she ii rdte htavjly srki with llic sclsc if rtfipoiiybiityiiiiii lt first nine she u kft oatirelv alone vitn her first babv tiilizkyi very fine lrkeyour teeih a vhitc- mine iry teaiiteiiy and yon will oc if its not what tis tajd io be eltrskns hvu this i- one oi the most diincalt sorts to cur known to medical science oae bos of chttrchits climax ointment will cure it price 2o cents gw mingay parkdale torontu writes my wife had several very scvert attacka of cramps in the stomach lleariu of ou actisv puasfu4tiwl and u plcamiuocsi to take 1 give her two boliit- vm she iiaa not had an altact since antl ber healts ia much improved for sale by all drutjiats bcnnrr ol iniilalkiis other but iicfutattay and wid ootbiog and wbe hehid bedp gduc a mcnih lie wroui itivd offtktluiuitif i acceptld nm and ha tclejjtajilkd tu tiie jcwelkt for a nu ait old wkv of beinr tugged ve i irrvvttcd fiiuy sorac- ibiiii like u uuvg queen being mariied bv pruxy wht ii wis unwe li66 dcw ob ipu tloul know then i she an- wered 8ueh qu old ricod of tle family i thoutbuytitt wovid iikvchecn told its william ubarfoii uud hes iiftiiyci the a7ur fir mo jnr hu it jiatd fjh iis j it i anid and the a good reason flip best anility ohvays kept nnd tears sprou my yv the lowest prices r none other genkuqe ai the lowest p come and fecthoxcw store b petrie tair site tiidkifuy il iliiuk you must under stand flowdu votl direct your letters i asked i slie low me becomecelebrated a numberof unpri f winicvtit exception nccurs it it i ijreat cipled jiersons have teen entleavoring irmli thill iuvu5 ho iy must ho sound if he palm 08 electron and electric oillorj u io lie toniij in iiiml iiml heart the gomiine bt toouas eclectric ou louk heir said the juveruo- lo a high xniliin i eiier tlm faultflndias no i beware of these sirailir named articles state vfbcial when are you gnirg li pny i ur tiilfdenial no eburicrfr it re h their originators hid any faith in the me hit f 10 j quired lo nil uj in the rrunbline hnsi- lieahngfiroperties of their own tnedi- cion my houor gnvernor doul n j icines they would like honest wen giie kaotv j i them a name ot their own and not tty why- sir the gthcr day tvlteu 1 nieuj iqnt doubt it j to sell them on the reputation of au- uw the fact of your ludabtedneyiu j i othp but is lh luei re itsked ttc where i would be tuesday failure u not alwayn followed by fiilure yes sir and ftllbihilj you may lure tried remedies fwell wasnt tliat a promise thai yoa repeatedly wjtthout beueht dont doubt uirtv would pay me on tuesday you will tindihic riht tbiiig yet putkihs no sir p11sless couu extracton ia a poaitive why then did you want ii know remedy for corns nnd once uad aiotiqo wbtnel wonld be tuoaday cured thifi fact bad been voui jvf v v because i winled lo kuow where yonm thnufamls who h ttsje i sim vl v- he so 1 could make amuijiillleihs lo be nst snntewherc eltc vdriatnrt ftvif w khopton parations have no merii they resorlto hit most unprincipled ruransol selling them by getting a name as uesr as rjoostblo to xclsctric we iherelote ask public when purchasing to see that the name dr thomas ecloetrlo oil is on th front of the wrapper and the signature of normitor iyjias tint proprietonfnt canada ou ifie baokv ijl

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