i k i a -e- i jf7 nrgnilp fill kmi jllui51m maroll i isc it 11 a- iu ll i eo hynbs ikiv n 7iryc sfitfa 1 tico ii wis j fi zlasihj lii n w r sail lnth- ifnir j iviluf i tii coubt pint a mw cintb lit tit for ftirv rtj iu 1 ciil fi hind villageivarieties i ltftlu if itl mill bd4 oihef matlm or unrrial mleml loour vlluir uindrrv an audio salt of iiru stik and iru iplemenls i tavc pio al w 2 con 0 erin m timida march will iho prop erty ofjiiiii itii wll luq v ucmvlictl uio popular niicliolivcr of this section luf eharpe of thj sivl- i bitsj of brevity ural i mkrrwtw nftml w rtaitrn af uk frt hw tar tan a brit j atilllcdiisatisrtictloniscvprcsvdiwionfe jour ciluvi1 aboutlbc town bell a gtral uianv claiuj thai ii should lie raised seven ttiid uavo the rvm perpendicular j ly tbcrenom and thai uulil this i the hell will not sound satisfactory the l uirvl month march- msrcb cames to like a lamb well hov did tho eketiuo wit yc a wert yuu diaappoiutckl uthe reialt one fourth of 18s3 ha already vtimh- td board of education next xfocday tn -is- marble tlnte will soon b hart ajaia berv i oar political friends bid a roogh-clec- lion day i robins are already arriving from lu etr southaru winter quarters mr wfi slorey is haying gaa viorki pit into his private residence i several families hare moved to dillon to work in mr knees tannery i a fine lamj haa been placed abofe the front enlranc of uk near town hall i i easier will b rather rly forfresh this year they are tery scarce yet turn tboat is fair play inl it j the grits lam will come again at ncit election 1l j lla louna metiitomrrtallre iuelatlaa akkcii liiecllni of u0 voubj ijhcml toukiritiivo aiocll iillacu will bu hold in mnuhewa i vhiestiy jetluiii ill lait oclock krery member is requtatcd xp j preiaiil u c claiik sec ai cshpxijii steflpw oal tno lion can i loaro you darling v rnur- mumd in acton lover in tone of- distreei mg tculeraow s he obsantd both bandt of he clock approach a wrpeudlcular on the diii nil rondayiilght wt4l john rcspooded ihc girl wilh wicked lanooonco yciucun lake your eholee if you go 1 1 ihrujch the hall you will be unbl lo wake up fnihor and you leave by way of ihe dmfc j back 11 ypnll be likely lo wake up illq doj of euurb- he nbcve name 1s an asaumed oini bul ilia youug man will likely tell you bis real name if you ait him lie went through the hull baart krrrnade i lasletonlng ibvbrum uaud played uiimher of lunes iu ihe oieu air wc i prasume life- dimoiistratiou was a joint our bcink on the put bf the liiu in honor r j ff iolaniloii moaats return wloaer aa 1 of lu- tory fnr mr herus clcclioa vt nuv rile boll orit and toty pajticipated this lie expression u many of or citizens nd the farmers of lbs viciiuv it is becoming a scleeridetil fncl ihit actou is badly iu cccd of a firstcliii nertfljini mill wliicb if erected and ra prorlvvould make acioc it very desir able gmu market and bring buiiucs uie village c will refer to this null editorially- mt week tra htbff tic nicuibers ruil friends of ibe liiidk m e cfcurcb- leir this village iulend fiirin h toaniccticg on thursday evcuor march ttu au txccllnt lei wiilbe pr i- ridcd aftcr wlixii vjjnsi will b livcrcd bv i avt cotitls acd hjbrtsoi georjctown liryeri axtou aud the mtji inters tf ihc circnit tlj georgetown k chojr will fnniish ticellciit music plcaicui eveaiog is aiitijiiiitld c w ilill has added some rzrr t rusiic furuimre to bit photo- m gillcry the polling places lat tuesday kerc q i xew twa unm ncd no atih- cw-ha- i mr w h ilcdontlj who loft thli vil lage a few raoolhs aa for miuburgh seal imd in complete his medical coaraa in the royal college of phyiiciani and sorgeom iu that cily haa just paaped vary aacceaiful ciaminatioua we understand lhat dr mcdouald purposes going lo the royal college al london for hit final eiamina- uou afler which if nuccefifal he will have won all the most deiirahla degtcfls periainiuj lo the proeaaiau it may ho menlioued lhat mr mcdonald and another ciiudiati young man were the only person out of i chui of cifhl who euoccufully passed ihe above examinaliou nterctinff lo nallaa lolunleern cl vllah of lhi village commander of i the aoh battalion lome hides of thi i county has just received official inform uiou firm cvji ucnjou dputyi adjutant j general of ihit nililor- district thai the j minister of militia has approved of grant ing the 20th battalion new uniform which will ik cotnrjoscd of scotch urtan tnioiera and dark green serrc lanics and glengarrj- thu will make a veryaltractltt acd our baltalion will uotr preaent djome appearance the battalion caps dress a iim will carry it an as csual mr also pcrchsd ihe brici house on maca turc sorer sal0u- wiled j strt formerly uwttd by mr mali at ai on tutjav las sine acton ueciide a lh ri rptny ennected the- ncjiiipalltv i with rceutly occupied ly mr duaialoa of fartacnhlp meters blown hall lumbermen bf this village have disliked prtdcrshrp i has received orders to go lo the iront this mr james brown tvlalus the business and year and col ajlaa informs us that a brown has number of recruits of ood strong well- built bulcrh will accepted there was cere dririac in acinn ou tuesday thai wa have ieea kfi skigticg came jl few cords of sotini drv iiariwood aiiias wanted a lhi fiiv for which h wili l pid- bcrttii of ihc luiuisirr- in towu iecjred their coogresxikns political ad vice last sundiy evening i almanacs poluickus diari f mirch is a littla out should have inserted that diary ia february if r grip- th- libraries in uie methodiif and church ofengland sunday sdioou in this viuage have both been repleniaed- a number of aclonians attended the ueorgetewn carnival last friday night several prizes were won by lhm for ccetume c- j moore busine mr hal has thira taken the i b offer foil fewtt irl trial michac wiluarr- j liariingtou pea irr thunaiy before vc ii vou- i i if l charge lail by mr j frar license ispctor of siliic- loiicitin iiivr ua his preruiscs o iti inst biiu- lis icnd off pleaded guillv d dtencv was rescrval another charp teas luid inst w li rw bible tenant i tb ry- cr- qvbl9e e fiuo stock bought buicc christ mas high grade of ameri- can xfovemonu at savages ncnr pclrjek new drue store ghelph harm trmk qeqf ruhes hlyniiiyc axythixg is harness or trunks to save money bkould go to r creech acton acton free press si printing wc are no adding urjcjy lo curttock pike f publioicri of liiltlji muidl twelve valuable- rewards in their ly tar march ainoug which is the wic we will give 2000 in gold lo j the pertou idling us which is ilia longest vers n lb- bibl- by march 10th is d two or ruore cortect answers be re j 1 ihe rurani will be divided the mtiev will be fomnrdd lo the winner mrjtii 11th lssi persons trjing for the rewrrd most ind 20 cents in silver no pestav stamps taken i with their answer for which they will receive the april dersou of fteemao uv soiling inloricalijjff j uoma iu which the came and addrass of i licjuoroulhe ith ini the ebarce- was j i 0 t r0rrir sut ib correct adauttcd ad the defcadact fiaed j9 kabbery f i robbery oak phce ia ihk villa- sanday aftcrnooa byhih the gt iujj xriys till was relieved ef aboct 3j liic emplayees were 411 cit duty and a yoac man najned e 5 brundell of bostoi maii who was sent here by the toronto railway jtulhoritits to ieirn the business is gnspecled to have fordblr tniered lie depot jind nude el niih the contents the till 2utwithttilidin the fact tljat telegraais hvtj been despatched in evary diiecuon the ihicf jhas hot yt bn te- caced foiillealheedas a very iuterktiag political mlieting the interests of or uobertsoa was hld bere oq monday evejiuc the speakers the evenicr were el f b johnson e barrialcr guiph aqd d d ciirjstf- actoo for xt uobefun and jcani bell esq frlitor hrampton owtcrraln andu henderton iuloa for itr kctl however as the elections are over snd ill the politicjl btwtch aro iw aaleigh joad of acton- young folki visited the residence of mr eobtrtsoo scotch block ust friday evening and spent a very pleasant time 1 our little ones and the korsery for march is receired and is jasta inlcr- ttting as ever send or a copy to rnsell jfublishioff co boston ilaat it is not tte ftliglilest ironbl to fore tell how mirch will go theretl ijetwind well bet yon doable and that wind will likdy blow grips aluunat an eariy fptiog is predicted the jaajority will not be sorry as the winter has been lorg enough from the middle cf orember steady qpto tlt prtjflqt f he befonncri say thpy are nci alall diiooaraed at the result of the e lectio a ia this county and willi ji little extra work they wiil make a diflereftt ghowing at next election j ihi ather of the part week may b summed upas iollowa first it aiywed then it blowed then it began to rain then u blowed sben it 6oowed an i began the council has very properly placard ed the different roomi of- the new town his schoolboy ouys be was a favorite w hall warning all parlies against defacing or j an do dobt a lare cumber of the hre for eoxe lime from a recent namber far isttl cars we deem a report of meetid onnecessary actef iiairmanj mr jmesgooiii fcelhofa former ieaa uor ilany of oar citliens will be pained lezm of the dtilh of mr elliot johnson brother of mrs it little of this village and for many yenv a resident here id auswlr will bspuulshed aadjin which sevecal more valuable rpwardi will be offered address rctledce puiiusanrc coiitaxv eiiton peana the social held at mr greys residence ca thursday eveniag last was weli attend ed and financially successful realizing eighteen dollars for the iibrarr fund the l sabbath morning collect ioo amouutiag to twentyfive dollars was taken up in the freshylerun cbarcb to aasist ii finishing a cnurch in process of building in mask ok a owing to the storm the attendance was em dl or a larger snm would have been rea izeda when we consider the social cir i and religwas advantages wis enjoy w a people we should never forget lhat there arc many la the newly settled part of oar citntn who do not eujoy to much as we an who if they were m ms neigbbofhooil vrp iut by aontat highly approciate what wes cften lightly esteem when we look abioad upon the nations of thb wiv the prcieut tiuio wd u r r v ow many are op i jy internal contention nnditrife decimated by disease and death and risited with destruction by storm aod flood we have great reason to feel gratified to lh riiler of all people in taking auch an oatlook thereiis perhaps no country so highly favored as our dominion coic rint1kg srattonery mtw mflchlnery plain and fancy type brilliant ink and otlier mhtcrial neeary to tirtclai printing and we arc prepared lo oxecute any kind of work and at seasonable prices rtcul attextiok fild to uommercial f rikting of all kinds which is executed with gare dispatch tho oldest crttj- stort la cruelph tu ohiapeit drajstomlaflusljli tht hanliomost ins ttort ln0lpi smiths drug store is the beat plnce to buy anythiug you require in the lrug line we have tho largest stock the most reliable goods at the lowest prices we keep all the leading makes of dye stiifls diamond package dye all shade uniou aud handy package dyes alao our own dyes which giye universal satisfaction toilet articles and perfumery in great variety la sail brashes axd combo nail mi tooth brushes we have the largest stock ever brought into the royal city we buy direct from the english and french markets and are able to sell much lower in consequence pitezt hadlclxos all kina uachiiu oils castor oil tftttlfoot oil btv- iae xacuac oh lobricatiiig oil best anorican coal oil best oit- adua coal oil we have the reputation for keep ing the best coal oil in guelph aud we iutend to maintain it v g smith co chemists druggists vo it windham si niaiabolhabllblel better than ever best value in lea yet offered 30c tea not equalled in town try it and be convinced very large stock of groceries glassware ajid crockery ok hajifd at 1 w p brovtn coys notice therirmof messrs hughes k g dfrn have dissolved partnership all accounts due the late finj must be paid try the 1st of march 1 883 to j r huohesfc b griffin who will continue the business at having added a lull iln 111 ll otlnallou ormr lowe e clip the fallowing paragraph reipact- qz thcr ordination of mr j el lowe who 1 charge of the baptist coogrtgutioa diififfctiog the walla in anyway on paia of procatii j a uamhsr of our proepjneat hiiiinega men of holh pirties who doekjatoally i appear before cine oclock am vec out on hie street irtfull working order ijy seven en tuliv moruidf the gutlph mfwiy waf a litllj astray the other day in reporting aiiohcrtary scrvicea in the methodist charch rock- wood last week the eerricei were in the jfethodist chorch actoo mr ucrtury we are sorry to learn that urj w- h howelh who parchased atr ciraeifsibuai- less a few weelss ao is cnollntd to his roots lhiouh funesh we treat that hia liainese will h5t suffer bf bis anatoidable ahscoce from it j young men and wojwm of our link low a o the gawiii bait la tompliance personals thm sajyth loft ycatcrif i i for mr lfiltou mr jann brlcr of pelroliaj wai in iowa on toeaayj jlr j b waubn and family tie about to remore bcthu mr 1 a hughe and family eft last weeltforlbeir new borne in aurora mr w j flugliia of brautforjl apeot a couple of dayl tbla week willi act friotula kr 0 r raejtj t a ajreff ii off m kae of alnece llr f jeiinisgj ii relicying b mr w it h jrejl or waaluodtotl ihe eenueinan ihi purebasetl sir grocery btuiiiah baa removed h fi totbhwl tae ott with the roqeest of the ancaster iiaptlsl cliurch n coaucil convened forthe purpose of advuiijr in regard to setting apart lo the work of the chapel ministry bro john h ixiwc- whom they have called lo become their pastor thecoaucil composed of a cuuiber tf prominent minister aud den of the church having been duly rnized the examination of bro lowe was thenrprocecdl with having staled the saflclil points in relation fo his coo- to make the holder of shop licenses j version to christ call ui the ministry and confine their business to lhat of liquor si- i views of bible doctrines he waa closely qucstionad by the members of the council da various doclnnkl points aud cases which might arise in church government tha who arc now settled doivr- ia life will i member many pleasant hours spent wl fiiiiot johnson in their vouthful days u johnsoadied al setly kaucae of hem rhage of ihe longs joa the 10th nit ahrllir0urll a special meeting of the brantford i council was hrll last week to lake actib on a bylaw introduced rl the last sessila byald jpha harris llii object of which ing the subject has eicitol much int stand petitions were presented both f and against thai for the bylaw was t largest and was sipod by ihc majority the leadingtatepuyen of both parties wa passed on a vote of u to 2 the same bylaw place ihebptel liccnkal 110 aid ihe shop ni 133 ttjgflb worm uornld we have received from grip publithi co toronto a cpy of wiggius stortn herald by e stoiie wiggins ma l d just published lrof wiggins pi- dictiona in reutihn lo a groat storm arrive on the dili of march have created oildwide interest a number of emineut tclenilflt men are quite in sympalhy wi the professor in uu prerlicliqua regardilig of course a iarpe uum tilam arc ridiculing- if efforu htqtwithitaofilns this tho geucrjil publip are exhibjtiui a considerable tnimul of anifiely in rflation to the inatlir the herald is now in the hands of iiejra dealers in canada aujl lie united stales andretaiuotm ibis storm while ber of the atue aoton is to 18 had at fc cxamiiialjon heing completed the council adjourned to jit i restry and were led in nniyer bv pifor daw ley it wastbd unanirrifiusly rcaolved to fcllowautp bro towee conversion cill l llie miuistry d vfctb of biie doclrine ami to pro- d to his ordirnition which was couduct- oil in t lie regular order in ihe presence of ivcry largo audience j ipretfincbl in drrad i we have just introduced the new roller y rocesa flour inm nar bakery snd the re- it is bctfor bread than we have been able supply to oar customers for some time ii flour cost n considerably jmore than ihat onnerly used lint notwithstatidink hia rict yre will not niiae the price of bread nt will aupply it at the usual tignre at he same time we most iiiniat upon all onr fenaturuara payiog caah iu kitnre dont fail to try the new brcai k xicklik son excelaipr bakery p s new cumotners wisbing cd de- 1 tyered will please leavo their order ftt the bop e moflarvins in oooo style in which may be includtd- b1i1 meads letter ueadinks baslneg and postal cards invoice blanks posters iland bills such as- visiting cards invitation cards programmes kc iu a tasteful and workmanlike manner merchants requiring the latest styles of printing as a means of addressing their customers may rely upon having their wishes carried ootqmckly andin the wt style of the art flour feed store the ciidersigned has parehased the flour and feed business from mr llobert elhotf and will carry on the business in the build ing formerly used as a barber shop oppos ite the old feed store i will kwp la stock aud sell for caa flour chopped peas bo1 flour chioken feed granlatd wheat oats peas cracked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley barley eye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans c c your potronase respectfully solicited cash for all kinds of grain l ft matthews i ue grooferies eaai dg his stock of qjooids and is increasing his stock of acton jan 59th 1883 the old stand on an enlarged scale large stock of so that all who favor us with their patronage will be able to serve at the lowest prices we are dete rkined to keep our prices below neighboring towns and mi ce actou headquarters iu- halton for bargaius 3 me aad see ms no trouble to ahow go us highest price paid for p oduce c b griffin city grocery special notice s orders by mail reoeive immedi- ate attention aiidaras- hpmoore erke p1vejs actos to v e a good- assortment for the fall trade gmllls rw tu ttore deavat l-jjitalutrrtkr- a o t o isr s t o v e s v n3 m wh llqwell takes pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants oi acton and vicin- ity that haying purchased from mr a w green his entire stoc of groceries and crocfeearyware he will henceforth carry oh tb busi ness at the old st and having had 13 years experience we understand the business thoroughly and not only know how b u have the means to buy at the low as t figures so that we will be enabled to give as good bargains as possibwbo those favor ing us will the rl patronage fiy- keeping a fresh and wellassorted stock combined with close atten tion to business and upright deal in we hope to r ice lve all of theoldlj customers and will be glad to re ceive u tsrial fvon i many new pries lbje highest me rk et ipriqe pair for all piiu i acwll j e moarvini rug acqiaiiipj stortifontliwbest uujli m fiwtelfi