l 1 1 mr ctm4m gnss tarswiv mosxtso mroli s 188 it eo mvms slnj bmi schollhf mutuuvr atxnxnt ml i iyf sttxx at geo tlyiuls tooth llrttdo xau jhmhe lirttffa oiw on nt cami 0v fc lintfor pric ttw p ncrll geo utiiuls bits of brevity lalj llwnrl ti r e v r ike 4 awn fr villge varteties itv vw oilier hurr r ruftjnl mdrml i uur i mint rrnirr uumhrullniitrmtrraiikr i ntou j a moclii of una viy will beheld tuis cvuiug in um ntpliilicburea nlobo j p l- a full atlchuv is iueul rcnmxd from a run omrtury the renuiiis u ilclalc llausom adams i tsij uutx cjhuui fiutullw txuulciv hen lut woctc auanjmoil tu dray ton by lite hicuds gf the dweas vou6iy council mci oo tocur mtrcli winds arv frequcuu oood kridaf two vmktltom w-mo- row winters vertebra las heoh broktn anyway tbfrt wi5 do chjhinjr at uttrltolo lul fwk we doui hear so aiuclv aboat clocriarji the roads ken drifted patty hadl oq wednesday advertise jadictouiuy and good rcsali arc jure to foikir lei liim that thiiketh be itandeh take heed tel he fall j mcrehssu bhocm oor insert urr tprin- liviriiscmeats 1 yew fpitnj goods arc noy bcicopcf cd ctti by oar 1ifcinh1au a good motto for n riptcssmiai iuu things lo ail men r doi fail to be in readiness fur u if qz big storm lomonw 1 lr james ilon i adding- a uca vennah to his new residence 7c an pleaaed to see that air w it hoiccii is able to be about ain jlcjther tcow ttonii ycstctiiay sctcjj its abcuttime this nocutccy is trdd lirgc qanllie5 cf grn wod xi 2 btlnz brciight into low at prc1 his our youj jleas ilctuil inj- prctein aiccutioi became deftrc 7 tiic famitari for th new town lull trill irrivc frm gsiawa in about week itr hiuh uaci tf erama hii lcfia uxei dirt ef tbit toxusliip ccuncfi tue l3eiiggxd mlditioa furtiirvcst- iz bt rry hnie ira as yet be gimer- kc scmcmber the tcjnecling at tie bnct chirch gcir this tij tbi evci- i tis is the iljsji- day of curlicue n ctichizg ja thi scctiod i ten uuosad extut i iotts very much as though wiggiai slom 4nd nrittii a couple of dijs ahctid cf time thirty laeailer rcturnf lo pari cent at the eleciioa nersr sal- in the icgii iifcre before we trill fel txecsiiaf ly thanki al vhts the upper pari of the thermometer poacl uto se iaiti a 0wpiiffifinurt apper wsi ttndtr w ildcry esq 1ip at oik usl tuts lay ettliu j march rjtunly can- id like 2 iamb liiz il probcbly ihike hi nil at tjr eoclh a libcr tf hr ycjg f iks iuteieit ed tailr piiiiaioiseiticg risiielililija ric j tuodiv evening t i 1keti i mvtffcrabip fur theesquei- jcr agriculicral society may be pcrchaitd n tcisosici trim 101 i tj-chi- lgni snos- syrelliij it acu thii winter than iu any prcridci ycaisice wticiu rttaembr j as there was co quorum the niual noniliy iuecjcg- of the bodrd of educa tivg wai hlzhtld oa loclir evening iue vljuge auditors hsvc just ctn- pwed- ihcir duuss their annual report riiiippir hu ihtrsc eolurens iu a week ira jaatil cf a diuhicr of ilr dti ilcdiij of biiucafad piei c acja oitthfcsday to the vilwc frcnitry mr gilrjjn awrey 01 iliihvi las sold a yearling ball to ilr peter jtaaa iof acton for 100 thi is a good figure sfwrj atbilj woollen warf was lost hit ikjncja tl6 tytfl u h j i- tiit ridef any pcrsoti find nig tut sam will kbliy leive at tbi ofijcai 2eir sbcribera ti ilc keee ftkfifi have be u comic g hi pleutiiully of iftfi tin niit gatfemea the irgcr oar itt ii well lie ahie toftnniihi a uamber of oarprominept citiztios stred w lake considerable afflttfemeql cof acanpie uf cals irljich wtre vrorry- jug ticlt other to death ihe ether muruiug on iliil etrtet- tbe erin adcoccut gires tue bctel fcxcr of iht viliage great credit for stritcbvrv uce of ibe grjofcsa ct sc pttuiudi ieaed ut iexr luac solifc liqtcl- kctfere observe th hur of the laud th- cjeoiioos are over and with uim wetrui party strife will be aliowed pas- aud the hardword orfhortaaswint which hare been indulged io daring hi heat of ike coolest should be forgotten tiiefhee peefifi job room repdu- tiou s cileoded during uiepdst wk tre lave eiecated lare iobs forwvtral pinies readhir ia dificreiit part of 1 he- prouocc excelienca of workiiiadahip our injilo add we find it pay a u t 1l dtlcclvc depot list fiidny to iututlgatc cjih ing th rubbry of uil sunday wevk there h uudueus to he vbvicahoul of randall the liu picker huirir aratle tcltpbaj mr jamvs alauhcws ha purchased uo rttfhl ut laie of the slidturf acouuk tela- waterloo iff aie uiis c iu gait aud phone fur luy county of matthews mid mr eh tayder wctk putting up udtpho ak- tc act triali we arc iufornicd thit at t rates couri held at jdiuc xhos clark of gcorgjlowi and bis bar tnlt were tach fiued o- vinuitoa or tbt- sculi acu 1 flrr iotuiuity mnatci tte ncit milter rwjairi by the village council is tl hook tud laddir fire subjtcl should b liken aclou is at priat c a tire of the fire fiend tfce vlanirerx oer vidunicir kcu jr peel cf apiciriu- i m- ejw3 tudcr the cltviic co allan the2uh hitt second to nno amnr the of the domiuion uotacr fanillj jar acclher qmrtd itok nctnbrr of the iavmbns 1 george rvdtr iii t1ii vil day a muaics triil ra tbe result of the tnuble cd we belie wift- iar detcrmintvl to s- tcseherv loaxradoo tiie feajiacsazl cnre cjuhty teach- r ai cat be hell at milton o th- 17th inil proi ii i inttrttdni n ling- ever 53ciiiji every tctcbtr shiuid citdeuvor to yttcad aptratlaa oflhr ittlilc mr uor- uytiis is itrig prnpjie iu 1 fthe bible pruru u ei- iduor cf c mii it is very we planaliin liinrui j ca-xe- iric- 0- y vuml i j ai co cj woll lowcs frd 1 do it i in j 631 oe hiif ui the c j dikiuhis system even nulictied citril dealt witb as kill be in bv cji visited actcn police jltgii- i on tciesjiy g coiisidemitu r foltdatiuii of a otnpjuy tbis cii at ene as the mvrcy wd at tb pro inifitin this coaiujaud ut ja pmrci itself volunteer corps im ainti a the faraiiy of ace idstthure- e hilsbiuil ni pirate siin of lljhtfn n whcb is to islh ichaud ne of the mt u bv the as- u tlie cojtilv t fn a very ilpirlliotr h l hsitings t boslo 1 and i es- ar rnd cdt- if tbj vi- iaditioaorihewnwsmi r doubt liavp hflcn exj roiad at id how llhj winter wheal wwi going to uid the eavy cmviiii if buow with mucli of ii us eil which bos uin upon it darlrif tbi inter j lately nevortl geutlomen have tikon tbeipaiua to txainino the couditioo tbc pjnnt ud they all report that at tmeiit it j la perfect order grtcii iuf crithy iscveralfartncrt uy after exam i uiioo that the emp uevr looked bolth- tlieic i aoaroely any froat is the round mid the probabilities now are thai ucre wiu not in aey of importance total trmplan ofteaipf nmee a lodge of royal tuinpiars of temper- ancv liqsjbti esubltsuedin milton with large nouibcr of members the follow liig aie ij ofnccib irt j starrett ac rev d l hrethour pc ilrtbrelhonr yc robert pearwn sec duncan mc kay fill c jilui ezard treaa ilas ui3 herald- mn t uendenon iep hctald alfred ilay guldo r 8 kttcr ikni dr bennett mod ex the tjc- viili meet twirx- 1 moulli aud ha veryprwikct of success lodges have 4u0 ueu reccnilv orgaulxed in qeorge- itnvn ojkville ruriiugtou bramplcn aud sireetavi le mr p m paltisoa the raud lodge lecturer la visiting acton hir ttul with a view to orgaufring tho locicly iure we underaland that he has met uitu very eucouragtug bucceas and ibii the lude will be organired aboiil the lirst uf ntit week tbe order combiaea practical leuiicrance work and co operative jcaedcece jsecure a copy of-uieproa- jcctus mid examine ibe orgaalzauon qaclnclcrlfalaral hxhlbttlta furqult a number of yearn hie people if acton j and the farmers of thu part of he tjwejliip bavc bfca endeavoring lo kcure tie ta11 show for acton but with- ml ce a meeting of the drretorj vu had l saturday howorcr at which vet on v iltuii were again preseutedwhen 1 w decided to give ocr little oka the jliviltge of displaying lar abilillea fcr cttiug un a crhtbilion ani the eufts- ng fall fair wiu coiiiequcmly be held uer ncir anluma the best show the lowiishiprcver sawwas held ia aclou acme fiftten yerk sgo uid we barr no dcubt bur citiieas will do tlicir utmofcl to mate ibis olc airiis all former effort erery citizoa shuuld uke za interest in the nutter and decide u prepare filmclbinfi for eibiuii c and thai do his or her part to- wi uuing the ehuw asccas tbedi- recios kie guarolalccdajicccsaaryaccoin- laodaiioa aajit will be ueceaiiry for us to pise a aibicriptioa for this purpose m hbich wj lnpe aii our ibusiaeas men will jee it tj their inttiest to participate lei usmjccjhii ethibitidc exci the county ir wje can du it by a long etroag pall ether iilu the ta system for ipjieible kir tic citss ir to waeu ae is hureas by the la cjuld bsum- rear of the vil- mrai teeof citiien re a grnu concert iv lowahji we uge conceil bn sppinted to prtrp fir the jk-aieb- c the m nndesund tbat 1 eutettiinaientcf n on- euijjy intewsihig cbariter i- uader pre t irrtin sjii t hit it veil like ulice eboct ibe list tf the nioita vciil dcnhl bo zncu i full particulirs a few dty deeeraiattaf the jiabbdlli a isteling 0 tbe ks jni and iiiembers o5 tle eertril thurci hidic the imhkiut eiflniug to tke into meal by wbicb the sibbth by the gfr- nbg locilpiioagvr ilc bj discontinued th in totra will be iurch on friday hieratijc fcoxc ieseraton cf the niuoriliej in tun freight lraiaimay a matter de- tvicc of even cocsidt ration by all riglt- thiukin ciiizet and we hope to eec a rgt altendiccc at the iptctiog bflrt w kxt xfu larv uajitid5 of 1 shijiped fmm this su j slated tljo qmlity of f wear is goi i a 2 toil ih turuips aie being 1 to the united hit esculent this ajqr plow ha in this vicinity king a broad and iqza successfully csd iix openinff the roil ta j pvea track from ivairi i is nt eisj ft j loaded seigh o glide t works best after i a thaw aad be fort freez i winter has been tue mecis rf proving rhe truth of the provrb jthat oecesaity u j tbe- mother of mveationj acain las death viiled thbiieiijiibjrhjoi uking tbeeldeit jboy of mr gwrr- crum ubile yiit- i ic a relajivu ia piuky ujck be con- tnieted thst lireaded dueaie diphluefia j gni of a milignit ty r ud scon accuib led to lis fatal effect i mr grabimaad family have ibe sympaky cf the conamen- iiy in ibeir aisiclion ii is for uv to n- j ujemlcr lhut we do uul jcsjtw vhtt a duj rniy briug fiitb tije watchword is 6kmlibs kaoea at ihe sknliafj tacfa rl at qerqlrra jaittriday ligh itr v peitit hi rfulage won the flnrf prixs in a one j go at youfieste nice he utertl the teea minute rnco al mhtog on fucst ie ceiling bm ww betuai alkot half a joar boys cbirfr the uutou peoriu wfhl i acting- in a rery unfair manner id the a a f readj- coi jhc tattcrr ip mudoa fifty tjtiionics lizrc beta iisccd in toronto ia coluccuou wru tiie lite uasouic buen at louduu im the ptirtie lire buyer ind tcllcis of licket in iev of theie proccedios the effxjt if tiiti act re- spepting loiiifici niil ciaubt ucof uter es tic pcnali for penous prored to uave fculd or pcrcliued tickets is 23 and ccats forcacli epart lffcnce or in de fault of paymeut not mure than three mouths impriioiimeat- the ihird clause of the act provides that any prsau may enter a civil actinu agaii st the winner of a prize and recover the same this pro vision of the ltff wa ii inxluced co aa to diacooraje lotteries ijy nuking the win- n altofieberuiiaesi re the crown prosecutor in toioulo h a received a posf card beaiinf aymlxjlsof i eath accompanied bf vogue llireats of tho aie and a bird thai hii porsclaltam zy in letting lot- tciicsajdne hg ireati t as a joke and tikety etiougb it is one lal a criminal joke nevertiielfav loltcrj- 1 1 okers rftre ftppar enllyteat lctcr for ii london some of them rsarded tuninio scs erve4 upon them u jok i lie josiicen thow them wlicre the laogli cornea lo their djerriracol will be wortl witucielnj tlw best 5oaj oil- ial aptoais to tjc had at j liaietioqe ei monthly rriltcu csimiiiation far feliruiy iu linichjuo iubltc school s eiouesic the undlug of the paiii vrai a follows iv lts s amtmurnc ltt etta kufe iui lizzie moore rd trant couiius gciittk 1st fnak ccuiins 2oj jos siydcr srd chas 2ioore jeookijnv 1st frank couiui 2nd ciii iooro ord jos soyder eitstunv 1st jo suydcr iod chaa ilckje srd the ileeqilh frcfiuko let frank codsins 2nd joe soydet srj etta roas cirjcf ltjossnyder 2od ftink coaaias 3rd etta rosa lit- clas 5exi0k- aemiiarric ward snyder 2nd lcwia jc-iveutrj- 3rd ilarj- sfott gkiititak ward sayder 2nd uary oil 3rd ada ross gcogiarnv 1st ttatd snyder 2nd s cjventrj- 3rd jaa crawshatv spelivr ut tfard snyder 2nd ada rs 3td marj- gcotu gtsnul proficicxcy 1st ward snyder 2nd s- coteutry 3rd mary scott i til clasajcsioil gnxeitai pnofitexcr 1st ed itar- hali 2nd jca crawshaw 3rd vtm fortune ii class ggkeial pkoficiexct jst ilaggie icljneid 2nd vrn moore 3rd albert timin eu loxcitax teacher personals- ir ajwt ail continue to improve ia beiiub john walron k of ayr ras in tjtvtj ju tuesday mis kale elus of gribhiu is visitinj rionds here liit 5 a becord visited her soq percy n loadul last week miss fanny welsh of guelpb is payinf ier acton friends a vhsit i mis kate mclean of parkhill ii viait- iug her friends in acton rnd iciuity ilev c a couk and wife of toronln ileii tjeir pijeiilal hitue ihhs wck mr gorge laiujr of beeton spent ft couple of days withinends here during the tcet mirs k robinson of brampton haabeen isiiin- acton friends during the past ieck rehad a pleasant call frorn f r cliarlcx yruujj ef the guelph cloth hail on tceay morcinc i ilk lachlau heiidedv government jtud surveyor winnipeg waa iu town a ouple of days thi- week ur sfcphail the young man who had lljth his lea broken accupleof weeks ago is progreiing aa well as could be expected indcr the circumstances he is still at jrnews hotel imrilsam ooofscr am w- fell jolitrrpclght o tlil vilhig in lior 4lh yii tlitro wmeoitrjiiuv ui uppei tho table wmmtotttrplehtlldlyum all wore enjoying themielt oxoeodiuly lyhcn tliepet n the hooiehold unfortuntelvliiiperwl 1 mi why dont von ha lldi lort of iupcr when there liot anyoompinf t 1 ilrb c ivinlow toronto rrrltoa northrod4lytnnnaveklabl8drioov trj ii tallin bla medicine to all who are troubled with indigestion i tried a bottle or it nfier suuertng lor louie teu yariud tjjie results ie certainly be- yand my ejtpeotalioni it aiita riigea- tiotrwoadettolly i dijeit my food with no pprot effort aod am nowenttrely free from that sentalioii which every dyipeptic well knowi of uqrjasant fulneu ilver acta meal y ware in want ok pure drugs and medicines go to- petri es t better than ever d usiuable koikes to let turce of those catmnienliy arranged teueuicot jionet of ibe acton building as4ocia4il ti nia be rented i applying lo hatgrlv actou lec2iil 18s2 iveaidcut rvlssojlltiov of fjtrtncrshii nt l ice ii hereby riven that tho parteueriiliip heretofore nab id ti 11 tr bctweed jamcn brown of acton aud horace j hall yf berlin ander thu linn of brown k hall aa lumber manufictarea sod deal em ha been dissolved by mutual consult j jisoiey brown is atttiorite4 to settle all debta ar4 collect all account- doe and by the uid finn james bkowk aetna feb 27 s3 if j hall the baiines wdl bo ciiliuitd by ibe aiiflerncd who solicits the patmrpe of all rtouiriap aaliiit xu lha luuilr lraie james bkoux actou feb yss i ctqjt harnes trunk rxrries atyuaiicu invtuixg ix harness or trunks to save money should go lo r creech acton flour feed store the ttuilerfigned ha pu reflated te floor aud feed tidsiucs irjtn mr iillxtt kuiott and will carry ua the batiucsa in the boiid- inc formerly used ia i uarler tljp opp- iu the cud feed store i irill hoop iu 6iock an i tell lor oaalt best value in tea yet offered j 30c tea not equalled in twn try it and be convinced very large stock of groceries glassware and crockery on band at w p brown coys flour roller flour granlatdwheat cracked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal i corn mead i bran shorts chopped oate chopped bariey chopped peas chioken feed oats peas barley rye oii oake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed potatoes turnips beans c c vonr patrounce respectful mlictted cash for all kluds of grain l cr matthews toth year 1383 imprflvemeiil a brrd j we uave j ait introduced the new sallr proceaa floor into our liakery and th re sult it better bread loan we bayo beeu able tti enpplj to onr catqier8 for aflqie time 3 bis llonr cota s eoneijenibly more than at furiuefiy qscil lint utwitbatauuinj tlia rt we ih not niuc khoprioeof lireatl ljn kiii uupy it at the mnal hjjure at uie same time we wit iniit upon all our cuatmnen pacing caab io tntoro doot faillo trv the new broal e sicklik 4 son kxceliiur bakery p s xew cnatoinera wiahiug bread de liverod trill uloaee lealatkirorilsw linn b jsfntfi ewjr qanadas famous hurriorouu and satirical illustrated weekly grip containing in each ine xhe cream at current orifiinaj ijurrjcr by jin and jxmcil bm u as well known from end to end of the dominion as tha globe or mjlh and wields an inflnofice mcond to neitiicr gltlps cartoons are nmj noc only throahost canods but in america and england and in the orimon o good jadges they are unifonnly equai in point of wit and powox to these ol tuiy cciaic paper in tbe world- ijord dufferin tho is itifl rpgular rqado- of giur with his ralicriiitioh well paid ni in ad- f the weak him uiuij wiiu uis kquscoiiuou eii paju ui iu vancc testifies his warm appreciation of ability displayed iu llic paper iron week to wc and arowi it a matter of asanisbmcnt tj hin tbisopiniou of england lending diplomats is eudonod fay siijohn a hcuocald hon edward blaie and other reiireseatarira pqblic aau of canada ulupliajiua pojitks beyond the public good it socks to deal airly and faithfully wite hoth parties and ii n over afraid to piittbe plain truth in black and white wa are as all time happj to receive euggostionfi far cartoon bn all potifiwu subject and provided such suggestions arc fouvded oa- fact and of suitable nature we shall nsc tbeni rjardles of which party they affect orip fi pure in tone and sentiment tuii is in every respect a family journal hundreds of parents throughout tho dominion declare that the weekly visit of giut in looked forward to by their children most joyfully and itapowera as an educator it heartily acknowledged ghip is now in its tenth year and its epila tion is large though not so great as it should c a- joy as a recognized national institution this grand young dominion should earnestly support its only illustrated comic journal especially as that journal is in all respects a credit to canada anditi sitctrlption prlotf only f if yon are not already a subscriber send in your name and subscription at once to the publishers cmp pklvn a pibluhii com oftqrqstq u- guelph you will there find the best qual ity at moderate prices horse and cattle medicines care fully compontjded dye stuffs jiy stock is selected with the greatest care all my own colors guaranteed handy package dyes every color kept trusses snpporters bandages i r stockings kc a very full line of these goods kept they are fitted on without extraclinrge spring goods in patent medicines my stock is very large and con stantly adding all the new rem edies machinery oils all kinds castor oil elephant oiineatsfoot oil seal oil lubri cating oil sewing machine oil c at bottom prices painte oils colors turpeutine harness yarnislvhoef ointment store variish carriage vaminh turpentine varnish furniture polish coal oil coal oil wholesale and retail the best quality always keptj and the lowest prices come and see the new store a b petrie s t- o v e s a good- assortment for the fall trade i cm ills cir tin ift store depot hill btkeet a o t o it s t o v e s to consumptives tue advertiser uavmg neen permttienur shows this week 30 pieces of choice iew prints 20 pieces black colored oashmores one case new dress goods one case linen towels napkins table cloths gray linens fee tremendous bargains in all lines of winter goodsj our print- and cashmeres this spring are 15 per ceut cheaper than former seasons a choice selection of tas sugars spices etc constantly on hand choice roll butter for sale selling off boots i shoos at cost to clear the stock acton march 8th 1883 b cwffiil city grocery special notice wh howell takes pleasure in announcing to the inhabitants of acton and vicin ity that having purchased from mr a w green his entire stock of groceries and crockery ware he will henceforth carry on the busi ness at the old stand having had 13 years experience we understand the business thoroughly and not only know how but have the means to buy at the lowest figures so that we will be enabled to give as good bargains as possible to those favor ing us will their patronage by keeping a fresh and wellassorted stock combined with close atten tion to business and upright deak ing we hope to receive all of the old customers and will be glad to re ceive a trial from many new ones therjiighest market price paid for -m- ct i m